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www.welding-and-cutting.info Technical journal for welding and allied processes

Celebrating success as £ 43 M Capability of combined thermal Heat treatment of thermally

construction programme takes spray and laser coating centers sprayed Ni-based brazing materi-
shape at TWI to improve production efficiency als / NiCrAlY coating systems for
the repair of turbine blades
A More Efficient

To more efficiently crush rock, mining engineers

partnered with Sulzer for the answer.

Without a wear-resistant coating, rock crusher teeth can wear out in a Meet us at:
matter of a few days. So when mining engineers asked us to help them Int. Thermal Spray Conference
decrease their downtime and reduce their maintenance costs, we got ITSC 2014, Booth A05
© 2014 Sulzer Metco

right to work. Together, we developed a laser cladding solution using Palau de Congressos de Catalunya
a MetcoClad™ system and a MetcoClad™ material to create a thick Barcelona, Spain
deposit on all exposed surfaces of the teeth with a hardness better than May 21 – 23, 2014
1500 HV300. The result? Those rock crushers never worked so hard!
They crush more efficiently and stay in service substantially longer. www.sulzer.com/sulzer-metco

What is a Welder?
Despite complaints that there are not enough of them, concerns
that they are all approaching retirement age, and demands that
more should be done to develop new ones, it still seems that some
people are continuing to ask, “What is a welder?”

Please read the editorial on page 113.

Eur Ing Chris Eady BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MRAeS FWeldI

Associate Director Professional Affairs
The Welding Institute

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 63


News 66 All-time high for industrial robots in 2013

68 Celebrating success as £ 43 M con-
struction programme takes shape at TWI
69 Free technical support boost to the
offshore wind industry
70 Developing improved laser welding
technology for small and medium-sized
71 Industrial services: A new frontier
for business model innovation and
72 First BEng professional engineering
graduate to achieve IEng through
“Gateways“ programme

A ceremony was held at TWI at Granta Park to
mark the end of the steel construction phase 72 Fast access to metals and consumables
of the build programme. data: “MI-21“ celebrates over ten years of
successful operation

From Companies 76 Optimising welding of aluminium

components through robotics
77 Through thick and thin with the
solid-state laser
78 Advanced tube benders speed
construction of subsea wellhead trees
79 Integrity assurance: „UltraSteamLine“
extends high temperature inspection
80 6-axis robotic waterjet trimming cell cuts
wide range of materials for automotive,
The wind industry is seen as one of the more developed marine and aerospace applications
forms of renewable energy with a growing demand for
81 Synchrotron imaging used to investigate
welding process
82 Short Messages
83 Products

Welding Practice 86 Information about practical welding

Events 88 Second conference about “US/European

Welding Standards“ held in Miami in
January 2014
89 “International Thermal Spray Conference“
ITSC 2014 in May in Barcelona
89 “Svarka/Welding 2014“ exhibition
in June in St. Petersburg

77 The solid-state laser at the “TruLaser 5030“

fibre processes all the usual material qualities
and thicknesses – including nonferrous
metals – at excellent quality.
Reports 90 High-performance arc welding: Variants
and modulation types determine the ma-
terial transfer, the heat input and the arc
96 “Art in steel“ – welded metal sculptures

64 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2





www.welding-and-cutting.info Technical journal for welding and allied processes

Technical journal for welding and allied processes of

the DVS – German Welding Society, Düsseldorf,
the Professional Division of The Welding Institute, Cambridge,
and the Institut de Soudure, Paris

Produced in Collaboration between

78 A new automated tube bending process is

dramatically speeding the production of FMC
Technologies’ hydraulic control systems for
subsea wellheads.

100 Capability of combined thermal spray

and laser coating centers to improve pro-
duction efficiency
103 Choosing a surface coating technology –
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of
high-velocity oxy-fuel thermal spraying
and laser cladding
Inspection and
monitoring of
Specialist Articles 108 Heat treatment of thermally sprayed Ni- a high temper-
based brazing materials/NiCrAlY coating ature pipeline.
systems for the repair of turbine blades

Martin Nicolaus, Kai Möhwald, Friedrich-
Wilhelm Bach, Hans Jürgen Maier
Plasma hybrid welding with an
integrated laser and sensor equipment
Claus Emmelmann, Ruslan Kozakov, “International Thermal
Nikolai Petri, Heinz Schöpp, Olaf Stein- Spray Conference“
meier ITSC 2014 in May in

105 Editorial Preview

122 Books
122 Imprint/Ad Index

National Pages 106 Information from the DVS – German

Welding Society
113 TWI News – The Newsletter of
The Welding Institute

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 65

All-time high for industrial robots in 2013

“The global demand for industrial robots contributed to the increase use of robotics the world with an emerging middle class es-
reached an all-time high of about 168,000 worldwide, some of which has been driven calating the demand for consumer goods,
units in 2013,” said Arturo Baroncelli, Presi- directly from the automation equipment medical care and high quality lifestyle, all
dent of IRF – International Federation of Ro- manufactures. The software to work with great reasons for pushing the manufacturing
botics. “The success story of the robotics in- and run robots and automation cells has sector to automate. Besides modernization
dustry is continuing.” developed rapidly over the last few years of the existing production sites, various types
Based on the study „World Robotics and the ease of use has transcended into of industries are building new production
2013 – Industrial Robots“ and the results of more applications under a very demanding sites in order to gain market share in this
the IFR Quarterly Statistics, the IFR estimates and dynamic manufacturing landscape that huge consumer market.
that last year about 168,000 industrial robots would not have been tackled in the past. The potential for automation in the Chi-
were sold worldwide, 5% more than in 2012. This has enabled manufacturers to provide nese manufacturing industry is still huge.
Robot sales to the Americas continued to products to the market quicker and with Compared to highly automated countries
increase due to necessary automation flexibility of variations to meet consumer like Japan, Korea and Germany with robot
processes in the North American industry. demand and at the same time insure the densities in the manufacturing industry be-
Sales to Asia rose considerably due to strong quality required and the performance de- tween 270 and 400 industrial robots per
demand from China, South Korea and other manded.” 10,000 employees, the robot density in China
growing Asian markets. In the fourth quarter is comparably low with about 20 robots. To
2013, the start of recovery in the euro-zone Booming robot market China reach such a level of robot density, about
pushed robot demand substantially. Due to Between 2005 and 2012, sales of indus- one million new robots would have to be in-
the rather weak development in the first trial robots to China have increased by about stalled in the coming years in China.
three quarters, robot sales in Europe stag- 25% on average per year and reached 23,000 In China the faltering economic growth
nated in 2013. units in 2012. This supply does not include in 2013 may affect robot investments some-
Between 2010 and 2013 the annual in- sales of local Chinese robot manufacturers. what. In 2013, the robot supply of foreign
crease of global robot sales was about 12% At the joint event of the IFR and the Chinese companies will increase by about 5% to 10%
on average despite the critical economic Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA) at the CIROS to about 25,000 units. And from 2014 to 2016,
situation in some key countries. “One basic trade show in July 2013 in Shanghai, it was robot sales from the non local robot suppli-
reason for the continuous growth in the use reported that in 2011, local Chinese robot ers will again gain momentum and increase
of robotics is its never ending technological suppliers sold about 2,000 units and in 2012, between by 15% on average per year reach-
development in relation with market and 3,200 units. ing about 38,000 units in 2016.
industrial requirements, accounting for China will continue to have a substantial Chinese robot manufacturers will in-
product quality and competitiveness as economic growth rate in the coming years. crease their robot production in the near fu-
well as safe processes,” explained Arturo Strong investments in automation will con- ture, and robot suppliers from abroad will
Baroncelli. tinue in order to increase productivity and increase assembly of robots in China. Taking
Joe Gemma, IFR Vice President added: to establish more eco-friendly production in account, that China is already one of the
“Those of us in the industry are not sur- processes. China is one of the most rapidly biggest markets but is still in the beginning
prised by the growth as many factors have growing and largest consumer markets in phase of utilizing robotics, the Chinese mar-
ket will offer huge potentials for installation
for local and foreign robot suppliers in the
coming years.

Second highest level of robot sales

in Europe
About 41,200 industrial robots were sold
in Europe in 2012 – 6% less than in 2011 –,
the second highest level ever recorded. After
substantial investments of the automotive
industry in 2011 robot installations in this
sector was somewhat reduced, while almost
all the other industries continued purchas-
ing robots. Between 2007 and 2012 the com-
pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of robot
supplies to Europe was about 3% on average.
In 2012, robot sales to Germany – by far
the largest robot market in Europe – were
10% lower than the all-time-high level of
2011. About 17,500 units were sold in 2012,

66 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

which is the second highest number ever substantially in 2009. In 2010 and 2011, the nological developments,“ commented Dr.
recorded for one year. Since 2010, the auto- welding robot application increased sub- Andreas Bauer, Chairman of the IFR Indus-
motive industry was the driver of an almost stantially. Spot welding – mainly used in the trial Robot Suppliers Group the forecast.
unlimited growth of robot installations in automotive industry – was down from the “These technologies are opening doors to
Germany. In 2012, the automotive industry peak of 24,800 units in 2011 to 23,500 units completely new applications for robots. Im-
reduced its investments in industrial robots in 2012, with a share of almost 15% of the pressive for me are the developments re-
while the general industry ordered more. In total supply. Sale of arc welding robots con- garding human-robot cooperation and op-
2012, total sales of industrial robots to Italy tinued to increase to a new peak level in portunities that are provided in new fields
were down by 14%, to 4,402 units. The au- 2012, at 21,055 units (2011: 21,000 units), for automation, especially in areas where no
tomotive industry considerably reduced ro- accounting for a share of 13% of the total robots are currently used.“
bot investments while the rubber and plas- supply. Arc welding is not only used in the The challenges and opportunities are:
tics industry, the industrial machinery in- automotive industry but also in the metal • Growing consumer markets require ex-
dustry, the basic metals industry, the elec- industry. pansion of production capacities.
trical/electronics industry and the pharma- Robots for other welding, e.g. ultrasonic, • Decreasing life-cycles of products and
ceutical industry increased robot installa- gas and plasma welding, were continuously increasing variety of products require
tions in 2012. In 2012, robot sales to France decreasing from a peak of 1,052 units in flexible automation.
slightly decreased by 3% to 2,956 industrial 2008 to 200 units in 2010. In 2011, sales al- • Technical improvements of industrial
robots from 3,058 units in 2011. The robot most quadrupled to about 770 units. In robots will increase the use of robots in
supply to the automotive industry stagnated 2012, sales decreased to 335 units. Laser the general industry and in small and
while almost all other industries increased welding increased to a new peak level of medium sized companies, e.g. easier to
robot investments. Sales of industrial robots 590 units in 2011 and declined to almost use robots for simple applications, col-
to the United Kingdom almost doubled to 400 units in 2012. Soldering peaked in 2007 laboration of robots with human work-
2,943 units in 2012, by far the highest level (585 units) and fell to only 17 units in 2010. ers.
ever recorded. The United Kingdom became In 2011, almost 800 soldering robots were • Improved quality requires sophisticated
the fourth largest European robot market al- supplied, and in 2012 sales of these robots high tech robot systems.
most as high as France. Since 2010, robot were again considerably down to just 10 • Robots improve the quality of work by
sales have been surging due to the restart of units. taking over dangerous, tedious and
investments of the automotive industry. dirty jobs that are not possible or safe
Promising prospects for 2014 to for humans to perform.
Material handling and welding as 2016 “Whilst these challenges are not insignifi-
the most important applications The IFR Statistical Department estimates cant, they are also far from insurmountable.
With regard to application areas, 2012 a further growth of robot installations be- In fact, our industry and governments
showed again a new peak level for handling tween 2014 and 2016 by 6% on average per around the world have already made signif-
operations and machine tending, at about year. “The growth is based on huge poten- icant progress in addressing them. They rep-
70,600 units, up from 68,540 in 2011, and tials of further penetration of the industrial resent exciting opportunities for us and
accounting for 44% of the total supply of in- segments like electronics or food and on the should be embraced to the fullest extent,“
dustrial robots. Sales of robots for material on-going industrialization of the emerging stated Per Vegard Nerseth, Head of ABB Ro-
handling decreased from the peak of 24,950 countries. But there are even additional botics, Switzerland. (According to press in-
units in 2011 to 24,300 units in 2012, ac- growth potentials in the future based on formation from IFR / “World Robotics 2013
counting for a share of 15% of the total sup- breathtaking advanced and innovative tech- – Industrial Robots“)
ply in 2012. It was again the most important
application. Sales of robots for handling op-
erations for packaging, picking and placing
continued to increase considerably by 25%
to the new peak of 15,480 units in 2012, ac-
counting for a share of 10% of the total sup-
ply. Most of these robots were supplied to
the electronics industry in the Republic of
Korea just as in the past years. There is an
increasing trend toward using robots to au-
tomate packaging in the food and beverage
industry, in the pharmaceutical and cosmet-
ics industry, as well as in the electronics in-
In 2012, welding robot sales decreased
by 6% to 45,300 units, accounting for a share
of 28% of the 2012 total supply. Sales fol-
lowed more or less an increasing trend be-
tween 2005 and 2008, but finally slumped

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 67


Celebrating success as £ 43 M construction programme

takes shape at TWI
A visit to TWI – The Welding Institute on 7 The event conclu-
March 2014 by Member of Parliament for ded with a short
South Cambridgeshire and Leader of the tour of TWI‘s
House of Commons Andrew Lansley CBE, engineering labo-
and Minister for Universities and Science ratories.
David Willetts, has given the seal of approval
to the company‘s 25,000 m2 expansion pro-
gramme at its Granta Park headquarters near
Andrew Lansley and David Willetts, ac-
companied by Vicky Ford MEP and Sir John
O‘Reilly, the government’s Director General
of Knowledge and Innovation, visited the
South Cambridgeshire premises to lead a site
ceremony alongside TWI Chief Executive
Christoph Wiesner and staff member Sarah
Preston to mark the end of the steel construc-
tion phase of the build programme.
The ceremony, which included lowering progress and to be present to celebrate an In 2013, TWI welcomed government sup-
into the ground a friction-stir welded capsule extraordinary success. We have a need for port from the UK Regional Growth Fund to
containing examples of research and inno- R&D centres that stand between universities launch the expansion initiative. This, together
vation in materials joining and structural in- and upstream research, and commercial with funding put forward by the company it-
tegrity technologies, was held in front of in- and business application. TWI began this self under the auspices of the industry-led
vited guests from the region, the design and process as a research association shortly af- Structural Integrity Research Founding, will
build teams, government funding bodies, and ter the war and has continued to deliver as supply new laboratories and facilities for re-
partners representing the new National Struc- a modern-day Catapult, becoming ever big- search and development, with provision of
tural Integrity Research Centre. ger and stronger in Britain’s industrial envi- the new centre for postgraduate studies in an
Andrew Lansley said: “The government ronment. I applaud the company in its fan- industry environment at the centre of the
is right behind TWI in its work to deliver spe- tastic achievement.“ building project.
cialist skills in structural integrity and mate- Following the burying of the time capsule, The completed TWI facilities will cover
rials joining into industry. We in South Cam- the event concluded with a short tour of 36,000 m2 approx. and contain laboratories
bridgeshire are very proud to be a part of a TWI‘s engineering laboratories to see exam- for the study and performance of materials
success story focused on the core technolo- ples of project work in structural integrity and and the impact of welding and joining tech-
gies that are vital for our economic growth.“ inspection technologies, followed by cutting niques as applied in industry. These will be
David Willetts said: “I am delighted to of a ceremonial cake – a small-scale replica supported by a full range of information serv-
see the new Centre making such great of the finished buildings. ices, including the library – the world‘s most
comprehensive library of welding and joining
A ceremony related publications – together with meeting
was held at and conference rooms, and restaurants. The
TWI at Granta build programme is being managed by Bed-
Park to mark fordshire-based construction company SDC,
the end of the
and is on schedule for completion by the end
steel con-
of this year. The National Structural Integrity
struction pha-
se of the build
Research Centre (NSIRC) is a state-of-the-art
programme. postgraduate engineering facility established
and managed by structural integrity specialist
TWI, working closely with lead academic
partner Brunel University, alongside the Uni-
versity of Cambridge and the University of
Manchester and leading industrial partners.
The Centre also receives long-term industrial
commitment from key TWI Industrial Mem-
ber companies. (According to press informa-
tion from TWI)

68 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

“Offshore Wind Technology Transfer“ pro-
Free technical support boost to the ject participants with free technical support
and consultancy – presenting a valuable op-
offshore wind industry portunity to access an independent combi-
nation of materials, fabrication and inspec-
tion expertise gained through practical ex-
perience and an unparalleled record of
working in specialist areas including fatigue
assessment of welded and bolted structures
and wind-turbine towers.
From advanced, high productivity fab-
rication technology and the specification of
corrosion protection standards, to structural
integrity assessment and failure investiga-
tion, TWI can give participants support and
advice on welding procedures and fabrica-
tion standards. Its specialists will also help
to troubleshoot production and quality
problems, explore more effective technolo-
gies and processes, define requirements for
training and development of new skills, in-
crease the effectiveness of supply chains and
accelerate innovation to bring new products
to market.
The wind industry is seen as one of the more developed forms of renewable energy with a growing The industry offer is designed for com-
demand for turbines.
panies already serving the offshore wind sec-
tor as well as for those progressive business-
More than 70 manufacturing companies ties to help businesses boost manufacturing es with the potential to supply products and
in Northern England have benefited to date effectiveness and reduce costs. The initiative services to this strategically important
from access to TWI’s specialist knowledge is being funded by the Government’s Re- growth industry. Support is tailored to the
in engineering, materials, welding and join- gional Growth Fund, and is led by the Na- needs of each company. For more informa-
ing technologies as part of the “Offshore tional Renewable Energy Centre (Narec). tion please visit the project page at www.twi-
Wind Technology Transfer“ project. Along The wind industry is seen as one of the global.com/about/support-for-uk-
with free technical support and supply- more developed forms of renewable energy regions/offshore-wind-technology-transfer-
chain development advice, the company is with a growing demand for turbines, partic- osw-tt/. (According to press information
providing full use of its expertise and facili- ularly in offshore applications. TWI provides from TWI)

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Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 69


Developing improved laser welding technology for small

and medium-sized enterprises

The transnational “Tailor:Weld“ project

aims to bridge the gap between the need for
an affordable and easy to use laser welding
technology and the solutions available to-
day. Most existing laser systems are fitted
with either a standard process head or a 2D
galvanometer scanner – both of which de- Typical example of the benefits of laser welding with a tailored energy distribution compared to
liver a “standard” Gaussian or “top-hat” en- existing solutions.
ergy distribution to the work piece. However,
this relatively simplistic energy distribution
is not directly suitable for many applications
and significant laser welding expertise is re-
quired in order to develop acceptable
process parameters.
Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are
a robust, simple tool and are capable of pro-
ducing (virtually) unlimited tailored energy
distributions. The aim of the “Tailor:Weld“
project which started on 1 November 2013
is to develop and demonstrate an innovative
laser welding system, that uses simple and
robust DOEs, increasing the flexibility and
simplifying the application of laser welding
and, through that, removing the key barrier
to entry for SME fabricators.
The project aims to develop:
• Suitable tailored energy distributions Overview of the “Tailor:Weld“ system – showing how a new SME end-user would use the model to
for a range of selected applications; determine a suitable DOE design and then be able to purchase the welding head (or full laser welding
• A validated process method for deter- system, as appropriate).
mining tailored energy distributions for
future applications and model, easily accessed through a DOE de- tem, which gives the necessary flexibility re-
• A (prototype) laser welding head which sign tool with a Graphical User Interface quired by SMEs whilst it requires little (or
is capable of incorporating interchange- (GUI) that is capable of calculating the nec- no) advanced training to operate.
able DOEs depending upon the re- essary laser beam energy distribution for a The key benefits of the novel
quirements of the work piece (e.g. anal- given joint (taking into account common “Tailor:Weld“ system include:
ogous to interchangeable tool dies used materials and joint geometry). This will al- • A simplified method to determine the
in the metal forming industry). low a simple assessment and adoption of applicability of laser welding for weld-
In order to effectively execute the project, the laser welding process. ing processes undertaken;
the consortium partners will deliver the ob- The second aspect is the production of • Replacement of high-cost and complex
jectives in three phases – research, technol- a DOE laser welding head module, allowing galvanometer scanner systems (approx.
ogy development and demonstration. for quick and simple interchange of DOEs Euro 80,000 to 150,000) with simple
The “Tailor:Weld“ aim will be realised for different laser welding processes, and in- DOE optic element (approx. Euro 2,000
through two critical developments. The first corporating process monitoring for quality per application);
one is the development of a thermo-physical assurance. This will provide a ’turn-key‘ sys- • A low-cost, robust system for producing

70 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

tailored energy distributions, facilitat- • Interchangeable DOE module (car- • Impact clean power technology SA
ing the adoption of laser welding by tridge system), allowing for a variety of • Halitic
new end-users, across multiple indus- welding operations and/or simple up- • Graham Engineering Limited
try sectors; dating as necessary. • Lulea Tekniska Universitet
• A novel method of interpreting end- The project is comprised of a transnational • TWI Limited
user requirements and reducing adop- consortium which includes nine partners: The use of the “Research for the benefit of
tion costs; • European Federation for Welding, Join- SME associations” will ensure the
• A retro-fittable DOE laser welding head ing and Cutting (Project management) “Tailor:Weld“ project will be of dedicated
module, suitable for new or existing • VIP Products Maschinenvertriebs benefit for the European industry. (Accord-
laser beam welding systems; GmbH ing to press information from EWF)
• Built in process monitoring for opti- • Holo-Or Ltd
mum performance and quality assur- • Nederlandse Instrumenten Compagnie
ance for end users; – Nedinsco BV

Industrial services: A new frontier for business model

innovation and profitability
The poor scope for technological inno- 2016 with a compound annual growth rate over the last decade. There is also a growing
vation coupled with growing market matu- of 6.8%. Within this segment, value-added acknowledgement from industrial product
rity has motivated major industrial product services, such as condition monitoring, pre- suppliers and the end-user community
suppliers to concentrate efforts on achieving dictive maintenance and advanced diagnos- about the dawn of services as the next big
growth through alternative channels. In this tics, are rapidly gaining acceptance and are frontier for business model innovation and
context, the potential for industrial services anticipated to account for a significant por- profitability.
attains center stage, both from the stand- tion of the growing demand for advanced “In order to understand and evaluate
point of industrial vendors interested in mar- pump monitoring solutions. Additionally, the nature of this new service frontier, Frost
ket expansion and end-users aiming to max- stringent regulations pertaining to pump ef- & Sullivan will be initiating a strategic in-
imise profitability. ficiency and emission control, particularly depth analysis, focussing on end-user ex-
The market has grown significantly in in Europe and North America, is also likely pectations and requirements of services
the last decade. In order to better under- to result in increased demand for superior across various product markets”, notes Mr.
stand the emerging services market, the value-added services. Viswanathan. “The study will aim to assist
global business consulting firm Frost & From a demand perspective, end-users industrial product suppliers with designing
Sullivan has mapped the emerging seg- are increasingly looking at maintenance and their service mix and aligning their product
ment into the larger framework of Industry plant service as a means for maximising strategies to better serve the needs of the
4.0. “The idea of Industry 4.0 assisted us profitability. From a market standpoint, it end-user in a rapidly-changing industrial
in identifying a few key criteria like Big Da- can be safely surmised that the demand for landscape”. (According to press information
ta, the Internet of Things and the Internet services has improved quite significantly from Frost & Sullivan)
of Services, as functional pillars catalysing
the transformation of the current organi-
sational architecture”, notes Muthukumar
Viswanathan, Frost & Sullivan Practice Di-
rector Industrial Automation & Process
Control and Measurement & Instrumen-
tation .
According to recent analysis by Frost &
Sullivan, the overall estimates for service
revenues accrued from automation products
like DCS, PLC and SCADA reached nearly
US-$ 15 billion in 2012. The conspicuous
part of this large service base is the increas-
ing demand for new value-added services
that goes beyond traditional repair and
For example analysis on global pump
market finds that the market earned rev-
enues of US-$ 12.65 billion in 2011 and esti-
mates this to reach US-$ 17.55 billion by

