Universidad Nacional Autónoma Honduras

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Universidad Nacional Autónoma Honduras



TEMA: Activity 31


NUMERO DE CUENTA: 20183030062

The Tour

Hello everyone, I’m glad to be all here in the National Identity museum on Tegucigalpa city

I am Kenia Yolany Diaz your tourist guide

First every one, if you want to start the tour you need to know the rules

Pay attention please!

 First you are strictly forbidden from taking photographs inside the museum.
 Please stay on the marked path.
 I'm sure this goes unsaid, but remember to place all trash in the garbage bins.
 Please pay attention to the time. We don't want to keep the driver waiting.
 Classes are in session, so we need to keep our voices down.
 The bus will be leaving at 4:00 pm sharp.
 You'll have some free time to look around after lunch.
 Please meet back here in one hour.

About the safety

 Stay all the time with me

 Don’t left the tour
 Don’t touch the pictures

If you remember all the rules we are ready to start the tour

Come on people do you know about the National Identity museum history

No? , ok I will say it for you

The Museum of National Identity of Honduras is a museum dedicated to the acquisition, research,
conservation and dissemination of historical material of the humans that have populated the territory
of Honduras. Managed by the Honduran Foundation for National Identity, the MIN is located in the
city of Tegucigalpa, MDC in the old Palace of the Ministries, a building built in the 19th century,
during the presidential administration of Tiburcio Carías Andino, declared a national monument by El
Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History is one of the most visited museums in the city, it has
very interesting rooms. For example, the virtual room Copán, explains the history of the gods and
their kings, there are also other rooms, where you can see the busts of Honduran heroes.

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