Welding and Cutting Issue 3 2014 Lowres

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www.welding-and-cutting.info Technical journal for welding and allied processes

Best European Welding The flame-brazing of aluminium Grain structure in aluminium

Coordinator Award aims to is not difficult, but it is different to TIG welds
recognise the best professionals the brazing of other metals!
in the field
Bundled DVS Technical Codes in the area of
Electron Beam Welding | Adhesive Bonding Technology | Rail Vehicle Construction

English Edition Volume 8 English Edition Volume 5 English Edition Volume 6

DVS Technical Codes DVS Technical Codes DVS Technical Codes
on Electron Beam Welding on Adhesive Bonding Technology on Rail Vehicle Construction

1st Edition, September 2013 1st Edition, September 2013 1st Edition, September 2013
52 Pages 32 Pages 80 Pages
Order No.: 180009 Order No.: 180006 Order No.: 180007

Price: 18.90 EUR Price: 12.90 EUR Price: 25.90 EUR

Selected Translations Elaborated by Working Selected Translations Elaborated by Working Selected Translations Elaborated by Working
Group V 9.1 “Electron Beam Welding” of the Group V 8 “Adhesive Bonding Technology” Group A 7 “Welding in Rail Vehicle Construc-
Technical Committee of the German Welding of the Technical Committee of the German tion” of the Technical Committee of the German
Society – DVS Welding Society – DVS Welding Society – DVS

The documents cover the topics of “welda- Three of the most important sets of rules relating The technical codes included in this publication
bility of metallic materials”, “case hardening”, to adhesive bonding technology are presented were elaborated with the objectives of contri-
“x-ray protection”, “recommendations for the in this brochure and, for the urgent needs of in- buting to harmonization in relation to the dimen-
cleaning of the joining zone”, “test procedures dustry, have been created in the working bodies sioning of rail vehicles and of proposing a rele-
for the quality assurance” and “wedge speci- dealing with adhesive bonding technology on vant, integrated set of rules.
men for the joining zone”, “test procedures for the Technical Committee of DVS.
the quality assurance” and “”wedge specimen DVS 1608 “Design and strength assessment
for the verification of electron beam welds” as Including DVS 3310, DVS 3311, DVS 3320-1 of welded structures from aluminium alloys in
well as fundamental principle for the “designing railway applications” and DVS 1612 “Design
of components” and “utilization of non-vacuum and endurance strength assessment of weld-
electron beam welding”. ed joints with steels in rail vehicle construction”
include notes for the configuration and stipula-
The publication should help to work more effec- tions for the designing of welded structures as
tively by using EB technology and improving the well as a compilation of welded structure details
quality of your products and to strengthen the which are essential for rail vehicle construction.
competitiveness of your company. The technical codes specify in more concrete
terms the requirements included in the DIN EN
Including DVS 3201, DVS 3204, DVS 3205, 15085 series of European standards “Railway
DVS 3210, DVS 3212, DVS 3213, DVS 3220, applications – Welding of railway vehicles and
DVS 3221 components” in order to define weld perfor-
mance classes taking account of strength and
safety requirements.

Including DVS 1608, DVS 1612

DVS Media GmbH • Aachener Straße 172 • 40223 Düsseldorf

T +49. (0)2 11. 15 91-161 • F +49. (0)2 11. 15 91-250 • media@dvs-hg.de • www.dvs-media.info

Professional Membership:
Individual Registration
for Collective Compliance,
or “What‘s in it for the
Demonstrable competence is an increasing requirement in compliance with regulations, standards and
specifications. A lack of competence may be addressed through additional education, training or experience
but what is the appropriate course of action and how can its effectiveness be measured? In the welding
profession, many employees have been through the ‚college of knowledge‘, the ‚school of life‘; experiential
learning and in-house courses can be assessed using the Individual Route to Professional Registration.

Read how Professional Membership of The Welding Institute is able support an employer‘s competence
management system on page 169.

Eur Ing Chris Eady BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MRAeS FWeldI

Associate Director Professional Affairs
The Welding Institute

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 127


News 130 Wire keeps the world in motion – the cur-

rent state of the sector
132 Best European Welding Coordinator
Award aims to recognise the best profes-
sionals in the field
133 New standards to abide for in
fabrication and assembly of aluminium
and steel structures
134 “Mainline“ railway infrastructure project
on track to deliver industry-ready asset
management tool
134 Wayne Thomas Building opens at
the Centre for Materials and Coastal

130 On 7 to 11 April 2014, the international Research in Geesthacht/Germany

wire branch met at the “wire 2014“ 135 Conferences and Exhibitions
trade fair in Düsseldorf/Germany (Picture:
Messe Düsseldorf)
135 Apprenticeships can provide a better
route to the boardroom than degrees

From Companies 136 Tube and pipe welding

138 Automation solutions for high-volume
139 Rotary welding unit for turbines –
turning with power and precision
141 Advanced composites microwave proces-
sing offers increased industry benefits
142 Faster brazing with modified
CMT process
Chris Eady (left) presenting Alan Robinson, Managing Di- 144 Short Messages
rector or Gloucestershire-based weld overlay cladding and 145 Products
fabrication specialist Arc Energy Resources, with the EWF
Award Certificate for 2012.

Welding Practice 147 Information about practical welding

Events 149 19th “BEIJING ESSEN WELDING &

149 “MTA VIETNAM 2014“ in July

Reports 151 Cases of damage during the welding-

related processing of stainless steels –
Avoid damage and save costs
154 The flame-brazing of aluminium is not
Automated CNC cutting line MicroStep –
Terex/Demag. (Photo: Zheng Xiaochuan,
Shanghai Pudong Puris Machine Co.,
Ltd., P. R. C.)
138 difficult, but it is different to the brazing
of other metals!

128 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3





www.welding-and-cutting.info Technical journal for welding and allied processes

Technical journal for welding and allied processes of

the DVS – German Welding Society, Düsseldorf,
the Professional Division of The Welding Institute, Cambridge,
and the Institut de Soudure, Paris

Produced in Collaboration between

141 Microwave field distribution within

“Hephaistos”-cavity, with large tool and
carbon fibre reinforced plastic sample.

158 Welding procedure specifications in

accordance with ASME Section IX –
successful international production
164 Automation – Key to improving
quality and productivity in electron
beam welding

Specialist Articles 171 Characterisation of the biological effect of

ultrafine particles in welding fumes after
controlled exposure –Effect of the MIG
welding of aluminium and the MIG bra-
zing of zinc-coated materials
Vilia Elena Spiegel-Ciobanu, Peter Brand,
Monika Gube, Klaus Lenz, Uwe Reisgen,
151 Inside of a pipe with scale and initial
signs of rust (scale: approx. 1 : 1)

Thomas Kraus
177 Grain structure in aluminium TIG welds
Philipp Schempp, Andreas Pittner,
Michael Rethmeier

181 Editorial Preview

182 Books
182 Imprint/Ad Index

National Pages 162 Information from the DVS – German

Welding Society
169 TWI News – The Newsletter of

Hydraulic trash track cleaner in use in
The Welding Institute
Rock Island, Illinois/USA (Photo: Muhr)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 129


Wire keeps the world in motion – the current state of

the sector
ity and narrow tolerances. Schwering &
Hasse is a good example. The maker of
enamelled wire for use, amongst others, in
electric motors and electronic components,
recently invested in a new wire mill for a
state-of-the-art bare wire production. A
new, 5000 m2 large hall was built to acco-
modate a two-stranded blooming mill, a
medium-wire machine and conform units.
According to Schwering & Hasse, the in-
vestment will optimise the company‘s en-
ergy efficiency and reduce noise emissions.
„Quality parameters along the value chain
are improved, which results in a reduced
failure rate, high consistency of wire soft-
ness, thus securing later processability of
the enameled copper wire.“
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke is also contin-
uously optimising its process to make sure
production stays as efficient as possible. The
internally developed Deutsche Edelstahl-
werke Production System (DPS) forms the
On 7 to 11 April 2014, the international wire branch met at the “wire 2014“ trade fair in Düssel-
basis for the company‘s quest for efficiency.
dorf/Germany (Picture: Messe Düsseldorf)
It gives the company a framework on how
to make processes more efficient and less
Without wire, the world would grind to Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director ac- wasteful. Selection, structuring, cleaning,
a standstill. Bicyclists ride around on spoke countable for the fairs at Messe Düsseldorf. standardisation and self-discipline are
wheels, power cables run overhead and be- amongst its principles. The company offers
low the ground, supplying homes and com- Competition from Asia set-up workshops at its facility in Hagen,
panies with energy. Even armoured concrete The entire wire sector is experiencing Germany.
is reinforced and stabilised with wires. Reli- similar things. Its well-being is closely con-
ability of materials and their quality there- nected to the development of the car and High material demands
fore are of high priority for makers and buy- engineering sector – both are major buyers Various materials such as steel, alumini-
ers of wire. Only those who rise up to the of wire products. In addition, there is also um, copper, gold, pewter and platinum are
challenge will survive in the market. The fi- competition from Asia. “Steel makers from used to produce wire. “Materials used for
nancial crisis at the end of the last decade China and other, Far East countries are in- wire need to meet the rising demands of
also hit the wire sector with full force – a creasingly influencing the cycles of Euro- customers and the developing fields of ap-
high wire act for some companies facing dif- pean companies“, analyses Deutsche Edel- plication“, explain Deutsche Edelstahlwerke.
ficult times. However, the economy has stahlwerke, a maker of wires and steel bars. Demands are especially high concerning the
picked up and so had business. Production In general, the sector need not worry about purity level, uniform structural properties
is now running at full capacity. the future. “Deutsche Edelstahlwerke sees and material testing.
Inspired by the upswing of the steel mar- the future of its products positively, as wire High-strength steels are becoming more
ket, more than 2,500 international exhibitors is needed around the world.“ and more important for lightweight con-
from the wire, cable and tube industries pre- struction. “Weight reduction for reducing
sented their product innovations at the Düs- Tradition und new trends fuel consumption and emissions is a huge
seldorf Exhibition Centre in Düsseldorf/Ger- Way back in the 15th century, wire draw- trend“, states Dr. Gerhard Bartz, president
many during the two leading trade fairs, ing replaced forging. Wire drawing has been of the German association of wire and cable
“wire 2014“ and „Tube 2014“. 72,000 trade the method of production for a very long machinery manufacturers VDKM and exec-
visitors travelled to the exhibition halls on time. Nonetheless, production technologies utive member of the umbrella group Inter-
the Rhine from 104 different countries. “The aren‘t stagnating, as various trends prove. national Wire and Cable Exhibitions Asso-
trade fairs took place at exactly the right Wire makers utilise modern technologies to ciation. This applies for a great part to the
time. Now several companies are planning profit from the current situation. car industry, which accounts for 60% of the
on investing in order to position themselves A current development is towards faster German wire market. One example: as
for continued competition“, explained wire drawing with a consistant level of qual- weight needs to be saved, thinner valves are

130 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

made, which again has consequences for As a consequence, there has been a dra-
the procurement of primary materials. And matic rise in data. In the case of Schwering
that‘s not all. According to Bartz, there is a & Hasse, the new system collects 60.000
“trend to composite design, using alumini- signals per second. Software analyses the
um, steel alloys, carbon and textiles. Substi- datastream and visualises the status. The
tute materials such as plastics and textiles software automatically recognises devia-
are increasingly important in the highly im- tions and fault patterns, “so the operating
portant car sector”. Use of refined wires such personnel can react immediately“, the com-
as Nirosta is also growing – especially in cars pany explains. The advantages can be clear-
and medical technology. ly made out – product quality can be raised
and costs saved, as less material goes to
Sophisticated production, high waste. Developments nonetheless contin-
degree of automation ue. In the next step, machines will auto-
Higher demands from buyers also put matically respond and react if error mes-
machine builders in a tight spot. “Cus- sages pop up.
tomers want current machines to provide
higher performance“, says Andreas Hoster, New market perspectives
from Wafios marketing department. Highly Not only are wire manufacturing ma-
complex and more difficult part geome- chines and plants undergoing constant
tries are required. On the one hand, cus- change. New markets are also appearing on
tomers want single-purpose machines for the horizon. Deutsche Edelstahlwerke is not
mass production, on the other hand, they the only company which sees a lot of po-
also want flexible multi-functional ma- tential opportunity for wire products in
chines for low-volume and very low-vol- power engineering, “which is undergoing
ume production. rapid development due to current energy
Wire manufacturing without automa- policies.“
tion is unthinkable nowadays, manual From a geographical perspective, the
labour is very seldom. Be it modern rolling wire industry has set its eyes on emerging
mills, bright steel companies or newest- economies such as China, Brasil and India.
generation finishing equipment – most is This is also the case for the Middle East. Gus-
done fully-automatically by pressing a but- tav Wolf Seil- und Drahtwerke recently in-
ton and is controlled from a console. Au- vested in a new, 2,050 m2 large production
tomation is a lucrative market for compa- facility in Dubai. It contains three wet draw-
nies such as SMS Meer. The company not ing machines for wire manufacturing, two
only delivers mills, but also process control double-bunching machines for stranded
systems. This has proven to be a successful wire and a single stroke machine for wire
combination. “There are clear advantages rope production as well as a winding and
if the supplier not only supplies the me- separating machine for assembly.
chanical side, but also delivers the process
control,“ declares SMS Meer. Using a single Focussing on niche products
supplier as a one-stop-shop can ensure There is no question about it, the Eu-
things go smoothly. ropean wire industry has to come to terms
with competition from the so-called
Strict control of the production emerging markets, just like all first world
process regions. One way is to move away from
High quality demands strict control of mass products – at least that‘s what
the production process. Schwering & Hasse Deutsche Edelstahlwerke is doing: “By
reorganised its production systems in order continuing to specialise on niche products,
to control the company‘s 24/7 production we are able to outperform our competi-
on an even higher level. Wire production tors.“ Such a strategy can ensure economic
used to be controlled every 100 m: “New survival in the competitive wire market,
machines and sensors now make it possible and can contribute to a positive business
to continuously control and document wire outlook. (According to press information
production cm by cm.“ from Messe Düsseldorf )

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


Best European Welding Coordinator Award aims to

recognise the best professionals in the field
ropean Welding Coordinator. This award coordination to be effective, the responsi-
recognises the achievement of an Interna- bility, authority and relationship between
tional or European Welding Engineer with personnel that manage, perform or verify
responsibility as welding coordinator in ac- work affecting product conformity, has to
cordance with the applicable ISO and EN be clearly defined.
standards. With this award, EWF wishes to As such, the responsibilities assigned to
encourage best practices are implemented the welding coordination personnel are
and reinforce the important role that the identified as follows:
welding coordinator plays in the success of • Their position in the manufacturing or-
the manufacturing industry. The nomina- ganisation and their responsibilities;
tion must be made by the employer or a di- • The extent of authorisation accorded to
rect client organisation and must express them to accept by signature on behalf
how the competence of the nominee has of the manufacturing organisation, as
contributed to the quality of welded produc- needed in order to fulfil the assigned
tion. Each Authorized National Body will tasks, e.g. for procedure specification
Chris Eady (left) presenting Alan Robinson, submit at least one national nomination to and supervision reports;
Managing Director or Gloucestershire-based EWF by 30 June 2014 and the winner will be • The extent of authorisation accorded to
weld overlay cladding and fabrication specialist notified by September 30. them to carry out the assigned tasks.
Arc Energy Resources, with the EWF Award Cer- The welding coordinator is the highest re-
tificate for 2012. Roles and responsibilities of sponsible person on all instances and is ap-
welding coordinators pointed by the manufacturer, who has sole
The welding coordination plays a pivotal As stated earlier, the constancy of per- responsibility over welding coordination,
role in all manufacturing operations in weld- formance specifications are checked either and who should appoint at least one Re-
ing and welding-related activities. It is within through type-testing or by factory produc- sponsible Welding Coordinator.
the scope of the coordination to ensure that tion control (FPC). The latter system consists
all relevant constancy of performance speci- of regular maintenance and calibration of Three levels of professionals
fications are met, either through type-testing equipment, frequent checking to ensure The professionals within this category
or by factory production control. It is also product conformity and the management of can be grouped into three levels – compre-
responsible to ensure that all the factors re- non-conforming products. Simply put, FPC hensive technical knowledge, specific tech-
lated to weld quality are met, be they the is all about producing products with the nical knowledge and basic technical knowl-
procedure, the qualifications, the welder or same declared characteristics. The FPC sys- edge:
the welding operator. tem shall describe measures to ensure that • Personnel with comprehensive tech-
Given the importance of the work of the personnel involved in activities influencing nical knowledge, where full technical
welding coordinator and to recognise the the conformity of the components have ad- knowledge is required, for the planning,
best practices and professionals in this field, equate qualifications and training for the executing, supervising and testing of all
the European Welding Federation (EWF) has range of components and execution classes tasks and responsibilities in welding
launched in 2012 an award for the Best Eu- to be exercised by the manufacturer. For the fabrication,
• Personnel with specific technical
knowledge, where the level of technical
knowledge needs to be sufficient for the
planning, executing, supervising and
testing of the tasks and responsibilities
in welding fabrication within a selective
or limited technical field; and lastly,
• Personnel with basic technical know-
ledge, where the level of technical
knowledge needs to be sufficient for the
planning, executing, supervising and
testing of the tasks and responsibilities
within a limited technical field, involv-
ing only simple welded constructions.
For more information please visit
www.ewf.be. (According to press informa-
tion from EWF)

132 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

New standards to abide for in fabrication and assembly
of aluminium and steel structures
Companies engaged in the manufac- tence for the welder and respond to market
turing of steel and aluminium structures demands, such as reaching more markets
are obliged to ensure that their factory pro- and more remote areas whilst maintaining
duction control is EN 1090 compliant as of the recognised quality of the systems.
1 July 2014. This compliance is based on The EWF Welders Qualification applies
two pillars: employees and manufacturer. to steels and aluminium and may be used
As such, employees must have the required as a basis for other materials. This same EWF
qualifications, but also companies must Qualification gives methods for practical
have the technical equipment that meets training and theoretical education of fillet,
the requirements. These standards are plate and tube welders. This EWF Welder
recognised by the Construction Products Qualification seeks to achieve harmonisa-
Regulation (CPR) to obtain CE marking tion in the training, examination and quali-
and thus entry into all European Union fication testing of welders in the world. It
markets. provides for the assessment of both theo-
Given the need to ensure all companies retical knowledge and practical skills and
and personnel are duly qualified and cer- includes a combination of comprehensive
tified to ensure a smooth transition into theoretical knowledge and high practical
EN-1090, the European Welding Federa- skills, assessed by tests of increasing diffi-
tion (EWF) has worked diligently to ensure culty (including EN ISO 9606 qualification
that in 2014, all relevant stakeholders are tests) and by theoretical examinations. The
prepared to meet this challenge. This education and training programme consists
means that, by July, all companies that of three theoretical modules and six practi-
meet the requirements are allowed to sell cal modules (three pairs) corresponding to
their wares in the European Union, as prior the three levels of skills.
stated. The European Welding Inspection Per-
EN 1090 comprises three parts: EN 1090- sonnel guideline provides the core educa-
1: Requirements for conformity assessment tion in welding and inspection technology
for structural components (CE-Marking), EN required by those responsible for perform-
1090-2: Technical requirements for the exe- ing inspection tasks at various levels. It is
cution of steel structures and EN 1090-3: defined to cover three levels: Comprehen-
Technical requirements for the execution of sive, Standard and Basic.
aluminium structures. The EWF, together with the IIW – Inter-
The EWF certification scheme for national Institute of Welding have devel- EWF EN 1090 roadmap.
Welders and Welding Operators provides oped, in co-operation, a European/Interna-
a way to assess and recognise job compe- tional Welding Education, Training, Quali- EWF Manufacturer Certification
fication and Certification System for person- System
nel with responsibility for welding coordi- EWF have also looked at the manufac-
nation. This provides a way to assess and turers requirements and have developed a
recognise job competence for the welding high integrity and specialised certification
coordination. Students successfully com- system to assure companies‘ compliance with
pleting an EWF Qualification for Welding EN ISO 3834 and with the EWF requirements
Coordination will be expected to be capable for the Environmental and Health and Safety
of applying the technology required in weld- Management. The primary intention of the
ing engineering at a level consistent with the MCS (Manufacturer Certification System) is
qualification diploma. to ensure that manufacturers are competent
Lastly, for professionals who have been and exercise adequate control of the special
working as welding coordinators, in need process to ensure that the welded products
to refresh and update their knowledge, they they produce will comply with the regulatory
can leverage the Qualification of Euro- and/or contractual requirements concerning
pean EN 1090 Welding Coordination Per- quality and Environment, Health and Safety.
sonnel. It is not designed to provide a com- EWF remains fully committed to support
prehensive knowledge in welding technol- their members to ensure that their national
ogy (only achievable through the qualifi- companies reach compliance on time. (Ac-
EWF certification scheme. cation). cording to press information from EWF)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 133


“Mainline“ railway infrastructure project on track to

deliver industry-ready asset management tool
During its third and final year, the con- used in the European rail infrastructure and A meeting to mark the end of the pro-
sortium of the European railway infrastruc- the task of providing guidance to increase ject‘s second year took place in September
ture project “Mainline“ has reported that the uptake of useful and cost-effective ap- 2013 at TWI in Cambridge with the next
important progress has already been made proaches by the rail sector. One study ex- meeting, to include a regional workshop,
in the development of methods and tools ample applying to existing infrastructure scheduled for Budapest in May 2014.
that will contribute to the improvement of and carried out by project partner University “Mainline“ is a three-year European R&D
railway systems. The consortium has taken of Lulea, is of two bridges in Sweden. Testing project for the railway sector funded under
a holistic approach to its work in considering and analysis has included the pre-stressing the Seventh Framework Programme, with a
the life cycle of specific railway infrastruc- of a concrete trough bridge to increase its total budget of €4,500,000. The project began
ture, ranging from plain line to bridges and shear capacity and a test-to-failure of a steel in October 2011, bringing together the com-
tunnels, for example, and looking at how the truss bridge to gauge its capacity. plementary expertise and results from pre-
introduction of new construction methods, With a number of needs arising from vious projects funded by the European Union
inspection technologies or life extension emerging freight and passenger demands, (e.g. Innotrack and Sustainable Bridges).
procedures can impact on long-term oper- the results of these and similar tests will en- “Mainline“‘s consortium comprises 19 part-
ation. Results from the project‘s comprehen- able more effective planning of maintenance ners from 11 different countries, including
sive workplan of assessment and analysis by the railway infrastructure managers, who major players in railway infrastructure man-
will form the basis of an industry-accessible will in turn have access to new and improved agement from both Western and Eastern Eu-
whole-life asset management and environ- renewal, strengthening or refurbishment so- ropean countries (Germany, France, United
mental tool. lutions. “Mainline“ will provide the rail in- Kingdom, Sweden, Turkey and Hungary).
The project is co-ordinated by UIC – In- dustry with an evaluation tool capable of ac- “Mainline“ is also utilising and building on
ternational Union of Railways with support curately comparing cost efficiency on a partners‘ expertise in other infrastructure
from Arttic in France. The role of TWI – The whole-life basis, bringing together in a quan- networks, such as energy, and relevant in-
Welding Institute, Cambridge/UK, in the tified manner the economic and environ- dustry sectors. More information is availabe
project has been instrumental during the mental consideration required to inform online at www.mainline-project.eu. (Accord-
assessment of current inspection practices management decision makers. ing to press information from TWI)

Wayne Thomas Building opens at the Centre for

Materials and Coastal Research in Geesthacht/Germany
Former TWI consultant and inventor of From left to right:
the friction stir welding process, Wayne Jorge dos Santos,
Thomas, has been formally recognised by Wayne Thomas,
the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), Wolfgang Kaysser
and Norbert Huber
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
(Photo: HZG).
in Geesthacht/Germany. HZG recently
opened a 300 m2 lightweight materials as-
sessment and solid-state joining centre in
his honour, naming it the Wayne Thomas
HZG Germany aims to establish a basis
for technologies of tomorrow, and with the
Geesthacht Centre‘s focus on solid-state
joining and processing technologies, the
new Wayne Thomas Building – the largest Wayne Thomas said, “It is a great honour able to discover new technologies – the most
dedicated facility in mainland Europe – will for me to be associated with the Helmholtz- important being friction stir welding.“
play a key role in advancing friction stir Zentrum Geesthacht friction technology The inauguration of the Wayne Thomas
welding and other novel joining processes. building. I am grateful to Professor Wolfgang Building at Geesthacht took place during a
Around 40 scientists will work in the build- Kaysser, Professor Norbert Huber and Dr programme of technical presentations cov-
ing to develop new joining methods for Jorge dos Santos, also to my colleagues at ering recent industrial developments using
modern applications, for example in the TWI and my wife and family for all their sup- advanced materials and processes. (Accord-
joining of metal and plastic. port, without which I would have been un- ing to press information from TWI)

134 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

Conferences and Exhibitions
Date Place Event/Information
03.06.-05.06.2014 Düsseldorf/ 8th International Congress “Aluminium Brazing“ and Exhibition
Germany Information: DVS, Internet: www.dvs-ev.de/aluminium-brazing
03.06.-06.06.2014 Moscow/ International Exibitions “Metallurgy Litmash“ / “Tube Russia“ / “Aluminium Non-Ferrous“
Russia Information: Messe Düsseldorf, Internet: www.metallurgy-tube-russia.com
10.06.-13.06.2014 Beijing/ International Trade Fair “Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting 2014“
China Information: Messe Essen, Internet: www.beijing-essen-welding-cutting.com
11.06.-14.06.2014 Surabaya/ Manufacturing Surabaya 2014 – 10th International Manufacturing Machinery,
Indonesia Equipment, Materials and Services Exhibition
Information: Singapore Exhibition Services, Internet: www.manufacturingsurabaya.com
11.06.2014 Aberdeen/ The 2014 Welding Institute Annual Conference: “Welding and integrity challenge for offshore“
UK Information: TWI, Internet: www.twi-global.com/news-events/events/2014-welding-institute-annual-conference/
24.06.-27.06.2014 St. Petersburg/ Essen Welding Pavilion at “Svarka 2014“
Russia Information: Expoforum, Internet: www.svarka.de
01.07.-03.07.2014 Dresden/ “Nanofair 2014“ Conference
Germany Information: Fraunhofer IWS, Internet: www.nanofair.com
08.07.-11.07.2014 Ho Chi Minh City/ MTA Vietnam 2014 – 12th International Precision Engineering, Machine Tool and
Vietnam Metalworking Technology Exhibition & Conference
Information: Singapore Exhibition Services, Internet: www.mtavietnam.com
13.07.-18.07.2014 Seoul/ The 67th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference
Korea Information: IIW 2014 Secretariat, Internet: www.iiw2014.com
03.09.-05.09.2014 Madrid/ 37th IABSE Symposium “Engineering for Progress, Nature and People“
Spain Information: IABSE, Internet: www.iabse.org/madrid2014
28.09.-01.10.2014 Vancouver/ “CanWeld“ Conference 2014 and IIW International Congress “Welding in the Arctic“
Canada Information: CWA – Canadian Welding Association, Internet: www.cwa-acs.org
20.10.-23.10.2014 Sao Paulo/ 1st Pan American Welding Congress & 40th Brazilian Welding Congress
Brazil Information: ABS – Brazilian Welding Association, Internet: www.abs-soldagem.org.br
28.10.-29.10.2014 Amsterdam/ Offshore Energy 2014 Exhibition and Conference
The Netherlands Information: Navingo BV, Internet: www.offshore-energy.biz
28.10.-30.10.2014 Mumbai/ International Trade Fair “India Essen Welding & Cutting 2014“
India Information: Messe Essen, Internet: www.india-essen-welding-cutting.com
05.11.-06.11.2014 Wollongong/ The 4th IIW Welding Research & Collaboration Colloquium
Australia Information: WTIA, Internet: www.wtia.com.au
20.11.-21.11.2014 Bielefeld/ 2nd International Conference “CastTec 2014 – The world of cast iron materials – diversity for the future“
Germany Information: atm Gesellschaft für aktives technisches Marketing, Internet: www.casttec2014.com
09.12.-12.12.2014 Byron Bay/ 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23)
Australia Information: Southern Cross University, Internet: http://scu.edu.au/acmsm23/

Apprenticeships can provide a better route to the

boardroom than degrees
Nearly 20% of all employers report that the next generation for the world of work,” some of the biggest businesses in the UK.“
former apprentices are currently working in said Will Davies, co-founder of construction Also, figures released by the Office of Na-
senior management positions according to company aspect.co.uk. “For too long we tional Statistics (ONS) revealed that more
research by City and Guilds, the UK’s leading have placed too much emphasis of univer- than a quarter of graduates are actually earn-
awarding organisation for work-based qual- sity education when many young people ing less than school leavers who followed
ifications. would be more suited to vocational or on vocational training courses or apprentice-
The City and Guilds Top 100 Appren- the job training,” added Davies, whose com- ships. The ONS also said that 26% of low
ticeship Employers list reported that almost pany has returned to a traditional system of paid graduates found themselves working
50% of construction companies employed apprenticeships to train young workers. in part-time jobs, which compared to 11%
former apprentices as directors. Other sec- Matthew Hancock – the UK government of those who had followed vocational train-
tors which reported high levels of former minister for further education and skills – ing. In addition, student numbers have
apprentices reached the boardroom were said: “Either going to university or choosing dropped by more than 20% at several mod-
manufacturing and engineering (43%), agri- an apprenticeship needs to become the ern Universities. It is believed that the rise
culture (33%) and energy and power (33%). new norm for school and college leavers. in tuition fees have contributed to the de-
“I believe we are seeing the beginning These figures support this aim and show cline. (According to press information from
of a fundamental shift in the way we prepare that apprentices are able to succeed in aspect.co.uk)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 135


Tube and pipe welding

High quality welds in pipes and tubes needs to be lower in the biopharm, food, ity of turbulence and thus entrapment of
can only be assured if the weld underbead dairy and semiconductor sectors who are oxygen. Continuous gas flow can also be
is protected from oxidation. The various now asking for 0.05% (50 ppm) or less. When costly, with the costs of inert gas having in-
techniques available through which protec- welding the more sensitive alloys based on creased so much over recent years.
tion can be given is referred to as purging. titanium, zirconium and other reactive met- Because it is desirable to block a short
A pre-purge is used to displace air pres- als, the residual oxygen levels need to be in distance either side of the weld, to add
ent in the pipework system or dam volume. the region of 0.01% (10 ppm) or less. greater control to the purge monitoring
Numerous factors control the pre-purge Once the quality of the gas in the process and the ultimate profile of the weld,
time such as pipe diameter, purge volume dammed volume has reached the required it is better to use professionally made sys-
and maximum permitted oxygen level. level, the gas flow can be reduced to about tems where possible. From 1“ upwards,
A common misconception is that in- 5 l/min for the welding operation. On a more there are now inflatable systems available
creasing the purge flow rate will reduce practical level, it should just be possible to under the “PurgElite” trademark.
the purge time. This is falacious. Increase feel the gas flow from the exit point. Exces- Expandable mechanical pipe plugs can
in flow rate increases turbulence and re- sive flow can cause the internal pressure in be very effective and cheap. These are widely
sults in unwanted mixing of purge gas and the pipe to rise and create concavity in the used for pipe pressure testing and volume
air and can actually extend the purge time. weld root geometry and in more extreme production means that cost is low.
As a general rule, the pre-purge flow rate cases can cause the complete ejection of the The sealing area is large and the time
and time should allow for about five vol- malten weld pool. involved in preparation is relatively small.
ume changes in the pipe system or dam On joints which are not fully sealed to Plugs are available covering diameters fram
volume, but a typical gas flow rate will be restrict leakage, a higher flow rate will be 12 mm (1/2“) up to 1,200 mm (48“) and
in the region of 20 l/min. Weld joints that necessary to avoid contamination. Towards whilst the smaller plugs are available with
require a root gap or which exhibit bad the end of the weld run however, as the joint nylon bodies, aluminium and steel are used
end matching, both of which characteris- becomes permanently sealed, the gas flow above 150 mm. The larger and therefore
tics provide an unwanted leak path for the rate will need to be reduced to avoid over- heavier versions may thus be difficult to in-
purge gas, can be sealed on the outside by pressurisation. sert and remove if the joint line is more than
taping. There are six principle methods avail- 500 mm from the access point.
Oxygen and moisture levels in the purge able for pipe purging: Soluble barriers cut to pipe size and
gas should be checked using a ”Weld Purge • Screwed up paper or other foreign ob- glued to the internal diameter provide some
Monitor” and/or appropriate equipment jects degree of protection and the discs can be
with checking taking place at the outlet • Open Pipe Operation removed by flushing with water after use.
point. Where dam inserts are being used, • Water Soluble Discs The bond to the pipe may be prone to
the outlet point needs to be extended with • Expandable Mechanical Plugs leakage and dams have been known to blow
a flexible pipe to a convenient access posi- • Flexible Discs out because of an enthusiastic operator in-
tion. If this is impractical, a system which • Inflatable Systems creasing the gas flow. In addition, the time
has the purge inlet and outlet in the same Generally, the simple and low-cost solutions and skill involved in preparation can be con-
dam unit should be used. may well serve to offer limited protection, siderable.
Whilst 0.1% (100 ppm) residual oxygen but they are far from being totally reliable. A water soluble film is generally prefer-
is a suitable working level for materials such It’s hard to believe that the use of screwed- able than paper. The soluble film adhesive
as stainless steels and duplex steels, the level up newspaper or cardboard discs to block is easier to apply all round the pipe interior
the pipe on each side of the joint and rely and gives excellent adhesion. Paper contains
“QuickPurge II“ pipe purging systems are for use on this as an effective seal is still considered a high proportion of water and this can
on pipe diameters from 125 to 2,400 mm. by some to be adequate. vapourise during welding, putting the weld
Even if they don’t burst into flames dur- at risk from contamination.
ing the welding cycle, the problem of re- The “Argweld” ranges of soluble film
moval after completion of the joint is purge products and expandable pipe plugs
rarely considered. Furthermore, it are British made and available off the shelf.
is equally unbelievable that one Film kits are suitable for low volume weld
could obtain an adequate purge production where time is not of the essence
level, or even hold one if and access to joints is readily available.
achieved, to match today’s Qual- Paper and engineering plastic versions
ity Control Standards. are available but paper versions may not be
For small diameter tubes, say suitable for site work because of their fragili-
up to 10 mm, the use of continuous ty. Time, dexterity and patience are required
inert gas flow without seals is not un- during application and the film dams can
common. The air is replaced by incoming only be inserted as far away from the pipe
inert gas. However it overlooks the possibil- access as an engineer can reach.

