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The Project Environment

• Understanding the concept of project

• Relate project outcomes to organizational


• Project Management Body of Knowledge

• Project Life Cycle and Stakeholders

• Project Phases

What is a project?

A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a

unique product, service, or result (Project Management
Institute), 2017)

Project is :
• A complex, nonroutine, one-time effort limited by time,
budget, resources, and performance specifications
designed to meet customer needs
• A specific, finite task to be accomplished
• Can be of a long or short term duration
• Can be large or small task

Projects Vary in Size and Scope

• NASA shuttle launch

• Building a boat

• Building a hospital

• Building renovation and & space modification

• Planning a party or wedding

• Organizing the Olympic games

• Developing a new software program

• Building a new gas pipeline

• Company mergers

How Project Really Work
Major Characteristic of a Project

1. Has an established objective.

2. Has a defined life span with a beginning and an end.

3. Requires across-the-organizational participation.

4. Involves doing something never been done before.

5. Has specific time, cost, and performance requirements

Project Characteristics (Cont’d)

1. Temporary
– Temporary nature : definite
beginning and definite end
– Temporary Market Window
– Temporary project team

2. Unique products, services or results

– A quantifiable end item or
component item
– Different owner, different
design, different location,
different contractors

Project Characteristics (Cont’d)

3. Progressive elaboration : Continuously improving.

4. Multi –Disciplinary: Involvement of different experts from different


5. Dynamic: In a project always unexpected issues are happening.

6. High Risk : High probabilities of over-running cost and time.


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