Vocabulary Plus and Languajr in Action

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P41. Look at the list of places and answer the questions: bridge canal mosque freeway ocean tower castle church cave field lake valley ss ‘, Ba alice. ‘Hse places in your home town? places in the ere on right) Vea! dat Lana bch the cara) Ea it P uch are natural oy #2. Match words from A and B to make adventure ectivities. Buegee extreme fatale rock seube skate white-water wind — 3. Match the activities in Exercise 2 with the photos. = (__—5 ng tro Kira lea oniny Bee PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE —® 4. 6} 233 Complete the article with the correct prepositions: on, in or at. Then listen and check. —P 5. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which place do you think is the most unusual ie irant the rsh Waa clave to place to iron? Tir, esp SMS pate (2 2. Can you think of any other places? on th floor —P © FOCUS ON: go Write these words under the correct heading. Try to add one more word to each group. stip bie windsurfing cimbing college ‘a course sking the supermarket the subway Fe car, vaggtion Vagastck: sou Avis alg Ol Se - ae ony ballooning boareng climbing drng ironing juraping rafting surfing Ve= aL Have you ever heard of this adventure activity? Extreme ironing is a sport where people go to strange and sometimes dangerousilogations and iron clothes! Here are some of the|pla ges Wilere people have done their ironing: i Lon a rock,’ orwmarbicyele; #4 aicanoe “on _ the top of 2 mountain amaigave, the middle of a freeway; ’_GVWMNSkIS ae e bottom of a lake; "Or a cliff} Ory We Surfboard, "_ON_ the roof of their houses. WN So where don't these people jfon? They don'tiron oat home Complete the sentences with the correct form of an expression with go. 1. usually go be bus 2 thate go 6. long trips 3. We never $0 5 Antarctica 4.1 __go__ sailing last weekend Mark the sentences that are true for you, Rewrite the others so they are true, Look at the photos and answer the questions, 1, Whereis Luke going) res. going Hk Y” 40 you think h wh WMrat ese need fo bing wih hm hy £ Watch oF listen to the first part of the conversation. Complete the table, persian th q FP. watch or listen again and check Which ticket does Kate say Luke can't buy? ba Watch or listen to the second part of the conversation, J) Whectappened othe pie of ake le ! BS, Watch or listen to both parts again. Then match the words in A with the phrases in B. 1%. Do you do like to fly? Do you do well on long flights? Yes, | lee } ) 4 enjoy lhe 7. Work in pairs. You are planning a work trip. ia Talk to your partner about They went by Car 40 india?

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