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Re K. MALIK'S (rc ramanons, neoren + sonno, non ieee NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI TARGET CBSE _ 1. Chemicals that have a physiological effect on a ling system are called drugs. When these are used for therapeutic purposes, they ae called medicines. The use ofthese chemicals for therapeutic effect callee chemotherapy. 2 Drugs can be classified on the basis of pharmacological effect, drug action, chemical structure and molecular targets. |. Drugsare designed to target specific biomolecules and the therapeutic effect results from this interaction ‘4. Enzyme inhibiting drugs block the activity of enzyme by elther blocking the active site or inhibiting its catalytic activity. s (On the basis of therapeutic action drugs can be clasified as antacids, antihistamines, tranquilizers, analgesics, antibiotics, antiseptics disinfectants and antifertility drugs. {6 The chemicals are also used in food as colors, flavor enhancers artificial sweeteners fat emulsifiers and stabiling agents, anti= ‘oxidants, nutritional supplements or preservatives, 2. The chemicals arealso used as cleansing agents, such 9s soaps and synthetic detergents. 16.1 DRUGS AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION 2 DRUG-TARGET INTERACTION and 16.3 THERAPEUTIC ACTION OF DIFFERENT CLASSES OF DRUGS Conceptual Questions 1. Whats aspirin? Why should it not be taken in empty stomach? Solution Aspirin belongs tothe clas of non-narcotic analgesics. Its effective in relieving skeletal pain suchas due to arts and in reduc Ing fever. It also has ant-blood clotting action, which is why it is also used in prevention of heart attacks. Aspirin isnot taken in empty stomach because itis toxic tothe liver. sometimes causes bleeding from the stomach, 2, What is an alkaloid? Name two alkaloids which are used as analgesics? Solution Alkaloids are derivatives of amino acids and many of them have biter ast. They relieve pain and produce sleep. However in oi sonous dose, these produce coma, convulsions and ultimately death. Two alkaloids used as analgesics are codeine and mor pine, 3. What ae antidepressants? Give examples Solution ‘Antidepressants inhibit the enzymes which catalyze the degradation of noradrenaline (neurotransmitter). Examples are iproniazié and phenelzine {606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2662629, 9895608012, 7548645949 2 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES “4. Name the medicines used forthe treatment ofthe fllowing diseases: (a) Tuberculosis and (b) typhoid Solution {a} Streptomycin (b) Chloramphenicol ‘Sleeping pills are recommended by doctors to the patients sufering from sleeplessness but isnot advisable to take these doses ‘without consultation withthe doctor, why? (NCERT) Solution Hf sleeping pills are taken in high doses, they cause harmful effects and can even actlike «poison tis therefore advisable to consult ‘a doctor and take them in recommended dose. 6. With eference to which classification has the statement, “ranitidine san antacid" been given? (NCERT) Solution ‘The statement refers tothe clasification according to pharmacological effect ofthe drus. Antacids are used toneutraizethe excess ‘acid present inthe stomach. 7. Why do we need to classify drugs in different ways? (weet) Solution Itisimportan tn classify drugs because it will then become easier for us to choose the drug according to a particular disease. rugs ate classified on the basis of (a) pharmacological effect, (b) drug action (¢) chemical structure and (@) molecular targets. |. Explain the term target molecules or drug targets s used in medicinal chemistry. (wcert) Solution Drugs when administered interact with biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and these are called target molecules or drug targets. '9. Name the macromolecules that are chosen as drug targets (NCERT) Solution Proteins, carbohydrates lipids and nucleic acids. 10. Why should medicines nat be taken without consulting doctors? (wceRT) Solution ‘Some medicines caus side effects, While, some people may be allergic to particular medicines. Also, the amount of medicine to be taken s very important. So its advisable to consult a doctor before taking medicines. 111. Which forces ae involved in holding the drugs tothe actve site of enzymes? (ncerr) Solution Hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, ionic bonding or van der Waals forces. 