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INSTITUTE LIMITED Issue No. BSE03022020 BIL’s Monthly Newsle�er
03 Editor’s Note
04 What’s Trending
06 Mind Over Matter
10 BIl Spotlight Editor's Note
12 Nostalgia
14 Travel Dear Readers,

16 Our Alumni
18 Students’s Story
19 Program Calendar
28 Brain Teasers

Vinod Nair

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Illuminati E-magazine Issue No. BSE03022020


What if a computer could recognize your facial
expression and react to how you feel? What if our technology could sense our emo�ons? Key learnings about Affectiva
Rana el Kaliouby sees big possibilities in making What if our devices could sense how we feel and react
accordingly just the way an emo�onally intelligent • There are gender differences. Women tend to be
technology emotionally aware. friend would? A�er this, El Kaliouby started inves�gat- more expressive than men; they smile more o�en and
ing on this as a research project at MIT and then longer than men.
Our emo�ons influence every aspect of our lives - how
founded a company, Affec�va, to make the tech avail- • There are cultural differences. While women in the
we learn, how we communicate, how we make deci-
able to developers. US smile 40% more than men, the same difference
sions. Yet, they're absent from our digital lives; the
devices and apps we interact with have no way of wasn’t found in the UK.
knowing how we feel. Scien�st Rana el Kaliouby, Understanding Affectiva’s “Emotion • There are age differences. People who are 50 or
older are 25% more emo�ve than younger people.
Co-founder and CEO of Affec�va, aims to change that. Engine” • We are expressive all the �me. We show emo�ons
Rana demos a powerful new technology that reads even when si�ng in front of devices alone. We
The emo�on engine can detect emo�ons from mul�- express emo�ons when emailing, shopping online,
your facial expressions and matches them to corre-
ple devices. It senses the bounds of your face and even doing our taxes.
sponding emo�ons. This "emo�on engine" has big
constella�on of points will appear at the corners of
implica�ons and could change not just how we inter- Rana el Kaliouby, your eyes, the outline of your lips and around your So what are the implica�ons of this? El Kaliouby imag-
act with machines but with each other. co-founder and CEO of Affectiva
nose. As you smile, frown and act surprised, bars that ines emo�on-sensing glasses that could help those
Today, her story resonates among young women and measure joy, disgust, valence and engagement get who are visually impaired or on the au�sm spectrum
Rana leads the company's emo�on analy�cs team,
entrepreneurs. Her idea of staying quiet and not longer and shorter, flipping between green (for posi- interpret other people’s emo�ons. She imagines
which is responsible for developing emo�on-sensing
making waves completely turned around when she �ve emo�ons) and red (for nega�ve emo�ons). teaching apps that could speed up when a student
algorithms and mining the world's largest emo�on
data database. realized the power of her voice and the kind of plat- looks bored.
form she had in front of her. She quotes, “People talk Affec�va has collected the world’s largest emo�on
about balancing work and family but the idea of "bal- database- 12 billion emo�on data points collected With these prospects in mind, Rana El Kaliouby has
The company’s pla�orm is used by many Fortune
ance" is a misnomer. As a single mom, I had no choice from 2.9 million face videos from volunteers in 75 revolu�onized the robo�c aspect of ar�ficial intelli-
Global 100 companies to measure consumer engage-
but to blend the two.” countries- making it possible to quan�fy something as gence, giving it a touch of emo�ons, to be able to sync
ment and is pioneering emo�on-enabled digital apps
personal as human emo�ons. with the human world!
for enterprise, entertainment, video communica�on
and online educa�on. Entrepreneur magazine called el Kaliouby one of “The
7 Most Powerful Women To Watch in 2014” and the
MIT Technology Review included her in their list of the
An Empowering Journey... “Top 35 Innovators Under 35.”

Having grown up in the Middle East, society expected

The Dawn of Affectiva
Rana to abide by certain cultural norms. She always
wanted to be a part of the faculty at a university in
Egypt. However, over �me her own thinking evolved Most human beings can tell the difference between a
and she jumped on the opportunity to start a compa- smirk and a smile. Our computers and devices, howev-
ny out of MIT, on the other side of the world. er? Not so much.

Her personal life did take a heavy toll on her and that’s Rana el Kaliouby realized that she was spending more
when she felt like a misfit. It took her a divorce, a hours with her laptop than any other human being.
cross-con�nental move and a lot of missteps to learn Despite this in�macy, her laptop had no idea about
to co-exist with the doub�ul voice in her head and to how she was feeling - whether she was happy or was
turn it into an empowering force! simply having a bad day. This gave her an idea. She
Blending her career with the two precious gems of her life
realized that technology has lots of IQ but not EQ.

