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Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

Weiping Ma and Paul W. Brown

Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania 16802-4801
(Received 27 August 1992; accepted 6 January 1994)

High strength can be achieved in high alumina cement (HAC) through the incorporation
of phosphate-based additions at levels of 10 and 20 wt. %. In order to establish the
mechanism that results in higher strength, the effects of a variety of condensed sodium
phosphates (NaPO 3 ) n , (NaPO 3 ) n • Na 2 O, Na 5 P 3 O 10 , and (NaPO 3 ) 3 were studied. The
influence of these additions on the kinetics of hydration was studied using isothermal
calorimetry. The phosphatic additions enhanced reactivity, but x-ray diffraction analyses
did not reveal evidence of new crystalline phosphate-containing hydration products.
Microstructural evolution was examined in real time using environmental SEM, and
hydration products exhibiting distinct morphologies were observed. The features exhibited
ranged from amorphic to polygonal shapes, plates, and fibers. These frequently formed
between crystalline calcium aluminate hydrate grains and by doing so appear to provide a
means to enhance the strengths of these cements. In spite of the morphological variations,
companion energy dispersive x-ray analysis showed that the compositions of these
products did not vary widely. Their ranges of compositions are 52-60 wt. % AI2O3,
20-26 wt. % P 2 O 5 , and 20-24 wt. % CaO.

I. INTRODUCTION 200 °C led to the formation of hydroxyapatite as the

It is generally recognized that conventional cements major phase and anorthite as the minor one and con-
exhibit useful compressive strengths but low tensile and tributed to the development of compressive strengths in
flexural strengths.1 The mechanical properties of cement- excess of 70 MPa. We previously determined the flexu-
based materials are controlled by the compositions of ral strengths of high alumina cement modified by sodium
starting materials, the manner in which these are mixed phosphates.13'14 Cements containing 10 wt. % of these
with an aqueous media, the chemical bonding of the constituents exhibited flexural strengths more than twice
reaction products, and the microstructures of the final that of corresponding unmodified cement cured under the
assemblage. Strategies to improve the mechanical prop- same conditions.13 The reactivities of these formulations
erties of cement-based materials have been addressed by were high with rapid setting and strength gain.
a large number of studies.2 High alumina cement differs from portland cement
A wide range of compositions have been studied in composition and exhibits properties that severely lim-
in the development of phosphate-bonded materials.3"6 its its use. HAC is a valuable material for repair work
Phosphates have a long history of use as binding agents of limited life and in temporary works but no longer
in ceramic systems.7 Their reactions have resulted in the used in structural concrete above or below ground.15 A
formation of materials which have been used in such di- factor severely limiting its use is the strength loss that
verse applications as alumina refractories,8 bioceramics,9 occurs in applications at room temperature and above
and concrete repair.10 The [PO4] group provides a basic or in humid conditions because of the conversion of
building block that results in a series of compounds that the hexagonal hydrate C 2 AH 8 to the more dense cubic
are a remarkable series of analogues to silicate com- hydrate C3AH6.16"18 Strength regression also occurs in
pounds formed on the basis of the [SiO4] building block. phosphate-modified cements. However, our prior studies
Various phosphate-based cements, where HAC have shown that strength regression can be substan-
was mixed with phosphoric acid and cured at elevated tially reduced in phosphate-modified formulations. The
temperature, were studied by Roy.11 Tensile splitting strengths of the modified cements always exceed those of
strengths reached 27 MPa after 1 day of moist curing the unmodified cement. These findings suggest the pos-
at 90 °C. The chemical reactions at room temperature sibility of formulating high strength HAC-based cements
between HAC and NH 4 H 2 PO 4 were studied by Sugama in which significant strength regression is precluded.
and Carciello.12 They found that ammonium calcium The goal of the present study was to investigate
pyrophosphate is the principal product responsible for the kinetics of hydration, and the compositions and
the development of strength. Hydrothermal treatment at morphologies of the products that form in phosphate-

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994 1994 Materials Research Society 1291
W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

modified HAC's. Isothermal calorimetry was used to ex- 35.0

plore the rates of hydration; heat evolution during early a

A—Secar 71
hydration was measured for both phosphate modified and B-20% (NaPO3)n
unmodified HAC. The hydration products were identified C-20% (NaPO3)xNa2O
and characterized by x-ray diffractometry. Morphologi- D-20% Na5P30io
E-20% (NaPO3)3
cal development in real time was studied by hydration in
an environmental scanning electron microscope, and hy-
dration product compositions were determined by energy
dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX).