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 71


First BEng professional engineering graduate to achieve

IEng through “Gateways“ programme
achieved an NVQ3 and then went on to com- allowed me to become a well-rounded engi-
plete an HNC and finally an HND in Mechan- neer, with a detailed understanding of the
ical Engineering. After eight years, Christo- electrical environment around me. The
pher continued his successful career by join- knowledge obtained has enabled me to be-
ing National Grid, his current employer. come registered as an Incorporated Engineer
He started studying at Aston University and provided foundations which will eventu-
on the Foundation Degree in Electrical Pow- ally allow me to advance my experience and
er Engineering and graduated in 2010 with knowledge for Chartered Engineer status.”
a Distinction. He then joined the BEng Pro- The Bachelors and Masters Professional
fessional Engineering (Power Systems) pro- Engineering programmes are proving attrac-
gramme and graduated in July 2012 with a tive to many engineers who might otherwise
First Class Honours. He is the first engineer not have the opportunity to achieve profes-
in the UK to graduate at Bachelors level from sional status. More than 120 individuals in
an Engineering Gateways degree and then a range of companies are now enrolled on
go on to achieve IEng status. Throughout the programmes at eleven higher education
Christopher Jones is the first engineer in the UK this time, Christopher has been supported institutions, with numbers set to grow. 14
to graduate at Bachelors level from an “Enginee-
by his employer, National Grid. As well as professional engineering institutions have
ring Gateways“ degree and then go on to achieve
studying at Aston, Christopher also under- now signed up to support these programmes
IEng status.
took training within National Grid and was and nine candidates have already been reg-
awarded a NEBOSH certificate and also be- istered as Chartered Engineers. Further de-
Christopher Jones is the first BEng Pro- came a Senior Authorised Person (SAP). tails are available at www.engc.org.uk/edu-
fessional Engineering graduate in the United Christopher said, “The combination of cation—skills/engineering-gateways. (Ac-
Kingdom to achieve Incorporated Engineer National Grid‘s practical training, combined cording to press information from the Engi-
(IEng) status through the flexible work- with Aston University‘s theoretical study has neering Council)
based “Engineering Gateways“ programme.
The BEng Professional Engineering (Power
Systems) programme is the first of its kind
in the UK and has been offered by Aston Fast access to metals and consum-
University in Birmingham since 2010.
Engineers study on a work-based, blend- ables data: “MI-21“ celebrates over
ed, distance learning basis with attendance
at Aston only for examinations. This is an ten years of successful operation
“Engineering Gateways“ programme which
provides a pathway to professional registra- The idea was to bring together informa-
tion for working engineers who do not pos- tion retained and recorded by both WMI and
sess the full exemplifying academic qualifi- TWI from the past 60 years, thus providing a
cations, who are interested in becoming pro- wealth of data for today‘s metallurgists and
fessionally registered and are unable to com- welding engineers. Originally in paper form,
mit to full-time study. With the support of the information was vulnerable and not easily
their employer, employees are able to de- searchable so the team identified a database
monstrate the required UK-SPEC compe- as the best way to preserve it and make it eas-
tences for professional registration at the sa- “MI-21“, the metals and consumables in- ily available to WMI members, TWI Industrial
me time as meeting the learning outcomes formation database containing over 65,000 Members and to the public by subscription.
for an academic qualification. documents, has been providing answers to By 2004, Granta Design had designed
The framework for this route was devel- Industrial Members of TWI – The Welding and tested a database and WMI and TWI
oped as part of a government-funded initia- Institute for more than ten years. The “MI- started data entry for the system, which now
tive “Gateways to the Professions“. The En- 21“ database and information service is a holds over 65,000 datasheets on metals and
gineering Council led the work which has result of a collaboration started in 2002 be- welding consumables. It doesn‘t stop there,
been delivered by universities, Professional tween the UK public and private sectors, and however, as datasheets are being entered by
Engineering Institutions (PEIs) and employ- funded by the European Commission‘s WMI and TWI at a rate of over 7,000 per year.
er representatives. Structural Fund and Yorkshire Forward. The As it stands today, the “MI-21“ service
Christopher Jones’ career began in the project team comprised TWI, Sheffield City encompasses an online database that can be
Royal Air Force, where he embarked on an Council‘s World Metal Index (WMI), Granta accessed by all subscribers and an enquiry
electrical maintenance apprenticeship. He Design and Namtec. service offered by both WMI and TWI Ltd for

72 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Passing of the baton:
Thorium is out!

is taking over.

Test now for free.

The gold-colored WL15 TIG welding electrode is thorium-free and ignites faster than the
red thoriated WT20 electrode. The future is golden. See for yourself.
Perform the test for free by requesting three WL15 TIG electrodes at: www.plansee.com/test

This special test offer is available only to businesses, not to private individuals. The test pack
contains three thorium-free welding electrodes available in the thicknesses 1.6 mm, 2.4 mm or
3.2 mm as required. We will provide a maximum of one test pack free-of-charge per company.
This special offer is available as long as stocks last.

their respective members and subscribers. The member knew this was a grade used their customer‘s enquiry. Often fruitless ef-
These now include many engineering com- by companies that make pumps, requiring forts would be made contacting various forg-
panies in the UK and increasingly worldwide. good impact resistance. The member also ing companies and organisations to ask if
TWI Industrial Members benefit from free required further information about product anyone else had heard of a particular grade
access to the consumables section of the analysis and some failures that had been or what type of material it might be.
database via the TWI website and the enquiry identified by a classification society inspec- In this case WMI was able to do the ’leg
service from TWI Information Services. tor who could not endorse the certificate. work‘ for the member by identifying the
Demand for information from the data- WMI provided an extract from an Amer- standard and grade, including the material
base continues to grow and in June 2013, at ican standard that described product analy- (carbon steel plate) and its typical use (for
the end of a five-year exploitation agreement sis. This extract of information enabled the pressure purposes). Having received a
period set up between the partners, the an- inspector to accept a variation of percentage datasheet from WMI it was clear to the
nual income (2012-2013) for the service of silicon within the material, and re-stamp member that the designated form of this
stood at just over £82,000. the test house certificate. The support from particular material would not be fit for pur-
Examples of enquiries successfully com- WMI prevented the member losing the or- pose. Consequently, although the member
pleted for users include the following: der, as well as saving testing costs and avoid- refused the order, they could offer sound
ing a bill from the classification society. reasons for doing so – which enabled its cus-
1 Enquiry about grade 1.4413 tomer to search elsewhere. This preserved
The customer contacted WMI looking 2 Enquiry about ASTM A516 the reputation of the “MI-21“ member com-
for the above German ’Werkstoff‘ named Grade 70 for a particular form pany. It also saved it time and money by
grade. WMI confirmed that this ’Werkstoff‘ (cut blanks) drawing on WMI experience rather than
grade had not made the transition from its A customer of an “MI-21“ member com- endless ringing round for information and
German origin to a European grade. There- pany requested supply of the above grade staff time in waiting for responses.
fore WMI was able to offer information to in ’cut blank‘ form. Before subscribing to For more information, please visit the
the “MI-21“ member that enabled it to guide “MI-21“ this member company would have “MI-21“ web page at www.twi-global.com/
their customer to a comparable grade spent much time and resource trying to find services/information-services/mi-21/. (Ac-
1.4313/S41500/F6NM. out sufficient information to ’regret‘ or refuse cording to press information from TWI)

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74 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

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Optimising welding of aluminium

components through robotics
Examples of
structures cur-
rently used in
the transport

The increasing usage of aluminium al- The project is comprised of a transnational required from an automated system.
loys has created further challenges to the consortium, which includes ten partners: • Enhanced working conditions for Eu-
welding industry. It allows for an effective • European Federation for Welding, ropean welders, as expert welding
weight reduction as they replace more tra- Joining and Cutting (EWF) knowledge will still be required, but the
ditional iron and steel materials, but also is • Asociatia de Sudura din Romania physical demands will be greatly re-
more challenging to weld, and thus requires • Meta Vision Systems Limited duced.
additional measures to ensure a proper • Innora SA The solution “FlexiFab” is developing has a
process. In this environment, the EC FP7 Re- • igm Robotersysteme AG wide scope for a number of application areas
search has sponsored the project “FlexiFab”, • Bodula Division Industrial SL covering all industrial aluminium welding.
which aims to allow fabricators, metal-work- • RRS Schilling GmbH It seeks to address the needs to improve
ers and welding companies to effectively • TRA-C Industrie labour productivity in the metal-working
compete in the growing use of aluminium • TWI Limited sector and alleviate the serious lack of skilled
alloys in the light-weight transport sector, • Lund University aluminium welding personnel in Europe.
replacing traditional iron and steel, and to Also, as part of the commitment made
reduce the costs associated with the fabri- at the EU to move into a “knowledge-based”
cation of aluminium structures. “FlexiFab” will develop an automated manufacturing sector, “FlexiFab” will be one
The project “FlexiFab” (Flexible fabrica- robotic system to enable welding of alumini- more initiative to support the development
tion of lightweight aluminium transport um components and parts. This will have of new and protectable IP in the area of au-
structures), sponsored by the EC FP7 Re- the following key competitive advantages to tomated aluminium welding systems, with
search for the benefit of SME associations the (SME dominated) European metal work- clear benefits for the metal working and fab-
has started on 1st November 2013 and has ers and fabricators: rication industry. The use of the “Research
the European Welding Federation (EWF) as • Significant reduction in the costs asso- for the benefit of SME associations” will en-
its project leader. ciated with the welding of aluminium sure the “FlexiFab” project will be of dedi-
The “FlexiFab” project aims to develop components and structures, mainly due cated benefit for the European industry.
a flexible Friction Stir Welding (FSW) system to the lack of scrapage and re-working (According to press information from EWF)
capable of automatically fabricating com-
plex structures, in a variety of joint configu-
rations, from a range of aluminium alloy The “FlexiFab“ con-
grades and thicknesses used in the transport cept will allow FSW
sector. Aluminium has several unique char- to be able to be ap-
acteristics which need to be considered plied to more gen-
when fusion welding. Given its reactivity to eral geometries and
with some novel
air and high thermal conductivity/expan-
FSW tools.
sion, welds are prone to a wide variation of
defects such as undercutting, excessive melt-
through, incomplete fusion, incomplete
joint penetration, porosity and cracking.

76 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Through thick and thin with the solid-state laser
It took no more than 36 months before Martin Krämer, owner of
Martin Krämer, at mid-2013, dared the leap Krämer Brennteile pro-
into the first division. Having previously duces “steel in the stalls”
bought two “TruLaser 1030” units, he in- – the laser cutting ma-
vested in the “TruLaser 5030” fibre. “Our de- chine is located in the
but in laser cutting was after the BlechExpo
and is surrounded by
in 2010, and it sparked an enormous re-
sheet metal storage racks.
sponse among our customers. The “Tru-
(Photos: Trumpf)
Laser 1030”, with its modest investment
costs, was the ideal vehicle for that first step.”
But again and again, Krämer bumped up
against limits – in terms of either productiv-
ity or maximum sheet metal gauge. This was
particularly true for stainless steel. That is
why Krämer took two steps at once. The
transition to the high-performance “Tru- ical limits that formerly prevailed. That In addition, Krämer has already successfully
Laser 5030” fibre was simply the logical con- makes the “TruLaser 5030” fibre a real all- completed his first orders for brass parts. The
sequence for him. “I had long been fasci- purpose machine. That helps us – as a job option of using nitrogen to cut copper with-
nated by the solid-state laser technology. shop – to achieve the unlimited flexibility out any oxide formation whatsoever – and
And I wanted to achieve genuine produc- that the market requires.” It’s true that the in a very reliable process – will open up ad-
tivity growth.” He estimated that output has machine only operates in a “single shift” – ditional markets in the future. Essential here
increased by a factor of four to five when but at Krämer, this has a special connotation. is the perfect interplay of beam generation,
compared with the “TruLaser 1030”. The rise On average, the “TruLaser 5030” fibre is in beam guidance, and focusing. With Trumpf
is even more significant when working thin- operation a good 13 hours a day. He is fas- products, all three of these central compo-
ner sheet metal. cinated by his system’s reliability: “With per- nents are from a single source – from the
He especially values the change – on the fect programming, we achieved availability laser resonator through to the cutting head
fly, so to speak – between amazing produc- of 99.9 % during the first six months.” and the matching nozzle technology. Martin
tivity in thin sheet metal and quality cuts in Using his 5-kilowatt “TruDisk” laser, Krämer: “Even when working thicker mate-
thicker material. Responsible for this is the Krämer today cuts stainless steel up to 25 rials, “BrightLine” fibre considerably reduces
“BrightLine” fibre function. Martin Krämer: mm thick in outstanding quality. Cutting alu- the formation of burrs while smoothing the
“BrightLine fibre has pushed back the phys- minum of the same thickness is also possible. cutting edge. At the same time, process sta-
bility rises when cutting mild steel.”
He is especially impressed by the new,
multi-stage piercing process in combination
with “BrightLine” fibre. This keeps slag from
being ejected when the laser beam first
pierces the sheet. This eliminates the need
for the machine to work its way around the
starting hole and that makes possible con-
tours that are even more delicate. In addi-
tion, this laid the foundation for a new serv-
ice being offered by Krämer. Customers are
ever more frequently asking him to deliver
parts incorporating threads. The laser can
cut the small mounting holes needed at ex-
actly the desired spot – in thick or thin sheet
metal. (According to press information from
Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG)

The solid-state laser at the “TruLaser 5030“

fibre processes all the usual material qualities
and thicknesses – including nonferrous metals –
at excellent quality.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 77


Advanced tube benders speed construction of

subsea wellhead trees
A new automated tube
bending process is dra-
matically speeding the
production of FMC
Technologies’ hydraulic
control systems for sub-
sea wellheads.

All-electric tube bending machines from subsea tree orders to be designed and bent FMC Technologies selected Unison as
Unison from Scarborough/UK are helping in advance of system building and then de- its bending machine partner – after talking
FMC Technologies, Houston/USA – a sup- livered to the manufacturing cells ready for to numerous machine manufacturers – pri-
plier of subsea tree hydraulic control systems immediate assembly. As part of this process marily because of the company’s willing-
for wellheads – to substantially reduce build re-engineering initiative, FMC Technologies ness to engineer a bending process to meet
times and multiply its manufacturing capac- also purchased a Unison tube bending ma- the company’s precise needs. Unison
ity. Six sites worldwide now use Unison tube chine with servomotor-based actuation, to worked closely with FMC Technologies on
bending machines in a new production provide a complete CAD/CAM solution. developing and streamlining the tubular
method pioneered by FMC Technologies The Unison machine’s advanced all- part manufacturing process including au-
employees in Norway and Scotland. electric architecture was preferred over the tomating the transfer of data from its CAD
The subsea systems supplier used to more traditional hydraulically-powered system and simplifying the subsequent part
plan the routes for the hydraulic tubing runs bending approach because of the greater shape programming process. Unison also
that interconnect the valves and other com- precision and inherent repeatability that it supplies benders complete with applica-
ponent parts of the subsea trees, and then supports, which allows tubular part shapes tion-specific tube washing machines,
fabricate the custom tubular part shapes, as to be bent right-first-time – avoiding scrap. which ensure that tubular parts are provid-
the trees were being built. This process This is ideal for the subsea tree production ed to FMC Technologies’ assembly bays
slowed down the build cycle and limited the environment which demands lots of tubing clean and ready to weld – to minimise any
total number of trees that could be assem- parts with unique shapes – which FMC welding failures.
bled in the company’s sophisticated system Technologies fabricates as a single batch for Using the new process, the time required
building cells. each tree project. The tubular materials be- for tubing assembly in FMC Technologies’
FMC Technologies decided to investigate ing bent are often very expensive alloys as cells has fallen by around two thirds, with
the use of 3D modelling of tubing, which well such as e.g. Super-Duplex, so avoidance the additional advantage of introducing a
would allow the tubing system required for of scrap is a major saving. standardised process with a consistent qual-
ity that negates possible human error or fa-
“The new tube bending process is a win-
win solution for our business, as it provides
us with a highly consistent and repeatable
manufacturing process, and is considerably
faster than before – boosting FMC Technolo-
gies’ productivity and shortening our deliv-
ery times to customers,“ said Richie Barker,
a Manufacturing Specialist (Global Manu-
facturing) at FMC Technologies.
Unison’s Steve Haddrell adds: “We have
been very proud to be selected for this proj-
Unison’s all-electric tube bending machines for Custom tube washers are part of the automated ect as the aims have been so far-reaching –
helping reduce build times and multiply the tube fabrication machinery Unison supplies to our machines are now an integral element
manufacturing capacity of subsea hydraulic FMC Technologies for the fabrication of hy- of a design-to-manufacturing strategy that
control trees. draulic control systems for subsea wellheads. is helping one of the world’s best-known oil

78 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

and gas companies to maintain its leading ing for subsea trees using Unison machines The ITW Orbital Cutting & Welding group with
position in a highly competitive market.“ at production locations in Angola, Brazil,
provides global customers one source for the
FMC Technologies has now rolled this Norway, Scotland, Singapore and the USA. finest in pipe & tube cutting, beveling and orbital
production methodology out to other FMC (According to press information from Uni- welding products.
sites around the world – and produces tub- son)

Integrity assurance: „UltraSteamLine“

extends high temperature inspection
Visit us:
A new project, part-funded by the UK’s sures experienced in these pipelines, par- Stand F40
Hall 06
innovation agency, the Technology Strategy ticularly for ageing plants, can lead to creep,
Board, and launched by Plant Integrity Ltd, fatigue and corrosion type defects. There- Open Orbital Weld Heads
Great Abington, Cambridge/UK, and Brunel fore, safety is of paramount importance and ORBIWELD

University, Uxbridge, Middlesex/UK, in Sep- regular maintenance is carried out during

tember 2013, aims to enable effective con- planned outages at ambient temperatures ORBITAL | CUTTING & BEVELING
dition monitoring of steam lines which ex- employing conventional non-destructive
perience temperatures up to and in excess testing (NDT) techniques such as visual in-
of 350°C. The project, “UltraSteamLine“, will spection, manual ultrasonic techniques and
also be valuable for use with high tempera- eddy current.
ture pipelines in oil refineries. “UltraSteam- “UltraSteamLine“ will extend these op-
Line“’s three-year programme of work will tions, using the “Teletest Focus+” guided
develop Plant Integrity’s own “Teletest Fo- wave system to allow inspection and condi- ORBITALUM E.H. WACHS ORBITALUM
cus+” guided wave system to increase its tion monitoring in high temperature condi- Pipe Cutting and Portable Milling Tube Squaring Machines
temperature capability, and will culminate tions and making it easier to inspect large Beveling Machines Machines Trav-LCutter: RPG: The required,
GF & RA: Safe cold cutting and high-quality tube
in industry field trials. areas without, for example, removing insu- The optimum prepara- beveling. Compact end preparation for
There is a need for inspection and con- lation and erecting scaffolding. tion for automated design, easy set-up. orbital welding! Space
welding! Square, Horizontal and vertical saving, light weight
dition monitoring of high temperature “Teletest Focus+” is already in extensive burr-free and cold preparation. and portable machine;
pipelines in petrochemical and electrical use by industry to inspect large areas from machining process. burr-free and square
tube end.
power plants. High temperatures and pres- a single location for temperatures up to
120°C. With its most recent version incor-
porating a more robust encapsulation
method, new sensors and a collar design to ORBITAL | WELDING
enable inspection up to 240°C, operators
currently add the “Permamount” system for
condition monitoring.
The “UltraSteamLine“ project consor-
tium will design new sensors to enable the
system to operate at temperatures in excess
of 350°C, signal processing routines to en-
able temperature compensation, and robust Open orbital weld P16 AVC: Tube-to-tube- HX 16 series: Open weld
trend analysis software to realise a high tem- heads ORBIWELD with sheet orbital weld heads especially made
extremely compact heads with electronic for heat exchanger
perature and permanently installed “Teletest design: Arc length is arc voltage control applications – the
Focus+” guided wave system. Field trials will kept at a constant gap (AVC). Welding with optimum solution for
mechanically. Water- the highest of accuracy welding of pre-mounted
be carried out in the final year of the work cooled TIG Torch head and consistent quality. elbows.
and a number of companies have already can be swiveled in any
expressed an interest in assisting the con-
sortium with these trials. For further infor- www.orbitalum.com
mation about the “UltraSteamLine“ project
or in order to get involved as an end user to
trial the prototype system please contact
Keith Thornicroft on +44(0)1223 899505 or
ultrasteamline@plantintegrity.co.uk. ORBITALUM TOOLS GMBH | An ITW Company
Inspection and monitoring of a high temper- (According to press information from TWI) Josef-Schuettler-Str. 17 | 78224 Singen, Germany
ature pipeline. Tel. +49 (0) 77 31 792-0 | Fax +49 (0) 77 31 792-524
tools@orbitalum.com | www.orbitalum.com

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2



6-axis robotic waterjet trimming cell cuts wide

range of materials for automotive, marine and
aerospace applications
Jet Edge, Inc., St Michael, MN/USA, and Alliance Automation’s
Alliance Automation, LLC from Grand robotic waterjet trimming
Blanc, MI/USA announced that Alliance Au- cells combine Motoman
tomation, a designer and manufacturer of “HP20D“ robots and Jet
Edge’s 60,000 psi iP60-50
custom industrial automation and robotic
waterjet intensifier pumps.
systems, is powering its latest generation of
(Photos: Alliance Automa-
robotic waterjet trimming cells with Jet Edge tion, LLC)
intensifier pumps.
Featuring the dual wall-mounted Mo-
toman “HP20D” robots and Jet Edge’s
“60KSI” (4100 bar) iP60-50 waterjet intensi-
fier pumps, Alliance Automation’s new 6-
axis robotic waterjet trimming cell leads the
industry in precision and dependability with
Motoman’s ±0.06 mm repeatability and Jet
Edge’s reliable tie-rod intensifier design. The
cell’s sturdy, compact frame design allows
stability to both the tool and robots to ensure
consistent tight part tolerances.
Most commonly used in the automotive
industry, Alliance Automation’s robotic wa-
terjet trimming cell precisely cuts shaped
parts with many angles from a wide variety
of materials, including carpeting, fibreglass,
foam and plastic. The system has numerous
automotive interior applications, including
trimming headliners, dashboards, dash lin-
ers, bed liners, wheel liners, door panels,
trunk trim, car carpet and acoustic damp-
ening components.
Alliance Automation’s Steven Cranston Programming is accomplished via the Teach
said the company’s robotic waterjet trim- Trace Method Control/Program Engineer.
ming cell features numerous design inno-
vations that distinguish it from other robotic ming dies, he added. It is set up so that many
systems and promise to increase productiv- different parts can be programmed to make
ity, lower operating costs and improve work- a quick change of tools or products. Jobs Wall-mounted robots allow for the first 2-axis
er safety. also can be installed with multiple parts to to be mounted forward, over the part.
The wall mounted robots allow for the maximise productivity. In addition, the in-
first 2-axis to be mounted forward, over the novative design of the coil package on the “Knowing that Jet Edge is a leader in wa-
part, Cranston noted. This feature allows for robots allows for a quick change. All coils terjet technology, we knew we could trust
a larger work envelope and motion to work are a standard design (for each specific robot the dependability and consistency of the Jet
easier around larger shaped parts. The ro- model), factory wound, pre-coned and pre- Edge intensifier,” Cranston said. “We have
bots also are able to quickly retract to a home threaded. been involved in the robotic waterjet market
position out of the way for the loading and Cranston said Alliance Automation for a number of years and utilising the Jet
unloading of parts, drastically reducing cycle chose Jet Edge waterjet pumps to power its Edge intensifier helps us to provide the prod-
times and increasing operator safety. latest systems based on Jet Edge’s reputation uct and support we need to satisfy our cur-
The system lowers operating costs by for quality, support and free lifetime train- rent and future customers.” (According to
eliminating the need for complicated trim- ing. press information from Jet Edge)

80 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Synchrotron imaging used to investigate
welding process
We wouldn’t have cars, skyscrapers or during welding, a minor imperfection can
space rockets without it, but although weld- sometimes become a major crack which can
ing is a highly skilled occupation, it is not a potentially lead to disaster.
subject normally associated with high-end Professor Hongbiao Dong of Leicester
mathematics, engineering and computing. University is Director of the FP7 Project –
Now, a team of researchers from Leicester MINTWELD (Modelling of Interface Evolu-
University, Leicester/UK, are investigating tion in Advanced Welding) consortium,
how the welding process can be improved which applies mathematics, engineering
using a range of state-of-the-art computer and computing to investigate how the weld-
modelling techniques. ing process can be improved.
Welding is the most economical and ef- “Welding is a process that joins matters
fective way to join metals permanently and together, which can be steel to nickel-based
is a vital component of the manufacturing alloys, aluminium to steels or even polymers
economy. It is estimated that more than 50% to polymers,” Prof Dong says. “During weld-
of global domestic and engineering products ing three processes occur, the first of which
contain welded joints. In Europe, the weld- Professor Hongbiao Dong of Leicester University, is the melting of the two solid pieces. A
ing industry has traditionally supported a Leicester/UK: Director of the FP7 Project molten pool is then formed in which the dif-
diverse set of companies across the ship- “MINTWELD“. ferent materials will mix together; this is the
building, pipeline, automotive, aerospace, second process, known as mixing, and ide-
defence and construction sectors. plex morphology of the individual crystals ally you want the chemistry inside this pool
The ability to weld a metal to itself and at the weld centre. These boundaries are the to be fairly uniform. The third process is so-
to other materials is determined by the critical regions where most catastrophic fail- lidification in which the liquid solidifies and
chemistry at the interface and by the com- ures occur. If two parts don’t join perfectly forms the solid joint.”

