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Tutorial: GEARS I

• Nomenclature
• Conjuncture Action
• Involute Properties
• Contact Ratio
• Interference

Prof. J. Uziak
A spur gear set of 16-tooth pinion is driving a 40-tooth gear. The module is 12 mm
and the addendum and dedendum are 12 and 15 mm, respectively. The gears are
cut using a pressure angle of 20o.
a) Calculate the circular pitch, the centre distance, and the radii of the base circles.
b) In mounting the gears, the centre distance was incorrectly made 5 mm longer.
Calculate the changed value of the pressure angle and the pitch-circle diameters.

a) To find: circular pitch p, center distance C, and the radii of the base circle rb

i) To calculate the circular pitch → p=?

The circular pitch is calculated from :

p =  m = 12  = 37.7 mm
ii) The centre distance → C=?
To calculate the centre distance of the gears it requires knowing the respective pitch
diameters.The centre distance is specified by the equation

d p  dg
Pitch diameters of the pinion and the gear are calculated from:
Dp = m Np = 12 · 16 = 192 mm

Dg = m Ng = 12 · 40 = 480 mm

Therefore the centre distance is found to be:

d p  dg 192  480
C   336 mm
2 2 3
iii) The radii of the base circles of the gears →rb=?

Base circle radius can be

related to the pressure angle φ
and the pitch circle radius by

rb  r cos 
rbp  rp cos   cos 20 o  90.2 mm
rbg  rg cos   cos 20 o  225.5 mm
b) To calculate: the values of the pressure angle and pitch
diameters, when C is increased by 5 mm

i) To find the new pitch-circle diameters

Let’s designate the increased center

distance as C’ and the corresponding
changed pitch diameters as d’p and d’g
New, increased centre distance:
d ' p d 'g
C'   336  5  341 mm

d ' p  d ' g  2  341  682 mm

However, the velocity ratio is not to change:

 g d ' p N p 16 2
     const
 p d ' g N g 40 5

That gives two linear equations:

d ' p  d ' g  682 mm d ' p  194.9 mm

d 'p  d 'g d ' g  487.1 mm

ii) To calculate the new pressure angle

Using again equation for pressure angle:

rbp  rp cos 

 rbp   rbp 
   cos
1   cos 1    cos 1  90.2   cos 1 (9.9256)  22.24 o
 r'   d' /2  194.9 / 2 
 p  p 

Therefore the changed pressure angle is increased to → 22.2o

A pair of spur gears has a pressure angle 14.5o, full depth system and
module of 10 mm. The pitch diameter of the pinion is 160 mm. If the gear
transmitting ratio is 3 to 2 (reduction), calculate:
a) Number of teeth for each gear
b) Addendum and dedendum
c) The whole depth and the radial clearance
d) The addendum and dedendum diameters
e) The base circle diameters
f) Check for interference

a) To find: number of teeth for each gear
p Ng dg 3
    1 .5
g N p d p 2

Substituting dp = 160 mm:

dg = 1.5 dp = 1.5 · 160 = 240 mm

Np    16 teeth
m 10
d g 240
Ng    24 teeth
m 10
Check for interference:
NP 
1  2m sin 
m  m 2  1  2m sin 2   where, k = 1 for full depth teeth, and
k = 0.8 for stub teeth
Calculating for m = 10 mm,  = 14.5o k = 1: Np = 31
There will be interference! 9
Possible solutions:
Option 1
Use 31 teeth for the pinion
To maintain velocity ration 3:2, rather use NP=32 for pinion and NG=48 for gear
Using m = 10 mm
dp = NP · m = 32 · 10 = 320 mm
dG = NG · m = 48 · 10 = 480 mm
Option 2
Change module to lower number
m = 8, Min number of teeth for pinion = 32
m = 6, Min number of teeth for pinion = 30 – selecting m = 6 mm
NP=30 for pinion and NG=45 for gear
dp = NP · m = 30 · 6 = 180 mm
dG = NG · m = 45 · 6 = 270 mm
Option 3
Change pressure angle to 20o, keep the same module m = 10 mm
Min number of teeth for pinion = 17
To maintain velocity ration 3:2, rather use NP=18 for pinion and NG= 27 for gear
dp = NP · m = 18 · 10 = 180 mm
dG = NG · m = 27 · 10 = 270 mm
Option 2
m = 6, NP=30, NG=45, pressure angle 14.5o,
dp = NP · m = 30 · 6 = 180 mm
dG = NG · m = 45 · 6 = 270 mm