04 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 05
· Over �me, I iden�fied this to be my strength which A�er talking to thousands of people, I know that
later drew me on to becoming a Communica�on’s most people have trouble ar�cula�ng themselves in
· important moments of spontaneous speaking. I’m
Trainer. I now have my own company, PresentVoic-
es, and have helped thousands of people open up not just talking about public speaking—we are strug-
and talk to each other at companies and also social gling with challenging conversa�ons, speaking up in
media pla�orms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google mee�ngs, interac�ng on social media, advoca�ng
and AIG.This led me to training the hospital staff for ourselves and others and ar�cula�ng our ideas,
which escalated my interest in the field of public online and in wri�en and spoken form. We’re
speaking. searching for ways to feel more confident in our
conversa�ons and have more meaningful interac-
�ons, especially as technology con�nues to compli-
‘Communication in the workplace’ is an import- What are the poten�al challenges observed
through communica�on in person and communica- cate our communica�on.
ant asset that one brings to an organization.
�on through social media?
However, not all of us are experts at communi- Today, public speaking is everywhere—in conversa-
cating effectively with our peers or colleagues. Well, there are quite a few challenges that we face. �ons and mee�ngs, online and on video. People
Not only do communication skills play an In person, you can no�ce non-verbal gestures and want to connect and be heard. When you can’t see
important role in company-related issues but it gage a person’s interest throughout the conversa- your audience, it becomes a challenge to be conver-
sa�onal and confident at the same �me. It’s defi-
also helps in expressing oneself and indulging Leah Bonvissuto, �on. Once you no�ce a lack of interest or a seeming-
Workplace Communication Consultant
ly disagreement on any topic, you can twist the nitely not the same as spontaneous or public speak-
in a positive atmosphere at the workplace. & founder of PresentVoices
ing where we are reliant on visual and verbal cues
conversa�on or turn it around to suit the person or
What are your observances while training corpo- enhance the conversa�on be�er. for valida�on and acceptance. We tend to read our
To understand the importance of engaging in meaning-
rates? own percep�ons into the faces of our audience
ful interac�ons that benefit oneself as well as that of the
Keeping this in mind, the challenge faced with social while speaking. I believe that when these non-verbal
company, we spoke to Leah Bonvissuto, a Workplace
While working with corporates, I no�ced that media is that, you cannot understand the person indicators are absent, rather than allowing words to
Communica�on Consultant who founded PresentVoices
people find it hard to communicate, interact or through non-verbal gestures. It will take much more have more meaning, we fill the gap with our own
to help people talk to each other at work, through com-
bring up issues with one another. I found that effort to develop an audience that like you or handle percep�ons (which are usually nega�ve).
munica�on and presenta�on skills training, for sponta-
neous and public speaking. colleagues aren’t able to communicate with their an audience that dislike you.
own peers within the department about any road- We do ourselves a disservice when we convince
blocks faced or if they require any kind of support. On social media, you can communicate your ideas, ourselves that perfect interac�ons are possible and
Leah speaks about employee engagement, workplace
They’re unable to convey what’s on their mind. Even thoughts, feelings, projects and passions. Seeing we are more likely to do this when we cannot see
communica�on, conscious conversa�ons, social media
if they suddenly decide to share a few things, they this, people react differently. They may agree with our audience. We stop ourselves mid-thought to
as the new public speaking, ar�cula�ng your life's work,
might not know how to approach people. you or disagree bluntly. They may/may not respond re-record or rewrite instead of commi�ng in the
communica�on as medita�on and how workplaces can
the way you’d like them to. Some might like your moment. We give ourselves permission to doubt
hear and amplify more voices.
In my observa�on, I’ve seen that people find it diffi- post or some might simply scroll down and disregard ourselves. Many of us do this with in-person speak-
cult to break the ice with their supervisors as well as it. You might even receive a posi�ve feedback or ing too, but it is easier to do it online and by
Leah is on a mission to normalize the anxiety so many of
people from other departments and o�en decide to witness a couple of nega�ve comments on your ourselves.
us feel while speaking up at work so that more people
can speak up and be heard. stay content within their own surrounding. posts.
Here are �ps for how to show up with confidence on
From Theatre to the public speaking pla�orm- how Have there been any changes over the years with Another important challenge faced here is that you social media:
did you decide to take this up as a career? the onset of social media? cannot change, twist or manipulate the read-
ers/viewers on social media. What’s said is said. You ● Know your audience. Being specific about who
Raised by a Broadway musician and a Yes definitely. Firstly, video calls/conferences have cannot modify it or change your words. In person it is you are talking to is essen�al in both public speaking
mime-turned-magician, I’ve spent almost 20 years as a changed the dynamics of communica�on over the very easy to modify your strategy and change the and on social media because it helps you take the
theatre director. I came across a difficulty that made years. I have trained colleagues to communicate via conversa�on or go on another track. But on social focus off yourself. When we feel fully responsible for
me realize my affilia�on with the field of public speak- video calls/conferences to solidify key assets and media, you might get called out on for such manipu- interac�ons it takes away our audience’s ability to
ing. I was in urgent need of a medical insurance and the colleagues overseas via Skype and other audio-visu- la�on or twis�ng of words. contribute to the “conversa�on”. Reframing the
inability to pay for it caused quite a hindrance for me. al sites. This aspect added a new dimension to the focus on others is essen�al to compassion, both for
We all know how expensive medical insurances can be, field of public speaking. This required new nuances What are your inferences since you have worked yourself and others.
right? Luckily, I came across this hospital that followed and slowly with the onset of social media, its ease in with corporates through workshops and have been
a scheme of providing free medical insurances in return access and availability, it was iden�fied. The helping employees improve, so what key aspects ● Set an inten�on. This is how you want to make
for rendered services. number of people ac�ve on social media is increas- would need a�en�on? Could you share some �ps your audience feel. This can also help you reframe
ing day by day and therefore, I started incorpora�ng for our readers? the focus away from yourself (I want to make my
the art of public speaking on this pla�orm. audience feel heard).

06 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 07
On the phone, tone is 86%
of our communica�on. The words
we actually use are only 14%
of our communica�on.
Ekatra workshop
We at BSE Institute Ltd. hosted a workshop
called ‘Ekatra’ for the students to teach soft
skills! Several activities like a Case study Compe-
tition, a Student Engagement session and Apti-
● Make sure you are breathing. O�en, our tude Tests were conducted to identify the
A study indicated that individuals
fight-or-flight response kicks in causing us to constrict knowledge of the students and better equip
who use social media are 1.63 �mes
our breathing. This makes it harder to think clearly them for placement interviews. Under graduate
more likely fend off feelings of
and causes us to live in limited thought processes. It’s as well as post-graduate students attended the
distress, like depression or anxiety and
essen�al to get out of your head and into your body workshop with great enthusiasm.
they’re 63% less likely to feel these
when trying to communicate authen�cally. Get up
mental health symptoms over �me.
and stretch or go for a walk to get in your body and Dr. Benugopal Saha with the students
make sure you are breathing. Focus your physical
a�en�on on something tangible like eye contact, This workshop provided great exposure to the
breath, or where your back hits your chair. students as its sessions are practically applicable
in the industry. These activities enhanced our
● Cul�vate s�llness. Se�le your physical energy by student’s communication skills, body language,
93% of communica�on is
using a prop or another physical anchor like feeling decision-making and team-building abilities as
nonverbal: What you say accounts
your foot in your shoe and if you are in a chair that well as the ability to adapt in the corporate world.
for only 7% of someone’s impression
swivels, keep it steady. Extraneous movement can BSE Insititute loves to enrich its students in such
of you - Total Liking = 7% Verbal + 38%
increase anxiety and make it harder to get out of fields, to make them competitive in the corporate
Vocal + 55% Facial - Mehrabian and
fight-or-flight. world.
Ferris 1967. Students performing activities at the workshop