112, While antacids and antiallegic drugs interfere with the function of histamines, why do these not interfere with each other's functions? (NCERT) Solution [Antacids bind with histamine receptors inthe stomach wall and thus show antihistaminic reaction. Antal bind with diferent receptors and hence do not interfere with each other's functions. 11, Low eveloforadrenaline isthe cause of depression. What types of drugs are needed t cure this problem? Name two drugs. (NCERT) Solution ‘Antidepressant drugs are required which inhibit the enaymes that catalyze the degradation of noradrenaline. Two drugs used are {proniazid and phenelzine. 114. What s meant by the term "broad spectrum antibiotics"? Explain, (weer) Solution Broad spectrum antibiotics are those which kilos inhibit wide range of gram-postive and gram-negative bacteria, gic and antacids drugs 115, Why are cimetidine and ranitidine better antacids than sodium hydrogen carbonate or magnesium or aluminium hydroxide? (NCERT) Solution Cimetidine and rantidine control the root cause of acidity. They prevent the interaction of histamine withthe receptors present in the stomach walls, due to which there is decrease in the amount of acid released by the stomach. Whereas the antacids such as NaHCO, Mg(OH); and AKOH), only neuralize the excess acid present in the stomach. 3 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9836608612, 7646846949 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XII 3 16. What are the main constituents of Dettol? * (wcerT) Solution Dettol isa mixture of chloroxylenol and ar-terpineol Textbook Exercises 1. What are drugs or medicines? Discus brie the various types of medicines citing at least one example of each ype. Solution Drugsare the chemicals flow molecular masses which interact withthe macromolecular targets and produce abologcal response. Medicines ate used in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. Drugs are classified on the bass of the following (a) Pharmacological effect: This clasifcation is useful for doctors since it tells specific drug about a particular typeof problem, For example, analgesics have pain kling effect while antiseptics kil or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, (} Drug action: This clasification is based on the action of drug on particular biochemical process.For example, antihistamines ae used to inhibi the action ofhistarine. (Chemical structure: This classification fs based on the chemical structure of the drug. For example, sulpha drugs. {d)_ Molecular targets: This classification is used for medicinal chemists. For example, i tis, drugs interact with biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, ete 2. Wrtea short nate on chemotherapy. Solution Chemotherapy i the treatment used to weaken and destroy cancer calls inthe body, including cell at orginal cancer ste and any cells that may have spread to another part ofthe body. Some common side effects include: myelosuppression (decreased produc- tion of blood cells), mucositis inflammation of thelning ofthe digestive tract) and alopecia (hairloss). 3. What are antibiotics? Explain bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics providing examples Solution Antibiotics are the chemical substances produced by chemical synthesis in low! concentration, which caninhibtthe growth oreven, destroy other microorganisms. Bactericidal are those chemical substances which kill the disease-causing microorganisms in the body. For example, penicilin Bacterostatic ar those chemical substances which inhibit or arrest the growth of asease-causing microorganisms. For example, tetracycline 4 Define the following providing examples: (2) Sulpha drugs, (b)analgesies, (antimicrobial, 4) antibiotics. Solution (8) Sulpha drugs ae a group of drugs derived from sulphanlamide. For example, sulphanllamide drug is used forthe treatment of ‘pneumonia urinary and respiratory infections. (b) Analgesics ae the chemical substances used or relieving pain in the body For example aspitin, etc {@)_Antimicrobias are the chemical substances which inhibit, destroy and prevent the development of microbes such as bacteria, etc For example, salvarsan (Antibiotics are the chemical substances produced by chemical synthesis in low concentration, which can inhibit the growth or ‘even destoy other microorganisms. For example, chloramphenicol 5. Explain the use of ranitidine, paracetamol and tincture of iodine. Solution Ranitidine controls the root cause of accity by preventing the interaction of histamine with the receptors present in the stomach walls due to which there is decrease in the amount of acid released by the stomach. Paracetamol belongs to non-narcotic analgesics andi used to relieve pain due to arthritis, Tincture of iodine sa 2-3% solution of lodine in aleohol-water mixture. tis used as an antiseptic and applied on wounds. 