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ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Study of Quality Management in Construction

D.Ashokkumar 1
Student, ME – CEM, Erode Builder Educational Trust’s Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India

Abstract- Construction industry plays an Quality of construction projects is linked with proper
important role in the development of any country. The quality management in all the phases of project life cycle.
development of construction industry depends on the Design and construction are the two important phases of
quality of construction projects. Quality is one of the project life cycle which affect the quality outcome of
critical factors in the success of construction projects. construction projects significantly. In a NEDO (National
Improvement in the quality of construction projects is Economic Development Office), London survey aimed at
linked with quality management in the project life cycle. improving methods of quality control for building works it
Although quality management at every stage of project was found that "design" and "poor workmanship in the
life cycle is important but the quality management at the construction process" combined to form more than 90% of
execution (construction) stage contributes significantly the total failure events. This paper therefore, focuses on the
on final quality outcome of construction projects. This quality management in the execution phase of construction
project mainly focuses the importance and factors that projects. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance
affects the quality management in the execution of quality management in the execution phase of
(construction) phase. The project also includes visiting of construction projects.
some construction companies and conducts the During the last decades construction industry has been
questionnaire survey, then analyse the difficulties (major heavily criticized for its performance and productivity in
factors) and the cost variance due to quality defect in relation to other industries. With the turn of the new
quality management and suggests some proactive millennium, it appears that the construction industry is going
measures for the improvement of quality in the execution through an intense period of introspection, which is
phase of construction projects. exacerbated by increased technological and social change.
These changes are altering the tempo of the environment
I. INTRODUCTION within which construction operates. Moreover, such changes
extensively affect the way business is carried. No organization
1.1 GENERAL operating in the construction industry, whether large or small,
Quality is one of the critical factors in the success of private or public, can afford to ignore its changing
construction projects. Quality of construction projects, as environments if it is to survive.
well as project success, can be regarded as the fulfilment of Many of the management practices used to support
expectations (i.e. the satisfaction) of the project participants. construction organizations are being challenged. The
The construction industry in India has been struggling with industry’s clients are moving forward. Clients demand
quality issues for many years. A significant amount of the improved service quality, faster buildings and innovations in
budget is spent each year on infrastructure and other technology. It is no accident that the construction industry has
development projects. Since the quality outcomes of the turned to the manufacturing sector as a point of reference and
projects are not according to required standards, faulty source of innovation. Successful concepts derived from
construction takes place. Consequently additional manufacturing, such as Total Quality Management (TQM),
investments are required for removal of defects and Reengineering and Lean (or Just-in-Time) Production, are
maintenance work. A construction project in its life span being adopted and integrated into the construction industry.
goes through different phases. The main phases of a project Implicitly, the successful implementation of these concepts is
can be described as: conceptual planning, feasibility study, heavily dependent on a culture of teamwork and cooperation at
design, procurement, construction, acceptance, operation both intra- and inter-organizational levels in construction.
and maintenance.

