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HRM – 360

Human Resource Planning

Sec: 2

Report on

Human Resource Planning of a Garment Manufacturing Plant

Submitted To:

Shafquat Rafiul Alam (Sqt)

Submitted By:

Group: Synergy

1. MD. Tausif Rashid ID: 1310254630

2. Alvee Musharrat Hridita ID: 1310146030

3. A. K. M. Mahmudur Rahman ID: 1310135630

4. Md. Moshiur Rahman ID: 1311003630

5. Protik Deb Amit ID: 1310656630

6. Mahmudur Rahman Ivan ID: 1110052030

---------- Submission Date: Sunday, August 9, 2015


At first, we disclose our profound gratefulness to the divine, Almighty Allah on whose
willingness we could complete the report successfully.

We also express our deepest gratitude to our honorable course instructor, Shafquat Rafiul Alam
(Sqt), School of Business, North South University, for his wholehearted and expert guidance
throughout the report writing. Without his motivation and constant supervision it would have
been impossible for us to successfully complete the report.

We would like to thank Mr. K.M Mahtab Uddin – Director-Admin & HR of Palmal Group, for
meeting with us and giving us the necessary details and information needed to complete this
Table of Contents
Entrepreneur’s Background:..................................................................................1
Industry Background:................................................................................................2
PESTLE Analysis:.........................................................................................................4
HR Policy:...................................................................................................................7
1. Recruitment Policy:............................................................................................7
2. Promotion Policy:...............................................................................................9
3. Attendance Policy:............................................................................................11
4. Leave policy:.....................................................................................................11
5. Incentives and Special Compensations:...........................................................12
5. Grievance Policy:..............................................................................................12
Code of Conduct:.....................................................................................................13
Job Details:..............................................................................................................17
Reference List:.........................................................................................................25

Readymade garments sector of Bangladesh is now becoming the biggest contributor to GDP
growth of Bangladesh. Over the past years this sector has gone through a wave of changes and
the sector is now much developed. The total demand of apparel can be fulfilled by the home
garments. After the demand being satisfied, products are also being exported in many foreign
countries and gaining fame for premium quality clothing. Foreign countries are interested to buy
readymade garments products from Bangladesh because of low labor cost which acts as a
competitive advantage for us.

This is why we chose to write our report on a Garment Manufacturing Plant. We took “Palmal
Group” as an example to base our company on. All the necessary HR policies, code of conduct,
organogram and job details for our company will be available in the report.

Entrepreneur’s Background:
“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” – This was the motivational quote kept
in the mind of six young entrepreneurs who had the plan to start their own garments factory.
They are Md. Tausif Rashid, Alvee Musharrat Hridita, A. K. M. Mahmudur Rahman, Md.
Moshiur Rahman, Protik Deb Amit and Mahmudur Rahman Ivan. Everybody completed their
BBA from North South University. From their university life they wanted to create something
big. As business administration students they had the idea to build their own garments and export
high quality products. With a vision of becoming one of the biggest garments factories in
Bangladesh they started the journey. Before establishing their own factory they had run an online
t-shirt business for more than 5 years successfully. After the initial success they had their very
first showroom. Then they gradually started planning to start their garments, which is a great
way to serve the country as contribution to GDP is increasing dramatically from readymade
garments sector of this country. Their garments factory is located in Bagherbazar, Sreepur at
Gazipur which became operational for almost 3 years and they expect to achieve more success.

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Industry Background:

Bangladesh is a developing country where its economic growth heavily depends on ready made
garments (RMG) industry. For the last 25 years it has seen a phenomenon growth and it is having
a steady progress. The RMG sector contributes a lot in the country’s GDP. It contributes around
10 percent to the total GDP of Bangladesh. This sector plays a vital role to employment
generation and income source for poor people. Over the last two decades there was a huge
increase in the number of garments and it also helped in the socio-economic development of the

The RMG sector of Bangladesh is the only industry here which is a multi-billion-dollar
manufacturing and export industry. In 1976, it only contributed 0.001 percent to the country’s
total export earnings. But it increased to almost 75 percent by 2005. The sector exported $6.9
billion dollars in 2005 which was equivalent to 2.5 percent to the world’s accumulated value of
garment exports. RMG sector also had a stable development for the last 15 years which was
almost 15 percent per annum. About 77.1 percent of the export products in 2009-10 of
Bangladesh were ready made garments (RMG) product which boosted the economic growth of
the country.

