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In the 1975 Danfoss started to sell an electric controlled proportion valve PVG 60.
This valve was designed for use in the field of mobile hydraulics.
As Mobile equipment and machines have developed, so have our products always
kept pace or more often they have been the source of inspiration for OEM
PVG valve development in conjunction with PVE technology provide the basis for
functional safety.
Robust and ergonomically designed joysticks with “self monitoring” safety features
work as “Human Machine Interfaces” (HMI).
These not only support our PVG and PLUS+1 products, they are also suitable to be
used with most other makes of control equipment.

PLUS+1 controllers, displays and compliant peripheral components round up to

make a complete product portfolio to operate mobile equipment with the
appropriate safety functions in mind.
Communication between HMI equipment, smart programmable controllers, sensors
and valves can make machine functionality more intelligent and increase safety

This is “value added”. System design, programming controllers, providing third party
complementary components and system installation. This is where Distributors can
profit from our partnership.

All Participants in the course should have taken part in the product basic training in
This is just a reflection on what you already have heard during the training there.

Just a reminder an extract from the PVG basic training.
PVEs are our form of electric / electronic actuation. This can be a simple directional
control with full stroke in either direction or proportional with a stroke which is
proportional to an input signal.
The proportional functionality is probably the most commonly used type of
directional valve used in mobile applications.
Our training will be solely on the proportional type of actuation.

Multivoltage is for all ratiometrical (proportional) controlled actuators.
You have to chose 12V or 24V is only for ON/OFF PVEO versions.
A special PWM controlled variant is also available.
All listed variants will be explained on the next couple of slides.

The PVEH concept works with 4 solenoid valves a linear variable displacement
transducer and a closed loop electronic controller.
This enables the above mentioned features and increases safety functionality
through the internal fault monitoring provided.
The hysteresis for a PVEH is approximately 4%
The PVG 32 has a total spool stroke is 7mm
The dead band for a standard spool is 1,5mm

In neutral all solenoids will be in their neutral position. Pilot pressure is disconnected
from the spool and both spool ends are discharged to tank.
When demanding a new set point the solenoids will work together in pairs. Opening
to provide pilot pressure to one side of the spool and connects the other side to
When set point position is reached the solenoid valves will keep modulating at 40 Hz
to maintain the correct position.

The check valves illustrates the normally open and normally closed solenoids.

The PVES and PVEH are based on the same solenoid principle from previous slide.
The PVEA has bleed orifices instead of the two normally closed solenoids. This
ensures that the spool is constantly fed with pilot pressure on both sides of the
spool and the hysteresis is therefore lowered to a minimum.

Standard principle. In addition to the four solenoid valves, two check valves has been
implemented. The check valves allow the spool to self center faster when all
solenoids are deactivated.

This control principle has low hysteresis 2% but a slower reaction time due to the
two orifices that replaces the two normally open solenoid valves.
It also means that under certain circumstances this actuation principle has a higher
flow consumption.

High flow across the main spool will increase the flow forces acting against the pilot
opening pressure. Due to the two orifices it will increase the pilot flow loss across
this orifice. In worst case the actuator won’t be able to fully open the spool.
This is the reason that we no longer advise the use of PVEAs for PVG 100 valve

All data on reaction time and oil consumption can be found in the PVE Technical
Information 520L0553

The LVDT is used in the internal closed loop controller. It monitors the actual main
spool position. The closed loop control continuously compares the set point
command with the actual position measured by the LVDT. Deviations from the set
point command are corrected by opening the appropriate valves in the PVE and
moving the spool back to set point.
Dirt, internal leakage, friction and flow forces are the main causes for spool position
deviation. In case of using a PVM movement induce by force on the lever will also
cause a deviancy to set point.

The transducer itself is monitored. If a wire between LVDT and PCB is broken or short
circuited the internal watchdog function will create a fault alarm.

Note there are differences between the fault monitoring functions for PVE series 4
and series 6.