Copyright to IJIRSET 36

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Quality Management has increasingly been adopted by 2. Determine the major factors that are mostly affecting
construction companies as an initiative to solve quality the quality of construction during the construction particularly
problems and to meet the needs of the final customer, if ever in execution phase.
an industry needed to take up the concept of QMS (Quality 3. To create the quality awareness to the low level
Management System) in the construction industry. However, construction organisations.
implementing QMS principles in construction industry is 4. To minimize the indirect cost of the project and also
particularly difficult because of the many parties involved. reduce the wastage of wastage of materials, time, money,
In this thesis I first present a short review of the manpower, etc.
literature on quality management in construction industry.
Secondly, we focus on the problem defining quality in 1.3 SCOPE OF STUDY
construction. I use data from my studies on quality in This project proposes to investigate the adoption and
construction industry to illustrate the problem of defining implementation of QMS in the construction industry and
quality and also discuss with some contractors. Third, we develop a “measurement methodology” of construction
focus on problems with implementing quality management in processes for customer satisfaction and continuous
construction industry. Using those data, I form some the improvement. The main concept of this research project will
questionnaire for quality survey. Fourth, form the survey i can be to identify “what” processes can be measured and “how”
easily predict the major factor affecting the quality of to measure them. To identify the above objectives, literature
construction. Fifth, the founded major factor affects the search, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The tools
organization in terms time, cost and reputation. Finally the used in the measurement will be one or several of the “Tools
research result shows the cost and time for insufficient quality. of Total Quality” such as control and run charts, cause and
Then conclude the research with giving some suggestion to the effect diagrams, flowcharts, check sheets, Pareto diagrams,
organization. and histograms. For the local construction industry, this
project has the potential of demonstrating benefits of using
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY TQM in their organizations. This will be carried out by
QMS places emphasis on prevention, not correction. showing that quality improvement efforts can be quantified,
The goal which works that is 100% free of errors, free of measured, and analyzed - thereby showing the construction
accidents, and 100% free of waste. The aim of the project is to company to continuously improve in products and services
do things right at the first time, eliminating waste and rework. to meet and even exceed customer needs.
To achieve this, it is necessary to focus on “processes.” A In India especially Tamilnadu lack in quality
process is a task or a series of tasks. A process might be the management so creating awareness about quality
vibration of fresh concrete, the fabrication of structural management is more important. This thesis creates some
concrete, the preparation of a drawing, or a way in which the awareness about major factor affect the construction quality
project manager acts with a client and with other members of and cost of poor quality. Another important of this thesis is
the projects . comparing the quality management between high level
The main objective of this study is to create the quality companies and low level companies.
awareness to the construction company especially small scale
industries. Because all the literature and statistics shows that 1.4 NEED FOR STUDY
small scale construction industries not that much aware of In other manufacturing industries are establishing the
QMS (Quality Management System). Whenever the Quality TQM (Total Quality Management) system but in construction
Management System is implemented we can easily minimize industry we cannot establish even QMS (Quality Management
the wastage of material, cost overrun, wastage of time, etc... System). The reason behind is every construction project is
Specifically, the aims and objectives of this research project unique and quality is ever changing factor i.e. quality change
are to: time to time, place to place. But many common activities in
1. Investigate the adoption and implementation of QMS construction project like the concrete work, Block work,
in the construction industry. plastering, etc.
In those common works are affected by some major
factors like quality of material, quality of manpower,

Copyright to IJIRSET 37

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

construction detailing, concrete work, etc. in this thesis is very Quality assurance is evaluating the overall project
much helpful for find out the major factors and give result performance on a regular basis to provide a confidence that the
with cost of poor quality. This thesis is more helpful for project will satisfy the relevant quality standards.
creating cost oriented quality awareness to low level The primary function of quality assurance is to obtain
construction companies. completed construction that meets all contract requirements.
Assurance is defined as a degree of certainty. Quality
1.5 TERMINOLOGIES assurance personnel continually assure or make certain that the
This part includes the terminologies used in quality contractor's work complies with contract requirements.
management system. These definitions place a major role in
quality management because researcher’s definitions are the
basic. From the basic we can understand about quality
management. 1.5.4 Quality Control
Quality Control is the monitoring of specific project
1.5.1 Quality results to determine if they comply with the relevant quality
ISO 8402 defines quality as the degree of excellence in a standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of
competitive sense, such as reliability, serviceability, unsatisfactory performance.
maintainability or even individual characteristics. Both ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and
We usually think of “quality” in terms of an ISO define quality control as the operational technique and
excellent product or service that fulfils or exceeds our activity; for example, providing a means to control and
expectations. These expectations are based on the intended measure the characteristics of a material, structure, component,
use and its cost. or system that are used to fulfil requirements for quality.
According Dale Besterfield (Quality Control, A
Practical Approach, 7th edition, 2004), Quality can be 1.5.5 Quality Management
expressed as: Quality management refers to all activities of overall
Q=P/E management functions, especially top management leadership,
Where: Q = Quality that determine quality policy objectives and responsibilities for
P = Performance all members of the organization.
E = Expectation
If Q is greater than 1.0, then the customer has a 1.5.6 Total Quality Management (TQM)
feeling of great satisfaction about the product or service Total quality management is the management approach
rendered. The determination of Q is based on perception, of an organization, which concentrates on quality based on the
with the contractor determining performance and the participation of its members and aims at long-term success
customer determining expectations. The customer through satisfaction and benefits to all members of the
expectations are continually becoming more demanding. organization and society.

