Goal of This Test

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Goal of this test

This is an internal training test by test IO. Submitted reports are only used for training and
evaluation purposes.

Once you have achieved and shown the required ability in training tests, you will be approved as a full
member tester and be able to participate in our customer tests. As long as you haven't met the
requirements yet, we will keep inviting you to new training tests. You can participate in this test or any
follow-up test if you don't have time now.

More information can be found in our academy article Onboarding Test and the chat message that we
sent you after your registration.

Websites to test
https://www.johnlewis.com/ (only the UK store in English language)
https://www.carrera-toys.com/en (only the US store in English language)
https://shop.bestseller.com/gb/en/home (only the UK store in English language)


– You can test all of the given websites above.

– If the website that you test forwards you to another country domain, switch back to the US/UK store in
English language (see above).
– If one of the given websites is not accessible from your location (geo-blocking), this is not a bug and
cannot be reported. Just test one of the other websites instead.

Out of scope
– This is a live site, so do not make a booking or purchase, do not contact their customer support, do
not submit reviews, etc.

– Please don't create any user accounts while testing. To test the order process, use the guest checkout
option instead.

– The search feature is out of scope in this test.

– Bug Disputes must not be submitted for any of your reports in this test. They will get rejected. The
team leader decision is final in this test.

Additional requirements
Only report up to 3 reports about functional bugs. If you submit more, all of your subsequent bugs
will be rejected! Don't report any more bugs if some of your reports get rejected. You can submit more
reports in the following test.

Before you start testing

– The first and most important lesson to be successful is to always read feature descriptions and
additional requirements thoroughly.
– The starting point for new testers is our Quick Start Guide.

– Learn the difference between different bug types (functional, content, visual, and usability). Only
functional bugs can be submitted in this test.

– Work with our severity guideline to assess the severity of a bug (low, high, or critical).

– Learn how to document meaningful bug reports that adhere to our rules with the help of our
article Bug Report Requirements.

– Learn which bugs have a fixed severity in our Bug Assessment Sheet.

– Learn how to successfully submit a bug report in our Onboarding Video Guide.

To submit a bug, click on “Read feature description” for one of the features below, then “I have read and understood
the instructions”, and finally “Submit bug”.

Test these features

 01. Landing Page
Submit bug
 02. Main Navigation Menu (Header)
Submit bug
 03. Footer
Submit bug
 04. Product Overview Page (POP)
Submit bug
 05. Product Detail Page (PDP)
Submit bug
 06. Cart
Submit bug
 07. Order Process
Submit bug
 08. Explore
Submit bug
01. Landing Page

Submit bug

Where you can find this feature:

the landing page of the given test environment

What you should find there/test for:

The landing page is the first page a customer will see when visiting the website. The whole content area
between the header (including the main menu) at the top and the footer at the bottom is part of it.


 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
2. Main Navigation Menu (Header)
Submit bug
Where you can find this feature:
at the top of the website

What you should find there/test for:

The Main Navigation Menu (Header) offers the main navigation features for the website. Often it also
includes a search functionality and the functionality for the account, which usually have their own “Features”
in tests if those parts should be tested.


 Linking problems that occur in the navigation menu or the footer should be submitted as
Functional Low bugs. In all other parts of the website, linking problems are Content Bugs (which are
out of scope in this test).
 Only the links are in scope, not the linked pages (they would be part of a separate Feature).
 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
 The main navigation menu may vary or be missing on some pages. This is not a bug.
Out of scope

 The search feature is out of scope (this would be part of a separate Feature).
 The account feature is out of scope (this would be part of a separate Feature).

03. Footer

Where you can find this feature:

at the bottom of the page

What you should find there/test for:

In the footer, links and information are collected and offered to the user. Links in this area should
forward the user to the respective pages.


 Linking problems that occur in the footer or the navigation menu should be submitted as
Functional Low bugs. In all other parts of the website, they are Content Bugs (which are out of
scope in this test).
 Only the links are in scope, not the linked pages (this would be part of a separate Feature).
 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
 The footer may vary or be missing on some pages. This is not a bug.

04. Product Overview Page (POP)

Submit bug
Where you can find this feature:
after selecting a product category

What you should find there/test for:

After selecting a category in the navigation menu, you will be redirected to the product overview page
(POP). Products for the selected category will be shown here.

The shown items can be clicked, which leads to the corresponding product detail page.

 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
Out of scope

 If only a few items don't match the filter or the category, this is only a content bug, which cannot be
reported in this test.

05. Product Detail Page (PDP)

Submit bug

Where you can find this feature:

after selecting a product (e.g. on the POP)

What you should find there/test for:

After selecting a product, the product detail page opens. Here you can see information about the product
(e.g. product pictures, different versions of the product, Reviews, Q&A – may vary in availability on
different websites).
Products can be added to the cart from here.

07. Order Process

Submit bug
Where you can find this feature:
often after clicking checkout at the cart

What you should find there/test for:

Please check the functionality of the order process. Test if you can go through it with realistic data and
check if you are stuck at some point. Go to the last step of the order process and abort the process.


 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
 ATTENTION: Don´t place orders. Don´t click “Submit order”. This is a live site and orders will be
shipped. Only proceed until the “Review your order” page and stop testing there.
 Use the guest checkout option if available.
Out of scope

 The registration of user accounts is not part of the ordering process. Don´t register user accounts on
the website under test.

08. Explore
Submit bug
Where you can find this feature:
elsewhere on the page

What you should find there/test for:

Here all functional bugs can be reported that do NOT fit to one of the other Features given in this test.
Please make sure that you are still on the correct website (check URL and domain) and that the bug is NOT
covered by another Feature. If it fits to another Feature, report it there, otherwise your report will be rejected.
Out of scope

 everything connected to the search functionality

 everything connected to account functionality (registration, login, features that require a login)
 all bugs that fit to another Feature provided in this test
 all bugs that you find after leaving the website (e.g. after a language or country change). Check the
URL and information on the website.


 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.


Where you can find this feature:

can often be found in the header (main navigation)

What you should find there/test for:

Products that you have previously added to the cart can be edited and deleted here.

The shopping bag is the entry point to the checkout/order process.


 Functionalities may differ between the mobile and desktop view. This is not a bug.
 Some functionalities may vary (e.g. editing of products). This is not a bug; it depends on the
 The cart can have different names (e.g. basket, shopping bag, ...). This is not a bug; it depends on
the shop.

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