Kinetic Theory Worksheet (Fully Solved)

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7 R. K. MALIK'S riitramanovs,neoica son, non eax NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI TARGET CBSE "Newton, Boyle, and many other scientists tried to deserbe the behavior of gases by considering hat gases are made up of very small atomic particles the size ofan atom is about 1 A= 10-"* rm) The behavior of gases which i explained on the bass ofthe lea thatthe gas consists of rapidly moving atoms ot molecules is called kinetic theory. In solid, the atoms are tightly packed which are located at a distance of few angstroms (-2 A) apart. Atoms belonging to one element ae alike but dif from those of ather elements. Group of atoms ofan element combine to form the molecule ofthe compound, 3. In liquids, although the distance between the atoms is also approximately 2 A, the atoms in liquids are not as strongly fixed as, in solids, and can move around. This 's the reason thatthe liquids ow. In gases, atoms ae located ata distance of tens of angstroms. The average distance traveled by a molecule without colliding with other molecules called mean free path, Boyles law: At constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to pressure, which Is expressed as ‘Charles's law: When pressure ofa gas is constant, the volume of a given mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute ‘temperature whichis expressed as Ideal gas equation is given by PV= nT = NT, where 1s the number of mols, Wis the number of molecules, and R= 8.314 J/mal-K and ky = RINq= 1.38. 10-9 JK (which is known as Boltzmanris constant ands also denoted by k- The Ideal gas equation Is satisfied by real gases only approximately that too at low pressures and high temperatures. The gas that follows the deal gas equation a ll possible pressures and vol- umes is called Ideal gas. |. When a mixture of noninteracting deal gases with 1 moles of gas 1,4, moles of gas 2, and soon, are kept in an enclosed area with volume V temperature 7, and pressure P, the equation of tate of mixture i given by PV= (+ u)RT of Pm HRT UGRTIVe =P, + P+ where P, = ATVs the pressure the gas 1 that would exert at same V and Tif no ather gases vite present inthe enclosure. This phenomenon is called Dalton’s partial pressures, that is, the total pressure of mixture of diferent ideal gases is equal to ‘the sum of partial pressures of individual gases of which mixture is made of Kinetic theory of an ideal gas yields the equation Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘where n isthe density of molecules, m the mass ofthe molecule, and v3.5 the mean of squared speed. Along with the ideal gas ‘equation, this kinetic theory equation provides the kinetic interpretation of temperature as follows: ma [qr Jovig= 341, tm e[e]" = FE. This implies thatthe temperature of a gas isan amount ofthe average kinetic energy ofa molecule, which is Independent ofthe nature ofthe gas or molecule. At fixed temperature ina mixture of the gases, heavier molecule has the lower average speed. Law of equipartition of energy is tated as follows: When a system sin equilbrium at absolute temperature 7, the total energy is. lstibuted equally in different energy modes of absorption, the energy in each mode being equal to (1/2)ky. Each translational and rotational degree of freedom corresponds to one energy mode of absorption and has energy (1/2)ky7. Each vibrational frequency has two modes of energy (kinetic energy and potential energy) with corresponding energy equal to 2x (V/2)kiT = kT. ‘The molar specficheat of gases is determined using the aw of equiparition of energy and the resultant values ae nagreement with the experimental values ofspeciicheats of several gases. The agreement canbe improved by including vibrational modes of motion, 5. Translational kinetic energy ofthe molecules ina gasis given by 3 Kog = HHT. ‘The mean free path 2s the average distance covered by a molecule between two successive collisions 4 aeanv Where dis the dlameter ofthe molecule ‘TEXTBOOK EXERCISES 11 The best laboratory vacuum has @ pressure of about 1.00% 10" atm, oF 1.01 x 10°" Pe, How many gas molecules are there per cublc centimeter in sucha vacuum at 293 K? Solution With V= 1.0 10 mt, P= 1.01 10" Pa, and T= 293 K the deal gas law aves 2 PY, (1.01% 10°" Pa.0 x10 m) #* Br ~~ (6:31 mol-K)293 K) Consequently, from the equation j.= NiN(where N's Avagadro’s number, we have N= AN = (4.1 x 10°) x (6.02% 10) = 25 molecules = 41510 mal We can express this a arato (with Vnow wniten as 1 cm") NV =25 moleculesfem 2. An automobile tyre has a volume of 1.64% 10"? mand contains alr at a gauge pressure (pressure above atmosphere pressure) of 165 kPa when the temperatures 0.00 °C What Is the gauge pressure ofthe airin the tyres when ts temperature ise to27.0°C and Its volume increases to 1.57 x 10"? Assume atmospheric pressure is 1.01 x 105 Pa Solution Since (standard) air pressure i 101 kPa, the inital (absolute) pressure ofthe aii P| =266 kPa. Setting up the gas law in ratio form (where = 4 and thus cancels ou), wehave AM «Te mT which yields a= o(¥)(E) = osnre(L6ez22 0) 20) «ara 167107 mw 273K Expressed asa gauge pressure, we subtract 101 KPa and obtain 186 KPa. A sample ofan ideal gas I taken through the cyclic process aba shown in Fig. 12:1. The scale ofthe vertical axis set by Py =75 kPa and P= 25 kPa. At point 2,T=200 K (a) How many moles of gas aren the sample? What are(t) the temperature of the gas at point b, (€)the temperature ofthe gas at point c, and (d) the net energy added tothe gas as heat during the cycle? Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2635608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Pressure Pa) oa Volume im) Figure 12.1 Solution (a) -Atpointa, we know enough information to compute: Py. _(2500Payt om?) #* RT ~ (Bsimol-K}ao0R) =" "4 (6) Wecan use the answer to part (with the new values of pressure and volume, and solve the deal gs lw for the new tempers: ture, or we could set up the as aw in tems of ratios Nate = and cancels out 7 7st 00! Bho = noon ie) 25m hich yelds an absolute temperature atb of T,= 1.8 10°K (@)_ As inthe previous par, we choose to approach this using the gas law in ratio form: =% = 1 =1200n 25Ha)(307 =f = toon (3192) 22%) hich yields an absolute temperature atc of 7, = 60% 10°K (d) The net energy added tothe gas (as heat) is equal to the network thats done as it progresses through the cycle (represented 25a right triangle inthe PV diagram shown in Fig. 121) This, in tur, is related to + "area" inside that tlangle with area = (1/2\basey height), where we choose the pus sign because the volume change atthe largest pressures an increase, Thus, Qa = Wan = (V2N20mPNSO x 10" Pa) = 5.0 x 1094, 44. Suppose 0.825 mol ofan ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion as energy is added to tas heat IF Fig. 12.2 shows the final volume V, versus Q, what s the gas temperature? The scale ofthe vertical axis is set by V4 =0.30 m?, and the scale ofthe horlzontal axis is setby 0, = 1200 ’ an Figure 12.2 Solution In the equation W’= pT n(¥/), we note that since it i an isothermal process (volving an ideal gas).we have Q=W = pATiniVi/V) applies at any point on the graph. An easy one to read is Q= 1000 J and ¥.=0.30 m?, and we can also infer from the graph that Vis 0.20 mt. We ae told that 1 = 0.825 mol, so the above relation immediately yields T= 360K. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 4 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘5. The lowest possible temperature in outer space is 2.7K. Whats the ms speed of hydrogen molecules at this temperature? (The molar mass of molecular hydrogen is 2.02 g/mol = 2.02 x 10° kg/mal) Solution ‘According to kinetic theory, the rms speed is vm PE. Vt where Tithe temperature and M isthe molr mas of molecular hydrogen. which ven by 202./mel =202 10°kg/mel so [maxima Oa) Ve = SSE ORZS = 18 <10' ms ‘Note: The corresponding average speed and most probable speed are asi TmO-KTeTRS 208% 107 g/mol east TmOT RAT 90 BE = PETITE ose, respect {6 Abeam of hydrogen molecules (is directed toward a wall at an angle of 55° with the normal to the wall Each molecule in the beam hhas.a speed of 1.0 ks and a mass of 33 109, The beam strikes the wall over an area of 20cm’, at the rate of 10! molecules ‘er second, What sthe bean’ pressure on the wal? Solution In the reflection process, only the normal component ofthe momentum changes, so for one molecule the change in momentum is 2mvcos 6, where mis the mass ofthe molecule, visits speed, and 0s the angle between its velocity andthe normal othe wall. If ‘molecules coli withthe wall then the change in their total momentum is 2Nmcos 6, andi the total time taken forthe collisions Ist the average rate of change of the total momentum is 2WN/Arimvcos 8, Tiss the average force exerted by the N molecules on the wal, and the presure i the average force per unit area: 1 =2() vee 2 bas MMe ihnay ~(sactheg teeter einen ome =19x10°Pa= 1940, We note thatthe value given forthe mass was converted to kg and the value given forthe area was converted tom Water standing in the open at 32.0 °C evaporates because ofthe escape of some ofthe surface molecules. The heat of vaporization (639 ca/g) i approximately equal to en, where es the average energy ofthe escaping molecules and mi the number of molecules ‘er gram. (a) Find «(b) What I the ratio of to the average kinetic eneray of H,O molecules assuming the later i related to tempera tre in the same way asitis for gases? (a), We use c= LN, where Ly Is the heat of vaporization and Wis the number of molecules per gram. The molar mass of atomic hydrogen fs 1 g/mol and the molar mass of atomic oxygen i 16 g/mol, so the molar mass of HO s(1.0+ 1.0+ 16) = 18 g/mol. “There are Nq = 602 x 10" molecules in a mole, so the number of molecules ina ram of water i (6.02 x 10 mot/18 g/mol) 3.34% 10 molecules, Thus 12 (539 caligV/(334x 102/g)= 181 x 10 al = 676x101, (@) Theaverage translational kinetic eneray is fags Ber = 338 x10 204 2731990= 63210" The ratio ey (6.76 x 10° J)632% 107" J) = 107. |. Ten particles are moving withthe folowing speeds: four at 200 mis, two at 500 mvs and four at 600 mvs. Calculate their (a) average and (b) rms speeds. (18 Vins > You? Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XL Solution (a) Theaverage speed is {soon + 2500m + a0 = 40 ms (b) Therms speed is A what tempore does the ms sped of) Hs molec hydrogen and) (molecular ype) equ th escape sped fom the Exh A what emperture Goes the ms ped cH dO eal the exape pee om the Moon here he ae taco! accteroon the urace as mogtude 069 Comiering the owes topes and (sho ere Be much) Iyetopen and enygentighn arts upper emesphere where te temperature about 100K Sehaion ‘The rms speed of molecules in a gas is given by Vary = 3RT/M, where Tis the temperature and M is the molar mass of the gas. The sped requed for expe frm Ears taste pulls =e, where gl te aclraton to gray at Eas face andr (037% 0h the ad of rth To deve th exes ake the ero of vaonal poten neay tobe at Int Then the ravtaonl potent energy fs parle with messmat ont sce “6a on, vere 9 = il was use sth peed ofthe parce ts ttl energy s = ma + V2)? the prides jst able to “ovary ti energy seh ond ao sane om Car bcos ge witht ound Tis eas ty = ign Mecaunte the eestor hespeeste obtain BAT = Jig, Thesolulon rls 2M (a) Themolarmass ofhyogen 202% 10 ko sofort es ka/D 1.9 10°K “The molar mass of exygen s 32.0 10" kg/mol, 50 for that gas 29.81w/s?637 «10 mi(320 % 10" kg/mot) " 383 1mol-K) = 16 108K, Now, T= 29,fnMAR, wheter =1.74% 10 m i the reds of the Moon and gy = 0.169 Is the acceleration due to gravity at the Moon’ surface. Fr hydrogen, the temperature is __ 40.16) 9.8 m/s!)0.74 x 10FmV202 «10° kamal) _ 4g 3183110 K) PARAIVE: For oxygen, the temperatures 210.16N9.8 evs?91.74 108 (320 x 10° g/mol) = ‘3831d/mel-K) 70109, ‘The temperature at higher levels of the upper atmosphere of the Earth is great enough for a significant number of hydrogen atoms in th tal ofthe