● Outline your thoughts first by preparing a shortlist

of bullet points you want to address. This will help you
understand what you want to say on a high-level. Visit by Prof. Ronald King from the Washington University
● Ar�culate your objec�ve for yourself. This is your We, at BSE Institute Ltd. were extremely happy to
goal for a par�cular post or interac�on online. According to the Na�onal Science host Prof. Ronald King from the Washington Univer-
Founda�on, a person has 12,000- sity in St. Louis. He is presently working as a Senior
● Note nega�vity. When nega�ve thoughts arise, jot 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% of these Lecturer in Accounting and has tremendous exper-
them down and ques�on them. Ask yourself if they thoughts are those that we’ve had before tise in financial reporting! Prof. King has also served
are rooted in truth. and 80% of these are nega�ve. as a board member for several companies and now
focuses his teaching at the Executive MBA level.
● Talk about it. The more you talk about your own
fears and embrace vulnerability in spaces that feel
safe, the less isolated you will feel in the anxiety.
Prof. King’s interest in finance and accounts has
led him to visit BSE, which is the financial hub of
Research says that 75% of the nation. He was fascinated by the trading
The terms ‘Visiobibliophobia’ long-term job success depends centre of the building and the institute’s infra-
(fear of Facebook) and on people skills, while only 25% structure. He even stopped to pose near our
‘Prosopobibliophobia’, coined by neuro- depends on iconic bull gate! It was indeed a great honour to
scien�st Jus�n More�o, describe the fear technical knowledge. meet such an inspiring personality!
of social media.

Prof. King at the Bull Gate

08 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 09
Cyber Security Conference Visit by Australian students of Monash University
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), SEBI and Maharashtra Cyber hosted a compelling Cyber Security Conference.

Leading cyber security experts

and Chief Information Security Ashishkumar Chauhan, the MD
Officers (CISO) of various national and CEO of BSE, along with
banks were present. They fellow panellists, launched a
discussed the latest trends, attack cyber awareness booklet to
vectors and how to protect the create awareness. We would like
exchange ecosystem. to thank BSE and partners for
such an enlightening confer-
ence and eagerly await such
events in the future! Students with the faculty at the Bull Gate

We, at BSE Ins�tute Ltd. were extremely happy to host a lively group of 40 undergraduate students from the
Monash University in Australia. They a�ended the Boot Camp Program on Financial Markets to understand
Visit by the officers from the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) the role of BSE in the financial industry and the Indian economy. Students were delighted to visit the Trading
centre and the iconic conven�on hall. Mr. Vinod Nair, Head Academics and Product Development, felicitated
BSE Institute Ltd. wholeheartedly welcomed the officers from the the students. It is always a pleasure to host such dedicated and passionate students at BSE Ins�tute Ltd.!
Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), located at Wellington in Tamil
Nadu. These officers belong from all the three services- Army, Navy
and Air Force and officers from friendly foreign countries for com-
mand and staff appointments.

Prof Rakesh Nair and Prof

Suhas Worlikar addressed the
officers and shared an insight
of the institute and its avail-
able course. Officers were
captivated as they got an
opportunity to visit the trad-
ing centre and international
convention hall of the build-
ing. DSSC’s officers facilitated
us as they felt ecstatic with the Students at the ICH
Students attending lectures at BSE Institute
hospitality of the institute.

10 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 11
FORT- dominating the city with its inherited charm!
The street of BSE Ins�tute has witnessed numerous made to commemorate the revolu�onaries. Next to
Being the first part of the city to be constructed by the historic revolu�ons in the past. One such revolu�on is the statue is the famous and elegantly placed, Flora
Bri�sh, it gets its name from Fort George that was the Samyukta Maharashtra Movement- a peaceful Fountain
constructed in 1769 by the Bri�sh East India Compa- demonstra�on of Samyukta Maharashtra Sami� for the .
ny. A�er being destroyed par�ally by fire in the 1800s, crea�on of the state of Maharashtra. To stop this Covering a vast stretch of land is the magnificent
the neighbourhood evolved into a business district mu�ny, the police did an open firing which claimed 106 ground known as the Oval Maidan, situated in the
with a vibrant and energe�c feel! lives, this shoo�ng proved to be a major impetus for neighbourhood of Fort. This recrea�onal ground has
the crea�on of Maharashtra on 1 May, 1960. been given its name because of its oval shape and runs
Extending from the docks in the east to Azad Maidan a wide stretch of 22 acres with a circumference of 1.5
in the west, from Victoria Terminus in the north to kilometers.
Kala Ghoda in the south, Fort lies in the heart of the
financial city of Mumbai that curates some of the A regular venue for inter-school cricket and football
most unique and majes�c structures of the Bri�sh era. matches, the Oval Maidan has an old-world charm with
a peaceful yet sporty aura. You will find many people
Placed in the neighbourhood of Fort is the Chhatrapa- Rajabai Clock Tower relaxing, running, undergoing training sessions for
� Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, formerly
various sports or simply taking their dogs for a walk.
named the Prince of Wales museum and built in the
In addi�on to mul�ple galleries across the neigh- Occupying such a wide spread of land, it is definitely a
early years of the 20th century to commemorate the
bourhood, browse through Kala Ghoda as it has a great place for the working crowd to unwind and
visit of George V, who was Prince of Wales at the �me.
number of stylish bou�ques that stock a variety of stretch their legs a�er a �resome day.
The iconic building has an Indo-Saracenic style of
construc�on with a concoc�on of other architectural accessories, jewellery, clothing and home décor.
Drop by to taste some of the delectable selec�on of A collec�on of Mumbai’s rich heritage culture, Fort,
styles and houses approximately 50,000 exhibits of
cuisines at Copper Chimney, Jimmy Boy, Burma dominates the city with its ancestral contribu�on and
ancient history, objects from foreign lands as well as
Burma, 5 Spice, Britannia & Co., Bake House Café, preserves its beauty for genera�ons to follow!
ar�facts of the Indus Valley Civiliza�on and relics from
ancient India. Another eminent monument is the The Irish House and so on.
David Sassoon Library and Reading Room, which is a Hutatma Chowk
153-year-old ins�tu�on. As Fort is considered to be a part of the Konkan
stretch, delve yourself into some authen�c seafood The place where this incident took place in 1956 is
The library’s surreal infrastructure is guaranteed to at Trishna. The Prawn Koliwada, Hyderabadi Pom- called Hutatma Chowk today! This square was called
make you feel nostalgic and will definitely take you fret and Chicken Che�nad are sure to win your taste Flora Fountain un�l in 1961, but later was renamed in
back to the Bri�sh era. Today the building finds itself buds! Relish an authen�c spread of Sadhya, a memory of the members of the Samyukta Maharashtra
in the list of 145 old buildings that have been declared scrump�ous meal on a banana leaf with over ten Sami�. And a statue of a "Martyr with a flame” was
as protected monuments by the government. Malayalam delicacies, served at Hotel Delux.

