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Monday, September 19, 2016
5:56 PM
Learning: The acquisition of knowledge, preferences, habits that are acquired through
Experiential learning
Classical learning/conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
Memory(verbal, how to come up with memorable brand name/slogans)
Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning (Bell-Meat-Dog Salivation-> would simplify to Bell-Dog
The Meat-Dog Salivation portion is originally part of the automatic system and didn't need to be
Bell, the condition stimulus and Salivating being the unconditioned response(meat being the
unconditioned stimulus)
Bell-Dog Salivation is the conditioned response
People don't tend of episodic memory on why they like or dislike , but just a simplified
remembrance/reflex to the condition stimulus.
2 out of 5 senses are particularly vulnerable to classical conditioning: smell and taste
Emotion, memory(associational memory) and smell are very deeply bonded to the automatic
system and is shared between human and some primitive mammals
Part of the evolutional inheritance, originally used to avoid toxic food.
Ad can try to establish such irrational association, use of background imagery or scenario shown in
ads to create association. Music usage
Instrumental conditioning(Skinnerian conditioning)
Skinner's experiments with pigeons
Discriminative Stimulus( A: Antecedent: signal that rewards could be incoming)
Response(B: Behavior: Whining-Temper tantrum )
Reinforce Stimulus(C: Consequence: Reward)
  Classical Instrumental

Reponses Involuntary(dog salivating meat) Voluntary(Pigeon pacing item)

Stimulus Before Response Before & After Response

1. Stimulus discrimination: if the stimulus is more easily distinguishable especially by shape
you will have a faster learning cycle and quicker response(Trademark infringement, argued
on the basis consumer could mistakenly mix up different brands)
Pigeon watch Pigeon
The Audience Pigeon would learn faster than the Instructor Pigeon
2.Vicarious learning: you learn behavior-reward cycle faster by observing someone else's
learning cycle(brothers/sisters).
"Slice of Life" Ads, Guys with problem->Insurance company comes to the rescue->Audience learns
Stealth Marketing(Doesn’t appear to be marketing, marketing/sales effort that)
Paid Product placement comes under this.
Word of Mouth/Observing other people with the product.
3. Salience of feedback
The more noticeable the response, the faster the instrumental learning process
4. Shaping(Rewarding successful approximation)
The behavior if not originally in the repertoire of behaviors, will need additional training(shaping)
Start from something that is in their natural behavior( Hoop Jumping Dolphins are originally
rewarded for swimming through the hoop, then asked to jump the hoop later).
Reward a behavior that is within their reach to begin with, then reward them for making progress.
5.Immediacy of reinforcement
The faster the response, the more obvious the cause-effect learning.(Immediate gratification really
affect people's response without even considering time-value of money)
Delayed Marshmallow game
Kids can eat a marshmallow, but instructed that if they waited 5 minute can get 2 marshmallow
Wait time for 2nd marshmallow tracks Kid's high school GPA
Smoking Addiction:
Smoking benefit is immediate, the drawbacks are delayed
Odds are against you if you are trying to prevent immediate reward behaviors, you need to offer
immediate reward to counteract that.
6. Reinforcement schedule
Continuous reinforcement verses Intermittent Reinforcement versus Fixed/Variable Ratio
Continuous reinforcement gets learned first, Variable Ratio Reinforcement gets learned last
Extinction of rewards: how long does behavior last if not rewarded
Continuous reinforced behavior extinct first, Variable Ratio reinforced behavior extinct last

Casinos: Bells as classical conditioning, Variable Ratio Reinforcement, and Vicarious Ratio
Reinforcement, Tokens that looks like money for immediate conditioning.
Memory/"Verbal Learning"( Remembering a brand name etc)
Layers of Memory
Sensory Storage(Cache): Instant response to ques
Short term Memory(RAM): Limited capacity. Erased over time, Party Phone Number, People
rehearse a number they want to write down before they get to the pen/pad. The size of this
various from person to person: 7 chucks +/- 2
Long Term Memory(Hard Drive): Huge capacity, slow access/retrivel, need indexing
People reconstruct the episodes when they extract a long term memory from a singular que,etc

1492(Columbus)-1776(Impendence)-1984(Orwell/LA Olympics,etc)
Chunking, associate number with individual word/phrases
Primacy effect & recency Effect
In a sequence, people recall the first(Primacy) and last(Recency) item best.
Drug ads don't end with the side effect(late middle), end with primary slogan etc, and side effect
are coupled with unrelated the events.
Exam taken at original classroom allow student to remember better than if taken off-site.
Context-specific Memory/Mood-specific Memory
If you are in the context/Mood that you were in when you learned/experienced something first, it
is much easier to recall.
Ads showing supermarket shelfs, would allow customer to recall the ad when in the supermarket.
Rhyming/alliteration based slogan have stronger appeals
How to have a memorable brand name
1. Short(1-2 syllables, company/people would come up with a short version, Acronyms )
2. Distinctiveness/novelty (Office Max and Office Depot blend together in person memory),
No descriptive to avoid confusion with competitor(Kodak/Exxon/Starbucks , etc) Have a
memorable blank and sticky name allow people to acquire the meaning
3. Visual Mnemonic device (If your name evokes a visual image, show it, even if it is a little of
a stretch).

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