Maxwellian distribution to escape. Asa result the atmosphere is depleted of hydrogen, that 's hydrogen does not exst at the upper atmosphere ofthe Earth (8, Onthe other hand, very few oxygen atoms escape. So there should be much oxygen high in Earths upper atmosphere, [hydrogen molecule (dlameter 1.0 10-*em) traveling at the rms speed, escapes from 4000 K furnace into chamber containing cold argon atoms (dlameter 3.0 x 10 cm) ata density of 40x 10" atoms/cm. a) What isthe speed of the hydrogen molecule? (b) fit coldes with an argon ator, what isthe closest their centers can be, considering each as spherical? (c) What isthe initial ‘numberof colsions per second experienced by the hydrogen molecule? Hin: Assume that the argon atoms are stationary. Then the mean fee path ofthe hydrogen molecule s given by __ length of path during ar___vat = number of colisions in At ~ d'vatNV nen Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES and not the equation 1 - {mean fee path xan bl is Teen ose edlity ra= TR a ett LEO il v8 x pS a> ee () When the surfaces of the spheres that represent an H, molecule and an Ar atom are touching, the distance between their centers, [sthe sum of thelr ral: = 70x10 m/s at, +hy=05% 104m + 1.5% 10%em=20% 10cm, (@) Theargon atoms are essentially at rest son time tthe hydrogen atom collides wth all the argon atoms ina cylinder of radius 4, and length vt; where vi ts speed, That i, the number of collisions is md*vrN/V, where N/V is the concentration of argon atoms. The number of collisions per unit times Reh (20 x10" mp7 % 108 mV5)40 x 10" m9) = 35 x10" collisions, ‘11. The temperature of 2.00 mol ofan ideal monoatomic gas is raised 15.0 at constant volume, What are (a) the work W done by the ‘gas (b) the eneray transferred as heat 2 () the change AU, in the internal energy of the gas, and (d) the change AX in the aver- ‘age kinetic energy per atom? Solution a) The works zero in this process since volume Is kept fixed. {(b) Since C,= (3/2) for an ideal monoatomic gas, then the relation. Q=4CyAT (constant volume), ives Q=43741. (€) AUy.=O—W=4374 (d)Two moles are equivalent to N= 12x 10% particles. Dividing the result of part (c) by N gives the average translational kinetic ‘energy change per atom: 3.11 x 10 J. 12. A container holds a mixture of three non-reacting gases: 240 mol of gas 1 with Cy, = 120 Jimol K, 1.50 mol of gas 2 with Cy, = 128 J/mol and 3.20 mol of gas 3 with Cy, = 20.0 mel K. What is Gy ofthe mixture? Solution ‘When the temperature changes by a quantity AT, the internal energy of the (1) fist gas changes by s,C,AT, (2) second gas ‘changes by AT, and (3) third gas changes by CoAT. The change inthe internal energy of the composite gas Is. MU on™ Cr+ Ha + aC) BT. ‘This must be (1; + H+ 44) C/AT, where Gis the molar specific heat ofthe mixture. Thus, Gy = HIG Ha + HC Ut Ha + is 12.0 Jtmol-K for gas 1, = 1.50 mol, Cy, = 128 fmol -K for gas 2, and j= 3.20 mol, Cy,= 20.0 J/mol-K for gas 3, we obtain C,= 15.8 i/mol- forthe mixture. 113. Suppose 4.00 mol of an ideal diatomic gas, with molecular rotation but not oscillation, experienced a temperature increase of 60.0 K under constant-pressure conditions. What ar (a) the energy transferred as heat Q, (b) the change Us, in intemal energy of the ‘92s, (c) the work W done by the gas, and (d) the change AKin the total transitional kinetic energy of the gas? Solution {a} Since the process is at constant pressure, energy transferred as heat to the gas is given by Q-= CpAT, where sis the number ‘of moles in the gas, Gy is the molar specific heat at constant pressure, and ATi the increase in temperature. For a diatomic /2)R.Thus, () The change in the internal energy I given by AU, 1GjAT; where Cis the specific heat at constant volume, For a diatomic Sunar = $(4.00moty@.31semot-KV600K) = 499 x 10" J = 4994 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI (a. Acordng tothe af hemody AU 0-730 W = 0 Aly = 698 109-456 10 (a) Thechangetn theo antoralinei energy a= }unar = 400m 831 snk 6008) = 29010") = 2504 14, Figure 123 shows a cycle undergone by 1.00 mol ofan ideal monoatomic gas. The temperatures are ‘T,=455 K.For 1 2, what ae (a) heat Q, (b) the change in internal energy AU and (c) the work done W? For 2» 3, what are (60, (€) AU and (f) W2 Fox 3+ 1, what are (6) Oh} Un and () W2 For the ful cycle, what are () ,(K) AU and ) W? The intial ressue at point 1 Is 1.00 atm (= 1.013 x 10° Pa. What are the (m) volume and (n) pressure at point 2 and the (o) volume and. (p)pressure at point 37 Volime Figure 12.3 Solution Inthe folowing, Cy = (3/2)R isthe molar specific heat at constant volume, C- = (5/2) isthe molar specfic heat at constant pressure, ATIs the temperature change, ands the numberof moles. The process 1~>2 takes place at constant volume. (a) Theheat added is 0 87 = 3yRbr = 30 mB KNEOK ~ 30K) = 37410803744 Sete rae wil le ram me Sc dom srg agg hittin mts invest the change nce tom rey lg == 324 «1081 = 240d “The work (W) done by the gas s zero. The process 2 3 is adiabatic. ‘The heat added ie zero “The change nthe intemal energy is Ugg = HGyAT = 3 uRAT = 311.00 moIN.31mol-KXASSK — 600K) = 1.81% 108 = According tothe fst aw of thermodynamics the work done bythe gasis W = Q— AUg = 4181x109) = 41818, The process 31 takes place at constant pressure ‘The heat added is = Cyl = $uRar = $61.00 mo/8.31 mel KYG00K ~ 455K) = -322 x 108) ‘The change inthe intemal energy hg CyB = 3yRar = 3. 00moN031sIme-RIDOOK ~ 4S5H0 = -199% 108 = 1998 ‘According othe fist aw of thermodynamics the work done bythe gas is W= Q~ Ang = 8:22 1085+ 1.93 108) = =1.29 109) = 129K For the entire process the heat added is 0 = 574x109) +0~322% 109) = 5201 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES (hk) The changein the intemal energy is My = 3741095181 109) 1.99 108) = 0 (0) The work done by the gosis W = 04+ 181x109 129% 108) = 5201, Am) We frst find the inital volume. Use the ideal gas aw pV, = nf to obtain MRT, _ (1.00 molX8.31 mol-K}300 K) _ a {1.013 10° Pa) ee ee [n) Since 152s constant volume process, Vj = Vj = 2.46 x 10° m?.The pressure for tate 2s po (100 mali. Ki600 K) 4% (246107 m) 02 108 This is approximately equa to 200 atm. (0) 3-+1isa constant pressure process The volume for state 3 1s = HAT, _ (1.00 mei 831 Sime KASS K = 5.75 10-2 9? = 003730 x 1.013% 105 Pa ees (p)_ The pressure for state 3s the sameas the pressure fr state 1:P, = P, = 1.013 x 10a (Le, approximately equals to 1.00 at). 