The high alumina cement used in this investigation
is Lafarge Secar 71. Typical chemical analysis showed
71.3 wt.% A12O3, 26.8 wt.% CaO, 0.68 wt. % 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0
SiO 2 , 0.46 wt.% MgO, 0.37 wt.% Na 2 O, 0.09 wt. %
Fe 2 O 3 , 0.04 wt.% SO 3 , and 0.02 wt. % K 2 O. X-ray 170.0 • 1 ' T ' 1 '
powder diffraction indicated that the cement principally A-Secar 71 b .
contains CA and CA2 as the hydraulic phases. B-20% (NaPO 3 ) n
Four condensed sodium phosphates, sodium hexa- 136.0 - C-20% (NaPO3)xNa2O
D-20% Na5P30io
metaphosphate (NaPO 3 ) n , sodium metaphosphate E-20% (NaPO3)3
(NaPO 3 ) n • Na 2 O, sodium tripolyphosphate Na 5 P 3 O 10 ,
I 102.0- B.,—-—'"'^___
and sodium trimetaphosphate (NaPO3)3, were used as
the phosphate-based materials.
Isothermal calorimetry was performed at 25 °C and | 68.0 -
w/s = 0.67 to compare the reactivities of the phosphate-
modified cements. In the method used, a known amount
of cement (typically 3 g) was placed in a gold-plated 34.0

copper calorimetric sample holder and then thermally

equilibrated to 25 °C. The water was separately equi-
librated and, once achieved, injected onto the cement, 6.0 12.0 180 24.0 30.0
and the rate of heat evolution was measured. X-ray
diffraction analyses were performed on a Scintag Auto- FIG. 1. (a) Comparison of the rate of heat evolved during the first
mated x-ray diffractometer using CuK a i radiation. Both 30 h of hydration for unmodified HAC and four phosphate-modified
environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) cements, (b) Total heat for the unmodified cement and four phos-
phate-modified cements during the first 30 h of hydration.
and conventional SEM were used in this study. ESEM
allowed microstructural evolution during hydration of
uncoated cements to be observed in real time, while the was produced during the first several hours when the
chemical compositions of the hydrates were determined sodium phosphates were present. However, after 30 h of
by using conventional SEM-EDX analyses. hydration, the cumulative heats evolved when HAC was
modified by the various phosphates were lower than that
from unmodified HAC. Strength measurements13 carried
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION out on the phosphate-modified cements after 24 h of
A. Isothermal calorimetry hydration indicated that the strengths achieved correlated
with the amount of heat evolved. Thus, the phosphate
The heat evolved during the first 30 h of hydra-
modifiers have their greatest effects at the onset of
tion was determined. Phosphate additions had a major
hydration. The nature of the effects of phosphate modifi-
effect on the hydration of HAC, and the calorimetric
cation were further studied by observing microstructural
curves are shown in Fig. l(a). The figure shows that the
evolution during this period of rapid hydration.
phosphate modification accelerated the initial hydration
rate regardless of phosphate composition. When the
sodium phosphates were present, the onset of the major
B. Microstructural analysis by ESEM
hydration peak occurred immediately after mixing. The
onset of this peak was delayed for about 16 h in the 1. Unmodified HAC
absence of the phosphates. The total heat evolution The morphologies of hydration products of Secar 71
curves are shown in Fig. l(b). Significantly more heat were first observed by ESEM. A relatively high water/