For permanent

High-tech wire solutions made of
copper for brazing and welding.


good gap bridging


“We are investigating how metals are synchrotron X-ray imaging techniques has and simulating from the bonding among dif-
melted and the way in which they mix to- provided a useful tool for this. The high en- ferent atoms, to the nano-scale grain bound-
gether within the molten pool. We want to ergy X-ray beam and fast readout photon- ary structure and defects, the microstructure
find out how the welding process can be im- counting X-ray detector at I12 JEEP beam- of crystals, the fluid flow and the life predic-
proved by using a range of state-of-the-art line at Diamond Light Source was used to tion of welded components. Our methodol-
computer modelling techniques and knowl- characterise the dynamic and complex ogy has been used as exemplary for materials
edge gained from industrial experiments.” welding process. “We were able to trace and modelling by the Research Council of the
There are a number of different forces visualise the properties of single streamlines European Commission.”
that can have an effect on the fluid dynamics of flow within the melt pool during steel The findings have been exciting, allow-
within a weld pool. For example, if surface welding,” says Dong. “The results have been ing the accurate computation of bond po-
tension varies along the weld pool surface, inspiring.” tentials among atoms in steels and identify-
an imbalance of forces is created which The dynamic nature of fluid flow and ing nano-scale features in weld joints. These
causes flow. This is known as the Marangoni melting/solidification represents significant atomic scale findings have been linked to
effect, which many may know from the challenges. These have been addressed first- large scale solid mechanics modelling to
school experiment in which a small paper ly by introducing tungsten particles to trace give insight into welding failure from atomic
boat can be made to move using a drop of the flow, secondly by the accurate and so- and nano-scale defects.
soap due to the difference in surface tension phisticated control of power supply to the Although many don’t realise it, welding
between the detergent and the water. welding gun, and by using high beam energy is used in so many day-to-day products that
Lorentz force – the force experienced by a and a high frame rate in radiographic imag- one is almost certain to use at least one of
charged particle in a magnetic field – also ing. these items every single day. The results gar-
plays a role in the complex fluid dynamics These experiments will provide new and nered from the work done by the MINTWELD
of the weld pool, as does the pressure of the important information about the fluid flow consortium will improve our understand-
plasma used to carry out the welding and and the motion of solid-liquid interfaces with- ing of this economically important process,
the process of melting and solidification. in the solidifying weld pool. “MINTWELD is as well as helping to ensure that welds can
Up until recent years, studying the in- the first the project to study the welding be made more reliable in the future. (Ac-
ternal flow of a weld pool would have been process over multi-scale and multi-physics cording to press information from Leicester
impossible, but the rapid development of phenomena,” says Dong. “We are modelling University)

more than 20 years of professional experi-

Short Messages ence in the fields of optics/photonics. He
has held various executive positions at Qiop-
tiq all over the world. By joining Jenoptik,
New Manager in Jenoptik’s Lasers Dr. Mario Ledig has become part of one of
& Materials Processing Division the leading internationally active technology
Dr. Mario Ledig is the new head of the companies that has been operating in the
Lasers business unit within Jenoptik’s Lasers field of laser technology for over 20 years.
& Material Processing division, Jena/Ger- Jenoptik is one of the few suppliers world-
many. In this position, he is responsible for wide to mass-produce the entire technology
the entire business unit on a global level. He chain in the field of laser sources – from
was also appointed as managing director semiconductor material and diode lasers up
holding operational responsibility for Jenop- to solid-state lasers – providing top quality
tik Laser GmbH – one of the two companies and process reliability.
within this business unit. Dr. Mario Ledig
earned his doctorate in laser physics at the The biggest pipeline project in
Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and has Italy
The largest pipeline in Italy is under con-
Dr. Mario Ledig,
struction in the south part of the Lake Garda
Head of Lasers
business unit on behalf of SNAM Rete Gas, San Donato
within Jenoptik’s Milanese (MI)/Italy. Max Streicher S.p.A. is The soil in the region south of Lake Garda re-
Lasers & Material carrying out two of the four lots. They cover quires an enormous effort prior the laying of the
Processing Divi- the construction of 53 and 42 km partial pipeline.
sion. (Photo: tracks of the DN1400-Pipeline. For the laying
Jenoptik AG) of the 56“ pipes, Max Streicher S.p.A. is ex- ready experience in the construction of
ploiting the proven know-how of the Max pipelines of this dimension. The pipeline
Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA head office in with a total length of 170 km will run from
Deggendorf/Germany. With the Opal Baltic Zimella through the regions of Veneto and
Sea Pipeline Link and NEL North European Lombardy to Cervignano. The first lot, exe-
Gas Pipeline in Germany, Streicher has al- cuted by Streicher, starts in the north Italian

82 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

municipality of Carpenedolo and leads to facture to the exact and demanding specifi-
Casaletto di Sopra in the Province of Cre- cations demanded by customers such as Air-
mona/Italy. It covers 53 km. In 2014 Max bus and Liebherr.
Streicher S.p.A. will start with the construc-
tion of the second lot, running for 42 km be- Esab announces Colfax’s
tween Carpenedolo and Vigasio. Further- acquisition of Victor Technologies
more the project covers the construction of Holding, Inc.
15 valve stations and some smaller connec- Esab, London/UK, a member of the Col-
tion lines. fax group of companies, announced that Col-
In terms of weight saving and strength titanium fax, Fulton, MD/USA, has entered into a
New Senior Vice President at is an ideal material for high performance air- binding agreement to acquire Victor Tech-
Messe Essen craft applications. (Photo: Mark Dunk) nologies Holdings, Inc., (“Victor”), St. Louis,
MO/USA. In its 110th year, Esab is one of the
Claus-Peter Re- producing seamless Grade 9 and Grade 5 ti- largest and most experienced manufacturers
giani, new Senior
tanium tubing for Airbus, Toulouse/France of welding and cutting products with sales
Vice President at
and Liebherr, Bulle/Switzerland. The com- and support established in 80 countries and
Messe Essen.
pany is one of the few suppliers with the ca- manufacturing plants across five continents.
pability to produce products of this type. Victor has a century-long history of innova-
The tubing will be used for the high pressure tion and is recognised for its leading brands,
hydraulic systems required for the Airbus including “Victor”, “Tweco”, “Cigweld” and
A380 and for the high lift transmission sys- “Stoody”, which are manufactured, sold and
tems designed and produced by Liebherr serviced around the globe. The combination
for the A350 XWB, due to go into service in of Esab and Victor creates a comprehensive
2014. The density of titanium is about 60% product portfolio that brings a broader array
Messe Essen, Essen/Germany, has made of that of steel- or nickel-based alloys giving of solutions to the global welding and cutting
a new appointment in a managerial posi- significant weight savings even though its industry. Two of the leading suppliers in the
tion: Claus-Peter Regiani has been the Sen- tensile strength is greater than that of industry, both with large, well-diversified ge-
ior Vice President for Business Division I austenitic or ferritic stainless steels. Highly ographic footprints, Esab and Victor will to-
since 10 February 2014. The premier global corrosion resistant, titanium also exceeds gether deliver more value to more customers
fairs Schweissen & Schneiden, Security Es- the resistance of stainless steels in most en- in more areas of the world. Esab places
sen and Metpack, the guest events as well vironments, is non-magnetic and has good strong emphasis on constant innovation and
as the foreign fairs of Schweissen & Schnei- heat transfer properties with a melting point improvement guided by the voice of the cus-
den and Reifen are under the control of the higher than steel alloys. Seamless tubes are tomer. The Colfax Business System (CBS) will
business graduate. Thus, he is succeeding typically superior to welded products in drive Esab and Victor’s joint efforts to devel-
Klaus Reich who retired in November 2013. terms of resistance to high pressures and fa- op new products, provide added value to ex-
Claus-Peter Regiani has been employed at tigue and Fine Tubes uses multiple combi- isting products, and deliver differentiated
Messe Essen GmbH since 1989. After sta- nations of different processes, including cold customer solutions.
tions as a Project Manager for Camping + reductions and heat treatments, to manu-
Touristik (amongst others), he established
Fibo in Essen. In 1992, he assumed respon-
sibility for the project management of
Schweissen & Schneiden as well as the for- Products
eign fair Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting.
The foreign fairs in the Schweissen & Schnei-
den product family in India, Brazil, Russia “StarCut Tube” – Making the best
and the United Arab Emirates were success- even better
fully established under his management. With several hundred successful instal-
From 2010 onwards, Claus-Peter Regiani lations worldwide, Rofin’s 4-axes precision
was, as a Fair Director, responsible for the laser cutting system “StarCut Tube” (Fig. 1)
premier global fairs Schweissen & Schnei- continues to set the benchmark. It’s the first
den, Security Essen and Metpack. Since 1 choice for high-precision processing of tube Fig. 1
December 2013, he was the Provisional Sen- material for medical implants (e.g. stents)
ior Vice President for Business Division I. and instruments (e.g. endoscopes) and var- optical properties. It now allows to micro-
ious other tube and sheet material applica- adjust the assist gas nozzle in the x/y plane
Seamless titanium tubing for tions, e.g. in the automotive and aerospace without changing the beam guidance. With
Airbus and Liebherr industry. Recently, Rofin revised the current the integrated drawer, changing the protec-
Fine Tubes from Plymouth/UK, a man- 5th “StarCut Tube” generation and added tive glass is a breeze and requires no disman-
ufacturer and global distributor of precision several improvements. The new high-preci- tling. The company offers also an enlarged
tubes for critical applications, is currently sion cutting head BAK-MC features excellent working chamber with a width of 600 mm

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 83


and provides enough room for long parts puts are provided to signal faults from any
and/or customer-specific handlings. A draw- of the digital or analog inputs or from inter-
er allows to remove finished parts at any time nal device faults. The 4 to 20 milliamp output
during ongoing production – even during will remotely monitor air flow or pass
wet-cutting. If 600 mm are not enough, for through any analog input to a remote loca-
instance for hypo-tube cutting, the automatic tion. The controller can also monitor the fan
part removal system can be added. (Rofin- power consumption, and can provide the
Baasel Lasertech, Petersbrunner Str. 1b, data logging of a system performance with
82319 Starnberg/Germany; www.rofin.com) multi-language capability. (Camfil Air Pol-
lution Control, 3505 South Airport Road,
Welding jacket for ladies Fig. 3 Jonesboro, AR 72401/USA; www.camfilapc.
The manufacturer in welding protection com)
expands its range of clothing by introducing • Less downtime and maintenance costs
a welding jacket for ladies (Fig. 2). Together due to less frequent cleaning, 50th anniversary with new
with the small sizes welding gloves, that are • Up to ten times lifetime of nozzles and inverters
also in the company’s product range, lady devices,
welders can now also find the right and com- • Stable welding processes, and thus less
fortable protection. These new products are scrap.
tested and certified according to EN 11611 (Mig Weld GmbH International, Wattstrasse
by TÜV/Germany. (Weldas Europe B.V., 2, 94405 Landau (Isar)/Germany; www.
Blankenweg 18, 4612 RC Bergen op migweld.com)
Zoom/The Netherlands; www.weldas.com)
Full monitoring of dust collection
The touch screen controller from Camfil
Air Pollution Control (APC) provides full
monitoring and control of all functions of
an industrial dust collector and associated
equipment (Fig. 4). The easy-to-use con-
troller is equipped with a touch screen in- Fig. 5
terface that allows ready access to all of its
functions. It is designed for the use with the GYS, the French manufacturer of weld-
“Farr Gold Series” dust collectors or other ing machines and battery chargers, is cele-
types of collectors if integrated with a motor brating its 50th anniversary. To coincide
starter or variable frequency drive (VFD) with the Practical World fair in Cologne/
package. A built-in differential pressure sen- Germany, GYS is launching several new
sor monitors the primary filter pressure products including three new inverter MIG
drop. Four analog inputs can be used to welders, the “Pearl” range. The “Pearl 150”
Fig. 2 monitor the secondary filter as well as other offers a high level of welding performance
devices such as leak detectors, flow meters from a compact and light weight machine.
Ceramic surface protection for and compressed air pressure monitors. Six The “190” (Fig. 5) range offers advanced
fixtures and welding torches digital inputs are also included to monitor functionality, with fully synergic control,
hopper level, smoke detection, remote and includes the capability for MIG brazing.
News 2/2014
cleaning and other functions. Four relay out- The “190” is available in super compact for-
mat, or as the larger XL version which can
The ceramic surface protection spray accommodate a 15 kg wire reel. The “Pearl”
KRA-1000 protects surfaces exposed to tem- range is suitable for a wide range of appli-
peratures up to 1,000° C (Fig. 3). The lifetime cations. Throughout its anniversary year
of MSG gas nozzles and contact tubes, elec- GYS has on offer through its dealers a wide
trodes of resistance welding machines and range of “ready to weld” kits at special ‘an-
outlet nozzles of cold wire feeders for laser niversary’ prices. These kits come with
and plasma welding will be prolonged sig- everything the welder needs to get started.
nificantly. The surfaces of welding fixtures Customers can choose from a wide range
and clamping elements are optimally pro- of models for MMA, MIG/MAG and TIG.
tected from weld spatter or other sparks. The Last but not least, to mark the 50 years since
benefits are: the creation of the company in 1964, GYS
• Spatter will either stick not to the sur- has published a limited edition book. It
face or will be much easier to remove takes the reader on a journey from how it
from nozzles or fixtures, Fig. 4 all started and through an eventful half cen-

84 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

tury of company history. Most of all the welding chrome, nickel and steel due to its
book provides an entertaining, colourful W3 approval. Hence the air is freed from car-
and fascinating insight into the modern cinogenic substances such as nickel oxides
manufacturing facility and R&D centre that or chromium compounds at more than 99%.
GYS has become today. (SAS GYS, ZI, 134 These substances are emitted during weld-
Bd des Loges - BP 4159, 53941 Saint- ing of stainless steel or other high-alloy met-
Berthevin/France; www.gys.fr) als. The purified air can be recycled to the
work areas with a W3 certified extraction
Mobile basic device for and filtration device only. The device can be
occasional use adapted to the requirements of the work-
With the “SmartMaster” (Fig. 6), the place. Instead of the exhaust arm, the
company addresses businesses with minor “SmartMaster” can also be connected by a
welding volume – for example in metal con- hose below the welding table, so that the
struction – that do not want to sacrifice the suction of the smoke particles is carried out
protection of their employees through an directly at the source. The three-stage dis-
extraction. A compact design and rotatable posable filter of the welding fume filter de-
and swivelling exhaust hood enables use in vice ensures clean air when welding with a
a 360° radius. This leads to very few adjust- maximum suction capacity of 950 m3/h.
ments during welding. The “SmartMaster” (Kemper GmbH, Von-Siemens-Str. 20, 48691
welding fume filter apparatus is suitable for Vreden/Germany; www.kemper.eu) Fig. 6

Chinese Steel Grades

Comparison of Chinese steel grades with steel designations according to EN and DIN
This bilingual (German/English) reference work explains the Chinese standards system as well as the classification and designation
systems for Chinese steels. The correspondence between the most common Chinese steel grades and their European equivalents
are presented in several tables according to application or product form. The overview of Chinese steels with the corresponding
European material numbers allows quick and easy conversion.

From the Content:

System and Codes of Chinese standards (CN standards)
Classification and designation system for Chinese steels
Overview of CN standards according to steel products
CN, EN, DIN and EN DIN steel names
CN steel grades

1st edition 2010

Peter Marks, Heinz Günter Trost
280 pp.; Paperback
Publisher: DIN, Berlin
Price: 26.80 Euro
Oder by email to: britta.wingartz@dvs-hg.de

DVS Media GmbH • Aachener Straße 172 • 40223 Düsseldorf

Tel: +49 (0) 211/1591 161 • Fax: +49 (0) 211/1591 250 • media@dvs-hg.de • www.dvs-media.info

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 85


Friction welding Fire extinguishers in the welding

On building sites and in workshops (par- spect, the following factors are important:
ticularly in specialist welding plants), great • An adequate number of suitable fire ex-
significance must be attached to fire protec- tinguishers must be available.
tion because, there, the welding processes • The fire extinguishers are easily visible
do indeed frequently lead to spattering and and freely accessible and can be used
the grinding work to flying sparks. Even if at any time (Fig. 1 shows a positive ex-
the greatest caution is exercised, they may ample and Fig. 2 a fire extinguisher with
nevertheless cause a fire. Fire extinguishers difficult accessibility).
are indispensable in order to be able to fight • Any storage locations which are not vis-
this properly. ible are identified clearly.
The correct use of the fire extinguishers • If at all possible, all the employees
may be of decisive importance in order to should have been instructed and trained
stop a fire in its origination phase. In this re- in the use of the fire extinguishers.

Fig. 1 • Friction-welded valve.

Fig. 1 shows a friction-welded discharge

valve of an internal combustion engine.
These valves consist of a valve disc for which
highly heat-resistant steel is used and a valve
stem made of a hardenable steel. The disc
and the stem were joined with each other
by means of friction welding which is a pres-
sure welding process, i.e. there is no burning
arc or flowing current between the joining
members. As in the case of the discharge
valve, very different materials can also be
welded with each other.
Both workpieces are clamped tightly.
One workpiece is made to rotate and both
workpieces are pressed against each other
at a defined force. They are heated by the
mechanical friction until they plastify. Fig. 1 • Easily reachable and clearly identified Fig. 2 • Poorly accessible fire extinguisher.
Then, the rotation is stopped and an in- fire extinguisher.
creased joining pressure is applied. This
results in a uniform weld with a very small Fire Class Fuel Examples
heat-affected zone. The lip-like welding
beads typical of the process are subse-
Solid substances Wood, paper, coal, hay, straw,
quently removed by means of chip-produc-
plastics, textiles etc.
ing machining.

Substances which are Petrol, alcohol, tar, wax, many plastics,

or become liquid ether, varnishes and resin

Gaseous substances Acetylene, hydrogen, natural gas,

methane, propane, butane and town gas

Metals Aluminium, magnesium, sodium,

potassium, lithium and their alloys

Fig. 2 • Diagram of friction welding.

Edible oils and edible fats Edible oils and edible fats (plant or animal oils and fats)
in deep fat frying or fat baking devices and in
other kitchen appliances and devices

86 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Fig. 3 • Correct
use of fire

• The fire extinguishers are checked by correct utilisation of fire extinguishers for der extinguishers are suitable for Fire Classes
qualified people at least every two various types of fires. A, B and C and are thus often designated as
years. Now, you might think that one fire is the ”ABC extinguishers”. If aluminium or mag-
During the training, it is very recommend- same as another. That does not apply to fire nesium is also processed in the welding
able to train the employees in the use and fighting. Here, it is a question of what sub- workshop, fire extinguishers for Fire Class
handling of the fire extinguisher in reality stance is burning. Therefore, fires are divid- D are needed in addition. Please address
too, i.e. a genuine (exercise) fire is extin- ed into fire classes (see the table). Different any inquiries about how many fire extin-
guished independently. The training should fire extinguishers are used for the various guishers must be available in the workshop
be repeated regularly – similar to the first fire classes and are identified by correspon- or about any additional tips to your employ-
aid training. Fig. 3 gives an overview of the ding stickers. Commercially available pow- ers’ liability insurance association.