136 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

Flexible ‘floppy’ discs connected by a Purge dam diagram
flexible tube are available. They can be de-
ployed quickly and the removal after weld-
ing is easy since the assembly can be with-
drawn past the weld. The reliability is sus-
pect, however, because a disc to pipe sealing
depends upon a very small contact area.
Some have a semi-rigid connecting tube and
this may be unsuitable where the system
needs to be used either side of a sharp pipe
bend. The working range of these systems Gas flow schematic
is also very low.
Inflatable seals represent the only totally
reliable purging systems. Contemporary
equipment has been designed to provide
fully integrated control of purge pressure.
The inert gas use is minimal and they are
compatible with site use where multiple
welds of the same diameter need to be made
quickly and efficiently.
Recent innovative work by HFT (Hunt-
ingdon Fusion Techniques, Burry Port,
Carms/UK) designers of the “PurgElite” and
“QuickPurge” II systems has led to the in-
troduction of several further advances in
equipment production. These are:
The “PurgeGate” has been added to all
“QuickPurge” systems. This patented device Differences in costs between soluble film and a weld purge system
prevents inflatable purging systems from be-
ing over-pressurised even when operators
try to increase pressure to increase the flow
of weld purge gas.
The “RootGlo” illuminating tape is now
fixed around 360° of the centreline of the
“QuickPurge” system. Inside the dark pipe,
the centering band glows brightly to give
welders the opportunity to see all aspects of
the purge device alignment and the quality
of the weld root as it is being welded. The “Weld Purge Monitors” can be set to alert can be seen to offer significant attractions.
tape continues to glow for 12 hours before the user when the required oxygen level has “Argweld” manufacturers complement their
it needs to be returned to daylight for been reached. Providing precise data on cast range with fully integrated inflatable pipe
recharging. comparisons between the different purging purge systems designed to meet the require-
The “IntaCal” is a ready calibrated gas techniques is difficult not least because the ments of on-site reliability and these have
release system to inflate the dams safely and pipe diameter and wall thickness have a pro- become the global standard favoured by all
to purge the interspace between them. “In- found influence on the cost. manufacturing industry.
taCal” removes the need for expensive and Furthermore it is impractical to use Both “QuickPurge” and “PurgElite”
complicated valve systems that need pre- some types of water soluble dams in sealed products exploit the latest engineering de-
setting before each weld. This time-consum- pipes or in pipes and tubes with diameters velopments in abrasion resistant fabrics and
ing process is now eliminated as is the pre- much below 100 mm. An illustration of costs low profile gas contral valves. They are com-
vious problem of incorrectly setting valves can be provided by examining the differ- patible with standards laid down by the nu-
which frequently led to bursting dams. ences between soluble film (claimed to be clear industry. The “HotPurge” inflatable
“Weld Purge Monitors”: The exhaust cheap) and engineered inflatable systems. pipe purge systems are also available for use
gases are fed directly from the matching 6 It is clear from the table that, where sev- with chrome steel pipe welding. “HotPurge”
mm red hose to the “Weld Purge Monitor” eral welds have to be made on similar pipe uses materials that are capable of resisting
6 mm red hose. Using the leaktight 6 mm diameters, there can be cost savings when temperatures up to 700°C for 24 hours, so
quick fit connection eliminates the leak using inflatable pipe purging systems as the they can be left in place throughout the
paths caused by other systems that need to sealing medium. Add this to the technical whole pre-heat, weld and post-heat treat cy-
adapt their large size exhaust hoses to the advantages of reliable sealing and ease of cles. (According to press information from
small size of the “Weld Purge Monitor” hose. use and the inflatable purge system concept HFT Huntingdon Fusion Techniques)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 137


Automation solutions for high-volume manufacturing

transparent, with the possibility of being
monitored by means of a corporate network.

Automated production
An example of such a solution is a
unique project of an automatic CNC cutting
line, produced last year by MicroStep in co-
operation with the German division of Terex
Material Handling (manufacturer of Demag
cranes) in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou.
The line consists of six CNC cutting tables
MicroStep “CombiCut” with the cutting sur-
face of 28 x 3 m, mounted with eight cutting
portals (two of the cutting machines have
two portals). Each of the portals is equipped
with two plasma cutting heads (HD plasma
sources Kjellberg “HiFocus 360i”) and an
Fig. 1 • Automated CNC cutting line MicroStep – Terex/Demag. (Photos: Zheng Xiaochuan, Shanghai inkjet marker, enabling multi-line marking
Pudong Puris Machine Co.,Ltd., P. R. C.) of the sheets with a speed of up to 20 m/min.
Other parts of the line are an automated
Automation requirements in gree of automation involving not only the overhead Demag crane (9 t x 16.5 m), for
engineering production process itself and the flow of ma- handling semi-products in the working
The current trend in engineering mass terial but also central stock management, zone (loading sheets on machines and
production (shipbuilding and offshore, pro- database recording of parts and products transporting cut material to output convey-
duction of steel structures in various indus- and central order administration including ors), an input wagon for bringing the semi-
tries, production of mining and agricultural the possibility to connect a machine or a products from an external warehouse and
vehicles etc.) is active integration of machine production line to the corporate ERP system. two output conveyor tables, used for un-
tools to centrally controlled production Addressing these issues requires design flex- loading the cut-out parts and transporting
processes – by automating the flow of ma- ibility from the machinery suppliers – the residual waste material into floor contain-
terial to and from machines through feeding, ability to deliver solutions tailored to the ers. The whole line operates in a fully auto-
lifting and conveying systems and by soft- specific production requirements and spa- matic mode using a software package for
ware resources that provide communication tial disposition of the production hall and, production management, MicroStep MPM,
between machines and applications of cen- last but not least, interconnection of various with integrated control software for the
tral production management. control systems for individual machine tools crane and material handling equipment by
In a number of cases, customers require to designer CAM software with an ability to Terex/Demag. The database module screen
delivery of complete production line solu- provide and process feedback information of MPM is shown in Fig. 2.
tions that would cover the entire production on the results of cutting. Starting with automatic nesting (effec-
process from initial recording of orders and The aim is to increase work efficiency, tive distribution of parts on a sheet in order
materials available to issuing final certifi- to optimise manufacturing processes as well to minimise waste after cutting) and cutting
cates of order execution or a finished prod- as to minimise costs and risks – the whole plans creation in the MicroStep “AsperWin”
uct. Large producers also require a high de- production should be fast, smooth and CAM program, through automated loading
of semi-products by the crane, distribution
Fig. 2 • MicroStep Pro- of cutting plans to individual machines
duction Management
based on parameters of the loaded material,
(MPM) – Parts database.
automatic scanning of sheet position and
start of cutting, to automatically calling the
crane to unload material after cutting – the
whole process is fully automated, i.e. without
active operator intervention. The line oper-
ators have only a supervisory and service
function – they monitor the line’s function
and make/respond to service reports of ma-
chines (e.g. replacement of consumables).
Service personnel is also employed for ma-
terial handling outside the line’s working
zone – loading sheets onto the input wagon

138 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

Fig. 3 • The final product – a hydraulic roof support. Fig. 4 • The cut parts.

and removing cut-out parts at the end of the draulic lifting tables, cutting tables with weld edges with bevel tool stations. As
output conveyor. built-in roller conveyors, chain conveyors or shown on the above mentioned example of
robot manipulators), the contemporary a cutting line, large setups with several big-
Significant increase in efficiency CNC cutting machines themselves are able sized machines and supporting equipment,
The end customer – the Zhengzhou Coal to integrate several machining technologies automated for delivering heavy duty three-
Mining Machinery company (ZMJ) is a lead- on a single gantry – a combination of plas- shift operation with minimum staff and yet
ing Chinese manufacturer of excavating and ma, oxyfuel (and also waterjet) cut within a high-precision output are no longer just vi-
mining systems with a major share of the single cutting plan is a real option, along sions for the future, but have already proven
Chinese market. The described automatic with marking with inkjet or micropercussion sustainable in daily operation.
line is involved in production of one of the pins, drilling, threading, countersinking and, Michal Kovac, MicroStep, s.r.o.,
company’s main products – hydraulic roof last but not least, automated preparation of Bratislava/Slovak Republic
supports (Fig. 3). The line has replaced the
conventional manufacturing process of cut-
ting the parts with oxygen flame on sepa-
rately standing machines. Thanks to use of Rotary welding unit for turbines –
modern HD plasma technology, and partic-
ularly to automating the production prepa- turning with power and precision
ration, distribution of cutting plans and ma-
terial handling, significant improvements Power plants use turbines to supply the by SEW-Eurodrive, Bruchsal/Germany.
were achieved – not only in the quality of power needed to cover world demand. The According to current estimates, the total
the cut, but also in production efficiency – most important thing is for the quality of global power requirements amount to
up to a 75% increase in efficiency as one pro- the welded connections to comply with around 22 petawatt hours (22 x 1,015 Wh)
duction cycle currently lasts 1 to 2 hours in- high standards. Deuzer Maschinenfabrik per year. The resources used to generate this
stead of the original 4 to 8 hours. In addition, (Deuma), a custom machine manufacturer power are many and varied: wind, hydro-
the line increased the factory’s production based in the Siegerland region of Germany, electric power, crude oil, natural gas, coal
capacity by 40% to 28,000 tons per month. specialises in welding plants. It depends on and solar energy. In order to generate this
The line has been designed to process 8,000 reliable, high-precision drive technology astronomical amount of electricity, power
to 12,000 tons of structural steel per month
in three-shift operation. The rotors must be
placed absolutely hori-
General trend zontally on the support
frames before further
The general trend in metal engineering
and steel processing workshops (not only
those of major producers but also in mid-
dle-sized enterprises) aims at effective au-
tomation and smooth material flow hand in
hand with reduction of technological steps
necessary for production of the desired final
product or assembly. Besides integration in-
to production lines via transporting and
handling systems (apart from cranes it can
be various shuttle tables, fork feeders, hy-

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 139


The rotary drive is a developed its range, which now includes the
series P planetary gear latest specialised machines and system so-
unit with a torque arm lutions, such as complete CNC-controlled
and an upstream welding systems and robot systems. Deuma
“KF107“ helical-bevel
products stand for high quality and reliabil-
gear unit and “DRL132“
ity, and have earned the company from Ger-
AC motor..
many’s Siegerland region global recognition.
Managing Director Dr. Gerhard Honig
explained: ”We are currently experiencing
a huge boom in turbine welding plants.
There aren’t many companies that can build
welding gantries that big – perhaps a dozen
in the world.” Deuma is one of them. Around
three or four providers are active in China,
The turbine welding which is also where the order for a turbine
plant is driven by welding plant came from. Their cooperation
an SEW-Eurodrive rotary partner Esab contributed to production by
drive. manufacturing the gantry. Deuma manu-
factured the rotor turning gear, while SEW-
Eurodrive supplied all the drive technology.

Positioning large masses

The turbine rotors are first pre-welded
before being completely attached using a
submerged arc welding process. Since this
procedure is carried out with the turbine in
a horizontal position, it requires a gantry with
two frames to support the turbine and a rotor
turning gear. The rotors to be welded have
plants often use turbines. These turboma- of the welded connections is of particular different shaft diameters, so it is necessary
chines convert the kinetic energy from fluids importance. to adjust the height. The technical challenge
or gases to rotational energy around their posed by this solution is that the rotors must
axes; this is then used to operate a generator. Welding technology expertise lie in a perfectly horizontal position while al-
The increasing thirst for energy is also Deuma has established itself as an inter- so allowing for adjustments to be made. The
accelerating the growth of turbines; with national leader in the construction of ma- rotors weigh around 400 metric tons – the
masses of up to approx. 400 metric tons and chines and equipment for welding compa- same as five freight trains. Accordingly, each
capacities of around 1.5 gigawatts, they are nies and welding robot systems. For over 50 of the two support frames can carry 200 met-
among the largest machines in the world. years, the custom machine manufacturer ric tons. The third fastening element for the
However, this isn’t the only factor that makes from Netphen/Siegen, Germany, has been turbines – the positioner – does not bear a
them technical masterpieces. Due to the building machines for metal processing load, but is designed to withstand tensile
high speeds at the ends of the blades and companies, mainly in the welding, cutting forces in an axial direction. These are gener-
the immense centrifugal forces generated and grinding sectors. From its humble be- ated by irregularities and can reach up to 100
by turbines, great care must be taken during ginnings in simple, manual control rotary ta- metric tons. The drive machinery has to be
their design and construction. The quality bles and roller bracket units, it has constantly positioned so that its center of rotation is ex-
actly at the center of the rotor’s axis of rota-
The planetary gear unit tion. For this reason, the shaft of the welding
with upstream helical- plant is flexibly suspended over a cardan
bevel gear unit trans-
shaft. At the end of the shaft is the rotary
mits the driving force to
drive, an industrial gear unit from SEW-Eu-
the clamping fixture via
rodrive. This is a “PHF042/T” planetary gear
a cardan shaft (yellow).
unit with a torque arm and an upstream
“KF107” helical-bevel gear unit with a
“DRL132” AC motor.

Powerful and precise drive

“It must be possible to lift and move the
turbine with a load of 400 metric tons. This
is why, here too, we decided to use drive so-

140 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

lutions from SEW-Eurodrive,” explains Dr. from the industrial gear unit to the turbine SEW-Eurodrive Movidrive “MDX61B” series
Gerhard Honig. The positioning drives are rotor. The Managing Director of Deuzer frequency inverters that control the gearmo-
mounted on the same side as the support Maschinenfabrik offered the following expla- tors and also the PLC for controlling the tur-
frames. These are parallel shaft helical gear nation of how the welding plant works: ”While bine welding plant. All the plant’s drive axes
motors from SEW-Eurodrive. For the weld- the rotor is turning, the individual sections are adjusted using bus positioning according
ing work, the turbine also has to be adjusted are welded together. The slits between the in- to the PLC settings. Dr. Honig explains: ”All
with precision in a horizontal direction. For dividual turbine sections that need to be weld- the turbine manufacturer needs to do is enter
this reason, it is possible to move the entire ed together are very narrow, and up to 500 the contact diameter into the control device,
support frame along rails. “FAZ77” type mm deep, so they require a specialist solu- then the system will automatically move to
SEW-Eurodrive gear units with “DR63L4” tion.” For this reason, a narrow-gap welding the correct height and position.”
standard gear motors connected upstream machine is used to weld the turbine. The turbine welding plant described
also function as travel drives. here has now made its way to China, and
The rotors are clamped firmly to a face System control made easy more will soon follow. These units from the
plate, which allows them to be turned. A crane At the head end of the plant is a climate- Siegerland are also highly valued in the Unit-
that is part of the turbine welding plant is used conditioned control cabinet with air filtra- ed States and the BRIC states Russia and In-
to place a clamping fixture on this plate, which tion, which is required to counteract the salty dia.
is located at one end of the turbine shaft. The sea air at the end customer’s headquarters, Gunthart Mau, SEW-Eurodrive,
clamping fixture transfers the driving force on the Pacific coast of China. It contains the Bruchsal/Germany

Advanced composites microwave processing

offers increased industry benefits

Microwave field distribution within “Hephaistos”-cavity, with large Cross section of microwave field distribution – the rectangular carbon fibre
tool and carbon fibre reinforced plastic sample. reinforced plastic sample gains homogeneous heating in the tool as the fields
follow the shape.

For the first time, the “Hephaistos CA1” aerospace industries. “Hephaistos” technol- their greater functional properties and effi-
(VHM 100/100), a large revolutionary mi- ogy, invented by Lambert Feher, has been cient manufacturing processes. Develop-
crowave system, has been successfully sim- used for curing composite products at TWI ment work at TWI’s Cambridge laboratories
ulated using standard 3D numerical meth- in the United Kingdom since 2009. has identified high-frequency technology as
ods (FDTD Finite Difference Time Domain) Efficient and sustainable uses of re- offering unique advantages in product qual-
to design moulds, accelerate curing of ther- sources continually drive the development ity, productivity and automation, energy ef-
mosets and achieve welding process for of new lightweight solutions in nearly all ficiency and price leverage, compared with
thermoplastic products in full industrial de- market segments, especially in the trans- thermal processing that will increase the in-
tail. The work has been supported by a Eu- portation industry. Materials such as com- dustrial volume production of advanced
ropean-funded project (www.mu-tool.com) modity metal alloys are being replaced by composites. These composite materials offer
involving suppliers to the automotive and polymer composites, which add value to a high, lightweight exploitation potential as

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 141


well as efficient recycling potential of the possible to process higher-quality cured TWI can also offer world-leading compu-
valuable components. composite components and, at the same tational methods, design of composite
The “Hephaistos” microwave oven’s time, to increase productivity with optimised parts, technical development for high-fre-
unique interior geometry, together with its energy efficiency. quency systems and composite technolo-
waveguides, allows fast and even heating of The TWI “Hephaistos” facility is avail- gies, experimental prototyping and testing
the part to be cured, and demonstrates that able at TWI’s laboratories in Middles- as well as consulting on the industrial cap-
microwave field patterns are more even at brough for aerospace and automotive italisation of applying new production
small dimensions. In comparison with al- composite engineering as well as product technologies. (According to press informa-
ternative methods, “Hephaistos” makes it development. Starting from the lab-scale, tion from TWI)

Faster brazing with modified CMT process

In collaboration with the joining-tech- ing to be carried out more rapidly. At the News 3/2014
nology development dept. at Audi AG, Fro- same time, gas consumption decreases by www.dvstv.de/international
nius has achieved a fundamental advance as much as 60% compared to standard arc
in the “CMT” (Cold Metal Transfer) brazing processes, to between 3 l and 5 l per minute. Low investment outlays and low costs
process. With its patented new shape of gas What is more, the high velocity of flow and for wearing-parts; the fact that a seam
nozzle, “CMT Braze+” makes even higher the optimised design of the torch make for guidance system is only needed as an op-
brazing speeds possible. Initial applications high cooling capacity, which ensures long tional extra; high reproducibility – these
of the new process in the autobody shops at endurance times. For this reason, too, “CMT are the main reasons why “CMT Braze+” is
Audi AG have demonstrated that even under Braze+” costs less to procure and operate also increasingly attractive for applications
real series-production conditions, robot-as- than do any of the processes used hitherto. that used to be the preserve of laser braz-
sisted brazing speeds of up to 3 m/min are Thanks to these attributes, the modified ing.
feasible. The resulting brazed seams are flat “CMT” process has already established itself Anyone who already owns a Fronius
and clean, making “CMT Braze+” especially in practice as a more efficient solution than “CMT” system can benefit particularly easily
suitable for areas of use in which seam ap- other processes: for instance, by changing from the advantages of “CMT Braze+”: in this
pearance is of the essence. over from plasma brazing to the modified case, the specially developed torch body and
The extremely narrow, conical shape of “CMT Braze+” process in series production of an adapted characteristic are all it takes to
the newly developed gas nozzle causes the its Audi A7, Audi has been able to boost braz- be able to use the new process. (According
shielding gas to emerge at high speed. This, ing speeds from 2.5 m/min to 3 m/min at the to press information from Fronius Interna-
in turn, constricts the arc and so allows braz- same time as significantly lowering its costs. tional)

The new torch for “CMT Braze+“ makes it possible to carry out robot-assist- The newly developed shape of the gas nozzle causes a constriction in the
ed brazing at process speeds of up to 3 m/min. (Photos: Fronius Interna- arc, and this in turn permits faster brazing.
tional GmbH)

142 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


assist gas providing similar cut quality from pipe manufacturing at the Ukrainian
Short Messages achieved using CO2 laser sources. Energomashspetsstal to pipe cladding at
The research leading to these results has re- Petrozavodskmash while applying automat-
Fibre delivered laser beam cutting ceived funding from the European Union ed TIG welding developed by Cniitmash
optimisation Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007- and Polysoude from Nantes/France for the
2013] under grant agreement 315405. For NPP.
further information, please visit the FILCO
website: www.filco-project.eu or contact Kemper Storatec appoints Willy
TWI: ali.khan@twi.co.uk. Schröder as Sales Manager

Cooperation of the Welding &

Testing Institute Cniitmash and
The new centre of automated welding
technologies has opened in Moscow/Russia
The European FILCO project is creating a 1 μm at Cniitmash (a part of Atomenergomash
wavelength specific laser cutting head for cut-
group of companies). It is one of the funda-
ting up to 15 mm stainless steel.
mental pillars for the work of the state atom-
This European project is creating a novel ic energy corporation Rosatom. Automated
1 μm wavelength specific laser cutting head, welding doesn’t only reduce Rostovskaya
capable of cutting up to 15 mm thick stain- NPP’s construction terms, but it also ensures
less steel, with cut quality similar or better the highest quality of welding performance.
than that currently achieved with CO2 laser Besides general specialists of welding and
cutting systems. The aim of the work is also testing also non-destructive metal specialists Willy Schröder, the new Kemper Storatec Sales
to increase available cutting speeds in the work at the research institutions of Cniit- Manager for European customers and OEM
thickness range between 3 mm and 15 mm. mash. In the future, it’s intended to do at- partners.
These goals are being realised through testations of other companies’ personnel,
the development of new beam-forming op- which will adopt technologies of automated Willy Schröder has been strengthening
tics and supersonic assist gas nozzles. Key welding. Cniitmash’s know-how will be the Kemper Storatec team in Lünen/Ger-
benefits will include higher laser cutting helpful at Rosatom’s overseas construction many. The new Sales Manager attends to all
speeds and improved cut quality when using sites. Afterwards, it will become a serious European customers and OEM partners for
1 μm laser source. competitive advantage of the corporation in this manufacturer of system solutions for in-
Results from the “Fibre delivered Laser the global market. It is intended that auto- tralogistics. After the company has moved
beam Cutting Optimisation” project (FILCO) mated welding should be used for producing its headquarters to Waltrop/Germany in
will be used to enable high quality 1 μm laser vessel equipment at NPP Akkuyu in Turkey. April 2014, Schröder will further advance its
cutting of metallic plates up to 15 mm in The progressive technology of the research strategic focus on becoming a provider of
thickness while delivering higher processing institution allows the nuclear power plant standardised systems for the storage of flat
speeds. This will allow end-user job-shop building division to broaden the range of and long materials, such as sheet metal and
SMEs to enhance productivity and at the production, be more competitive, and re- profiles. Willy Schröder started in the role
same time, significantly reduce operating duce the production time. Not long ago the in March 2014 and moves into the second
costs. Atomenergomash group, having acquired a tier of management, behind General Man-
Consortium partners TWI Ltd, Fraun- row of assets, has become a full range service ager Björn Kemper. As Sales Manager, he at-
hofer-ILT, Precitec KG, Optolita UAB, Laser supplier for primary coolant circuit, starting tends to all European customers and OEM
Expertise Ltd, Q-Sys BV and Metalmark Ltd partners. With his deep understanding of
are working together to: technology and his high level of skill when
• model of gas dynamic effects of current it comes to consultation, he is to help these
and new design of laser cutting nozzles customers and partners by providing advice
with emphasis on achieving higher and assistance. He wants to focus increas-
shear stress, reduced flow separation ingly on establishing new standard solutions
and minimum dynamic instabilities in in the area of sheet metal and long material
the gas stream incident on the part be- storage for intralogistics in the market. The
ing cut; core competencies will also continue to in-
• use modelling and simulation to pro- clude the development and manufacture of
duce and demonstrate new optical special solutions in cooperation with indi-
beam focusing designs capable of pro- L. to r.: H.-P. Mariner (C.E.O. Polysoude Group), vidual companies. For a number of years,
ducing a range of laser beam focus di- A. Doub (C.E.O. Cniitmash) and A. Nikipelov Willy Schröder has been employed in both
ameters and divergence; (C.E.O. Atomenergomash) “push the start but- national and international field sales forces
• laser-cut mild steel in the thickness ton” for the opening of the automated welding as an accomplished technician and business
range 3 to 15 mm using oxygen as the technology center in Moscow/Russia. administration specialist. Thanks to his

144 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

many years of experience in the industry, also high brightness was now demonstrat- Strengthening the US sales
the 31-year-old from Werther in Eastern ed by Limo Lissotschenko Mikrooptik partner network
Westphalia/Germany has in-depth knowl- GmbH, Dortmund/Germany. The special- Christian Pilzer,
edge of the sector and the market. ists for laser beam shaping have studied Managing Direc-
the potential for applications in materials tor Mikrotron.
Cutting of thick metal sheets processing together with the Laser Centre
The term ”high brightness“, which com- at the University of Applied Sciences Mün-
bines high optical power with good beam ster (LFM), Münster/Germany. For this
quality, was so far only marginally related purpose, the light of the 2.5 kW laser was
to “High Power Diode Lasers” (HPDL). fed by an optical fibre (core diameter 400
Therefore, cutting of several mm thick steel microns) to a newly designed processing
sheets with good quality and reasonable head from Limo (focal length 120 mm). The Mikrotron GmbH, the high perform-
cutting speed by means of HPDL was hard- metal processing was performed on an in- ance, high-speed camera company located
ly conceivable so far. Through recent dustrial CNC machining facility. The cut- in Munich/Germany, has recently appoint-
progress on HPDL modules and their opti- ting process was optimised using the ed Uniforce Sales and Engineering of Cali-
cal interconnection using special micro- methodology of “Design of Experiments” fornia, Upstate Technical Equipment Co.,
optics, a 2.5 kW laser with high power and including variation of nozzle geometries Inc. of New York and MicroDISC, Inc. of
and diameters. Limo and the LFM cooper- Pennsylvania as new distributors. These
ate within the joint project “Brilamet” (bril- agreements will provide the three leading
liant high power diode lasers for metal pro- distribution companies’ customers with ac-
cessing) which is funded by the German cess to the Mikrotron range of MV cameras,
Federal Ministry of Education and Research which are used across a diverse range of ap-
(BMBF). This project is supported by the plications, including semiconductor, med-
BMBF program ”KMU-Innovativ, Optische ical, military and industrial/manufacturing
Technologien” (Optical Technologies in in- to name a few. Christian Pilzer, Managing
novative small and medium-sized enter- Director of Mikrotron, points out that,
prises, promotional reference: 13N12282). “through the appointment of these well-
As a result of a successful milestone, laser known and established companies, our cus-
cutting of steel was demonstrated: 6 mm tomers not only have easy access to our cam-
thick stainless steel (1.4301) was cut at 1.1 eras to serve their needs in high-speed,
2.5 kW “High Power Diode Laser“ from Limo m/min and 6 mm thick mild steel (1.0038) megapixel images, but also have access to
(upright in the centre) coupled with an industri- at 2 m/min. In both cases, a very good cut- the technology know-how to integrate them
al CNC machining facility (left) for metal cut- ting quality was achieved with a roughness fast and effortless. We are glad that we found
ting at the Laser Centre of the University of Rz < 35 microns and a negligible dross on them as strong local partners for our cus-
Applied Sciences Münster (LFM). (Photo: LFM) the kerf (< 30 microns). tomers in the USA.”

product provides unrivalled confidence in is able to capture relevant data, giving assur-
Products electron beam welding and processing per- ance of beam power, profile consistency and
formance to ensure product quality. Electron quality every time. This tool enables moni-
Electron beam welding quality beams are challenging to measure and cali- toring of beam consistency and the detection
assurance tool brate due to their nature but “BeamAssure” of human error and thus leads to reduced
TWI has developed “BeamAssure”
(Fig.1), a quality assurance tool which helps
to analyse electron beam parameters, giving
an effective fingerprint of the beam and an
independent monitor of beam characteris-
tics. Engineered and supported by TWI, this

Fig. 1

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 145


scrap or rework rates. It provides a QA record feature fully complies with NIST 5 sec-
for each assembly and has visual and numer- ond guidelines, specifying the time it
ic presentation of key process variables. The should take for the specimen to leave
“BeamAssure” probe is installed at an UK the temperature conditioner and for the
aerospace production company, integrated test to be complete.
with the welding machine. It has been run- • Interchangeable Hammer Weights:
ning for over two years now, capturing 30,000 Most other pendulum impact testers on
data sets and no issues have been reported. the market still require the hammer as-
The tool is suitable for the use across all in- sembly to be completely removed in or-
dustry and research sectors. For more infor- der to change weights. On the “MPX”, Fig. 3
mation please visit: www.beamassure.com. interchangeable hammer weights allow
(TWI, Granta Park, Abington, Cambridge for quick and simple adjustment of the tification. Sandvik offers a complete program
CB21 6AL/UK; www.twi.co.uk) impact energy, removing the need for of products for welding austenitic stainless
the time-consuming process of chang- steels, duplex stainless steels and nickel al-
Motorised pendulum impact ing hammer shafts. loys. Sandvik’s products are characterised by
testers • Safety: The “MPX” features an integrat- chemical composition within close toler-
Instron, a provider of testing equipment ed guard and safety control system that ances and consistency between heats and
designed to evaluate mechanical properties meets the stringent requirements for batches, contributing to trouble-free welding
of materials and components, offers the the European CE mark and for ISO and high-quality welding joints. For most
“MPX” series of motorised pendulum im- 13849. The operator is protected at all standard grades there are variants with both
pact testers (Fig. 2) that are essential for met- times during machine operation. normal and high silicon content to suit dif-
als impact testing to Charpy and Izod stan- (Instron European Headquarters Corona- ferent welding methods. (Sandvik Heating
dards. The “MPX”series offers a range of test- tion Road, High Wycombe, Bucking- Materials AB, Box 502, 734 27 Hallstaham-
ing capabilities from 300 to 900 Joules and hamshire, England, HP12 3SY/UK; www.in- mar/Sweden; www.smt.sandvik.com)
it comes standard with “Fracta” software, stron.com)
which allows for reliable data acquisition Protection for female welders
and reporting of absorbed energy. If more Welding in cryogenic applications Female welders no longer need to wres-
advanced impact analysis and reporting is The company has developed a complete tle with oversized jackets and gloves that
needed, upgrading to “Impulse” data acqui- portfolio of grades with mechanical proper- don’t fit. The “Jessi Combs Women’s Weld-
sition software and instrumentation will al- ties specifically developed for welding in ing Gear Ready-Pak” (Fig. 4) includes all of
low for direct measurement of impact force cryogenic applications. Designed to help cus- the essential personal protective equipment
and striker velocity. The key advantages of tomers achieve trouble-free mechanical that a female professional welder would
the “MPX” include: welding operations, the grades provide high need. The new Ready-Pak includes the fol-
• Automatic Test Start: The “MPX” is de- quality weldments that can withstand the lowing gear:
signed with an automatic test start as tough conditions which normally prevail in • Lincoln industrial duffle bag,
soon as the door closes, allowing for cryogenic applications. The grades also offer • Viking Jessi vs. the “Robot 3350“ Series
rapid testing and improving throughput a balanced content of microelements with auto-darkening helmet,
while conforming to the international minimum impurity levels to reduce the risk • Jessi Combs Women’s Shadow FR weld-
standards for non-ambient testing. The of hot cracking during welding operations. ing jacket,
This ensures optimum arc stability and flu- • Jessi Combs MIG/stick welding gloves,
idity, with minimal spatter and good wetting • Jessi Combs Steelworker gloves,
properties. Considerable savings can be • Women’s “Starlite“ clear safety glasses,
achieved as a result of reduced clean-up and • FR doo rag.
re-working costs. In Sandvik’s grades for cryo- (Lincoln Electric, 22801 St. Clair Avenue,
genic applications the chemical composi- Cleveland, OH 44117/USA; http://www.lin-
tions are optimised in terms of Charpy-im- colnelectric.com)
pact toughness. They also offer high tensile
strangths, high yield strengths, good ductility
and uniform elongation. Controlled ferrite
content provides resistance to micro fissuring.
Typically, manufacturing of dewars, contain-
ers, tanks, cryostats and transfer systems for
transportation and storage of liquefied natu-
ral gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
liquid nitrogen and liquid helium (Fig. 3).
They also help users to comply with a wide
range of standards, such as AWS, SFA, ASME
Section II, IX and ASME U, UM, R, S; TV cer-
Fig. 2 tification, CRN registration; and CE/PED cer- Fig. 4

146 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


Safety facilities for gases

In conjunction with oxygen, com-
bustible gases become a useful but haz-
ardous medium. For the most diverse rea-
sons, flashbacks may occur when oxyacety-
lene devices are utilised for gas welding,
flame cutting, flame heating, flame gouging
or flame blasting. Tapping points for fuel
gases must therefore be equipped with a
safety facility (tapping point arrester or sin-
gle cylinder arrester). The requirements, the
testing and the marking are stipulated in Fig. 2 • Principle of the single cylinder arrester.
both parts of DIN EN 730: “Gas welding de-
vices – Safety facilities“. Fig. 1 shows one ex- • the flashback into the piping mains or
ample of the marking of a safety facility ac- into the compressed gas cylinder (safety
cording to the standard. element: flame trap made of sintered
chromium-nickel metal)
Safety facilities prevent: • the continued supply of fuel gas after a
• the reverse flow of the gas (e.g. oxygen) flashback or during a subsequent fire
into the fuel gas line or into the com- on the surface of the flame trap (safety
pressed gas cylinder with the fuel gas element: post-flow barrier)
(safety element: gas reverse flow check Fig. 2 shows the principle of the single cylin-
valve) der arrester. At a normal fuel gas flow rate,
the gas flow keeps the reverse flow check
valve open against the spring force and the
gas flows through the flame trap. The reverse Fig. 3 • Single cylinder arrester, installed in the
flow check valve is already closed if the fuel torch (top) and in the hose (bottom).
gas pressure drops, all the more so in the
event of the reverse flow of oxygen. No ig- when the temperature drops below the ig-
nitable gas mixture can arise behind the nition temperature. The gas on the inflow
safety facility. The hazards caused by an side can no longer be ignited.
empty fuel gas cylinder or a clogged torch Single cylinder arresters are demanded
nozzle are thus eliminated reliably. in order to safeguard the gas supply lines of
In the event of a flashback, the flame constant pressure torches and, in the case
must be extinguished as quickly as possible of injector torches, only when the single
so that it does not continue to burn (break cylinder installation is located outside the
through) as far as the gas tank. This is en- welder’s ranges of sight and access. Single
sured by an insert made of sintered chromi- cylinder arresters are installed either in the
um-nickel steel. Due to its high thermal con- torch handle or shortly in front of the torch
ductivity and to the large surface of the in the hose.
sponge-like sintered metal, the flame tem- Fig. 4 shows the principle of the tapping
perature quickly decreases extremely during point arrester. It has a post-flow barrier in
the penetration so that the flame goes out addition. A distinction is made between

Fig. 4 •
of tapping

Fig. 1 • Marking of a safety facility according to

DIN EN 730 1: 1 serial number, 2 manufacturer
or distributor, 3 external test symbol, 4 model
designation, 5 throughflow direction, 6 gas type,
7 permissible operating pressure, 8 number of
the standard, 9 designation of the safety func-
tion (FA flame trap, NV gas reverse flow check
valve, TV temperature-controlled post-flow bar-
rier, PV pressure-controlled post-flow barrier)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 147


pressure-controlled and temperature-con-

trolled post-flow barriers.
A large number of flashbacks in quick
succession or a backfire existing in the oxy-
acetylene torch for a longer time may lead
to overheating. The temperature-controlled
post-flow barrier consists of a valve which
is loaded by a strong spring and is kept open
by a firmly brazed guide pin. In the event of
any impermissible heating, the braze metal
melts before the ignition temperature of the
gas mixture is reached. The valve closes per- Fig. 5 • Tapping point arrester, installed in the pressure regulator or in the shut-off valve.
manently and thus prevents the post-flow
of fuel gas. Thereafter, the safety facility can can still be used since the triggered post- Note: Only one consuming device may be
no longer be used any further. There are flow barrier can be reopened using the connected to each safety facility. Safety fa-
pressure-controlled post-flow barriers so warning lever. cilities may only be utilised for the marked
that pressure surges, e.g. caused by a pow- Tapping point arresters are installed in gas type and the stipulated operating pres-
erful flashback, endanger neither the pres- the outlet of the pressure regulator of the sure. A specialist must check the safety
sure regulator nor any other gas supply fa- compressed gas cylinder or, in the case of against the reverse flow of gas, leak tightness
cilities. They close the gas supply if the pres- ring gas mains, in the respective tapping and throughflow of safety facilities at least
sure rises abruptly. These safety facilities points, Fig. 5. once per year.