If a fault is detected in an active version a power reset is required to restart
If a fault is detected in a passive version the actuator will continue operating but the
error pin will indicate a fault detection.
The fault pin can be used in an external controller to command a defined safety

We have chosen a PVEH with an active fault monitoring for the PVG 32. One of these
accommodates a float position.
The PVG 16 is controlled by a PVEA. These are the only proportional type available
for the PVG 16.
The PVEAs for PVG 16 are not identical to the PVEA series 4 as used for PVG
The fault monitoring function works differently on the PVEA series 6 (PVG 16).

The supply voltage range for the PVE used is from 11-32V DC and control signal is
ratiometrical signal based on the supply voltage. This is
the standard type of signal for PVE actuators.
The PVE has an error pin used as feedback to external controller for self detected

The PVE will operate in the supply range of 11-32V. Below this value the actuator
won’t be active and more than 32V can harm the actuator.
The standard set point or input signal is a ratiometric signal of the supply voltage.
Acceptable range is 15-85%. Out of range will be monitored as a fault.
Working range is from 25-75%. This is the range in which the solenoids will be able
to shift the spool from neutral to +/- 100% stroke.

The easiest way to control a PVE is to use a potentiometer connected to the supply
This cannot be done as shown in fig 1 as movement below 15% and above 85% will
cause the PVE to go into fault mode.
PVEA series 6 will not send a fault signal if Us goes below 15% of Udc but eventually
go into a power save state and the PVE spools will be turned off and the LED will
blink green.

Fig. 2 includes resistors in series. The values are to be chosen to make up 15% of the
total resistance the potentiometer has a value of 70% of the total resistance.
This will work but the signal or set point input will vary between 15% and 85% of the
supply voltage. Any setpoint signal below 25% or above 75 % will be ignored by the
This will reduce the sensitivity of the system by 20%.

Fig 3 will work well as the adjustment range will be between 25% and 75% of supply
Full sensitivity will be available and fault monitoring will have its full functionality.

Exercise PVE 1
Set point limits and input resolution.

Exercise PVE 1
Set point limits and input resolution.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Build up the equipment as described above.

In this exercise we use:
A PVG 16 block with PVEA actuators and passive fault monitoring
Joystick for set point input.
OMM 12,5 motor with a speed and direction sensor to show flow.
DP 250 display to monitor input and output values.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Build up the equipment as described above.

In this exercise we use:
A PVG 16 block with PVEA actuators and passive fault monitoring
Joystick for set point input.
OMM 12,5 motor with a speed and direction sensor to show flow.
DP 250 display to monitor input and output values.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Navigate to the exercise PVE 1 using the DP250 display as shown above PVE
exercises are part of the Work function basics training.
Go to menu will bring you back to the first page where you can choose which section
of exercises you wish to navigate to.
More will bring you to the next page of sections or exercises.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

The colored bar indicates the analog set point value. The working range (green),
valid input range (yellow) and out of range (red) which is also the supply voltage.
Udc shows the supply voltage in Volts.
Us shows the set point as a voltage.
% of Udc indicates the set point as a percentage of the supply voltage as measured
on the input pins on the PVEA.
Spool position shows the deviation and direction from neutral percent +/- 100% =
maximal stroke.
Motor speed shows direction of flow and the resulting motor speed as indication of
amount of flow.
Fault window shows the PVEA monitoring green is ok red will indicate a fault.
Lower window indicate the chosen joystick mode as specified on slide “Input signal
command”. Fig. 3 is the default setting.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Operate the joystick as follows:

If the display shows fig. 3 press the lower button (green) to go to fig. 1.
If the display shows fig. 2 press the top button (yellow) to go to fig. 1.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

We will start with fig. 1 move the joy stick to the left and right and fill in the values in
chart a.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Go through the exercise with figures 2 and 3

Activate fig. 2 and repeat as in fig. 1 fill in the chart b.
Activate fig. 3 and repeat as in fig. 1 fill in the chart c.