Tungsten electrode Long arc

In the case of TIG welding, the welder of approx. 98% tungsten and the balance In the case of gas-shielded metal arc
needs a tungsten electrode. These elec- is made up of oxides. These improve the welding, a distinction is made between
trodes have a light-grey appearance and, ignition of the electrode and the current- short, long, spray and intermediate short
at one of their ends, a colour code from carrying capacity. When a tungsten elec- arcs.
which the chemical composition can be trode is taken out of the packaging, it can- The long arc arises at welding voltages
derived. The tungsten electrode consists not be used for welding in this form. It over 20 V and at welding currents in the
must be sharpened in order to obtain the medium to high power ranges. The droplets
desired arc shape. This happens by sharp- are not transferred without any short circuits
ening it to a tip angle of approx. 30° in the whatsoever. Extreme spattering is the con-
longitudinal direction. The sharpening is sequence. The long arc only arises in CO2
carried out longitudinally since the elec- as the shielding gas. It is particularly suitable
trons always emerge perpendicular to the for the welding of thicker workpieces as from
surface. If the sharpening were mistakenly approx. 5 mm since it permits a high depo-
carried out in the circumferential direc- sition rate. The weld pool is very liquid.
tion, the surface rippling caused by the Therefore, out-of-position welding is not
grinding would result in a wide arc cone. possible.
In order to achieve a concentrated arc, the
sharpening is therefore carried out in the
longitudinal direction of the tungsten elec-
trode. In this respect, it becomes as sharp
as a needle at the end.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 87


Second conference about “US/European Welding

Standards“ held in Miami in January 2014
AWS – The American Welding Society The AWS head-
and GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik quarters in
International mbH, represented by NL SLV Miami/USA (Pho-
tos: Georg Wa-
München (Welding Training and Research
Institute Munich) in overall charge, have
again cooperated in the organisation of the
second conference about “US/European
Welding Standards“. The event took place at
the AWS headquarters in Miami, Florida/USA
on 26 to 28 January 2014. The background to
the event is the increasing demand of both
European and North American companies
for knowledge, experience and further edu-
cation possibilities with regard to national
and international requirements on manufac-
The German
turing plants and products as well as to the delegation to-
corresponding standards and sets of rules. gether with Dr.
In times of continuously advancing glob- Dennis Harwig,
alisation and the associated increase in the Chief Techno-
complexity of the economic relationships, logy Officer of
ever more companies are being confronted AWS (second
with the questions relating to what must be from left)
borne in mind when they want to fabricate
their products abroad or to sell their products
abroad. The first conference about these
questions was already staged very success-
fully at SLV München in Munich/Germany
in 2012.
This year as well, the great interest and
the high number of participants confirmed to supply to the USA and North American The subjects of this conference were em-
the concept of the joint event. Various lecture manufacturers which want to supply to Eu- bedded into the topical discussion about the
and discussion units on the following subjects rope received a lot of valuable information economic treaty between Europa and the
were lined up in the proven way: manufacture as a result of these presentations and discus- USA which is being negotiated at present
of construction products made of steel and sions. For example, the following subjects al- (TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment
aluminium, manufacture of pressure devices so played a significant role throughout the Partnership). The actual status of this was
as well as manufacture of rail vehicles and event: The partly different opinions about the discussed with representatives of the Ameri-
heavy machines. role and responsibility of the welding super- can National Standards Institute (ANSI).
In order to facilitate the comparison be- visor during the planning, execution and as- The members of the German delegation
tween the American and European sets of sessment of orders, the significance of ISO were Prof. Heidi Cramer and Georg Wacker-
rules, the individual subjects were introduced 3834 in the USA and the associated need for bauer (GSI SLV München), Jörg Mährlein
by presentations from American and Euro- the qualification of personnel and the partly (GSI SLV Duisburg), Peter Gerster (Gerster
pean viewpoints. In detailed discussion cir- different opinions about the significance of Engineering Consult Ehingen) as well as
cles, differences and common features were the training and qualification testing of per- Christian Ahrens and Dr. Klaus Middeldorf
subsequently discussed intensively with com- sonnel in Europe in comparison with the sig- (GSI mbH).
panies, notified bodies and certification so- nificance of the certification of personnel in Heidi Cramer, Munich/Germany and Klaus
cieties. European manufacturers which want the USA. Middeldorf, Duisburg/Germany

88 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

“International Thermal Spray Conference“
ITSC 2014 in May in Barcelona
The expert world of thermal spraying As accustomed, ITSC will consist of a con-
will congregate in the Palau de Congressos ference and an exhibition. The programme
de Catalunya (PCC) in Barcelona in May has already been finalised and any interest-
2014. In the cosmopolitan Spanish city, DVS ed parties can already submit their registra-
– German Welding Society and ASM – Ther- tions too. technology. A practice-oriented Industrial
mal Spray Society will await their guests on One main focal point at this year’s ITSC Forum and an extensive Poster Show will be
the occasion of the “ITSC – International will be the introduction of applications for offered in addition. However, ITSC will also
Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition“ thermal spraying, concentrating on aviation, be the stage for the presentation of interna-
2014, the leading event for everything to do energy generation, automobile industry and tionally renowned prizes such as the “Sulzer
with thermal spraying. future applications. On the three days, the Metco Young Professionals Award“ or the
This year, the well-known English-lan- lecture programme will encompass over 180 “René Wasserman Award“. Moreover, DVS
guage event will take place on 21 to 23 May international lecture contributions and, ac- will offer the participants the proceedings
under the motto of “Not Fiction: Thermal companying the conference, will provide an including a CD with the complete manu-
Spray the Key Technology in Modern Life!“. exhibition for the leading suppliers of this scripts of the conference and poster contri-
butions on the occasion of ITSC 2014.
At the end of May, ITSC takes place at a different location
the international
every year. Last time, more than 800 visitors
expert community
were able to obtain information about topi-
of thermal spraying
will meet in Barce-
cal subjects and innovations relating to ther-
lona for the ITSC mal spraying in Busan/South Korea on 13
2014 (Picture: to 15 May 2013. The “International Thermal
Frank Müller) Spray Conference & Exposition“ is staged
alternately by ASM/TSS and DVS. The
American society is the organiser in North
America and DVS in Europe. In Asia, both
stage ITSC together. More information is
available online at www.dvs-ev.de/itsc2014/

“Svarka/Welding 2014“ exhibition in June in St. Petersburg

The 16th international exhibition “Svar- Special sections of the exhibition:
ka/Welding 2014“ will take place in St. Pe- • Quality testing, measuring equipment
tersburg/Russia on 24 to 27 June 2014. Within and technical diagnostics,
its 40 years of history the exhibition has taken • Surface treatment,
a leading position among other largest in- • Methods of corrosion protection.
dustrial forums of Russia, CIS and Baltic The international scientific and technical
countries; it is now regarded as a very impor- conference “Modern Issues of Welding Pro-
tant event, targeted to develop the Russian duction Efficiency Improvement” will be-
welding industry and make for the moderni- come the central event of the business pro-
sation of the industrial sector of the Russian gram. Its aim is to deepen cooperation in the
economy and its rapid technical upgrade. welding industry and to support the adoption
Main topics of the exhibition are: of energy-efficient technology. The event is organised by ExpoForum in
• Modernisation of welding processes at St. Petersburg is the maritime and inno- collaboration with the Alliance of Welding of
industrial enterprises, vative capital of Russia with big scientific in- St. Petersburg and North-West Region of the
• Introduction of advanced, innovative dustrial potential. It hosts the leading indus- Russian Federation as well as Messe Essen
technologies into welding industry, trial enterprises in the sphere of shipbuilding, GmbH, Essen/Germany. The event is sup-
• Automation and robotics in technologi- energy machine-building, transport. Ad- ported by the Russian Academy of Sciences,
cal processes, vanced technologies are needed at more than National Agency of NDT and Welding
• Power-saving technologies in welding 500 enterprises of St. Petersburg and the (NAKS), German Welding Society (DVS) and
and thermal production processes, North-West region – that is why the develop- Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
• Training of qualified specialists and ment of welding industry in this region is es- (CMES). More information is available online
welders, innovations in education. pecially important. at www.welding.lenexpo.ru/en/.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 89


High-performance arc welding: Variants and

modulation types determine the material transfer,
the heat input and the arc
The requirements set on the joining new welding tasks with the specified strin- “robot / welding device“ interface more
processes in welding technology today are gent requirements and demands could be stringent. The refinement of joining tech-
numerous and the demands are becoming tackled and solved in the shortest possible nology is accompanied by the development
ever more stringent. There is a growing de- time. of welding devices and installations because,
mand for welding processes which guarantee In the modern metal processing indus- as a rule, the refinements are based on new
an outstanding welding quality as well as an try, welding technology has occupied a sig- findings from arc physics [1], on the optimi-
increase in the productivity and the econom- nificant place within fabrication technology sation of the welding processes and welding
ic viability at the same time. This led to the in the meantime. Because of their specific devices as well as on new materials. Thus,
development of high-performance welding properties, the high-performance welding modern, totally digitally controlled power
processes with a higher deposition rate and processes have a great potential for organ- sources with extensive peripheral equip-
a rise in the welding speed. The high-per- ising economically viable sequences in in- ment, improved striking and welding behav-
formance welding processes include: dustrial fabrication. Due to the high depo- iour as well as a good price/performance ra-
• T.I.M.E. welding, sition rate, the throughput times can be tio are available today. At the same time, the
• GMA tandem welding, shortened considerably since there is either operating concepts were simplified and
• GMA flat wire welding (strip welding), the possibility of reducing the number of adapted to the needs of the users or the
• GMA welding with large wire electrode passes with thick-walled components or sin- welders.
diameters, gle-pass welds can be manufactured at high
• laser/GMA hybrid welding. welding speeds. High-performance arc welding
A new epoch with regard to the all-electronic In many cases, welding permits techni- processes
welding power sources for high-perfor- cally and economically viable fabrication. History
mance arc welding has been initiated with The automation of the fabrication processes Two-wire or twin-wire welding is one
the development of the latest generation of by means of welding technology increases process variant of gas-shielded metal arc
all-electronic digital welding devices and the scope of the application of welding tech- (GMA) welding. As early as the 80s, a few
welding installation technology, with the nology in the most important branches of manufacturers of welding devices took up
modern control techniques appropriate for industry. In a lot of fields, the welding robot this process and pushed ahead with it but,
these. Since the introduction of the all-elec- is meanwhile being used in order to support at that time, the inadequate device technol-
tronic digital welding devices and welding welding technology. This makes the require- ogy led to their failure because the welding
installation technology, it has been possible ments on the welding device and installation process could not be mastered. The intro-
to show a lot of users with what flexibility technology and the associated subject of the duction of the digitised welding devices
made the high-performance welding
process feasible and reproducible. In the
90s, none of the refinements of the metal
High-performance GMA welding active gas (MAG) welding process such as
Welding processes

(single-head welding)
the utilisation of argon-rich mixed gases or
GMA welding with two the utilisation of high-performance welding
GMA welding with one
wire electrodes processes such as “T.I.M.E.“, “Rapid Arc“ or
wire electrode, MIG/MAG
(single-electrode welding)
(two-electrode welding) “Rapid Melt“ led to the actual objective of
raising the welding speed to any noticeable
One potential Two potentials
extent. Although it was possible to raise the
GMA twin-wire welding, GMA tandem welding, deposition rate, the energy per unit length
With a spray arc MIGD/MAGD MIGT/MAGT also rose at roughly the same welding speed.
(MIGs/MAGs) (parallel-arc welding) (single-arc welding)
In practice, this resulted in substantial re-
With a pulsed arc strictions with various materials.
From submerged arc (SA) technology, it
Arc types

With a spray arc With a spray arc

With a rotating arc (MIGDs/MAGDs) (MIGTs/MAGTs) is well-known that a rise in the welding speed
With a pulsed arc With a pulsed arc can only be achieved by utilising several arcs.
With a high-performance (MIGDp/MAGDp) This fact was the basis for the refinement of
short arc (MAGhk)
With a short arc the GMA two-wire or twin-wire welding
With a high-performance Source: DVS 0909 1 (MIGTk/MAGTk) process at Cloos. As early as 1994, the mod-
spray arc (MAGhs) technical bulletin
ern, computer-controlled pulsed arc welding
Fig. 1 • Classification of the high-performance welding processes according to the DVS 0909 1 installations and the associated tandem
technical bulletin with the classification of the welding processes and the arc types. welding torches were being used in series

90 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Deposition rate

Fig. 2 • Perfor- - a higher welding speed with the same

mance ranges of weld volume or

Welding speed [cm/min]

with two wires
the MAG and - larger weld volumes at roughly the
high-perfor- same welding speed
mance MAG
or in which
welding proces-
• wire electrodes with larger wire diam-
ses for structu-
ral steels (accor-
eters or flux-cored wires (high-perfor-
with one wire
ding to the DVS mance single-wire or multiple-wire
0909 1 technical processes) are applied, with the result
bulletin). conventional of:
Wire - deposition rates over 8 kg/h, Fig. 2.
diameter For example, the users convert the higher
deposition rate either into a larger weld
Total of the wire feed speeds [m/min] cross-section or into a higher welding speed.
Due to the utilisation of modern high-per-
Fig. 3 • Perfor- formance welding processes, the deposition
Laser/GMA hybrid welding
mance potentials rate or the welding speed can be roughly
GMA two-wire welding
GMA single-wire welding of various high- trebled.
(large-diameter wires) performance
GMA single-wire welding welding processes What do the high-performance
(conventional) in comparison welding processes yield for the
with the conven- user?
tional GMA In general, joining is amongst the growth
welding process.
sectors. The authorities on the sector are ex-
pecting the highest rates of increase from
laser welding. However, manufacturers and
research institutes consider that the GMA
welding processes also still have growth po-
Deposition rate [kg/H] tentials (rise in the welding speed, increase
in the deposition rate and higher produc-
production. These served not only to raise wire electrodes - Definition and terms“ [4], tivity). The manufacturers are in agreement
the deposition rate but also principally, as and to the DVS 0909 2 technical bulletin, with regard to the significance of hybrid
the main aim, to achieve an increase in the „High-performance GMA welding with solid processes. 65% designate “laser hybrid weld-
welding speed with a stable welding process. wire electrodes – Notes about application ing“ as the dominant process in the future.
It was possible to reduce the energy per unit technology“ [5], Fig. 1. High-performance In this respect, the greatest potential is at-
length in this way. Depending on the utili- GMA (HP GMA) welding designates gas- tributed, above all, to the laser/GMA process
sation conditions and the weld shapes, the shielded arc welding processes in which: [6]. Shorter cycle times and higher produc-
welding speed could be doubled or trebled. • either one solid wire or several solid tivity are the central demands on production
The function of the GMA two-wire or twin- wires with diameters of 1.0 mm or 1.2 in global industrial competition. In practice,
wire welding process for the welding tests is mm are utilised at a wire feed speed two trends correspond to this:
based on pulsed arc technology at very high (vD) of more than 15 m/min, individu- • higher production capacities and
pulse currents, on the controllable, synchro- ally or in total, with the objective of • increasing large-scale series produc-
nous material transfers and on the stable arc achieving: tion.
conditions. As early as 1995/1996, Cloos elec-
trically isolated the two arcs using two syn- Fig. 4 •
chronised welding installations and a newly Examples from
practice - from
developed tandem welding torch (type:
the welding
ZMW 600) [2]. In 1996, it was possible to suc-
operation to the
cessfully utilise this GMA tandem welding
finished pro-
technology with a synchronised pulsed arc duct; top: truck
in a robot on the premises of the customer axle beam, bot-
FormTec in Bielefeld [3]. tom: welding of
extruded alumi-
Classification of the high-performance nium sections
arc processes for ICE trains.
The high-performance arc welding
processes are classified according to the DVS
0909 1 technical bulletin, „Fundamentals of
high-performance GMA welding with solid

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 91


In welding technology, high-performance round wires can be achieved by increasing

welding processes are solving these tasks to the wire diameter (up to 3.2 mm). These
an increasing extent, Fig. 3. Not only the wires are available as solid and flux-cored
joining or welding speeds but also the dep- wires in the customary materials (alumini-
osition rates are rising. That primarily ap- um, aluminium alloys, steel, copper etc.)
plies to high quantities, e.g. in the automo- and are usually processed in the PA or PB
bile and component supplier industries, as welding position. The disadvantage of these
well as to the joining of large-volume com- wire electrodes lies in the wire feed:
ponents with large joint cross-sections or to • Very soft wires (e.g. made of alumini-
the weld surfacing of large areas. Depending um) are difficult to feed since they have
on the outline conditions of the application, hardly any inherent stability.
Fig. 4, and of the user, different solutions are • In contrast, hard wires (e.g. made of
available in the meantime. steel) cause problems during feeding
as a result of their high stiffness.
State of the art: high level achieved Fig. 5 shows investigations which were con-
A partly turbulent development process ducted using a flux-cored wire with a diam-
Fig. 5 • High-performance welding on compo-
with distinct innovation thrusts is charac- eter of 2.4 mm. The wire feed speed was 11.5
nents for forest machines using a flux-cored
teristic not only of the development of weld- m/min and a deposition rate of 25.0 kg/h
wire electrode with a diameter of 2.4 mm. A de-
ing technology in general in recent years could be achieved in this way. The deposi-
position rate of 25.0 kg/h is achieved in this case.
but also of that of high-performance weld- tion rate can be increased substantially by
ing. Today, the three main demands of the utilising large-diameter wires. This makes it
user are: at high wire feed speeds entails the problem possible to execute fillet welds with large
• power sources with high powers and of “cutting“, it is difficult to position the torch design throat thicknesses in one pass while
the possibility of setting the modulation during the tandem welding of non-linear two or more passes would be necessary with
type, contours since the relative orientation of conventional wires. Therefore, the cycle time
• simple operator guidance, both electrodes and the welding direction can be shortened considerably and the pro-
• highest possible availability of the weld- must be kept constant. ductivity raised.
ing systems. High-performance weld-
All the high-performance welding processes ing has a large number of util-
have one thing in common. They are, at isation fields, e.g. the automo- Power
least, mechanised but, in most cases, auto- bile industry, heavy structural Source 1
mated and, to an increasing degree, robot- steel engineering or rail vehi-
assisted. cle construction. Both joining
welding and weld surfacing
Fully digitised power sources: flexibility can be carried out. Various ap-
and quick process control plications of high-perfor-
The three processes (GMA, GMA tan- mance welding, i.e. welding Common
dem and laser/GMA hybrid welding) are with large-diameter wires and contact tube
characterised by one common feature: the tandem welding, are de-
digitisation of the hardware and the soft- scribed more exactly below.
ware. The powers of the devices today, the Another example deals with
results of the processes and the quality of laser/GMA hybrid welding.
the joints would not be conceivable without
the digitally controlled welding currents, Welding using wire elec-
the digital process control and the digitised trodes with large wire cross-
Power Power
“welding know-how“. For high-perfor- sections Source 1 Source 2
mance welding processes, it is not enough In the case of the conven-
for the power source to supply an ade- tional “round wire welding“,
quately high current but the entire equip- the wire feed speed can only
ment must instead be adapted correspond- be increased up to a certain
ingly. value since the problem of
“cutting“ arises then. A further
Applications increase in the deposition rate
The first step towards high-performance in single-wire welding with
welding processes is to increase the wire Two contact tubes
feed speed in the case of single-wire weld- with separate
Fig. 6 • Principles of the potentials
ing. The next step is to develop tandem structures of twin-wire (top)
welding (two wire electrodes deposited at and tandem (bottom) welding
the same time). While single-wire welding installations.

92 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Fig. 7 • The possible
Welding Power
Source 1
modulation types (modulation
Welding Power variants) of which only
Source 2 the a), b) and c) types are
Modulation type a) Normal/normal b) Pulsed/pulsed synchronised c) Pulsed/normal interesting in practice.

Welding Power
Source 1
Welding Power
Source 2
Modulation type d) Pulsed/pulsed alternating by 10% e) Pulsed/pulsed alternating by 50% f) Pulsed/normal alternating by 90%

Table 1 • Possible combinations of the processes for tandem welding.

Tandem welding
In practice, a distinction is made be- Process Wire 1 Wire 2
(Lead): (Trail): Application
tween tandem welding and twin-wire weld- name
Process Process
ing today. In the case of tandem welding,
the contact tubes are electrically isolated so Preferred process, quick
that both wire electrodes may have different and for thicker sheets
electric potentials, Fig. 6. Therefore, the arc Rarely in use
type (standard arc or pulsed arc), the arc Preferred for deep
length, the welding current, the power etc. penetration
can also be set separately for both arcs. Via
the arc length, the controller produces a sta- Rare, thin sheets
ble arc which ensures perfect droplet de- Rare, quick and for thick sheets
tachment and thus little spatter.
Quick, controlled penetration
Both standard and pulsed arcs can be
for thin and thick sheets
chosen as the arc type. Today, the standard
Quick and for thin to
arc types also include the “heat-reduced“ thick sheets
arc types and processes, e.g. the “Control
Quick and for thin sheets
Weld“, “Cold Weld AC“ and “Cold Weld DC“
welding processes. The “forced“ arc types,
e.g. “Rapid Weld“, can be used too. Alter- the end of the weld. This reduces the cycle osition rate may be as much as 30 kg/h.
nately combined with the various arc types, times considerably and improves the acces- Fig. 8 shows two GMA welding torches
this results in four modulation types (mod- sibility. The maximum welding speeds are for tandem welding, one from the 70s and
ulation variants). Three of these are partic- two to three times higher or even higher in one current welding torch. Tandem welding
ularly interesting in practice, Figs. 7a to 7c. tandem welding than in GMA single-wire torches equipped with two “DuoDrive“ units
The “normal/normal“ modulation type, processes and still twice those in the T.I.M.E. (two drives per wire) can also be supplied.
Fig. 7a, is an interesting variant especially at process. Values up to 7 m/min are regarded That improves the wire electrode transport.
low powers. The most frequent application as realistic for steel. In this respect, the dep- This is particularly important in the case of
is offered by the pulsed arc for both wire elec- soft wire electrodes. The advantages of tan-
trodes. In this respect, the material transfers dem welding are a high welding speed, little
are mostly phase-displaced by 180°, i.e. while spatter and high flexibility. Tandem welding
the background current is being applied to can be carried out with a large number of
one electrode, the second electrode is in the filler materials. Fig. 9 shows the GMA tan-
pulsed current phase and vice versa, Fig. 7b. dem welding of an excavator bucket with a
If the focus is on a maximum welding speed Cloos robot.
and gap-bridging capacity, the leading wire
electrode welds with the pulsed arc and the “Tandem Rapid“ welding process
trailing wire electrode with the standard arc. Both the “Rapid Weld“ and “Control
For deep penetration, the pulsed arc is rec- Weld“ welding processes were combined at
ommended for the leading wire electrode Cloos. This combination is outstandingly
and the standard arc for the trailing wire elec- suitable for increasing the welding speed on
trode, Fig. 7c. workpieces with low sheet thicknesses. Lap
The combination of the tandem welding welds were executed on real components
process and the digitisation, Table 1, results with sheet thicknesses of 3 mm using G3Si1
in another benefit for the user. Each of the (EN 14341 A) wire electrodes and a shielding
Fig. 8 • GMA tandem
wire electrodes can optionally perform the welding torches; top: gas consisting of 82% Ar and 18% CO2. A
“leading“ or “trailing“ function. In the case model from the 70s, welding speed of over 4 m/min was
of multiple-pass welding, there is no need bottom: current tandem achieved with these. One great advantage
for the otherwise necessary reorientation at welding torch. of the “Tandem Rapid“ process lies in the

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 93


Table 2 • A few examples of applications of GMA tandem welding.

Fig. 9 • GMA tandem
Component Weld geometry Welding speed welding of an
Fillet weld excavator bucket.
Refrigerator compressor
Aluminium section in Single V weld
a carriage underbody with laser weld guiding
High-grade steel catalytic Fillet weld
converter housing
Lap weld
Fire extinguisher vessel
Longitudinally stiffened Fillet weld
panels in ship sections
Single V weld
Hot water reservoir

Car axle component Lap weld

Substructure module Fillet weld

of truck cranes
Car wheel rim Fillet weld

fact that the energy per unit length is con- sisting of 82% Ar and 18% CO2. A welding ness of 8 mm are achieved in one pass – at a
siderably lower than in the tandem speed of over 4 m/min was achieved with favourable energy per unit length at the
pulsed/pulsed process. Thus, the process these. same time. Even on aluminium, the welding
energy is exploited in a better way and that speed can be doubled – depending on the
decreases the component distortion and any Intelligent fabrication method for component. A few examples of applications
possible warpage. economically viable welding operation are listed in Table 2.
An extremely high welding speed con-
“Tandem Speed“ welding process nected with a considerable rise in produc- Laser/GMA hybrid welding -
Cloos also combined both the “Speed tivity is a decisive criterion of the GMA tan- more economically viable than
Weld“ (pulsed arc: U/I modulation) and dem technology in all applications. For ex- ever before
“Control Weld“ welding processes. This com- ample, welding speeds of more than 6 Compared with conventional tandem
bination is outstandingly suitable for increas- m/min can be achieved in the thin sheet and MAG welding, substantial savings not
ing the welding speed on workpieces with range (2 to 3 mm) using the GMA tandem only in the processing time but also with re-
medium sheet thicknesses. Lap welds were process subject to a favourable groove gard to the filler material can be achieved
executed on real components with sheet geometry. In the case of thick-walled com- during laser/GMA hybrid welding which is
thicknesses of 3 mm using G3Si1 (EN 14341 ponents, deposition rates of 24 kg/h, speeds always applied in an automated form be-
A) wire electrodes and a shielding gas con- of 80 cm/min as well as a design throat thick- cause full connections can be welded with-
out any weld preparation. Moreover, high
Fillet weld Laser beam welding speeds are possible with both thin
MIG torch and thicker sheets. Today, components not
plasma only for construction machine, rail and com-
mercial vehicles but also for the automobile
Keyhole industry are fabricated on laser/GMA hybrid
Liquid molten welding installations from Cloos.
material Filler wire As an example, Fig. 10 shows a double T
Solidified Arc
Fig. 10 • Fillet molten joint in which both welds were fabricated
welds in a material from one side by means of laser/GMA hy-
double T joint, brid welding. Typical welding parameters
in each case for the laser/GMA hybrid welding of fillet
welded from and butt welds on structural steel (S235) are
one side using
specified in Table 3. In the comparison be-
the laser/GMA
tween GMA tandem and laser/GMA hybrid
hybrid process.
welding on low-alloyed steel with a sheet
thickness of 10 mm, it is possible to highlight
the following properties:
• shorter processing time - up to 57%,
Fig. 11 • Principle of the
• less filler material - up to 70%,
laser/GMA hybrid welding
process (top) and metallo-
• great penetration depth using the laser
graphic section through beam,
a weld executed with it • reliable sidewall fusion due to the GMA
(bottom). process.