High-strength fine-grained structural steels -

Pay attention to the t8/5 time
High-strength fine-grained structural with all the common welding processes. In ly rarely because of the complicated record-
steels have high tensile and yield strengths. any case, it is important to comply with the ing by means of measurement technology.
They are provided with these by a special so-called t8/5 time. That is the duration However, well-trained and experienced
heat treatment (quenching and tempering) which the weld region needs to cool down welders can comply with it in sufficiently
during the manufacture which ensures a from 800°C to 500°C after welding. If the narrow limits by paying attention to the stip-
fine-grained structure. This structure and cooling time is too short, there is the danger ulated preheating and interlayer tempera-
thus the strength may be lost when such of high hardness values and hydrogen-in- tures as well as by taking account of the sheet
steels are processed at high temperatures, duced cracks. Excessive cooling times lead thickness, the welding speed and the bead
e.g. during welding. to a decrease in the toughness and, in part, width (stringer bead technique). The picture
Therefore, suitable procedures are re- also in the strength of the welded joint. shows jib segments of a lattice boom crane
quired during welding. High-strength fine- In the practice of production technology, which were GMA-welded from pipe sections
grained structural steels can be processed the t8/5 time is determined and checked on- with an outside diameter of 101.6 mm and
a wall thickness of 5.6 mm (process: 135),
Welding in crane
shielding gas: M21, filler material: high-
(Photo: Bruns, C., et
strength wire electrode G 89 4 M Mn4Ni2Cr-
al.: Schweißen im Mo, welding speed: approx. 45 cm/min and
Kranbau - energy per unit length: approx. 4 kJ/cm. The
Nahteigenschaften t8/5 time was 6 to 9 s. The cooling times
hochfester Rohre. were established on the basis of the funda-
DVS-Bericht 275. mentals of calculation in EN 1011.
DVS Media, Düssel-
dorf 2011)

Arc flash
The arc flash of the eyes is an acute in-
flammation of the conjunctiva of the eye and
is caused by the effect of ultraviolet rays in
the arc. Minor cases can be treated by the
works doctor and serious cases must be
treated by the ophthalmologist.

148 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3



It is Asia’s most important trade fair of Welding Society (DVS – Deutscher Verband
the welding and joining technology industry: für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren
the BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING, e.V.) and to the support of other interna-
which is already being held for the 19th time tional associations, this trade fair has be-
from 10 to 13 June 2014. Some 800 exhibitors come established as a major information
from about 30 countries will be presenting and ordering platform in one of the world’s
their products and services of the key tech- largest steel countries.
nologies joining, cutting and surfacing on
over 38,000 m2 net in the New China Inter- International pavilions Excellent accompanying
national Center, Beijing/China. The offering At the BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & programme
ranges from entire plants, control systems CUTTING, numerous foreign companies The fair is not only a showcase for new
and testing technology to workplace equip- have the possibility to present themselves products and trends of the industry but also
ment. This year, special focus is on robot in the highly promising Chinese market. Af- offers opportunities for networking and ex-
and automation technology. ter China, Germany, Korea and the USA are changing knowledge. Two forums will be pick-
The BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & CUT- providing the most exhibitors with their ing up on current industry issues: The IFWT
TING comes directly behind the SCHWEIS- pavilions. Companies from the Federal Re- – International Forum on Welding Technolo-
SEN & SCHNEIDEN trade fair in public of Germany will be exhibiting their gies deals with the subject of “high-strength
Essen/Germany, in second place of the in- products and services in hall W1. Here, 30 steel“. Moreover, experts will be presenting
ternationally leading trade fairs of this in- companies on some 600 m2 will be present- papers in the China Welding Forum 2014 un-
dustry. Thanks to the successful coopera- ing high-tech quality products “Made in der the title “Towards A New Era of Robot
tion between Messe Essen, the Chinese Germany“. The German pavilion is being Welding“. More information at: www.beijing-
Mechanical Engineering Society, the China sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Eco- essen-welding-cutting.com. (According to
Welding Association and the German nomic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). press information from Messe Essen)

“BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING 2014“ – this year in Beijing/China At the German Pavilion last year in Shanghai/China.
from 10 to 13 June 2014. (Photos: Messe Essen)

“MTA VIETNAM 2014“ in July

Following the successful edition in 2013, Exhibitors
the “MTA VIETNAM“ is set to return with were all
the largest and most comprehensive display smiles as the
of showcase of metal cutting and metal “Sold“ signs
forming machinery as well as tooling sys- were proudly
tems that cater to Vietnam’s robust manu- adorned on
their prod-
facturing industry.
The Vietnamese manufacturing sector
has gained momentum this year, with Janu-
ary seeing the strongest rise in output since
April 2011. There is a sharp increase in

149 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


pledged Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Impression from the

mostly channelled into the manufacturing welding competition
sector, which is expected to further acceler- during the “MTA VIET-
ate exports in the coming year. This reflects NAM 2013“.
the country’s competitiveness in labour-in-
tensive manufacturing, which may drive
Vietnam to become an alternative to China
as a manufacturing base.
Retaining its position as the premiere
trade event for Vietnam’s manufacturing in-
dustry, “MTA VIETNAM 2013“ will return to
the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center
(SECC) in Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam from
8 to 11 July 2014. The event remains the
choice event of the Vietnamese manufac-
turing industry to source for the latest tech- NAM 2014“ will welcome group pavilions al technology know-hows to Vietnam. We
nologies and services in precision engineer- from Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Tai- look forward to a strong line-up of ex-
ing, machine tools and metal working wan and Thailand, as well as an impressive hibitors, many of which are returning ex-
equipment presently available in the global line-up of local supporting government or- hibitors – a testament to the relevance and
marketplace. ganisations. importance of the show,” says Mr. William
Since its inaugural edition back in 2005 The trade fair has supported the manu- Lim, Project Director for “MTA VIETNAM“
in Ho Chi Minh City, the show has estab- facturing industry in Vietnam through the from the show’s organiser, Singapore Exhi-
lished itself as the must-go annual event for years, by offering the ideal platform for the bition Services (SES).
Vietnamese manufacturing professionals. showcase of the latest technologies and so- Besides SES the exhibition’s co-organ-
As with the previous edition of “MTA VIET- lutions, as well as business networking and iser is the local VCCI Exhibition Service Co
NAM“, the show this year continues to see idea exchange opportunities. Ltd (VCCI). (According to press information
strong support from international trade bod- “MTA VIETNAM“ is set to play an even from Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd
ies and government agencies. “MTA VIET- more important role in bringing internation- (SES))

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Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 150


Cases of damage during the welding-related processing

of stainless steels – Avoid damage and save costs
On the basis of current cases of damage cases of damage are happening due to low- Pitting corrosion due to
from practice, this article describes how the quality materials, improper processing or inadequate root forming
corrosion resistance of stainless steels was inadequate training of the “specialist per- The so-called stainless steels are only
decreased substantially, for example, by in- sonnel“. Moreover, there is still the wide- corrosion-resistant if the surface is metalli-
correct material selection and improper pro- spread opinion that stainless steel is totally cally bright. The corrosion resistance is en-
cessing. Consequently, this led to pitting and uncritical because it cannot indeed rust. sured by the fact that, when the material sur-
stress cracking corrosion as well as to inter- However, it is now important, particularly face comes into contact with atmospheric
crystalline and microbacterial corrosion on in welding technology, that the material is oxygen, it forms a chromium oxide coat, a
the described components. processed properly since the corrosion re- so-called passive coat, which makes the ma-
Precisely today when the fabrication sistance is diminished considerably by in- terial chemically resistant. In the case of
must be carried out at increasingly correct material selection or by the forma- welding with the standard processses, it is
favourable prices in order to withstand the tion of scale and temper colours during customary for temper colours and surface
constant competitive pressure, ever more welding. scaling to arise in the region of the welded
joints in the event of inadequate shielding
gas coverage. In these regions, the passive
coat is destroyed and a protective effect
against corrosion is no longer assured.
Therefore, pitting corrosion may already
form in relatively mild conditions.
Particularly in the case of pipelines which
can indeed no longer be remachined on the
inside of the pipes after the welding, suffi-
cient backing shielding (forming) is therefore
exceptionally important in order to avoid any
damage caused by corrosion in operation
from the outset. Figs. 1 and 2 show regions
of a pipe T piece with which there was no
forming whatsoever. This resulted in extreme
scaling in the weld root region and, after an
operating time of around three months, in
leaky welds due to pitting corrosion.

Fig. 1 • Inside of the pipe with scale and initial signs of rust (scale: approx. 1 : 1)
Stress cracking corrosion due to
incorrect material selection
However, it is also just as important to
exactly consider in advance of the fabrica-
tion what material is suitable for what oper-
ating conditions. For example, the Z-30.3-6
authorisation notice from DIBt (German In-
stitute for Construction Technology) or DIN
6601 (positive fluid list) provides informa-
tion about this.
In the Z-30.3-6 authorisation notice, the
stainless steels are divided into four corro-
sion resistance classes and it is described in
a relatively exact way what application de-
mands what corrosion resistance class. For
example in urban areas with constantly
changing humidity, with a high exhaust gas
concentration and with thawing salt in win-
ter, a material like a 1.4301 (X5CrNi18-10 =
Resistance Class II) is not sufficiently resist-
ant. A material, for example, like a 1.4571
Fig. 2 • Weld root with distinct corrosion coatings (scale: approx. 1 : 1) (X6CrNi MoTi17-12-2) or a 1.4404 (X2CrNi-

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 151


did not contain any molybdenum. However,

Chromium-nickel steel – what must be borne in mind?
a material in Corrosion Resistance Class III
Workplaces for the processing of should be given to the welding of stringer (e.g. 1.4571) should definitely be utilised for
chromium-nickel steels should be separate beads instead of weave beads. Gas-shielded corrosion loads like these. In this respect, it
from the processing places for so-called metal arc welding should be carried out must, of course, be pointed out that the spe-
black materials (non-stainless steels), e.g. with a pulsed arc or a short arc. The tem- cified authorisation notice applies to struc-
structural steels. The chemically resistant perature can be measured using ther- tural steel engineering and that this case be-
surface coat of the chromium-nickel steel mochromic crayons or temperature gauges. longs to the field of tank construction and
may be destroyed by initial rust, grinding Voltage sources with a current drop at the thus can only be considered as a reference.
dusts or flying sparks caused by grinding end of the process should be chosen in or- However, further indications here are also
or welding. der to avoid any end crater cracks. If possi- given in DIN 6601 (positive fluid list) in
As a rule, chromium-nickel steels are ble, the welding process should not be end- which it is stipulated what steels are suitable
welded using a filler material with the same ed in the centre of the weld. for what medium.
composition. In this respect, the welding Temper colours must be removed so
fillers may have different material numbers that the protective oxide coat can form on Intercrystalline corrosion due to
because of higher alloying element contents the chromium-nickel steel once again after high C contents and temperatures
than those in the base material. A higher the welding. Grinding or pickling is to be Intercrystalline corrosion is one type of
proportion in the filler material is necessary recommended here. For environmental corrosion which occurs frequently in the
in the case of alloying elements which are protection reasons, the pickling baths and case of chromium-nickel steels. This hap-
lost due to burn-out during arc welding lyes for pickling must not enter the sewage pens whenever relatively high carbon con-
processes but certain quantities of which system but must instead be collected and tents (over 0.03%) are present and temper-
must be present in the weld deposit in order disposed of. atures of 500 to 800°C arise. This is the case
to ensure the desired properties of the weld. Moreover, tools for chromium-nickel not only during welding in the region of the
When chromium-nickel steels are steels may only be used for these. That also heat-affected zone but also during forging
welded, the interpass temperature must be applies to grinding and lapping discs. If at- and heat treatment processes. These un-
kept low in order to avoid any hot cracking. tention is paid to these fundamentals, there favourable conditions lead to chromium car-
The weld pool must therefore be kept as will be no surprises caused by damage and bide dispersions at the grain boundaries and
small as possible so that any overheating the welds on chromium-nickel steel will be thus to chromium depletion next to the grain
of the material is avoided. Preference pleasing. boundaries. As soon as an aggressive medi-
um attacks, the grain boundaries are at-
tacked and detached (Fig. 5 right).
Mo17-12-2) (= Resistance Class III) should stress cracking corrosion arose in this re- The example on Fig. 5 shows an elec-
be used here. If a chromium-nickel steel spect. Here, it was possible to detect not only tropolished corner weld executed by means
which does not contain any molybdenum high proportions of mineral coatings con- of tungsten inert gas welding. In this respect,
is utilised in the area of extremely aggressive sisting of potassium, calcium, silicon, sodi- it is recognisable that the weld and the di-
media (e.g. those containing chlorides), this um and oxygen but also relatively high car- rectly adjacent region which was exposed to
may lead to stress cracking corrosion – es- bon and sulphur proportions (indications temperatures higher than 800°C during the
pecially in the weld region where an in- of microbacterial influences) and chlorine welding have become metallically bright.
creased stress potential always exists. The proportions (chlorides) in the corrosion The region, approx. 2 to 3 mm next to the
following example relates to the section of a product (Fig. 4). weld, which had 500 to 800°C during the
service water pipe in a brewery (Fig. 3). Part- The present case related to a material welding exhibits intercrystalline corrosion,
ly transcrystalline and partly intercrystalline which was like a 1.4541 (X5CrNiTi18-10) and i.e. a relatively rough surface, which was be-

Fig. 3 • Overview photograph of the crack region in a service water pipe Fig. 4 • Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of the corrosion
(scale: approx. 1 : 2) coating on the service water pipe on Fig. 3

152 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

is recommended, already when the materi-
als are ordered, to ensure that the carbon
content is low or that a steel stabilised with
titanium or niobium is utilised.

Microbacterial corrosion due to

Fig. 5 • Intercrystalline corrosion The microbacterially caused corrosion
of an electropolished corner weld is one type of corrosion which has always
and detail (right) from the corro- existed but is still not very well-known. This
sion region with grain boundaries arises wherever biological substances are in
with thick coatings use, i.e. for example, in the area of sewage
treatment plants, in paper processing and
in breweries. In these areas, the medium
contains sulphate-reducing or manganese-
gun by the electropolishing. This corrosion in the uncritical range but, according to the oxidising microorganisms which feed on the
would advance even further in operating standard, may have a maximum of 0.07%. If biological substances and, principally on
conditions. the material is really at the upper limit of weld surfaces with temper colours or scal-
The carbon content of the customary the permissible carbon content, corrosion ing, thus form biofilms underneath which
chromium-nickel steel (1.4301) is normally is nearly unavoidable in operation. Here, it an increased corrosion attack then occurs.
Problems with corrosion may also arise
Fig. 6 • Microbacterial whenever work was carried out on materials
corrosion on the containing titanium with a backing gas con-
thickener of a sewage
taining nitrogen and microbacterial influ-
treatment plant
ences exist in use. The combination of tita-
nium in the material and forming gas con-
taining nitrogen leads to titanium nitride
coatings in the weld root. These are gold-
yellow and do not normally exert any nega-
tive effects in the case of customary corro-
sion loads.
However, if biofilms are present, these
certainly result in corrosion in the form of
pitting here as well (Figs. 6 and 7). It is there-
fore advisable simply not to use a forming
gas containing nitrogen for such intended
applications but instead, for example, Ar/H2
for tungsten inert gas welding.
In order to reliably exclude any damage
of the described type in operation, the ut-
most significance is attached to taking the
greatest possible care with regard to the
training not only of the welders who must
exhibit the required manual skills but also
of the welding supervisors who are respon-
sible for the material selection and for the
processing by means of welding technology.
Well-trained welding technology personnel
ultimately help to avoid damage and to save
Gabriele Weilnhammer,
Head of Metallography in the Materials
Engineering Department,
GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik Inter-
national mbH, Niederlassung SLV
Fig. 7 • Corrosion product (biofilm) with a high sulphur content on the thickener on Fig. 6 München, Munich/Germany

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 153


The flame-brazing of aluminium is not difficult, but it is

different to the brazing of other metals!
In the past 25 years there have been In the 1990’s explosive growth in the use It is a property of a molten filler material
some dramatic changes in the application of aluminium as a structural material in an that is in contact with the mouth of ‘capillary
of brazing as an industrial joining process, increasing number of applications occurred. joint gap’ that if a suitable temperature gra-
and nowhere have these changes been Perhaps the most notable sector in which dient exists across the joint surface tension
greater than in the joining of aluminium. this growth occurred was in automotive cli- will cause the molten filler material to flow
This article will discuss why this is so and mate control systems. In the initial stages of into and through that gap. Three widely em-
describe some of the ‘difficulties’ that await their programme of improvements the car ployed alternatives of this phenomenon are
the unwary who are considering the brazing manufacturers only offered such systems as illustrated in Fig. 1.
of this ‘light metal’! an ‘optional extra’ on the most prestigious As can readily be seen, the heat pattern
Until about 1980 mass-production braz- models at the top of their range. This pattern developed in each of the three cases is in-
ing of aluminium was hardly undertaken at replicated the 1960’s situation where similar tended to cause the molten filler metal to
all. This was because it was considered to considerations were concerned with the in- flow from its point of application towards
be a troublesome material to braze due to terior heating of ‘family vehicles’. Now no- the hottest part of the joint. This fact is a
the fact that the ‘process window’ (see later) body would consider buying a car that did fundamental rule of brazing, namely that,
is typically never greater than about 40°C. not contain a heater, and nowadays even “the filler material should always be applied
Naturally, this fact demands that it is always quite modest vehicles are equipped as stan- to the joint at a point that will be last part of
a fundamental necessity to exercise precise dard with a climate control system. the assembly being brazed to reach brazing
control of the brazing temperature. In the Running in tandem with the demand for temperature”. This rule applies in all cases
early 1980’s the tight level of control needed climatic control was an on-going require- and irrespective of the heating source being
was only available from furnace brazing and ment for vehicles to become more fuel-effi- used to make the joint.
salt-bath brazing, and for a variety of reasons cient. One obvious way forward was to re- Another important feature that arises is
only salt-bath brazing was used to any extent move weight from the vehicle, and it was ob- the fact that when the joint has been de-
for brazing aluminium. However, for con- vious that this could be achieved by replacing signed to be made by the use of a specific
cerns related to the health and safety of the the copper and brass heat-exchangers with filler material it will be seen, as shown in
operators it was clearly not a popular ones completely fabricated from aluminium. Fig. 1(c), that it will flow against the force
process. Furthermore, the problems related These requirements combined to provide of gravity.
to the post-braze removal of the salt, partic- the impetus for industry to ‘look again’ at all A further, and fundamental, factor relat-
ularly where complex shapes were involved the aspects of using aluminium as a struc- ed to the flow of a molten filler material, is
that could result in entrapment of the flux tural material … notably the matter of joining the requirement that its flow is accompanied
inside a brazed assembly were the primary it to itself and also to other materials. by it ‘wetting’ the surface of the material over
causes of its limited application. It was soon found that it was easier to which it is flowing. The physics of the wetting
propose such a change than to execute it! process are relatively complex. Consequently
This finding was due to the fact that design this phenomenon is, perhaps, more easily
and fabrication engineers made the very un- understood if it is appreciated that should
derstandable mistake of thinking that since the molten filler material begin to dissolve a
aluminium is ‘just another metal’, the wide small amount of the parent material with
experience that they had with the brazing which it is in contact it is considered that the
of copper, brass and steels would mean that filler material has ‘wet’ the parent material!
it would be very easy to produce parts totally Consequently, during the time the filler
fabricated from aluminium. material is molten and in contact with the
How wrong they were! The reality is that parent material it continues to dissolve small
aluminium has different brazing character- amounts of that material. As the direct result
istics to those of copper, brass and steel. The of the dissolving action the composition, and
more important of these differences are also the physical properties of the filler ma-
highlighted in this article. terial, change continuously until it solidifies.
The ‘knock-on’ effects of this occurrence de-
Process parameters pend upon a number of things, particularly
Brazing is generally understood to be a the time for which the filler alloy is molten,
capillary joining process that is carried out the temperature at which the wetting occurs
at a temperature above 450°C but below the and, particularly, the compositions of both
melting temperature of the metals being the parent material and the filler alloy.
joined. Copper, brass, and steels all melt When aluminium and its alloys are
Fig. 1 • Alloy flow a) horizontal, b) vertically at temperatures at or above 870°C whereas flame-brazed it is generally the case that one
downwards, c) vertically upwards. pure aluminium melts at a mere 660°C. of three aluminium-bearing filler materials

154 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

specified in ISO 17672: 2010 (see Table 1) is ISO 17672:2010 Nominal composition Melting range Table 1 • Three filler materials
the alloy of choice. Type in °C that are very widely used for the
Since it is very often the case that the brazing of aluminium based parent
parent material has relatively high alumini- Al 107 7% silicon-aluminium 575…615 materials.
Al 110 10% silicon-aluminium 575…590
um content, the material that is dissolved
Al 112 12% silicon-aluminium 575…585
by the filler alloy as it wets and flows is also
high in aluminium content. This inevitably
means that during the wetting process as sembly will heat very much more rapidly It is this feature of the aluminium braz-
the aluminium content of the filler increases that its interior, Fig. 3. ing process that makes it so very different to
its silicon content reduces. The dramatic ef- Fig. 3 represents the general case regard- that of all of the other commonly used engi-
fect that this change in composition has on ing heating for brazing. In some applica- neering materials and certainly explains why
the filler material is illustrated in Fig. 2. tions, for example the brazing of copper to a change of parent metal from copper to alu-
It will be helpful to add a few words that steel with a low-temperature silver-contain- minium for automotive radiators in the
will explain the point that Fig. 2 is attempting ing filler material, the magnitude of the 1980’s was not accomplished as smoothly
to make. When an alloy at the eutectic com- ‘process window’ will be about 400°C. How- as had been contemplated!
position of the aluminium-silicon system is ever, when aluminium alloys are being This consideration inexorably leads to
used to braze a parent material that has a brazed to each other with, for example, any the conclusion that a brazing process that
high aluminium content the silicon content of the filler materials in Table 1, the ‘process will provide control of the temperature gra-
of the filler material will be progressively re- window’ will be no greater than about 40°C dient experienced by the components is al-
duced as it dissolves a portion of the parent and in some situations may be only 20°C. ways to be preferred when aluminium or its
material over which is flowing. Clearly, this explains why close attention to alloys are to be joined by brazing. This factor
This will inevitably lead to the premature the control of the temperature of the heating tends to explain:
‘freezing’of the filler material and may result stage of the process is of fundamental im- • The relatively wide use of mechanised
in the joint being only partially filled. N.B.: portance! flame-brazing systems of varying com-
When, in the case illustrated in Fig. 2, the
filler metal freezes its composition will be Table 2 •
about 8% silicon-aluminium and will have The family
of wrought
a melting range of about 575 to 630°C.
Dealing with this problem provides an-
alloys and
other of the fundamental rules of brazing, their re-
i.e.: If excessive inter-alloying between the spective AA
molten filler material and the parent met- designa-
al(s) cannot be controlled by strict regula- tions.
tion of the brazing time and temperature,
its harmful effects can be minimised by in-
creasing the joint gap size when ‘freezing’
occurs and reducing it if the problem is
one of excessive erosion of the parent ma-
It is easy to demonstrate that the higher
the temperature the greater will be amount
of inter-alloying that occurs. Therefore close
control of the process temperature is a fun-
damental requirement for a successful out-
come. This requirement moves us neatly in-
to the need to consider another of the import
Fig. 2 • The effect
terms in the vocabulary of brazing – i.e. on the brazing
“Process Window“. process carried out
at 630°C when a
Parent material considerations 12% silicon-alu-
Aluminium alloys are classified accord- minium alloy
ing to the alloying elements that they con- (melting range
tain. The Aluminium Association (AA) des- 575-585°C) is
ignations are shown in Table 2. used for the braz-
ing of a parent
material that con-
Process Window
tains a high alu-
It is clear that when an external source minium content.
of heat, for example a flame, is applied to
an assembly the exterior surface of that as-

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 155


Joint design criteria

As mentioned earlier, brazing is essen-
tially a process in which the filler metal is
drawn by capillary attraction into a gap be-
tween closely adjacent surfaces that substan-
tially parallel to each other. In brazing prac-
tice use is generally made of lap joints, since
under ideal conditions the finished joint
should be subjected to shear-stress rather
than tensile-stress. Due to this consideration,
when brazing is to be the joining method of
choice, it is normal to select a design that
conforms to those shown in Fig. 4 (b).
The illustrations shown in Fig. 4 com-
pare the design of some joints recom-
mended for welding, Fig. 4 (a),with those
in Fig. 4 (b) considered suitable for brazing.
In the latter cases the strength and relia-
bility of the joints depend to a large extent
Fig. 3 • A representation of the meaning of ‘process window’.
on the penetration by the molten filler ma-
terial into a capillary gap and very much
plexity for the joining of aluminium and • The undisputed accuracy of the second less to the reliance of large external fillets
its alloys. Golden Rule of heating for brazing that are often a characteristic of a welded
• The fundamental necessity to design which states: ‘It is almost never sensi- joint. It is only when brazing aluminium
joints that are capable of being brazed ble to use the most intensive heat- that there is an exception to this general
either by hand or automatically without source when selecting the heating rule, and a compromise between the de-
undue difficulty. method to use for the job in question’. signs used for welding and capillary braz-
ing becomes the norm, Fig. 4 (c).
Fig. 4 • A selection of When brazing aluminium one encoun-
joint designs suitable ters the relatively rare situation of the use of
for differing joining a brazing filler material whose composition
is in the same ‘alloy family’ as the parent ma-
terial and where, as a consequence, they have
melting points that are very close to those of
the parent materials that they are required to
join! This factor inevitably results in a high
rate of solution of the parent material by the
filler metal; leading to the latter’s progressive
loss of its ability to flow freely. A further neg-
ative result of this phenomenon is that as the
filler material loses it ability to flow a ‘knock-
on’ effect is its inability to flush a molten flux
out of the joint. This is particularly the case
where the design of the components leads to
the presence of long lap-joints.
Due to these considerations it explains
why it is therefore desirable to use joint de-
signs that are a compromise between the
‘fillet’ form used in welding and the ‘lap’
type normally used for brazing and, in ad-
dition, to employ slightly wider clearances
than those generally recommended for use
when making brazed joints with free-flowing
filler materials.
Fig. 4 (c) shows some examples of the
‘half-lap’ fillet arrangement that are best suit-
ed to the brazing of aluminium and its alloys.
Fortunately, this use of a ‘compromise de-
sign’ does not imply that brazed joints in alu-

156 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

minium are weaker, relative to the material 10. Joint overlap lengths do not follow the
joined, than is the case with most other met- rule of ‘between three and four times the
als. The family of aluminium brazing filler thickness of the thinnest member of the
materials are so strong, in comparison with assembly’. Zero defects in
TIG welding
the parent materials on which they are used, 11. The strength of the brazing filler material
that in practice a joint that is equal in length is normally greater than that of the par-
to the thickness of the material being joined ent material.
usually proves to be stronger than the par-
ent material itself! The inherent danger in
These eleven features account for nearly
all of the difficulties that are faced by pro- & cladding
such circumstance of stress-concentration duction engineers the first time they are
at the joint is minimised by the low modulus required to undertake the brazing of alu-
of elasticity of aluminium, which is certainly minium. It is frequently the case that a sim-
no greater than that of the filler material that ple solution to the particular problem be-
has been used to make the joint. ing faced is not always easy to achieve. This
It is therefore abundantly clear that the is particularly true if the past experience
flame-brazing of aluminium is not difficult, at the site relates, for example, only to cop-
but it is different to the brazing of other met- per, brasses, bronzes and steels. In such
als! cases it is often found that it has been as-
A summary of the reality of the situation sumed that the brazing of aluminium will
is set out below: follow the well-trodden path used for cop-
1. The amount of dissolution of the parent per or steel, and that the technological pa-
metal by the molten filler metal is very rameters that apply to that combination
high. will apply to aluminium … after all is said
2. The fluidity of the molten filler material and done … aluminium is only another
is substantially reduced as flows over the metal!
surface of the parent material. As we have seen in this article while alu-
3. The liquidus temperature of the filler minium is indeed ‘just another metal’, the
material rises as it dissolves aluminium procedures that have to be followed to ensure
from the substrate over which it is flow- the production of successfully brazed joints
ing. is very different to those employed with w e ldin g & c
4. Premature solidification of the filler ma- such materials as copper, brass and steels!
it al la

terial in the joint is a commonly experi- Perhaps the worst scenario that can arise


enced phenomenon. in such a situation is that a Brazing Process
5. Due to the progressive reduction in flu- Specification is prepared based on the
idity experienced by the filler material knowledge of brazing that exists in the com-
during the brazing process, brazing flux- pany who has a‘new requirement’ to braze
es cannot be easily flushed out of long, aluminium. In this eventuality it will not take
narrow joints by the advancing front of too long for the people charged with making
the molten filler; they tend to remain the brazed joints to discover that their ‘spec-
trapped in poorly designed joints. ification’ has been based on a series of false
6. Due to the combined effects of the premises, and these have led to a whole host
above five points it is possible that the of production ‘problems’!
production of joints that are only par- Clearly, all of the problems mentioned in
ldin g & c
tially filled will be a commonplace oc- this article can arise, but comfort can be gained we la
currence. from the fact that world-wide literally billions

7. Depending upon the joint designand the of brazed aluminium joints are made each


heat pattern developed during the braz- day. In consequence people who are required
M ech

ing cycle, the presence of smooth regular to braze this ‘light metal’ for the first time now
fillets at either end of a sleeve joint is know that it can be done very successfully.
likely even if, overall, the joint has only The most common problems that are likely to
a relatively low percentage fill. be encountered, together with their cures, have
8. The process window is very narrow; this been mentioned in this article.
demands that very precise control of the P. M. Roberts, Delphi Brazing Consultants,
component temperatures during the Congleton, Cheshire/UK
heating stage of the brazing operation is
fundamental to the overall success of the This article is partially based upon the content
operation. of Chapter 9 of Industrial Brazing Practice: 2nd
9. The best joint design is one that is a com- Edition , by P.M.Roberts, published by CRC Press,
A member of
promise between a ‘butt’ and a ‘lap’. Boca Raton, Florida, USA, in March 2013.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


Welding procedure specifications in accordance with

ASME Section IX – successful international production
For the export of plant and equipment tocol entitled Procedure Qualification
engineering there is no way round the ASME Record (PQR).
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Public au-
thorities, operators, planners and investors Sound knowledge necessary
all demand compliance for pressure equip- In comparison with other Standards, for
ment in the USA, Canada and many other example the EN series, the scope of the tests,
countries. The ASME Code is also frequently specimen dimensions, tolerances, material
applied in conjunction with the European groups and many other details are deter-
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. mined differently but the principle remains
When configuring and producing to the rel- the same: the welding company must prove
evant ASME Code, the ASME Section IX for that the planned welding procedure leads
the qualification of the welding procedure to load-bearing bond. In accordance with
is also to be applied. The article describes ASME Section IX, the welding company is
the contexts and the practical implementa- obligated to perform the procedure test itself
tion with the assistance of software. and under its own control. It cannot use the
ASME Section IX “Qualification Stan- WPSs or PQRs of another company, even if
dard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, they are the customer. This explicit respon-
Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing sibility and the trust in the welding company
Fig. 1 • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Operators“ (Fig. 1) describes the qualifica- is often initially unfamiliar for German com-
Section IX.
tion of welding and brazing procedures as panies but in international plant construc-
well as welder, operators and brazing qual- which test is necessary in each individual tion it is completely normal and taken for
ification. This paper deals only with welding case. Article 2, QW-200 describes the quali- granted.
procedures. In Section IX, the relevant parts fication of welding procedures. Welding Pro- Customers and certifying authorities ex-
are labeled „QW-“. The prefix characters cedure Specifications (WPS) are described amine WPSs and PQRs very precisely but
identify the article and the other digits iden- and for each welding procedure it is deter- do not issue them, as that is the responsi-
tify the paragraphs. Article 1, QW-100 mainly mined what information the WPS must con- bility of the welding company. It is impera-
describes, after a general introduction, the tain, which test piece has to be welded and tive that the person responsible in the weld-
implementation of the mechanical proving how this is to be tested. The test piece and ing company pays great attention in adher-
of test pieces, albeit without addressing the test result must be documented in a pro- ing to all the information required in the