1.5.2 Quality Systems 1.5.7 Quality planning

Quality systems refer to the organizational structure, Quality Planning is identifying which quality
process, resource and procedure needed to implement quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to
management. satisfy quality standards.


Quality assurance is the planned and systematic Total Quality Management mainly demands a process of
activities implemented within quality system and continued improvement aimed at reducing variability. An
demonstrated, as needed, to provide adequate confidence that organization wishing to support and develop such a process
an entity will fulfil requirements for quality. needs to use quality management tools and techniques. It is
prudent to start with the more simple tools and techniques.
These are Check-sheet, Check list, Histogram, Pareto

Copyright to IJIRSET 38

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Diagram, Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Fishbone Diagram),

Scatter Chart and Flowchart. 1.6.6 Scatter Diagram
The relationship of two variables can be plotted in the
1.6.1 Check-sheet scatter diagrams. They are easy to complete and obviously
Check-sheet is used to record events, or non-events linear pattern reveals a strong correlation.
(non–conformances). They can also include information such
as the position where the event occurred and any known 1.6.7 Flowcharts
causes. They are usually prepared in advance and are Flow chart is used to provide a diagrammatic picture
completed by those who are carrying out the operations or using a set of symbols. They are used to show all the steps or
monitoring their progress. The value of check-sheet can be stages in a process project or sequence of events. A flowchart
retrospective analysis, so they help with problem identification assists in documenting and describing a process so that it can
and problem solving. be examined and improved. Analysing the data collected on a
flowchart can help to uncover irregularities and potential
1.6.2 Checklist problem points.
Checklist is used to tell the user if there is a certain
thing, which must be checked. As such, it can be used in the 1.6.8 Statistical analysis
auditing of quality assurance and to follow the steps in a Statistics is the study of the collection, organization,
particular process. analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. It deals with
all aspects of data, including the planning of data collection in
1.6.3 Histogram terms of the design of surveys and experiments.
Histogram provides a graphical representation of the
individual measured values in a data set according to the 1.6.9 PDCA cycle
frequency of occurrence. It helps to visualize the distribution PDCA is an iterative four-step management method
of data and there are several forms, which should be used in business for the control and continuous improvement
recognized, and in this way they reveal the amount of variation of processes and products. It is also known as the Deming
within a process. It should be well designed so that people who circle/cycle/wheel, Shewhart cycle, control circle/cycle, or
carry out the operation can easily use them. plan–do–study–act.Another version of this PDCA cycle is
OPDCA. The added "O" stands for observation
1.6.4 Pareto Analysis
It is a technique employed to prioritize the problems so 1.6.10 Pilot survey
that attention is initially focused on those, having the greatest A brief preliminary survey, often using a small,
effect. It was discovered by an Italian economist, named convenience sample, conducted to test the survey
Vilfredo Pareto, who observed how the vast majority of wealth instruments and data collection method before the project
(80%) was owned by relatively few of the population (20%). details are finalized and the larger, formal survey conducted.
As a generalized rule for considering solutions to problems,
Pareto analysis aims toidentify the critical 20% of causes and 1.7 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION
to solve them as a priority. Companies for questionnaire survey are mainly
classified in to 3 types according to their cost. They are high
1.6.5 Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone Diagram) level, middle level, and low level companies.
Cause and Effect Diagram, which was developed by  High level companies their project cost is more
Karoa Ishikawa, is useful in breaking down the major causes than 100 crore,
of a particular problem. The shape of the diagram looks like  Middle level companies project cost ranges from 5
the skeleton of a fish. This is because a process often has a to 100 crore, and
multitude of tasks footing into it, any one of which may be a  Low level company’s project cost less than 5 crore.
cause. If a problem occurs, it will have an effect on the The high level companies are located in Chennai,
process, so it will be necessary to consider the whole multitude Bangalore areas and The middle and low level companies
of tasks when searching for a solution. are located in Coimbatore, tiruppur, erode areas.