94 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Parameter Fillet weld Butt weld ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Wire diameter mm 1,2 1,2 The author would like to thank Carl Cloos
Table 3 • Typical welding Wire feed mm/min 10 10 Schweißtechnik GmbH, Haiger, and the busi-
parameters for laser/GMA hybrid Welding speed cm/min 85 150 ness partners dealing with welding technolo-
welding on the S235 structural Welding voltage V 27 27,5 gy for the handed-over image and documen-
steel with a sheet thickness Welding current A 260 280 tation material.
Laser beam power kW 8/12 8
of 10 mm.

The advantages over GMA welding result processes (e.g. a high welding speed and a Literature
from more productivity due to a higher weld- small heat-affected zone) complement each [1] Maecker, H.: Was ist Plasma? Fachbuchreihe
Schweißtechnik, Bd. 27, DVS Media, Düssel-
ing speed, fewer weld preparations with other. Their specific disadvantages (e.g. the
dorf 1962, p. 1.
greater sheet thicknesses, less workpiece dis- low gap-bridging capacity during laser weld- [2] N. N.: ROMAT-Schweißroboter und MIG/
tortion due to a lower energy input and a sta- ing alone) are compensated for nearly com- MAG-Hochgeschwindigkeitsschweißen mit
ble process due to the interaction between pletely in this case. With the laser/GMA hy- MSG-TANDEM-Technik. Prospekt 10/96
the processes. For example, it can be utilised brid process, Fig. 11, full-penetration weld- and Prospekt 09/97 TH. Carl Cloos Schweiß-
technik GmbH, Haiger.
on materials like mild, low-alloyed and high- ing can be carried out from one side in one [3] N. N.: Ergebnisorientierte Investentschei-
strength steels, aluminium, chromium-nickel pass with a component thickness up to 25 dung. Blech (1998), No. 5, Sonderteil
materials and coated sheets. mm and the large number of otherwise nec- Schweißtechnik, pp. 102/09.
Laser/GMA hybrid welding is an inno- essary welding passes can be avoided in this [4] Merkblatt DVS 0909-1 „Grundlagen des
vative welding process in which laser weld- way. This process permits high welding MSG-Hochleistungsschweißen mit Massiv-
drahtelektroden – Definition und Begriffe“
ing is combined with a conventional gas- speeds, good gap bridging and the minimi- (September 2000 Edition). DVS Media, Düs-
shielded metal arc welding process. In this sation of the heat-affected zone. Two com- seldorf 2000.
respect, the advantages of the individual mon laser/GMA hybrid welding heads can [5] Merkblatt DVS 0909-2 „Grundlagen des
be seen on Fig. 12. MSG-Hochleistungsschweißen mit Massiv-
drahtelektroden – Anwendungstechnische
Hinweise“ (June 2003 Edition). DVS Media,
Summary and perspectives Düsseldorf 2003.
High-performance welding processes [6] Matthes, K.-J., and E. Seliga: Gerätetechni-
have occupied important positions in a rel- scher Forschungsbedarf in der Fügetechnik
atively short time. Because higher produc- aus Sicht mittelständischer Anlagenherstel-
ler oder Systemanbieter. Studie im Auftrag
tivity represents a decisive success factor in
der Forschungsvereinigung des DVS. Inst.
global competition, it will continue to be für Fertigungstechnik/Schweißtechnik, TU
the driving force behind higher powers as Chemnitz 2003.
well as flexible and innovative solutions in [7] N. N.: MIG/MAG-Doppeldraht-Schweißen.
the case of welding. Various objectives are Prospekt 01/94 and Prospekt 02/96 TH. Carl
Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH, Haiger.
recognisable here. As far as the robot and
[8] Merkblatt DVS 3216 „Laserstrahl-Lichtbo-
handling systems are concerned, higher gen-Hybridschweißverfahren“ (January
speeds mean the better exploitation of the 2005 Edition). DVS-Media, Düsseldorf 2005.
resources already available in welding tech- [9] Miklos, E., et al.: Vollmechanisches MAG-
nology. The objective of the higher deposi- HL-Schweißen. DVS-Berichte, Bd. 204, S.
30/37. DVS Media, Düsseldorf 2006.
tion rate applies to all the current high-per-
[10] Knoch, R., and A. W. E. Nentwig: Schneller
formance welding processes. MAG-Schweißen mit mehreren Drahtelek-
In principle, all-encompassing consid- troden. DVS-Berichte, Bd. 162, DVS Media,
eration and approaches offer strong Düsseldorf 1994, pp. 77/81.
chances. In concrete terms, they lie in all [11] Schmidt, K.-P.: Geräte und Anlagen in der
Schweißtechnik: Modulationsarten bestim-
the participating partners cooperating at
men den definierten Werkstoffübergang
the right time. By inputting the different beim Lichtbogenschweißen und Lichtbo-
know-how of the partners, they exert effects genlöten. DVS-Jahrbuch 2005, DVS-Media,
on the optimum material selection, on the Düsseldorf 2004.
designing appropriate for welding, on the [12] Schmidt, K.-P.: Neue Prozessvarianten er-
weitern den Anwendungsumfang des MSG-
coordination of the process parameters, on Verfahrens. DVS-Jahrbuch 2006. DVS Media,
the installation technology including the Düsseldorf 2005.
clamping and robot systems and, as a con- [13] N. N.: Wirtschaftlichkeit von Hochleistungs-
sequence, on the welding result. This ap- schweißprozessen. Seminar document, SLV
plies quantitatively, qualitatively and also Halle 2005.
Klaus-Peter Schmidt,
Fig. 12 • Examples of the designs of Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik GmbH,
laser/GMA hybrid welding heads. Haiger/Germany

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 95


“Art in steel“ – welded metal sculptures

Herefordshire (UK) based artist Alan Ross about his work and inspiration

ing welded. I went along to my first night trying to do. I realised that my sculpture is
and immediately knew I had found some- made of steel and is welded and that these
thing that would be important to me, in fact are things that should be a feature of the
I knew instantly that this was something that work.
might change my life, a genuinely exciting
moment. Luckily my Dad realised that his The ’overwelding’ technique
’lad’ had it real bad and bought me a gas I started using the MIG welder to create
welding setup for christmas. textures and surfaces, and decided not to
I started dabbling in sculpture to get my grind my welds out partly out of laziness (we
hand in at welding. My master plan was to all hate grinding) but also to show how
build myself a nice recumbent bike. I started things go together. I also developed a tech-
using reycled bicycle components and made nique that I called ’overwelding’ in which a
a few small dragons, these started to sell and surface of weld is applied over an armature
paid for my tooling up and buying materials. of metal bars to give an integrated surface.
Initially I was using recycled materials and The Monkey King sculpture, Fig. 2, was
what I could find lying around. The Wyvern made this way, and amazingly did not blow
Dragon, Fig. 1, gives an idea of this area of up my Clarke hobby welder. Duty Cycles?
my work. Never heard of them.
As my skills developed I was able to buy I carried on working like this in my
Sculptor Alan Ross lives and works near a small Clarke meta-inert gas (MIG) welder garage as a self financing hobby that gradu-
Hereford in West England. and my work scaled up and improved in ally became a small part time business. I
quality. Around this point I realised that I then bought a Metal Craft Strip Metal Work-
I have been working full time as a sculp- might be making ‘art’. Some kind soul as- er. This opened up a whole new direction
tor for seven years, and business has really sured me that I was not a proper artist be- for me to work in, enabling my to shape and
taken off over the last couple of years. I start- cause I had not been to art college – some bend larger strip and bar and so to scale my
ed welding by accident, 13 years ago I was people are so supportive. work up. I also bought a plasma cutter at
in between hobbies, and in the way in the I was developing an approach and set around this time. The details on the fins of
house. I have always been interested in prac- of ideas regarding sculpture but was not sure my Sun Fish sculpture, Fig. 3, are applied as
tical things, especially motorbikes and push- what I was after achieving. I was then intro- simple stringers of weld, a slow process but
bikes. duced to the “Thames and Hudson Manual a great result.
of Direct Metal Sculpture“ by Trevor Faulk- Eventually my ’hobby’ took off to the
A genuinely exciting moment ner; published in the late 60’s. In this he de- point I was able to go part time in my day
My wife suggested a night class in weld- scribed how metal can be used as a sculp- job as a care worker. Then seven years ago
ing. I was not too sure but was effectively tural medium as it is, not modified by either when I was so stressed by the day job on the
sent along to have a look. I was advised to casting or forge work. I.e., metal can be a spur of the moment I decided to leave and
try a basic gas and arc welding course as my feature in itself and does not need to be hid- see if my ’hobby’ could become a full time
tutor reckoned it would give me the best un- den or modified. This made complete sense occupation. I was then working full time in
derstanding of how metal behaves when be- to me and helped me to define what I was my domestic garage and getting by.

Fig. 2 • Monkey King sculpture made by the

‘overwelding’ technique (a surface of weld is
applied over an armature of metal bars to give
Fig 1 • Wyvern Dragon made of recycled materials. an integrated surface).

96 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Fig. 3 • Large Sun Fish sculpture. Fig. 4 • Welded Giant Ants.

Fig. 5 • Hand
sculpture made of
gas welding rods.

Fig. 6 • Life
sized Concert
Grand Piano.

Fig. 7 • Model of a
short section of a
DNA molecule, using
pennies and gas
welding rods.

A lucky break
Then I had a lucky break: I was involved
in a small exhibition at Longleat and Tommy
Parker, the Estate Manager, said ‘I like your
stuff, I want something for me garden.’ I
thought he meant his own garden. Then he
showed me the ‘garden’ and asked what I
would put in it. I mentioned that I had a
thing about ants. His reaction threw me:
‘Yes! Eight of them giant ants, 5 m long each,
you’ve got the job!’ and he walked off. A few
days later a letter turned up on headed note
paper offering me the job of making eight
giant ants – an unusual approach to business tures and surface textures. My current needed as people can visualise the space
and an unusual job. I ended up making them welder is a Butters AMT 180 model. I also themselves. It means that I spend an awful
in my tiny garage and got them together. Fig. use brazing occassionally mainly for the ef- lot of time doing simple butt welds and an
4. A lucky meeting indeed. fect of the contrasting colour provided by awful lot of them, but this process suits my
At this point I moved out into a larger the brass filler rod or for very fine work such style. Fig. 6 shows a life sized Concert Grand
workshop which has enabled me to work on as the tiny hands on my small human fig- Piano that I made last year for a well known
a large scale and take on more demanding ures. The hand in Fig. 5 is made of 1.6 mm composer of film soundtracks. The main
jobs. Almost all of my sculptures are MIG gas welding rods. structure is made of 30 × 5 mm mild steel
welded, I find MIG welding to be a versatile A lot of my work is made of simple round strip; each section is made of two strips
process, very quick to do and very forgiving bars and strips. Initially this was because I joined edge to edge to make the angle sec-
of things like loose tolerances in fit etc. It was not that good at sheet metal working, tion, one bent on its edge, one on its side.
also allows the application of decorative fea- then I realised that flat surfaces are not really The lid opens and closes and the keyboard

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 97


left shows an electron microscope image of

a Saddle Diatom and Fig. 8 right my fabri-
cated sculpture of the same structure from
a different angle.
A couple of years ago I was asked if I ran
courses in metal sculpture. A definite ‘No!’
was my answer. I used to run training cours-
es in my old job and hated doing it. Luckily
the customer was persistant and persuaded
me to give it a go. To my surprise I really en-
joyed it and am now running about 12-14
one or two day courses a year. I have had
anybody from older ladies or children being
terrified of welding and them finding that
Fig 8 • Electron microscope image of a Saddle
Diatom (left) and sculpture of the same structu- they love it to proper engineers struggling
re from a different angle (right). with measurements of ’about like this’ or
fairly straight and straightish.
is anatomically correct. The strip is bent
using a Metal Craft Powerbender, a simple An artist within us
and very powerful hand operated tool that I Whatever, we all have an artist within us
use in almost everything I make. just waiting to find the right medium. I was
As well as working on a large scale, I en- fortunate in finding my medium. Being use-
joy working on tiny delicate structures and less at drawing does not mean being no good
have recently started using pennies in my at art. I can’t draw for a toffee. Neither can a
work (I was struggling to find a reliable sup- lot of artists who work in three dimensions.
plier of steel slugs and stampings) and it I mentioned bicycles at the beginning. I
turns that the newer pennies are made of figured that before buying a set of Reynolds
steel and weld beautifully. A double bonus: 531 tubing for my nice recumbent I should
attractive work and the irony of using dabble in bike building by making a daft
money. Fig. 7 shows a short section of a 1.2 chopper for a bit of fun. So I did, see Fig. 9. I
m DNA molecule; MIG welded up using enjoyed building it so I made another vari-
pennies and 2 mm gas welding rods. A fiddly ant. In fact I made loads of them and started
and painful process, lots of tiny burns, but a a Freak Bike gang. Sadly I never built my
Fig. 9 • Chopper bike.
lovely result. nice recumbent; but the idea is resurrecting
Note I am not breaking any laws. I con- itself.
tacted the Treasury and under section 10 was set off by seeing an animation of DNA I feel incredibly lucky to be doing this
of the 1971 currency act I am not breaking section during the credits of a film. I see for a living and would possibly not be doing
up or melting down the coins and the welds things when I am walking down the street it without the support I have received over
are a temporary addition. I keep the Treas- or in the supermarket. As a kid I was always the years from people in the metalworking
ury letter handy at exhibitions, there is al- been told off for daydreaming, now I do it industries. I would like to thank everybody
ways someone telling me off for defacing for a living. out there for helping me along the way, es-
coin of the realm. I admit I was hoping for A subject I have been exploring for a few pecially the members of the internet forum
a legal case, it would have made a great years is plankton, I admit to becoming a at www.mig-welding.co.uk. I am based near
promo tool. plankton nerd. These single celled plants Hereford in West England and have an open
and their skeletons are only visible through door policy for visitors. To see more of my
Finding inspiration a microscope, and yet at this scale they look work, please feel free to visit my website
I am often asked about inspiration. I like engineered products, they are organic www.artinsteel.co.uk.
find inspiration easy. The DNA molecule but also have a manufactured look. Fig. 8 Alan Ross, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire/UK

98 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

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In India.
OCT. 28 – 30, 2014 MUMBAI
International Trade Fair
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Capability of combined thermal spray and laser coating

centers to improve production efficiency
Abstract be realised, required bond strength, edge headquarter in Luckenbach, Germany, a
Novel coating centers permit control of stability and thickness of material build-up, demonstration center has been installed
both thermal spray and laser based surface if necessary. that operates various powder and wire
treatment processes. Laser cladding produc- Many companies own thermal spray in- flame, arc, HVOF and plasma spraying
tion rates and efficiencies can be improved stallations and equipment for laser based torches as well as laser based surface mod-
by substrate or feedstock preheating tech- surface treatment processes. Often utilisa- ification processes (Fig. 1).
niques. The benefit of these techniques tion rate of both is low. Many components Controllers of combined thermal spray
compared to the basic laser cladding process of these installations are identical or can ful- and laser surface processing centers are also
are presented and evaluated concerning fill the demands of both processes with only capable of controlling modified laser
their impact on industrial production. Spe- minor modification. This holds true e.g. for cladding processes that include pre-heating
cific advantages are demonstrated for in- PLC based control units with process visu- of substrate and/or feedstock. Substrate pre-
dustrial applications like hydraulic pistons, alisation on a Human Machine Interface, heating can be carried out by autogenous
continuous casting copper molds and pot mass flow controlled process gas lines, pow- heating torch with typically homogeneous
rolls for continuous galvanizing lines in steel der feeder, chiller, handling, suction and fil- preheating of a significant volume of the
mills. ter systems as well as cabin. component to be coated in a separate
Recently flexible combined production process step prior to conventional laser
1 Introduction units that are capable to control both dif- cladding. Also, simultaneous pre-heating of
Nowadays thermal spray and laser based ferent thermal spray and laser based a limited volume around the area of actual
surface modification processes are applied processes as a cost advantageous alternative material deposition is possible. In case of
in various industrial fields. Choice of process to two independent installations have be- inductive pre-heating the according hybrid
depends on the surface layer properties to come commercially available. At GTV’s process is then referred to as inductively as-
sisted laser cladding [1]. Substrate pre-heat-
ing results in lower required laser power lev-
el compared to conventional laser cladding,
since less heat transfer is needed to form a
melt pool on the substrate.
Pre-heating of feedstock also aims for
savings of laser power. No or only little laser
power is needed to contribute to melting of
the feedstock material. This portion of en-
ergy can be provided by autogenous flame
for powder feedstock [2] or by resistance
heating for wire feedstock [3].

2 Cost saving potential of com-

bined surface treatment centers
Flexible coating centers combining
thermal spray and laser based surface treat-
ment processes permit improved load fac-
Fig. 1 • Combined thermal spray and laser surface treatment center. tor especially for companies that need to
cover many different surface treatment jobs
with small lot sizes. Improvement is par-
ticularly good in case of components that
require application of different processes
locally, since down time for in-plant trans-
portation and clamping of components is
Examples include pot rolls of continu-
ous galvanising lines in steel mills and tur-
bine blades of aero engines. While the
mantle surface of pot rolls is typically coat-
ed with HVOF hardmetal and special seal-
Fig. 2 • Laser cladding on HVOF coating. Fig. 3 • Laser cladding center with pre-heating ers for protection against zinc melt corro-
by oxy-acetylene torch. sion and adhesion of dross, bearing seats

100 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Fig. 4 • Inductive preheating. Fig. 5 • Coated hydraulic piston.

are often laser clad with iron based alloys for continuous casting lines in steel mills re- pistons with corrosion protective nickel alloy
reinforced by spherical fused tungsten car- sults in strongly decreased reflection of laser NiCr22Mo9Nb (material no. 2.4856) at 6–9
bides [4]. For aero engine turbine blades light. While direct laser cladding requires kW laser power deposition rate could be in-
there is a large variety of surface treatments laser power of about 4.5 kW to deposit nickel creased by about 50% compared to conven-
based on thermal spraying and laser based self fluxing alloy coatings at 2.5 kg/h, tional laser cladding using a 50 kW induction
processes that permit improved compo- laser cladding on HVOF coatings is possible power supply [1, 8]. Up to 12.5 kg/h deposi-
nent life time, e.g. laser shock peening of at less than 3.0 kW laser power (Fig. 2). tion rate is possible for inductively assisted
leading edges, plasma or HVOF sprayed cladding at 9 kW laser power. In case of wear
cermet coatings on midspan shrouds of fan 3 Technological and economical protective coatings consisting of a mass frac-
and compressor blades and arc or plasma potential of advanced laser clad- tion of 40% self fluxing nickel based alloy
sprayed CuNiIn coatings for fretting wear ding installations and a mass fraction of 60% spherical fused
protection of blade roots. For clearance 3.1 Substrate pre-heating technologies tungsten carbide particles for oil drilling
control blade tips receive hardfacings con- Pre-heating of components prior to laser tools deposition rate can even be increased
sisting e.g. of cubic boron nitride and cop- cladding is often a key factor to avoid cracks, by more than 80% [1]. At the same time ad-
per or nickel based matrices. Besides fur- especially for deposition of high hardness vantageous smaller temperature gradients
nace brazing also laser brazing is success- alloys. Also, preheating results in economi- during inductively assisted laser cladding
fully applied [5]. cally favorable boundary conditions, be- result in significantly reduced crack density
Production cost savings due to min- cause less laser power is required to form a of carbide reinforced coatings.
imised down time for in-plant transporta- melt pool on the component to be coated.
tion and clamping of components also ap- Automatic pre-heating by oxy-acetylene 3.2 Feedstock pre-heating technologies
plies for laser remelting of e.g. self fluxing torches can be incorporated in advanced 3.2.1 Laser hot wire cladding
alloy thermal spray coatings [6]. At first sight laser cladding centers (Fig. 3). Accordingly The approach to improve deposition
laser remelting seems too expensive com- down time and undefined heat loss during rate of laser cladding process with resistance
pared to remelting by autogenous flame or in-plant transportation and clamping is heating of wire feedstock exists already since
induction. However, due to minimal heat minimised. For adequate design of carriers 1989 [9]. However, its potential has not been
transfer to the base material, distortion is for heating torch and laser heads pyrometers exploited widely so far, because extremely
minimised by the use of lasers. Costs for installed in the optical path of the laser for high costs of laser sources restricted laser
straightening of fused components by ac- online substrate temperature monitoring cladding to applications in the field of pre-
cording experts can even exceed the costs can also be used for monitoring and closed- cision cladding and positioning of laterally
for coating deposition and fusion and gen- loop control of autogenous preheating pro- fed wire tips with respect to laser beam foci
erally production time will increase. Also, cedure. is difficult.
closed-loop control of fusion process can be Components to be coated can also be As laser source prices reduced strongly,
realized more securely compared to alter- pre-heated inductively in the area of actual various large area cladding applications with
native heat sources due to unsurpassed pre- material deposition. Such hybrid process is deposition rate as a crucial factor opened up.
cision and fast response of laser power con- particularly easy to control and efficient for Also, axial wire feed possible due to beam
trol [7]. Glazing of ceramic coatings is gen- coating of cylindrical components like hy- splitting laser optics with common focus on
erally only possible by high energy density draulic piston rods or oil drilling tools, be- the substrate surface permits easy wire tip po-
tools like laser beams. cause inductive coupling by full coil around sitioning. Such technology also shows the ad-
Thermal spray coatings can also provide the surface is applicable [1] (Fig. 4). Com- vantage that the quality of deposited material
advantageous function for laser cladding. A mercially available hybrid head COAXpow- does not change depending on the welding
HVOF coating with a thickness of not more erline has proven to permit long term stable direction. For use of 3.5 kW laser beam power
than 50 μm deposited on copper crucibles production (Fig. 5). For coating of hydraulic and 1.0 mm diameter NiCr22Mo9Nb wire

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 101


Andreas Wank, Frank Beck and Thomas

Schläfer, GTV GmbH, Luckenbach/
Germany, as well as
Steffen Nowotny, Frank Brückner, Holger
Hillig, Martin Pfennig and Sebastian
Fig. 6 • Laser hot wire cladding.
Thieme, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoff-
Fig. 7 • Laser cladding unit with powder und Strahltechnik IWS, Dresden/Germany
feedstock preheating by oxy-acetylene flame.