6 Explain with examples: Tranguilizers, antfertlity drugs, antihistamines, disinfectants, nacotis and antacid. Solution Tranquilzers are the drugs given to patents suffering from anxiety and mental tension For example, noradrenaline. Antifertlity rugs are the drugs used to control pregnancy. They ae also called oral contraceptives. For example, norethindrone. ‘Antihistamines are the drugs which diminish the main action of histamine released in the body and hence prevent the allergic reactions such as nasal discharge, etc For example, terfenadine Disinfectants ae chemical substances which kil microorganisms but ae not safe to be applied on living tsue, For example, 1% solution of phere, Dettol (mixture of chlorexylenol and a-terpineo)) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0661-2662623, 9836600012, 7546845949, 4 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSE "Narcotics are the drugs which produces sleep and unconsciousness. For example, morphine. Antacids ae the drugs which can reduce or neutalize the acidity in stomach and raise the pH to some appropriate evel. For example, NaHCo,, 2, Tawhat class of medicines does chloramphenicol belong to? Name its medicinal activity Solution Chioramphenicolis abroad spectrum antibiotic tis used inthe treatment of typhoid, dysentery et. 8. Give one important use ofeach ofthe following: Bithional chloramphenicol, streptomycin, paracetamol Solution Bithionals added to soap to impart antiseptic properties. Chloramphenicol is used in the treatment of typhoid, dysentery, etc ‘Streptomycin is used in the prevention of tuberculosis, Paracetamol belongs to non-narcotic analgesics and is used to relieve pain due to arthritis. Previous Years CBSE Questions 1. How do antiseptics cfr from disinfectants? Give one example ofeach type. (€8SE 2009) Solution Antiseptics are the chemical substances which prevent the growth of microorganisms and may even kil them. They are safe to be applied on living tissue. For example, furacn, sframycin, Disinfectants are chemical substances wihich kil microorganisms but are not safe to be applied on living tissue. For example, 1% solution of phenol Detiol (mixture of chloraxylenol and a-terpineo}) Hs a. He ‘OH ‘oH 2. Name substance that can be used as an antiseptic as well asa disinfectant. (CBSE 2008), Solution Phenol can be used as an antiseptic as well as disinfectant, About 0.1% solution of phenols used as an antiseptic and 1% solution is usedasa disinfectant. ‘Additional Questions 1. What ate antipyretic medicines? Name one of them. Can they play anyother role also? Solution Antipyretics ae the chemicals used to bring down the body temperature during high fever For example, paracetamol, aspirin, ete Yes they can play other roles aso lke paracetamol to relieve pain due to ath 2. Why s (a) boric acid added to baby talcum powder and (b) chlorine added to swimming poot? Solution (a) Boric acid isa mild antiseptic as well as mild acid that inhibits the growth of microorganism on the external surface ofthe body, ‘which i why its added tothe baby taleum powder (©) Chlorine is used to kill bacteria and contro algae inthe pool so thatt becomes safe for swimming 3. Sulpha drugs work ke antibiotics but they are not antibotis. Explain. Solution Sulpha drugs are not true antibiotics because these drugs produce a bacteriostatic effect which means that they inhibit the growth ‘ofthe bacteria but donot kill them, 4. What typeof drug the Mifepristones? Why sit called“moring after ill” Solution Mifegristone isan antinormonal drug and does net contain estrogen or progestins Its called “morning after pl’ because it delays or Inhibits ovulation, 3 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9836608612, 7646846949 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XII 16.4 CHEMICALS IN FOOD Conceptual Questions 1. Whatare antioxidant? What isthe difference between preservatives and antioxidants? Solution Antioxidants are the chemical substances that prevent the oxidation of food containing ols and fats; whereas, preservatives are used ‘to prevent the spoilage of food due to microbial growth, 2. Account for the following: Sulphur dioxide used in squashes and juices Solution ‘Sulphur ciowde fs usedin squashes and ces to preserve the appearance offeod during drying prevent thelr rotting andalso lls harmful ‘miroorganismsin fod. 8, Why do we require artificial sweetening agents? (NceRT) Solution We requir artificial sweetener to contol calorie intake. . 