Fig. 2 • ASME
WPS entry – only
the respective
variable in each
case is displayed
for the selected

158 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

documentation, the right scope of applica-
tion and the right testing. Errors in WPSs
and PQRs can lead to considerable difficul-
ties in the acceptance process or even ren-
der the procedure test invalid; the finished
weld seam would thereby be beyond rescue.
To avoid problems, a sound knowledge of
Section IX is therefore necessary in compil-
ing a WPS. Professional aids such as the
„weldassistant“ software can contribute to
the correct and complete compilation of the
documentation. In this way the welding
company can do justice to its responsibility.
It compiles a reliable and correct document
and it’s the customer who returns – not the
product. In conjunction with the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC,
Section IX of the ASME can be superlatively
deployed. That makes sense above all when
the pressure equipment is being built in ac-
cordance with ASME technical specifica-
tions. As per Guideline 6/12 of the Pressure Fig. 3 • A WPS/PQR check list assists with the WPS entry.
Equipment Directive, however, the scope of
the test and the acceptance criteria for the ternational application in plant construction
procedure examination must be consistent American Society of Mechani- which can also be changed retrospectively.
with those of the Standard EN-15614. That cal Engineers – ASME In the ASME WPS, the basic language is al-
means in practice that, in addition to the The American Society of Mechanical ways English. Data is entered in the selected
tensile and bend tests, non-destructive Engineers (ASME) is a professional asso- program language. Selected WPS data (texts)
tests, notch impact tests and macro-exam- ciation of mechanical engineers in the from selection windows are automatically
inations are also to be performed. Depend- USA. The association with its headquar- integrated into the WPS in English and in
ing on hazard potential, Category II, III and ters in New York City was founded in the selected language. Depending on the
IV equipment as per the Pressure Equip- 1880. It concentrates on the promotion welding process, specific variables are
ment Directive official approval of the WPS of science and engineering through the named and defined in the WPS and/or PQR.
must be conducted by the Centre named or arrangement of congresses and symposia, There are three categories of variables.
by a recognised test center. That means the on advanced training through the organ- • E = Essential variables – these must be
submission of an ASME WPS /PQR combi- isation of courses and lecturing events described in the WPS and recorded in
nation cannot be retrospectively „faith- and on the preparation of Technical the PQR. Alterations to these variables
healed“ if the tests have not been docu- Guidelines and Standards. The associa- necessitate a new qualification of the
mented. tion is sub-divided into different specialist WPS, thus also a new PQR.
associations, e.g. for aircraft construction, • S = Supplementary essential variables
Create resources – not tie them up materials engineering, nanotechnology, – these only have to be described in the
To compile a regulation compliant WPS (nuclear) power station engineering, rail- WPS and recorded in the PQR where
as per ASME Section IX or EN 15609, an ever road engineering, heat transfer, fluid me- notch impact tests are required. Alter-
more comprehensive knowledge of the re- chanics, pressure vessel and pipeline en- ations to these variables necessitate a
spective system of regulations is necessary. gineering. ASME Standards are applied new qualification of the WPS where
The “weldassistant“ software example shows in many countries throughout the world. notch impact tests are required. With-
how software can support the compilation The knowledge and application of these out the notch impact tests, these vari-
of WPSs in accordance with ASME Section Standards is therefore important for many ables do not have to be taken into ac-
IX and to European Standards. Modern soft- companies based in Germany in order count.
ware should create resources and not tie for them to be able to export their goods • N = Nonessential variables – these must
them up. In line with this maxim, the and services. be described in the WPS but do not ne-
process-dependent entry structure is also cessitate a new WPS qualification in the
implemented in the case of an ASME WPS. From the page “American Society of Me- case of alterations.
Comprehensive tables of weldable parent chanical Engineers“. In: Wikipedia – The Free
materials, welding fillers and more than Encyclopedia. As at: 27 May 2013, 15:45 Leave out unnecessary
2000 ready-made seam geometry and weld UTC. URL: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index. information
php?title= American_Society_of_Mechani-
sequence sketches facilitate the entry of pre- The software displays only the relevant
cal_Engineers&oldid=118933797 (accessed
cise information and the determination of variables in each case for the selected
16 July 2013, 10:14 UTC)
variables. 13 languages are available for in- process. That ensures that the WPS addresses

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 159


Fig. 4 • The
WPS overview
simplifies the
loading and
retrieval of a

group classification of metallic materials to

ISO 15608 as well as welding fillers, gases
etc. saves researching printed and online me-
dia. The manufacturer Plug-In concept as-
sists in the search for suitable welding fillers
and welding auxiliary materials by means of
extension modules for the software (Fig. 5).
In this respect, the manufacturers also offer
data sheets on the products in addition to
the tabular information. Equipped with the
most important languages, users are well
prepared for international business and are
able to fulfil the quality requirements of
ASME Section IX as well as the parts of DIN
EN ISO 3834, DIN EN 1090 etc. A “STARTER
Edition“ without databases with EN WPS
functional scope is available to the user for
testing free of charge at www.weldassistant.
Fig. 5 • Extension module from ESAB for welding filler materials.
Outstanding features of the software are:
all the necessary variables and omits unim- ganising the welding procedure specifica- • own weld joint sketches can be import-
portant information (Fig. 2). An ASME tions, compiling new WPSs, locating previ- ed;
WPS/PQR checklist helps in evaluating these ously saved WPSs by using various filters, • each WPS is saved in a file and can be
variables and in recording the appropriate copying these, renaming them and retrieving sent per e-mail or stored on a file server;
data (Fig. 3). Standard texts are stored for them (Fig. 4). Standards conformant data to • own parent and filler materials can be
many of these variables, which only have to ASME and European Standards, e.g. parent stored and re-used;
be selected. The WPS overview assists in or- materials with ASME P-No. and Group No., • rapid retrieval of the procedure test to
be used and its status;
Fig. 6 • Base frame • compilation of the documentation in 15
with the seating for languages (German, English, French,
the slew ring of a Italian, Croatian, Polish, Portuguese,
hydraulic trash track Russian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Hun-
cleaner. garian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Chi-
• plug-in concept.
Outstanding ASME features are:
• entry structure is process-dependent in
accordance with “Welding variables“
from ASME Section IX, QW-252 et seq.;
• all (more than 2,000) ASME parent ma-
terials with P-No. and Group No. as well
as additional material groups to ISO

160 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

• ASME welding filler materials with
AWS/SFA designation;
• dual language ASME WPS.

Proven in practice
About two and a half years ago, the com-
pany Gesellschaft für Planung, Maschinen-
und Mühlenbau Erhard Muhr mbH, in Bran-
nenburg/Germany, installed the software de-
scribed. The company produces trash track
cleaning systems for the civil engineering hy-
draulics sector (Figs. 6 and 7) and lift gates
for bulk material engineering, container and
drum mixers and bulk loading systems for si-
lo/HGV loading. In the period prior to the in-
troduction of the software, specialist welding
engineer Thomas Grum worked with “Word“
forms which he developed himself but which,
among other things, had the disadvantage of
him having to compile separate lists in “Ex- Fig. 7 • Hydraulic trash track cleaner in use in Rock Island, Illinois/USA (Figs.: ASME (1), hsk (2 to 5),
cel“ with the abstracts of the already compiled Muhr (6, 7))
welding procedure specifications and the cer-
tified welders in order not to loose the titude of these available. In this respect, Grum P FW 8.1 S t6 PB sl a5). This allows him to use
overview or avoid duplication of the work. particularly liked the fact that he could re- an even finer filter when searching.
Just as time-consuming was the genera- use his own previously generated sketches in The whole thing acts similarly with the
tion of sketches (configuration of the joint many established formats such as .gif, .jpg, welders. In this case, one can filter according
and the welding sequence) on a CAD (Com- .bmp which increased the flexibility. to individual criteria of EN 287-1. In so do-
puter Aided Design) program. So the user Also very well solved, in his view, are the ing, one gets a quick result: which welder is
went in search of a program that, rather than search functions in the welder administration suitable for a specific welding task. Using
detain him from his work, accelerated it. databases, with the welding procedure spec- the previously mentioned free version it is
Quickly, after one or two failed attempts, he ifications and the process certifications. possible to call up all information without
bumped into the “weldassistant“. With the Should a user need an appropriate welding having to purchase an additional program.
free, downloadable version, Grum was able procedure specification for a particular weld- This simplifies in-house cooperation. Hence
without time pressure to deal sufficiently with ing task, they will get the desired result quickly the works foremen can get an overall picture
it and try out all the functions. In the process, by filtering the parent materials or using a of the certified welders and the designers an
he particularly liked the way everything is WPS number, S-No., a customer order num- overview of the welding procedure specifi-
arranged very simply and clearly which en- ber or product provided the welding proce- cations already available.
abled him to get into the program very rap- dure specification has already been compiled. Klaus Hoffmann, hsk-welding solutions
idly. Expensive and time-consuming learning Grum personally traces the specified desig- GbR, Viernheim; Dirk Kölbl, CIS GmbH
curves are dispensed with. Management of nation of the welder certification to EN 287-1 Consulting Inspection Services, Essen and
the separate lists described is likewise dis- (certification of welders) under the menu item Thomas Grum, Gesellschaft für Planung,
pensed with and hardly a CAD sketch needs “Product“. In the case of a fillet weld, he inserts Maschinen- und Mühlenbau Erhard Muhr
to be self-prepared as the program has a mul- the a-dimension at the end (for example: 135 mbH, Brannenburg/Germany

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To Korea for once: DVS is promoting participation
in the IIW event in Seoul
With regard to the 67th IIW Annual As- young scientists from 18 insti- old, another prerequisite for the
sembly & International Conference of the tutes and firms have taken the promotion is the presentation
International Institute of Welding (IIW) opportunity and have applied of a paper in an IIW working
which will take place in Seoul/Korea on 13 for promotion. group or in the International
to 18 July 2014, DVS has offered to promote The promotion of the IIW Conference.
the participation of young up-and-coming participation is intended for For the Young Profes-
scientists from Germany this year too. 34 the so-called Young Profession- sionals, participation in the
als. These include students of en- events of IIW is exciting in every
gineering sciences related to joining respect. They get to know the leading
technology, university assistants and doc- international experts in joining technology
toral candidates as well as young employees in person and can thus extend their net-
who have university degrees and have been works. They gather experience in delivering
working in their occupations for a maximum lectures and in discussing their research re-
of two years. In addition to a DVS member- sults in front of an international public and,
ship and the stipulation that first-time par- not least, can also increase their intercultural
ticipants must not be more than 35 years’ competence.

Germany-wide “Technology Day“ in 2014 as well

On 13 and 14 June 2014, societies, asso- shows of the most diverse kinds for young everybody enthusiastic about technology
ciations, companies and institutions from and old. The reporter and presenter Jo Hiller and all tinkerers the possibility of getting to
all over the country will be ready to jointly who presents German television pro- the bottom of technical phenomena. There-
commit themselves to the “Future Project“ grammes like “Planet Wissen“ (Planet fore, the motto of the event in 2014 too will
on the “Technology Day“ in 2014, also in- Knowledge) or “Disneyclub“ will be the pa- be “Fascination of technology: Experience
cluding DVS. On two days, the spotlight will tron of the event this year. With join-in and join in“.
be on amazing experiments and technical events, the “Technology Day“ will offer

DVS at the “Open Day“ at the Düsseldorf University of

Applied Sciences for the first time
At the beginning of every year, the Düs- some of which were also looked after by stu- pert information on offer, the person-to-per-
seldorf University of Applied Sciences stages dents and teachers were set up in the corri- son contact in situ and, above all, the various
an “Open Day“ in order to introduce its dors of the University of Applied Sciences. possibilities in the field of the promotion of
available teaching range and the specialist The visitors thus received comprehensive the up-and-coming generation.
fields to the prospective students, the teach- advice about the specialist fields and the The demand for the free membership for
ers, the parents and the interested parties. possible occupations. On the DVS booth, students was high and provided a good oc-
A lot of firms and associations then take the pupils, students and teachers were able to casion to establish contacts and to hold dis-
opportunity to provide information also obtain information about the society’s work cussions. The advice provided by DVS was
about corresponding occupations and fur- and about a membership of DVS. Interest supported in a graphic way by the informa-
ther education possibilities. Thus, DVS was centred especially on the reasons for a mem- tion material which it brought along with it,
represented with an information booth for bership, such as the collaboration in an in- e.g. the DVS magazine, the trade journals as
the first time in January. The various booths ternational network, the wide range of ex- well as the various flyers and giveaways.

162 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

An eye on the electron beam: DVS research seminar
held in February
The DVS research seminar “The electron Contributions made by industrial users nation of the state of the art in the environ-
beam as a tool for joining technology: High- about the need for technology as well as ma- ment of electron beam technology as well
productivity joining processes with precision terial-related and process-related presenta- as the presentation of its current applica-
and efficiency for innovative applications“ tions, for example, from the fields of aero- tions, limits and opportunities.
took place at the Welding Training and Re- space, the automobile industry and offshore According to the DVS study, the high in-
search Institute in Halle on 20 February wind energy were introduced in order to vestment costs are a reason for small and
2014. The objective was to intensify the ex- stimulate the discussions between the over medium-sized companies not to decide in
pert discussions between all the participants 70 participants. Another basis for discussion favour of an electron beam installation.
beyond competitive limits and individual was offered by a study which was commis- Moreover, the long service life of such an in-
interests. sioned by DVS and concerned the determi- stallation conflicts with the rather short
product life cycle in some sectors.
The discussion of the results is to be con-
tinued on the international level as well in
the International Institute of Welding (IIW)
in July 2014. Further information: DVS,
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Eßer-Ayertey, e-mail:

The objective of the DVS seminar about electron beam welding was to intensify the expert
discussions between all the participants beyond competitive limits and individual interests.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 163


Automation – Key to improving quality and

productivity in electron beam welding
Report based on the Portevin Lecture held at the 66th IIW Annual Assembly in Essen 2013

Speaking of automation, it is generally telligence” of an electron beam for automa- visualised like on a scanning microscope.
understood that a machine does a number tion. The peculiar property and capability When scanning across the weld joint, its po-
of chained production processes by itself inherent only in electron beam technology sition is detected.
without manual interference. The purpose is the rapid and nearly inertialess direct con-
of automation is to increase productivity, at trollability by computers in nearly real time. Examples of automated electron
the same time to reduce scrap rates and A further physical property has now become beam welding
eliminate tiring labour. However, as this is an important carrier of automation: back The high power density allows shaping
state of the art and as the subject “automa- scattered electrons. They are generated the weld as required: deep and slender or
tion“ is too diversified to deal with in one when the beam hits material. When the wide and shallow, Fig. 1. The high mobility
article, this paper concentrates on the “in- beam is scanned over a surface, this will be of the focus spot, initiated by electro-mag-
netic fields, permits manual as well as direct
computer control. Transformation of the ki-
netic energy of the electrons into heat pro-
duce the weld pool, whereas positioning is
by interpreting the back scattered electrons,
generated during short intervals of welding
with low beam power.
The first step of automation is to make
sure that the thermal tool electron beam is
constant and always the same in its geomet-
rical and optical parameters. This adjust-
ment requires skilled and experienced op-
erators who in industry are not always avail-
able. An automated adjustment routine does
Fig. 1 • The weld shape is influenced by beam
exactly the same thing as an operator would
power, focus position, beam oscillation and
welding speed. It may be deep and slender or do: wobbling around zero position and fix
Fig 2 • Manual teaching for semi-automated the right point. As a result the beam adjusts
shallow and wide (top: 150 mm deep, 6 mm
welding. and calibrates itself.
wide, bottom: 1.9 mm deep, 4 mm wide).
Fig 3 • Automatically A typical application for automation is
scanned contours: circular to weld many identical parts. It was a tiring
scan to center a part, e.g. a procedure to position each part with optics
coin – the unwrapping is a under a reticule. When the operator‘s eye
straight line when cen- got tired, the amount of scrap was increas-
tered (top); scan of a ing. Therefore CNC control was introduced,
welding contour of a heat which, however, needed precise tools and
exchanger – the unwrap- positioning equipment. From time to time
ping of the scan must re-
manual input was necessary as the system
sult in a straight line (bot-
warms up and expands. Therefore it was the
tom; the irregularities re-
sult from the secure punch
next task to get rid of this problem.
marks). The simplest kind of a weld is linear and
the operator has to position the electron
beam at the start and end point of the joint
by turning the knob of the deflection ampli-
fier and teach the position to the computer
for linear interpolation. For welding a circle
he teaches three points and circular inter-
polation. For a free shape line he teaches
several points and asks for spline interpola-
tion, Fig. 2. This semi automation is time
consuming and not very precise.
However, the big innovation came from
introducing the information on the weld

164 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

Fig 4 • Valve head flap and cross section of
slender weld.

Fig. 6 • Electron beam welding of high current switches:

The weld positions of the cables have too large toler-
ances for CNC controlled precise welding without auto-
matic corrections.

Fig. 5 • The complete surface is scanned and the

computer centers the hub weld.
Fig. 7 • Largest electron beam welder for subcontract work: Ariane rocket fuel tank robot welded
joint by back scattered electrons. In order to from two 70 mm thick aluminium plates, subsequently formed and machined.
improve precision and speed of teaching an
automated scan, perpendicular to the joint,
follows the weld line – similar to a race car Precise tools are no longer needed. A The computer calculates the center for
simulator on a game boy – and stores the loose fit considerably eases loading the proper welding.
weld geometry in the computer. Take the ex- pallets and even expanding by warm up of On the high current switches on Fig. 6
ample of a coin, Fig. 3 top: As the unwrap- the system is no problem, as the measuring there are several welds. The contact pieces
ping is a sine shape the center is offset. The beam is at the same time the welding tool. made from sintered silver-nickel-tungsten
computer centers automatically and the line As the weld is deep and very slender, and the one to three copper cables have to
is straight, Fig. 3 bottom. This was the big Fig. 4, positioning has to be very precise, be welded to the levers and then it is assem-
step in technology for automation in EB- in the range of 20 μm. On the part on Fig. bled to a copper block. The deviations of
welding. Contrary to the heat exchanger on 5 there is no center and the weld joint is joint position from nominal on workpieces
Fig. 2, this contour of the weld joint is not invisible from vertical down due to the from industrial mass production are con-
taught manually, but scanned automated high hub. Still the automatic centering can siderable.
perpendicular to the line and stored in the be performed. The complete surface is Fig. 7 shows the largest electron beam
computer. scanned in order to produce a full picture. welder worldwide for subcontract work. The

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 165


Fig. 10 • The gear

rings may be in
different positions
or even upside
down, the weld
will be automati-
cally placed in
correct location.

Fig. 11 • The beam deflection by residual mag-

netic fields may be smoothed by computer cor-

Fig. 8 • Pressure sensor for “common rail“ injec-

tion system (top), monitored by backscattered
electrons (bottom left), unwrapping of a mis-
aligned circumference joint (bottom right).

Fig. 12 • Turbine vane ring: Completed stator

assembly with flanges attached (top), detail of
vane assembly as welded (bottom left), assem-
Fig. 9 • Electron beam welded piston rod with bling and welding jig with stator ring in place
quality control number. (bottom right).

combined gantry and robot motion system ping delivers a straight line and therefore it Another category of work pieces carry a
has eight CNC axes and another eight for may be welded. As a good part it is marked large number of joints, e.g. turbine vane
the beam control. In low penetration welds with a quality control number, Fig. 9. rings, Fig. 12. A weld sequence plan has to
the automated correction of misalignment Today one piece flow is preferred for be evaluated for symmetric heat input, tak-
is done by beam deflection. However when mass production. A typical part is the gear ing shrinkage into account. For plausibility
a deep weld has to be performed, the cor- ring on Fig. 10 made from flat material with a control is introduced by scanning three
rection by angular deflection would lead to a dovetail shape of the joint. Parts may arrive times along the straight joint and verify that
lack of fusion at the root of the weld. There- at the welding station in varying positions the signals are in line. Including the tack
fore the correction has to be done by the or even upside down. The two parts at the welds this manless operation totals to 1,284
mechanical motion, either by an x-y table right are inverted. It is no longer necessary scans and 535 welds, performed within 45
or by a robot system or both, securing that to rotate the part into a uniform location; min, a time, which just allows a diligent op-
the beam hits vertically to the surface. the beam scans the actual position and erator to assemble the next ring of vanes.
There are numerous applications where welds accordingly. The deviations from The ring of vanes, Fig. 13 bottom, the so
a quality control is required before welding nominal in both directions are document- called front bearing housing, is made of ti-
in order to avoid welding of misassembled ed. tanium. The challenge for automation is to
or misaligned parts and thus producing Heavy parts of martensitic steel use to detect the joint with sufficient contrast and
scrap. The back scattered electrons signal to have strong magnetic fields which are quite sharpness between the crooked profiles of
the CNC the unwrapping of the rotating part difficult to remove. A scan with the electron the vanes. Due to poor accessibility it has to
and decide whether the part may be welded beam shows where strong deflection occurs be done at a long distance and oblique. With
or be rejected before welding. The pressure and the computer automatically compen- manual EB welding two operators need 8 h
sensor on Fig. 8 tumbles due to bad assem- sates by beam deflection within acceptable to finish one ring of vanes. The manless op-
bly. On a piston rod the scan of the unwrap- limits, Fig. 11. eration takes 4 h and produces much fewer

166 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

Fig. 14 •
One beam
jumps at
high fre-
quency be-
tween three
weld spots.

Fig. 13 • Weld seams on final assembly.

Scanned image of the automatic seam tracking
system running in the standard mode.

defects. For the complete assembly 19 dif- age is performed, thus preventing offset of verter is welded in one run. An even faster
ferent welding operations are necessary. the axis of gear and synchronizing ring. The process is called “flash technique”. The com-
The so called multi-beam technology result is a more silent gearbox. plete contour of a joint or even several joints
uses actually only one beam which jumps Another application on a catalytic con- is welded within one instant. The time of
so fast between several positions that the in- verter, Fig. 15, requires very slow welding impact depends on metallurgical and geo-
ertia of our eyes or of heat flow sees several due to evaporation of coating on the large metrical requirements. The weld contours
spots of impact of this one beam. The tem- wire mesh surface. The four layers of each are programmed and the beam follows those
perature of the melt pool stays constant pocket are molten together with a butt weld. several 100 or 1,000 times per second.
when the beam comes back in sufficient The electron beam jumps 1000 times per Depending on the kind of material e.g.
short time. With three weld spots, Fig. 14, second to each of the 60 welds. By this pressure cast aluminium, it may be neces-
symmetric heat input and symmetric shrink- method the complete catalytic exhaust con- sary to preheat, to clean or to degas the part,

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Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 167


Fig. 15 • Catalytic parallel, but when the curve starts, the outer
converter: Simul- beam has to be faster and the inner beam
taneous welding slower than the center beam, Fig. 16 right.
of 60 filter pock- As a consequence the beam power has to
ets made of coat-
be adapted automatically according to each
ed wire mesh (left)
weld speed.
and cross section
through the four
layer butt weld of Looking back
each filter pocket The ultimate challenge of automated
(right). electron beam welding is to be found in out-
er space. It is a clear advantage to use elec-
tron beam welding in space for two reasons:
there is the best vacuum already provided
for free and the electron beam offers the best
efficiency for energy consumption of all
to weld it and to make a cosmetic seam on beams in sequence may have different pa- welding processes.
the upper weld bead. The manual process rameters in shape, focus position and power. My first contact with electron beam
does these one after another, whereas a next There are different oscillation patterns, de- technology started in 1969 with an article in
step of automation allows welding all pending on the task, Fig. 16 left. Of course the German news magazine “Der Spiegel”
process steps in one run. Each of the three this can also be performed with three beams about EB welding in space during the Sojus
mission. Fig. 17 shows astronauts with hand-
Fig. 16 • Three
hold electron beam guns from the Apollo
beams in se-
and the Sojus project. A press campaign
quence: Each
beam may started: “Who was first?“ For me this cam-
have different paign was the beginning of a life-long activ-
oscillation and ity with electron beams.
power (left) It is by accident that the subject of elec-
and three par- tron beam welding in space has now become
allel beams: the end of my career. The idea is to assemble
The middle structures of a space station by welding with
spot follows control from the earth. The weld gun may
the track with
be handled by one of the several robotic arms
available on a space station. The capability
speed, the in-
of an electron beam to see the weld position
ner and outer
beam have to and transmit the information to a station on
vary speed and ground allows automated welding by remote
adept power control from the earth. We still work on this
(right). job, but as a proverb says: “not possible is
not permitted”. Researchers should be moti-
vated by passion. Being successful you feel,
despite of all strain, like an astronaut out in
Fig. 17 • As- the orbit and free from the influence of grav-
tronaut during
ity, Fig. 17 bottom.
the Sojus mis-
At the end of my professional career as
sion (top left)
an electron beam developer and entrepre-
and the Apolla
mission (top neur, I would like to take the opportunity to
right) and an thank the international welding community
astronaut out for their ongoing interest in the fascinating
in the orbit technology of electron beams and their ap-
(bottom). plications. Especially I want to express my
gratitude to my closest colleagues in re-
search and development, Dr. Thorsten Löw-
er and Mr. Michael Hofner with their col-
laborators. They have done all the work
which I have had the pleasure to present
here. For me and my life I can say: “Vision
and Mission completed”.
Dr. Dietrich Freiherr von Dobeneck,

168 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


The Newsletter of The Welding Institute


Professional Membership: Individual Registration for Collective mented by the fear that, “if I fail I may lose my job/status.” Be-
Compliance, or “What’s in it for the Employer?” sides, if you were competent to do the job yesterday, why do you
The Engineering Council promotes registration of Engineering need to be registered to do it tomorrow?
Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng) and Char- The Welding Institute is a licensed professional engineering insti-
tered Engineers (CEng) to employers with the following messages: tution that assesses individuals for compliance with the UK-SPEC
“If your employees hold one of these professional qualifications (United Kingdom Standard for Professional Engineering Compe-
you and your customers will know that your engineers have at- tence) but, as a business unit within the TWI Group, also has long-
tained and maintained a recognised international standard.” standing and extensive engagement with employers. We believe
“In addition you have the assurance of knowing that their creden- in the enormous value of the peer review process delivered by vol-
tials have been verified, their commitment to continuing profes- unteers from the industry, and in the impartiality and credibility
sional education established and their exposure to new of the 3rd party validation of competence (knowledge, skills, ex-
developments assured.” perience and behaviours) against the UK-SPEC requirement. We
“They will be governed by a professional code of conduct, and re- also believe that an identified lack of competence against the stan-
ceive reminders and assistance in determining their obligations.” dard is not incompetence; it is simply an indication of a require-
Whilst undoubtedly true, these statements do not appear to have ment for additional education, training or experience that can be
captured the value judgement of many employers. Engineering addressed in partnership between the employer, the individual
Council research has elicited employer responses that challenge and The Welding Institute through an agreed Professional Devel-
the perceived value of registration in terms of a product that satis- opment Plan.
fies a need, its return on investment, and the efficiency of its Registration in accordance with UK-SPEC, using the technical focus
processes. Many of these adverse perceptions arise from the fact of The Welding Institute is not an additional, external nice to have.
that Professional Registration has generally been offered to indi- If integrated into an employer’s competence management system,
viduals as a matter of personal choice and much of the promotion Registration and Professional Membership of The Welding Institute
from the Engineering Council and licensed professional institu- is able to provide demonstrable evidence of compliance with regu-
tions highlights enhanced earning potential or promotion lations, standards and specifications, and installs a structure for staff
prospects for registrants in comparison with their non-registered development and career progression. Increasingly, requirements for
colleagues, using a “set you apart” marketing angle. This “set you control of welding quality are seeking demonstration of competence
apart” marketing sometimes generates organisational fear that ‘im- of welding coordinators. There is no actual qualification for person-
proving’ the employee will lead to them leaving for a ‘better’ job. nel responsible for welding coordination, they will occupy a role
For new entrants to the engineering profession, who are following within a company and, during an assessment for certification to ISO
a professional development pathway comprising accredited edu- 3834, EN 15085, or EN 1090, will be assessed for their competence
cational programmes and approved apprenticeship or graduate to carry out their allocated responsibilities within that particular
schemes, achieving registration is a key destination to confirm company. Registration and Professional Membership of The Weld-
their professional status, and the “set you apart” message is a mo- ing Institute can be used to verify qualifications and experience, as-
tivator. However, engagement with employers exposes differences sess informal, non-formal and experiential learning, and provide
between individual and organisational requirements and de- evidence of the level of knowledge of welding.
mands a different value proposition for Professional Registration. With an internationally-recognised mark of engineering compe-
Employers, by definition, already have employees who are autho- tence being provided by a knowledgeable and industry-focused
rised to undertake roles and discharge responsibilities within the network, it would be worth an employer asking how Registration
organisation. Some of those employees may be professionally reg- and Professional Membership of The Welding Institute may be ap-
istered but, unless the employer has specified registration as a re- plied to supporting personnel competence compliance before com-
quirement, many will not. For any employees with accredited mitting to additional training or educational expenditure. “What’s
exemplifying qualifications, the direct route to registration may in it for the Employer?” - Collective Compliance from Individual
not appear to be onerous, and the cost of registration and mem- Registration.
bership and the time to fill in the application form may be the only
hurdles they consider. However, for those who have progressed Eur Ing Chris Eady BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MRAeS FWeldI
through informal, non-formal and experiential learning, the Indi- Associate Director Professional Affairs
vidual Route to registration may appear daunting and be supple- The Welding Institute

Eastern Counties TWI has an annual turnover of £75m in R&D related to materials
Lecture - Welding and joining developments in the aerospace joining, structural integrity and NDT undertaken. It employs ap-
industry. proximately 850 people in five UK technical centres and eleven in-
Dr Richard Freeman TWI ternational offices and training centres. It currently has more than
19 March 2014 700 Industrial Members in 79 countries
Dr Freeman began with a brief introduction to TWI and then went Richard then showed a slide of an aircraft outline which indicated
on to describe several welding processes and to discuss their rele- the areas where welding was used and who was involved. For exam-
vance to the aerospace sector. ple, the airframe OEMs , the engines OEMs, and Tier 1 companies.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 169

This led to descriptions of specific processes and applications, start- Following some searching questions, Geoff Hale, President of Cam-
ing with the friction solid state joining process. First, the friction stir bridge & Anglia Materials Society, thanked Richard for his excellent
welding (FSW) of large tanks for LOX and LH2 tank assemblies presentation and the quality of the visual aids.
used in the Delta IV rockets. Then he showed nose barrier beams This was a joint meeting with the IOM3 and a CPD event.
for the B747-400F where using FSW had allowed reductions, per set
of 5 beams, of 10 parts, 250 fasteners and gave a weight saving of John Weston
14.4lbs. He mentioned the Eclipse 500 and the Embraer Legacy 500
business jets which both use FSW sections. He then described a new New members
stationary shoulder FSW technique for making corner joints and T-
section parts in Al alloys. Name Member Grade Branch

We then saw how the linear friction welding process was used to Daniel Clark Fellow East Midlands
manufacture Blisk (engine) components and also used to assemble Andrew Byne SenMember Kent
sub-parts rather than to machine the item entirely from the solid. Robert Scudamore SenMember Sheffield
Magsud Aliyev SenMember Overseas
Richard outlined laser development as applied to welding noting Roger Pearson Barnett Member Eastern Counties
TWI's early involvement with cross flow CO2 Lasers. New commer- John Haines Member Northern Ireland
cial development of Yb-fibre lasers has greatly increased the power Magdalena Nowak Member Eastern Counties
Stephen Carr Member Teesside
and flexibility available to researchers and manufacturers. He ex- Ritchie McCallum Member London
ampled the automated welding of stringers for the A318 aircraft and Robert George Hadley IncMember Eastern Counties
described studies involving splitting of the laser beam to achieve Robert Michael Gibbs IncMember South Western
Alastair Dalton Cunliffe IncMember Overseas
specific heat inputs on either side of a joint.
Suvish Valsan IncMember Overseas
Even the established processes could be improved for aerospace Richard Picknett Technician Teesside
manufacture and he described developments of the TIG process Mark J Nichols Technician Northumbria
where the filler wire was led almost co-axially into the plasma col- Brian McIntosh Technician Highland and Islands
Martin Leslie Gray Technician Overseas
umn. In another situation a coated wire developed for the MIG Kuswandi Bin Apandi Technician Overseas
process became a TIG filler to produce controlled droplets and bead Khairil Hisham Bin Abd Rahman Technician Overseas
profile at increased welding speeds. He also described the way high Errol Anthony Vardanega Technician Overseas
Robert Mills Technician Overseas
frequency pulsing could restrict plasma column and hence weld Phillip John Sloan Technician East Midlands
bead width to give benefits in terms of welding speed, weld struc- Graeme Forbes Hoyle Technician South Western
ture and reduced heat input. With these advantages blade tip re- Stephen John Bunn Technician Eastern Counties
Michael Bok Technician Overseas
pairs were made easier. Alan Alexander MacFarlane Technician Highland and Islands
Electron beam texturing and Surfi-Sculpt® and the use of the EB John Dobing Technician Teesside
process in engine manufacture were discussed and demonstrated William Robert Agnew Technician Northern Ireland
Robert Christopher Shaw-Edwards Graduate Eastern Counties
with video clips. These discussions led to descriptions of additive Andrew McRoberts Graduate Northern Ireland
manufacture and we were shown some impressive video of very Amir Khamsehnezhad Graduate Eastern Counties
fine bead build up being achieved with laser powder deposition. Martin Appiah Kesse Graduate Overseas
Muhammad Shaheer Graduate Eastern Counties
The coating of composite materials with metals was a challenge
Justas Teiserskis Graduate Eastern Counties
which looks to have some particularly interesting application areas;
in particular giving an 'earthing' conductivity capability to compos-
ite structures and wear resistant coatings to composite shaft ele- Deceased
Name Grade Joined Branch
Richard concluded with an outline of the NDT developments being
studied at TWI. Ronald Bishop Fellow 1972 London
E J Wood AWeldI 1958 Eastern Counties

170 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


Characterisation of the biological effect of ultrafine

particles in welding fumes after controlled exposure –
Effect of the MIG welding of aluminium and the MIG
brazing of zinc-coated materials
Long-time exposure to welding fumes is supposed to be responsible for lung 1 Introduction
disease in some cases [1]. Whether welding fume exposure leads to an im- The development of lung disease is a process ongoing
pairment of human health seems to be dependent on various factors like over many years in which risk factors are difficult to record
fume concentrations, ventilation of the workshops [2, 3], use of personal pro- and to evaluate. It would be more efficient if the health ef-
tection equipment [4-6] and presence of co-factors like cigarette smoking fects of welding fumes could be estimated from the reaction
[7]. From different epidemiological and toxicological studies, it is also known of the human body after an initial short-time contact with
that ultrafine particles which are produced by many thermal processes such the fumes. This task seems to be achievable by monitoring
as welding are able to induce inflammatory processes not only in the lung inflammatory reactions in the human body after contact
but also systemically [8-15], thus inducing not only lung injury but also im- with the fumes. These inflammatory reactions are natural
pairment of the cardiovascular system. However, it seems to be evident that responses of the body to exposure to external, potentially
health effects of welding fumes also depend on the nature of the fumes, on harmful material. Usually, these reactions are terminated
welding techniques and on base and filler materials. In order to improve the after some time and there is no irreversible damage to lung
prevention of welding-related diseases, it would be helpful to have better tissue. However, if the exposure persists over long periods
knowledge about the relationship between the potential to induce lung dis- and inflammation, although minimal, becomes chronic,
eases and those welding-related factors (welding techniques and materials). this may gradually lead to disease.