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution


The PVE works best with a set point value from 25%-75% of the supply voltage
The PVE will work with set point values between 15%-85% but you loose quite a lot
of joystick working range, the resolution diminishes.
Set points below 15% or above 85% will cause the internal watchdog to go to fault.
The set point out of range is not the only value the watchdog monitors this can be
seen on the LED built into the PVE.

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

The top colored bar indicates the analog set point value as intended to be for a
constant supply voltage of 24V DC (required set point).
The lower colored bar displays the actual set point as calculated as a percentage of a
varying supply voltage against set point signal.
Udc: Shows the supply voltage as would be measured on
the PVEA connector.
Set point Us : Shows the set point as a voltage.
Speed: Displays the motor speed and direction indicating the
start of flow point.
Sp Δ%: Shows the deviation between Required set point and
Actual set point as a percentage of required set point.
Set point % of Udc: Indicates the set point calculated as a percentage of
the supply voltage as measured on the input pins on the PVEA.
Spool position: Indicates the actual spool position and direction from
neutral in percent +/- 100% = maximal stroke.
This should be approximately equal to Actual set point.
Fault window: Shows the PVEA monitoring green is ok red will indicate a fault.

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

If you have an input signal which is not dependent or does not have a reference to
the PVG supply voltage the set point may not always comply to the expected.
In this exercise we demonstrate what will happen if the set point signal has no
relationship with the supply voltage.
This may happen if an input signal for set point is used from an external controller or
the supply voltage has dropped because of bad connections ect. but the set point
has been created from a source close to the supply source (battery).

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

By changing the supply voltage (yellow increases green decreases) around the
expected 24V you will see a change in the set point % value because the set point
does not have reference to the supply voltage (Udc)
Reset the supply voltage to 24V by moving the joystick to the maximum right

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

Changing set point use the roller up to increase the set point moving down will
decrease the set point. Reset by moving the joystick to the maximum left position.

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc

Fill in the chart. Change the supply voltage and note down the spool position in both
neutral and max./min. position.

Exercise PVE 2 Demonstrate the dependency of Us and Udc


The PVE works in a difficult environment. A constant supply voltage cannot always
be guaranteed.
Mobile applications with battery power supply, charging alternators do not match
industry standards.
The PVE was originally designed in the 1970s and the control system was developed
to take this into consideration.
As mobile applications have become more sophisticated PLC and other electronic
control systems are being installed.
If such systems do not regard the difficulties encountered on mobile equipment and
the set point signal is not dependent on the supply voltage as seen on the PVE input
deviations are inevitable.
This can lead to unexpected movement or loss of control.
Danfoss can provide other actuators but this functionality given by a PVE has proven
best for over 40 years.
Incorporated safety features provide an appropriate watchdog function to enhance
system this is not so easily obtainable with other systems.

Exercise PVE 3 Pilot flow

Exercise PVE 3 Pilot flow

Q cl/min: Shows pilot flow to the PVG block.

Us%: Shows set point value as a % of Udc where 50% is neutral position
25% / 75% = Max set point to A or B port
2 PVE: Shows how many PVEs are activated
Fault: Will show you when the spool has been deflected to a point where
the deviation between set point value and spool position is to large.
We no longer have any output flow to any appliance the only flow in the PVG is
caused by pilot pressure providing oil for the PVEAs.
By switching between 1 or 2 PVE consumers and by making the spool deflect from
it’s set point by slightly moving the PVM lever you will see a change in the pilot flow

Exercise PVE 3

Joystick functionality

Exercise PVE 3 Pilot flow

Use the joystick switch to turn the second PVE on or off.

Use the joystick roller to adjust the set point.

Exercise PVE 3 Pilot flow

Measure input flow without any deviation increasing the set point value as listed in
the chart.
Repeat this experiment but this time add some deviation by slightly moving the lever
of the PVM.
Fill in the chart and compare

Exercise PVE 3 Pilot flow


The PVEA works with 2 2/2 position solenoid valves these alternate with a frequency
of 40 Hz and are constantly positioning the valve spool.
Internal forces will move the valve spool away from the set point.
THE LVDT measures the spool position. The PVE calculates the deviation and controls
the solenoid valves to maintain the set point position.
Each PVE requires a pilot oil flow to operate and maintain the spool set point
The more PVEs installed the higher the pilot flow will be. The flow will be dependent
on the amount of work the PVEs do to maintain the spool position.
The set point has a dead band of 7%. Set points below this will deactivate the PVE
closed loop control.