1292 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994

W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

cement ratio (0.5) was used in order to keep the samples system, and they exhibit distinct morphologies. Signifi-
moist for an extended period of time. The samples were cantly, the formation of a fibrous phase may provide
hand mixed and then immediately placed in the ESEM. a mechanism by which a composite microstructure, in
A crystalline calcium aluminate hydrate grows within which microstructurally distinct phases form from a
the first 3 h of reaction, but no further changes were ob- single precursor, may be created.
served during the next 15 h of hydration. Figure 2 shows
the typical features which are polygonal crystallites of 3. HAC modified by Na5P3O10
various sizes. As will be discussed, this morphology is
The sample modified by Na 5 P 3 O 10 exhibited a mor-
very different from that of the modified cements.
phological development which was different from that
caused by Na(PO 3 ) 3 . Figure 4 shows the evolution in
2. HAC modified by (NaPO3)3 morphology in the same area between 8 and 25 min
Figure 3 shows the microstructural evolution during of hydration. It can be seen that morphology changed
the hydration of HAC modified by (NaPO 3 ) 3 using significantly along with the crack during this period.
a phosphate/cement ratio of 0 : 1 . The first noticeable After 25 min, a distinct phase can be observed embedded
change was the occurrence of microcracks after 11 min in a structureless matrix.
of hydration [Fig. 3(a)]. The width of the cracks was
about 2 fim. A significant change was observed after
about 1 h of hydration, associated with the appearance 4. HAC modified by (NaPO3)n
of a fibrous phase. This can be seen by comparing The effect of the polymer (NaPO 3 ) n was also
Fig. 3(a) with Fig. 3(b) which are micrographs of the studied. The changes in microstructure were small during
same area. The fibers had diameters of 3-8 /j,m and the first 20 h of hydration with small differences in the
attained various lengths. The cracks shown in Fig. 3(a) micrographs. The first noticeable change observed was
enlarged slightly to about 5 ^um during the next 3 h. the enlargement of cracks and the separation of grains
The experiments were carried out at a water vapor after 30 min of hydration. Small bubble-like features
pressure of 2.5 Torr, which is below the saturation then appeared on the grain surfaces. These events are
vapor pressure for water in vacuum. Although water is most likely the result of the slow evaporation of water
present throughout the hydration process, it is likely that from the specimen. No further changes were observed
crack formation was due to shrinkage during specimen during the subsequent 20 h of hydration. Considering
desiccation. In addition, since there is a high initial rate both microstructural observations and heat evolution
of heat evolution, the sample heating may aggravate loss characteristics together, the phosphate samples that
of moisture. derived the most heat did not produce the greatest
During this 3 h interval, a new phase formed in microstructural changes. The presence of Na(PO 3 ) n
the cracks [Fig. 3(c)]. The morphology, shown at higher resulted in minimal microstructural evolution over the
magnification in Fig. 3(d), was very similar to that first 20 h, but caused the greatest amount of heat to
of hydroxyapatite.19 Therefore, two new phases were be evolved. Our previous work13-14 has shown that
produced during early hydration in the HAC-(NaPO 3 ) 3 Na(PO 3 ) n -modified HAC also attained the highest initial
strength, but showed the greatest loss of strength due to
the conversion of metastable hydrates to cubic hydrate.
This suggests that the formation of the hydrates, C 2 AH 8
and CAH 10 , may not be responsible for the early strength
development. Therefore, phases that formed during early
hydration were determined.

C. Phase identification
1. X-ray diffraction
The phases that formed during the hydration of
phosphate-modified HAC were analyzed by x-ray dif-
fraction (XRD) and energy dispersive x-ray analy-
sis (EDX). Sequential x-ray diffraction patterns of
HAC-10% Na(PO 3 ) n hydrated between 4 min and 2 h
indicated the absence of the formation of crystalline
hydration products, although heat evolution during this
FIG. 2. Microstiucture of HAC after hydration for 20 h. period was significant (Fig. 1). Figure 5 compares the

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994 1293

W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

t .v 1 ^ it

(a) (b)
* </
# • • >

(c) (d)
FIG. 3. ESEM images of a (NaPO3)3-modified cement (a) after 10 min of hydration, (b) after 1 h and 9 min of hydration, (c) after 3 h and
13 min of hydration, and (d) higher magnification of the phase that has formed in the cracks.