Dr.-Ing. Vilia Elena Spiegel-Ciobanu is the Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Reisgen studied Mechanical
Chairperson of the “Hazardous Substances in Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University and
Welding and Allied Processes“ section in the BG concluded this as a Dipl.-Ing. in 1990. He subse-
Expert Committee called “Metal and Surface quently worked as a Scientific Employee at the In-
Treatment“ (FAMO) of the German Social Accident stitute of Welding Technology at the RWTH Aachen
Insurance (DGUV), German Social Accident Insur- University where he obtained his Dr.-Ing. degree in
ance Institution for the Woodworking and Metal- 1995. From 1995 to 2000, he was employed as a
working Industries (BGHM). Senior Engineer at the Institute of Welding Tech-
nology at the RWTH Aachen University. Since
Dr. phil. nat. Peter Brand is a physicist spe- 2000, he has been the Head of the Joining and
cialised in aerosol-lung interactions. Since 2007, Testing Technology Department at the Jülich Re-
he has been the Leader of the Inhalation Toxicolo- search Centre. In 2007, he was appointed as a
gy working group of the Institute of Occupational University Professor at the Institute of Welding
and Social Medicine of the RWTH Aachen Univer- Technology and Joining Technology at the RWTH
sity. Aachen University and as the Director of the insti-
tute bearing the same name.
PD Dr. med. Monika Gube studied at the Med-
ical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen University from PD Dr. med. Thomas Kraus studied at the Med-
1994 to 2000 and was subsequently a Resident ical School at the Friedrich-Alexander University of
Physician in various fields. She has been a Special- Erlangen-Nuremberg until 1989. His dissertation
ist for General Medicine since 2006 and a Special- followed in 1990 and his licence to practice (M.D.)
ist for Occupational Medicine since 2008. She was in 1991. He was promoted to professorial status in
promoted to professorial status in November 2012 occupational, social and environmental medicine
and, since March 2013, has been a Senior Physi- in 1997. Since 2001, he has been a Full Professor
cian as well as a Deputy Director of the Institute and the Director of the Institute of Occupational
of Occupational and Social Medicine of the Uni- and Social Medicine, University Hospital, Aachen
versity Hospital of the RWTH Aachen University. University of Technology. He has also been a Board
Member of the German Society for Occupational
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Lenz studied Mechanical Engi- and Environmental Medicine since 2006.
neering at the RWTH Aachen University until
2010. Since 2010, he has been employed as a Re-
search Engineer at the Welding and Joining Insti-
tute (ISF) of the RWTH Aachen University.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 171


the exposure laboratory in which the test subjects are ex-

posed (Fig. 1). Both units are connected by a ventilation
system. The air containing welding fumes enters the ex-
posure laboratory via four ceiling diffusors which have a
vortex flow and ensure a homogeneous aerosol distribu-
tion throughout the laboratory.
An experienced welder performs the welding below a
funnel-shaped fume hood. Welding is usually performed
for 40 s about every 10 min. The intervals between each
welding episode as well as the flow rates given by the ven-
tilation system determine the average particle mass con-
centration within the exposure room which can be varied
over a wide range of concentration.
The exposure conditions are monitored on line in re-
spect to many physical fume properties. The particle mass
concentration (PM10) is measured continuously using a
tapered-element oscillating microbalance (TEOM – series
Fig. 1 • Schemat- At the same time, the Aachen Workplace Simulation 1400A, Thermo Scientific, USA). The particle number/size
ics of the Aachen Laboratory was developed [16-18] in order to overcome distribution and the total number are measured using a
Workplace Simu- problems arising from real workplace conditions like het- fast-mobility particle sizer (FMPS – model 3091, TSI, USA).
lation Laboratory
erogeneous exposure conditions (complex mixtures of Additionally, welding-related gases are measured for NO,
emissions from different sources like welding, grinding, CO2 and CO by electrochemical sensors (Ados, Germany)
soldering or chemical solvents) or typical workplace con- and a UV photometrical sensor for ozone (Thermo Sci-
ditions like ventilation, space, head/body position, indi- entific, model 49i, USA). The elemental composition of
vidual behaviour or the use of personal protection equip- the welding fume particles was measured using atomic
ment in field studies – taking into account previous con- absorption spectrometry (AAS).
siderations of the Working Group “Effect-Related Factors”
of the “Iron and Metal I” expert committee in the employ- 2.2 Effect parameters
ers’ liability insurance association, Section “Hazardous Appropriate inflammation markers have to be avail-
Substances in Welding and Allied Processes”. This labora- able in order to quantify inflammatory reactions after the
tory makes it possible to perform exposure studies on hu- exposure of humans to welding fumes. Different markers
man subjects under controlled conditions using the emis- which are supposed to assess inflammation either topi-
sion of one single working process and to establish expo- cally (within the lung) or systemically (in the whole body)
sures with controlled concentration time courses in order are used in this research programme. Systemic inflam-
to assess the short-term effects of various workplace emis- mation can be assessed by collecting exhaled breath con-
sions which are comparable among different subjects. densate and condensing the fluid contained in the exhaled
Thus, an interdisciplinary research programme of the air using a condensation trap. In this fluid, nitrosative and
Institute of Occupational and Social Medicine and the ISF oxidative stress can be detected by measuring nitrate and
– Welding and Joining Institute of the Aachen University several other substances [5, 20, 21]. Systemic inflammation
of Technology in Aachen/Germany was designed in close can be assessed by measuring inflammatory markers and
cooperation with the Expert Committee “Metal and Sur- inflammation cells within the blood: highly sensitive c-
face Treatment“ of the employers’ liability insurance as- reactive protein (hsCRP), coagulation factor VIII, ristocetin
sociation which supported this study. Different welding co-factor, macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF)
techniques and materials were evaluated in respect to and interleukins. Additionally, the lung function is meas-
their potential to induce inflammation after the short- ured with various techniques in order to detect any acute
term exposure of human subjects to welding fumes under effects of welding fume exposure on the airway function.
controlled, experimental conditions.
The studies presented in this paper focus on two dif- 2.3 Study design
ferent welding processes and material combinations: the The studies performed in this research programme
MIG welding of aluminium and the MIG brazing of zinc- take place as crossover studies with twelve healthy male
coated steel were part of this research project. subjects. Crossover study means that each subject is ex-
posed to different welding fumes and a control exposure
2 Methods in which the subjects are exposed to clean air free from
2.1 The Aachen Workplace Simulation Laboratory welding fumes. Each subject is exposed for six hours. End-
While observing workplace threshold limits, con- point parameters are usually measured before exposure,
trolled exposures of healthy human subjects are per- after exposure, after 24 h and after one week. Every 60
formed in the Aachen Workplace Simulation Laboratory min, each subject cycled on an ergometer at 80 W inside
[19]. This device consists of two different units: the emis- the exposure laboratory for 15 min in order to simulate a
sion room in which the welding fumes are generated and workout as would occur during a work shift.

172 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

2.4 Statistical analysis
In order to identify any differences in the biological
effects among different welding techniques, the differences
between the value after exposure versus before exposure,
the differences between the value 24 h after exposure ver-
sus before exposure and the differences between the value
one week after exposure versus before exposure were cal-
culated for each end-point parameter. The parametric
analysis of variance and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis
test were used in order to identify dependencies of these
differences from the exposure scenario.

3 Study I: MIG welding of aluminium and

MIG brazing of zinc-coated steel
This study was performed as threefold crossover study
in which three different exposures were compared:
1. reference exposure to clean air (zero),
2. exposure to the emissions of a metal inert gas welding
Fig. 2 • Particle number/size distribution for MIG brazing and MIG welding [22]. process on aluminium (MIG-aluminium) and
3. exposure to the emissions of a metal inert gas brazing
process on hot-dip zinc-coated steel [22].

3.1 Welding
The following materials were used:
• Metal inert gas welding (MIG welding) on alumini-
um alloys: base material: aluminum, EN 573-2: EN
AW-5754 (AlMg3), filler metal: AlMg3 (97% alumini-
um, 3% magnesium), EN ISO 18273 – S Al 5754,
shielding gas: argon, DIN EN ISO 14175 – I1 - Ar. The
welding process was in the pulsed-arc mode.
• Metal inert gas brazing (MIG brazing) on zinc-plat-
ed base material: base material: hot-dip zinc-coated
steel sheet EN 10346: DX51D+Z275, filler metal:
CuSi3Mn1 (96% copper, 1% manganese, 3% silicon),
ISO 24373 – S Cu 6560, shielding gas: argon, DIN EN
ISO 14175 – I1 - Ar.

3.2 Results
Fig. 3 • Time course of particle number and mass concentrations within the exposure
Concerning the chemical composition of welding fumes,
laboratory on a study day with exposure to MIG brazing emissions. The dashed line
the investigations showed the following:
represents the given value [22].
• fumes from MIG brazing contained 60.1% zinc, 16.7%
copper, 0.9% iron and 0.3% manganese
• fumes from the MIG welding of aluminium generated
51.4% aluminium, 4.6% magnesium and 0.1% man-
Concerning ozone during MIG brazing, the measured val-
ue stayed below 50 μg/m3. On the contrary, high ozone
concentrations (up to 250 μg/ m3) were observed during
the MIG welding of aluminium. The concentrations of
NO, CO2 and CO were negligible.
Fig. 2 shows the particle number/size distribution for
MIG brazing and MIG welding. On Figs. 3 and 4, the time
course of the particle number and the mass concentra-
tions are shown as examples for one day of each exposure

Fig. 4 • Time course of particle number and mass concentra-

tions within the exposure laboratory on a study day with expo-
sure to MIG welding emissions. The dashed line represents the
given value [22].

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 173


scenario. As can be seen, the given values for the average

mass concentration of 2.5 mg/m3 welding fumes could
be kept with good accuracy. Chemical analysis has shown
that 1.9 mg/m3 zinc oxide and 1.5 mg/m3 zinc were present
in the welding fumes.
During MIG brazing, the mean particle number con-
centration was 6.0 × 105 particles/cm3 (the average of the
peak maxima was 1.8 × 106 particles/m3) for a mass con-
centration of 2.51 mg/m3 (4.07 mg/m3 for the mass con-
centration, corresponding to the max. particle number
concentration). During the MIG welding of aluminium,
the average particle number concentration was at a level
similar to that in MIG brazing with 4.01 × 105 particles/cm3
and the mass concentration was 2.52 mg/m3. The average
Fig. 5 • Time course of particle number and mass concentrations within the exposure
of the peak maxima number concentration was 1.3 × 106 laboratory on a study day with exposure to filtered air [22].
particles/cm3 for a mass concentration of 4.29 mg/m3.
Without fume exposure, the mean number concentration
was 3.7 × 103 particles/cm3 for a mean mass concentration
of 17 μg/m3.
As an example, Fig. 2 shows the particle number as
well as the mass concentration for the MIG brazing of
zinc-coated steel over one day. Fig. 3 shows the average
particle number/size distribution for the two different ex-
posure fumes. For the MIG brazing of a zinc-coated work-
piece, the welding fume particle size distribution showed
that 33% of the particles are smaller than 100 nm and the
modal size was 124 nm whereas the mode derived for the
MIG welding of aluminium material was 143 nm with 15
% of the particles being smaller than 100 nm. More details
on the particle size distribution and the fume composition
can be found in [22].
The analysis of the markers for systemic inflammation
in the blood showed no change between the value before
and after exposure to the emissions from the MIG welding
of aluminium alloys. A significant increase in hsCRP (p <
0.001) was observed for the exposure to MIG brazing Fig. 6 • Box plot of the change in the hsCRP concentration 24 hours after exposure to
fumes containing zinc oxide (Fig. 6). Compared with the MIG brazing fumes versus before exposure for the three different exposure scenarios.
mean value of 0.3 mg/l before exposure, the mean value
one day after the exposure was 2.75 mg/l. However, al-
though this increase was nearly tenfold, most values re-
main within the normal range (< 5 mg/l) and the subjects
experienced no symptoms. The neutrophil concentration
in the blood showed a similar pattern although this data
failed statistical significance (p > 0.05) (Fig. 7). Blood co-
agulation factors VIII and ristocetin co-factors showed
significant increases either directly after exposure or after
seven days.
No indications of local inflammation within the lungs
were found in any exhaled breath condensate samples.

3.3 Discussion
This study has shown that, even at low fume concen-
trations which are in compliance with German workplace
threshold limits, the inhalation of the emissions from a
MIG brazing process on zinc-coated steel is able to induce
a distinct inflammatory reaction within the human body.
Since it is well-known that the inhalation of zinc fumes Fig. 7 • Box plot of the change in the neutrophil concentration 24 hours after expo-
is able to induce metal fume fever at high fume concen- sure to MIG brazing fumes versus before exposure for the three different exposure
trations [23-25], it may be speculated that zinc (zinc ox- scenarios [22].

174 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

ide), in addition to copper oxide, is responsible for the
observed effect. These effects may be understood if it is
considered that zinc plays an important role in the regu-
lation of immune reactions within cells [26, 27]. An excess
amount of zinc in cells may lead to disproportionate im-
mune reactions as was observed in this study. However,
it may be suspected that this reaction is able to induce
lung injury after long-term exposure to low concentra-
tions of fumes containing zinc but this still has to be

4 Study II: Assessment of the no observed

effect level for welding fumes from the MIG
brazing of zinc-coated materials
Fig. 8 • Flow diagram of the adaptive study design [22].
The results shown in the previous section are espe-
cially important in consideration of the ongoing debate
about workplace threshold limits for zinc. The German
WTL Commission has recently proposed a threshold limit
of 0.1 mg/m3 zinc in the air (1.5 mg/m3 in the study re-
ported above). This proposal was based on data reported
by Beckett et al. [28] who exposed human subjects to 0.5
mg/m3 zinc oxide for two hours. In this study, they found
no changes in haematological parameters, inflammation
markers or cardiac physiology. This exposure was con-
sidered as safe and extrapolated to an eight-hour work
shift. Therefore, it was concluded that 0.1 mg/m3 zinc
should be safe for eight hours too. However, it is very likely
that even higher concentrations of zinc fumes would be
safe. The experimental setup of the Aachen Workplace
Simulation Laboratory gives the possibility to assess the
threshold for the onset of biological effects (no observed
effect level – NOEL) systematically and to make a contri-
bution to the determination of evidence-based workplace
threshold limits. Fig. 9 • Box plot of the change in the hsCRP concentration 24 hours after exposure
The study addressing this issue was performed in an versus before exposure for the three different exposure mass concentrations (PM10)
adaptive study design [29]. This means that an interim [22].
analysis is performed after the first out of three exposures
and it is tested whether an increase in hsCRP in the blood 4.2 Discussion
could be detected. If an effect is observed, the second ex- In this study, it could be shown that the onset of signs
posure is performed with a lower concentration. If no ef- for systemic inflammation occurred for fumes containing
fect is observed, the second exposure is performed with a zinc concentrations between 0.9 and 1.2 mg/m3 zinc (total
higher concentration – and so on (Fig. 8). The welding particle mass concentrations for welding fumes between
fume concentration at which the onset of signs of systemic 1.4 and 2.0 mg/m3). This value is considerably higher than
inflammation can be observed can be approximated in the values proposed by the German WTL Commission.
this way. However, it has to be kept in mind that the MIG brazing
of zinc-coated materials was performed using a CuSi3
4.1 Results welding wire containing copper. Therefore, the welding
The first exposure was performed with a fume con- fumes also contained about 17% copper (versus 60% zinc),
centration of 1.43 mg/m3 containing 0.9 mg/m3 zinc as both in the form of oxides. Since copper is also known to
zinc oxide. No increase in hsCRP was observed 24 h after be responsible for cases of metal fume fever [30, 31], it
this exposure (Fig. 9). Therefore, the next exposure was may be speculated that the effects observed in these stud-
performed with 2 mg/m3 fumes containing 1.2 mg/m3 ies may also be due to the copper content of the fumes.
zinc in the form of zinc oxide. A statistically significant This issue will be addressed in future studies.
increase in hsCRP was observed this time (p<0.001). The However, the following statements may be drawn from
third exposure was therefore performed with 2.5 mg/m3 the results of the studies presented here:
and 1.5 mg/m3 zinc. As seen before, an increase in hsCRP • The biological effects of welding fumes are quite het-
was observed after this exposure but it was less pro- erogeneous and are strongly dependent on the ma-
nounced than in the previous study. More details can be terials and welding techniques used. Workplace
found in [29]. threshold limits should address this fact.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 175


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176 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3


Grain structure in aluminium TIG welds

The microstructure of a fusion weld has great influences on the suscepti- THE AUTHORS
bility of the base material to hot cracking and on the mechanical properties
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Schempp studied Mechanical
of the weld. Small, globulitic grains are necessary for increased strength,
Engineering at the Universities of Stuttgart/Ger-
ductility and toughness and for a low inclination to hot cracking instead
many and Valencia/Spain from 2003 to 2009.
of large, oblong grains. This study reports on the factors which exert the
Since 2009, he has been a doctoral candidate
main influences on such grain refinement in the weld. Thus, the influences
in Division 9.3: “Fabrication Processes Using
of the thermal conditions, the chemical composition of the weld metal and
Welding Technology“ at the Federal Institute
the number and type of solidification nuclei on the microstructure were
for Materials Research and Testing (BAM),
classified for the TIG welding of three different aluminium alloys.
Berlin/Germany, and at the Berlin University
of Technology where he recently obtained his
doctoral degree on the subject of “Grain
1 Introduction
refinement in aluminium TIG welds“.
The grain or crystal structure of the weld metal is an
important characteristic of every weld. On the one hand,
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Pittner ended his Mechani-
the grain size and shape influence the mechanical prop-
cal Engineering studies at the Stralsund Univer-
erties of the welded joint. Thus, it was shown for alu-
sity of Applied Sciences in Stralsund/Germany
minium TIG welds, amongst others, that fine grains
in 2004. Thereafter, he began his advanced
(small grain size) may improve the strength, ductility
Master of Science studies in Computational En-
and toughness of the weld [1; 2]. Here, the background
gineering in 2005 and ended these in 2007. He
is the Hall-Petch relationship which predicts an increase
was a Scientific Employee from 2007 to 2011
in the yield strength with a decreasing grain size for
(and obtained his doctoral degree in July 2011).
metallic materials [3]. Moreover, it is known, for example,
He has been the Divisional Manager for Weld-
from the welding of aluminium alloys susceptible to hot
ing Simulation and Arc Welding at the Federal
cracking that the tendency to form hot cracks can be
Institute for Materials Research and Testing
lowered substantially by refining the grains in the weld
(BAM), Berlin/Germany, with Division 9.3: “Fab-
metal [4; 5]. The distribution of the shrinkage strains
rication Processes Using Welding Technology“
around a lot of smaller grains [6] and favourable changes
since November 2011.
in the shape and chemical composition of the interden-
dritic residual molten material are specified as reasons
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier stud-
for this [5].
ied Mechanical Engineering at the Brunswick
This article deals with the essential influences on the
University of Technology in Brunswick/Germany
weld microstructure. During the solidification of the
from 1993 to 1999. After working as a Scien-
molten pool, the grain size and shape are mainly defined
tific Employee and obtaining his doctoral de-
by the three following parameters:
gree at the Institute for Welding Technology in
a) thermal conditions in the molten pool,
Brunswick in 2003, he worked as the Deputy
b) chemical compositions of the base and welding filler
Manager of the “Fabrication Technology and
Fig. 1 • Variation Production Concepts“ Division in the Corporate
c) type of solidification nuclei.
of the thermal Research Department of Volkswagen AG. Since
gradient G, the 2007, he has been a Professor in the “Safety of
growth speed R
a) Thermal conditions
Joined Components“ Faculty at the Berlin Uni-
and the relevant Not only the weld geometry (e.g. sheet thickness) and
versity of Technology and the Leader of the ex-
grain structure the material parameters (e.g. thermal conductivity) but
pert group bearing the same name at the
inside the weld also the welding process exert crucial influences on the
Federal Institute for Materials Research and
(top view). solidification conditions in the weld. In the case of TIG
Testing (BAM), Berlin. Since 2009, he has also
been the Manager of the Joining and Coating
Technology Division at the Fraunhofer Institute
for Production Installations and Design Engi-
neering, Berlin.

welding, the welding speed v, the voltage U and the current

I determine the following thermal parameters:
• growth speed of the solidification front R (in mm/s),
• thermal gradient G (in K/mm),
• cooling rate dT/dt (in K/s).

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 177


In this respect, it must be borne in mind

that the levels of these parameters vary con-
siderably along the solidification front, Fig.
1. The molten pool is located at the fusion
line in direct contact with the “cold“ base
material. For this reason, G has its maxi-
mum here and its minimum in the centre
of the weld. Moreover, the cooling rate
dT/dt is usually higher at the centre line
than at the fusion line. The direction of R is
always perpendicular to the solidification
front. For this reason, R has its minimum at
the fusion line and its maximum in the cen-
tre of the weld (= v). The connection be-
tween R and v is described in a simplied
form by Equation (1) and causes the arched
Fig. 2 • TIG welding process and temperature measurement (dimensions in mm).
growth of the microstructure, Fig. 1:

. (1) (3)

In this case, G and R exert strong influences on the

grain size and shape: At the fusion line (steep G/R gradi-
ent), the molten material is supercooled to a small extent. (4)
This leads to the growth of fewer large or oblong grains. In
contrast, the supercooling is considerably more pro-
nounced at the centre line (flat G/R gradient). Depending
on the welding process and the material, this leads to the b) Chemical composition
growth of a lot of small, globulitic grains. Consequently, a During the solidification of an alloy, the chemical com-
transition from an oblong grain structure to a globulitic position has a big influence on the formation of the mi-
grain structure, the so-called CET (columnar to equiaxed crostructure. Since every alloying element has a different
transition) effect, can be observed between the centre line solubility in the solid phase than in the liquid phase, the
and the fusion line in many cases. In this respect, it should molten material exhibits segregation phenomena at the
be noted that a completely globulitic grain structure in the solidification front. As a consequence, this region may be
weld is of great interest to the user since it usually exhibits “constitutionally supercooled“ depending on the alloy
a higher ductility and toughness [2] and a lower inclination composition and the cooling conditions (= ΔTC), i.e. there,
to hot cracking [5] than an oblong grain structure. the actual temperature drops below the liquidus temper-
In order to establish exactly how R, G and the super- ature. This thermodynamically unstable condition imme-
cooling are connected, the local angle α(between R and diately leads to crystal growth at the solidification nuclei
v, Fig. 1) can be determined for any point of a weld on the located in the molten material. In this respect, it is gener-
basis of flat sections which display the grain structure as ally applicable: The higher ΔTC is, the more nuclei are ac-
on Fig. 1. The relevant values of R and G are finally calcu- tivated (more grains) and the smaller the resulting grain
lated with Equations (1) and (2). For this purpose, it is size is.
necessary to know the local cooling rate dT/dt which can
be determined with the aid of thermocouples or by means c) Solidification nuclei
of simulation: Solidification nuclei are usually particles which have
sizes of just a few microns and are not soluble in liquid
aluminium or only with difficulty. The question as to
. (2) whether a nucleus is activated during the cooling of the
molten material depends, above all, on its chemical com-
This procedure can be used in order to determine the position, size and shape as well as on the atomic lattice
critical RCET and GCET values at the position of the weld where type [8]. The most efficient nuclei in molten aluminium
the CET arises. The literature [7] defines GCET according to materials contain titanium, boron or both [9], e.g. TiB2
Equation (3). N0 is the number of heterogeneous solidifica- and Al3Ti, which are characterised by a very low ΔTN (just
tion nuclei and can be calculated via the grain size d which, a few kelvins). They are usually added to the molten ma-
in turn, is determined with the aid of microsections, Equa- terial during the casting of aluminium as a rod-shaped
tion (4). ΔTN and ΔTC,CET are the necessary supercooling grain refiner (e.g. AlTi5B1) in order to achieve a fine-
phenomena in order to activate these nuclei for the growth grained structure and the advantages associated with this
of an Al crystal (ΔTN) and to cause the CET effect (ΔTC,CET): in the casting.

178 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

2 Procedure Table 1 • Chemical compositions of the base materials and the grain refiner (measured with wet-chemical
The base materials used in this study ICP-OES analysis).
were 3 mm thick sheets made of the AW-
1050A (Al99.5), AW-6082 (Al Si1MgMn)
and AW-5083 (AlMg4.5Mn0.7) alumini-
um alloys whose chemical compositions
are included in Table 1. In order to exert
targeted influences on the grain size in
the weld, varying quantities of the bar-
shaped standard AlTi5B1 grain refiner
were mixed with the base material con-
cerned in a casting process and were cast
into bar-shaped inserts with the dimen- Table 2 • Parameters of the TIG welds.
sions of 140 mm × 2 mm × 1.5 mm.
The casting inserts were subsequently
inserted into the groove in a welding
specimen made of the base material and
were remelted on the rear side in a TIG
welding process, Fig. 2 left. Moreover,
temperature measurements were taken
in the centre of a few welds (with regard
to the sheet thickness and the weld
length) with the AW-1050A and AW-6082
materials, Fig. 2 right. The horizontal position of the ther- alloy, it was possible to prevent the formation of a hot
mocouple transverse to the welding direction was varied crack at the centre line by increasing the welding speed.
between the centre of the weld (as portrayed on Fig. 2) This illustrates the positive influence of grain refinement
and the fusion line (approx. 3 mm to the right or left of it). on the formation of hot cracks whose crack paths are more
Thus, it was possible to determine the local cooling rate entangled with a globulitic grain structure than with ob-
(dT/dt) at the beginning of the solidification in any posi- long grains. Therefore, the crack propagation encounters
tion between the fusion line and the centre line of the more resistance in a fine-grained structure than in a coarse
weld. In this respect, the vertical position of the thermo- structure.
couple was always central. In order to reduce the scope Moreover, the chemical compositions (alloys) and the
of the measuring work, no temperature measurements numbers of solidification nuclei (additions of grain refin-
were taken with the AW-5083 alloy which exhibits very ers) were varied in a second step, Table 3. For every com-
good weldability. bination of the welding speed v, the alloy and the titanium
The welding speed was between 2.0 mm/s and 11.5 content, it shows the dominant grain structures found in
mm/s while the amperage was adjusted in each case. The the respective welds. Accordingly, the alloys are distinctly
most important welding parameters are specified in Table different from each other: If there are no additions of grain
2. Using a standardised interrupted segment procedure, refiners (first column in each case), the grain structure is
the grain size was determined on ground, polished and predominantly oblong (O) in pure aluminium welds (AW-
subsequently anodically etched microsections [10]. Fur- 1050A) even at high welding speeds. With the AW-6082
thermore, WDX (wavelength dispersive X-ray spec- and, above all, AW-5083 alloys, this can only be observed
troscopy) analyses were made in order to identify solidi- at low welding speeds. The reason for this is the total al-
fication nuclei. loying content which increases considerably from AW-
1050A (0.4% by mass) via AW-6082 (2.7%) right up to AW-
3 Results 5083 (6.0%). The associated increase in the constitutional
The influence of the thermal conditions on the grain supercooling promotes the growth of many, globulitic
structure can be seen on Fig. 3 which shows microsections grains.
through welds on the AW-6082 alloy. Accordingly, the in- Only slight additions of grain refiners in the region of
crease in the welding speed leads to a distinct refinement one tenth finally produce predominantly globulitic struc-
of the structure. Moreover, the previously described tran- tures for all three alloys. This may be attributed to the in-
sition from an oblong grain structure to a globulitic grain crease in TiB2 and Al3Ti particles in the molten pool. This
structure (CET effect) can be observed inside every weld, was shown by WDX analyses of various welds. Thus, it
above all at high welding speeds. Both observations may becomes clear that, in addition to a sufficiently high al-
be explained by the fact that a rising welding speed v caus- loying content, effective, easy-to-activate solidification
es a lower G/R ratio and a higher ΔTC, Equations (1) and nuclei are also necessary for a fine-grained weld. This is
(2). Consequently, more of the existing solidification nu- easiest to achieve using a minimum grain refiner content
clei are activated and this ultimately leads to grain refine- in the welding filler material in wire form. Furthermore,
ment. Furthermore, Fig. 3 shows that, with the AW-6082 the grain refiner provides not only solidification nuclei

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3 179


but also constitutional supercooling which is caused by tions (3) and (4). The supercooling ΔTN necessary for the
surplus titanium dissolved in the molten material. activation of nuclei was stipulated at 1 K for this purpose
The influences of the alloying and grain refiner con- [12] and only welds without any additions of grain refiners
tents are portrayed quantitatively on Fig. 4a using the con- were taken into consideration. The results of this CET
nection between the mean grain size and titanium content modelling are portrayed on Fig. 4b. Correspondingly, the
of the weld. Every regression curve represents a power limiting curves between the regions with predominantly
function which describes data points of the material con- oblong (O) and globulitic (G) grain structures show that
cerned on the basis of the smallest error sum of squares. the critical R and G values necessary for the CET depend
The digram illustrates that the transition from an oblong on the alloying composition to a small extent only. Fur-
structure to a globulitic structure is associated with distinct thermore, it is clearly recognisable that a combination of
grain refinement (decrease of as much as 90% in the grain a low G and a high R (i.e. a low G/R) is needed for a glob-
size). Here as well, it is possible to recognise an alloying ulitic grain structure. Conversely, this means that the
influence which interestingly leads to the most pro- welder should choose the highest possible welding speed
nounced grain refinement effect with pure aluminium and a low heat input [13]. This permits a globulitic, fine-
(AW-1050A), followed by the AW-6082 and AW-5083 al- grained weld structure which may lead to improved me-
loys. Therefore, the comparison with Table 3 permits the chanical properties of the weld and to a lower suscepti-
conclusion that rising alloying contents favour the CET, bility to the hot cracking of the base material.
Table 3, but slightly decrease the efficiency of additions
of grain refiners, Fig. 4a. This may probably be attributed 4 Concluding remarks
to chemical reactions of a few solidification nuclei such The experiments described here illustrate that several
as TiB2 and Al3Ti with alloying elements which decrease parameters exert crucial influences on the grain size and
the number of available nuclei [11]. shape of the weld. Moreover, the underlying temperature
Finally, the CET inside every weld was localised using measurements show that the solidification conditions in
microsections. The dT/dt, G and R values existing there the weld exhibit extreme local variations. In a next step, the
were determined as described above. It was ultimately more precise investigation of this effect on the weld mi-
possible to compare these experimental results with the crostructure can be conducted by simulating the solidifica-
critical GCET approach known from the literature, Equa- tion of the molten pool. Consideration should also be given

Fig. 3 • Grain structure (top view) in the centre of the weld (with regard to the sheet
thickness) depending on the welding speed. TIG welding (dummy welds without any
additions of grain refiners), alloy: AW-6082, sheet thickness: 3 mm.

Table 3 • Dominant grain structures in TIG welds depending on the welding speed, the
alloy and the titanium content of the weld metal (* titanium content of the base ma-
terial (no additions of grain refiners); O: more than 50% oblong, G: more than 50%

Fig. 4 • TIG welding on aluminium sheets with a thickness of 3

mm; a) mean grain size in the weld depending on the titanium
content at a constant welding speed of v = 4.2 mm/s, b) transi-
tion from a predominantly oblong (O) grain structure to a glob-
ulitic (G) grain structure (CET) depending on G and R.

180 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 3

to refining the existing sets of standards relating to the chem- [2] Schempp, P., et al.: Influence of grain size on mechanical
ical compositions of welding filler materials in the case of properties of aluminium GTA weld metal. Wdg. in the
World 57 (2013), No. 3, pp. 293/304.
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elements such as titanium and boron in order to ensure an Vol. 64, pp. 747/52.
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of Al-2.2Li-2.7Cu. Wdg. J. 68 (1989), No. 8, pp. 327-s/35-s.
[5] Schempp, P., et al.: Influence of Ti and B additions on grain
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS size and weldability of aluminium alloy 6082. Wdg. in the
World 56 (2012), No. 9-10, pp. 95/104.
The IGF Project IGF 16.242 N / DVS [6] Spittle, J. A., and A. A. Cushway: Influences of superheat
Number 01.067 of the research as- and grain structure on hot-tearing susceptibilities of Al-Cu
sociation “Forschungsvereinigung alloy castings. Metals Technology 10 (1983), No. 1, pp. 6/13.
Schweißen und verwandte Ver- [7] Hunt, J. D.: Steady state columnar and equiaxed growth of
dendrites and eutectic. Materials Science and Engineering
fahren des DVS, Aachener Straße 65 (1984), No. 1, pp. 75/83.
172, 40223 Düsseldorf“ was, on [8] Bunn, A. M., et al.: Modeling of the effectiveness of Al-Ti-B
the basis of a resolution of the Lower House of the German refiners in commercial purity aluminium. Proceedings
Parliament, promoted by the German Ministry of Economic “Light Metals 1998“ Conference, pp. 963/968. The Minerals,
Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania/USA
Affairs and Energy via the Industrial Research Alliance (AiF)
within the framework of the programme for the promotion of [9] Schloz, J. D.: Fundamentals of grain refining aluminum al-
joint industrial research and development (IGF). loys. Light Metal Age 68 (2010), No. 4, pp. 30/37.
The authors would like to thank Mr. Hayen (formerly at Alijo [10] ASTM E 112, “Standard test methods for determining aver-
Aluminium-Bau Jonuscheit GmbH) and Mr. Gudde (KBM Affil- age grain size“ (1996 edition).
[11] Easton, M. A., and D. H. StJohn: A model of grain refine-
ips B.V.) for providing the AW-5083 base material (Alijo) and
ment incorporating alloy constitution and potency of het-
the grain refiner (KBM Affilips). Moreover, our sincere grati- erogeneous nucleant particles. Acta Materialia 49 (2001),
tude goes to Mrs. Oder (WDX), Mrs. Marten and Mrs. Stojkic No. 10, pp. 1867/78.
(metallography), Mrs. Strehlau (ICP-OES analyses) and Mr. D. [12] Grong, Ø., and C. E. Cross: A model for predicting weld
Köhler (casting) for supporting the work at the Federal Insti- metal grain refinement in G-V space. Proceedings, “Multi-
scale Phenomena in Materials - Experiments in Modeling“,
tute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 1999 (Boston/
USA), Vol. 578, pp. 431/438 (http://journals.cambridge.org/
article_S194642740029845X), ISBN 9781558994867, Cam-
Literature bridge University Press 2000.
[1] Ram, G. D. J., et al.: Microstructural refinement through in- [13] Schempp, P., et al.: Solidification of GTA aluminium weld
oculation of type 7020 Al-Zn-Mg alloy welds and its effect metal: Part II - Thermal conditions and model for columnar
on hot cracking and tensile properties. J. of Materials Pro- to equiaxed transition. Wdg. J. 93 (2014), No. 3, pp. 69-s/77-s.
cessing Technology 142 (2003), No. 1, pp. 174/81.