Copyright to IJIRSET 39

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

5. Limitation of Building Plan and Construction Detail:

1.8 IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY CONTROLIN Problems of building plan and construction detail were
CONSTRUCTION found such as drawing not clear, drawing mistake, so they
Quality Control (QC) in construction is the process of also became big problems in construction.
verifying that the project is built to plan, that the tolerances 6. Limitation of Material and Equipment: Some construction
allowable by industry standard and engineering practices works might use special machines or equipment which
have been met or bettered, and that the finished project (and contractor had to study carefully regarding performances,
all phases to get there) meet with the quality standards of the suitability for work and prepare enough equipment for each
architect, engineer, owner, and general contractor. On work.
construction projects there aredozens of subcontractors, all 7. Limitation of Time: Some construction works had to be
of which have specific responsibilities. Superintendents and completed within a time limit such as in cases of urgent
project managers try to maintain high quality standards but works. They caned limitation of work planning and they also
they can't be everywhere at once. Requiredinspections by caused other management problem. Therefore, contractor
cities and counties (as well as other jurisdictions, depending had to carefully consider this issue.
on the project) help to ensure safety and code issues. In 8. Limitation of Construction Methodology: Construction
addition, a good general contractor or developer will have works in some areas could not be performed by regular
onstaff a QC person, someone who is responsible for going method because there were buildings around construction
through the building or project, ensuring compliance, and site, so the contractor had to find new methods that were
maintaining an on-going list of corrective items that must be suitable to construct and sometimes used specialist engineer
accomplished before thecontractor who installed it is paid or when some construction works were in step of construction.
leaves the job. QC technicians generally keep a very detailed 9. Limitation of Rule or Regulation: This problem also
binder, separated by areas/rooms/phases of the project with greatly affected construction such as problem from traffic
notes of items that must be eitherverified or corrected, with which had an effect on transportation, problem of labour
sign-off as each is accomplished. This binder becomes part hiring, problem of building construction regulation, etc.
of the project record and is an important element to 10. Training Policies: Looking into the general training
completing the project on time and with expected policy, the ISO 9001 registered companies have more
qualityMaintained. concern on the training of their employees than the non-
registered ones. They not only pay for the course fees, but
1.9FACTORS AFFECT QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION also allow them to receive training during working hours.
1. Limitation of Finance: This was the main factor of For non-registered companies, the company may reimburse
construction and in every type of work where contractor had the course fees but employees have to attend training
to plan for financial payment to eliminate the risk because it sessions outside of working hours. Moreover, regular
might affect the project. training programmes on technical and computer knowledge
2. Limitation of Communication: Construction site were commonly provided in many companies. The most
sometimes was located in rural areas or far away from the popular training programme organized by ISO 9001
community. It might be a cause which affected registered companies was Quality Knowledge.
transportation causing difficulty and delay, therefore it was a 11. Lack of co-ordination among departments: Co-
limitation that contactor had to consider. ordination is very important for project successful. Because
3. Limitation of Labour and Wage:In many different local co-ordination between the departments is failed that may
areas, the problem related to labour such as lack of skilled leads to wrong execution or may affect the sequence of
labour, complex work, not being able to find labour might work. For example consider the MEP (Mechanical Electrical
occur, which might be causes of work difficulty, delay and Plumbing) department not properly co-ordinate with
low quality. execution team, now execution team done the plastering
4. Limitation of Weather: Weather was one of several work before plumbing works are not done due to lack of co-
important limitations because it sometimes cannot be ordination. Here definitely rework required so automatically
prevented such as flooding, storm, etc. quality is misplaced.

Copyright to IJIRSET 40

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

12. Other Limitations: Such as cooperation of each party that

is related to construction project.

From the literature survey it had been learnt
concluded there are many issues about quality in
construction industry. Due to time constraint for the project,
the descriptive survey method is to be adopted, whereas
other methods may take long duration. Several methods for
collecting information from the industry were evaluated
from various literatures.
The following steps are carried out in the project. These are
 After title conformation relevant literatures
were collected. From the literature the
problem and issues were identified.
 Framing the questionnaires based on the
analysis from the various people of
construction industry, literature review.
 Group the companies based on the
 Conduct the questionnaire survey in pre-
defined companies
 Analysis the data using SPSS software
 Find out the factors that affects the quality of
 Calculate the cost variance for quality defect
 Conclusion