Joystick control exercise 1:
We are going to use the Prof 1 joystick in the standard version during this training
This joystick is equipped with:
2 grip controlled proportional potentiometers for “left<->right and up<->down
1 roller potentiometer thumb controlled for auxiliary functions back<->forth and
2 press button switches thumb operated for on off controls.
The output signal is a linear voltage which is proportional to the angle of control.
The proportional signals can be inverted.
The output range of the proportional signal is from 25% U to 75% U
The output from the press button is equal to Udc
The neutral and directional switches are activated at an angle of approximately 1,5°
The full angle of movement is +/- 18°
This means that a signal voltage of 2,08% of total signal voltage (Us) will be present
before the directional switches are activated.
The dead band of a PVG 32 standard spool is 1,5mm or approximately 22% of stroke,
so no problem is to be expected by this.

Joystick control exercise 1
This shows the circuitry of the proportional functions 1-4 from the Prof+1 joystick as
we are using during this training.

Supply voltage Udc and signal voltage Us are connected separately.

This provides for different control systems used on the market.
PLC controlled systems may work with signals such as 0-10V or 0-5V or as we at
Sauer-Danfoss “Ratiometric”
In our case during training we will work with the Sauer-Danfoss standard 25%-75%
from supply voltage (Udc)
50% from Udc is equivalent to neutral position as shown before in the first exercise.

The proportional function 1 + 2 as above have a directional switch which will be

operated as soon as the joystick has been moved by more than 1,5° from neutral.
This prevents unwanted activation which might occur due to vibration on the
The proportional function 3 + 4 can have the directional switch option used as a
Push switch if required in this case the proportional function is normally not used.

Joystick control exercise 1
The joystick proportional signal can be inverted by setting the dip switches on the
side of the housing. This can be done individually and is useful to save changing
hoses on the valves being operated if the direction of movement needs to be
reversed during start up.

Joystick control exercise 1
A closer look at each signal available from the joystick.
As soon as the joystick is moved from the neutral position 1 of the directional
switches, Dir.sw nA or Dir.sw nB will be set to high signal.
High signal is ≈Udc
At the same time a second switch, neutral is set to low

On moving the joystick forward and sideward at the same time you will notice that
the maximum output signal will not be achieved. This is due to mechanical
restriction in the joystick movement.

PVG exercise 1

Almost every spool valve has a dead band whether positive or negative.
PVB valves have a positive dead band of 1,5mm on standard spools.
This means that the spool travels 1,5 mm before oil flows.
This is illustrated on our flow charts in the Technical Information.
PVG 16 valves have a stroke of 5mm or 6,5 mm to full float position.
PVG 32 valves have a stroke of 7mm this includes spools with the float function.
PVG 32 linear flow spools and PVBZ valves have a dead band of 0,9mm.
Dead band helps to reduce internal leakage over the spool.

PVG exercise 1

If not compensated, dead band will require the input signal to raise from neutral to
33% set point on a PVG 16 or 21,4% for a PVG 32 standard progressive spool.
Some of our joysticks, PLUS+1 software blocks and third party controllers provide a
compensator function to reduce this effect.
The Prof+1 joystick with extended function is one example. Such compensation can
be adjusted to suite the machine requirements.
To much compensation may cause unwanted movement in the machine.
An example is vibration on the joystick or a shock which may caused a slight
deviation out of neutral. To much compensation may cause the valve spool to move
out of the dead band range and some flow will move to the actuators.

