3.2 Relevant Theories

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2 Relevant Theories

There are “Conflict” in every step, every aspects of our life. In our society it’s a very
common element. It can be occurred between persons, group, organizations and nations
etc. There are many different approaches to understand conflict. Interpersonal conflicts
have been focused by the psychologists. Economic competitions, labor negotiations and
trade disputes have been focused by the Economists. We can see that it has many
meanings in everyday life. In broad way we can say that “conflict” includes
disagreements, debates, disputes and active efforts to prevent someone from obtaining
what he wants to secure.

There are many types of conflicts. They are:

Individual Conflict: There are two ways. One is within oneself or individual, another is
between two or more individuals. Individual conflict arises from drives, instincts and
values pulling against one another. And between two persons there can be
misunderstanding. Because of that conflict arises.

Class Conflict: The most common conflict is the conflict between poor and rich. The rich
want to dominate the poor class. Besides there is big communication gap between them.
So there is conflict.

International Conflict: “Trade War” between U.S.A and China is now the biggest
international conflict. Both of the countries want to dominate the world’s business. That’s
why there is trade war between these two countries. There is also conflict between
Bangladesh and Myanmar on Rohingya crisis. India and Pakistan has conflict with
Kashmir issues. So these are also conflict.

“Stress” can be defined as pressure, worry, anxiety, strain etc. It’s a state of emotional
strain resulting from adverse circumstances. There are stress in everywhere like personal
life, family life, job life, social life etc. Because of that people face many difficulties.
People with much stress can’t lead a well-being life. In a simple way, well-being means
“Absence of Illness”. Prevention means stopping something from happening. These are
related at work. Because of work there are many people who feel stress. So we have to
prevent stress at work. So prevent what. Prevention of illnesses, of accidents, also the
prevention of discomfort which includes physical, psychic and social. Recognizing work
as a process of decisions and actions rationally which is directed toward objectives
(Maggi, 1984/1990) allows to grasp its complexity, and also to pursue the concrete
possibility, an interdisciplinary one, without aprioristic ties, to hypothesize and to make
alternative choices that are more congruent with the objectives of the work process,
including the workers’ well-being.

Now we want to talk about stress in the workplace. European Framework Agreement
which is on work-related stress, signed October the 8th 2004 between the employers’ and
the workers’ organizations, the definition of stress adopted is the following: “state, which
is accompanied by physical, psychological or social complaints or dysfunctions and
which results from individuals feeling unable to bridge a gap with the requirements or
expectations placed on them.” Also the elements of perception, such as aspects of
personal “control”, as “personal ability” to reduce the possibility of onset of stress also
appear relevant.

Politics is described as the art or science concerned with winning and holding control
over a government. Person to person, group to group, teams to teams there is politics.
Political theory is the study of the concepts and principles that people use to describe,
explain, and evaluate political events and institutions. There are many political theory.

There are politics between rich and poor. The poor people suffer because of that. There
are many reasons that is the cause of poverty existed. The rich people get benefit from
that. They treat poor people that they are nothing or they don’t have any existence. For
example, govt. has taken a decision about tax system where the rich people get benefit
and poor people get less benefit. Because of that poor people get poorer and rich people
get richer. Also the political parties use poverty as their weapon of political advantage.
But the poor people suffers because of it.

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