5. Ina certain particle accelerator, protons travel around a crcular path of diameter 23.0 min an evacuated chamber, whose residual {a8 s a 295 Kand 1.00» 10° tox pressure. (2) Calculate the numbe of gas molecules per cube centimeter at this pressure (b) What Is the mean free path ofthe gas molecules ifthe molecular diameter is 2.00 10cm? Solution (2) We use the ideal gas law PY= jAT'=NKT, where is the pressure, Vs the volume, Ts the temperature, jis the number of moles. and W isthe number of molecules. The substitutions N=, and k= RM, were made. Since 1 cm of mercury = 1333 Pa, the pressure is P= (10°)(1333 Pa)= 1.333 x 10 Pa. Thus, NOP 135x104Pa V RT ~ (138 x10 S295) {b} The molecular diameter is d= 200 10°" m, so the mean fee paths calculated as =e ys Vian ~ Ji(2.00 510" mp3.27 x10" me) = 327 x10" molecules? = 3.27 « 10" molecules/en? A 172m. SECTION! ‘= Molecular Nature of Matter = Behavior of Gases (1) Boyle law: At constant temperature, the volume ofa given mass of gas is inversely proportional to pressure, which s expressed as 1 vel (2) Charles's law: When pressure ofa gas is constant, the volume of a given mass of eas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, whichis expressed 35, v ¥ constant. Ideal gas equation is given by PV = pT = KT, where js the number of mols, Wis the number of molecules, and f= 8.314 J/mol K and ky = A/Ny = 1.38 x 10 JK. The deal ‘gas equation Is satisfied by real gases only approximately that too at low pressures and high temperatures. The gas that follows ‘the ideal gas equation at all possible pressures and volumes s called ideal gas. 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XL (4) When a mixture of non-interacting ideal gases with py moles of gas 1, of gas 2, and so on, are kept In an enclosed area with volume V, temperature , and pressure P the equation of state of mixture is given by PVE (uy + MRT OF Po RTIV waRTIV + m= Py + Py, RTI's the pressure the gas 1 that would exert at same Vand Tif no other gases were present inthe enclosure. ‘Thisphenomenon scaled Dalton’s partial pressures, that is the total pressure of mixture of diferent ideal gasesisequalto the sum of partial pressures of individual gases of which mixtures made of. Conceptual Problems 11 (a) Which If eter, contains a greater number of molecules, a mote of hydrogen (Hj) or a mole of oxygen (0)? (b) Which one has ‘more mass? Give reasons for your answers. Solution {a} Avogadro's number Ns the number of particles per mole of substance. Therefore, one mole of hydrogen gas (H) and one ‘mole of oxygen gas (0,) contain the same number (Avogadro's number) of molecules. (8) One mote ofa substance has a mass in grams that is equal tothe atomic or molecular mass of the substance. The molecular 'mass of oxygen is greater than the molecular mass of hydrogen. Therefore, one mole of oxygen has more mass than one mole of hydrogen, 2. Suppose two lfferent substances, A and 8, have the same mass densities. a) In general, does one mole of substance A have the ‘same mass as one mole of substance 8? (b) Does 1m of substance A have the same mass as 1m of substance B? Justify each Solution Substances A and B have the same mass densities. Therefore the mass per unit volume of substance A is equal to that of substance 8 {a} The mass of one mole ofa substance depends on the molecular mass ofthe substance. In general, the molecular masses of substances A and 8 wil ffer,and one mole of each substance will not occupy the same volume; therefore, even though sub- stances A and B have the same mass density, one mole of substance A wil not have the same mass a substance B. {b)_Since the mass per unit volume of substance A isthe same as the mass per unit volume of substance B, 1m? of substance A has the same mass as | of substance 8. ‘Axmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. With this fact in mind, explain why heliumfiled weather balloons are ‘underinfated when they are launched from the Earth, Solution ‘Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude, Helium-filled weather balloons are undetinflated when they are launches. ‘As the balloon rises, the pressure exerted on the outside of it decreases. The numberof helium molecules in the balloon is fxed If we assume that the temperature ofthe atmosphere remains constant, fom the ideal gas aw, PY= RT, we see thatthe volume ‘ofthe helium in the balloon will increase, thereby further inflating the balloon. if the balloon is fly inflated when It is launched {rom the Eart, it would burst when it reaches an altitude where the expanded volume of the helium Is greater than the maximum volume of the balloon, Figure 124 shows the variation ofthe product PY with respect to the pressure (P) of given masses of three gases A,B, and C. The ‘temperature i kept constant. State with proper arguments which of these gases is ideal. Figure 12.4 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 10 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution ‘According to Chatls' law, fo an ideal gas, the volume sdrecty proportional to temperature: ver. o ‘Since the temperature fs kept constant, from Eq, (1), the volume ofthe gas also remains constant Hence, PV should also be constant. ‘Therefore, the resultant graph should be a straight line on PY versus Ppt. Hence, the gas C represents an ideal gas as it obeys the ‘985 law at all conditions of temperature and pressure. ‘Additional Problems 11 narrow uniform glass tube closed atone end contains ar enclosed by 15 em long thread of mercury When the tube s vertical with the open end up the alr column is 30 cm long. When