Bombay High Court David Sassoon Library

Oval Maiden

12 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 13
An island country with a dynamic Māori culture, New Zealand, lies to the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. Home to spectacular
des�na�ons, picturesque landscapes, mammoth na�onal parks and top-notch surfing and skiing ac�vi�es, it has a bunch of exci�ng
ventures to add to your bucket list!

While travelling across the ci�es, you will find yourself relishing the towering mountains, black beaches, trekking zones and luscious
green forests that houses a bunch of unique species. Visit the Auckland Museum, an integral part of the Auckland skyline. Among Māori
ar�facts, displays of Auckland’s volcanic field with an erup�on simula�on, military and war representa�ons as well as the interna�onal
exhibi�ons held here are truly noteworthy!

In cooler months, retreat to Athenree Hot Springs, hidden in a holiday park around 8 km to the south-east of Waihi Beach or visit the
Ulva Island to catch a glimpse of birdsongs bristling through the air of this �ny paradise. Indulge in cuisines made from home-grown
ingredients like seafood, lamb or vegan and vegetarian choices and enjoy your sunsets with a hot brewing cup of coffee at the local cafés
and baristas. For sport lovers, purchase your �ckets for the famous interna�onal games of rugby and netball. Or, howl with the locals for
a thrilling experience as the team performances set the nightlife on fire!

The ‘Kiwis’ dwell among Victorian architecture, historic monuments and streetscapes with a laudable adventurous spirit! Grasping the
pleasant yet vibrant life here, glance through some of New Zealand’s exo�c and must-see places to seal your visit!

Moeraki Boulders Wai-O-Tapu

Between the towns of Hampden and New Zealand’s most famous geothermal a�rac�on, Wai-O-Tapu, is truly
Moeraki in South Island’s Otago worth a visit! The springs are located within easy reach of Rotorua and
region, the mysterious Moeraki Boul- renowned for their cap�va�ng hues which have been sculpted from
ders lies on the shore of the Koekohe many thousand years’ worth of volcanic ac�vity. The Champagne Pools
Beach. Some of these unique yet com- here are the most dis�nguished a�rac�on that tourists ought to cover on
pelling spherical shapes have diame- their tour. Highlights like the spou�ng Lady Knox Geyser and bubbling
ters ranging between 1.5 and 2.2 mud pools will give you a breath-taking experience.

14 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE07012020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE07012020 | 15

Cathedral Cove
Waitomo Glowworm Caves
Located along the Coromandel Peninsula, Cathedral
Impressively curated on any tour guide, the Waitomo Glow- Cove can be accessed by foot, boat or kayak from the
worm Caves are an underground network of caves that small town of Hahei. The view of the gigan�c rocks of
should be toured by boat or black water ra�s. It is a must-visit the Cove, alluring turquoise waters and fine white
des�na�on as it is home to a number of na�ve species of sand is sure to stun your gaze!
glowworms that naturally light up the underground lime-
stone forma�ons. Needless to say, it is one of the most
unique a�rac�ons!

Stonehenge Aotearoa, Tunnel Beach

Tunnel Beach is located to the south of Dunedin and
The Stonehenge Aotearoa in the Wairarapa region marks an excellent spot for adventure lovers! The
was built by the Phoenix Astronomy Society. This descending track will lead you to a rocky shoreline
modern-age replica of the Stonehenge contains 24 which culminates into a tunnel over the beach. Take a
pillars with a diameter of 30 meters and about 13 �. walk down the tunnel’s steps to enjoy a calm and
high and are crowned together with lintels that com- BSE Ins�tute Ltd. offers Master of Finance, Master of Interna�onal Business serene evening.
plete the circle of pillars. The mo�ve of this project Master of Financial Management, Master of Business Management and Master of
was to impart knowledge and demonstrate how Business Informa�on system at the Univesity of Otago, New Zealand.
ancestors used these construc�ons to understand To find out more about these courses, visit h�p://www.bseb�.com/interna�on-
astronomy. al_prog/conducted_abroad.html

14 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 15
From a Dedicated Student to an my most preferred subject would be Deriva�ves.
Besides that, Technical Analysis and Mutual Funds
high-end technology will mo�vate you to study
harder as well as explore every aspect of the field!