b) To find: addendum & dedendum

From table with gear geometry for full depth tooth system (2.25m):
Addendum a = 1m = 6 mm
Dedendum d = 1.25m = 1.25 · 6 = 7.5 mm

c) To find: The whole depth and the radial clearance

Whole depth ht = 2.25m = 2.25 · 6 = 13.5 mm
Radial clearance c = 0.25m = 0.25 · 6 = 1.5 mm

d) To find: The addendum and dedendum diameters

Equations for diameters (check the geometry!):
dadd = d + (2 · 1 · m)
dded = d - (2 · 1.25 · m)
Equations for diameters:
dadd = d + (2 · 1 · m)
dded = d - (2 · 1.25 · m)

Pinon’s diameters:
dadd, p = dp + 2 · a = 180 + (2 · 6) = 192 mm
dded, p = dp - 2 · d = 180 - (2 · 7.5) = 165 mm

Gear’s diameters:
dadd, g = dg + 2 · a = 270 + (2 · 6) = 282 mm
dded, g = dg - 2 · d = 270 - (2 · 7.5) = 255 mm

e) To find: The base circle diameters

Equation for the base circle radius: rb  r cos 

Therefore, the base circle diameters:

Pinion: d b , p  d p cos   180  cos 14.5o  174.3 mm

Gear: d b , g  d g cos   270  cos 14.5o  261.4 mm

f) To find: Centre Distance

d P  dG 180  270
C    225mm
2 2

f) To check: it is possible to check for the interference using following

Interference is avoided if the addendum radius of the gear satisfies :

Max Addendum Radius  Radius Base Circle 2  C 2 sin 2 
ra, g - addendum radius of the gear,
ra , g  rb2, g  C 2 sin 2  rb, g - radius of base circle of the gear,
C - centre distance,
 - pressure angle.

d add , g 282 db, g 261.4

radd , g    141 mm rb , g    130.7 mm
2 2 2 2

141  ? 130.7 2

 225 sin 14.5 o 2

141  142.3 mm
No interference in the gear set! 14
Option 3
Change pressure angle to 20o, keep the same module m = 10 mm
Min number of teeth for pinion = 17
To maintain velocity ration 3:2, rather use NP=18 for pinion and NG= 27 for gear
dp = NP · m = 18 · 10 = 180 mm
dG = NG · m = 27 · 10 = 270 mm
b) To find: addendum & dedendum
From table with gear geometry for full depth tooth system (2.25m):
Addendum a = 1m = 10 mm
Dedendum d = 1.25m = 1.25 · 10 = 12.5 mm

c) To find: The whole depth and the radial clearance

Whole depth ht = 2.25m = 2.25 · 10 = 22.5 mm
Radial clearance c = 0.25m = 0.25 · 10 = 2.5 mm

d) To find: The addendum and dedendum diameters

Equations for diameters (check the geometry!):
dadd = d + (2 · 1 · m)
dded = d - (2 · 1.25 · m)
Equations for diameters:
dadd = d + (2 · 1 · m)
dded = d - (2 · 1.25 · m)

Pinon’s diameters:
dadd, p = dp + 2 · a = 180 + (2 · 10) = 200 mm
dded, p = dp - 2 · d = 180 - (2 · 12.5) = 155 mm

Gear’s diameters:
dadd, g = dg + 2 · a = 270 + (2 · 10) = 290 mm
dded, g = dg - 2 · d = 270 - (2 · 12.5) = 245 mm

e) To find: The base circle diameters

Equation for the base circle radius: rb  r cos 

Therefore, the base circle diameters:

Pinion: 𝑑𝑏,𝑝 = 𝑑𝑝 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 = 180 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠20𝑜 = 169.1𝑚𝑚

Gear: 𝑑𝑏,𝑔 = 𝑑𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 = 270 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠20𝑜 = 253.7𝑚𝑚

f) To find: Centre Distance

d P  dG 180  270
C    225mm
2 2

f) To check: it is possible to check for the interference using following

Interference is avoided if the addendum radius of the gear satisfies :

Max Addendum Radius  Radius Base Circle 2  C 2 sin 2 
ra, g - addendum radius of the gear,
ra , g  rb2, g  C 2 sin 2  rb, g - radius of base circle of the gear,
C - centre distance,
 - pressure angle.