diffraction patterns of Secar 71 and those of four modi- although no x-ray detectable phase is produced, it is
fied samples with different phosphate after 30 months likely that phosphates are incorporated into the hydration
of hydration along with that of anhydrous Secar 71. Al- products.
though there are significant differences in the mechani-
cal properties among these samples,13'14 the differences
in the x-ray diffraction patterns are negligible. 2. Hydration product composition
Two possible phenomena may explain this. One is EDX was used to determine the compositions of the
that the new products are x-ray amorphous. The other hydration products. Figure 6 shows SEM micrographs
is that phosphate-based additions only accelerate hydra- of HAC modified by 10 wt. % (NaPO 3 ) n [Fig. 6(a)]
tion, but that significant amounts of sodium or phosphate and by 10 wt. % (NaPO 3 ) n • Na 2 O [Fig. 6(b)], and the
do not become incorporated into the hydration products. corresponding EDX spectra of selected hydration prod-
However, the calorimetric data shown in Fig. 2 indi- uct regions. The spectra show the presence of alu-
cate that less total heat was evolved when phosphates minum, phosphorus, and calcium in an amorphous phase.
are present, and that the molecular weights of com- Figure 6(c) shows an SEM micrograph and EDX spec-
positionally similar phosphates, Na(PO 3 ) 3 vs Na(PO 3 ) n , tra of HAC modified by 10 wt. % Na 5 P 3 Oi 0 . Hexagonal
have a significant effect of heat evolution. Therefore, crystallites, which tended to grow in the pores and are

1294 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994

W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

(NaPO 3 ) n
(NaPO 3 ) n Na 2 O

Secar 71


FIG. 5. X-ray diffraction patterns of anhydrous HAC and HAC and

(a) four phosphate-modified compositions hydrated for 30 months at
room temperature.

the four sodium phosphates investigated are not

compositionally identical, their components fall within a
narrow range (Table I). The gel appears to bond both the
anhydrous HAC grains as well as the calcium aluminate
hydrates. Compared to the compressive strength obtained
in unmodified HAC, 1314 the formation of C-A-P-H gel
improved structural integrity. Although there was still
a regression in the strength as the metastable calcium
aluminate hydrates undergo conversion to the cubic
hydrate, the losses in strength appeared to be mitigated
by the presence of this phosphate-containing hydration

Hydration of HAC is substantially accelerated when
sodium phosphates are present. However, the total heat
FIG. 4. ESEM images of a Na5P3O10-modified cement (a) after
8 min of hydration and (b) after 25 min of hydration. evolved in the hydration of unmodified HAC is ac-
tually greater. The phosphate-based additions do not
tend to promote the crystallization of calcium aluminate
surrounded by other hydration products, are present. The hydrates during the high alumina cement hydration.
EDX spectrum of the crystallite, marked "X", shows it Although the hydration products are compositionally
to consist principally of calcium and aluminum. Only quite similar, ESEM shows that the hydration of HAC
minor amounts of phosphorus and sodium are present, modified by different phosphates can result in mor-
suggesting the phase to be a hexagonal calcium alu- phologically distinct hydration products. The phosphate-
minate hydrate, most likely C 2 AH 8 . The composition containing products formed are x-ray amorphous. This
of the matrix, which contains aluminum, phosphorus, amorphous C-A-P-H phase serves to interlink the other
and calcium, is similar to that observed in the other constituents that are present. Thus, the formation of
analyses. this phase provides enhanced structural integrity to high
The relative proportions of the constituents in the hy- alumina cement and reduces the strength regression
dration products are very similar for all four phosphate- which occurs on conversion.
modified cements (Table I). These data indicate that
an amorphous calcium aluminate phosphate hydrate ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(C-A-P-H) gel was produced during hydration. The The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
microstructure of this phase varied with the phosphate the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Aerospace
present. Although the C-A-P-H gels formed from Science Directorate.

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994 1295

W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

I5KU 4.96KX 5U 8835 MA181



(a) (b)



i5KU S.83KX 5U 0020 MA2i 612

FIG. 6. Morphologies and the associated EDX spectra for (a) (NaPO3)n-modified HAC, (b) (NaPO 3 ) n • Na2O-modified HAC, and
(c) Na s P 3 Oi 0 -modified HAC.

1296 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1994

W. Ma and P.W. Brown: Hydration of sodium phosphate-modified high alumina cement

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(NaPO 3 ) 3 54 22 24 12. T. Sugama and N.R. Carciello, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 74 (5),
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