4. Why is use of aspartame limited to cold foods and drinks? (NCERT) Solution ‘Aspartame is unstable at cooking temperatures or in other words it decomposes on heating 5. Name a sweetening agent used in the preparation of sweets fora diabetic patient (wcert) Solution ‘Seccharin is sweetening agent used inthe preparation of sweets fora dabetic patient. 6. What problem arises in using altame as artificial sweetener? (NcERT) Solution In case ofalitame, controlling sweetness becomes dificult during its usage. Textbook Exercises 1s alta lect choca iosar Run aS. sation Chemiareadedto the foodto mate tatacve pslaublead cease uve al For ample presrater aeadedo Seton pont aomgeiing pane Acar Seen rauain toca choca 2. Expl the folowing wih apes od resrvatves and seetening agents. Sehiton tet senor il cence: sie ell anni emetic (by Sheetening agent ar the chemical compounds which give sweetening effec to food enhance odor nd vor, and ko jaa ce Psa fs shes rcenetecnactebci seamen gs. ciara ert sates Sesto ol cpt nn ei mets aac erat an woes mage nL spi sims: acer ere one oe Nae MCE AICS a cane sugar Its excreted from the body in urine in the same for. Aspartame is also one of the most successful and widely used antfial sweetener Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9636608812, 7546846949 6 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 16.5 CLEANSING AGENTS Conceptual Questions 1. Why are detergents called soapless soaps? Solution Detergents have all the properties of soap, but do not contain the chemical structure of sap. 22 What ae invert soaps? Why are they called so? Solution Invert soaps area class of synthetic detergents in which the surface active part of the molecule isa cation, thatls, a cationic detergent. Tey are called so because ther structures just opposite to that of soap. 3. White the chemical equation for preparing sodium soap from giycerylleate and glycerylpalmitate, Structural formulas of these compounds are given belo ween) (3) (CahayCOOCyHyGycer palmate) (CiysCOO)s Cy Ger oleate Solution a ° tok +3 MMOH CHOH + 3cysHyyCOON Sedum pate Gro Gy ° i OC —Cas 9 h0H i GO Ec My +3 NAOH CHOH + 3C HyCOOND Sedumelee i C08 Gy —0—C cy Gest Gyeentoene 4 Thefolowing ype fon ionicdetergents ar present in iqud detergents, emulsifying agents and wetting agents. Label the ydo- phi andhydrophebe pats nthe molecule Kent the funcional groups) present nthe melacule nce) Cathe) -o1ersoH0,€H,CH,08 Ferm) solution citig—_Y)—o1air,0ych,01,08 bop ‘recone oon ~ The functional groups are ether and alcoho. 5. Why soaps donot workin hard water? tween) Solution Soaps cannot be used in hard water because the calclum and magnesium lons present in the hard water preduce curdy white precipitates of which are insoluble in water. 6. Can you use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water? wcerr) Solution Soaps get precipitated as insoluble calcium and magnesium precipitates in hard water but detergents do not. Therefore, soaps but ‘not synthetic detergents can be used to check the hardness of wate, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2635608812, 7546845949, CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XII z 7. Label he hype and hydrophobic parts nthe allowing compounds cent) (0) GCHAEHOSO; He) HC SHHEHYABe fe) HCH He COOLEHCHYOD,CHACHIOH Solution (a) CHyCHeCH,—OS05N* —()CHyEH,D5 AUCH re) CHyCHe—COO™CHCH 0}, ClCH, OH rsophobe Hopike —Mapbebe” Hyde = Maton rope on ae ™ - om oan Textbook Exeres 1. What are soaps and detergents? How are the detergents advantageous over soaps? Solution Soaps are sodium ot potassium salts of higher fatty acids such as laurie acl, palmitic acd, stearic acid, exc. Detergents are sodium salt of long-chain alkyl sulphonates or benzene sulphonates For example, sodium lauryl sulphate. Soaps cannot be used in hard water because the calcium and magnesium fons present in the hard water produces curdy white precipitates which ae insoluble in water. Incontrast detergents can be used even in hard water because thelr calcium and magnesium salts re soluble in water. 