How To Cut Metal Garden Edging: Tips and Tricks For Perfect Edging

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Anika Tasnim Haque


How to Cut metal garden edging: tips and tricks for

perfect edging
If you wish to decorate your garden beds,walkways and other landscape features,
unwanted invasive plants can be your garden’s ultimate villains. Aggressive plants
creeping into your flower bed can completely ruin your garden’s landscaping. Installing
a metal edging can create a sharp border between the different areas and offer your
garden an elegant, understated and tailored look.

However, cutting a metal garden edging can be tricky. Blunders can wreck your
garden’s appearance. You need to know precisely how much you have to cut, which
tools can help you create a perfect edging. Stick to this article, I will state all the nitty
gritty about how to cut metal garden edging.

How to metal garden edging: things you need to know beforehand

If you are thinking about creating a edging in your garden, metal edging will serve the
purpose pretty well. However, before learning how to cut metal garden edging right
away you should consider why you want to use a metal garden edging. To make your
decision easier here I list below the pros and cons of metal garden edging.

● Metal edging provides a crisp and clear distinction between lawn and garden
● Prevents migration of gravels and mulch.
● Keeps grass away from creeping into adjacent beds and paths.
● Doesn’t rot, crack or chip.
● Cost friendly
● Easy to install
● Weather resistant.
● Sharp metal edging can cause serious wounds to feet.
● Pets can get seriously injured if the edging doesn’t have a roll up.
● The coating of metal edging can deteriorate if exposed to salty condition.
● Treatment is needed to prevent rust.
● Decorative metal edgings can be pricey.
Tools to use

Hack saw: you can use a hacksaw and a file to smooth the might take a lot of
time though.

Bolt cutter: You can cut your metal garden edging using a bolt works fater than
hacksaw and gives a good finishing.

Dewalt reciprocating saw: This tool is easier to use and gives a clean finishing. This
tool rusts out perfectly. It can be a pocket-friendly option as well for you.

Angle grinder: this tool can really helpful tp you. You can cut right through the edge
while clean up at the same time. However, you might get a little rust on the cuts.

Garden spade: This tool might be a great help for you while making a vertical cut in the

Hoe: This tool has a mattock head on one side and a two prong weeder at the other
side. You can use his tool to make an angled cut

These tools are some great options for you that can help you edge your garden. You
can use any of these that serves you the best.

After you own a suitable tool for edging your garden, you can jump right into the
process. Follow these steps to know how to cut metal garden edging.

Steps to follow

Step 1: forming the garden bed

Strong garden form is a must for garden edging. You should make sure your garden
bed is pleasantly shaped. Unless even the most expensive edging materials won’t be
able to make your garden look good. For that, you can make some adjustments in your
garden if needed.

Step 2: checking for utility lines

Before initiating any sort of digging you must identify where the utility lines lie beneath
your property. You won’t want to hit them during the excavation.You can contact the
utility company in this regard. Make sure you know where the power lines, pipes and
cables lie.

Step 3: outlining the edging

You need to plan beforehand where to dig a trench for metal gardening edging. For that
purpose, map out the lines for your trench. You can use a garden hose for doing that.
To outline the board, first mark straight sections and right angles using a wooden board.
After that, with a sharp spade cut a thin trench along the boards and hose.

Step 4: cutting the edge

● Using a cutting tool cut straight down along the edge you mapped out. You will
need to go about four inches and that will keep you below the grassroot line.
● After the vertical cut bring another slightly horizontal cut to bavel back into the
bed after you cut the back bavel. The edging should be set its top edge about ½
inch above soil surface.
● Pull out the pisces of grass root, otherwise it will sneak up into the garden bed.

Step 5: getting the right height

While cutting the edge it’s very important to get the height right for the trench. If the
trench is cut at the right depth then only the height of edging above the soil surface
would be correct. The standard height of the edge should be half inch above the soil
surface. This height of edge does not get visible easily.only the top half or third of the
circle should be visible. It will create a effective separation between a garden and a
lawn. This height will also help preventing roots from growing over the edging’s top.
Cutting grass is easier as well in this height.

Step 6: Cleaning up the surroundings

After cutting the trench there will be plenty of loose dirts making your place messy. You
will have to pull the dirts down with your hands and push it under the bottom v edge of
the edging. Doing so you will have your edging up an inch or so.

These are the basic steps you needed to know about how to cut metal garden
edging. A good garden edging will elevate your garden’s beauty drastically. Follow this
steps and you can surely hope to have your garden look clean, classy and aesthetic.

Meta: learn how to cut metal garden edging. This will make your garden look

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