Welding and Cutting – editorial preview

Issue 4 (July/August) Issue 5 (September/October)
• Brazing/soldering for the joining of metals and ceramic • Examples of applications in welding and cutting technology
• Welding and brazing of light weight constructions • EuroBLECH – International exhibition for sheet metal working
• Fabtech/AWS Show in Atlanta/USA

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ISSN 1612-3433
182 Schweißen und Schneiden 1/2012
The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide

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ABC (2014)andNo.
3 3 (2004) No. 5 30541
The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
▼friction welding 280 Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH
Plant and equipment for Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald
joining, surfacing and cutting KUKA Systems GmbH Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald
processes Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg +49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach
I ▼friction stir welding 281
+49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761
e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de
CyTec Zylindertechnik GmbH SKS Welding Systems GmbH
1 Plant and equipment, including Steffensrott 1, D-52428 Jülich Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern
+49 2461 6808-0, ¬ +49 2461 6808-796 +49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119
automation, mechanization and industrial e-mail: klaus.klement@cytec.de, Internet: www.cytec.de e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com, Internet: www.sks-
robots, for welding of metal, ceramic and welding.com
composite materials ▼laser welding 180
Bergmann & Steffen GmbH
MIG-/MAG (GMA) welding 230
▼capacitor discharge welding 170 Raiffeisenstrasse 176 / P.O. Box, D-32139 Spenge
+49 5225 8786-0, ¬ +49 5225 8786-27 Bergmann & Steffen GmbH
Conntronic Prozess– und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH e-mail: info@bergmann-steffen.de Raiffeisenstrasse 176 / P.O. Box, D-32139 Spenge
Haldenloh B 4, D-86465 Welden Internet: www.bergmann-steffen.de +49 5225 8786-0, ¬ +49 5225 8786-27
+49 8293 96520, ¬ +49 8293 965277 Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH e-mail: info@bergmann-steffen.de
e-mail: info@conntronic.com Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger Internet: www.bergmann-steffen.de
Internet: www.conntronic.com +49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275 Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH +49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275
▼electron beam welding 60 Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 Conntronic Prozess– und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Evobeam GmbH e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Kurmainzstrasse 64, D-55126 Mainz Haldenloh B 4, D-86465 Welden
Evobeam GmbH +49 8293 96520, ¬ +49 8293 965277
+49 6136 9229-210, ¬ +49 6136 9229-212 Kurmainzstrasse 64, D-55126 Mainz
e-Mail: info@evobeam.com, Internet: www.evobeam.com e-mail: info@conntronic.com
+49 6136 9229-210, ¬ +49 6136 9229-212 Internet: www.conntronic.com
Josch Strahlschweißtechnik GmbH e-Mail: info@evobeam.com, Internet: www.evobeam.com
Gewerbehof - Dorfplatz 0 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH
KUKA Systems GmbH Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
D-06193 Petersburg OT Teicha Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
+49 34606 353-0, ¬ +49 34606 353-14 +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
e-mail: office@josch.net, www.josch.net e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik
Laserline GmbH Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof
Behringstrasse 6, D-82152 Planegg Fraunhofer Strasse, D-56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
+49 89 899233-0, ¬ +49 89 899233-11 +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30
+49 2630 964-0, ¬ +49 2630 964-1018 e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com
e-mail: muenchen@pro-beam.com e-mail: info@laserline.de, Intermet: www.laserline.de
Internet: www.pro-beam.com Internet: www.fronius.com
Hugo Miebach GmbH igm Robotersysteme AG
PTR Präzisionstechnik GmbH Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund
Am Spitzen Sand 1, D-63477 Maintal Industriezentrum Niederösterreich Süd, Str. 2
+49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123 A-2355 Wiener Neudorf
+49 6181 4094-0, ¬ +49 6181 4094-13 e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de
e-mail: zentrale@ptr-gmbh.de, Internet: www.ptr-gmbh.de +43 2236 6706, ¬ +43 2236 61576
OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH e-mail: office@igm-group.com, Internet: www.igm.at
Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach
Emmy-Noether-Strasse 2, D-82216 Maisach JÄCKLE Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH
+49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761 Riedweg 4 u. 9, D-88339 Bad Waldsee
+49 8141 3535-0, ¬ +49 8141 3535-215 e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de
e-mail: info@steigerwald-eb.de +49 7524 97000, ¬ +49 7524 970030
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de e-mail: info@jaeckle-sst.de, Internet: www.jaeckle-sst.de
Internet: steigerwald-eb.de pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA Javac - Deutschland GmbH
Behringstrasse 6, D-82152 Planegg Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
+49 89 899233-0, ¬ +49 89 899233-11 +49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
▼flash welding 10
e-mail: muenchen@pro-beam.com e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de
Hugo Miebach GmbH Internet: www.pro-beam.com Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de
Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund KUKA Systems GmbH
+49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123 Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de ▼magnetically impelled arc butt (MIAB) welding 330 +49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
HBS Bolzenschweiss-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH
▼flux cored arc welding 100 Felix-Wankel-Straße 18, D-85221 Dachau Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald
+49 8131 511-0, ¬ +49 8131 511-100 Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald
Bavaria Schweißtechnik e-mail: post@hbs-info.de, Internet: www.hbs-info.de +49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199
Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim KUKA Systems GmbH e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu
+49 89 3171035 Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg Mechafin AG
e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com +49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil
Internet: www.subarcflux.com e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH Mechafin AG e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com
Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil Hugo Miebach GmbH
+49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79 +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070 Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund
e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com +49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 ▼manual metal arc welding 190
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH +49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761
EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de
Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 Internet: www.otc-daihen.de
+49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH
e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss
FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof +49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com Internet: www.fronius.com REHM GmbH u. Co. KG Schweißtechnik
Internet: www.fronius.com JÄCKLE Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH Ottostrasse 2, D-73066 Uhingen
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH Riedweg 4 u. 9, D-88339 Bad Waldsee +49 7161 3007-0, ¬ +49 7161 3007-20
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk +49 7524 97000, ¬ +49 7524 970030 e-mail: rehm@rehm-online.de
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 e-mail: info@jaeckle-sst.de, Internet: www.jaeckle-sst.de Internet: www.rehm-online.de
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com Javac - Deutschland GmbH SKS Welding Systems GmbH
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722 +49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com,
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de Internet: www.sks-welding.com

42 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
Technolit GmbH Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Valk Welding B.V.
Industriestrasse 8, D-36137 Großenlüder Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
+49 6648 69-0, ¬ +49 6648 69-569 +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
e-mail: info@technolit.de, Internet: www.technolit.de e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Valk Welding B.V. EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH Internet: www.valkwelding.com
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de ▼resistance spot welding 380
Internet: www.valkwelding.com KUKA Systems GmbH
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg Bergmann & Steffen GmbH
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 Raiffeisenstrasse 176 / P.O. Box, D-32139 Spenge
▼multiple-wire welding 221 e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com +49 5225 8786-0, ¬ +49 5225 8786-27
MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH e-mail: info@bergmann-steffen.de
FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz Internet: www.bergmann-steffen.de
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof +49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40 Bosch Rexroth AG
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de Berliner Strasse 25, D-64711 Erbach
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com Hugo Miebach GmbH +49 6062 78-231, ¬ +49 6062 78-728
Internet: www.fronius.com Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund e-mail: klaus.wittenbecher@boschrexroth.de
+49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123 Internet: www.boschrexroth.com
e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de Conntronic Prozess– und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
▼narrow gap welding 80 MIG·O·MAT Mikrofügetechnik GmbH Haldenloh B 4, D-86465 Welden
Werkstrasse 20, D-57299 Burbach +49 8293 96520, ¬ +49 8293 965277
ARC MACHINES GmbH e-mail: info@conntronic.com
+49 2736 4154-0, ¬ +49 2736 4154-99
Markelsbach 2, D-53804 Much Internet: www.conntronic.com
e-mail: info@mig-o-mat.com, Internet: www.mig-o-mat.com
+49 2245 9168-0, ¬ +49 2245 9168-68 KUKA Systems GmbH
e-mail: sales@arcmachines.de Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
Internet: www.arcmachines.com +49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH ▼projection welding 30
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger Bergmann & Steffen GmbH Hugo Miebach GmbH
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275 Raiffeisenstrasse 176 / P.O. Box, D-32139 Spenge Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de +49 5225 8786-0, ¬ +49 5225 8786-27 +49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123
e-mail: info@bergmann-steffen.de e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de
Internet: www.bergmann-steffen.de
▼plasma/TIG welding 250
Conntronic Prozess– und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Haldenloh B 4, D-86465 Welden ▼seam welding 290
aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg +49 8293 96520, ¬ +49 8293 965277
e-mail: info@conntronic.com Bosch Rexroth AG
+49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122 Berliner Strasse 25, D-64711 Erbach
e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de Internet: www.conntronic.com
+49 6062 78-231, ¬ +49 6062 78-728
FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik e-mail: klaus.wittenbecher@boschrexroth.de
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof Internet: www.boschrexroth.com
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 ▼pulsed arc welding 200
KUKA Systems GmbH
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com aixcon PowerSystems GmbH Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
Internet: www.fronius.com Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg +49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
igm Robotersysteme AG +49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122 e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
Industriezentrum Niederösterreich Süd, Str. 2 e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de Hugo Miebach GmbH
A-2355 Wiener Neudorf EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund
+43 2236 6706, ¬ +43 2236 61576 Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach +49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123
e-mail: office@igm-group.com, Internet: www.igm.at +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de
Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik
Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof ▼stud welding 20
+49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199 +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30
e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com AS - ARNHOLD - GmbH
Mechafin AG Internet: www.fronius.com Wullener Feld 48, D-58454 Witten
Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil JÄCKLE Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH +49 2302 699001, ¬ +49 2302 699006
+41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070 Riedweg 4 u. 9, D-88339 Bad Waldsee e-mail: as-arnhold-gmbh@t-online.de
e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com +49 7524 97000, ¬ +49 7524 970030 Internet: www.bolzenschweissen.com
Hugo Miebach GmbH e-mail: info@jaeckle-sst.de, Internet: www.jaeckle-sst.de AS Schöler + Bolte GmbH
Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund Javac - Deutschland GmbH Gewerkenstrasse 1, D-58456 Witten
+49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123 Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten +49 2302 97005-0, ¬ +49 2302 73009
e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de +49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722 e-mail: info@as-schoeler-bolte.com,
OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de Internet: www.as-schoeler-bolte.com
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de HBS Bolzenschweiss-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
+49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761 Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH Felix-Wankel-Strasse 18, D-85221 Dachau
e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald +49 8131 511-0, ¬ +49 8131 511-100
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald e-mail: post@hbs-info.de, Internet: www.hbs-info.de
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH +49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199 Köster & Co. GmbH Bolzenschweißtechnik
Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu Spreeler Weg 32, D-58256 Ennepetal
+49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200 MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH +49 2333 8306-0, ¬ +49 2333 8306-38
e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz e-mail: koeco@bolzenschweisstechnik.de
Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de +49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40 Internet: bolzenschweisstechnik.de
SKS Welding Systems GmbH e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de Carl Rinke GmbH & Co. KG
Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern Orbitalum Tools GmbH Waffenschmidtstrasse 4, D-50767 Köln
+49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119 Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen +49 221 709033-0, ¬ +49 221 709033-50
e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com, +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500 e-Mail: info@rinke.com, Internet: www.rinke.com
Internet: www.sks-welding.com e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH
Internet: www.orbitalum.com Inninger Strasse 14, D-82237 Wörtsee
OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH +49 8153 885-0, ¬ +49 8153 885-221
▼plasma welding 260
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach e-mail: export@soyer.de, Internet: www.soyer.de
aixcon PowerSystems GmbH +49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761
Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de
▼submerged arc welding 360
+49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122
e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH Bavaria Schweißtechnik
Bergmann & Steffen GmbH Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim
Raiffeisenstrasse 176 / P.O. Box, D-32139 Spenge +49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200 +49 89 3171035
+49 5225 8786-0, ¬ +49 5225 8786-27 e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com
e-mail: info@bergmann-steffen.de Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de Internet: www.subarcflux.com
Internet: www.bergmann-steffen.de SKS Welding Systems GmbH Javac - Deutschland GmbH
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger +49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119 +49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275 e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com, e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de Internet: www.sks-welding.com Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de

ABC (2014) No. 3 43

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
KUKA Systems GmbH Orbitalum Tools GmbH Javac - Deutschland GmbH
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500 +49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de
REDROCK Deutschland GmbH Internet: www.orbitalum.com Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de
Wassenacher Straße 1a, D-56626 Andernach OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
+49 2632 810498-0, ¬ +49 8632 9879110 Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
e-mail: infode@redrockautomation.com, +49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761 +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Internet: www.redrockautomation.com e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
REHM GmbH u. Co. KG Schweißtechnik
▼tandem welding 331 Ottostrasse 2, D-73066 Uhingen
+49 7161 3007-0, ¬ +49 7161 3007-20 3 Plant and equipment, including
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH e-mail: rehm@rehm-online.de automation, mechanization and industrial
Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger Internet: www.rehm-online.de
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275
robots, for brazing and soldering
Technolit GmbH
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de Industriestrasse 8, D-36137 Großenlüder
FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik +49 6648 69-0, ¬ +49 6648 69-569 ▼arc brazing 540
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof e-mail: info@technolit.de, Internet: www.technolit.de
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 Valk Welding B.V. EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
Internet: www.fronius.com +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244
igm Robotersysteme AG e-mail: info@valkwelding.com e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
Industriezentrum Niederösterreich Süd, Str. 2 Internet: www.valkwelding.com FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik
A-2355 Wiener Neudorf Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof
+43 2236 6706, ¬ +43 2236 61576 +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30
e-mail: office@igm-group.com, Internet: www.igm.at 2 Plant and equipment, including e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com
KUKA Systems GmbH automation, mechanization and industrial Internet: www.fronius.com
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
robots, for weld surfacing and cladding
Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald
Mechafin AG ▼gas shielded arc surfacing 450 +49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199
Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu
+41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070 ARC MACHINES GmbH MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH
e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com Markelsbach 2, D-53804 Much Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH +49 2245 9168-0, ¬ +49 2245 9168-68 +49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40
Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss e-mail: sales@arcmachines.de e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de
+49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200 Internet: www.arcmachines.com OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH
e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach
Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach +49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761
+49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de
e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de Internet: www.otc-daihen.de
▼TIG (GTA) welding 390 FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss
aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 +49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200
Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com
+49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122
Internet: www.fronius.com Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de
e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de
KUKA Systems GmbH SKS Welding Systems GmbH
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern
Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991 +49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com,
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de
Orbitalum Tools GmbH Internet: www.sks-welding.com
Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
+49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500
+49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 ▼laser brazing and soldering 530
e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com
e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
Internet: www.orbitalum.com
FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik KUKA Systems GmbH
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH
Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
Jagenbergstrasse 11a, D-41468 Neuss
+49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 +49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
+49 2131 60899-0, ¬ +49 2131 60899-200
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
e-Mail: robots@eu.panasonic.com
Internet: www.fronius.com Laserline GmbH
Internet: www.panasonicrobotics.de
JÄCKLE Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH Fraunhofer Strasse, D-56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
Valk Welding B.V.
Riedweg 4 u. 9, D-88339 Bad Waldsee +49 2630 964-0, ¬ +49 2630 964-1018
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
+49 7524 97000, ¬ +49 7524 970030 e-mail: info@laserline.de, Intermet: www.laserline.de
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
e-mail: info@jaeckle-sst.de, Internet: www.jaeckle-sst.de
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Javac - Deutschland GmbH
Internet: www.valkwelding.com
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH ▼resistance brazing and soldering 650
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
KUKA Systems GmbH +49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH ▼laser surfacing 410 5 Plant and equipment, including
Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald automation, mechanization and industrial
KUKA Systems GmbH
Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald robots, for thermal cutting and erosion
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
+49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com
Mechafin AG
Laserline GmbH
▼laser beam cutting and drilling,
Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil electron beam lancing 920
Fraunhofer Strasse, D-56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
+41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
+49 2630 964-0, ¬ +49 2630 964-1018
e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS GmbH
e-mail: info@laserline.de, Intermet: www.laserline.de
MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20, D-61184 Karben
Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz +49 6039 40-0, ¬ +49 6039 40301
+49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40 ▼submerged arc sufacing 460 e-mail: info@esab-cutting.de
e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de Internet: www.esab-cutting.de
Hugo Miebach GmbH Bavaria Schweißtechnik Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH
Dortmunder Feld 51, D-44147 Dortmund Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim Emmy-Noether-Strasse 2, D-82216 Maisach
+49 231 84060, ¬ +49 231 8406123 +49 89 3171035 +49 8141 3535-0, ¬ +49 8141 3535-215
e-mail: info.ws@miebach.de, Internet: www.miebach.de e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com e-mail: info@steigerwald-eb.de
Internet: www.subarcflux.com Internet: steigerwald-eb.de

44 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
▼oxy-fuel gas cutting 850 ▼joining elements (rivets, tubular rivets, ▼systems for feeding, positioning, tipping or
Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
tap rivets, pop rivets, blind rivet nuts, conveying (e.g. nut feeding systems) 1310
Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach bolts, screws) 1280
Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
+49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9 Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
HBS Bolzenschweiss-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de +49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
Felix-Wankel-Straße 18, D-85221 Dachau
Valk Welding B.V. e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
+49 8131 511-0, ¬ +49 8131 511-100
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
e-mail: post@hbs-info.de, Internet: www.hbs-info.de
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
Köster & Co. GmbH Bolzenschweißtechnik
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com ▼torch cleaning, automatic torch
Spreeler Weg 32, D-58256 Ennepetal
Internet: www.valkwelding.com cleaning systems 1300
+49 2333 8306-0, ¬ +49 2333 8306-38
e-mail: koeco@bolzenschweisstechnik.de
Internet: bolzenschweisstechnik.de FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik
▼plasma cutting 970 Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof
Kohlhage Befestigungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Hönnestrasse 22, D-58809 Neuenrade +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH
+49 2394 6190, ¬ +49 2394 61994 e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com
Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger
befestigungstechnik@kohlhage.de Internet: www.fronius.com
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275
Internet: www.kohlhage.de J. Thielmann
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de
Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH Gesellschaft für Automatisierungstechnik mbH
Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
Inninger Strasse 14, D-82237 Wörtsee Auf der Stuecke 19, D-35708 Haiger
Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
+49 8153 885-0, ¬ +49 8153 885-221 +49 2773 71133, ¬ +49 2773 2701
+49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
e-mail: export@soyer.de, Internet: www.soyer.de e-mail: info@j-thielmann.de, Internet: www.j-thielmann.de
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS GmbH OBO Befestigungselemente GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20, D-61184 Karben Hüingser Ring 52, D-58710 Menden
+49 6039 40-0, ¬ +49 6039 40301 +49 2373 89-1166, ¬ +49 2373 89-238 Plant and equipment for heat treat-
e-mail: info@esab-cutting.de e-mail: info@obo-be.de, Internet: www.obo-be.de
ment and other production
Internet: www.esab-cutting.de
JÄCKLE Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH processes (excluding thermal
Riedweg 4 u. 9, D-88339 Bad Waldsee ▼screwing 1270 joining, coating and
+49 7524 97000, ¬ +49 7524 970030 cutting)
OBO Befestigungselemente GmbH
e-mail: info@jaeckle-sst.de, Internet: www.jaeckle-sst.de
Hüingser Ring 52, D-58710 Menden
Javac - Deutschland GmbH
+49 2373 89-1166, ¬ +49 2373 89-238
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
e-mail: info@obo-be.de, Internet: www.obo-be.de
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de 2 Plant and equipment, including
Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH 9 Plant and equipment, including automation, mechanization and industrial
Im Anwänder 24-26, D-71549 Auenwald automation, mechanization and industrial robots for other production processes
Postfach 1160, D-71547 Auenwald (excluding thermal joining, coating,
+49 7191 503-0, ¬ +49 7191 503-199
robots for special applications
cutting and heat treatment)
e-mail: info@lorch.biz, Internet: www.lorch.eu
MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH
▼orbital welding equipment 1330
Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz ▼cutting (e.g. plate shearing), slamping, nibbing 1710
+49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40 aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg Orbitalum Tools GmbH
OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH +49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122 Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500
+49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761 ARC MACHINES GmbH e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com
e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de Markelsbach 2, D-53804 Much Internet: www.orbitalum.com
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de +49 2245 9168-0, ¬ +49 2245 9168-68
Valk Welding B.V. e-mail: sales@arcmachines.de
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam Internet: www.arcmachines.com ▼edge preparation
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 FRONIUS Deutschland GmbH Sparte Schweisstechnik (e.g. plate and pipe chamfering machines) 1630
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com Am Stockgraben 3, D-36119 Neuhof
Internet: www.valkwelding.com +49 6655 91694-0, ¬ +49 631 91694-30 DWT GmbH
e-mail: sales.germany@fronius.com Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen
Internet: www.fronius.com +49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99
Orbitalum Tools GmbH e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de
6 Plant and equipment, including Orbitalum Tools GmbH
Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
automation, mechanization and industrial +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500 Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
robots, for welding of plastics e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500
Internet: www.orbitalum.com e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com
Internet: www.orbitalum.com
▼friction welding of plastics 1030
▼production equipment and production lines 1320
WIDOS W. Dommer Söhne GmbH ▼sawing 1680
Einsteinstrasse 5, D-71254 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
+49 7152 9939-0, ¬ +49 7152 9939-40 Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg Orbitalum Tools GmbH
e-mail: info@widos.de, Internet: www.widos.de +49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122 Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de +49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500
Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com
▼heated tool welding 1000 Industriestrasse, D-35708 Haiger Internet: www.orbitalum.com
+49 2773 85-0, ¬ +49 2773 85-275 WIDOS W. Dommer Söhne GmbH
WIDOS W. Dommer Söhne GmbH Einsteinstrasse 5, D-71254 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen
e-mail: info@cloos.de, Internet: www.cloos.de
Einsteinstrasse 5, D-71254 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen +49 7152 9939-0, ¬ +49 7152 9939-40
Conntronic Prozess– und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
+49 7152 9939-0, ¬ +49 7152 9939-40 e-mail: info@widos.de, Internet: www.widos.de
Haldenloh B 4, D-86465 Welden
e-mail: info@widos.de, Internet: www.widos.de
+49 8293 96520, ¬ +49 8293 965277
e-mail: info@conntronic.com
Internet: www.conntronic.com
8 Plant and equipment and joining Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
elements, including automation, Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
+49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
mechanization and industrial robots for e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
positive and non-positive joining PTR Präzisionstechnik GmbH
Am Spitzen Sand 1, D-63477 Maintal
+49 6181 4094-0, ¬ +49 6181 4094-13
▼flanging 1130 e-mail: zentrale@ptr-gmbh.de, Internet: www.ptr-gmbh.de
KUKA Systems GmbH
Blücherstrasse 144, D-86165 Augsburg
+49 821 797-0, ¬ +49 821 797-1991
e-Mail: info@kuka.de, Internet: www.kuka-systems.com

ABC (2014) No. 3 45

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH
General productions equipment, Plant for production of Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen
systems for computer aided filler materials and consumables +49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72
manufacture, data processing, e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu
manual and automatic control
engineering, automation
▼protection equipment again high energy
III IV radiation (e.g. X-rays, laser) 2210

Füchtenkötter GmbH
Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld
▼CAD-, CAM-, CAQ-, CIM– and CAP systems 1900 ▼gas manufacturing and liquefying plants 2020 +49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952
e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de
Simufact engineering GmbH DWT GmbH Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de
Tempowerkring 3, 21079 D-Hamburg Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen
+40 790162-160, ¬ +40 790162-22 +49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99
e-mail: volker.mensing@simufact.de, e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de ▼slinging gear, cranes and elevators (crane
Internet: www.simufact.de systems, lifting forks and beams, slewing
cranes, lifting magnets, electric chain hoists) 2100
▼welding electrode and flux cored wire
▼capture, checking and processing of production plants 2050 DWT GmbH
process and production parameters 1910 Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH +49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99
EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de
Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
+49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244 e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de Internet: www.welding-alloys.com ▼soldering fume filters 2150
SKS Welding Systems GmbH
Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern KEMPER GmbH
+49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119 Workshop and workplace Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden
e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com, +49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120
equipment, safety equipment, e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de
Internet: www.sks-welding.com
health and safety Plymovent GmbH
Eduard-Rhein-Straße 6, D-53639 Königswinter
+49 2244 878 52-0, ¬ +49 2244 878 52-30
▼mass production, flexible production e-mail: info@plymovent.de, www.plymovent.de
facilities and welding lines 1970 V TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH
Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen
aixcon PowerSystems GmbH
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72
Steinfurt 26, D-52222 Stolberg
e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu
+49 2402 12210, ¬ +49 2402 122122
e-mail: info@aixcon.de, Internet: www.aixcon.de 1 Workshop and workplace equipment,
Javac - Deutschland GmbH safety equipment ▼sound absorbing materials
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
sound-proof chambers 2170
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de ▼at-source welding fume extraction systems Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de (stationary, mobile) 2160 Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
PTR Präzisionstechnik GmbH +49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
Am Spitzen Sand 1, D-63477 Maintal Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
+49 6181 4094-0, ¬ +49 6181 4094-13 Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
Füchtenkötter GmbH
e-mail: zentrale@ptr-gmbh.de, Internet: www.ptr-gmbh.de +49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
+49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952
Füchtenkötter GmbH
e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de
▼optics for laser welding and/or cutting 1941 Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld
Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de
+49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952
OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de
Krefelder Strasse 675-677, D-41066 Mönchengladbach Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de
+49 2161 6949760, ¬ +49 2161 6949761
▼weld fume filters and filtration systems 2190
e-mail: michael.loehr@otc-daihen.de Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden Dodek GmbH & Co. KG
Internet: www.otc-daihen.de +49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120 Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de +49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
Plymovent GmbH e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
▼programs (software) 1950 Eduard-Rhein-Straße 6, D-53639 Königswinter ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS GmbH
+49 2244 878 52-0, ¬ +49 2244 878 52-30 Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20, D-61184 Karben
Simufact engineering GmbH e-mail: info@plymovent.de, www.plymovent.de
Tempowerkring 3, 21079 D-Hamburg +49 6039 40-0, ¬ +49 6039 40301
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH e-mail: info@esab-cutting.de
+40 790162-160, ¬ +40 790162-22 Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen
e-mail: volker.mensing@simufact.de, Internet: www.esab-cutting.de
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72 Füchtenkötter GmbH
Internet: www.simufact.de e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu
SKS Welding Systems GmbH Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld
Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern +49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952
+49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119 e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de
▼exhaust and ventilation systems 2220 Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de
e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com,
Internet: www.sks-welding.com KEMPER GmbH
Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden
Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120
▼seam tracking and welding and/or cutting 1940 e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de
Plymovent GmbH
Javac - Deutschland GmbH Eduard-Rhein-Straße 6, D-53639 Königswinter
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten ▼heat recovery systems 2120 +49 2244 878 52-0, ¬ +49 2244 878 52-30
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722 e-mail: info@plymovent.de, www.plymovent.de
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de Dodek GmbH & Co. KG TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen
+49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9 +49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu

▼protective screens 2183 ▼welding booths 2181

KEMPER GmbH Füchtenkötter GmbH

Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120 +49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de
Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de

46 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
KEMPER GmbH KEMPER GmbH Dipl.-Ing. K. Weinhold GmbH & Co. KG
Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden Kreitzweg 8 + 43, D-41472 Neuss
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120 +49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120 +49 2131 9813-0, ¬ +49 2131 85666
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de e-mail: ínfo@armaturen-weinhold.de
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH Mechafin AG Internet: www.armaturen-weinhold.de
Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72 +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com ▼secondary cables for resistance welding 2660
SPERIAN Welding Protection AG
Industriestrasse 2, CH-9630 Wattwil P. Druseidt
▼welding curtains 2182 +41 71 987420-0, ¬ +41 71 98742-99 Elektrotechnische Spezialfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Internet: www.sperianprotection.com Neuenkamper Strasse 105, D-42855 Remscheid
KEMPER GmbH +49 2191 9352-0, ¬ +49 2191 9352-150
Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden e-mail: info@druseidt.de, Internet: www.druseidt.de
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de Accessoires
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH ▼tools for joint preparation 2695
Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72 DWT GmbH
e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen
+49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99
e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de
▼work tables VI Orbitalum Tools GmbH
(e.g. welding and cutting tables) 2110 Freibühlstraße 19, D-78224 Singen
+49 7731 792-0, ¬ +49 7731 792-500
Demmeler Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG e-mail: tools@orbitalum.com
Alpenstrasse 10, D-87751 Heimertingen Internet: www.orbitalum.com
1 General accessories
+49 8335 9859-0, ¬ +49 8335 9859-27
e-Mail: info@demmeler.com, Internet: www.demmeler.com
Dodek GmbH & Co. KG ▼assembly systems, assembling and ▼turnables and tilt-turn positioners,
Lanzstrasse 2, D-88410 Bad Wurzach positioning devices (clamps, roller blocks, lift tables 2450
+49 7564 94895-0, ¬ +49 7564 94895-9
line-up clamps) 2570 Demmeler Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
e-mail: contact@dodek.de, Internet: www.dodek.de
ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS GmbH Alpenstrasse 10, D-87751 Heimertingen
Demmeler Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG +49 8335 9859-0, ¬ +49 8335 9859-27
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20, D-61184 Karben Alpenstrasse 10, D-87751 Heimertingen
+49 6039 40-0, ¬ +49 6039 40301 e-Mail: info@demmeler.com, Internet: www.demmeler.com
+49 8335 9859-0, ¬ +49 8335 9859-27 Javac - Deutschland GmbH
e-mail: info@esab-cutting.de e-Mail: info@demmeler.com, Internet: www.demmeler.com
Internet: www.esab-cutting.de Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
DWT GmbH +49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722
Füchtenkötter GmbH Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen
Von-Liebig-Strasse 26, D-33428 Marienfeld e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de
+49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99 Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de
+49 5247 80048, ¬ +49 5247 80952 e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de
e-mail: info@fuechtenkoetter.de MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH
REDROCK Deutschland GmbH Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz
Internet: www.fuechtenkoetter.de Wassenacher Straße 1a, D-56626 Andernach
KEMPER GmbH +49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40
+49 2632 810498-0, ¬ +49 8632 9879110 e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de
Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden e-mail: infode@redrockautomation.com,
+49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120 REDROCK Deutschland GmbH
Internet: www.redrockautomation.com Wassenacher Straße 1a, D-56626 Andernach
e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de Bernd Siegmund GmbH
Plymovent GmbH +49 2632 810498-0, ¬ +49 8632 9879110
Ährenstrasse 29, D-86845 Großaitingen e-mail: infode@redrockautomation.com,
Eduard-Rhein-Straße 6, D-53639 Königswinter +49 8203 9607-0, ¬ +49 8203 9607-33
+49 2244 878 52-0, ¬ +49 2244 878 52-30 Internet: www.redrockautomation.com
e-mail: info@siegmund-group.com
e-mail: info@plymovent.de, www.plymovent.de Internet: www.siegmund-group.com
Bernd Siegmund GmbH
Ährenstrasse 29, D-86845 Großaitingen ▼welding leads and connectors 2650
+49 8203 9607-0, ¬ +49 8203 9607-33 ▼clamping systems, clamping elements 2670 P. Druseidt
e-mail: info@siegmund-group.com
Elektrotechnische Spezialfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Internet: www.siegmund-group.com Demmeler Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Neuenkamper Strasse 105, D-42855 Remscheid
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH Alpenstrasse 10, D-87751 Heimertingen +49 2191 9352-0, ¬ +49 2191 9352-150
Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen +49 8335 9859-0, ¬ +49 8335 9859-27 e-mail: info@druseidt.de, Internet: www.druseidt.de
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72 e-Mail: info@demmeler.com, Internet: www.demmeler.com
e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu Bernd Siegmund GmbH
Ährenstrasse 29, D-86845 Großaitingen ▼wire feeders 2440
+49 8203 9607-0, ¬ +49 8203 9607-33
e-mail: info@siegmund-group.com Mechafin AG
2 Health and safety Internet: www.siegmund-group.com Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil
(personal protective equipment) +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com
▼drying cabinets (electrodes and fluxes), SKS Welding Systems GmbH
▼laser protection 2330 heated quivers, baking ovens 2680 Marie-Curie-Straße 10, D-67661 Kaiserslautern
TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH +49 6301 7986-0, ¬ +49 6301 7986-119
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH e-Mail: info@de.sks-welding.com,
Industriestrasse 13, D-46342 Velen Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
+49 2863 9282-0, ¬ +49 2863 9282-72 Internet: www.sks-welding.com
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99 Valk Welding B.V.
e-mail: info@teka.eu, Internet: www.teka.eu e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
DWT GmbH e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
▼protective clothing (helmets, aprons, Zur Halbinsel 12, D-45356 Essen Internet: www.valkwelding.com
garments, shoes, gloves) 2340 +49 201 45099-0, ¬ +49 201 45099-99
e-mail: info@dwt-gmbh.de, Internet: www.dwt-gmbh.de
Weldas Europe B.V. Loesche ThermoProzess GmbH
Blankenweg 18, NL-4612 RC Bergen op Zoom ▼wire-guide spiral 2431
(formerly Küppersbuch Wärmetechnik)
+31 164 274650, ¬ +31 164 274655 Uechtingstraße 19, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen Mechafin AG
e-mail: europe@weldas.com +49 209 361722-0, ¬ +49 0209 361722-180 Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil
Internet: www.weldas.com e-mail: info@loesche-tp.de +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
Internet: www.loesche-tp.de e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com
Valk Welding B.V.
▼welder‘s head screens and shields Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
protective, googles, eye protective filters 2350 ▼hoses, hose couplings, hose connections, +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
Javac - Deutschland GmbH hose package 2600 e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Internet: www.valkwelding.com
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten Mechafin AG
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722 Chrummacherstrasse 3, CH-8954 Geroldswil
e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de +41 44 7493060, ¬ +41 44 7493070
Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de e-mail: info@mechafin.ch, Internet: www.mechafin.com