PVG exercise 1

The extended functions for the Prof+1 joystick also provides the possibility to vary
the max set point output signal, we call this “gain”.
Another possibility to limit gain is to use a scale function in a PLUS+1 controller.
These possibilities, to limit the output signal will give us a maximum on resolution,
more feeling in the joystick.
It will also allow us to restrict the amount of output flow for example. A valve spool
with an maximum output flow of 5L/min. can be electronically reduced in flow and
still use full stroke of the joystick.

Exercise PVG 1

Exercise PVG 1

Exercise PVG 1

Window RPM: Displays motor speed.

Window Q l/min: Displays flow to the valve block
Window Joystick α°: Displays the joystick position
Window top right: indicates gain setting (5L/min-3L/min) and
Dead band compensation on/off
Window bottom right: Fault on/off

Exercise PVG 1
Joystick functions

Exercise PVG 1
Joystick functions

Exercise PVE 1 Set point limits and input resolution

Navigate to the exercise PVE 1 using the DP250 display as shown above PVE
exercises are part of the Work function basics training.
Go to menu will bring you back to the first page where you can choose which section
of exercises you wish to navigate to.
More will bring you to the next page of sections or exercises.

Motors exercise 1

Motors in series will not always run at the same speed.

Manufacturing tolerances, internal leakage and varying loads may cause unwanted
Set up the system and connect the winch on valve 1 connect A1 to the winch input
the winch output to input on motor 2 and the output motor 2 to B1.
While lifting the load simulate increasing wear by opening the throttle valve. Watch
the speed on both motors.

Try to work in parallel and adjust the pressure relief valve to simulate a load on the
first motor.

The float option will be explained in exercise motor 2

PVG exercise 2

Exercise motor 2

Running motors in parallel using 1 valve segment will not provide a load
independent response. This is also the case when using 2 valve segments without
This exercise demonstrates a load independent response and it’s limits.

Connect each segment to individual loads (winch / no load)

Exercise motor 2

Running motors in parallel using 1 valve segment will not provide a load
independent response. This is also the case when using 2 valve segments without
This exercise demonstrates a load independent response and it’s limits.

Connect each segment to individual loads (winch / no load)

Exercise motor 2

Joystick functions

Top button: Sets the joystick to parallel control. Parallel control

works both segments with the same set point signal and only in the back and forth
Lower button: Sets the spool stroke to maximum range (5l/min) or reduced range
(3l/min). Default is 3l/min.

Exercise motor 2

Different loads with compensated valves.

Using 2 compensated valve segments to control output flow with variable and
unmatched loads will allow you to work both actuators at the same time.
Failure to do this and the lighter load will move first.

Note that the PVG section 2 has a float option in B.

Float option in B changes the Us input resolution from the standard 25%-75% to
35%-65% going to 75% will move the spool float position.
Any load on this section will drop. This is demonstrated using the exercise motor one
the activate the float option use the joystick as decribed in the next slide.

There are limits to this system.

Set the pump to a maximum flow of 7 l/min.
Experiment with single action and with a restricted flow of 3l/min. Try each motor
in turn and note the pressure required to operate the loads.
Next operate both motors at the same time by moving the joystick at an angle
between both axis.
Switch to linked parallel control and move the joystick back and forth.
Repeat the last function and switch the joystick to 5l/min.
Observe what happens when the input flow is no longer sufficient.

Exercise Motor 2

Joystick functionality

Exercise Motor 2

2 PVEs are available to control the float function as used on our PVG 32 block in the
second section.
We have a 4 pin connector and float in the B position 157B4392. This PVE has a
passive fault monitoring system.
The full control stroke is not as usual between 25%-75% but between 35%-65%.
The actual spool stroke is also shorter and is from 1,5mm dead band and 4.8mm
max flow in both directions.
Stroke above 4.8mm up to 6mm in the B direction will open the float function.
Sending an input signal of 75% will move to float.
There is no safety function to prevent going into float. As the fault monitor is passive
the PVE will not shutdown if Us goes above 65% Udc.