2. How are the detergents classed? Explain with examples Solution Detergents are classified into thvee categories as: (a) Cationic detergents: These detergents are quaternary ammonium salts of amines with acetates, chiorides or bromides as ‘anions Here, the cationic partis long hydrocarbon chain. For example, cetyrimeth ammonium bromide Hs JcHs(CH:))s—N—CHs| Br Hs Cerytmethy ammonium bromide (Catone detergent) “These detergents have germicidal properties and are used in har conditioner. (©) Anionic detergents: These are sodium sats of suiphonated long;-chain alcohols or hydrocarbons. The anionic patt of the ‘molecule suse for cleansing action. These detergents ae used in toothpastes For example, sodium lauryisulphate CH) H:0505Na Seah ary sulphate ‘monic tere (0) Nonvlonic detergents: These detergents do not contain on in their constitution. These are used as dsh washers For example, ‘nonionic detergent i formed when stearic acid reacts with polyethyenealycol (CHy(CHa)y_ COOH + HO(CH,CH,0), CH CH;0H —“> CHy(CH,)\¢ COO(CH,CH,0), CHyCH;0H ‘tan aed Poietvieneaicl Thon ons detergen |. Briefly discuss the cleansing action of detergents Solution ‘detergent consists of to pats along hydrocarbon part whichis hydrophobicanda shortionic part (containing ~COO Na") group hich is hydrophilic The hydrophobic parti insoluble in water but soluble in il and grease; whereas the hydrophilic parti soluble Inwater but insoluble in ol and grease. When the detergents added to dirty clothes, the greasy and oly part stickto the hyropho= ‘ic part wll the ionic part remain attached tothe water When the dirty clothes are agitated in detergent solution the hydrophobic part gets washed avay and the clothes get cleaned. 4. Account forthe following: (a) Aspirin helps inthe prevention of heart attack. () Diabetic patients are advised to take artificial sweeteners instead of natural sweeteners, {e)_ Detergents are non-biodegradable, whereas soaps are biodegradable. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9636608812, 7546846949 8 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution (a) Aspirin can break up blood platelets that form clots which block blood vessels and cause chest pain leading to heart attack (b) Diabetic patients are advised to take artificial sweeteners instead of natural sweeteners because natural sweeteners contain Calories and increase blood glucose levels (r the level of sugar in the blood) which can be fatal fora diabetic patient. On the ‘other hand, artifical sweeteners have no calories and do not aise blood- glucose levels. (cl. Soaps are biodegradable because they ae readily broken down by the bacteria and do not cause pollution, whereas detergents Cannot be broken down by the bacteria and hence cause pollution. 5. Which one ofthe following substances isa good detergent in water? I this substance a non-ionic, anionic or cationic detergent? (a) CygHagN(CHy) 3 () CigHss Hesadeytuimety ammonnn chore Hexadecane {e) COOH a Prime acid nenadec anion 961) 1 CHOC ehas ety paimuate hexadecyl henadecarcate| Solution @ 9 isa good detergent in water (non ionic) 1 CasHyio OC ess Previous Years’ CBSE Questions 1. Explain the following terms with one example in each case: (a) Food preservatives, (b) enzymes, (c)detergents. (CBSE 2010) Solution 0}, Food preservatives: They ae the compounds which prevent spoilage of food due to microbial growth. For example, sodum benzoate vinegar. (Enzymes: They are the biological catalysts which increase the rate of metabolism, For example, invertase, 2ymase Lo) Detergents: They are sodium salts of long-chain alkyl sulphonates or benzene sulphonates. For example, sodium lauryl sulphate. 12. What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable detergents? Give one example ofeach class. (cBSE 2008) Solution Detergents that can be decomposed by microorganisms ae called biodegradable detergents. They are usualy straight-chain hydro ‘atbons. Soaps and sodium lary sulphate are examples of biodegradable detergents Detergents that cannot be decomposed by microorganisms ate called non-biodegradable detergents. The detergents containing branched hydrocarbon chains are non biodegradable detergents. Sodium 4(1.35,7tetramethylocy) benzene sulphonate isan example ofa non-biodegradable detergent. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2635608812, 7546845949,

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