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3.12.1       Assign Spool Numbers to Piping in the PDS Model (“Writeback”).

After defining the Isometric’s sheet breaks, Spool numbers are to be written to the Piping models. Starting with the  “Checkprint” extraction and
every extraction up through the “Issue for Construction” extraction, apply the “Writeback” feature when extracting Iso’s. see Figures 13 & 14 
Note: “Writeback” is to NOT be used after IFC extraction.

3.12.2       Assign Spool Numbers to the .idf file (“Repeatability”).

At the “Issue for Contruction” extraction and every extraction afterward, apply the “Repeatability” feature. see Figures 13 & 14  This will write the
spool numbers to the .idf file.
Note: “Writeback” and “Repeatability” are to NOT be used at the same extraction.

                                              Figure 13                                                                         Figure 14
3.12.3       Spool Numbering after Issue For Construction ( Revisions)
After the Isometric has been Issued For Construction (To the Shop), It is imperative that the Spool Numbers do not change.  From this point
on, “Repeatability” is always to be used. Previously when “Writeback” was applied, it wrote the “piece-mark” spool numbers to every single “Shop
Fab” component for that Isometric.  piece_mark_no, table 34 attribute 39 for components, table 50 attribute 34 for pipe, table 67 attribute 45 for
instruments (if shop fab, it could happen), and table 80 attribute 21 for pipe supports. When “Repeatability” is applied, Isogen reads the
“piece_mark_no” attribute of each component, and uses them rather than regenerate the spool numbers. If Isometrics are revised, and if
“Repeatability” is NOT used, depending on the scenario, it is theoretically possible for IsoGen to number the spools differently, and the Isometric
and the model (which supplies the data to Teamworks)  would not match and this would cause problems in the field.
For the opposite reason “Writeback” is to not be used.  It could rewrite all the “Issued” piecemarks and then the entire line component by
component would have to revised back to what it was at IFC.
After the IFC extraction, all “piece-marks” will be manipulated by manually entering them in the model.  All previous are still in there. When new
components are added, will you need to enter the piece-mark for each and every one.  Note: Field items get a 0.  If  something is relocated, you
will need to ensure it has the proper piece-mark. If a spool is deleted, then that “piece-mark” would not be re-used.
Additionally, Do NOT re-bulk download any Isometrics that have had “write-back” applied, unless you are going to do another “write-back”
extraction.  Definitely not after IFC. Bulk download creates the tables where the records for “writeback” and “repeatability” are written. It would
create a new set and the old data would be lost.  Only use the “Load by Line” option for Bulk Loading new lines after Isometrics have been issued
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