Eminent Professor at BIL really excite me! It is my pleasure to impart knowl-

edge at the ins�tute and it is truly the best stress
A�er all, we are the fastest exchange in the world
for a reason!
reliever from the fights between the bulls and
Nainesh Thakkar is an intriguing personality who realized his inclina- bears. I suggest that if you truly have an inclina�on
towards this industry or you’re simply passionate
tion towards the stock market at the age of 17. He holds an MBA Without a doubt, whatever I am today and wherev- enough to spend some quality �me in understand-
degree from BSE Institute and is now imparting his mastery as a Pro- er I am today and not to men�on the abundant ing the stock market, you should go ahead and enrol
wealth of knowledge that I have received here, is in our courses at BSE Ins�tute. It has a leading edge
fessor! An independent investment advisor, trader, investor & trainer, definitely credited to the BSE Ins�tute. The knowl- in terms of courses being offered to all strata of
Nainesh, spills the beans on his journey from an aspiring student to a edge imparted here is precise and path-breaking. It
not only helped me swim through the depths of the
people. This place can surely enhance your knowl-
edge, making you a stock market expert and who
role model at BIL. markets but more importantly, remain afloat for the knows, probably even bring you back to impart
next wave. knowledge to future enthusiasts!
I was introduced to the stock market when I was in
my 12th grade, back in 2007. All newspapers at the One of the important prime mo�ves of the courses To conclude, I’d like to share a mo�va�onal line by
�me, spoke about how people made money in the provided here is that it should help students Warren Buffe� that has always managed to keep
Bull Run. The news catered to how the index gained become ‘employable’. Keeping this in mind, we the trader in me on my toes! He quotes,
market capitaliza�on of crores, per day. This greatly offer courses that are in sync with reality and the
intrigued me and that’s when I decided that this is current trends in the market so that the students
exactly where I want to spend the rest of my life- in
the hope of making a small percent of those crores!
are up-to-date about concepts and can also apply “Rule number one:
them vividly. Most of our courses have already
achieved this goal and are consistently trying to Don’t lose money.
During my college days, I entered the stock market
as a trader and lost my en�re wealth (s�pend
s�ck to this commitment. Rule number two:
savings from internships) due to the leverage in the
markets during the market crash in Jan, 2008. The
To summarize my overall experience here, I’d say Don’t forget rule number one.”
that the ins�tute has an excellent faculty. The
loss of my hard-earned capital made me realize that content here is fairly good as the subject ma�er
stock markets are not simple to comprehend for a provided is in constant checks to match the current
common man. It needs a deep understanding of Prof. Nainesh Thakkar trends and industry standards. If you want to know
various factors such as Fundamental analysis, Tech- about the courses, trust me, you will have a vast
were prac��oners from the market with years of
nical Analysis, Economics, Mathema�cs and Human variety to choose from! Every �me I meet Ambarish
experience. I decided to study here because I wanted
Psychology. Sir, he surprises me with his enthusiasm to intro-
to be at the centre of the system to learn about this
industry from people who eat, sleep and breathe duce a new course to fill in the gap that the industry
I then looked up for reasons that jus�fied my loss holds.
stock markets. We had access to brokers, industry
and realized the value and need for educa�on and
experts (who came as guest lecturers) and the BSE
knowledge of the stock markets. That’s precisely We offer a vast collec�on of relevant courses right
Ins�tute staff to solve our queries. What more could
when I came across the BSE Ins�tute and its courses from undergraduates to professional traders and
an opportunis�c student like me, ask for?
specializing in Financial Markets. As of today, I have investors. Honestly, I have lost count of the number
As a faculty member, I look forward to every lecture
a very close connect with the ins�tute. I have gained of courses offered here- the choices are plenty and
at the ins�tute because every session, irrespec�ve of
immense knowledge here and I am now doing my the inputs from the ins�tute in helping us grasp
the level of students (undergraduate or a pro trader),
bit to give back whatever I can. immense knowledge is truly noteworthy!
is a challenge on its own. It helps me update myself
about the recent happenings as well as the ups and
Going back a few years, as a student, our first pride Not to men�on the quality of ambiance at BSE Ins�-
downs in the market. Today, if you ask me,
was to study in the Mecca of Financial markets - THE tute- the lovely state-of-art classrooms with
' BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE '.We had Facul�es who

16 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 17
A Open
“Converting his Passions into Plans!” Programs for the Month of February & March - 2020 y
…is BSE Ins�tute’s 14-year old, Shubh Tambi from Jaipur, Rajasthan, who planned Sr No Program Name Dates Days
a short trip especially to a�end a course at the Bombay Stock Exchange Ins�tute. 1 Introduc�on to Wealth Management 2nd Feb, 9th Feb, 16th Feb Sunday
Read on to understand how the stock market intrigued this young mindset in 2 Technical Indicators to Buy & Sell Stock 16th Feb, 23rd Feb, 1st Mar, 8th Mar Sunday
shaping his career at such a young age. 3 Introduc�on to Capital Market & Investment Banking 2nd Feb, 9th Feb, 16th Feb Sunday

4 Mastering Fundamental Analysis 2nd Feb, 9th Feb, 16th Feb, Sunday
Just like any teenager of my age, I was filled with curiosity and of course, the 23rd Feb, 1st Mar, 8th Mar
love for money. I was always fascinated by the news headlines that read, 5 High Probability Trading with Candle S�ck 16th Feb, 23rd Feb, 1st Mar Sunday
"Sensex is all-�me high" or "Profit jumps by 24%". This led me to read books 6 Building wealth with Mutual Funds 16th Feb, 23rd Feb, 1st Mar Sunday
about finance and the stock market to gain more knowledge.
7 Trading with Trend Lines 16th Feb, 23rd Feb, 1st Mar, 8th Mar Sunday

What inspired me the most was the fact that the most successful investor, 8 Por�olio Management Sunday
2nd Feb, 9th Feb, 16th Feb
Warren Buffe�, bought his first stock at the age of 11! Although I'm already 3
years behind, it's never too late! 9 Introduc�on to Financial Modelling using Excel 2nd Feb, 9th Feb, 16th Feb Sunday

10 Por�olio Management 16th Feb, 23rd Feb, 1st Mar, 8th Mar Sunday
So I started following Moneycontrol and helped my sister with her por�olio
investments. And gradually, my interest in the financial world and the dream of 11 Introduc�on to Futures & Op�ons 19th Jan, 26th Jan, 2nd Feb, 9th Feb Sunday
becoming the next Warren Buffe� increased even more, that all I can think of 12 Candles�ck Pa�erns to Master Forex Trading Saturday
Shubh Tambi 15th Feb, 22rd Feb, 29th Feb, 7th Mar
now is how to use the compounding way that Buffe� did and make investments Price Ac�on
based on his simple yet successful ideology. This made me want to study further and in depth which eventually
led me to do the Basic Program on Stock Markets at the Bombay Stock Exchange Ins�tute. For more details email at:

In the future, I definitely want to get into the financial field and want to become a stock market investor but, to
Short-Term Programs for the Month of February - 2020
be honest, I want to see myself as an angel investor when I grow up. I aim to understand the art of inves�ng and Sr No Program Name Dates Days
to become a successful entrepreneur. I know it’s a ma�er of about 4 to 5 years from now but I cannot wait to
turn 18 so that I can have my own por�olio! 1 Basic Program on Stock Markets February 10, 2020 onwards 4 full days
2 Cer�ficate Program on Advanced Treasury and February 15, 2020 onwards 4 full days
Making my way to the BSE Ins�tute did accelerate my keen interest in stock markets. It helped me to get a clear Foreign Exchange Risk Management
understanding of the field for sure and did brush up my skills and knowledge on the subject. I would advise my 3 Cer�ficate Program on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code February 15 & 16, 2020 2 full days
fellow students to give their full a�en�on to the course, if they’re truly passionate about this industry, as it is 4 Basic Program on Fundamental Analysis February 15 & 16, 2020 2 full days
very important to understand the role of an investor and a trader and to clear all the basics. It is the basics that
5 Cer�ficate Program on Stock Markets February 15, 2020 onwards 8 full days
teach you the advances and to grasp the knowledge and necessary skill for the advanced course.
6 Basic Program on Financial Statement Analysis February 15, 2020 onwards 1 full day
My experience here was extremely nice and pleasant. The teachers had an amicable and welcoming approach. 7 Basic Program on Financial Planning & Wealth Management February 16, 2020 1 full day
My goal was to get clarity on the basics of the stock market. Post this, I can brush up my skills and knowledge of
8 Bootcamp on Stock Trading & Inves�ng - Experien�al Learning February 17, 2020 onwards 4 full days
the subject to do the advance course at BSE Ins�tute.
9 Cer�ficate Program on Technical Analysis February 22, 2020 onwards 7 full days
Keeping this in mind, I would want to apply these methods in the real world, discuss it with people and follow 10 Cer�ficate Program on Deriva�ves February 22, 2020 onwards 5 full days
up with the latest trends and news. I would definitely want to do similar courses here, in the future. To tell you 11 Basic Program on Mergers & Acquisi�ons Concepts February 22 & 23, 2020 2 full days
the truth, I have already planned my term break in March according to the course dates!
12 Basic Program on Stock Markets February 24, 2020 onwards 4 full days
Shubh Tambi,
13 Basic Program on Smart Inves�ng Strategies and February 29 & March 1, 2020 2 full days
Student of the Basic Program
Por�olio Management
on Stock Market at the
BSE Institute Ltd. 14 Cer�ficate Program on Mutual Funds February 29, 2020 onwards 4 full days
15 Basic Program on Understanding Annual Reports February 29, 2020 1 full days

For more details email at:

18 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 19
Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses! Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses!

Ex e Program in Ex e Program In Global Financial Markets Professional (GFMP) Program

Investment Management Financial Journalism
Global Financial Markets Professional (GFMP) Program is a
comprehensive course on Banking & Financial Markets
which will prepare ts for aggressive compe
and decisionmaking. Only the best prepared, professionally
qualified students are the ones who will make a difference
and carve a niche for themselves in this industry.

Key features
 Inter e lectures
 Case study discussions
 Hands on sessions
EPIM offers a comprehensive investment toolkit, enabling you to The Financial Journalism program provides an extensive training
select individual instruments, evaluate investment strategies, on the professional prac�ce of repor�ng financial news. Financial  Inter e simula labs
and measure performance effec�vely. The program is structured journalism focuses on the principles of general news repor�ng  Working on near r data
around cu�ng edge research & case studies which illustrate the covered in financial repor�ng and applies them to the full range  6 months of Industry Pr
real-life challenges faced by individuals in managing their funds of financial domain.  Preparing Sessions for Regular Exams
Key Highlights Key Highlights:
Global Financial Markets Professional Edge(GFMP Edge) Program
Basics of Investments  Fundamentals of Journalism
Fundamental Analysis  Journalis GFMP Edge GFMP Edge
P olio Management  R ough Live Media
 Journalis thics
Financial Markets Program ta Scien t Program
Technical Analysis
Ex e Program in Ex e Program in
w Risk Management Certified Data Scientist Program

Data Science course helps you gain exper se in Machine Learning

Algorithms like K-Means Clustering, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes using R.
You’ll learn the concepts of Sta Time Series, Text Mining and get
The GFMP Edge program is a comprehensive program with placement
intr to Deep Learning. You’ll solve real life case studies on live
assistance that provides you with an in-depth understanding of Banking &
finance & financial markets topics.
Finance and Capital Markets to enable you to develop career-specific skills and
Securites & Business Law is a study of legal and regulatory frame- Risk management is simply iden�ica�on, assessment and mitga- take on new paths towards various new job roles at leading banks and capital &
Our world runs on Big Data. From business decisions, to improving
works. It is designed to enable the partcipant to understand the ton of possible risk factors & to ascertain them, highly qualified, wealth management firms.
healthcare, Big Data has touched every aspect of human life, making it one
critical securites and business law processes, such as legal,due skilled and trained individuals are needed. In order to meet the of the most valuable tech skills to master today!
The program comes with a edge industry-aligned curriculum that offers
diligence and compliance. The program is intended for those growing need for trained professionals in the field of Risk the right blend of knowledge and business acumen. The curriculum has been
who want to deep-dive into legal and compliance domain in There is an unparalleled demand for professionals who can work with Big
management, we have designed this online course in Risk designed with industry leaders to ensure that you learn exactly what
Data. This program will help you to take advantage of in big
securites Law. Management. employers need.
data learning tools & live trading, Hadoop, etc.

Key Highlights Key Highlights: Key Highlights: Key Highlights:

tracts Regula  Product & service problems: opera  Industry Endorsed  Mentorship  Big Data & Hadoop  Data Visualization
 Case Study-Based  Placement Assistance   Machine Learning
Companies Act  Managing opera R Integra  R Case Study
 Blended Learning 

Salient Features of FEMA relevant to Capital Markets  Managing Procurement risk

Obliga al Markets  Corporate governance risks Visit our website: h om/ For more details email at:
visit our website: h om/ For more details email at:

20 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 21
Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses! Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses!