There are more than 4,000 garments in Bangladesh where most of the owner’s are from the
country. A small amount of garments are owned by the foreign firms. These are the state of the
art factories along with safety and security measures necessary. The RMG industry of
Bangladesh employs 3.6 million people, 80 percent of them are women. The industry helped
almost 2.8 million women to be self-dependent and empower them to do good things for the
country. It is also helping the low class people to earn their livelihood with a minimum amount
of salary and ensuring them a better future and also betterment for the country. Most of the
garments are established in the capital city of Dhaka, port city of Chittagong and the industrial
city of Narayangonj. Ready made products are mainly divided in two segments: woven and knit.
A large portion of the export products are woven, though knit products are gaining a great
market share and it is also in the rise.

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Source: BGMEA website

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PESTLE Analysis:
PESTLE analysis is a macro environmental framework to understand the political, economic,
social and technological factors that can affect a business. It is also a strategic tool used for
analyzing the business environment.

Political Analysis:

Political factors are related to rules and regulations and the government policies to influence a
business positively and negatively.

The government policy of Bangladesh can be characterized as a representative democracy.

Despite being a democratic country, the safeguards and ideologies of democracy are not being
followed properly. Political events like Hartal hampers the steady flow of national and
international trading. As RMG in Bangladesh is an export oriented industry, it requires free and
unhindered transportation.

Moreover, incidents like the Rana Plaza building collapse, which housed five garments factories
collapsed and thousands of workers were killed and injured permanently. This gives a negative
impression to the foreign buyers especially in the U.S. and European markets who are the biggest
buyers of our RMG products.

Economic Analysis:

The RMG sector has a great impact in the rapid growth of economy in Bangladesh.

The RMG industry is now a $19 billion-a year industry. By 2002, this sector accounted for 77%
of the total merchandise exports. It is also only the second export apparels of western brands,
only after China being the first. 60% of the export contracts are with the European buyers and
about 40% are with US buyers.

Unlike the US and European countries, Bangladesh always had a steady economic growth, 6.03
as of 2012-2013.

This industry contributes 12% of the total GDP of Bangladesh.

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One big issue that helped Bangladesh to boost in the RMG industry is that the employment in
this sector went up day by day, in 2012 it accounted for 45% of the total industrial employment.
Another reason is the low labor cost in this industry. Most of the garments pay about $38 per
month to the workers.

Social Analysis:

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries with a population of about
146 million people. The RMG industry is fueled by young, urbanizing workers. The garments
industry in Bangladesh employs over 4 million annually, most of whom are women. The
garments industry is the largest employer of women in Bangladesh, especially from the rural
areas. Though, previously, due to the social values and norms women were reluctant to work
alongside men, now the situation has changed drastically though there are still discriminations in
the pay scale of men and women.

Technological Analysis:

In the modern and competitive world, technology is a key determinant of progressing in a

business. It is not sufficient only if the product is of high quality, but high quality packaging,
transportation is also needed for product longevity, especially for foreign trading.

In Bangladesh, the energy usage is of lower cost. As RMG sector may require working
overnight, it is good news for the industry. There are easily accessible transportations in sea
roads, railroads, rivers and airline communications. As there is a wide range of port facilities, it
is an advantage for the garments products to be exported.

But the machineries used for production are old now and there are lacks of training institutions,
which may hinder the growth in near future.

Legal Analysis:

The RMG sector in Bangladesh is export oriented. FDI is also legally permitted.

But there is other news as well. Following the collapse of Rana Plaza, US suspended the duty-
free trade privileges under the rules of a program called Generalized System of Preferences
(GSP), a trade program to promote economic growth in developing countries. The government

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also had to ease the trade union laws under which the garments workers can form trade unions
without prior permission from the owners. The BGMEA expressed that they have plans to expel
850 from its membership due to unsatisfactory safety standard.

The government of Bangladesh and International Labor Organization launched the "Improving
Working Conditions in the Ready-Made Garment Sector" program, a $24.21 million three-and-a-
half year project.

Environmental Analysis:

Bangladesh is a country of natural disasters. Every year it is hit by different calamities.

Especially the port areas get affected mostly which is not good news for the RMG sector.

Other than that, Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So even if the other transportations fail, the wide
range of natural rivers can be used to trade. The Bay of Bengal at the bottom of the country
offers a wide number of sea and river ports. Because of the geographical location, the country
often experiences heavy monsoon rains resulting in clogging the roads which may hinder the
product transportation.