the tube i inverted, the length ofthe air column becomes 45 cm. Calculate the atmospheric pressure. Solution ‘The length ofthe mercury threads ish= 15 em. When the open end of the tube is up, let and V; be the pressure and volume of ‘the enclosed air and P (with respect tothe length ofthe mercury column) be the atmospheric pressure then we have R=P+15; Y= 300m, ‘When the tube Is inverted, we have RaPH15, ya aSem. ‘According to Boyle's law, we calculate the atmospheric pressure a follows: PK = AM, (0-415) 30 = (P15) x45 2P +15) = HP -15) 20-430 = 3-45, BP - 2P = 30+ 45 = P=75 73 0°7) <7? (@)_Whatis the value of PV/Twhere the curves meet onthe y-axis? (4) If we obtained similar plots for 1.00 « 107 kg of hydrogen, would we get the same value of PV/Tat the point where the curves ‘meet on the y-axis? If not, what mass of hydrogen yleids the same value of PV fr low pressure-high temperature region of the plot)? (Molecular mass of H, = 2020, 0, = 320u, R= 8.31 /molK) (NCERT) Figure 12.6 Solution (a) The dotted plot in the graph signifies the deal behavior ofthe gas, that the ratlo PVTis equal uf is 3 constant quality, ‘where jis the number of moles and Ais the universal gas constant Itsnt dependent onthe pressure ofthe gas. ‘The dotted plot inthe given graph represents an ideal gas. The curve of the gas at temperature T, is loser to the dotted plot than the curve ofthe gas at temperature TA rel gas approaches the behavior of an Ideal gas when is temperature Increases Therefore, >; is true forthe given plot. Wherever the two curves meet, the value ofthe ratio PTs em patoe ou where isth presi he temper Vis the volume the mbar fle sth Unveil constant Meee ims oxygens 320 g)mas ofanjgen 1% 10" 4g gh 834 Jo Troe, w 7 ‘Therefore the valu fhe PT wher the carve onthe a 025 Fc obtain snaps or 10010" Kp of hydogen we do ot et the ae aie of PT tthe point hte the caves meet the y-axis because the molecular mass of hydrogen (2.02 v) is diffrent from that of oxygen (320 u). From Ea, (1), weave 1 3x31 = 026K wv PY = 0.26 4m: 314 J/molK; molecular mass (M) of Hy = 2.02 u. At constant temperature, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES une land mis the mass of H Therefore, the amount of H, that yield the same value of PVTis calculated as follows: 63x79 = 63x0>kg 112. Anoxygen onder of volume 30 has an nial gauge pressure of 15 atm and a temperature of 27°C. After some cxygen is withdrawn from the cylinder, the gauge pressure drops to 11 atm and its temperature drops to 17 °C. Estimate the mass of oxygen taken out ofthe cylinder (R= 831 Jimol-K, molecular mass of O, = 32). (NCERT) Solution Volume of oxygen is V,=30 L=30% 10 m’; gauge pressure Is P, 5% 1.013 10® Pa; temperature Is 7) = 27°C = (27 +273) K= 300K; universal gas constants = 8.314 Jimol/. Let the intial numberof moles of cxygen gas in the cylinder be 1, ‘The gas equation is given by Pvs= a ‘Therefore, “The number of moles is written as -™ = where m, ithe initial mass of oxygen, Ms the molecular mass of oxygen (32 g). Therefore, y= uM = 18276 x 32 =584849, After some oxygen is withdrawn from the cylinder the pressure and temperature get reduced, Volume Vs = 30 L= 30% 10°’; ‘gauge pressure g p= 11 atm= 11x 1.013 x 10° Pa: temperature T,= 17°C = (17 + 273) K=290 K. Let ps be the number of moles ‘of exygen leftin the cylinder The gas equation is given as PM oa ‘Therefore, PM, _ 11.143 108 x 30 «10° a ‘3314x290 But the number of moles can be expressed as = m,/M, where m, 5 the mass of oxygen remaining inthe cylinder. Therefore, y= ie = 13.86 32 = 443529, “The mass of oxygen taken out ofthe cylinders calculated as follows: Initial mass of oxygen inthe cylinder ~ Final mass of oxygen inthe cylinder =m, —m, =584B4g 443.52 = 141329 0.14kg 13,_ An airbubble of volume 1.0 cm rises from the bottom ofa lake 40 m deep at a temperature of 12°C. To what volume does it grow When it reaches the surface, which is ata temperature of 35°C? (NCERT) Solution Volume of the air bubble s V; = 1.0 cm? = 1.0x 10% m’ bubble ses to height is d= 40 m; temperature ata depth of 40 m is 85 K: temperature atthe surface ofthe lke is T; = 35 °C = (35 +273) K'= 308 K; the pressure on the surface ofthe lake = 1 atm = 1 x 1.013 x 10a; the pressure atthe depth of 40 mis. P,=1atm+dpg, where pis the density of water (10° kg/m) and gis the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 vs). Therefore, P,= 1.013 x 108 + 40x 10° 9.8 = 493,300 Pa, AY BM, toh where Vs the volume of the air buble when teaches the surface, which i given by Ai 483300}1.0 10-308 _ 5.265 94 = 53 Ly ‘BBS x 1.013 x 10° ai A meter ong narow bore held horzantally (and closed atone ed contains 76 em long mercury thread, which Waps 215 cm colin of ak What happens ifthe tbe s held vertically with he open end atthe botom? (NCERT) 4 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XL “Solution Length ofthe narrow bore i L= 11 m= 100 em; length of the mercury thread is /= 76 cm; length ofthe air column between mer- ‘uty and the closed end is, = 15 em. Since the bore is held vertically in alr with the open end at the bottom, the mercury length that occupies the ar space i obtained as 100~(76 +15) =9em. Hence, the total length of the alr column is 15-+9=24 cm. Leth cm of mercury flow out as @ result of atmospheric pressute. Therefore, the length of the ar column inthe bore i 24-+h cm and the length of the mercury column is 76 —h em nal pressure |s Py =76 cm of mercury Initial volume is Y= 15 cm Final pressure is y= 76 ~ (76 ~ h] =h cm of mercury; final volume is V,= [24+ h} cm? The temperature remains constant throughout the process, Therefore, AM, =Pi¥s 76x15=hQ4+h) H+ 24h—1140=0. 2s ear aco 6 ES = 238 em oF -478em. Height cannot be negative. Hence, 238 cm (or approximately 24 cm) of mercury flows out from the bore and $2.2 «m (or approx!