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Chuck Dixon Christopher Ivy Peter Pantazis
Troy Peteri Christopher Ivy Joseph Craig
Kevin Irwin

Special thanks to Matthew J. Seelinger, Michael E. Lynch, Robert Asahina,

Paul Morando, Laura Jowdy, Tim Frank and Jim McLauchlin.

Medal of Honor: Daniel Inouye, May 2020. Published by the Association of the United States Army, 2425 Wilson
Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201. President and Chief Executive Officer: GEN Carter F. Ham, USA Ret.; Vice President,
Education: LTG Guy C. Swan III, USA Ret.; Vice President, Membership and Meetings: LTG Patricia E. McQuistion, USA
Ret.; Vice President, Noncommissioned Officer and Soldier Programs: SMA Daniel A. Dailey, USA Ret.
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daniel ken inouye
was born into a
japanese american
family in honolulu,

initially spurned by
the country of his
birth, inouye would
go to extraordinary
lengths to prove
his love of america.

daniel inouye
daniel was taught by his
parents from a young age the
value of honor and loyalty.

I owe so
much to the
people of hawaii.
I expect you
to repay that
debt. taking this
to heart, daniel
with the red

on the day
imperial japan
attacked pearl
harbor, he
rushed to help
treat the
when he turned eighteen a few this ban was reversed by
months later, daniel tried to �oin e�ecutive order by the start
the army to fight for his country. of the following year.

we�re not
taking enemy americanism is
aliens into the a matter of the
service. mind and heart.
americanism is
not, and never
was, a matter
of race or

son, we�re
at war with
your kind.

a brand�new combat unit

the 442nd they proved their loyalty in italy. in
was formed.
regimental again and again in combat. southern
combat team. france. and
back again
in italy.
wait�ll the
germans get a
load�a you.

the 442nd regiment, in its

short e�istence, would as well as a unit the
become one of the most german army would
decorated units in american soon come to fear.
military history.
april 1945. in a desperate rearguard
san terenzo, italy. the wehrmacht action, the germans were
was every bit determined to slow the
as dangerous in allied advance up the
retreat as on italian peninsula.
the attack.

into the teeth of this c’mon,

defense marched the go for
soldiers of the 442nd. broke!

their task
was to sweep
the germans
oFF this

thanks to a battlefield it was a charge he

coMMiSSion, inouye was took very seriously.
now a second
lieutenant in coMMand
of his own platoon.
fully e�posed to the round
enemy fire, he punched into his
was struck by a abdomen and
sniper�s bullet. followed his ribs
lieutenant! around to exit
from his back.

been hit,

need a

he was in pain but could walk. inouye and his unit found
for inouye, that was enough. themsel�es pi�ed down
by three machine guns.

what �
need is to
clear this it was april ��,
hill. the day after adolf
hitler�s birthday.

stay down. alone, inouye

we�re in a crawled to the
croSSfire. what do nearest machine
we do now, gun nest.
sir? let me
he made it within with two hand grenades he
fifteen feet of took the german position out.
the concealed

before they could

train their weapon on
him, inouye moved to
neutrali�e a second
machine gun crew.

gun from the third mg nest,

emplacement a soldier fired a rifle
number grenade at inouye.
two was
the explosion though there was no sensation
created a in his now�ruined arm, the li�e
cri�ling blow. grenade remained clutched
in his fingers.

fighting to remain a southpaw

conscious, inouye toSS landed
took the grenade close to the
in his left hand. third nest.

get down!

but the third machine

gun still needed to
be eliminated.

and neither blood

loSS or shock or
pain was going to
keep inouye down.
his own safety was not
to be considered.

his only thoughts

were for the debt he
owed to the place he
called home.

a country that had

not always returned
his devotion.

he was struck
once more.

a round
fractured his
right leg.

his men caught up inouye refused

with him, astounded sir, are evacuation until the
to find inouye alive. you--? job was done.

his platoon
took the third
machine gun��
and the ridge.

keep going,
men! nobody
called oFF
help the war.
me up.
inouye spent
twenty months in
army hospitals.

there he met future colleagues phil

hart and bob dole who would help
influence his choice of civilian careers.

inouye’s war was over the loSS of his arm

but there was still meant he would never
work to be done. realize his dream of
this time
at home. becoming a doctor.

but he was determined

to serve, to repay that
debt, in another way.

inouye was discharged as a in ����, senator daniel

captain in ���� with a distinguished inouye and �� other america owes
service croSS, bron�e star, and asian american �ii an unrepayable
two purple hearts. veterans received the debt to you
nation�s highest honor. and your

he went to school
under the gi bill and
was elected the first
congreSSman for hawaii
when it gained state-
hood. in ����, he became
the first japanese ��e�
american elected to
the u.s. senate. end
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download a copy of Medal of Honor: Daniel Inouye,

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