ABC (2014) No. 3 47

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
2 Gas supply accessories Technolit GmbH ▼welding fillers for unalloyed and low alloy
Industriestrasse 8, D-36137 Großenlüder cast steels 2850
+49 6648 69-0, ¬ +49 6648 69-569
▼central switching, pressure regalating and e-mail: info@technolit.de, Internet: www.technolit.de Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
safety units, gas mixing units and valves for ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
supply pipe work (switching, pressure Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
+49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217 e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
regulating and safety devices, valves, gas e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
filters, gas flow and pressure meters) 2720 Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com
Valk Welding B.V.
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam ▼welding fillers for wear and corrosion
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 resisting deposits 2860
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
Internet: www.valkwelding.com CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH
Internet: www.praxair.de
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk +49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de
▼equipment for gas take-off stations (stop e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
valves, pressure regulators, gas mixers, Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
safety devices, take-off-boards 2730 +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG ▼welding fillers for alloy cast steels 2810 ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH +49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com
Internet: www.praxair.de +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com Valk Welding B.V.
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
▼gas sources/tanks with pipework and +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
valves (storage tanks, tankers, containers, e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
cylinder racks and batteries, individual ▼welding fillers for non-ferrous metals Internet: www.valkwelding.com
and alloys 2830 Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
cylinders) 2710
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
Internet: www.praxair.de ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl 1.2 Fillers and materials for welding, cutting
+49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217 and coating (classified by types)
▼individual cylinders (pressure reducers and e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com
anti-flashback and backflow devices) 2740 Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com
Valk Welding B.V. ▼covered electrodes (manual metal arc welding) 2990
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 e-mail: info@valkwelding.com Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Internet: www.valkwelding.com +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
Internet: www.praxair.de Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
▼special equipment and general accessories e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
▼filler materials for laser welding 3000
(automatic switching and pressure control Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
systems, gas analyzers, pipe identification Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
stikkers, clamps etc.) 2750
▼welding fillers for plastics 2820
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG GRILLLO-WERKE AG
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
Internet: www.praxair.de Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com

Filler materials ▼welding fillers for unalloyed and low alloy ▼flux cored wires and strips 2910
steels 2840 CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH
Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich
Bavaria Schweißtechnik
+49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79
Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim
e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de
+49 89 3171035
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com
VII Internet: www.subarcflux.com
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
Hermann Fliess & Co. GmbH
e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
Essenberger Strasse 85-93, D-47059 Duisburg
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
+49 203 3190821, ¬ +49 203 3190837
1 Filler materials for welding and Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
e-mail: c.treis@fliess.biz, Internet: www.fliess.biz
thermal cutting Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
Hyundai Welding Co., Ltd.
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
Breite Strasse 17, D-57076 Siegen
1.1 Fillers and materials for welding and e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
+49 271 7726628
coating specific materials (classified by ITW Welding GmbH
e-mail: h.weber@jung-siegen.de
Spechttal 1a, D-67317 Altleiningen
material groups) Internet: www.hyundaiwelding.de
+49 6356 966-0, ¬ +49 6356 966-114
Valk Welding B.V.
e-mail: info@megafil.com.de,
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
▼welding fillers for high alloy steels 2800 www.itw-welding.com
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Bavaria Schweißtechnik Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
Internet: www.valkwelding.com
Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
+49 89 3171035 e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Internet: www.subarcflux.com e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121
e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de

48 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
▼gas welding rods 2940 ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH ▼filler materials for molten metal spraying 3090
Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl
Hermann Fliess & Co. GmbH +49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217 Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Essenberger Strasse 85-93, D-47059 Duisburg e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
+49 203 3190821, ¬ +49 203 3190837 Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: c.treis@fliess.biz, Internet: www.fliess.biz e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com

▼TIG (GTA) welding electrodes 2950 2 Filler materials for thermal spaying
▼filler materials for plasma spraying (powders) 3080
Hermann Fliess & Co. GmbH 2.1 Filler materials for thermal spaying
Essenberger Strasse 85-93, D-47059 Duisburg (classified by composition) Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
+49 203 3190821, ¬ +49 203 3190837 Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
e-mail: c.treis@fliess.biz, Internet: www.fliess.biz +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH ▼carbide powders 3010 e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl GRILLLO-WERKE AG
+49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217 Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg
e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
Valk Welding B.V. e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam Womet GmbH
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 Gießerallee 1, D-47877 Willich
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com ▼metal powders and wires 3030 +49 2154 894030, ¬ +49 2154 8940310
Internet: www.valkwelding.com e-mail: info@womet.de, Internet: www.womet.de
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
▼tubular stick electrodes 2920 +49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de 3 Filler materials for brazing and soldering
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH 3.1 Solders (classified by composition)
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com ▼other solders 3130
▼welding fluxes 2930 Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH
+49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472 Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg
Bavaria Schweißtechnik e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121
Wiesenweg 23, D-85716 Unterschleißheim Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
+49 89 3171035 Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH GRILLLO-WERKE AG
e-mail: bavaria@subarcflux.com Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg
Internet: www.subarcflux.com +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de
▼wire electrodes for gas metal-arc welding 2900 PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH
▼powder mixtures 3040 Am kleinen Sand 1, D-36419 Buttlar
CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH +49 36967 7470, ¬ +49 36967 74747
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich e-mail: info@pfarr.de, Internet: www.pfarr.de
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
+49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79 Umicore AG & Co. KG
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 2.2 Filler materials for thermal spaying
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
(classified by process and type of
Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg spray material) 3.2 Brazing fillers (classified by composition)
+49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de
▼filler materials for arc spraying (wires) 3070 ▼aluminium brazing fillers 3140
ITW Welding GmbH CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH Umicore AG & Co. KG
Spechttal 1a, D-67317 Altleiningen Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
+49 6356 966-0, ¬ +49 6356 966-114 +49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79 +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
e-mail: info@megafil.com.de, e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
www.itw-welding.com CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH H. P. Wirth GmbH
Technolit GmbH Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen
Industriestrasse 8, D-36137 Großenlüder +49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99 +49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15
+49 6648 69-0, ¬ +49 6648 69-569 e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com
e-mail: info@technolit.de, Internet: www.technolit.de Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Plettenbergerstrasse 2, D-58791 Werdohl Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
+49 2392 550, ¬ +49 2392 552217
▼gold containing brazing fillers 3150
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: info@tks-vdm.thyssenkrupp.com e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com Heimerle + Meule GmbH
Internet: www.thyssenkruppvdm.com GRILLLO-WERKE AG Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt
Valk Welding B.V. Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim
Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472 +49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199
+31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com
e-mail: info@valkwelding.com Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com
Internet: www.valkwelding.com Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH
Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim
▼wires, strips and plates for submerged ▼filler materials for flame spraying +49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100
(wires, rods powders) 3060 e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de
arc and electroslag welding 2880 Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich ▼copper/brass brazing fillers 3160
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
+49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79
e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99 e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH +49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29
Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de
+49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de

ABC (2014) No. 3 49

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
Heimerle + Meule GmbH ▼silver brazing fillers 3210 Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH
Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim
Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH +49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100
+49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199 Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de
e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de
Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de H. P. Wirth GmbH
Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH Heimerle + Meule GmbH Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen
Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt +49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15
+49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100 Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com
e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de +49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199
Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com
H. P. Wirth GmbH Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com ▼flux coated rods 3250
Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH
+49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15 Am kleinen Sand 1, D-36419 Buttlar Umicore AG & Co. KG
e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com +49 36967 7470, ¬ +49 36967 74747 Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
e-mail: info@pfarr.de, Internet: www.pfarr.de +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
Umicore AG & Co. KG e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
▼nickel base brazing fillers 3170 Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang H. P. Wirth GmbH
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen
voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de +49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim
e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de +49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100
INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de ▼preforms and foils 3270
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de
+49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29 voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH
H. P. Wirth GmbH
e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg
Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen
Umicore AG & Co. KG +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121
+49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15
Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen
Womet GmbH +49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29
Gießerallee 1, D-47877 Willich 3.3 Forms of solders and brazing fillers e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de
+49 2154 894030, ¬ +49 2154 8940310 Heimerle + Meule GmbH
e-mail: info@womet.de, Internet: www.womet.de Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt
▼brazing and soldering pastes 3280 Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim
+49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199
▼other brazing fillers 3230 voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com
voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de Am kleinen Sand 1, D-36419 Buttlar
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik +49 36967 7470, ¬ +49 36967 74747
e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen e-mail: info@pfarr.de, Internet: www.pfarr.de
GRILLLO-WERKE AG +49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29 Umicore AG & Co. KG
Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
+49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472 Umicore AG & Co. KG +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH
Umicore AG & Co. KG e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim
Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang +49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de
e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de ▼brazing and soldering powders 3300 Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de
H. P. Wirth GmbH
voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen
▼palladium containing brazing fillers 3180 Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg +49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com; Internet: www.hpwirth.com
Heimerle + Meule GmbH e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt GRILLLO-WERKE AG
Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg
+49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199 +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472 Consumables other than
e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de
Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de
filler materials
PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik
Am kleinen Sand 1, D-36419 Buttlar Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen
+49 36967 7470, ¬ +49 36967 74747 +49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29
e-mail: info@pfarr.de, Internet: www.pfarr.de e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de
Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH VIII
Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim
+49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100 +49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100
e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de 1 Gases
Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de

▼carbon dioxide 3460

▼phosphorus containing brazing fillers 3190 ▼brazing and soldering wires,
rods and strips 3260 Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH +49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de +49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 Internet: www.praxair.de
INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen GRILLLO-WERKE AG
+49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29 Weseler Strasse 1, D-47169 Duisburg ▼compressed air 3420
e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de +49 203 5557248, ¬ +49 203 5557472
Umicore AG & Co. KG e-mail: d.schulik@grillo.de Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang Internet: www.grillo.de, kks-beton.de Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH +49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de Am kleinen Sand 1, D-36419 Buttlar e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
H. P. Wirth GmbH +49 36967 7470, ¬ +49 36967 74747 Internet: www.praxair.de
Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen e-mail: info@pfarr.de, Internet: www.pfarr.de Westfalen AG
+49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15 Umicore AG & Co. KG Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster
e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang +49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de
e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de

50 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
▼liquid gas 3430 Umicore AG & Co. KG
▼doping and test gas 3410 Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG +49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf +49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Internet: www.praxair.de
Internet: www.praxair.de Westfalen AG Measurement and testing
Westfalen AG Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de
(equipment and/or services)
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de
▼nitrogen 3490
▼fuel gases (acetylen, butane, natural gas, Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
methane) 3400 Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf Internet: www.praxair.de 1 Devices for measurement and sensor
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 Westfalen AG technology
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster
Internet: www.praxair.de +49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de ▼calibration 3870
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de
▼gas for laser welding and cutting processes 3462 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH
Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
Westfalen AG ▼oxygen 3480
+49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de +49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
Internet: www.praxair.de e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de
Westfalen AG Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de
▼gas mixtures 3470 Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 ▼coat-thickness, wall-thickness and
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de crack-depth measurement 4060
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 KARL DEUTSCH
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Prüf– und Messgerätebau GmbH + Co KG
Internet: www.praxair.de 2 Other consumables Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101, D-42115 Wuppertal
Westfalen AG P.O. Box 132354, D-42050 Wuppertal
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster +49 202 7192-0, ¬ +49 202 714932
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 ▼brazing and soldering fluxes 3570 e-mail: info@karldeutsch.de, Internet: www.karldeutsch.de
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de voestalpine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH
Siemensstrasse 4, D-67304 Eisenberg ▼manual and miscellaneous measuring
+49 6351 401-0, ¬ +49 6351 401-2121 devices for arc welding (current, voltage,
▼hydrogen 3500 e-mail: info@fontargen.de, Internet: www.fontargen.de wire-feed-rate, gas-feed rate, welding
Solvay Fluor GmbH
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG Hans-Böckler-Allee 20, D-30173 Hannover
speed and energy per unit length) 3940
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf +49 511 8572035, ¬ +49 511 8573176
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH
e-mail: werner.schmitt@solvay.com Dr.-Günter-Henle-Strasse 8, D-56271 Mündersbach
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com Internet: www.solvay.de
Internet: www.praxair.de +49 2680 181-0, ¬ +49 2680 181-244
Umicore AG & Co. KG e-mail: info@ewm.de, Internet: www.ewm.de
Westfalen AG Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, D-63457 Hanau-Wolfgang
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH
+49 6181 59-02, ¬ +49 6181 59-3107 Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 e-mail: info@brazetec.de, Internet: www.brazetec.de
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de +49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49
Wieland Edelmetalle GmbH e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de Schwenninger Strasse 13, D-75179 Pforzheim Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de
+49 7231 1393-0, ¬ +49 7231 1393100 MERKLE Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH
e-mail: info@wieland-edelmetalle.de Industriestrasse 3, D-89359 Kötz
▼hydrogen-nitrogen mixture 3440
Internet: www.wieland-edelmetalle.de +49 8221 915-0, ¬ +49 8221 915-40
H. P. Wirth GmbH e-mail: info@merkle.de, Internet: www.merkle.de
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG
Weberstrasse 46, D-75239 Eisingen Valk Welding B.V.
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf
+49 7232 80978-0, ¬ +49 7232 80978-15 Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
e-Mail: info@hpwirth.com, Internet: www.hpwirth.com +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com
Internet: www.praxair.de e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Internet: www.valkwelding.com
▼pickling products: e.g. pickling pastes 3520
▼inert gases (argon, neon, helium) 3450 Chemetall GmbH
Branch Office Switzerland
▼measuring devices for resistance welding
Praxair Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG (pulses, periods, current and voltage) and
Aarauerstrasse 51, CH-5200 Brugg
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 1, D-40476 Düsseldorf Rogovski 3950
+49 69 2729003, ¬ +49 69 2729004
+49 211 2600-0, ¬ +49 211 2600-123
e-mail: chemetall.@chemetall.com
e-mail: contact_germany@praxair.com HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH
Internet: www.chemetall.com
Internet: www.praxair.de Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle
Deutsche Derustit GmbH Oberflächentechnik
Westfalen AG +49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49
Emil-von-Behring-Strasse 4, D-63128 Dietzenbach
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de
+49 6074 4903-0, ¬ +49 6074 4903-33
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de
e-mail: info@derustit.de, Internet: www.derustit.de
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de
Javac - Deutschland GmbH
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de
Industriestrasse 29/2, D-73340 Amstetten
+49 7331 3058-0, ¬ +49 7331 981722 ▼monitoring devices for arc welding 4100

▼lasing gas 3461 e-mail: info@javac-deutschland.de HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH

Internet: www.javac-deutschland.de Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle
Westfalen AG +49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49
Industrieweg 43, D-48155 Münster e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de
+49 251 695-0, ¬ +49 251 695-129 ▼solder masks and resists 3630
Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de
e-mail: info@westfalen-ag.de Valk Welding B.V.
INNOBRAZE GmbH für Löt– und Verschleisstechnik
Internet: www.westfalen-ag.de Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 97, D-73730 Esslingen
+49 711 315476-0, ¬ +49 711 315476-29 +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515
e-mail: info@innobraze.de, Internet: www.innobraze.de e-mail: info@valkwelding.com
Internet: www.valkwelding.com

ABC (2014) No. 3 51

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
▼monitoring devices for resistance welding 4110 ▼miscellaneous non-destructive testing ▼maintenance, servicing, repair of equipment 4490
procedures 4270
Bosch Rexroth AG KEMPER GmbH
Berliner Strasse 25, D-64711 Erbach Helling GmbH Von-Siemens-Strasse 20, D-48691 Vreden
+49 6062 78-231, ¬ +49 6062 78-728 Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben +49 2564 68-0, ¬ +49 2564 68-120
e-mail: klaus.wittenbecher@boschrexroth.de +49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 e-mail: mail@kemper.de, Internet: www.kemper.de
Internet: www.boschrexroth.com e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de
HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de
Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle ▼supervision od welding and fabrication ,
+49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49 operations, on site and in-plant 4480
e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de ▼radiographic testing 4180
Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de Ingenieurbüro Jürgen Bialek
Helling GmbH Halsbrücker Strasse 34, D-09599 Freiberg
Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben +49 3731 162529, ¬ +49 3731 162530
▼thoughput and low-rate measurement 3820 +49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 e-Mail: bialek@bialek-ing.de, Internet: www.bialek-ing.de
e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de
HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de
Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 2, D-06120 Halle
+49 345 68309-0, ¬ +49 345 68309-49 Sub-contracting (services)
e-mail: info@hks-prozesstechnik.de ▼ultraviolet lamps 4201
Internet: www.hks-prozesstechnik.de
Prüf– und Messgerätebau GmbH + Co KG
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101, D-42115 Wuppertal
Quality assurance, P.O. Box 132354, D-42050 Wuppertal
Construction, Consultancy +49 202 7192-0, ¬ +49 202 714932 XI
e-mail: info@karldeutsch.de, Internet: www.karldeutsch.de
(services) Helling GmbH
Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben
+49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 1 Sub-contracting — processing of
e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de
X Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de specific materials

▼ultrasonic testing 4250 ▼cast steel 4940

Bosch Rexroth AG CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH

2 Devices and processes for testing Berliner Strasse 25, D-64711 Erbach Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
technology +49 6062 78-231, ¬ +49 6062 78-728 +49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
e-mail: klaus.wittenbecher@boschrexroth.de e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
2.1 Non-destructive testing Internet: www.boschrexroth.com Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
Prüf– und Messgerätebau GmbH + Co KG
▼dye-penetration testing 4190 Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101, D-42115 Wuppertal ▼coated and plated materials 4620

KARL DEUTSCH P.O. Box 132354, D-42050 Wuppertal

CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Prüf– und Messgerätebau GmbH + Co KG +49 202 7192-0, ¬ +49 202 714932
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101, D-42115 Wuppertal e-mail: info@karldeutsch.de, Internet: www.karldeutsch.de
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
P.O. Box 132354, D-42050 Wuppertal e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
+49 202 7192-0, ¬ +49 202 714932 Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
▼consultancy and planning of fabrication and
e-mail: info@karldeutsch.de, Internet: www.karldeutsch.de Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Helling GmbH application of materials, energy and processes 4430 Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
Ingenieurbüro Jürgen Bialek
+49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
Halsbrücker Strasse 34, D-09599 Freiberg
e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH
+49 3731 162529, ¬ +49 3731 162530
Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk
e-Mail: bialek@bialek-ing.de, Internet: www.bialek-ing.de
HELMUT KLUMPF, Techn. Chemie KG +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918
Industriestrasse 15, D-45699 Herten e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com
Elektronenstrahl-Beratung für Anwender
+49 2366 1003-0, ¬ +49 2366 1003-11 Internet: www.welding-alloys.com
In den Gräben 10, D-63543 Neuberg
e-mail: klumpf@diffu-therm.de
+49 173 6500645
Internet: www.diffu-therm.de
e-mail: schulze-neuberg@t-online.de,
▼high alloys steels 4760
Internet: www.elektronenstrahl-beratung.de
Beratung Elektronenstrahl, Strahlschweissen, EB- CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
▼leak testing 4170
Technologien Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
Helling GmbH +49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
+49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 ▼design and analysis of welded structures 4450 Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de
Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de Ingenieurbüro Jürgen Bialek
Halsbrücker Strasse 34, D-09599 Freiberg ▼high temperature materials 4770
+49 3731 162529, ¬ +49 3731 162530
▼magnetic testing 4220 e-Mail: bialek@bialek-ing.de, Internet: www.bialek-ing.de CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz
KARL DEUTSCH +49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99
Prüf– und Messgerätebau GmbH + Co KG ▼determination and testing of products, joining e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101, D-42115 Wuppertal processes and fabrication operations 4410 Internet: www.corodur-thale.de
P.O. Box 132354, D-42050 Wuppertal
+49 202 7192-0, ¬ +49 202 714932 Allianz Risk Consulting GmbH
e-mail: info@karldeutsch.de, Internet: www.karldeutsch.de Fritz-Schäffer-Strasse 9, D-81737 München ▼superalloys (hot isostatic pressure) 4950
Helling GmbH +49 89 38003000
Spökerdamm 2, D-25436 Heidgraben e-mail: stefan.thumm@allianz.com Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
+49 4122 922-0, ¬ +49 4122 922-201 Internet: www.allianz-azt.de Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich
e-mail: info@hellinggmbh.de Ingenieurbüro Jürgen Bialek +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778
Internet: www.hellinggmbh.de Halsbrücker Strasse 34, D-09599 Freiberg e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com
HELMUT KLUMPF, Techn. Chemie KG +49 3731 162529, ¬ +49 3731 162530
Industriestrasse 15, D-45699 Herten e-Mail: bialek@bialek-ing.de, Internet: www.bialek-ing.de
+49 2366 1003-0, ¬ +49 2366 1003-11
e-mail: klumpf@diffu-therm.de
Internet: www.diffu-therm.de ▼failure investigation and analysis 4470

Allianz Risk Consulting GmbH

Fritz-Schäffer-Strasse 9, D-81737 München
+49 89 38003000
e-mail: stefan.thumm@allianz.com
Internet: www.allianz-azt.de

52 ABC (2014) No. 3

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
Valk Welding B.V. ▼accreditation and certification organizations 5630
Organizations, education and Staalindustrieweg 15, NL-2952 AT Alblasserdam
training, research, information +31 78 6917011, ¬ +31 78 6919515 DVS-Kurststätten
tranfer, technical literature and e-mail: info@valkwelding.com Internet: www.DVS-Bildungseinrichtungen.de
Internet: www.valkwelding.com GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH
regulations Aachener Strasse 172, D-40223 Düsseldorf
with the branches
XII ▼surfacing 5310 Bildungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr
Im Lipperfeld 29, D-46047 Oberhausen
CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH +49 208 85927-0, ¬ +49 208 85927-20
Gießerallee 37, D-47877 Willich Internet: www.slv-bz.de
+49 2154 8879-0, ¬ +49 2154 8879-79 SLV Berlin Brandenburg
3 Sub-contracting — application of joining e-mail: info@corodur.de, Internet: www.corodur.de Luxemburger Strasse 21, D-13353 Berlin
and other manufacturing processes CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH +49 30 45001-0, ¬ +49 30 45001-111
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz Internet: www.slv-bb.de
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99 SLV Duisburg
▼electron, laser- and ion beam welding 5370 e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de Bismarckstrasse 85, D-47057 Duisburg
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de +49 203 3781-0, ¬ +49 203 3781-228
Listemann AG Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Internet: www.slv-duisburg.de
Werkstoff– und Wärmebehandlungstechnik Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich SLV Fellbach
Sulzer Allee 25, CH-8404 Oberwinterthur +49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 Stuttgarter Strasse 86, D-70736 Fellbach
+41 52 2625622 e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com +49 711 57544-0, ¬ +49 711 57544-33
e-mail: b.roost@listemann.com Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH Internet: www.slv-fellbach.de
Internet: www.listemann.com Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk SLV Hannover
pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA +49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 Am Lindener Hafen 1, D-30453 Hanover
Behringstrasse 6, D-82152 Planegg e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com +49 511 21962-0, ¬ +49 511 21962-22
+49 89 899233-0, ¬ +49 89 899233-11 Internet: www.welding-alloys.com Internet: www.slv-hannover.de
e-mail: muenchen@pro-beam.com SLV Mannheim GmbH
Internet: www.pro-beam.com Käthe-Kollwitz-Strasse 19, D-68169 Mannheim
PTR Präzisionstechnik GmbH ▼acceptance, approval, examination and +49 621 3004-0, ¬ +49 621 3004-292
Am Spitzen Sand 1, D-63477 Maintal supervisory organizations 5640 Internet: www.slv-mannheim.de
+49 6181 4094-0, ¬ +49 6181 4094-13 SLV München
e-mail: zentrale@ptr-gmbh.de, Internet: www.ptr-gmbh.de DVS-Kurststätten Schachenmeierstrasse 37, D-80636 München
Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH Internet: www.DVS-Bildungseinrichtungen.de +49 89 126802-0, ¬ +49 89 181643
Emmy-Noether-Strasse 2, D-82216 Maisach GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH Internet: www.slv-muenchen.de
+49 8141 3535-0, ¬ +49 8141 3535-215 Aachener Strasse 172, D-40223 Düsseldorf SLV Nord GmbH
e-mail: info@steigerwald-eb.de with the branches Zum Handwerkszentrum 1, D-21079 Hamburg
Internet: steigerwald-eb.de Bildungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr +49 40 35905-400, ¬ +49 40 35905-430
Im Lipperfeld 29, D-46047 Oberhausen Internet: www.slv-nord.de
+49 208 85927-0, ¬ +49 208 85927-20 SLV im Saarland
▼friction stir welding 5531 Internet: www.slv-bz.de Heuduckstrasse 91, D-66117 Saarbrücken
SLV Berlin Brandenburg +49 681 58823-0, ¬ +49 681 58823-22
RRS Schilling GmbH Luxemburger Strasse 21, D-13353 Berlin Internet: www.slv-saar.de
Industriestrasse 30, D-21493 Schwarzenbek (Hamburg) +49 30 45001-0, ¬ +49 30 45001-111 SLV Halle GmbH
+49 4151 8794571, ¬ +49 4151 8794573 Internet: www.slv-bb.de Köthener Strasse 33A, D-06118 Halle
e-Mail: buero@schweissen-aber-sicher.de SLV Duisburg +49 345 5246-0, ¬ +49 345 5246-412
Internet: www.schweissen-aber-sicher.de Bismarckstrasse 85, D-47057 Duisburg Internet: www.slv-halle.de
+49 203 3781-0, ¬ +49 203 3781-228 SLV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH
Internet: www.slv-duisburg.de Alter Hafen Süd 4, D-18069 Rostock
▼laser welding and/or cutting 5450 SLV Fellbach +49 381 8115010, ¬ +49 381 8115099
Stuttgarter Strasse 86, D-70736 Fellbach Internet: www.slv-rostock.de
pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA +49 711 57544-0, ¬ +49 711 57544-33
Behringstrasse 6, D-82152 Planegg Internet: www.slv-fellbach.de
+49 89 899233-0, ¬ +49 89 899233-11 SLV Hannover
e-mail: muenchen@pro-beam.com ▼codes of practice, standardization, patents
Am Lindener Hafen 1, D-30453 Hanover
Internet: www.pro-beam.com (incl. Organizations) 5710
+49 511 21962-0, ¬ +49 511 21962-22
Internet: www.slv-hannover.de GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH
SLV Mannheim GmbH Aachener Strasse 172, D-40223 Düsseldorf
▼maintenance, servicing, repair 5620
Käthe-Kollwitz-Strasse 19, D-68169 Mannheim with the branches
Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH +49 621 3004-0, ¬ +49 621 3004-292 Bildungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr
Ostring 52, D-47669 Wachtendonk Internet: www.slv-mannheim.de Im Lipperfeld 29, D-46047 Oberhausen
+49 2836 91190, ¬ +49 2836 911918 SLV München +49 208 85927-0, ¬ +49 208 85927-20
e-mail: info.germany@welding-alloys.com Schachenmeierstrasse 37, D-80636 München Internet: www.slv-bz.de
Internet: www.welding-alloys.com +49 89 126802-0, ¬ +49 89 181643 SLV Berlin Brandenburg
Internet: www.slv-muenchen.de Luxemburger Strasse 21, D-13353 Berlin
SLV im Saarland +49 30 45001-0, ¬ +49 30 45001-111
Heuduckstrasse 91, D-66117 Saarbrücken Internet: www.slv-bb.de
▼metal spraying 5490
+49 681 58823-0, ¬ +49 681 58823-22 SLV Duisburg
CORODUR Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH Internet: www.slv-saar.de Bismarckstrasse 85, D-47057 Duisburg
Wolfsburgstrasse 31 a, D-06502 Thale/Harz SLV Halle GmbH +49 203 3781-0, ¬ +49 203 3781-228
+49 3947 491-0, ¬ +49 3947 491-99 Köthener Strasse 33A, D-06118 Halle Internet: www.slv-duisburg.de
e-mail: corodur-thale@t-online.de +49 345 5246-0, ¬ +49 345 5246-412 SLV Fellbach
Internet: www.corodur-thale.de Internet: www.slv-halle.de Stuttgarter Strasse 86, D-70736 Fellbach
Durum Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH SLV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH +49 711 57544-0, ¬ +49 711 57544-33
Linsellesstrasse 125, D-47877 Willich Alter Hafen Süd 4, D-18069 Rostock Internet: www.slv-fellbach.de
+49 2154 48370, ¬ +49 2154 483778 +49 381 8115010, ¬ +49 381 8115099 SLV Hannover
e-mail: info@durum.de, Internet: www.durmat.com Internet: www.slv-rostock.de Am Lindener Hafen 1, D-30453 Hanover
SLV Nord GmbH +49 511 21962-0, ¬ +49 511 21962-22
Zum Handwerkszentrum 1, D-21079 Hamburg Internet: www.slv-hannover.de
▼resistance spot and/or projection 5510 +49 40 35905-400, ¬ +49 40 35905-430 SLV Mannheim GmbH
Internet: www.slv-nord.de Käthe-Kollwitz-Strasse 19, D-68169 Mannheim
Bosch Rexroth AG +49 621 3004-0, ¬ +49 621 3004-292
Berliner Strasse 25, D-64711 Erbach Internet: www.slv-mannheim.de
+49 6062 78-231, ¬ +49 6062 78-728 4 Recycling SLV München
e-mail: klaus.wittenbecher@boschrexroth.de Schachenmeierstrasse 37, D-80636 München
Internet: www.boschrexroth.com ▼waste containing precious metal 5625 +49 89 126802-0, ¬ +49 89 181643
Internet: www.slv-muenchen.de
Heimerle + Meule GmbH
SLV im Saarland
▼robot welding TIG/MIG/MAG 5521 Gold– und Silberscheideanstalt
Heuduckstrasse 91, D-66117 Saarbrücken
Dennigstraße 16, D-75179 Pforzheim
+49 681 58823-0, ¬ +49 681 58823-22
Robolution GmbH +49 7231 940-0, ¬ +49 7231 940-2199
Internet: www.slv-saar.de
Außerhalb 24, D-64331 Weiterstadt-Gräfenhausen e-Mail: info@heimerle-meule.com
+49 6150 5919830, ¬ +49 6150 5919888 Internet: www.heimerle-meule.com
e-mail: contact@robolution.de, Internet: www.robolution.de

ABC (2014) No. 3 53

The ABC of Joining — International Industry Guide
SLV Halle GmbH ▼leasing of welding manipulators 5740
Köthener Strasse 33A, D-06118 Halle
+49 345 5246-0, ¬ +49 345 5246-412 REDROCK Deutschland GmbH
Internet: www.slv-halle.de Wassenacher Straße 1a, D-56626 Andernach
SLV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH +49 2632 810498-0, ¬ +49 8632 9879110
Alter Hafen Süd 4, D-18069 Rostock e-mail: infode@redrockautomation.com,
+49 381 8115010, ¬ +49 381 8115099 Internet: www.redrockautomation.com
Internet: www.slv-rostock.de

▼consultants, experts 5690

Allianz Risk Consulting GmbH

Fritz-Schäffer-Strasse 9, D-81737 München
+49 89 38003000
e-mail: stefan.thumm@allianz.com
Internet: www.allianz-azt.de
GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH
Aachener Strasse 172, D-40223 Düsseldorf
with the branches
Bildungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr
Im Lipperfeld 29, D-46047 Oberhausen
+49 208 85927-0, ¬ +49 208 85927-20
Internet: www.slv-bz.de
SLV Berlin Brandenburg
Luxemburger Strasse 21, D-13353 Berlin
+49 30 45001-0, ¬ +49 30/ 5001-111
Internet: www.slv-bb.de
SLV Duisburg
Bismarckstrasse 85, D-47057 Duisburg
+49 203 3781-0, ¬ +49 203 3781-228
Internet: www.slv-duisburg.de
SLV Fellbach
Stuttgarter Strasse 86, D-70736 Fellbach
+49 711 57544-0, ¬ +49 711 57544-33
Internet: www.slv-fellbach.de
SLV Hannover
Am Lindener Hafen 1, D-30453 Hanover
+49 511 21962-0, ¬ +49 511 21962-22
Internet: www.slv-hannover.de
SLV Mannheim GmbH
Käthe-Kollwitz-Strasse 19, D-68169 Mannheim
+49 621 3004-0, ¬ +49 621 3004-292
Internet: www.slv-mannheim.de
SLV München
Schachenmeierstrasse 37, D-80636 München
+49 89 126802-0, ¬ +49 89 181643
Internet: www.slv-muenchen.de
SLV im Saarland
Heuduckstrasse 91, D-66117 Saarbrücken
+49 681 58823-0, ¬ +49 681 58823-22
Internet: www.slv-saar.de
SLV Halle GmbH
Köthener Strasse 33A, D-06118 Halle
+49 345 5246-0, ¬ +49 345 5246-412
Internet: www.slv-halle.de
SLV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH
Alter Hafen Süd 4, D-18069 Rostock
+49 381 8115010, ¬ +49 381 8115099
Internet: www.slv-rostock.de



▼leasing of welding plant and

welding equipment 5730

EPA Schweisstechnik GmbH

Carl-von-Bach-Strasse 36, D-09116 Chemnitz
+49 371 49512960, ¬ +49 371 49512980
e-mail: info@epa-schweisstechnik.de
Internet: www.epa-schweisstechnik.de
MSS Magdeburger Schweißtechnik GmbH
An der Sülze 6, D-39179 Barleben
+49 39203 75193, ¬ +49 39203 751940
e-mail: info@mss-schweisstechnik.de
Internet: www.mss-schweisstechnik.de
REDROCK Deutschland GmbH
Wassenacher Straße 1a, D-56626 Andernach
+49 2632 810498-0, ¬ +49 8632 9879110
e-mail: infode@redrockautomation.com,
Internet: www.redrockautomation.com