Bachelors in Capital Market Post-Graduate Program in Post-Gradua�on Programin

Global Financial Markets Banking & Finance

Degree Awarded by Mumbai University

The Post-Graduate Program in Global Financial Markets is a 2 The Post-Gradua program in Banking & Finance (PGPBF)
The in Capital Markets is designed for working in the financial services industry. The program aims to impart years full autonomous, industry defined program, with a aims to equip individuals to survive in a banking organiza
knowledge about the various aspects of capital markets, thereby helping the students understand and develop skills that dual a from BSE Ins e and MBA-Financial Markets both in terms of technical and non-technical aspects. It is also
are essen to understand and face the challenges in the world of capital markets. Pr (FMP) from Chitkara University. The curriculum and the believed that candidates would have a compe e edge and
may be absorbed by the banks and financial ins on
Banks, broker dealers, asset managers, hedge funds, investment advisors, future commodity merchants and swap evalua mechanism has been designed in consulta with
priority. Our PGPBF course is innova e, comprehensive and
dealers are under pressure to interpret rules and devise responsible and sustainable processes in securi�es and deriva- industry professionals, senior market prac oners, and provide the requisite knowledge to nurture future banking and
�ve markets. They’re expected to understand the latest technologies and stay abreast of new products while also ensur- regulat o ensure tha ate reflects the finance professionals. This program not only covers the
ing that the correct policies and controls are in place for effec�ve compliance. With this course, the career opportuni�es competencies currently required by the industry. knowledge of banking & finance opera but also helps in
for graduates in capital markets are wide open in the aread of banks, finance companies, share broking, commodity and building student’s managerial and technical skills.
so on. Visit our website: h om/ Visit our website: h f om/
Master In Master In For more details email at:
Global Financial Markets Financial Technology

Enrol Now

Degree Awarded by Mumbai University Degree Awarded by Mumbai University The Advance Management Program is a specialized program designed Advance Management Program is specially curated for an elite group of senior
specifically to accelerate the personal and professional growth of the ex es. Proven business leaders who hold leadership one or two
The financial markets arena is a field which is constantly Financial Technology (FinTech) is concerned with the use ts. Through a fully immersive format, AMP will forever change the way levels from the CEO, and have been iden by their organiza as central to
evolving; in which updated and specialized knowledge is of technology to make financial transac ons more you and your company do business. the company’s succession plan will highly benefit from this program.
essen Financial companies today seek candidates who efficient. Graduates in this field will have a good Leaders are expected to design extensive and intensive strategies in order to put Key Highlights:
not only have excellent knowledge of their field and specialist understanding of finance, accoun ng, business their organiza ons ahead of the compe on. This requires calculated,
skills, but who can cope with dynamism and lead the informa systems and methods. intelligent, and t judgments and a deep analysis of market facts and  Get the alumni status of IIM-Lucknow.
tendencies. With a backdrop of campus, IIM-Lucknow campus is set in a
company successfully through changes. The innova in serene environment that not only provides an excellent ambience for the
 a om IIM-Lucknow and BSE Ins e Ltd.
20 days learning sessions at IIM – Lucknow helps to mold students into
the financial markets, as well as the globaliza process and Masters in Financial Technology jointly provides the academic endeavors but also provides an opportunity to unwind.

value driven strategic leaders.
technological changes require highly trained professionals, fundamentals of Accoun & Finance and Management  Inter e sessions at BSE Ins e with diverse gr ts from
IIM Lucknow has broken new ground in being the first IIM to start an
able to face the challenges in the financial areas of corporate Science where relevant e resides across all core campus in the country. Situated at the outskirts of the historic and culturally rich decision making segments.
business. They seek individuals who can represent the competencies both in teaching and research. This city of Lucknow, IIM-Lucknow campus is an ideal conducive to learning.
company in a e light when dealing with clients and Master’s program is for students from a variety of
tr onfidence of the company’s ability to background who want a career in this area.
manage the funds. For more details visit our website: h om/index.html +91 908 284 7950 |

Visit our website: For more details email at:

22 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 23
Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses! Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses!

Interna stone Program Post-Graduate Diploma in Post-Graduate Diploma in

Financial Markets - MAKAUT Data Science - MAKAUT

BSE Institute Ltd.'s International Capstone Program aims to impart knowledge about the various aspects of International
curriculum thereby helping students understand and develop skills that are essential to counter the various challenges they
would face in International Universities. This program provides students with an early start on their international educational
experience. During this program, participants will not only obtain resources to meet the challenges of adjusting to college life The Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets integrates a
in the international universities. state-of-the-art curriculum with industry experience. The It is evident that Data Science is an upcoming domain which has
We incorporate the process of learning through experience” and, more specifically, “learning through reflection on doing.” academic curriculum covers all aspects of finance, such as been recognised as an important and obligatory practice to be
adopted by almost all business organizations irrespective of
The course uses a mix of interactive techniques, such as learning through interactive sessions, in-class assignments, ac�vity Financial Accounting, Business Statistics, Derivatives, Strate-
their size and line of activities. A significant capability enhance-
oriented training and hands-on projects. gic Financial Management and An Introduction to Financial
Markets. It eventually goes into highly advanced, specialized ment has taken place, particularly in the last decade regarding
fields of study, like Forex & Debt Markets, Financial Modelling, data or information acquisition. This has led to the need of
Visit our website: h terna om/capstone/index.html analysing the same for taking out meaningful insights and then
Investment Banking, Treasury & Risk Management and Securi-
For more details email at: ties Law. plugging those with the decision making and updating policies
It is no longer enough to only have academic knowledge. for better organizational functions.
MSc. Finance - Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Financial companies, today, seek candidates who can cope Post-Graduate Diploma in Data Science will help professionals
to succeed in any industry and teach them newer trends &
with dynamism and lead the company successfully through
changes. improvise basic processes. There is practically no sector which
The Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets is intended has remained untouched from the reach of Data Science. Data
to prepare students for a wide range of careers both inside Scientists, with the right set of skills and expertise; are in
and outside the financial markets industry, including Invest- demand in a wide range of industries where businesses are
ment Banking, Fund Management, Debt and Capital Markets, realizing the potential of enabling analytics in their organiza-
Mergers and Acquisitions, Investment Analysis and Research tion.
etc.. Though the demand for Data Scientists in our country and
This program stands out from other courses due to its abroad is significantly high, there is a huge dearth of skilled
ground-breaking approach and the immense value it adds to professionals in the respective field. The Post Graduate Diploma
the student’s profile. in Data Science has been conceptualised to prepare profession-
als in Data Science, who are keen to make career in this exciting
Eligibility field.
Fresh Graduates and Experienced Working Professional inter-
ested in learning about the different aspects of Financial Eligibility
Markets. Fresh Graduates and Experienced Working Professional interest-
ed in learning the different tools and techniques of data science
The Master of Science in Finance (MSc Finance) prepares you for the challenges of managing investments and risk in a rapidly Course structure and successful implementation of data science in the organiza-
changing world. The full-�me, 16-month program provides a unique blend of rigorous training and real-world experi- Two Semesters (One Year) with 16 weeks per Semester & 40 tion.
ence—with an emphasis on investment and risk management. We designed the MSc Finance to meet the increasing global lectures per Semester
demand for skilled risk management and investment management professionals. If you have a capacity for quan�a�ve model- Course structure
ing and seek a career in financial risk management or investment management, this program is the ideal platorm to jumpstart Visit our website: Two Semesters (One Year) with 16 weeks per Semester & 40
your future. Investment management and risk management streams allow you to acquire addi�onal exper�se in the areas of lectures per Semester
equity security analysis andstrategic asset alloca�on, or enterprise risk management and accoun�ng for financial instruments. cial-Markets.html Visit our website:
Visit our website: h terna om/ ta-Science.html
For more details email at:
24 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 25
Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses! Admissions Open You can now Enrol for these courses!