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HR Policy:

1. Recruitment Policy:
The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as the vehicle for obtaining the
best possible person-to-job fit which will, when aggregated, contribute significantly towards the
company’s effectiveness. The recruitment process of our company has a lot of steps. We are
listing the steps/policies in our recruitment bellow:


For external recruitment all posts are publicly advertised in local newspaper, job markets and
websites such as, etc. It is clearly stated in the advertisement
that the company is an equal opportunities employer. All advertisements will include the

 Name and role of the organization

 Job title
 Brief description of the job
 Location of the job position
 Qualification and experience which are essential and which are desirable
 Whether the position is full time or part time, temporary or permanent
 How to apply
 How to get further information
 Closing date and time for application

CV Collection:

The applicants send their CVs to the company. They can send their CVs online by email, through
paper mail or drop it off personally.

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Short listing:

A short listing panel with a minimum of three people is set up to review all applications. The
short listing panel and interview panel will consist of the same people as far as possible and have
gender balance.

 The selection panel agrees the selection criteria from the information supplied in the
advertisement and the job description and before any applications are examined
 Assessment of application is based only on information provided by the applicant
 All applicants who meet the selection criteria are invited to attend for interview
 A letter of regret is sent to all applicants who do not meet the selection criteria
 A complete report of the short listing process is prepared by the selection panel

Interview Stage:

 Interviews will always be face to face.

 At the interview, each candidate will be required to prove their identity against photo ID
(for example a passport, birth certificate or driving license) and also produce documents
to prove they are eligible.
 At the interview, candidates will be questioned using the same set criteria and same
 Candidates will be given a score for their answers.

Selection Process:

 The position is offered to the candidate with the highest mark on the score sheet, after
references have been checked
 A reference is always sought from the current or most recent employer. Both references
are contacted verbally by telephone and this is followed up with a written reference.
 The person who comes second in the score sheet is held in reserve provided he/she meets
the criteria.

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 The successful candidate is officially notified in writing having first being contacted by
 Letters of regret are sent to all unsuccessful candidates once the post has been accepted
and within one week of the interviews being held.


An induction period will be provided for all new employees. Employees will be provided with:

 Information on the role of the service/facility

 Information on the roles of other employees
 Terms and conditions of employment
 Details of salary scales
 Staff handbook
 Employees are obliged to familiarize themselves with the policies and procedures of the
company and to sign up to codes of conduct as set out by the company.

2. Promotion Policy:
Promotion means moving an existing employee to a new position, department, or location at a
higher level within the Organization. Below is the company’s internal promotion policy.

 When a position becomes available, the supervisor to whom that position reports will first
decide whether to fill the position from within or from outside the Organization, based on
the position’s requirements. This decision is to be reviewed with and approved by the
person to whom the manager reports.
 If the position is to be filled from within the Organization, the supervisor of the open
position first considers employees within the department.

Job Posting:

Job posting is used to notify existing employees of a position’s availability and obtain qualified
internal candidates for it.

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 Human Resources posts the Job Available Notice at all job posting locations, stating a
description of the position with salary grade, required qualifications, and the date by
which applications must be received.
 Any eligible and qualified employee may apply for a posted position by completing an
application supplied by Human Resources. However, applications will only be considered
for the position if the employees:
o Provide evidence that they possess the required qualifications.
o Have been in their current position at least six months.
o Have no current Performance Improvement notifications.
o Have not applied for more than three posted positions within the last 12 months.
o Have received at least a Good rating on their last performance appraisal.
 Human Resources will notify an employee within one week of receiving an application if
the employee does not meet the above requirements. Such notice will state which
requirement(s) was not met, and that the employee will not be considered for the position
unless the employee can provide information to support her/his qualifications within one
 Applications from employees who apply for the position and possess the required
qualifications are forwarded, after the closing date for applying, to the supervisor of the
 The supervisor of the position interviews all qualified applying employees and makes a
decision regarding each one.
 In the event there are two or more employees with identical qualifications, the supervisor
is encouraged to use length of service with the Organization as a tie-breaker.
 When the selection has been made, Human Resources notify the selected candidate and
any non-selected but considered candidates.
 Human Resources coordinate the date of the employee transfer/promotion.
 The supervisor initiates the Employee Status Change form and submits the form to the
employee’s current supervisor.
 The employee’s current supervisor approves the Employee Status Change form and
returns it to the new position’s supervisor, who then submits it to her/his manager.