[1] Jonnalagadda, A.; S. Scharek, C. Bratt, D. Al-
bert, T. Weitzer: Induction assisted laser
cladding for high deposition rates. Procee-
dings 30th ICALEO 2011, Orlando, FL, USA,
23-27 Oct. 2011, pp. 283/94.
[2] N. N.: Informationen zum Forschungspro-
jekt “SPRAYNERGY“. www.spraynergy.de.
26. February 2013.
[3] Nurminen, J.; J. Riihimäki, J. Näkki, P. Vuo-
risto: Comparison of laser cladding with
powder and hot and cold wire techniques.
Proceedings 25th ICALEO 2006, Article no.
Fig. 8 • Micrograph of a virtually pore-free
[4] Fukubayashi, H. H.: Present Furnace and
coating achieved by laser cladding with powder
Pot roll Coatings and Future Development.
feedstock preheating. Thermal Spray 2004: Advances in Techno-
logy and Application, pp. 125/31.
deposition rate could be increased from 1.3 to lateral powder injection. Axial injection [5] Wilson, S.; T. Peters: Advanced sealing sys-
kg/h for laser cold wire cladding to 1.9 kg/h of pre-heated powder feedstock inside a tems. Sulzer Technical Review, Vol. 1, 2009,
pp. 14-15.
for laser hot wire cladding without any draw- beam splitting laser head is expected to per- [6] Guo, L.-X.; R.-X. Liu, Y.-M. Wang, Y. Zhou, T.-
backs concerning coating quality [10] (Fig. 6). mit to overcome the presently remaining Q. Lei: Study on microstructure of laser re-
At the same time significantly improved sur- shortcomings of laser hot powder cladding. melted NiCrBSi+TiN coatings on surface of
face quality (Rz ≈ 100 μm) compared to laser tianium alloy. Transactions of Materials and
Heat Treatment, Vol. 30 (2009) No. 2, pp.
powder cladding (Rz ≈ 250 μm) is achieved, 4 Conclusions
which results in reduced necessity for ma- In comparison to independent coating [7] Nowotny, S.: Oberflächenbeschichten und
chining. As laser wire cladding offers deposi- centers, installations combining thermal formgebendes Auftragschweißen mit laser-
tion efficiency of practically 100% and wires spray and laser based surface treatment basierten hybriden Fertigungsverfahren.
are typically cheaper than powders, laser hot processes open up potential for significant Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2004.
[8] Nowotny, S.; F. Brueckner, H. Hillig: Hoch-
wire cladding offers particularly high cost sav- production cost savings due to increased
produktives Laser-Auftragschweißen durch
ing potential. load factor, minimised down time due to in- Energiequellenkombination. Proceedings
plant transportation and clamping as well 5th GTV-Colloquium, Luckenbach/Ger-
3.2.2 Laser hot powder cladding as production space and investment savings. many 2012, pp. 77/83.
The publicly funded research project Combined coating centers also permit high [9] Mordike, B. L.; H.D. Burchards: Process for
coating of component surfaces with laser
Spraynergy [2] aims for qualification of laser cost efficiency by laser post treatment of
beams, Patent application DE3928092, 1989.
cladding with powder feedstock pre-heated thermal spray coated components due to [10] Thieme, S.; R. Kager, S. Nowotny: Neuent-
by oxy-acetylene flame (Fig. 7). Heating of minimised component distortion and down wicklungen zum Laser-Heißdraht-Auftrag-
powder feedstock by oxy-acetylene flame is time. In special application fields like laser schweißen. Proceedings 5th GTV-
meant to save laser power required for melt- cladding on copper components pre-de- Colloquium, Luckenbach/Germany 2012,
pp. 85/91.
ing of the material to be deposited. Com- posited thermal spray coatings enable sav-
pared to laser wire cladding the applicable ings of laser power.
spectrum of coating materials is much wider.
In tests with lateral powder injection
Efficiency of laser cladding process can
be improved significantly by pre-heating of
through a conventional powder flame spray- either substrate or feedstock material. Tech- The authors thankfully acknowledge public
ing torch type GTV Variobond that features nologies like induction assisted laser funding for part of the above described re-
small flame diameter and low particle speed cladding or laser hot wire cladding have al- search carried out in a project funded by the
practically pore free coatings with low dilu- ready reached the state of industrial maturity, German Federal Ministry of Education and Re-
search, BMBF, under grant no. 02PK2127. The
tion by substrate material could be achieved while other processes like laser hot powder
authors are responsible for the content of this
(Fig. 8). However, so far deposition efficiency cladding require further research and devel-
was less than 50%, which can be attributed opment in order to exploit their potential.

102 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Choosing a surface coating technology – Knowing
the strengths and weaknesses of high-velocity oxy-fuel
thermal spraying and laser cladding
When various surface technologies have it and potentially forming cracks in the coat- The same rule of thumb can be applied to
many similarities, it can be difficult to ing and/or the substrate. When a laser parts that will endure many thermal cycles.
choose the most appropriate for specific cladding material is heated, melted and so- Fluctuating temperatures cause different
jobs. This occurs frequently when deciding lidified, it shrinks and these temperature metals to expand and contract independ-
between laser cladding and thermal spray, fluctuations cause internal stresses that can ently. This thermal shock can stress and
specifically high velocity oxy-fuel spray warp a thin part. Though laser cladding has weaken the HVOF bond interface but this is
(HVOF). advanced to minimise distortion levels, not the case with laser cladding because it
Once considered radically different, HVOF still causes less stress and distortion creates a metallurgical bond.
both technologies have advanced to the risk because the material is neither fully
point that either is suitable for certain ap- melted nor metallurgically bonded. The in- Corrosion
plications. HVOF coatings are growing thick- ternal stresses in HVOF coatings are what Coatings are also vulnerable to corro-
er, while laser coatings are becoming thin- limit the thickness. sion, which can be aggravated by porosity.
ner. Additionally, HVOF has reduced poros- Despite advances in HVOF, the lingering
ity to levels that verge on being considered Difference in application pores, if interconnected, render the coating
fully dense. One major application difference be- vulnerable to environmental pressures that
Still, the technologies behind HVOF and tween these two technologies has to do with deteriorate the surface. For example, a valve
laser cladding – for the majority of applica- how the coatings adhere to the substrate. coated with the minimally porous HVOF
tions – remain fundamentally distinct. HVOF creates a mechanical bond between would eventually succumb to harsh sea wa-
HVOF coating involves spraying the material the coating and substrate surface, allowing ter leaking through the coating, causing cor-
at a high velocity and temperature, which manufacturers to use any material. Laser rosion at the interface.
softens the particles and forms a mechanical cladding creates an intermetallic alloy in the Such high-pressure environments often
bond with the roughened substrate. In con- interface zone between substrate and coat- necessitate laser cladding to produce a fully
trast, laser cladding melts both the material ing material and, as a result, is limited by dense coating but these are limited to ma-
being applied and the surface of the sub- being able to bond only to materials that are terials that are weldable.
strate to form a metallurgical bond. weldable. Manufacturers should ensure that
the selected materials will create a successful Manufacturing environment
Functional similarities metallurgical bond, such as a nickel deposit Both coating technologies also have dif-
Both laser cladding and HVOF will con- to iron substrate to create a nickel-iron alloy. ferent requirements with regard to manu-
tinue to converge for the next two to five Materials that are not compatible, such as facturing environments. Compared to laser
years, which will then create a shift in com- titanium and iron, could result in a weak in- cladding, HVOF covers a larger spray area
mercial assessment. Presently, HVOF is the termixed layer that can easily crack. but is less precise. The relative velocities of
only technology for thinner coatings, such Additionally, laser cladding has a small the spray gun and part need to be moved
as 200 to 300 μm (0.008 to 0.012 in). Howev- melt pool, meaning the application process quickly or the coating will accumulate too
er, despite HVOF advances in producing can take longer than HVOF. Thus, extra time rapidly, which will create excessive residual
thicker coatings in excess of 0.5 mm (0.02 for the application of laser cladding materi- stress and bond failure.
in), laser cladding is preferred over HVOF als can offset other cost savings. HVOF still While thermal spray can be applied both
for thicker coatings. has a significantly higher deposition rate but manually and via automated technology,
Another area of convergence is porosity. adds time with increasing thickness of the laser cladding requires an automated factory
The fundamental principle behind thermal coating. environment for safety reasons and because
spray necessitates that particles are softened of the application precision. Each weld track
by heating and compacted in a solid state, Surface conditions has to be positioned with tolerances below
leaving small spaces between them that re- The part’s surface conditions play a role 1 mm (0.04 in), necessitating a robot to apply
sult in a porous coating. HVOF has reduced in determining the appropriate coating. the coating. With such a small coverage area,
its porosity levels to less than 0.5%, which is Thermal spray’s limited bond strength is less what laser cladding gains in precision it loses
nearly fully dense. Still, these pockets can ideal for parts that will be subjected to high in application time. Comparing the two
cause penetration of the coating when parts stress or impact loading. The mechanical technologies, laser coatings are applied in a
are exposed to high-pressure environments bond may cause the coating to shatter or narrow but relatively thick layer while HVOF
or long-duration tests. Despite HVOF’s de- spall if subjected to too much stress, partic- uses many wider but thinner layers.
creasing porosity levels, laser cladding re- ularly point-loaded stresses such as with a However, because HVOF is applied in
mains the only completely dense solution. hammer. The stress may weaken laser fine layers to mitigate the stress and shrink-
Both coating technologies can create cladding’s alloyed coating but will likely not age issues, care must be exercised to prop-
residual stress on the substrate, distorting cause it to debond. erly cool the part during the spray process

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 103


or the substrate may overheat. This is not

typically a concern with laser cladding. With
some HVOF coatings requiring 50 passes,
this process can decrease efficiency. Laser
cladding may also require a waiting period
for the part to cool as the materials are heat-
ed locally beyond the melting temperature.
As mentioned previously, the differences
in deposition rates, or material mass per unit
of time, are notably large with HVOF having
a significantly higher rate. Though HVOF
coatings can exceed 0.5 mm (0.02 in), laser
cladding tends to be more efficient as often
only one layer is required.
When both technologies are automated
and implemented using standard industrial
robots, the comparison becomes more “ap-
ples-to-apples“. Laser cladding previously
Graph for illustration purposes only, not scientifically exhaustive
required complicated manipulation using
copper mirrors. Now laser cladding uses the Key surface enhancement process.
more simplified fibre-optic bundles to con-
trol the laser beams. On the other hand, a With HVOF generating heat loads up to to power it. Fortunately, laser cladding is
thermal spray gun can easily be mounted at 1 million BTU, thermal spray booths typi- now 30% efficient, a radical enough im-
the end of a robot or manually manipulated. cally require large volumes of air exchange provement to be considered power effi-
Thermal spray also requires speedy ma- to keep temperatures within reasonable lim- cient.
nipulators and when covering a large area, its. Another requirement is a dust collector Because of the energy-intensive gas
a large robot. However, this presents a par- with closed-circuit air filters to vacuum the stream needed to heat the particles, HVOF
adox as a very large robot is also slower. dust generated from sub-25 μm particles. spray is considered less efficient than laser
The gun generates extremely high temper- cladding.
Safety atures and a piercing noise that register From a material standpoint, laser
When incorporating such potent tech- above safe levels, so workers need to wear cladding is more than 90% efficient, outper-
nologies, safety is at the forefront of consid- appropriate protective gear if manually ap- forming thermal spray’s 40 to 60% efficiency.
eration. Both laser cladding and HVOF have plying the coating. This is due to the imprecision of the HVOF
their respective safety precautions for work- spray cone, which does not emit some of the
ers and are always enclosed in an isolated Energy and material efficiency particles at a fast-enough velocity. As a re-
cell. Laser cladding requires compliance Both technologies consume energy and sult, many particles bounce off the substrate
with general laser regulations, such as pro- materials at different rates. Laser cladding and fail to bond.
tecting eyes with special glasses, shielding was previously a notorious energy consumer Though laser cladding and HVOF use
the workers, and safeguarding against weld- with an efficiency of less than 10%. For ex- powder-based materials at similar price
ing fumes and laser light wavelength. ample, a 5 kW laser would demand 50 kW points and availability, the particle sizes dif-

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104 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

fer. Laser cladding particles are coarser and While the laser cladding powder nozzle needs ment but that is often measured in years.
heavy enough that no filtration device is to be less than 25 mm (1 in) from the sub- Depending on the material being used, pow-
needed. Thermal spray’s finer particles are strate, for HVOF a typical distance range from der nozzles may need to be replaced after
light enough to become airborne, necessi- 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in) is common. When 100 to 500 hours.
tating the dust collector and air filters. coating the small space inside of a tube, ther- With HVOF, the extremely high temper-
mal spray can turn to the plasma spray atures and velocities cause the components
Application equipment process as specialised internal spray guns can to wear quickly, measuring nozzle life in
The thermal spray gun can be easily be easily placed into a 100-mm part. Howev- hours. Though frequent, nozzle replace-
moved – up, down and into awkward corners er, this is another area of convergence as laser ments are simple and quick. The materials
while the target part remains stationary. If heads are continually becoming smaller and used also determine the change-out fre-
the part has a more complicated design, the can presently fit inside a 3-inch bore. quency. Materials such as carbides are abra-
HVOF gun can be easily maneuvered to cov- Both guns operate at extremely high sive and applied at a much higher velocity,
er all contours. In addition to manual ap- temperatures, which affect the application making the HVOF barrels and nozzles wear
plication, HVOF is versatile in that it can be processes. Laser cladding creates local tem- out quicker than with metallic materials,
also used with an automated system. Be- peratures above the melting point of the ma- with which the nozzles last several days.
cause thermal spray essentially blankets an terial.
area with a continuous coating, the auto- When laser cladding, the powder nozzle Conclusion
mated programming is relatively simple in must be cooled because one-third of the There are many factors to enter into the
most applications. laser light is reflected toward the processing equation of whether to use HVOF or laser
On the other hand, laser cladding is head and not absorbed by the melting cladding. Some are obvious choices, such as
much more complex. Each weld track in- process. The closer the powder nozzle is lo- if a thick and fully dense coating is needed
volves a repeated start-stop approach where cated to the substrate, the greater the risk of or if material compatibility is a concern. As
the laser starts and stops. As mentioned pre- harming it. these technologies continue to evolve, their
viously, each laser application is comparably The HVOF gun uses air and/or water applicability will broaden. In the meantime,
precise. Thus, the programming effort is cooling to dissipate the heat of combustion it is critical that users work with material and
much more sophisticated and requires the from the internal gun components. equipment suppliers that are knowledgeable
precise location and dimensions of the part. about both technologies to ensure a success-
Crucial to reducing this time-consuming Maintenance ful coating application with the most efficient
process, offline programming tools are With typical use, the laser itself is and cost effective surface solution.
needed. durable enough to operate without mainte- Thomas Peters, Project Manager Laser
nance for several months. There are neither Cladding, Sulzer Metco, Wohlen/CH,
Access moving parts nor sensitive optical compo- and Thomas Glynn,
Both technologies are line-of-sight pro- nents. Because of the robot’s movement, the Product Line Manager, Metals and Alloys,
cesses with different distance requirements. fibre-optic cables eventually need replace- Sulzer Metco (US) Inc, Westbury, NY/USA

Welding and Cutting – editorial preview

Issue 3 (May/June) Issue 4 (July/August)
• Automation using robots and sensors for joining and cutting • Brazing/soldering for the joining of metals and ceramic
• Adhesive bonding technology • Welding and brazing of light weight constructions
• Special joining processes

Closing date for advertisements and editiorial contributions: Closing date for advertisements and editorial contributions:
7 April 2014 23 June 2014

The editorial preview is subject to modifications.

For information about advertising, please contact:

Iris Jansen, DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf/Germany, e-mail iris.jansen@dvs-hg.de

For information about submitting editorial contributions, please contact:

Anja Labussek, DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf/Germany, e-mail anja.labussek@dvs-hg.de
Penny Edmundson, TWI, Cambridge/UK, e-mail penny.edmundson@twi.co.uk

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 105

DVS with a new campaign

Campaign picture: Sony-Center Berlin Campaign picture: Shopping trolley Campaign picture: Motorcycle rider
(picture credit: Berlin4Real) (picture credit: Stockbyte – gettyimages.com) (picture credit: lassedesignen – fotolia.com)

DVS – German Welding Society is motorcycle, a shopping trolley or the Sony- late the viewer to contemplate: In what
working with a new campaign which por- Center in Berlin – these are just three ex- place is joining technology utilised in a
trays the multitude of appearances of join- amples in which joining, cutting and coat- motorcycle? What does a shopping trolley
ing technology in everyday life. Thus, the ing play a role. have to do with joining, cutting and coat-
motto is “Fügetechnik. Überall. Überzeu- The large-area campaign posters im- ing? Even if not everybody recognises the
gend.“ (“Joining Technology. Everywhere. pressed for the first time at the interna- corresponding joining technologies, the
Convincing.“) and should address the ex- tional trade fair SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEI- large, impressive campaign motifs are def-
pert world as well as precisely those people DEN in September 2013. The motifs show initely eye-catchers.
who have little to do with joining technol- that a lot of familiar objects or buildings The posters for the new campaign can
ogy. Therefore, the campaign shows motifs would not be conceivable at all without be found on the DVS homepage at
from everyday life: No matter whether a joining technology. Thus, they also stimu- www.dvs-ev.de/kampagne.

Professor Boris E. Paton celebrated his 95th birthday

The E. O. Paton On the occasion of the 95th birthday of Pro- 25 simultaneously interpreted lectures de-
Electric Welding fessor Boris E. Paton, the E. O. Paton Electric livered by speakers from twelve countries and
Institute hosted Welding Institute invited guests to the inter- approx. 200 posters reported on the trends
the international national conference “Welding and Related and the newest developments in welding and
conference Technologies Present and in Future“ in Kiev, joining technology in the most diverse sectors.
“Welding and
Ukraine, on 25 and 26 November 2013. Over These were followed by a lively exchange of
Related Tech-
200 experts in welding and joining technol- opinions and experience between the experts.
nologies Present
ogy from Europe, North America and Asia Unfortunately, Professor Paton was un-
and in Future“ in
came to the celebration. DVS was also rep- able to take part in the events for health-re-
Kiev, Ukraine, on
the occasion of
resented and gave Professor Paton a gift in lated reasons. His welcoming address to the
the 95th birth- the form of the welded sculpture called participants and a comprehensive presen-
day of Professor “Curriculum Vitae“ created by the Krefeld- tation of his life’s work were transmitted into
Boris E. Paton. based artist Katja Kleutges. the lecture hall in an audiovisual form.

106 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

DVS organises 8th international Aluminium Brazing Congress
The International Aluminium Brazing Leading specialists and authorities from The congress will also provide numerous
Congress is being held for the 8th time and is the sector, well known experts from industry opportunities to establish or strengthen
now organised for the second time by the DVS and research and other important decision business relationships, establish personal
– German Welding Society. It will take place makers from this field will further promote contacts and expand networks. An exhibi-
from 3 to 5 June 2014 in Düsseldorf/ Germany surface technology by means of presenta- tion of participating companies running
in the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel. tions, comments and technical discussions. concurrent to the congress will help getting
further contacts.
The 8th Inter- The topics of the conference will
national Alumi- include:
nium Brazing
• Materials,
Congress will
• Application,
take place in
• Equipment,
Düsseldorf in
June 2014. • Process and quality control,
(Photo: Solvay • Research and development.
Further information is available online at

Successful 7th DVS/GMM Conference “EBL 2014“

With more than 200 participants, this itors. Starting with printed circuit boards, sub- was able to be glad about the prize. The sub-
year’s EBL (Electronic Modules and Printed strates and components via assembly and ject of their article was “Ageing behaviour of
Circuit Boards) Conference organised by DVS connection technology right up to analysis, lead-free tin-based brazing metals in the tem-
– German Welding Society and GMM – Soci- reliability investigation and development ten- perature range up to 200°C – Refinements“
ety for Microelectronics, Microsystems Tech- dencies, it was possible to portray the entire and went down very well with the listeners.
nology and Precision Mechanics in the As- value added chain. The breaks provided not The organisers were particularly pleased
sociation of German Electrotechnologists/As- only the opportunity for intensive discussions about the very positive response of the par-
sociation of German Engineers was a total but also the possibility of obtaining informa- ticipants. In a survey, 90 % of the visitors rated
success. On 11 and 12 February 2014, experts tion about the ranges of products and services the event as “Good“ or even “Very good“ on
from the industrial and scientific fields con- offered by the exhibitors on the 20 tables at average. This related to various aspects such
gregated in Fellbach near Stuttgart for the the table-top exhibition. as the expert competence of the lectures, the
seventh time in order to exchange opinions Within the framework of the event, the venue, the organisation, the evening event as
about the trends relating to the fabrication of prize winner was also distinguished for the well as the possibility of establishing contacts.
electronics under the motto of “From High “Best Article at EBL 2014“ out of the articles Thus, the majority of the participants would
Current to High Integration“. submitted in advance. Timo Herberholz from like to come again on the occasion of EBL
With a packed programme of 60 lectures Robert Bosch GmbH in Schwieberdingen 2016 too. Then, the 8th DVS/GMM Confer-
on two days, the organisers presented a mir- who was honoured together with his co-au- ence will take place in Fellbach once more
ror image of current developments to the vis- thors Andreas Fix and Mathias Nowottnick on 16 and 17 February 2016.

The prize winner of the “Best

Article at EBL 2014“, Timo
Herberholz (centre), sur-
rounded by the Scientific
Conference Manager Klaus-
Dieter Lang, the co-authors
Mathias Nowottnik and An-
dreas Fix as well as the
Chairman of the Programme
Commission Udo Bechtloff
Impressions of (from left to right). (Photos:
the exhibition Michael M. Weinreich)

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 107


Heat treatment of thermally sprayed Ni-based

brazing materials/NiCrAlY coating systems for the
repair of turbine blades
The objectives of this research project are not only to carry out the appli- right down to the base material. Depending on the turbine
cation of the brazing material together with the hot gas corrosion protection blade as well as on the assessment of the existing defects
coating but also to integrate the brazing together with the alitising in a and of the repair process chain resulting from them, nick-
common process for the repair of turbine blades. During the experimental el-based brazing material (amongst other substances) is
work performed here, investigations were conducted into the heat treat- applied using a spatula, a paintbrush or a dosing needle.
ment of thermally sprayed Nibased brazing materials/ NiCrAlY coating Because of the utilised materials, the brazing process takes
systems on high-alloyed Cr-Ni steel. The executed process combinations place in a high vacuum (<10-5 mbar) at a brazing tempera-
yield technical and economic advantages. Above all, the shortening of the ture above the liquidus temperature between 1,100°C and
process chain up to the turbine blade repair may be specified here. 1,200°C.
The turbine blade is remachined after the brazing
1 Introduction process. This includes the grinding to the final contour
High-temperature brazing for turbine blades made of and the resinking of the cooling air boreholes, for example,
nickel-based alloys has become established as a repair by means of laser drilling. Thereafter, the hot gas corrosion
procedure and the following steps are basically taken ac- protection coating (NiCrAIY, CoCrAIY or NiCoCrAIY) is
cording to the state of the art [1-3]: First of all, the coating applied to a large proportion of turbine blades by means
is removed from the turbine blade which is then cleaned of thermal spraying (VPS – Vacuum Plasma Spraying, APS

Dr. rer. nat. Martin Nicolaus, born in 1968, stud- rector of the Institute of Materials Science and the
ied Chemistry at the University of Dortmund/Ger- dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at
many. After his studies, he was a scientific employ- the Leibniz University of Hanover. Earlier manage-
ee at the Professorship of Physical Chemistry 1a at rial positions included the managing director of
the University of Dortmund. In 2003, he obtained the Underwater Technical Centre in Hanover
his Dr. rer. nat. title there under the guidance of (UWTH), the director of the research and training
Prof. Dr. R. W. Schmutzler. Since 2003, he has been agency ”Underwater and Environmental Technolo-
a scientific employee at the Institute of Materials gy in the Hanseatic City of Greifswald (UTEG)” in
Science at the Leibniz University of Hanover. Lubmin, a professor at and the holder of the Pro-
fessorship of Materials Technology at the Universi-
Dr.-Ing. Kai Möhwald, born in 1961, studied Me- ty of Dortmund as well as the provisional director
chanical Engineering concentrating on the field of of the Institute of Nuclear Technology and Non-
Fabrication Technology at the University of Dort- Destructive Test Procedures at the University of
mund/Germany. In 1996, he obtained his Dr.-Ing. Hanover.
title at the Professorship of Materials Technology
(LWT) under the guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Jürgen Maier, born in 1960,
E.h. H.-D. Steffens. After his studies, he was em- studied Materials Sciences at the Friedrich-Alexan-
ployed as a scientific employee at LWT where he der University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). In
was responsible for the management of the ”Braz- 1990, he obtained his doctorate at the Professor-
ing/Soldering Technology and PVD” Department. ship of Corrosion and Surface Technology. From
Since 2001, he has been the director of the ”Join- 1990 to 1993, he was the leader of the Electron
ing Technology, Surface Technology and Microsys- Microscopy Working Group at the Professorship of
tems” Division (IW-FORTIS) at the Institute of Ma- General Material Properties at FAU. With his ap-
terials Science at the Leibniz University of pointment as a senior engineer in 1993, he be-
Hanover, based in Witten. In 2009, he obtained his came the leader of the Material Fatigue Working
habilitation at the Leibniz University of Hanover Group at the Institute of Materials Technology at
with venia legendi for the specialist field of Mate- the University of Siegen. In 1996, he undertook a
rials Technology. one-year research stay at the Dept. of Mechanical
& Industrial Eng. at the University of Illinois/USA.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach, born in In March 1999, he was nominated as the holder of
1944, studied Mechanical Engineering at the Tech- the Professorship of Materials Science at the Uni-
nical University of Hanover/Germany. In 1983, he versity of Paderborn. He became a Professor of
obtained his Dr.-Ing. title and was promoted to Materials Science in 2012 and is the institute di-
professorial status with venia legendi for the spe- rector of the Institute of Materials Science at the
cialist field of Materials Technology. He is the di- Leibniz University of Hanover.