- ‘mately 52cm) of mercury remains int. The length of the alr column ls 24+ 238 = 47.8 em (or approximately 48 cm). Given below are densities of some solids and liquids. Give rough estimates ofthe size oftheir atoms Carbon (diamond) Gold ‘Nitrogen (guid) 100 Luthium oss Fluorine quid) 1 (tint: Assume the atoms to be tightly packed" in a sold or liquid phase, and use the known value of Avogadro's number. You should, however, not take the actual numbers you obtain for various atomic sizes too IMerally. Because ofthe crudeness of the tight packing approximation, the results only indicate that atomic sizes are nthe range of afew A) (NCERT) Solution ‘Atomic mass ofa substance Is M; density of the substance is p; Avogadro's number is N= 6.023 x 10; volume of each atom Is. civen by (4/3); volume of N number of molecules I given by far x Se1? XN, Volume of 1 mol ofa substance is given by M/p. Therefore, Sart =, genni For carbon (diamond): Mass M is 12.01 x 10-* kg; density pis 222° 10° kg/m. Using Eq. (1), we calculate the radius of a carbon (¢iamond) atom as follows r= (2% Ps ee = (<2) "= (seeaaS AB Stiamos) ~ uA Far god Mass Mis 197.00 > 10° ka densty p= 1932 x 10?g/n. Using Ea, (1, we eaeulte the rads of» gold atom a follows: ' (24) -( __3xis7xios___” amv) *(aexiaa2xt0'xeoxTos) = 494 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES For liquid nitrogen: Mass Ms 1401 x 10"*kg: density pis 1.00 x 10" kg/m? Using Eq (1), we calculate the radius of liquid nitrogen atom as follows: ee 55 M=6.94 « 10" kg: density p= 0.53 x 10° kg/m Using Eq), we calculate the rac of ithium atom as follows: am \"_(___sxssex109__)"_ Ce For liquid fluorine: Mass Mis 19.00% 10- kg: densly pis 1.14% 10° kg/m? Using Eq, (1), we calculate the radius of liquid uo tine atom as follows 1=(25)" = (exis) = SECTION = Kinetic Theory of an eal Gas ‘= Law of Equiparttio of Energy % Specific Heat Capacity = Mean Free ath $$ A$$ $4 (1) Foran ideal gas, the relation of kinetic theory is given by ‘where nis the density of molecules, m the mass of the molecule, and v? Is the mean of squared speed. Along with the ideal gas ‘equation this kinetic theory equation provides the kinetic interpretation of temperature 2s follows: Frnt = BT, vem = Wegt = UE. ‘This implies thatthe temperature of agasis an amount ofthe average kinetic energy ofa molecule, whichis independent ofthe nature of the gas or molecule. Ata fixed temperature, Ina mbxture of the gases, heavier molecule has the lower average speed. Law of equipartition of energy: For a dynamic system in thermal equilbrlum, the total energy is distributed equally amongst allthe degrees of freedom and the energy associated with each molecule per degree of freedom s(V/2)ka, where ks Boltzmann Constant and Tis the temperature of the system on the Kelvin scale, ‘The molar specifichest: Heat Qs elated to temperature change AT by =<, 47, here G's constant called molar specfic heat at constant volume ‘Translational kinetic energy ofthe moleculesin agasis given by 3 Bag = 34. Tre mean free path isthe average distance covered by a molecule between two successive collisions: , ae Vina Nv" where dis the dlameter ofthe molecule. Conceptual Problems the translational speed of each molecule in an ideal gas were tripled, would the Kelvin temperature also tripe? If not, by what factor would the Kelvin temperature increase? Account for your answer. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XL 7 Solution ‘The relationship between the average kinetic energy per particle in an ideal gas andthe Kelvin temperature Tf the gas is given by the elation (V2) = (3/2). Ifthe translational speed of each molecule in an ideal ga is tripled, then the root-mean-square speed forthe gas is also t- pled. From the relation (1/2)mvi., = (3/2), the Kelvin temperature is proportional tothe square of the root mean-square speed. ‘Therefore the Kelvin temperature will icrease by a factor of 9 . I the temperature ofan ideal gas is doubled from 50 °Cto 100°C, does the average translational Kinetic energy of each particle double? If not, why not? Solution I the temperature of an ideal gas is doubled from 50°C to 100°C, the average translational kinetic energy per particle doesnot dou: ble. The equation (V/2}mvZ, = (3/2)kT relates the average kinetic energy per particle to the Kelvin temperature ofthe gas nat the Celsius temperature. If the Celsius temperature increases from 50 °C to 100 °C, the Kelvin temperature Increases from 323.15 K to 373.15 K.This represents a fractional increase of 1.15; therefore, the average translational kinetic energy per particle increases only byatactorof 1.15 Its possible for both the pressure and volume of a manoatomicidel gas to change without causing the intemal energy ofthe gas tochange. epsinhow tis could occur solution ‘The intemal energy of sample consitng of n moles ofa manostomic del gas at Kevin temperature Tis Us = (3/2); there fore the intemal energy of such an idea as depends only onthe Kelvin temperate he pressure and volume ofthis sample changed otheray the internal ney ofthe ies gas wl rman the same, Physical this means thatthe experimenter would have to change the pressure and volume in such away tat the produit PV remains the same, This an be verified fom the Kea ‘as la PV = RTM the valves ofPand Vare varied so that the product remains constant. then Tl remain constant nd ftom {he equation Ux = (3/2), the intemal nergy ofthe ga remains the sae. Suppose thatthe atoms ina container of helm He) have the same transitional ms sped a the molecules na container of argon A) Treating each gs nies gos. expsin wich eter, asthe greater temperature Solution ‘The atomsina container of eum have the same tranlatonl ms speed asthe moles in container of argon The equation reat ing the average trarslationa kinetic ney per particle nan iea gas to the Kelvin terperstre fe (V2ivi, = G2). Since the mass ofan argon atoms greater than the mas of ahem atom, then fom the above equation, the average translational Kinetic ‘nergy pet atom ofthe argon atoms i greater than the average transaional kinetic nergy per ator ofthe helum atoms Therefore, the temperate ofthe argon atomsis greater than that ofthe helum atoms. “The kinetic theory of gases