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Set 111-Q.33 / Set 222-Q.36 / Set 333-Q.31 / Set 444-Q.37

A careful reading of the first paragraph tells us that it is ‘rank order of preferences for outcomes’
and not ‘options’. Hence 1 and 4 are negated. [3] is antithetical to the main idea expressed
in the passage. Hence [2].

Set 111-Q.43 / Set 222-Q.46 / Set 333-Q.45 / Set 444-Q.41

[3] states’ widespread prosperity’ while the author clearly writes about the strain faced by the
world’s superpower and takes off from there. Since ‘widespread’ is a misnomer, we negate
[3]. [1] too talks about ‘global economic prosperity’ which is an overstatement and hence invalid.
Hence [4].

Set 111-Q.45 / Set 222-Q.43 / Set 333-Q.42 / Set 444-Q.47

[1] as the answer is antithetical to what Derrida believes. [4], correctly spells out Derrida’s
belief as per the second last and last para of the passage. Hence,[4].

Set 111-Q.46 / Set 222-Q.44 / Set 333-Q.44 / Set 444-Q.48

Option [4] is what logocentrism implies as per the first paragraph, last four lines. Our answer
holds, i.e [3]-as per expl. Hence, [3].

Set 111-Q.51 / Set 222-Q.49 / Set 333-Q.53 / Set 444-Q.52

Humility is the tone in the passage.That is best brought out in statement [2]. Hence, [2].

Set 111-Q.52 / Set 222-Q.50 / Set 333-Q.54 / Set 444-Q.49

[2] cannot be the answer because the preceding line states ‘having failed’. [3] becomes the
right choice simply because statement [1] lacks the connective- ‘So’ /Hence… The abruptness
in ‘one would be wise to be humble’ makes it unsuitable. Also, ‘ours is not the first generation’
requires a contrast. Hence, the best fit is [3].

Set 111-Q.54 / Set 222-Q.60 / Set 333-Q.52 / Set 444-Q.60

In [C], ‘Many an ..’ requires a noun in the singular. Hence, [3].

Set 111-Q.58 / Set 222-Q.54 / Set 333-Q.58 / Set 444-Q.56

‘effulgent’ does not fit into the sombre mood of the passage. Same is the case with ‘shining’
and bright’. Hence, [3]- ‘sputtering’ as stated.


Set 111-Q.90 / Set 222-Q.78 / Set 333-Q.86 / Set 444-Q.82

If the number of volunteers involved in FR and ER projects is to be made same as the number
of volunteers involved in TR and ER projects, then the condition that the new volunteers are
alloted only one project gets violated. Hence, [4].

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