𝑑𝑎𝑑𝑑,𝑔 290 𝑑𝑏,𝑔 253.7

𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑑,𝑔 = = = 145𝑚𝑚 𝑟𝑏,𝑔 = = = 126.85𝑚𝑚
2 2 2 2

145 ≤ 126.85 2 + 225𝑠𝑖𝑛20𝑜 2

145 ≤ 148.4𝑚𝑚

No interference in the gear set! 18

In a drive, a velocity reduction ratio of 2.5 with a centre distance of 70 mm
is desired.
(a) Determine the pitch diameter of the gears with 20o full depth involute
(b) Is there any interference in the system? If so, how will you avoid it?
(c) Find base circles diameters.
(d) Find the dedendum, addendum, root diameters (dedendum circle) and
the tip clearance,
(e) Determine the contact ratio,
(f) If the centre distance is increased by 1.5%, what will be the new
pressure angle? :

Given Data:
 Reduction = 2.5; C = 70 mm;  = 20o;
 Involute full depth tooth system ;
To be found:
m = ?; Np = ? ; NG = ?; Interference exists or not ?;
dP = ?; dG = ?; CR = ?
Centre Distance C:
d P  dG
C  0.5m N P  N G   70 mm
P nP dG NG
Reduction  2.5      N G  2 .5 N P
G nG dP NP

0.5m N P  2.5 N P   70

mN P  40 20
Assume: module from the preferred set m = 2 mm

a) Pitch diameters

Np = 20 NG = 50
dp = 40 mm dG = 100 mm

NP 
1  2m sin 
m  m 2  1  2m sin 2   where, k = 1 for full depth teeth, and
k = 0.8 for stub teeth

Calculating for m = 2 mm,  = 20o k = 1: Np = 15 There will be no interference!

c) Base Circles: from pressure angle  and the pitch circle radius
rb  r cos 
d b , P  d P cos   40 cos 20  37.588mm
d b ,G  d G cos   100 cos 20  93.969 mm 21
d) Addendum and Dedendum

Addendum: a = m = 2 mm

Dedendum: d = 1.25m = 2.5 mm

Root Circle Diameters (Dedendum Circle Diameters):

Pinion: dd,P = dp – 2d = 40 - 2·2.25 = 35 mm
Gear: dd,G = dG – 2d = 100 - 2·2.25 = 95 mm

Addendum Circle Diameters:

Pinion: da,P = dp + 2a = 40 + 2·2 = 44 mm
Gear: da,G = dG + 2a = 100 + 2·2 = 104 mm

Clearance: c = 0.25m = 0.5 mm

e) Contact Ratio

• Contact ratio - average number of pairs of teeth in contact.

• Using line of action ab = Lab

mc 
p cos 
Contact Ratio mc  
p cos  p cos 

Contact Ratio
mc  
p cos  p cos 

LBC  u a  u r  BP  PC  ( AC  AP )  ( DB  DP )
ua ur
Contact Ratio
mc  
p cos  p cos 

ua =AC-AP AC  rP  a 2  rb2,P AP  rP sin 

ur =BD-DP BD  rG  a 2  rb2,G 𝐷𝑃 = 𝑟𝐺 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙

Contact Ratio
mc  
p cos  p cos 

LBC  u a  u r  BP  PC  ( AC  AP )  ( DB  DP ) 

 rP  a 2  rb2,P  rP sin  
 rG  a   rb2,G  rG sin  

   
 rP  a 2  rb2,P  rG  a   rb2,G  rP  rG  sin  

 20  2 2  18.794 2  50  2 2  46.985 2  20  50  sin 20 

 9.775mm
Contact Ratio

mc  
p cos  p cos 
p – circular pitch p = πm

LBC LBC 9.775

mc     1.656
p cos  m cos    2  cos 20

f) Change in Pressure Angle: Centre Distance Increased by 1.5%
New Centre Distance:
C’ = C · 1.5% = 71.05 mm

dP’ + dG’ = 2 · 71.05 = 142.02 mm

No change in the velocity ratio:

dG’ = 2.5 dP’

dP’ = 40.57 mm dG’ = 101.43 mm
Using again equation for pressure angle: rbp  rp cos 
 rbp   rbp 
   cos 
1   cos 1    cos 1  18.794   22.10 o
 r'   d' /2  40.57 / 2 
 p  p 
Therefore the changed pressure angle is increased to → 22.1o 29

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