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 The manager ensures it is within budget, approves it, and submits it to Human Resources.
 Human Resources approve the Employee Status Change form if it is within guidelines
and submits it to Payroll.
 Payroll notifies the supervisor of the effective date.

3. Attendance Policy:
 Employees are required to work for a minimum of 40 hours per week; that is 8 hours per
 Normal working hours are from Sunday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a one
hour lunch break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. This will vary depending on the nature of

4. Leave policy:
Leave may be allowed in the following categories:

Earned Leave: Persons employed on regular basis shall be entitled to earned leave while in full
pay status at a rate of 1.5 days per month; equivalent to 18 days per year of service.

Casual Leave: Mainstream employees shall be entitled to casual leave at a rate of 1 day per
month; equivalent to 12 days per year of service. Casual leave may be taken in the units of half
and full days. Leave may be taken when it is authorized by the competent authority.

Medical Leave: All medical leaves must be approved by the competent authority.

Maternity Leave: Female employees on regular basis on confirmation shall be entitled to

maternity leave up to two surviving children during her entire service. All maternity may be
approved by the competent authority.

To enjoy a leave an employee must apply for the leave on leave form where recommendation
signature is given by concerned departmental head and acceptance signature from HRM

Sanctioning Authority:

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Departmental Head is the sanctioning authority for approving the leave. If any employee needs
to have leave, then he/she must inform his reporting boss and request verbally and in written
leave form.

5. Incentives and Special Compensations:

Annual Increment: Annual increment will be effective after one year from the date of joining of
an employee according to management decision. There is no annual increment for unsatisfactory
performance of an employee. Performance assessment of each individual employee shall take
place yearly. There is also a provision of special increment in which an employee can be
promoted to a higher position and with usual increment after successfully completing his/her
probation period.

Festival Allowances: In Company shall pay festival allowance equivalent to two month basic
salary- one to be paid before Eid-ul-Fitre and the other before Eid-ul-Azha for Muslim and
others religions. The festival allowance is not applicable for staff employed on daily and part
time basis.

Production Incentive/Bonus: Company introduced Production Incentive/ Bonus mainly for the
staff related to production.

 This amount is variable but not exceeding 40% of Gross Pay

 This payment is admissible in each month

This incentive bonus is determined based on specific criteria concerning to Production & Factory
management such as Quality, Shipment, HR, Compliance and Administration.

5. Grievance Policy:
This is the step by step process an employee must follow to get his or her complaint addressed
satisfactorily. In this process, the formal (written) complaint moves from one level of authority to
the next higher level.

This is a four level procedure:

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Level 1: The employee attempts to resolve the complaint as close to the source as possible,
generally by discussing the issue with the person involved. This level is quite informal and verbal.
Should the employee not feel confident in discussing the matter, they should proceed immediately to
Level 2.

If the matter is not resolved, proceed to Level 2.

Level 2: The employee notifies their manager (in writing or otherwise) as to the substance of the
grievance and states the outcome sought. Discussion should be held between the employee and any
other relevant party. This level will usually be informal but either party may request written
statements and agreements.

Should the person who is the subject of the complaint be the employee’s manager, the employee
should notify another manager, or another member of the company at an appropriate level. This
level should not exceed one week.

If the matter is not resolved, proceed to Level 3.

Level 3: The manager must refer the matter to the business manager or owner. A grievance taken to
this level must be in writing from the employee. The manager will forward any additional
information thought relevant. The business manager or owner will provide a written response to the
employee. The business manager or owner also communicates with any other parties involved or
deemed relevant. This level should not exceed one week.

If the matter is not resolved, proceed to Level 4.

Level 4: The employee will be advised of his/her rights to pursue the matter with external
authorities if they so wish.

Code of Conduct:
Below are the ethical standards or code of conducts of our company. Each and every senior to
junior level employee must abide by these codes of conducts.

Compliance with all laws and regulations:

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The company shall comply with all laws and regulations of the country and any other country
wherever it operates.

Prohibition of child labor:

The company shall not recruit any employee below the mentioned age restriction by the local

Prohibition of forced labor:

The company shall not force any employees for work rather they should be given the opportunity
for voluntary work accomplishment.

Prohibition of sexual harassment or abuse:

The company shall provide a workplace environment which is free of any sexual and/or any
other form of harassment, abuse and any corporal punishment.

Equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination:

The company shall reward employees according to their individual performance. We will
maintain the equal opportunity policy in recruitment, training and development, promotion,
transfer, compensation and benefits etc. without any form of discrimination such as race, caste,
color, religion, sex, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, regional origin, age,
disability and veteran status.

Health and work place safety:

The company shall ensure healthy work environment for all. The company shall provide a safe
and healthy work place setting to prevent accidents and injury to health occurring in the course
of work or as a result of the operation of the employer’s facilities. Company shall adopt
responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.


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The company shall ensure the security of employees in workplace in terms of any unexpected

Respect towards employees rights and fairness’:

The company shall adhere to all rules and conditions of employment that respects employees and
maintain rights under national and international labor laws. All employees shall also respect one
another and be fair to one another.

Women’s rights:

 Women workers will receive equal remuneration, benefits, equal evaluation of the quality
of their work and equal opportunity to fill all positions as male workers.
 Pregnancy test will not be a condition of employment.
 Workers who take maternity leave will not face dismissal or threat of dismissal or
deduction of wages, and will be able to return to their former employment at the same
rate of pay and benefits.
 Workers will not be forced or pressured to use contraception.
 Workers will not be exposed to hazards that might endanger their safety including their
reproductive health.

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Managing Director


Admin Factory HR Commercial

Manager Compliance

Admin Manager

Merchandiser Production
Assistant Manager

Officer / Sample

Finishing Quality Sewing Cutting

Sweeper Security
Driver Peon
Cleaner Guard

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Job Details:
Quality Manager:

Job description/ Responsibility:

 Develop the quality standard and rules and regulations for achieving the quality of the
 Make Quality Assessment (Q.A) inspection plan with production and material
 Responsible for overall quality assurance/Quality Control in the factory.
 Setting Q.A team and ensuring that targets are achieved.
 Any other task assigned by the higher authority.

Job Requirements:

 Masters/ Graduate in any discipline

 6 to 7 year(s) Experience in related field.
 Inspection, Quality Control/Audit
 Having 6-7 years and above experience in a large Knit based garments factory and
dealing with Planning, checking, follow-up, monitoring and reporting activities of
Quality Assurance including buyers handling in a reputed group of garments industries
and be capable to work independently, leading a large team of Quality Assurance
 Able to work independently and proactively.
 Strong leadership and team management skill.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 35,000 - 37,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

Reporting: Will report to Production Manager.

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Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Compliance Officer:

Job description/ Responsibility:

 Should have sound knowledge on labor law, & various compliance related issues, COC
of different reputed buyers and implementation of those in the factory.
 Should have adequate knowledge on Accord & Alliance.
 The incumbent should be dynamic and have good personality.
 Possess high degree of correspondence & analytical ability

Job Requirements:

 Masters/ Graduate in any discipline

 7 to 8 year(s) Experience in related field.
 Factory HR Administration, Legal Compliance/Code of Conduct
 The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s): Garments
 The candidate must have minimum 3-5 years experience in Printing & Garments factory.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 35,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus, Recognition


Reporting: Will report to the Director.

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Manager – Admin & HR:

Job Description/ Responsibility:

 Assist to review, support and implement HR strategy with organizational structure and
cross department realignment.
 Assist to formulate manpower planning.
 Assist to conduct the recruitment and selection process.
 Assist in the development and Implementation of programs that will drive increased
employee satisfaction and commitment levels.
 Assist & coordinate performance appraisal process & ensure appropriate and effective
 Derive HR Administration for compensation/ benefits, attendance, leave management,
training & development.
 Motivate, Counsel the staffs to ensure maximum productivity and profitability.
 Any other responsibilities as and when assigned by the management.

Job Requirements:

 MBA in HRM/ Master Degree with PGDPM/ PGDHRM.

 The applicants should have experience in the following area(s): Administration,
Compliance, Legal, Production/Operation Management
 Having 8 -10 years working experience in any reputed Garments/ Textile Group.
 Willingness to visit factories frequently as and when required.
 Strong oral and written communication skills, action oriented approach to work and
decision making ability.
 The incumbent should be dynamic, well organized, self driven & have good personality
with leadership skill.

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 Should have minimum 3 years experiences in managerial position in any reputed
garments or textile group.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 60,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus, Recognition


Reporting: Will report to the Director.