assumes that aga molecule rebounds with the same speed after coliding wit he wal of container. Suppose the peed after theclision les than that before the clon Would the pressure ofthe gabe greater than, eval, less than that predicted by kinetic theory? Account oryour answer. Solution Thekinet theory of gases assumes that gasmoacle rebounds wth the same speed after colidng withthe wal ofa conaine. Fem the impuse-morentum theorem, we know that Ft = my, ~¥a) where the magnitude of Fisthe magnitude ofthe force onthe wal Ths implies hatin atime interval a gs malecle of mass, moving wth vlc v fore the clision andy afte the olin, ‘errs force of magnitude F = 2nv/t on the wall ofthe container, ine the magnitude of ~ 2. Khe speed ofthe gs m0 cule afer the coin ess than that before the alison, the force exerted onthe wal ofthe container wl be les than F = 2m, sinc the magnitude of —vls then ss than Therefore the pressure ofthe gar wile ss than hat predicted by knelt ‘Additional Problems 1. 0014kg of nitrogen s enclosed in a vessel ata temperature of 27 °C. How much heat has to be transferred tothe gas to double the rms velocity of its molecules? Solution Mass of nitrogen gas is 0.014kg inital temperature ofthe gas is T= 27°C = (27 +273)K = 300K, me The rms velocity is given by Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 18 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘As Rand M are constant, we have Vie Ti Therefore in order to double the rms velocity of gas molecules, ts temperature should be made four times and hence the final tem perature of the gasis obtained as 7, = 300% 4 = 1200K, Figure 12.7 shows two thermally insulated tank. They are connected by a valve that I Initaly closed. Each tank contains neon gas atthe pressure, temperature, and volume indicated inthe drawing. When the valve ls opened, the contents ofthe two tanks mix, land the pressure becomes constant throughout. (a) What isthe final temperature? ignore any change in temperature ofthe tanks themselves Hint-The heat gained by the gasin one tank's equal to that lost by the other) (b) What isthe final pressure? Pj=20%105Pa T=580K, Figure 127 Solution {a} Since the heat gained by the gas in one tanks equal to the heat lost by the gas in the other tank, Q; = Qy or letting the sub- script 1 correspond to the neon inthe eft tank, and letting 2 correspond tothe neon inthe right tank) smh, = semi sm ~T) = sq 1) m= 1) = fh - 0. Solving for Tolves p= mhs my, m+ ‘The massesim, and m, canbe found by fistfinding the number of moles, and From the ideal gas aw, PY = iT, 50 Al, _ (50105 PaN2Om) _ 55. BR, ~ Teatarimol-RoKa20 KY ~ $5%10% mol This corresponds to a mass m= (55% 10? mol(20.179 g/mal) = 1.1 x 10* g= 1.x 10'kg. Similarly, p= 244% 10 mol and 1m,=49x 10" q= 49 kg Substituting these mass values into Eg (1) yields 1 w (49 KG)58O K) + (1.1 x 10! g)(220 K) (49g) + (0.1107 kg) (&)_ From the ideal gas law, the nal pressure s calculated as, (WRT _ (1555102 mol + (24 x 102 moli8.31/0m vi ROP +S me = 33 x10°K. 3. The average value of the squared speed vi does not equal the square ofthe average speed (vaq} To verify this fact, consider three particles with the following speeds: vy = 3.0m/s, v, = 70mvs, and vs = 9Oms. Calulate (a) vig = lv? + v3 + v4) and (0) ag) = 04 +02 + IF. Solution Using the expressions for bq and (Yo) givenin the statement of the problem, we obtain (2) og = 408 +08 +8) = NB.0 m/s? + 7.0m) + (80 ms? = 463 mF? (©) Gg? = G+ e+ ¥IP = ROMS +70 ms+ 90m = 40.8 m2 vn 80d Vag) a not equal, because they are two ifferent physical quantiles. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XL 19 4, In aT electrons with a speed of €4 107 mis strike the screen from behind, causing it to glow. The electrons come to a hat after sttking the screen. Each electron has a mass of 9.11 x 10°" kg and there are 62 x 10" electrons per second hitting the screen over an area of 1.2% 10" m. Whats the pressure thatthe electrons exert on the screen? Solution The average force exerted by one electron onthe sereen's, rom the impulse-momentum theorem, F = Ap/at = mav/At. Therefore, Ina time At, N electrons exert an average force F = Nmav/At = (N/At)mAv. Since the pressure on the screen is the average force per unit area, we have (wiat)mav ate (62% 10% electrons/s).9.11% 10°" kg84 10" m/s ~ Ors) _ 12107 mw é pak 40% 10'Pa Estimate the total numberof air molecules (inclusive of xygen, trogen, water vapoy and other constituents) Ina room of capacity 25.0 ata temperature of27 °C and 1 atm pressure. (cert) Solution Volume of the room is 300 K; pressure in the room P= 1 atm = 1% 1.013» 105Pa The ideal gas equation relating pressure (9) Volume (V), and absolute temperature (7s gven by Pv=kNT, here is Boltzmann constant= 1.38 10 JK: and Nis the number of ar molecules inthe room. Therefore, the total number of airmolecues in the given room isealevlated as Ne BY - 1013x108 x25 = Be = ROIS, = 61120" molecules = 6.1 0% molecules Estimate the average thermal energy ofa helium atom 3 a) room temperature (27 °C), (b) the temperature on the surface of the Sun (6000 K, and (the temperature of 10 milion kelvin the typical core temperature in the case ofa star, (ncerr) Solution (a) trom temperature, T=27°C=(27+ 273) K=300 K:average thermal eneay (727, where kis Botamann constant = 138 TO" kl Therefore, the average thermal enetgy of helum stom arom temperature (27 C}s obtained as, Bar = 213810 300 = 621x109) = 620" (8) When T= 6000 Kon the surface ofthe Sun, the average thermal energy of helium atom on the surface ofthe Sun's calculated asfollows: Bera 10% 6000 « BAVC" = 143 1 (©. Whe tetera = 10° the eae teal energy fal tran the sce othe Sun icalatedas flows: Bap = 3130102 10" = 2070) «AI Te vest fel apcy have gues ihe sae temper and presi The Sst es Gnas nash ones) Tresscond conta ip ers te id coara rer Rescued gchee she wel conta ea umber ferpctve mle? (the ot ean Saeed melee tec inthe he set) ok whch coetsvathelngest neem Solaton (a) Acadng to Atogadrsiaw he thee esses conan af il munber of he pce oles. Ts number el 2 Arogodis number N= 60231 6 Teotnean ae peed al of Proteases et eens ghee anit -- = ‘where kis Boltzmann constant. For the glven gases, kand Tare constants. Hence Vg depends only on the mass of the atoms, af Therefore the root mean square speed ofthe molecules inthe three cases isnot the same. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 20 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 6) Among neon, chlorine, and uranium hexafluoride, the mass of neon isthe smallest. Hence, neon has the largest root mean square speed among the given gases. '. At what temperature Is the root mean square speed of an atom in an argon gas cylinder equal tothe rms speed of a helium gas stom at -20°C? (Atomic mass of Ar= 39.9 and He = 40 u). (NCERT) Solution Temperature ofa helium atom i T=-20 °C =253 K: atomic mass of an argon atom Is My,=389 u atomic mass ofa helium atom IsM=40u. LetVmear be the ms speed of argon and Vinny be the rms speed of helium. Therefore, « cu toa = Whereis the universal gas constant and 7, the temperature of argon gs. The rms speed of helium is given by he moe = ae tis given that Therefore, 253 399 = 252 0K, Estimate the mean fee path and collision frequency ofa rtragen molecule ina cylinder containing nitrogen at 20 atm and tem- perature 17 °C, Take the radius ofa nitrogen molecule ta be roughly 1.0 A. Compare the collision time withthe time the molecule ‘moves frely between two successive collisions (molecular mass of N;= 28.0). (NCERT) Solution ‘Mean free paths 1.11 x 10° m; collision frequency is 458 x10? si successive collision time» 500 x Collision time. Pressure inside the cinder containing nitrogen is P= 2.0 atm = 2.026 x 10® Pa. Temperature Inside the cylinder I T= 17 °C= (17 + 273) K= 290K; radius fa nitrogen molecule is r=1.0 A= 1 x10" m; diameter d= 2r=2%1 x 10 =2> 10" m; molecular mass of nitrogen is /M= 280 q=28 x 107 kg. The oot mean square speed of nitrogen Is given by a= FE ime = where Ris the universal gas constant = 8.314 JmolK. Therefore, 00 | BSIEES - sonagme = Sx 108 ms ‘The mean free path (2) is iven by on xa were isthe Boltzmann constant = 1.38 102 kg: m/57/K Therefore, ar i VixaixP = 1.38 10° x 290 = 810° 29 YE BIA x (2 x 10°P «2026 x10" JE x 3.14 x 4 x 2026 ‘The colsion fequency is obtained as 50826 eer ye Ye = $0826 2 458 x05! = 5x 10 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET KINETIC THEORY [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Collison time is given as 3930s = 4S ‘Time taken between successive colisionsis obtained 2s 11x10" m LOTT 2 218x105 = 210" = 393x107 ~ 10. From a certain apparatus, the diffusion rate of hydrogen has an average value of 28,7 cm/s. The diffusion of another gas under the same conditions is measured to have an average rate of 7.2 cms. Wentiy the gas. (Hit: Use Grahams law of difusion: AYR; = (Ma/hh)®, where RR are difusion rates of gases 1 and 2, and M, and M, thelr respective molecular masses. The law sa simple consequence of kinetic theory) (NceRT) Solution Rate of diffusion of hydrogen is Ry = 28.7 cm/s; rate of difusin of anather gas sR, =7.2 cm/s According to Grahams law of if fusion, we have where Ms the molecular mass of hydrogen (2020 a) and Mf, Is the molecular mass ofthe unknown gas, which is obtained as follows: ny =m( RJ -20(2z) -s2009-225 Since the molecular mass obtained is equal to 32 g the unknown gasisidentiied as exygen, |. Agasin equilbrium has uniform density and pressure throughout ts volume. This strictly true only ifthere are no external influences. ‘Agas column under gravity, for example, does not have uniferm density (and pressure). AS you might expect, its density decreases With height. The precise dependence is given by the so-called law of atmospheres ener tie, where ny, refer to number density at heights hand hy respectively Use this relation to derive the equation for sedimentation ‘equlbrium of suspension ina iquid column: y= nemeninr-Nior, Where pis the density ofthe suspended particle, and that of suroundling medium. (Ns Avogadros number and Rs the universal ‘985 constant) (Hint: Use Archimedes principle to find the apparent weight of the suspended particle) (NCERT) Solution Law of atmospheres suggests ‘where ns the number density at height hand n isthe number density at height hy mg isthe weight ofthe particle suspended Inthe gas column. Density ofthe medium isp; density ofthe suspended particle is gr mass of one suspended particle sm mass ofthe medium displaced is m volume of a suspended particle is V. According to Archimedes principe fora particle suspended in aliquid column, the effective weight ofthe suspended particle is given as Weight ofthe medum placed - Weight the suspended parce = mg - fg = mg-Ve'g= mg -(™ rg -m Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Substituting Eq (2)n place of mg in Eq, (1) and then using in Eq (3), we get y= ne-naninr nena -nmar emer i-N, 12. A vessels filed with 2 gas ata pressure of 76 cm of mercury ata certain temperature. The mass ofthe gas is increased by 50% by introducing more gas in the vessel atthe same temperature Find out the resultant pressure ofthe gas. Solution Pressure exerted by a gas, according to kinetic theory of gases, can be written as Vovig = 1M v2 Pa dovig = 1M ty Since the temperature Tiskept constant, vaso a constant. Also, Vis a constant Therefore, PM, thats, Substituting the values nq, (1), we have B _ M+ (50/1004) %6 ™ ‘Therefore the resultant pressure ofthe gas is calculated as follows: a z At what temperature, the rms speed of exygen molecules is sufficient to escape from the Earth? (Take v,=11.2 kas, m=276% 10g, and y= 1.38% 10K) Solution ‘The oxygen molecule escapes from the Earth when the kinetic energy of translations greater than the energy required to escape: 9, = 3x76 = 114 emof mercury. Hence, at the temperature 36> 10"K, thems speed of exygen molecules is suficient to escape from the Earth Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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