Copyright to IJIRSET 41

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

3. DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE 9. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to

4. compaction of concrete?
A questionnaire was designed to study more Yes no sometimes
about the quality management practices in the construction 10. Is there any kind of quality issue arise due to improper
industry and ways to improve quality in construction works. curing of column?
The questionnaires were prepared with reference of Yes no sometimes
literature reviews and field persons like contractors,
engineers, project managers and consultant. Because field BEAM WORK
people are very well know about, what are all the factors 11. Is there any kind of problem arise due to insufficient
affecting the quality majorly. reinforcement?
Questionnaires are mainly focused on the execution Yes no sometimes
part particularly superstructure. Because the quality of 12. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
construction is majorly misplace in execution part. shuttering work?
Questionnaire mainly divided into five main categories. Yes no sometimes
These are column work, beam work, slab work, brick or 13. Does the poor cover block placement is affect the quality
block work and plastering work. of beam?
Lot of factors affecting the construction quality but in Yes no sometimes
this project I only focuses on major factors like concreting 14. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
work (concrete quality, pouring of concrete, compaction, manpower in site?
curing, etc.), man power, material quality, equipment Yes no sometimes
quality, detailing, etc. 15. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
equipment used in site?
Yes no sometimes
COLUMN WORK 16. Does the poor quality of concrete is affect the quality of
1. Does the column marking is affect the quality? beam?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
2. Is there any kind of problem arise due to insufficient 17. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
reinforcement? compaction of concrete?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
3. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to poor 18. Is there any kind of quality issue arise due to curing of
design? beam?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
4. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to improper
shuttering work? SLAB WORK
Yes no sometimes 19. Does the reinforcement is not providing as per reference
5. Does the improper cover block placement affect the drawing?
quality of column? Yes no sometimes
Yes no sometimes 20. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
6. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to shuttering work?
manpower in site? Yes no sometimes
Yes no sometimes 21. Does poor cover block placement affect the quality?
7. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to Yes no sometimes
equipment used in site? 22. Is there any kind of problem arise related to electrical
Yes no sometimes lining?
8. Does the poor quality of concrete is affect the quality of Yes no sometimes
column? 23. Is there any kind of quality problem arise due to
Yes no sometimes manpower in site?

Copyright to IJIRSET 42

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, E ngineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science-(ICETS’14)

On 10th & 11th February Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE, MECHNICAL Engg. and S&H of Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Yes no sometimes 39. Is there any kind of quality problem due to manpower in
24. Is there any kind of quality problem due to equipment site?
used in site? Yes no sometimes
Yes no sometimes 40. Is there any kind of quality issue due to curing of
25. Does the quality of concrete is affect the quality of slab? surface?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
26. Is there any kind of quality problem due to compaction
Yes no sometimes 41. Is there any kind of problem arise due to not hacking the
27. Is there any kind of quality issue due to curing of slab? surface before plastering?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
42. Is there any kind of fault due to improper button marking
BLOCK WORK fixing?
28. Does any kind of quality problem due to improper Yes no sometimes
drawing study? 43. Does thickness of plastering affect the quality?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
29. Does the right angle marking is affect the quality of 44. Does the mortar proportion affect the quality?
block work? Yes no sometimes
Yes no sometimes 45. Is there any kind of quality problem due to manpower in
30. Does the starter course lying is affect the quality of block site?
work? Yes no sometimes
Yes no sometimes 46. Is there any kind of quality issue due to curing of
31. Does the proportion of mortar mix is affect the quality? surface?
Yes no sometimes Yes no sometimes
32. Is there any kind of problem due to poor quality of brick
or block? 4. CONCLUSION
Yes no sometimes The result of this thesis will expose the main
33. Is there any kind of problem arise due to not wetting the factors which affect the construction quality and also
brick or block before lying? increase in cost of construction due to quality defect. This
Yes no sometimes study will create the quality management awareness to all
34. Is there any kind of quality problem due to manpower in level construction companies especially small scale
site? companies. From this thesis we get the major factors and
Yes no sometimes issues which affects the construction quality and that create
35. Is there any kind of problem due to not pointing of a chance for find out the remedial measure. This thesis is
joints? useful for minimize the material wastage, workmanship
Yes no sometimes wastage, time wastage and indirect cost. Then increase the
36. Is there any kind of quality issue due to curing of wall? customer satisfaction and company reputation.
Yes no sometimes

37. Is there any kind of fault due to improper button marking
Yes no sometimes
38. Does mortar proportion affect the quality?
Yes no sometimes

Copyright to IJIRSET 43

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