108 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

– Air Plasma Spraying or HVOF – High Velocity Oxygen Table 1 • Compositions of the utilised spraying materials
Fuel Spraying). In order to increase the oxidation resist-
Spraying material Ni Cr Si B Fe Al Y
ance of thermally sprayed coatings (especially APS), the
Ni650 71% 19% 10% - - - -
McrAlY coating is also alitised by means of chemical NiCrAlY 67% 22% - - - 10% 1%
vapour deposition (CVD). In this respect, the process tem-
peratures are approx. 1,100°C. Finally, the cooling air bore-
Table 2 • Spraying parameters
holes are resunk.
As has already been explained in earlier papers [4-6], Ar / H2 / I/A Kerosene / O2 / Nozzle distance /
the process chain for the turbine blade repair can be short- L min-1 L min-1 L h-1 L min-1 mm
ened in this case by applying the brazing material and the APS 55 9.5 600 - - 120
hot gas corrosion protection coating in one step by means HVOF spraying - - - 24 800 300
of thermal spraying and by integrating the brazing process
into the alitising diffusion annealing process as TLP bond-
ing. In these papers, it was also possible to show that nick-
el-based brazing materials could be applied by means of
thermal spraying. The APS, HVOF spraying and CGS
processes were used. The utilised nickel-based brazing
materials are Ni650 and Ni620. Ni-material 2,4668 (Inconel
718) and high-alloyed Cr-Ni steel were used as substrates.
The compositions of the brazing materials are indicated
in Table 1. Fig. 1 portrays the crack infiltration capacity
and the wetting angle using brazing material applied by
means of APS. The brazing temperature was 1,150°C and
the brazing time 10 min. In [4], it was also shown that the
formation of the brazed structure and the wetting angle Fig. 1 • Crack infiltration capacity and wetting angle using brazing material applied
by means of Air Plasma Spraying (APS).
are independent of the subtrates utilised here. Therefore,
high-alloyed Cr-Ni steel was used as the substrate for the
experimental work performed here. Initial results of the materials can be applied directly after each other in one
heat treatment of the thermally sprayed brazing materi- spraying process using two separately controlled powder
al/NiCrAlY coating system are presented in this article conveyors. This results in technical and economic advan-
and serve as preliminary tests for the combined tages. The heat treatment was carried out in a high vacuum
brazing/alitising process. at a temperature of 1,150°C which corresponds to the
brazing temperature of the utilised nickelbased brazing
2 Experiments material. The hold times at the brazing temperature were
The execution of the experiments corresponds to the 15, 45 and 90 min. This was followed by free cooling. A
procedure described in [4, 5]. The specimens were blasted hold time of 90 min was chosen since this represents a
with high-grade corundum (EKF 20), the blasting agent process duration typical of alitising. Sections and optical
was cleaned off them using an ultrasonic bath and they micrographs were prepared in order to be able to evaluate
were subsequently coated. The nickel-based alloys (brazing the thermally sprayed coatings and the results of the heat
material and hot gas corrosion protection coating) were treatment.
coated by means of APS (F4 torch from GTV) and HVOF
spraying (K2 torch from GTV). The brazing material was 3 Results
Ni650. NiCrAlY was used as the hot gas corrosion protection Fig. 2 shows the metallographic sections through spec-
coating. The composition is also indicated in Table 1. imens coated by means of APS. The metallographic sec-
Since the spraying parameters utilised here (Table 2) tion with the “as sprayed“ designation shows a specimen
are identical not only for the Ni-based brazing material without any heat treatment and the other metallographic
but also for the hot gas corrosion protection coating, the sections are specimens with heat treatment for 15, 45 and

Fig. 2 • Coating combination consisting of Ni650/NiCrAlY (APS).

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 109


Fig. 3 • Coating 90 min. The coatings applied by means of APS can be than 150 μm, it is not possible to avoid the formation of
combination con- clearly distinguished from each other. After the heat treat- brittle phases [7, 8]. With a constant heat treatment dura-
sisting of ment, three zones form in the coating. Starting from the tion, the distinctness of the structure is therefore basically
Ni650/NiCrAlY substrate, there is completely molten brazing material, independent of the coating thickness. The coating system
(HVOF spraying). followed by an interfacial region consisting of brazing ma- finishes with the NiCrAlY coating and an infiltration region
terial and NiCrAlY as well as NiCrAlY as the final region. is not formed. This observation may be explained by the
The formation of the three regions and, linked to this, the fact that the HVOF-sprayed NiCrAlY coatings which ex-
solubility of the Ni-based alloys amongst each other can hibit a porosity proportion of approx. 1.5% are denser
be explained by infiltration effects. In the case of infiltra- than the APS coatings. A eutectic zone which consists of
tion, capillary forces cause molten brazing material to (Cr and Ni) silicides (dark region) and becomes smaller
flow into the pores of the NiCrAlY coating. This infiltration with an increasing heat treatment duration forms in the
basically takes place until the brazing material solidifies centre of the brazed seam. Here as well, the proportion of
isothermally. The proportion of pores in the NiCrAlY coat- cavities in the brazed seam also rises by up to 5% with a
ing was established using image analysis and is approx 90 min heat treatment duration. On average, the propor-
3%. The proportion of pores in the infiltration region is tion of pores in APS coatings is about six times higher
less than 1% and is independent of the process time. The than in HVOFsprayed coatings.
interfacial region increases along with the hold time but, The findings obtained here are summarised on the
at the same time, cavities form in the centre of the brazed diagrams on Fig. 4. The portrayed parameters are, on the
seam and at the boundary between the brazing material one hand, the proportion of pores in the brazing material
and the infiltration region (approx. 30% with a heat treat- (diagram on the left) and, on the other hand, the infiltra-
ment duration of 90 min). These cavities are pores which tion front (APS and HVOF spraying) and the silicide pro-
are initially caused by the corresponding infiltration vol- portion in the brazing material in the HVOF-sprayed coat-
ume. After an advancing heat treatment duration, this ing system (diagram on the right), in each case as a func-
pore volume is enlarged even further by additional diffu- tion of the heat treatment duration. During the heat treat-
sion effects. ment, diffusion processes take place permanently in the
There are different conditions in the case of the coating boundary layers between the brazing material and the
Fig. 4 • Proporti-
systems applied by means of HVOF spraying, as can be NiCrAlY and between the brazing material and the base
on of pores in the
recognised in the metallographic sections on Fig. 3. The material and alter the composition of the brazing material.
brazing material
coating which is applied by means of HVOF spraying and In turn, the consequence of this is that the colligative
(left), infiltration
front and silicide is not subjected to any heat treatment (as sprayed) has properties of the system change. With an adequately long
proportion depen- no distinct delimitation. Two regions form after the heat process time, this leads to isothermal solidification (TLP
ding on the heat treatment. The first region which is directly adjacent to bonding) which corresponds to a rise in the melting point
treatment durati- the substrate is completely molten brazing material. With of the brazing material (diffusion brazing). The occurrence
on (right). brazing material coating thicknesses or gap widths of more of the cavities may also be attributed to diffusion processes

110 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

in the liquid phase and to additional segregation effects.
Furthermore, volume contractions which lead to the for-
mation of microshrinkage cavities may arise during the
solidification of the molten material. Ultimately, a com-
bination of the portrayed mechanisms (infiltration, dif-
fusion and volume contraction) is responsible for the for-
mation of the cavities. This effect is substantially more
distinct with APS coatings than with HVOF-sprayed

4 Summary and outlook

The heat treatment of the Ni650/NiCrAlY coating sys-
tem applied by means of APS results in three regions:
brazing material/(brazing material + NiCrAlY)/ NiCrAlY.
A graduated brazed repair structure forms and yields me-
chanical-technological advantages. However, cavities [2] McGraw, J., Anton, R., Van Deventer, G., Burns, A.: Advan- Fig. 5 • Tempera-
which are caused by infiltration, diffusion and volume cements in gas turbine vane repair. Proceedings of PWR ture/time course
contraction form in the brazed seam with an increasing 2006: ASME Power, 2-4 May 2006, Atlanta, Georgia/USA. of the brazing/
process time. These effects are not very distinct in the [3] Stolle, R.: Conventional and advanced coatings for turbine alitising process.
airfoils: Company publication MTU Aero Engines, Mu-
case of HVOF-sprayed coatings. In order to be able to nich/Germany 2004, URL: http://www.mtu.de/en/techno-
make a quantitative statement about the diffusion logies/engineering_news/development/conventional_and
processes, it is necessary to conduct additional investi- _advanced_coatings.pdf (retrieved on 12 August 2008).
gations (e.g. EDX analyses and GDOS analyses). Further- [4] Nicolaus, M., Möhwald, K., Bach, Fr.-W.: A New Hybrid Pro-
more, the temperature/time regime is optimised to the cess for Repair Brazing and Coating of Turbine Blades,
Thermal Spray 2012: Proceedings from the International
effect that it ultimately results in a homogeneous brazed Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Materials Park,
repair structure. Ohio/USA: ASM International, 2012, pp. 110/13.
Fig. 5 shows one solution approach schematically. At [5] Nicolaus, M., Möhwald, K., Bach, Fr.-W.: Reparaturlöten
a corresponding brazing temperature, the actual brazing von Turbinenschaufeln mittels Thermischen Spritzens. In:
Schriftenreihe Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwen-
process is limited to 10 to 15 min. Thereafter, the process
dungen, Vol. 43, 2011, pp. 231/36, Chemnitz/Germany,
temperature is set (just) below the solidus temperature of ISBN 978-3-00-035117-8.
the brazing material. The alitising and the diffusion an- [6] Nicolaus, M., Möhwald, K., Bach, Fr.-W.: Neue Lösungs-
nealing are carried out simultaneously at this set temper- wege für das Reparaturlöten und -beschichten von Turbi-
ature with typical alitising times of approx. 90 min or nenschaufeln. Machining Innovations Conference,
Proceedings, 23-24 November 2010 Hannover/Germany.
longer. This prevents the formation of pores and the alu-
In: Neue Fertigungstechnologien in der Luft- und Raum-
minium can neverthless diffuse into the coating quickly fahrt. Machining Innovations Conference. Garbsen: PZH
according to the temperature. The experimental work per- Produktionstechn. Zentrum (Berichte aus dem IFW, 2010,
formed here shows that the brazing material can be ap- 8), pp. 435/47, ISBN 978-3-941416-78-9.
plied together with the hot gas corrosion protection coat- [7] Yu, Y. H., and M. O. Lai: Effects of gap filler and brazing tem-
perature on fracture and fatigue of wide-gap brazed joints,
ing in one common thermal spraying process. The results
Journal of Materials Science, 30, 1995, pp. 2101/07.
of the heat treatment of such coating systems also show [8] Lugscheider, E., and K.-D. Partz: High Temperature Brazing
that the process combination of brazing/alitising exists of Stainless Steel with Nickel-Base Filler Metals BNi-2, BNi-
in principle and that there is the possibility of shortening 5 and BNi-7. Welding Journal, 62(6), 1983, pp. 160/64.
the process chain during the repair of turbine blades using
this two-stage hybrid process. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The presented work is being promoted by the German Research
Literature Association (DFG) within the framework of Subproject B1, “Near-
[1] Henderson, M. B., Arrell, D., Larsson, R., Heobel, M., Mar- net-shape turbine blade repair using hybrid joining and coating
chant, G.: Nickel based superalloy welding practices for in- technology processes“, of the special research field SFB 871,
dustrial gas turbine applications. Science and Technology “Product regeneration“ (SFB 871/1-2010). We would like to ex-
of Welding and Joining, 2004, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 13/21. press our gratitude for this promotion.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 111

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The Newsletter of The Welding Institute


What is a Welder? fore. When I asked what additional training he had received to
In Welding and Cutting Journal Issue 5 of 2013, I posed the question, make the move, he said, “None, the Foreman just told me to squirt
“What is a welding engineer?” The role and the responsibilities of it in and fill it up”.
a welding engineer are not formally defined and can vary signifi- The introduction of ISO 9606-1 does state that “it is presumed that
cantly in scope and extent between sectors and between employers. the welder has received training and/or has industrial practice
I hope that the explanation I gave and the support that The Welding within the range of qualification”, meaning that prior to the quali-
Institute offers has helped to enable employers and individuals to fication test, the welder is expected to have knowledge, skill and
better define the requirement and the fulfilment of the role and re- experience relating to the relevant welding process, product type,
sponsibilities of a welding engineer. type of weld, filler material, material dimensions, welding position
Discussion of the definition of a welding engineer seemed to be an and weld details. So even though the examination of job knowledge
obvious topic and one that will need to be revisited in the future. is not a mandatory part of the welder qualification test, the requisite
However, writing an Editorial in The Welding Institute News sec- knowledge and understanding to support competence in making
tion of the Welding and Cutting Journal, I never expected to have the respective weld is obligatory.
to pose the question, “What is a welder?” Whilst, for some time, I The IIW International Welder (IW) Guideline seeks to achieve har-
have been working to address various aspects of welder education, monisation in the training, examination and qualification testing of
training and competence assurance that might benefit from addi- welders. The Guideline recognises and delivers the ISO 9606 re-
tional focus, over the past week a number of matters have come to- quirement for qualification testing of welders, to evaluate their skill
gether to begin to develop an alternative view of the challenges we for limited ranges of welding conditions. However, the industry
all face in developing competent industrial welders. needs competent welders with greater levels of knowledge and un-
This time last year, I wrote about paradox in the welding skills sys- derstanding than the minimum requirement, and the International
tem, and there are many stakeholders continuing to express views Welder Guideline provides a structured combination of theoretical
on the constant innovation and change in the skills system that they education and practical training, assessed through tests of increas-
feel is impeding planned delivery and stability; true paradox. That ing difficulty, including ISO 9606 qualification tests and theoretical
being said, when in the space of a week I meet a mother whose son examinations for fillet, plate and pipe welders. The IW diploma has
is now looking for alternative employment as he has been ‘let go’ been successfully implemented in 30 countries Worldwide, with
part way through a welding apprenticeship, I meet youngsters who over 20,000 diplomas awarded, and strongest take-up in Scandi-
are enthused about potential careers in welding but have no contact navia, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland.
with local employers or training providers, and I receive a question The Welding Institute, supported by the Association for Welding and
about how the increasing requirement for welders to be qualified Fabrication Training and Education (AWFTE), developed the Na-
in accordance with ISO 9606-1 may detrimentally impact recruit- tional Welder Training Standard (NWTS) in 2004, to bring the Inter-
ment of welding apprentices, a new paradox appears; the paradox national Welder Guideline into the UK vocational education and
of having an exciting job role, with the potential for a worthwhile training system. Once the first National system for welder education
and fulfilling career in essential industries, and with vacancies, yet and training to be harmonised with the IW requirements, NWTS is
there seeming to be little support for the necessary quality and vol- now lagging behind our European colleagues. With its structured
ume of training and education required to develop young people progression from Code of Practice 1, through CP 2 and on to CP 3
for the opportunities it presents. What can we do about the paradox taking a welding trainee through fillet, plate and pipe welding, sup-
where highly competent welders are demanded but the develop- ported with the relevant education, welder qualification testing and
ment system has little capacity or capability to develop them? a licence to practice, the NWTS was ahead of its time, and remains
Part of the issue surrounds the question, “what is a welder?” If we ahead of the alternatives. The time is now right to work with our in-
subscribe to the fundamental definition of ISO 9606-1 that a welder dustry partners to review and reinvigorate the NWTS as part of a
is a “person who holds and manipulates the electrode holder, weld- Trailblazer Apprenticeship project to define the Future of Welding
ing torch or blowpipe by hand”, then developing new welders Apprenticeship in England. The project will be led by Tim Jessop
should not be too difficult. As we all know, the ability to manipulate (tim.jessop@twi.co.uk) and Ashley List (ashley.list@twi.co.uk), and
an electrode holder or welding torch is only part of the competence news of the project consortium and plan will be issued soon.
required to make an effective weld and contribute to the realisation
of quality in welded products. In discussion with a welder who had Eur Ing Chris Eady BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MRAeS FWeldI
moved across from another sector into the construction sector, he Associate Director Professional Affairs
explained to me that he had never seen such large weld preps be- The Welding Institute

Eastern Counties Branch so deemed to have the required skills and temperament. Phillip felt
The para-Olympics, London 2012 : a helper’s view of the engineer- lucky to be selected even though welding was an important and
ing and medical repair welding workshops supporting the athletes necessary skill.
Phillip Calthorpe EngTech, IncMWeldI The maintenance activity was sponsored by the company Otto Bock
15 January 2014 Healthcare. The company is a supplier of high quality, innovative
and practical solutions that restore human mobility and help people
Phillip began his presentation with an outline of the selection to rediscover personal independence. Otto Bock founded the Or-
process which whittled thousands of applicants down to the 80 or thopädische Industrie GmbH in 1919 in Berlin to supply war veter-

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 113

Northumbria Branch
Visit to Messer Cutting Systems
5 December 2013
Hosts: Richard Bennett, Gary Dobson

The visit commenced with a presentation by Gary Dobson, Regional

Sales Manager.
Gary gave an overview of Messer Cutting from its inception in
Frankfurt, Germany by the founder Adolf Messer up to the present
Messer were originally manufacturers of acetylene generators and
then progressed into manufacture of acetylene cutting torches in
1908 under the name Original Messer. They then expanded into
TIG repair of an aluminum manufacture of arc welding equipment and welding electrodes.
alloy wheel chair Messer expanded through merger to form Messer Griesheim Gmbh
with branches around the world.
Para-Olympic athlete Evan
O'Hanlon, Gold medal winner Additional mergers with Eutectic Castolin and Messer Cutting &
of the 200m sprint achieved Welding AG under the leadership of The Carlyle Group resulted in
in a world record time, and the formation of MEC Holding GmbH. This was followed by the
acquisition of the company from the Carlyle Group by Messer In-
dustrie Holding GmbH.
This resulted in the formation of the Messer Group of which Messer
Cutting Systems is part, with manufacturing plants in Germany,
ans with prostheses and orthopedic products. From the very begin-
USA, Brazil, India and China.
ning, Otto Bock continually tested new materials for their applica-
Messer Cutting System’s product portfolio includes oxyfuel gas ,
bility in manufacturing processes. Despite setbacks following the
plasma and laser cutting systems with an extensive range offering
Second World War, the company survived and expanded its base to
industry a total solution including cutting equipment software, en-
become the worldwide organization it is today.
vironment protection, training and after sales service.
The 6,500 sq ft games workshop, something between a laboratory,
garage and Community Centre, had 80 technicians from 18 coun-
tries working from 0700-23.00 hours daily throughout the games.
They including prosthetists, orthotists, wheelchair technicians and
Each day provided a different story and challenge. Wheelchair
rugby players, whose fierce contact sport is sometimes referred to
as murder-ball, were regular visitors, but athletes from every sport,
from boccia players to sprinters, passed through the doors needing
The damage to the chairs was not solely from the rough and tumble
of competition and many chairs need work done on them when
they first arrived at the village.
One of the most common repairs was welding of wheelchair rugby
and other sports wheelchairs. At times extra reinforcement had to
be made in the joint area requiring strengthening pieces to be made.
In doing so we had to be careful not to upgrade the machine. First
there are regulations governing upgrades and also you had to care-
ful as changes may not be in the interest of the athlete. They could,
Equipment ranges from handheld and portable cutting torches to
for example, change balance and this could negatively impact on
the more advanced multi-head, beveling systems which can be
their performance and their health.
CNC programmed and include fully automated material handling
Most welding repairs involved TIG welding of Luminal alloy
frames. However, some mild steel welding was also carried out.
Following the presentation, members and guests were given a live
It was a rewarding job but it could be difficult dealing with anxious
demonstration of the Problade plasma marking and cutting system
athletes, especially those not speaking English. They were so keen
that has the capability of cutting up to 3m in width.
to get on and compete that they often needed calming to enable us
The visit was concluded with an interesting and lively question and
to get on with the repair.
answer session.
It was a great experience and I am putting my name down to help
The TWI Northumbria Branch members and guests wish to thank
at the next para-Olympic games. I just hope I am selected.
Messer Cutting Systems for their hospitality and for hosting an in-
It was unfortunate that the presentation technology failed us and
teresting, informative presentation and demonstration.
we were not able to get the full benefit of the video clips that Phillip
had compiled.
Keith Temperley

John Weston

114 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Obituary machines and jigs. In September 1955 he was appointed Paxman's
A tribute to Jim Edwards Welding Methods Engineer and later Chief Methods Engineer, a po-
sition he held up to his retirement in January 1981.”
Mr J Edwards SenMWeldI, was born in February 1918 and died Indeed through Jim, Paxman's were the first Company in the UK,
1 January 2014. He joined The Welding Institute in 1944, receiving and probably Europe, to MIG weld aluminium. He supported other
a Loyal Service Award in 1986. He served on the Professional Board innovations, introducing column and boom submerged arc weld-
of the Institute and was an active committee member of the Eastern ing, stainless steel welding and its use in pressure vessels and he
Counties Branch until 2009. During this time he held all of the of- actively promoted electron beam welding as a technology to man-
fices and only resigned because of difficulties in driving to evening ufacture large diesel engines.
meetings. He was very forward thinking in his work and a great He gave excellent support to his colleagues, the apprentices at Pax-
mentor. man's and the students at the Colchester Institute, many of whom
Jim spent most of his working with Paxman's of Colchester and I went on to be key figures in our industry. One, Paul R Rose, wrote
quote from Richard Carr's History (www.paxmanhistory.org.uk) a moving tribute to Jim in 1998. It touched Jim then and is a fitting
“Jim Edwards was Paxman's acknowledged expert on welding; memorial to him now.
highly respected by colleagues for his abilities, experience and
knowledge in this field. He commenced his apprenticeship with the
Company in December 1933 and very quickly displayed a strong
Edwards, Jim
natural aptitude for welding. He came up with solutions to a num-
(with apologies to Rudyard Kipling's Gunga Din)
ber of welding problems which the business needed to resolve.
Among these were the introduction in the early 1950s of techniques
It's some 30 years ago today
for welding aluminium engine crankcases and larger aluminium
when we tried it the Paxman Way
structures. Jim Edwards was a strong believer in eliminating or re-
and met there our mentor Edwards, Jim.
ducing the human element wherever possible by using automatic
He laid down the rules
and gave us mental tools
New members to carry out the job the Paxman way.

