هيثم العمري

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Jmり ]平 力 LDJ:山Dい セうⅢ dl“ 口 1月 〈l^^‖

合鼻」l・Jり 9 口
Ministry of Education lMAM ABDULRAHMAN B:N FA:SAL UNIVERSrrY Klngdom of Saudi Araba


King Fahd Hospita:● fthe University Aikhobar l,コ Lψ りI。喘│`ll^11υ こ出し

Medical Report

NAME OF PAT工 ENT= Amri′ Haithan Mohd― Ali ACE825Y

MEDo RECORD NO : ■■03790 SEX:male
ADMISS工 ON DATE 30 」un 20 0334800 NAT:Saudi
Visit Ъ ″ e : 工nPatient(Discharged On3 04 August 2020)
Report Date: 2 Aug 20 ■345


x Admi88iOn Date : 30ヽ 6ヽ 2020

× Discharge Date: 2ヽ 8ヽ 2020
x Status in digcharge: improved
24 years o■ d saud Male, admitted through ER after Fall fron the 4th
HosPita■ Courge:
Patient underwent
x Subdura■ Hematoma Evacuation 30 」une 2020
× Decompregsion and fixation fro● T■ ■ ― L■ 4TH 」u■ y 2020
x Left i■ iac fracture ORIF ■3 」u■ y. 2020
× Right sacral Fix screw fixation ■3 」uly′ 2020
Patient is seen today and evaluated′ doing fine no active issues.
Ex: Patient i3 vitally stable : T(37.3) P(■ 07) RR(20)
Pu■ se(■ 07)BP(■ 37/79) ′On Right tr shape back-3■ ap.
D■ sta■ Neurovascular intact No c■ inica■ sign of colnpartnent gyndrome
or DVT.
Labs :Hgb (9.4) BUN (■ 5) cr( 0,49)

Discharge PIan:
x Dischargelnatruction:
o Keep wou[d dry and clean
o Regular die!
o OPD afler 2 weeka in orthopedic clinic with Dr. saad
o OPD with Psychiatry clinic on Wedneaday after Eid.
x Disctrarge Medications 3

o Paraceta.Dol 19 PO Q 5 hr for 1{ days .

o Claxane 40 Dg SQ OD for 25 days
o Risperidone I mg HS daily
o Risperidone 1Dg PRN in case of agiEation

PACE ■ OF 2 :β 。メ


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J口 ψ Cり OE助 ′:L`力 LDJl月 ‐ hい ,irr^6.., r1 ,irlj.gll ; (l^^tl
Ministry of Education lMAM ABDULRAHMAN B:N FA:SAL UNiVERS:TY Kingdorn of Saudi Arabia

King Fahd Hosptal ofthe Unive“ ityAlkhobar iルコ l tJ‐ LJIュ゛ `1:^llぃ 置 L“

NAME OF PAT工 ENT= Amri′ Haithan Mohd― Ali

MED. RECORD NO : ■■03790

.f,ehani, Yasser Mahir

DirecEor of Irtedical Services


PACE 2 oF 2
Alkhobar 31952■ PO Box 2208
■=」 │
中 。O wwW iau edu sa / :;ut l.:i.l

Fax +966138966770 にう Tel +966138966666 /+966138966877 ● │

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