Officer Accounts:

Job Description/ Responsibility:

 Check and verify all kinds of bill, voucher for ensuring the accurate accounting
 To prepare daily production cost.
 Monitoring, Controlling & Auditing all kinds of bill, voucher
 Preparing report and submitting it to the management time to time.

Job Requirements:

 M com/ B com in any discipline with ICMA

 Having 8 -10 years working experience in any reputed Garments/ Textile Group
 Having 3-5 years experience in the relevant field in any garments printing factory.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 55,000/- BDT

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Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Reporting: Will report to the Admin Manager.

Production Manager:

Job Description / Responsibility:

 Shall be able to handle a factory of 300 machine individually

 Knowledgeable in aspect of production, quality, cutting, finishing, store & compliance
 Have the leadership to handle a large number of manpower peacefully.

Job Requirements:

 HSC/ Bachelor in any Discipline

 Having 8 -10 years working experience in any reputed Garments/ Textile Group
 The applicants should have experience in the following area(s): Production, Floor/Line
Management, Quality Control/Audit, Planning
 The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s): Garments
 Leadership ability
 Good speaking & communication ability.
 A good organizer

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 60,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

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Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Reporting: Will report to the Factory Manager.


Job Description / Responsibility:

 Capable of dealing Production Planning, Order follow-up & Coordination activities with
large set-ups.
 E-mail corresponding, follow-up orders with Head Office concern Merchandisers.
 Follow-up production plan as given by Head Office & ensure on time shipment
 The incumbent should be dynamic and have good personality.
 Possess high degree of correspondence & analytical abilities.
 Should be skilled & technically sound in knit garments field.

Job Requirements:

 Masters/ Graduate in any discipline.

 Having 2-3 years experience in any large knit based garments industries.
 Computer skill is a must.
 Candidate with buying house experience are also encouraged to apply.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 30,000 TK (Negotiable)

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Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Reporting: Will report to the Factory Manager.

Officer HR:

Job Description / Responsibility:

 The candidate must have sound knowledge on HR, especially in recruitment, selection,
appraisal, workers’ wages and other HR functions.
 Ensure daily functional activities of the department by giving proper support and any
other tasks as assigned by superior.
 The incumbent should be dynamic and have good personality.
 Possess high degree of correspondence & analytical ability.
 Good intellectual and analytical skills.
 Must have good presence and leadership ability.

Job Requirements:

 MBA (HRM)/ Masters/ Graduate in any discipline or with Post Graduate Diploma in
Personnel Management/ Human Resources Management.
 Having 2-3 years experience in any large knit based garments industries.
 The applicants should have experience in the following area(s): Administration
 The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s): Garments,
Group of Companies, Textile

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 Minimum 3-4 years working experience in a Garments factory.

Job Location: Gazipur

Salary: 60,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Reporting: Will report to the Manager- Admin & HR.

Manager – Cutting (Knit):

Job Description / Responsibility:

 Must be able to handle a cutting section of minimum 40000 pcs per day cutting
 Good knowledge of cutting quality system
 Able to work efficiently with lowest number of helpers/workers
 Sound knowledge of pattern, marker and consumption

Job Requirements:

 Masters/ Graduate in any discipline

 10 to 12 year(s) Experience in related field.
 The applicants should have experience in the following area(s): CAD, Floor/Line
Management, Production Management (Cutting)
 Good knowledge of Fabric Quality Checking System i.e. 4 point system
 Good knowledge of cutting section PPE & Compliance House Keeping System

Job Location: Gazipur

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Salary: 50,000/- BDT (Negotiable)

Benefits: Yearly increments, Festival bonus, Gratuity, Provident fund and other benefits as per
company policy.

Incentives: Training programs, Group / Individual Travels, Annual Bonus.

Reporting: Will report to the Production Manager.

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Reference List:

1. Absolute HR Solutions [ONLINE]

Available at: [Accessed August 5,


2. Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), Factory Growth in


Available at: [Accessed

August 5, 2015]

3. BGMEA, Industry Strengths [ONLINE]

Available at: [Accessed August 5, 2015]

4. Workforce, Sample Policy for Internal Selection [ONLINE]

Available at: [Accessed

August 6, 2015]

5. Occidental College, Garment Manufacturers Code of Conduct [ONLINE]

Available at:

[Accessed August 6, 2015]

6. Ethical Garments Limited, Organogram [ONLINE]

Available at: [Accessed August 7, 2015]

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