Exercise Motor 2

The float function in A with the 6 pin connector has an extra pin to activate the float
The input signal Us is as usual with all PVEs between 25%-75% Udc.
The spool stroke is 5.5mm dead band ends at 0.8mm.
Caution is necessary. If an existing system is changed and dead band compensation
is used.

PVG exercise 3

The Joystick output is proportional to the angle of deflection and it is linear.

The standard PVG 32 spool has a progressive increase in flow as the stroke increases.
In some cases we may wish to have a linear flow increase.
It is more likely to require a finer resolution at the start of joystick stroke.
As can be seen in the flow chart curves B, C and D look rather more progressive than
AA, A and E.
We can change gain and dead band compensation on some joysticks but cannot
change the linearity.
PLUS+1 can offer a solution.

PVG exercise 3

Profile function blocks in a PLUS+1 controller to provide us with a ready made

solution to enable us to optimise the joystick output.
You can flatten the signal at the beginning of deflection. You can change a
progressive spool characteristic to a linear or semi linear one whichever the
application may require.
Parameters used to change the joystick profile are set using the PLUS+1 service and
diagnostic tool.

PVG exercise 3

Using profile function blocks in a PLUS+1 controller to optimise the joystick output
you can flatten the signal at the beginning of deflection.
You can change a progressive spool characteristic to a linear or semi linear one
whichever the application may require.
Not only do we have the possibility to change the joystick sensitivity and flow profile
We can limit gain by not going to 100%.
This can be applied to every proportional function on the joystick.

PVG exercise 3

Using profile function blocks in a PLUS+1 controller to optimise the joystick output
you can flatten the signal at the beginning of deflection.
You can change a progressive spool characteristic to a linear or semi linear one,
whichever the application may require.
Not only do we have the possibility to change the joystick sensitivity and flow profile
We can limit gain by not going to 100%.
This can be applied to every proportional function on the joystick.

PVG exercise 3

Sometimes we have to slow input reaction down to avoid jerky response on the
This is often referred to as a soft start or stop.
This is achieved by “ramping” the input signal and is another function we can
implement using PLUS+1 and setting parameters.
Parameters for ramping are often rated in ms for the response time.
The signal will start to change immediately by where the set point input may make a
jump the set point output will rise or fall over a variable length of time.
Long ramps can be extremely dangerous as this have an effect on the machine
When you want to stop a machine instantly you do not want a ramp gradually
slowing down movement over a a long ramp setting.
Another method to set the gain parameter is to use the scale function and is
identical to that of the gain setting in the joystick extended functions.

PVG exercise 3

Sometimes we have to slow input reaction down to avoid jerky response on the
This is often referred to as a soft start or stop.
This is achieved by “ramping” the input signal and is another function we can
implement using PLUS+1 and setting parameters.
Parameters for ramping are often rated in ms for the response time.
The signal will start to change immediately by where the set point input may make a
jump the set point output will rise or fall over a variable length of time.
Long ramps can be extremely dangerous as this have an effect on the machine
When you want to stop a machine instantly you do not want a ramp gradually
slowing down movement over a a long ramp setting.
Another method to set the gain parameter is to use the scale function and is
identical to that of the gain setting in the joystick extended functions.

PVG exercise 3

Joystick functions

JS exercise 2

Connect your Gateway with your computer and the 9 pin socket on the control
Install the Service tool diagnostic file “WorkFunction SystemTraining 2013.P1D” This
will automatically start the PLUS+1 Service tool.
Go to exercise JS 2 and start the exercise.
Switch the gain on an off using the joystick button observe the reaction on the Y axis.
Change the gain parameter in the service tool down load your setting and try again.
Switch the ramp on and off using the joystick button observe the reaction on the X
Change the ramp settings several times don’t forget to down load your settings.
Set a very long ramp 10000 go to full speed and let go of the joystick.
Reset Ramp and Gain with Default.
Go to the profile parameter settings change the settings to achieve a more sensitive
feeling at the beginning of movement.
Change the maximum output setting to reduce gain.
Experiment with various setting.
Reset to default.


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