Name Member Grade Branch

It was Jim, Jim, Jim, how can we Edwards, Jim,
Declan Foley Member Overseas
Stephen Paul Wisniewski Member Sheffield do the job as efficiently as you?
Robert McNeish Member Overseas We try the best we can
Jim McLuckie IncMember Scottish but it was not always in the plan
Adrian Evans IncMember West Midlands
Phairat Into Technician Overseas for us to do it the Paxman Way.
Clive Thomson Technician Scottish
Kurt Roger Andersen Technician Overseas It wasn't till we left
Michael Hollis Technician West Midlands
Neco Horne Technician Overseas when we thought ourselves bereft
Paul David Wiseman Technician Southern Counties of anything to help us on our way.
Jeffrey Grundy Technician Liverpool It was then that we found
Steven Raju Technician Overseas
Danny John Whitton Technician Overseas
your advice had been sound
Mohd Shafique Siddiqui Technician Overseas and blessed the day we tried the Paxman Way
Ramil Ilagan Giman Technician Overseas
Chengchuan Luo Technician Overseas
It is Jim, Jim, Jim thank you Edwards, Jim
Tae Dong Hwan Technician Overseas
Rama Parvateswara for teaching us the way that we should go,
Rao Janapareddi Technician Overseas for the life we later led.
Paul Leslie Jones Technician Manchester Now the time has come for us to say
Stefano Balducci Technician Overseas
Russell Mark Mayers Technician Eastern Counties
Federico Gervasio Technician Overseas In your teachings and your chidings
Paolo Di Blasi Technician Overseas we have somehow found good tidings
Jameel Amod Technician Overseas
Saville Gary Collopen Technician Overseas and it was really all because of you.
Keith Brew Technician North Western Though we cursed you and praised you
Suresh Puthuparambil by the living God that made you,
Karuna Karan Technician Overseas
Denis Denisov Technician Overseas
You are still a better man than we are
Adam John Brown Technician North Scottish Edwards Jim
George Urquhart Technician Highlands and Islands
Martin Ivan Thomas Technician Teesside
Simon Lorne Reid Technician North Scottish
John Weston
Name Grade Joined Branch

Jim Edwards Senior Member 1944 Eastern Counties

Sid Tempest Fellow 1964 Leeds
Ron Sherburn Associate 1972 West Midlands
Derek Warne Kent

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 115


ser which gives rise to deep complete melting [3, 4]. Laser

Plasma hybrid welding with beam hybrid welding thus permits higher process speeds
and a lower heat supply. Disadvantages are the relatively
an integrated laser and sensor large dimensions of the processing heads and the high
installation costs which are determined, in particular, by
equipment the high investment and operating costs of a laser beam
source [5].
The objective of the “PiLS“ research project carried out by iLAS and INP An innovative approach well-known only from the re-
was to refine the plasma welding process in the current range up to 200 A search until now consists of the combination of the arc
without any filler material for steel sheets with sheet thicknesses between welding process with low-power laser radiation (under
2  mm and 5  mm. The aims were a substantially higher process speed, a 1 kW). An improvement in the deep-penetration welding
raised weld quality as well as lower component distortions at system costs effect is to be achieved without any considerable increase
which are well below the costs of laser beam or laser beam hybrid processes. in the installation costs. The effective mechanisms are the
The arc attachment was to be influenced by the targeted and controlled uti- subject of controversial discussions at present and are
lisation of a low-power laser beam with certain focusing. However, contrary hardly proven [6...8]. However, the latest investigations
to the original assumption, it was not possible to spectroscopically prove prove that laser intensities in the range of 105 to 106 W/cm2
any interactions of the laser beam with the plasma gas or the shielding gas (on the material surface) have an influence on the root
(argon) or any interactions of the laser radiation with the metal constituents attachment of the welding arc. It was possible to prove
(material: S235), i.e. essentially iron. Instead of this, high-speed photographs distinct effects, such as the guiding and focusing of the
served to reveal that the addition of the laser beam gives rise to an inversion arc attachment using a low-power Nd:YAG laser, by ma-
of the flow in the molten pool which contributes to the formation of the key- king optical and spectroscopic analyses, e.g. for TIG pro-
hole. As a result of the investigations, it was possible to confirm the positive cesses on aluminium and magnesium alloys as well as for
effect on the welding process exerted by the support of a low-power laser GMA processes on steel [9, 10].
beam (less than 500 W). The welding speed as well as the process stability The utilisation of low laser beam powers in the plasma
and the gap-bridging capacity were increased considerably with an added welding process had been the subject of only few investi-
laser. Even difficult geometries and welding paths with corners and curves gations at the beginning of the project (apart from the
did not constitute any problems and the welding could be carried out reliably authors’ own promising preliminary tests) and has not
without any intervention in the process. yet been implemented commercially. In particular, small
companies avoid the high installation costs of pure laser
processes or laser-dominated hybrid processes. They
1 Introduction could strengthen their competitive situation to a crucial
For nearly 50 years, plasma arc welding has been uti- extent using a supported plasma welding process with a
lised for joining sheets with different thicknesses. In this higher process reliablity and speed.
respect, a transferred arc is ignited between the plasma
torch and the material surface and is bundled by nozzles 2 Plasma hybrid head
as well as by the lateral inflow of additional cold gases Commercially available optical components were cal-
into the jet. The jet intensities arising in this case are in led upon for the optical designing of the system. In this
the region of approx. 104 W/cm2. At powers of several ki- respect, it was necessary to take account of the working
lowatts, the material can thus be melted locally and deep distance as well as the striven-for diameter of the focal
melting zones arise in the material with the formation of point. Furthermore, the structure of the optical system
a keyhole [1]. had to guarantee the adjustability of the focus position in
The first disadvantage with regard to plasma welding order to permit investigations depending on it.
proves to be the relatively large molten pool volumes cau- The mechanical structure makes it possible to com-
sed by increased energies per unit length. This may lead bine this optical system with a commercially available
to the drop-through of the molten pool and may entail plasma welding torch. A hybrid welding head which offers
larger metallurgical notches. The consequences are an a high flexibility of the geometrical arrangement of the
increase in distortion and residual stresses with a resulting plasma torch in relation to the optical system as well as a
decrease in the service life of the component. Secondly, sufficient stiffness of the components in order to guarantee
there may also be process instabilities, e.g. in the case of the exact positioning during the welding process was de-
slight changes in the distance between the nozzle and the signed and manufactured for this purpose. The newly de-
material surface. If the transferred arc could be bundled veloped processing head has a clearly defined tool center
and stablised more extremely than until now, it would be point (TCP), Fig. 1. Thus, the handling is facilitated and
possible to produce higher jet intensities, to manufacture programmed-in paths do not have to be altered even after
smaller and deeper weld pools and to achieve higher the intervention in the geometrical constellation of the
welding speeds, i.e. a decisive reduction in the problems plasma torch or the laser optics.
listed above [2]. Not only in plasma welding but also in
gas-shielded metal arc (GMA) or tungsten inert gas (TIG) 3 Optical diagnostics
welding, the energy input into the material can be focused A measuring setup which, especially as a transportable
even further using the combination with a high-power la- system too, allows optical emission spectroscopy (OES)

116 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

as well as photographs taken using a high-speed camera Fig. 1 • The newly
(HSC) was assembled for the execution of the tests plan- developed pro-
cessing head per-
ned in the project. The spectroscopic system makes it pos-
mits the simple
sible to analyse the optical radiation with different spectral and targeted ad-
resolutions. The HSC serves to observe the processes dur- justment of indi-
ing the welding and permits not only statements about vidual parameters
the process stability but also, if narrow-band metal inter- not only for the
plasma torch but
ference filters (MIFs) are utilised, the determination of
also for the laser
the surface temperature of the molten pool. Furthermore, beam input along
spectrally selective photodiodes were utilised in order to the indicated ar-
be able to draw conclusions about possible control strat- rows (Point P
egies from their signal courses. marks the “tool
center point“).

4 Results
4.1 Optical and physical investigations
One example of an overview spectrum is portrayed Measurements for establishing the arc temperatures
on Fig. 2. Not only line radiation (above 650 nm) but also were taken at a distance of 1 mm above the sheet with
continuum radiation (under 650 nm) are visible. The line variable welding parameters such as the laser beam
radiation mainly consists of argon lines (marked in red) power, the process gas flow rate and the feed speed. Plas-
and oxygen lines (marked in blue). ma parameters were determined from high-resolution

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann friction stir welding of titanium alloys. Within the frame-
studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ha- work of a research stay in Ottawa/Canada in 2009, he
nover im Hanover/Germany specialising in Production examined the subject of the fracture-mechanical beha-
Technology. Thereafter, he set up the Hanover Laser Cen- viour of dual-phase steels and magnesium alloys. From
tre for his dissertation supervisor Prof. Tönshoff and obtai- 2010 to 2012, he dealt with plasma/laser hybrid welding
ned his doctorate on the subject of the “Cutting of at the Institute of Laser and System Technologies. Since
ceramic with laser radiation“ in 1992. At the international 2012, he has been in charge of the optimisation of the
laser manufacturer Rofin-Sinar, he was subsequently en- process management for hot forming at AWS Schäfer
trusted with the responsibility for the division relating to Technologie GmbH.
solid-state lasers which were new at that time. After ten
years of the successful development of this field, he was Dr. Heinz Schöpp
offered a chair at the Hamburg University of Technology. born in 1952, studied Physics in Berlin/Germany and
There, he today passes on his experience to the students worked in technological fields in various establishments.
and, in research, development and consultancy projects, The essential investigation objects included, in particular,
deals with know-how and technology transfer from the plasma light sources with questions relating to electrode
photonic research to the industrial laser application. Since problems, service lives, temperature distributions (in the
2009, he has also been the Managing Director of the plasma, the electrodes and the vessel walls) as well as
North Laser Centre (LZN) in Hamburg. the production of light which is efficient and good for
health. Building upon this wealth of experience, he has
Dr. Ruslan Kozakov been able to process projects relating to welding arc phy-
born in 1975, studied Physics in St. Petersburg/Russia and sics to an increasing extent in the last ten years. These ac-
concluded his doctorate there in 2002. He has worked at tivities resulted in quite a lot of promotion applications
the Institute of Plasma Research and Technology INP- with regard to GMA and hybrid welding processes. He
Greifswald in Greifswald/Germany since 2005. The main was the Manager of the IGF project “PiLS“ on the subject
focal points of his activities included plasma-physical in- of plasma hybrid welding with an integrated laser.
vestigations of switching arc plasmas and plasma light
sources including health supporting lighting situations as Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Steinmeier
well as, in recent years, investigations into welding arcs. is a graduate of the Hamburg University of Technology in
the Mechanical Engineering course of study, specialising in
Dipl.-Ing. Nikolai Petri Fabrication Technology, and has been a Scientific Employee
born in 1981, studied Mechanical Engineering at the at the Institute of Laser and System Technologies since the
Hamburg University of Technology in Hamburg/Germany start of 2012. There, he investigates and develops laser-
and specialised in the field of Materials Engineering. He based and laser-supported hybrid welding processes, above
already collaborated in the developments of new magne- all, for utilisation in the field of shipbuilding and equivalent
sium alloys at the GKSS Research Centre (today, HZG) large structures.
during the studies and has explored possibilities for the

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 117


Fig. 2 • Overview As a conclusion, it is postulated that the laser beam

spectrum of a hybrid does not fundamentally lead to an increase in the surface
process (the lines
above 740 nm are
temperature of the molten pool but instead that the effect
overexposed in part; presumably consists of a depth effect and redistribution
the positions and of the energy input as well as influences on the melting
relative intensities properties immediately in the position of incidence of the
of the argon lines laser beam.
are marked with red
spots and those of
oxygen lines with 4.2 Welding tests
blue spots; metal In investigations in order to determine welding para-
lines are not identi- meters for the new hybrid process as well the dependence
fiable in the back- on various factors (e.g. the laser beam power and the vo-
ground radiation of
the molten pool).
lume flow of the plasma gas), parameters suitable for plas-
ma/laser beam hybrid welding as well as the process tol-
erances were initially determined on bead-on-plate welds.
It could be observed that the process underwent a signi-
spectral measurements. A comparison of the temperature ficant rise in efficiency above a threshold intensity of the
courses during the welding with and without a laser beam laser beam. Fig. 6 illustrates what effects the increasing
does not show any essential differences. They are appro- laser beam power has exerted on the welding results, par-
ximately identical within the framework of the measuring ticularly the weld-penetration depth. It was possible to
errors. double the process speed in comparison with the plasma
During the evaluation of the diode signals, it was process alone.
established that particularly the infrared-sensitive diodes Moreover, an analysis was made of the influences of
displayed changes in the signal when the laser was switch- various disturbing variables during the production of butt
ed on or off. As an example of this change, Fig. 3 shows joints without any weld preparation. These investigations
the signal course with and without laser radiation for a indicate a verifiable improvement in the process stability
diode sensitive at 2 μm as well as the corresponding weld- by adding the laser (wavelength: 1,064 nm). The plasma
ing current course. The top part of the figure indicates the process alone reacts very sensitively to the alterations in
current and the bottom part the diode signals. One striking the parameters, e.g. the volume flow of the process gas,
feature is the point in time when the keyhole forms (blue the arc length or the feed speed. For example, changes of
curve). The right part of the signals in the subsequent ±2% in the volume flow of the process gas led to welding
time exhibits a uniform course while the left signal course results rated as inadquate. In contrast, the hybrid process
turns out to be higher and is characterised by fluctuations. had a wide tolerance with regard to any deviations from
One possibility of developing process sensor equip- the optimum parameter settings. Thus, it was possible to
ment consequently consists of using the reflected laser vary the volume flow of the process gas in the range of
radiation. The behaviour of the molten pool without a ±10% without any significant changes occurring in the
keyhole is very irregular and thus leads to very irregular process. This phenomenon could be observed more dis-
reflection of the laser radiation. In this respect, the laser- tinctly with a sheet thickness of 2 mm. All in all, the thinner
beam-sensitive photodiode (placed on the sheet side fa- sheets exhibited a higher sensitivity to changed process
cing the incident laser beam) supplies a signal with very parameters than specimens with a thickness of 4 mm.
great variance when a laser is added. Immediately after
the keyhole has occurred, the laser radiation is reflected
to a considerably lesser extent and the variance of the sig-
nal is reduced substantially. The occurrence of the keyhole
may thus be related to the variance of the signal of the la-
ser-beam-sensitive photodiode.
Thermographs (HSC photographs with MIFs) on the
bottom side of the workpiece show that the laser beam
inputs the heat deep into the workpiece. On the high-
speed photographs, it was recognisable that the molten
pool is inverted when the laser beam is added. The alter-
ation in the molten pool is associated with the formation
of the keyhole. The bulges on the molten pool without a
laser and the flat edges of the molten pool with an acti-
vated laser are recognisable on Fig. 4. A side view of the
sheet, including the keyhole as well as the marking of the
top edge of the sheet, the torch tilt, the normal to the sur-
face and the direction of incidence of the laser beam, is
portrayed on Fig. 5. Fig. 3 • Example of diode signals under the influence of the laser radiation.

118 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Fig. 4 • Formation of a keyhole with
an added laser (top) and without any
laser influences (bottom; there,
attention must be paid to the bulges
at the edge of the molten pool).

Fig. 5 • Keyhole forma-

tion with lateral photo-
graphy of the sheet - the
front edge of the key-
hole corresponds to the
point of incidence of the
laser beam; by
redistributing molten
material, the laser cre-
ates a path for the
plasma flow (dashed
lines: top edge of the
sheet as well as torch
alignment in relation to
the normal to the sheet
surface, red line: laser
beam direction).

Fig. 6 • Effect of an
increasing laser
beam power in the
hybrid process on
the welding results;
left: top bead, cen-
tre: weld root, right:
transverse specimen.

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Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 119


ness of 4 mm. With all the specimens, the series of testing

points was located at the height of the centre line, i.e. at half
of the sheet thickness, and covered a width of approx. 20 mm
transverse to the welding direction.
During investigations into the gap-bridging capacity
on square butt welds, it was established that the addition
of the laser beam exerts a positive influence on the gap-
bridging capacity (investigation arrangement on Fig. 8).
Thus, it was possible to bridge gaps with widths of max.
0.5  mm without a laser beam. With the aid of the laser
beam, this value increased to a width of 0.6 mm with a
sheet thickness of 2 mm and to a gap width of 0.75 mm
Fig. 7 • Welded bend paths; left columns: top bead without any
laser beam support and with 300 W laser beam support, right for twice the specimen thickness. With the same gap
columns: transverse specimens from weld sections after the width, the weld quality was visibly improved in each case
change in the angle in the feed direction. using the laser beam.

Fig. 8 • Hardness tra-

verse in the weld cross-
section of a sheet
(S235) with a thickness
of 4 mm during plasma
and hybrid welding at a
feed speed of
25 cm/min and with a
plasma gas flow rate of
0.9 l/min.

Fig. 9 • Structure for the investiga-

tion into the gap-bridging capacity
without using any filler material.
Furthermore, the investigations indicated that tracks
in one plane can be welded in a very stable process with
laser beam support. Even paths which are difficult for wel-
ding technology (such as corners and curves) did not con-
stitute any problems and could be completed without any
intervention in the welding process. The sole limiting
factor was the arrangement of the head in relation to the
welding direction. Thus, it was possible to execute welds
successfully when the processing head was aligned in
such a way that the plasma torch was oriented in the range
from 0° to 90° in a plunging position with regard to the
welding direction but not when an angle of 90° was ex-
ceeded. Fig. 7 shows a comparison of the test results. The
use of the laser even led to an improvement in the weld
quality after the change in the welding direction, as proven
by the weld pictures and the transverse specimens with
30°, 60° and 90° deflection. 4.3 Economic evaluation
The measured hardness values represent an objective Table 1 indicates the calculated investment and ope-
criterion for assessing the welding results because they have rating costs of applying the plasma hybrid welding process
arisen in the uniformly stipulated conditions of the Vickers with laser beam support in comparison with the sole uti-
procedure. The results of the hardness testing of the plas- lisation of the two individual processes. The underlying
ma-welded and hybrid-welded specimens are very similar performance parameters of the welding installations meet
and prove that the laser beam does not lead to any additional the needs of steel sheets with thicknesses up to 5 mm. The
increase in the hardness of the material. Fig. 8 indicates the costs of a welding cell including a handling device for au-
typical traverse of the hardness values in the cross-section tomated welding are incurred irrespective of the chosen
using the example of a welded specimen with a sheet thick- welding process. In the plasma hybrid process, the laser

120 Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2

Table 1 • Consi-
Only laser 200 A Plasma hybrid, laser power 300 W Only laser 3 kW deration of the
€ € € economic viabi-
Investment lity of the
Plasma welding device (power source, plasma torch and cooler) 15,000 15,000 - plasma hybrid
Laser (beam source, processing optics and fibre-optical waveguide) - 15,000 150,000 welding process
Handling device (six-axis welding robot) 60,000 60,000 60,000 in comparison
Welding cabin (12 m² housing) 5,000 5,000 5,000 with the indivi-
dual processes.
Total 80,000 95,000 215,000
Operating costs (without wage costs)
Depreciation (per year; utilisation duration: five years) 16,000 19,000 43,000
Interest (interest rate: 3 % per year) 1,200 1,425 3,225
Electricity costs (€ 0.2 per kWh; workload: 1,500 h per year; 1,440 1,674 3,600
degree of utilisation: 0.6)
Room costs (room cost rate: € 100 per m² per year) 1,200 1,200 2,200
Maintenance (maintenance factor: 3 % per year) 2,250 2,700 6,300
Total per year 22,090 25,999 58,325
Hourly rate of the machine (workload: 1,500 h per year) 14.73 17.33 38.88

beam support with a power of 300 W yields a speed ad- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

vantage of 50% on average with the same weld quality.
That entails a time saving of one third compared with pure The IGF Project 16.414 / DVS Number 03.098 of the research
plasma welding. In the comparison of these processes, the association “Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte
hourly rate of the machine resulting from the investment Verfahren des DVS, Aachener Straße 172, 40223 Düsseldorf“
and operating costs of the overall welding installation in was, on the basis of a resolution of the Lower House of the
each case only rises by approx. 18%. Therefore, the unit German Parliament, promoted by the German Ministry of Eco-
costs of the machine can be lowered by more than 20% nomic Affairs and Energy via the Industrial Research Alliance
using the additional laser. On top of everything, the hybrid (AiF) within the framework of the programme for the promotion
process offering particular process stability and defect tol- of joint industrial research and development (IGF).
erances reduces the required scopes of work in the weld We would like to thank DVS and AiF for the logistical and fi-
preparation and positioning of the joining components nancial support as well as the participating companies for their
and thus decreases the unit wage costs as well but the collaboration in the project-accompanying committee. Our
quantification of these is workpiece-dependent. thanks also go to Mr. G. Gött (INP) for
The extra investment of just approx. €  15,000 for a elaborating Fig. 5. Particular gratitude
300  W laser as a supplement to the plasma welding in- is owed to Prof. Dr. G. Sepold because
stallation makes it possible even for small and medium- his active cooperation provided es-
sized enterprises (SMEs) to utilise the hybrid process and sential impetus during the initiation
to exploit its advantages. In relation to this hybrid process, and execution of the project.
pure laser beam welding produces more than twice the
required investment also in conjunction with substantially
higher electricity, room and maintenance costs which and coupling laser beam and arc welding processes. Wdg.
cannot be borne by SMEs in most cases. in the World 44 (2001), No. 3, pp. 37/46.
[4] Walz, C., et al.: Nahtgeometrie und Prozessstabilität beim
5 Concluding remarks Laser-MIG-Schweißen. LaserOpto 33 (2001), No. 2, pp.
Using the presented plasma hybrid welding with an
[5] Stelling, K.: Laserstrahl-Plasma-Hybridschweißen austeni-
integrated laser, it is possible to raise the welding speed tischer Stähle. BAM-Dissertationsreihe Bd. 39. Bundesan-
by as much as 60  % for butt joints without any quality stalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin 2008.
losses. The gap-bridging capacity and the weld quality [6] Rippl, P.: Laserstabilisiertes Lichtbogenschweißen mit
can be improved. The process as a whole becomes less Strahlquellen niedriger Leistung für das schnelle, prozess-
sichere Fügen von Stählen und Leichtmetallen. DVS-Be-
sensitive and less susceptible to disturbances. Additional
richte Bd. 250, S. 331/37. DVS Media, Düsseldorf 2008.
costs of approx. € 15,000 for a 300 W laser are required for [7] Stute, U., et al.: Interactions between electrical arc and
this purpose. This leads to a position-tolerant high-per- Nd:YAG laser radiation. CIRP Annals 56/1 (2007), pp.
formance welding process which, as a consequence of 197/200.
the relatively low required investment, is interesting for [8] Schnick, M., et al.: Numerische und experimentelle Unter-
suchungen zur Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Plasma-
small and medium-sized enterprises in particular.
lichtbogen und einem Laserstrahl geringer Leistung.
DVS-Berichte Bd. 275, pp. 612/17. DVS Media, Düsseldorf
Literature [9] Hao, X., and G. Song: Spectral analysis of the plasma in low-
[1] Fortain, J. M.: Plasma welding evolution and challenges. power laser/arc hybrid welding of magnesium alloy. IEEE
IIW Doc. XII-1948-08 (2008), pp. 1/11. Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 (2008), pp. 1/7.
[2] Böhme, D., et al.: Plasmaverbindungsschweißen. DVS-Be- [10] Liu, L., et al.: Behavior and spectrum analysis of welding arc
richte Bd. 123, S. 101/05. DVS Media, Düsseldorf 1989. in low-power YAG-Laser-MAG hybrid-welding process.
[3] Dilthey, U., and A. Wieschemann: Prospects by combining IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 (2008), pp. 1937/43.

Welding and Cutting 13 (2014) No. 2 121


Technical journal for welding and allied processes

Books Publisher:
DVS – German Welding Society, Düsseldorf/Germany, in
Self-piercing riveting: Properties, the suitability of materials for self-piercing collaboration with The Welding Institute, Cambridge/UK
and the Institut de Soudure, Paris/France
processes and applications riveting. The concluding chapters describe
Edited by Andreas Chrysanthou and Xin the quality control and non-destructive test- Publishing House:
DVS Media GmbH,
Sun. 232 pages. Woodhead Publishing, Cam- ing of self-piercing riveted joints and pro- PO Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf,
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bridge/UK 2013. Price £ 125.– / Euro 150.–. vides an overview of self-piercing rivets in Telephone +49 (0) 211 1591-0,
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adopted by many industries as a high-speed standing the basics (managing editor/responsible),
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ing of sheet material components. This book ASM International, Materials Park/OH, USA Penny Edmundson (WJS News),
reviews the process, equipment and corro- 2013. Price approx. Euro 160.–. E-mail penny.edmundson@twi.co.uk
Frédérique Champigny (IS News),
sion behaviour of self-piercing riveting and The book emphasises the physical and E-mail f.champigny@institutdesoudure.com
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Rippegather, Dr. Paul Woollin
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Bruns, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Cramer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Dilger, Prof.
tensive overview of the properties of self- tigue, structural joints, high temperature fail- Dr.-Ing. L. Dorn, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. U. Füssel, Dr.-Ing. P. Grö-
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Dipl.-Ing. C. Prinz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Radscheit, Prof. Dr.-Ing. U.
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ABC (2014) No. 2 21


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