Post-Graduate Diploma in Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Data Analy�cs - IIT Madras

Financial Markets - MAKAUT Data Science - MAKAUT

The Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets integrates a

state-of-the-art curriculum with industry experience. The It is evident that Data Science is an upcoming domain which has
academic curriculum covers all aspects of finance, such as been recognised as an important and obligatory practice to be
Financial Accounting, Business Statistics, Derivatives, Strate- adopted by almost all business organizations irrespective of
gic Financial Management and An Introduction to Financial their size and line of activities. A significant capability enhance-
Markets. It eventually goes into highly advanced, specialized ment has taken place, particularly in the last decade regarding With a population size in billions, we as a country are a synonym to ever growing talent pool; catering to the
data or information acquisition. This has led to the need of
fields of study, like Forex & Debt Markets, Financial Modelling, needs of each and every sector possibly known to human kind. This has resulted in India becoming an absolute
Investment Banking, Treasury & Risk Management and Securi- analysing the same for taking out meaningful insights and then
plugging those with the decision making and updating policies hub for all those foreign companies looking to find one of the best outsourcing places. The rapid developments
ties Law. in the field of business analytics shall change the world of businesses; as well as business models; and help
It is no longer enough to only have academic knowledge. for better organizational functions.
Financial companies, today, seek candidates who can cope Post-Graduate Diploma in Data Science will help professionals them to improve exponenally too.
with dynamism and lead the company successfully through to succeed in any industry and teach them newer trends &
changes. improvise basic processes. There is practically no sector which Foreseeing the future of analyc�cs industry, Both BSE Instute and IIT Madras endeavor to provide a worldclass
The Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets is intended has remained untouched from the reach of Data Science. Data education to the students through collaborative programs that shall lead to opportuni�es of joint research and
Scientists, with the right set of skills and expertise; are in
to prepare students for a wide range of careers both inside facilitate industry exposure for students of both the ins�tu�ons.
and outside the financial markets industry, including Invest- demand in a wide range of industries where businesses are
ment Banking, Fund Management, Debt and Capital Markets, realizing the potential of enabling analytics in their organiza-
tion. In associa�on with Centre for Con�nuing Educa�on - IITMadras, Execu�ve Program in Business Analy�cs
Mergers and Acquisitions, Investment Analysis and Research
etc.. Though the demand for Data Scientists in our country and enables working professionals with in depth understanding of the key technologies used in analy�cs, viz. data
This program stands out from other courses due to its abroad is significantly high, there is a huge dearth of skilled mining, machine learning, visualiza�on techniques and sta�s�cs. The program is designed on a schedule that
ground-breaking approach and the immense value it adds to professionals in the respective field. The Post Graduate Diploma minimizes disrup�on of work and personal pursuits, spread over one year (part-�me) focusing on an overview
the student’s profile. in Data Science has been conceptualised to prepare profession- of the field of analy�cs so that you can make informed business decisions.
als in Data Science, who are keen to make career in this exciting
Eligibility field. Course Objec�ve Course Eligibility
Fresh Graduates and Experienced Working Professional inter- To enable working professionals with in depth  Diploma holders / Graduates from any recognized
ested in learning about the different aspects of Financial understanding of the key technologies used in University.
Markets. Fresh Graduates and Experienced Working Professional interest-
ed in learning the different tools and techniques of data science viz. data mining, machine learning, visualiza on  Candidates from Engineering / MCA /BCA / Mathema /
and successful implementation of data science in the organiza- techniques and sta This course describes how one Economics background will get an edge over the remaining
Course structure
Two Semesters (One Year) with 16 weeks per Semester & 40 tion. can turn the sheer complex data into a compe e applicants.
lectures per Semester advantage with the efficient use of Business &  Freshers can also apply.
Course structure thereby fostering/ the decision making.
Visit our website: Two Semesters (One Year) with 16 weeks per Semester & 40 Visit our website: lectures per Semester h om/dat tml
Course Structure: One year dura I 2 Semesters I
cial-Markets.html Visit our website: Alternate Weekend sessions. For more details email at:

26 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 27
Riddles- Guess the answers!
1) John has one of the numbers 1, 2, or 3 in mind. Jacob is allowed to ask one ques�on to John to find out
which of these three numbers he has in mind. John will answer this ques�on only with the answers
“yes”, “no”, or “I don’t know”. Which ques�on should Jacob ask John to find out in one �me which number
he has in mind?

2) I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me yet I
am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun but I am
never out of darkness.

3) When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But if you do share me, you don't have me.

4) The number 8,549,176,320 is a unique number. Why?

5) A Girl was in a car with a helium balloon on a string that is �ed to the floor. The windows are closed.
When she steps on the accelerator, what happens to the balloon: does it move forward, move back
wards, or stay put?

E-mail your entries to Deadline for submission: 25th February, 2020

28 | Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 Illuminati E-magazine | Issue No. BSE03022020 | 29

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