54 ABC (2014) No. 3

Index to Companies

Company Product Company Product

aixcon PowerSystems GmbH ..................................................................................... 200, 250, 260, 390, Listemann AG ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5370
650, 1320, 1330, 1970 Loesche ThermoProzess GmbH ……………………………………………………………………………………..……… 2680
Allianz Risk Consulting GmbH ……………….……………………………………………..…….…..... 4410, 4470, 5690 Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH ..................................................................................... 190, 200, 230, 250,
AS - ARNHOLD GmbH ................................................................................................................................ 20 390, 540, 970
AS Schöler + Bolte GmbH ………………………………………………………………………………...………………..……… 20
Mechafin AG ....................................................................................................... 230, 250, 330, 331, 390,
Bavaria Schweißtechnik ...................................................................................................... 100, 360, 460, 2350, 2431, 2440, 2600
2800, 2840, 2930 MERKLE Schweißanlagen-
Bergmann & Steffen GmbH .................................................................................. 30, 180, 230, 260, 380 Technik GmbH ............................................................................................................. 200, 260, 390, 540,
Bosch Rexroth AG ............................................................................................. 30, 290, 380, 4110, 5510 970, 2450, 3940
Hugo Miebach GmbH .................................................................................................... 10, 180, 230, 250,
Chemetall GmbH................................................................................................................................... 3520 260, 290, 380, 390
Carl Cloos MIG·O·MAT
Schweißtechnik GmbH ................................................................................................. 80, 180, 230, 260, Mikrofügetechnik GmbH......................................................................................................................... 260
331, 390, 970, 1320, MSS Magdeburger
Conntronic GmbH ............................................................................................... 30, 170, 230, 380, 1320 Schweißtechnik GmbH ......................................................................................................................... 5730
CORODUR Fülldraht GmbH ................................................................................. 100, 2860, 2880, 2900,
2910, 3070, 5310 OBO Befestigungselemente GmbH........................................................................................... 1270, 1280
CORODUR Optrel AG ............................................................................................................................................... 2350
Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH ................................................................................. 2860, 2880, 2910, 3030, Orbitalum Tools GmbH ............................................................................................. 200, 390, 450, 1330,
3060, 3070, 4620, 4760, 1630, 1680, 1710, 2695
4770, 4940, 5310, 5490 OTC DAIHEN EUROPE GmbH ………………………………..………………………………… 180, 190, 200, 230, 250,
CyTec Zylindertechnik GmbH …………………………………………………….………………………..………..……….... 281 390, 540, 970, 1941

DEMMELER Maschinenbau Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Europe GmbH ……………………..……. 200, 230, 250, 331, 450, 540
GmbH & Co. KG …………………………………………………………………………..….……... 2110, 2450, 2570, 2670 PFARR Stanztechnik GmbH ………………………………..…………………...…... 3130, 3180, 3210, 3260, 3270
KARL DEUTSCH ....................................................................................... 4060, 4190, 4220, 4250, 4201 Plymovent GmbH ................................................................................................ 2110, 2150, 2160, 2190
Deutsche Derustit …………….……………………………………………………………………..………………………….… 3520 Praxair
Dodek GmbH & Co. KG ............................................................................... 850, 970, 1310, 1320, 2110, Industriegase GmbH & Co. KG.......................................................................... 2710, 2720, 2730, 2740,
2120, 2160, 2170, 2190 2750, 3400, 3410, 3420,
P. Druseidt Elektrotechnische 3430, 3440, 3450, 3460,
Spezialfabrik GmbH & Co. KG .................................................................................................. 2650, 2660 3470, 3480, 3490, 3500
Durum PTR
Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH .................................................................. 100, 180, 260, 2860, 2880,2900, Präzisionstechnik GmbH ......................................................................................... 60, 1320, 1970, 5370
2910, 2920, 2990, 3000, 3010, Pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA ………………………………………………..……………...…..……….. 60, 180, 5370, 5450
3030, 3040, 3060, 3070, 3080,
3090, 4620, 4950, 5310, 5490 REDROCK Deutschland GmbH………………………………………………………………….. 2450, 2570, 360, 5730,
DVS ............................................................................................................................................. 5630, 5640 5740
DWT GmbH .................................................................................................................... 1630, 2020, 2100, REHM GmbH u. Co. KG ................................................................................................................. 230, 390
2570, 2680, 2695 Carl Rinke GmbH & Co. KG ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………. 20
Robolution GmbH ................................................................................................................................. 5521
EPA Schweisstechnik GmbH …………………………………………………………………………...…………………… 5730 RRS Schilling GmbH ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5531
ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS GmbH ............................................................................ 920, 970, 2110, 2190
EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH ....................................................................... 100, 190, 200, 230, 260, Schulze-Consulting: Elektronenstrahl-Beratung für Anwender………………………………………………….. 4430
390, 450, 540, 1910, 3870, 3940 Simufact engineering GmbH……………………………………………………………………………………….... 1900,1950
Evobeam GmbH ……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………. 60, 180 Bernd Siegmund GmbH ................................................................................................. 2110, 2570, 2670
SKS Welding Systems GmbH ……………………………………………………………….……….... 190, 200, 230, 250,
Hermann Fliess & Co. GmbH ............................................................................................................... 2840 540, 1910, 1950, 2440
Fronius Deutschland GmbH ............................................................. 100, 190, 200, 221, 230, 250, 390 Solvay Fluor GmbH ............................................................................................................................... 3570
331, 450, 540, 1300, 1330 Heinz Soyer
Füchtenkötter GmbH ………………………………………………………………………………..……… 2110, 2160, 2170, Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH........................................................................................................ 20, 1280
2181, 2190, 2210 Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH.......................................................................................... 60, 920, 5370

GRILLO-WERKE AG ................................................................................. 2900, 3000, 3030, 3060, 3070, Technolit GmbH ....................................................................................................... 230, 390, 2800, 2900
3080, 3130, 3230, 3260, 3300 TEKA GmbH ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2110, 2150, 2160, 2181,
GSI Gesellschaft 2182, 2183, 2190, 2330
für Schweißtechnik J. Thielmann GmbH .............................................................................................................................. 1300
International mbH .............................................................................................. 5630, 5640, 5690, 5710 ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH ........................................................................................... 2800, 2830, 2860,
2880, 2900, 2950
HBS Bolzenschweiss-Systeme
GmbH & Co. KG ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Umicore AG & Co. KG …………………………………………………….... 3130, 3140, 3170, 3190, 3210, 3230,
Heimerle + Meule GmbH………………………………………………….……………………….. 3150,3160,3180,3210, 3250, 3260, 3270, 3280, 3570, 3630
3270, 5625
Helling GmbH ................................................................................................................ 4170, 4180, 4190, Valk Welding B.V. ………………………..………...……………………………. 200, 230, 390, 450, 850, 970, 2431,
4201, 4220, 4270 2440, 2800, 2830, 2840, 2860,
HKS-Prozesstechnik GmbH .......................................................................................... 3820, 3870, 3940, 2900, 2950, 3940, 4100, 5521
3950, 4100, 4110 voestalpoine Böhler Welding Fontargen GmbH………………………......... 2800, 2830, 3130, 3160, 3170,
Hyundai Welding Co., Ltd. ……………………...……………………………………………………………….... 2840, 2910 3190,3210, 3230, 3260, 3270,
3280, 3300, 3570
igm Robotersysteme AG ....................................................................................................... 230, 250, 331 Dipl.-Ing. K. Weinhold
Ingenieurbüro Jürgen Bialek ………………………………………………..…………………. 4410, 4430, 4450, 4480 GmbH & Co. KG .................................................................................................................................... 2600
INNOBRAZE GmbH ........................................................................................................ 3160, 3170, 3190, Welding Alloys Deutschland GmbH ......................................................................... 100, 450, 460, 2050,
3270, 3280, 3300, 3630 2800, 2810, 2820, 2830,
ITW Welding GmbH………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2900,2910 2840, 2850, 2860, 2910,
3030, 4620, 5310, 5620
JÄCKLE GmbH ..................................................................................................... 190, 200, 230, 390, 970 Weldas Europe B.V. .............................................................................................................................. 2340
Javac - Deutschland GmbH ………………………………………………..… 190, 200, 230, 360, 390, 460, 970, Westfalen AG .......................................................................................... 3410, 3420, 3430, 3450, 3461,
1940, 1970, 2350, 2450, 3520 3462, 3470,3480, 3490, 3500
Josch Strahlschweißtechnik GmbH …………………………………………………………………………………….....… 60 WIDOS
W. Dommer Söhne GmbH ............................................................................................. 1000, 1030, 1680
KEMPER GmbH ...................................................................................... 2110, 2150, 2160, 2181, 2182, H.P. Wirth GmbH ……………………………………………….……….…………………………. 3140, 3160, 3190, 3210,
2183, 2190, 2220, 2350, 4490 3250, 3260, 3270, 3570
HELMUT KLUMPF ...................................................................................................................... 4190, 4220 Womet GmbH ............................................................................................................................ 3080, 3170
Köster & Co. GmbH ........................................................................................................................ 20, 1280
Kohlhage Befestigungstechnik
GmbH & Co. KG …………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………. 1280
KUKA Systems GmbH ……………………………………………………………...………....... 180, 230, 260, 280, 290,
330, 331, 360, 380, 390,
410, 450, 530, 1130

Laserline GmbH .................................................................................................................... 180, 410, 530

ABC (2014) No. 3 55

List of Products

I Plant and equipment for joining, 530 laser brazing and soldering 7 Plant and equipment, including automa-
surfacing and cutting processes 550 light beam brazing and soldering tion, mechanization and industrial robots,
570 microbrazing and soldering for adhesive bonding for metallic and non-
1 Plant and equipment, including automa- 660 reflow soldering metallic materials
tion, mechanization and industrial robots, 650 resistance brazing and soldering
for welding of metal, ceramic and com- 600 salt bath brazing and soldering 1067 adhesive applications
posite materials 471 strap brazing 1080 adhesive bonding of glass and ceramics
470 surfacing by brazing and soldering 1090 adhesive bonding of plastics
300 butt seam welding with rotary transformer 630 ultrasonic brazing and soldering 1100 adhesive bonding of leather and textiles
320 butt seam welding with sliding contacts 610 wave soldering 1110 adhesive bonding of metals
170 capacitor discharge welding 1066 bonding in construction and joining
150 cold pressure welding technology
4 Plant and equipment, including automa- 1068 combination of adhesive bonding with
40 diffusion welding
tion, mechanization and industrial robots, other joining
60 electron beam welding
for thermal spraying and other coating processes
50 electrogas welding
processes 1065 dosing devices
70 electroslag welding
160 enclosed resistance fusion welding 4.1 Thermal spraying processes 1070 inductive adhesive curing
310 explosive welding 1120 micro adhesive bonding
350 firecracker welding 700 arc spraying 1069 structural bonding
100 flux cored arc welding 690 capacitor discharge spraying
10 flash welding 670 flame and detonation spraying 8 Plant and equipment and joining ele
280 friction welding 680 induction spraying ments, including automation, mechaniza-
281 friction stir welding 720 molten metal spraying tion and industrial robots, for positive and
110 gas pressure welding 710 plasma spraying non-positive joining
120 gas welding
140 induction welding 4.2 Other coating methods 1130 flanging
180 laser welding 1160 hanging, expanding, clamping, wedging,
210 light beam welding 730 aluminizing extending
330 magnetically impelled arc butt (MIAB) 740 anodizing 1170 seaming
welding 750 CVD (chemical vapour deposition) 1210 joining by compression or squeezing
220 magnetic pulse welding 830 dip coating 1180 joining by extrusion or drawing
190 manual metal arc welding 760 electrolytic oxidation 1190 joining by forming
240 micro welding 770 enameling 1200 joining by lockforming (lockseaming)
230 MIG-/MAG (GMA) welding 790 flame cleaning and phosphatizing 1220 joining by widening or tightening (rolling in
221 multiple-wire welding 810 metallizing of tubes, botting, beading)
80 narrow gap welding 780 painting, varnishing 1230 joining by winding
250 plasma/TIG welding 800 plastic coating 1280 joining elements (rivets, tubular rivets, tap
260 plasma welding 820 PVD (physical vapour deposition) rivets, pop rivets, blind rivet nuts, bolts,
30 projection welding 840 tin, zinc, nickel, copper and chromium plating screws)
200 pulsed arc welding 1260 pressure joining (press-fitting, shrink-fitting,
270 resistance butt welding expansion-fitting)
380 resistance spot welding 5 Plant and equipment, including automa- 1250 riveting
370 roll butt seam welding tion, mechanization and industrial robots, 1270 screwing
290 seam welding for thermal cutting and erosion 1240 stapeling (using by wirestaples)
20 stud welding 930 air arc gouging 1150 tamp joining
360 submerged arc welding 940 arc-oxygen cutting 1140 wire netting, wire weaving
331 tandem welding 910 carbon arc cutting
130 thermit welding 850 oxy-fuel gas cutting 9 Plant and equipment, including automa-
390 TIG (GTA) welding 860 oxygen lancing tion, mechanization and industrial robots,
90 tubular wire welding 950 flame and fusion cutting with metal or for special applications
340 ultrasonic welding mineral powder
900 flame cleaning 1330 orbital welding equipment
2 Plant and equipment, including automa- 880 flame gouging 1320 production equipment and production lines
tion, mechanization and industrial robots, 870 flame scarfing 1350 repair welding
for weld surfacing and cladding 920 laser beam cutting and drilling, electron 1340 stack cutting
beam lancing 1310 systems for feeding, positioning, tipping or
400 electroslag surfacing 970 plasma cutting conveying (e.g. nut feeding systems)
440 explosive and roll cladding 960 plasma scarfing 1300 torch cleaning, automatic torch cleaning
430 friction surfacing 890 spark erosion and chemical machining systems
450 gas shielded arc surfacing 980 water jet cutting, 1360 underwater cutting
410 laser surfacing water abrasive jet cutting 1370 underwater welding
420 plasma surfacing 1380 welding, brazing, soldering and thermal
460 submerged arc surfacing cutting and surfacing in space
6 Plant and equipment, including automa-
tion, mechanization and industrial robots,
3 Plant and equipment, including automa- for welding of plastics
tion, mechanization and industrial robots, II Plant and equipment for heat tre-
for brazing and soldering 990 extrusion welding atment and other production proces-
1030 friction welding of plastics ses (excluding thermal
540 arc brazing 1000 heated tool welding
560 bath, wave and drag brazing and soldering 1010 high frequency welding of plastics joining, coating and cutting)
520 bit soldering, block brazing, roller tinning 1060 hot gas welding of plastics
490 debrazing, desoldering 1 Plant and equipment, including automa-
1020 light beam welding of plastics tion, mechanization and industrial robots,
620 dip brazing and soldering 1040 ultrasonic welding of plastics for heat treatment
480 electron beam brazing and soldering 1050 vibration welding of plastics
500 flame brazing and soldering 1400 diffusion annealing
590 friction brazing 1420 flame straightening
580 furnace brazing and soldering 1430 flame heating
510 high temperature brazing 1410 flame stress relieving
640 hot gas soldering 1470 furnace heating
511 induction soldering

56 ABC (2014) No. 3

List of Products

1440 hardening, tempering, annealing V Workshop and workplace equip- 2610 hose press
1450 induction heating ment, safety equipment, health 2600 hoses, hose couplings, hose connections,
1460 normalizing hose package
1500 resistance heating and safety 2550 magnets for welding, magnetic handling
1490 soft annealing 1 Workshop and workplace equipment, equipment
1480 stress relief annealing safety equipment 2551 magnetic valves
2700 other accessories, pumps and other auxiliary
2 Plant and equipment, including automa- 2160 at-source welding fume extraction systems equipment
tion, mechanization and industrial robots, (stationary, mobile) 2571 plasma valves
for other production processes (excluding 2220 exhaust and ventilation systems 2460 pressure cylinders for pressure and
thermal joining, coating, cutting and heat 2120 heat recovery systems resistance welding
treatment) 2130 load turning devices 2480 resistance welding electrodes
2270 other protective and safety devices (e.g. 2581 robot holding bracket
1600 bending, pipe bending signs warning against possible hazzards, fire 2660 secondary cables for resistance welding
1720 blasting extinguishers, fire blankets) 2580 spot welding guns
1640 casting 2183 protective screens 2671 steels-wire brushes and hand brushes for
1670 cold dressing 2200 protection devices against fires and welds
1710 cutting (e.g. plate shearing), slamping, explosions 2490 TIG (GTA) welding electrodes
nibbling 2210 protection equipment again high energy 2691 tool changing systems
1610 drilling radiation (e.g. X-rays, laser) 2695 tools for joint preparation
1630 edge preparation (e.g. plate and pipe 2180 safety device for industrial robots (e.g. door 2420 torch and welding head manipulation
chamfering machines) locking systems, control boards, visual systems
1700 grinding supervision systems) 2411 torch-neck changing systems
1650 surface preparation and finishing 2100 slinging gear, cranes and elevators (crane 2450 turnables and tilt-turn positioners, lift tables
1660 polishing systems, lifting forks and beams, slewing 2552 water-, oil-, air chillers
1740 pumps cranes, lifting magnets, electric chain hoists) 2410 weld backings and adhesive tapes (for one
1601 rolling, upsetting, drawing 2150 soldering fume filters sided welding)
1680 sawing 2170 sound absorbing materials, sound-proof 2630 welding flux feeding and recovery devices
1690 sintering and hot isostatic pressing chambers 2650 welding leads and connectors
1620 turning, milling, planing 2211 stationary vacuum cleaners for industrial use 2640 welding mirrors
1730 vibratory stress relieving 2260 tools 2611 welding-sets, diesel or gasoline driven
1711 welding conditioning 2140 transparent/opaque screens 2440 wire feeders
2190 weld fume filters and filtration systems 2431 wire-guide spiral
2181 welding booths 2690 workpiece handling systems (lift and shift
2182 welding curtains systems, dial tables)
III General productions equipment, 2470 workpiece storage equipment (belts, pallets,
2230 work benches, workshop lockers
systems for computer aided 2240 workshop stools, aids to stability stores)
manufacture, data processing, 2250 workshop trolleys, cylinder trolleys
manual and automatic control 2110 work tables (e.g. welding and cutting tables) 2 Gas supply accessories
engineering, automation
2 Health and safety (personal protective 2720 central switching, pressure regulating and
1900 CAD-, CAM-, CAQ-, CIM– and CAP systems equipment) safety units, gas mixing units and valves for
1930 camera systems for monitoring design and supply pipe work (switching, pressure regu
production processes 2320 ear protection (wadding, ear plugs, ear lating and safety devices, valves, gas filters,
1910 capture, checking and processing of process muffs) gas flow and pressure meters)
and production parameters 2310 first aid equipment, medicines 2730 equipment for gas take-off stations (stop
1960 computers and other hardware (mini and 2330 laser protection valves, pressure regulators, gas mixers,
micro computers, PC‘s, main-frames, 2360 other protective equipment safety devices, take-off boards)
process computers, printers, plotters, 2340 protective clothing (helmets, aprons, 2710 gas sources/tanks with pipework and valves
processors, etc.) garments, shoes, gloves) (storage tanks, tankers, containers, cylinder
1980 control engineering (pressure switches, 2300 respiratory protection (filters-, insulating racks and batteries, individual cylinders)
solenoid and plasma valves, etc.) devices) 2740 individual cylinders (pressure reducers and
1920 industrial plant 2350 welder‘s head screens and shields, anti-flashback and backflow devices)
1970 mass production, flexible production facilities protective goggles, eye protective filters 2750 special equipment and general accessories
and welding lines (automatic switching and pressure control
1941 optics for laser welding and/or cutting systems, gas analyzers, pipe identification
1950 programs (software) stikkers, clamps etc.)
VI Accessories
1940 seam tracking and welding head guidance
systems 1 General accessories
VII Filler materials
2570 assembly systems, assembling and
IV Plant for production of filler positioning devices (clamps, roller blocks, 1 Filler materials for welding and themal
line-up clamps) cutting
materials and consumables (see also 2670)
2590 chipping hammers and wire brushes 1.1 Fillers and materials for welding and
2000 acetylene generators and filling stations coating specific materials (classified by
2670 clamping systems, clamping elements
2030 brazing filler and solder production plants material groups)
2540 clamps (terminals, earthing, workpiece) and
2010 conveying systems
polarity testers
2020 gas manufacturing and liquefying plants 2810 welding fillers for alloy cast steels
2430 controlled feeding devices (e.g. for adhesi
2050 welding electrode and flux cored wire 2800 welding fillers for high alloy steels
ves, solders and powders)
production plants 2830 welding fillers for non-ferrous metals and
2560 cooling systems
2060 welding flux production plants alloys
2680 drying cabinets (electrodes and fluxes),
2040 welding wire production plants 2870 welding fillers for other materials
heated quivers, baking ovens
2820 welding fillers for plastics
2500 electrode holders
2850 welding fillers for unalloyed and low alloy
2510 electrode grinding devices
cast steels
2400 equalizing systems (e.g. for spot welding
2840 welding fillers for unalloyed and low alloy
2620 filler, wire spools
2860 welding fillers for wear and corrosion
2520 gas lighters
resisting deposits
2530 globoidal drive

ABC (2014) No. 3 57

List of Products

1.2 Fillers and materials for welding, cutting 3370 adhesives for metals 3830 ferrite-content measuring devices
and coating (classified by types) 3360 adhesives for plastics 3900 force measuring systems
3320 all-purpose adhesives 3910 gauges and weld gauges
2990 covered electrodes (manual metal arc 3330 high-temperature adhesives 3860 holography
welding) 4120 hydrogen determination
3000 filler materials for laser welding 3940 manual and miscellaneous measuring
2910 flux cored wires and strips devices for arc welding (current, voltage,
2940 gas welding rods VIII Consumables other than
wire-feed rate, gas-feed rate, welding speed
2960 gouging and thermal cutting electrodes filler materials and energy per unit length)
2980 thermit welding materials 3930 mass, density, force, torque and pressure
2950 TIG (GTA) welding rods 1 Gases
2920 tubular stick electrodes 3990 measuring and monitoring devices for the
3460 carbon dioxide
2970 underwater welding and cutting electrodes electrode-penetration depth in resistance
3420 compressed air
2930 welding fluxes welding
3410 doping and test gas
2900 wire electrodes for gas metal-arc welding 3960 measuring devices for gases, fumes and
3400 fuel gases (acetylen, butane, natural gas,
2890 wires and strips for micro welding dusts
2880 wires, strips and plates for submerged arc 3970 measuring devicices for sound/noise
3462 gas for laser welding and cutting processes
and electroslag welding 3980 measuring devices for radiation
3470 gas mixtures
3500 hydrogen 3950 measuring devices for resistance welding
2 Filler material for thermal spraying 3440 hydrogen-nitrogen mixture (pulses, periods, current and voltage) and
3450 inert gases (argon, neon, helium) Rogovski belts
2.1 Filler materials for thermal spraying 3461 lasing gas 4000 metallography
(classified by composition) 3430 liquid gas 4010 microscopy
3490 nitrogen 4150 miscellaneous measurement
3010 carbide powders technology and measuring devices
3480 oxygen
3020 ceramic powders (metal oxides/nitrides) 4100 monitoring devices for arc welding
3030 metal powders and wires 4110 monitoring devices for resistance welding
3040 powder mixtures 2 Other consumables
4050 photoelasticity
3050 thermoplastics 3840 photography and cinematography
3760 abrasives
3660 anti-rust compounds 3920 power measurement
2.2 Filler materials for thermal spraying 3550 anti-spatter compounds 4130 resistance and insulation measurement
classified by process and type of spray 3750 anti-spatter sprays 4040 sensor technology
material) 3510 asbestos substitutes 4030 specimen-preparation installations
3580 auxiliary materials for thermit welding 4051 spectrometers
3070 filler materials for arc spraying (wires) 3850 speed and rotational-speed measurement
3570 brazing and soldering fluxes
3060 filler materials for flame spraying (wires, rods 4020 surface quality (cut-surface quality)
3530 calcium carbide
powders) 4080 temperature measurement (optical,
3610 ceramic powders
3090 filler materials for molten metal spraying electrical, chemical and mechanical)
3600 ceramic preforms
3080 filler materials for plasma spraying (powders) 4090 thermography
3720 chalk
3640 cleaning agents 3820 thoughput and flow-rate measurement
3 Filler materials for brazing and soldering 3761 cutting and snagging wheels 4140 time, event-number and frequency
3710 cutting powders for concrete, cast iron and measurement
3.1 Solders (classified by composition) other materials
3690 explosives 2 Decives and processes testing technology
3100 lead-in solders
3590 heat protection equipment for welding work
3130 other solders 2.1 Non-destructive testing
3541 impregnating compounds
3110 solders for aluminium
3540 leak-test-materials
3120 tin-lead solders with or without Cu, Ag, P 4160 betratron and linear accelerators
3700 lubricants
additions 4170 leak testing
3680 marking paints
3520 pickling products: e.g. pickling pastes 4180 radiographic testing
3.2 Brazing fillers (classified by composition) 3670 oxygen and powder lances 4190 dye-penetration testing
3560 paints and varnishes 4200 resources, automation and computer
3140 aluminium brazing fillers 3650 raw materials for electrode coatings assistance for non-destructive testing
3150 gold containing brazing fillers 3630 solder masks and resists 4201 ultraviolet lamps
3160 copper/brass brazing fillers 3620 solvents 4210 laser-beam testing
3170 nickel base brazing fillers 3740 weld cleaning 4220 magnetic testing
3230 other brazing fillers 3730 weld primers 4230 neutron-beam testing
3180 palladium containing brazing fillers 4240 acoustic-emission analysis
3190 phosphorus containing brazing fillers 4250 ultrasonic testing
3200 platinum containing brazing fillers 3 Primers and bonding agents for adhesive 4260 eddy-current testing
3210 silver brazing fillers technology 4270 other non-destructive testing processes
3220 special brazing fillers (cobalt, titanium,
3770 bonding agents
zirconium base) 2.1 Destructive testing
3780 primers

3.3 Forms of solders and brazing fillers 4280 dynamic fracture testing (Battelle, drop-
weight, double-torsion, explosion-bulge,
3280 brazing and soldering pastes IX Measurement and testing techno- Esso notched-bar bend impact, notched-bar
3300 brazing and soldering powders logy (equipment and/or services) tensileimpact, Niblink and Robertson tests)
3260 brazing and soldering wires, rods and strips 4290 hardness testing
3290 filler precoated plates 1 Decives for measurement and sensor 4300 resources, automation and computer
3250 flux coated rods technology assistance for destructive testing
3240 flux cored rods 4310 KIc-test and crack-opening displace-
3880 calculation systems ment (COD) test
3270 preforms and foils 3870 calibration
3310 stranded rods 4320 corrosion testing
3890 capacitance and inductance measurement 4330 weldability testing (cold-cracking and hot-
3800 chemical analysis cracking testing and others)
4 Adhesives 4060 coat-thickness, wall-thickness and crack- 4340 static fracture testing (longitudinal-weld
depth measurement bend, bursting, deep-notch, bend, notched-
3340 adhesives ceramic/ceramic 4070 current and voltage measurement
3350 adhesives ceramic/metal bar bend, notched-bar tensile and wide-plate
3810 elongation, path and angle measurement tests)

58 ABC (2014) No. 3

List of Products

4350 universal testing facilities 5020 tin, zinc 4 Recycling

4360 creep rupture and fatigue-endurance 4970 titanium
strength testing and vibration-fatigue testing 4990 tool steels 5625 waste containing precious metal
installations 5010 tungsten, tantalum, molybdenum
4370 tensile, pressure, torsion and bend testing 4980 unalloyed steels
4380 miscellaneous and mechanical-technological 5000 weathering steels XII Organizations, education and
tests 5030 zirconium, vanadium, beryllium training, research, information
transfer, technical literature and
2 Sub-contracting—processing of specific regulations
X Quality assurance, construc- semi-finished products
tion, consultancy (services) 5640 acceptance, approval, examinaton and
5202 brass pipes supervisory organizations
4500 certification of welding personnel, quality 5160 castings 5630 accreditation and certification organizations
management systems and products 5230 circular blanks 5710 codes of practice, standardization, patents
4430 consultancy and planning of fabrication and 5201 copper pipes (incl. organizations)
application of materials, energy and 5280 extruded products 5690 consultants, experts
processes 5150 foils, thin strip 5650 education, continuing education and
4450 design and analysis of weldet structures 5260 forgings examination of specialist personnel
4410 determination and testing of products, joining 5250 hoses (metal) 5700 information services (literature and factual
processes and fabrication operations 5220 pipes and flanges database searches, expert systems,
4420 determination of weldability, spraybility, 5170 plastic films, strips, sheets certification, literature appraisal, state of the
solderbility, brazeability and/or cuttability 5180 plastic pipes, flanges and other plastic semi- art and trend analyses)
4440 factory qualification finished products 5680 joining researchand education
4470 failure investigation and analysis 5200 plastic products 5660 supervisory bodies, chambers of trade,
4490 maintenance, servicing, repair of equipment 5190 plastic tubes and sleeving employers associations
4460 quality management systems 5240 rails 5720 technical and scientific associations,
4480 supervision of welding and fabrication 5110 reinforcing bars and mesh industrial associations
operations, on site and in-plant 5210 sections (girders) 5670 technical publishers, libraries (literature,
5120 sheet, plate, checker plate, perforated plate codes of practice, educational films, soft
5270 sintered parts ware, CD-ROM and diskette services,
5140 springs audiovisual media)
XI Sub-contracting (services) 5100 strip and wide strip
1 Sub-contracting—processing of specific 5130 wires
materials XIII Services
3 Sub-contracting—application of joining and
4600 aluminium other manufacturing processes 5730 leasing of welding plant and welding
4830 brass Equipment
4790 carbon 5420 adhesive bonding of metals 5740 leasing of welding manipulators
4870 cardboard, paper 5410 adhesive bonding of plastics
4750 cast iron 5470 brazing and soldering 5625 waste containing precious metal
4940 cast steel 5370 electron, laser- and ion beam welding
4780 ceramics 5380 electroslag welding
4660 cermets 5580 firecracker, electrogas and/or submerged arc
4670 chromium welding
4620 coated and plated materials 5340 flame cleaning
4890 compression moulding compounds 5350 flame cutting blanks
(polymers) 5300 flash welding
4630 concrete 5531 friction stir welding
4640 concrete reinforcing bars 5520 friction welding
4800 copper 5390 gas pressure welding
4680 duplex-steels 5540 gas shielded arc welding
4700 elastomers 5400 gas welding
4710 fiber reinforced materials 5610 heat treating and/or quenching and
4720 fine grained structural steels tempering
4610 free machining steels 5450 laser welding and/or cutting
4740 glass 5550 magnetically impelled arc butt (MIAB)
4760 high alloy steels welding
4770 high temperature materials 5620 maintenance, servicing, repair
4810 laminates 5460 manual metal arc welding
4650 lead, bismuth, cobalt, cadmium 5480 metallizing, dip coating and anodizing
4820 leather 5490 metal spraying
4850 low alloy steels 5500 oxidized ceramic spraying
4821 magnesium 5320 pickling, sand blasting, polishing, deburring
5040 new materials (high strength, light weight and/or grinding
constructions and superhard materials, 5440 plastic spraying
nanomaterials, light and electricity conduc 5510 resistance spot and/or projection
ting materials, magnetic materials, implant 5521 robot welding TIG/MIG/MAG
materials, etc.) 5590 scrapping
4840 nickel 5530 seam welding
4860 niobium, manganese 5360 spark erosion
4900 pipe steels 5330 stud welding
4880 platinum, gold, silver 5310 surfacing
4910 rail steels 5560 thermal cutting
4730 refractory materials 5570 ultrasonic welding
4920 shipbuilding steels 5600 vibratory stress relieving
4930 sintered materials 5430 welding of plastics
4950 superalloys (hot isostatic pressure)
4690 termosets
4960 thermoplastics

ABC (2014) No. 3 59


Publication in:


SCHNEIDEN circulation: 10,000 copies circulation: 10,000 copies
circulation: 6,000 copies frequency: in 6 of 12 issues frequency: 6 x annual
frequency: in 6 of 12 issues annual
annual language: German language: English

The advantages at a glance:

x Organised topically into 13 main groups with more than 500 relevant key words
x Complete listing of your company’s address (including e-mail– and Internet-address)
x Opportunity to develop new international contacts
x Complete listing of your entries in German and English language
x Entry in the Internet (www.abc-der-fuegetechnik.de) including your company logo and with a link
to your homepage
Send us your logo (jpg- or gif-file) to below mentioned e-mail-address

x Start of the entries is possible in each month (deadline: the 15th month in advance)


number of key-words costs per annum /per key-word

in EUR
1 145.00
2-5 128.00
6-10 113.00
from 11 100.00

contact person: Boris Hanisch

Fon: +49 211 1591-152
Fax: +49 211 1591-150
e-mail: boris.hanisch@dvs-hg.de

60 … ABC (2014) No. 3

Order form

DVS Media GmbH
c/o Boris Hanisch
Fon:+49 211/1591-152
Fax: +49 211/1591-150



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Alphabetical classification under letter: (please mark with a cross)


under the following key-words:

Code-No.: (you can find the list of products at the previous page)

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2. ___________ 7. ___________ 12.___________ 17. __________ 22. __________ 27. __________
3. ___________ 8. ___________ 13.___________ 18. __________ 23. __________ 28. __________
4. ___________ 9. ___________ 14.___________ 19. __________ 24. __________ 29. __________
5. ___________ 10. ___________ 15.___________ 20. __________ 25. __________ 30. __________

Contact person: ___________________________________________________________________

Sign: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________ Signature: ____________________________________________

ABC (2014) No. 3

DVS-TV goes international

English-language news programme and more from
the world of welding, cutting and coating technology.

w w w. d v s - t v. d e

Web TV for welding, cutting and coating technology

DVS-TV GmbH | Aachener Str. 172 | 40223 Düsseldorf | Telefon: +49 (0)211 1591-220 | Fax: +49 (0)211 1591-150 | E-Mail: info@dvs-tv.de

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