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English 1 A Final Exam Study Guide 

Literary Terms 
1. Novel- ​a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing 
character and action with some degree of realism 
2. Setting- time and place of the action 
3. Character- person or animal that takes part in the action of a literary work 
4. Short Story- brief work of fiction 
5. Theme- central message or insight into life revealed through a literary 
6. Conflict- struggle between opposing forces from the basics of stories  
7. Irony- literary techniques that portray differences between appearance  
8. Point of View- ​a particular attitude or way of considering a matter 
9. Foreshadow- use in literary work of clues that suggest events that have yet 
to occur 
10. Flashback- ​a scene in a movie, novel, etc., set in a time earlier than the 
main story 
11. Essay- ​a short piece of writing on a particular subject 
12. Plot- sequence of events in a literary work 
13. Exposition- writing or speech that explains a process or presents 
14. Rising Action- all events leading up to the climax 
15. Climax- high point of interest or suspense of a story,novel, or play 
16. Falling Action- follows the climax which leads to the denouement   
17. Resolution- which a general insight or change is conveyed  
18. Characterization- act of creating and developing a character  
19. Dialogue- conversation between characters that may reveal their traits 
and advance the action of a narrative 
20. Drama- ​a play for theater, radio, or television 
21. Imagery- descriptive or figurative language used to create word pictures 
for the reader 
22. Metaphor- ​a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an 
object or action to which it is not literally applicable 
23. First Person- ​coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st 
24. Second Person- ​a category used in the classification of pronouns, 
possessive determiners, and verb forms 
25. Third Person- ​a third party 
26. Genre- category or type of literature 
27. Symbol- anything that stands for something else 
28. Protagonist- main character in a literary work 
29. Antagonist- character or force in conflict with a main character or 
30. Style- ​a manner of doing something 
Short Stories 
Review The Gift of the Magi, The Most Dangerous Game, and The Necklace 
Short Story Vocabulary 
1. Palpable- able to be felt, easily perceived 
2. Futile- useless, hopeless 
3. Disheveled- untidy 
4. Resplendent- shining brightly 
5. Indolently- lazily, idly 
6. Scruples- misgivings about something one feels is wrong 
7. Grotesque- having a strange bizarre design, shocking, or offensive 
8. Condolences- expressions of sympathy with another in grief 
9. Profoundly- deeply  
10. Interloper-people who intrude, meddle in other people's business or lives 
Review The Outsiders 
Review The Parts of Speech 
Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, 
Parts of Sentence:​ Subjects, Direct Objects 

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