Jay Abraham Marketing

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Jay Abraham



. Partl: How to Chanqe Yoiir ,

Gripes into Marketing Op"portunities

. Part ll: Ten Short-Term
"Quick-Fix" TechnioUes '

For Your Troubled Business

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tiiliiiil jilliiri

Report Number 5


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Authored by Jay Abraham, Your Marketing Genius At Work is a continuing study course
. or non-traditional marketing.

Send all correspondence to: Your Marketing Genius At Work,944 Indian Peak Road, Suite 210,
Rolling Hills Esutes, CA 90274. For Customer Service, catl (213) 541-5901.

Copyright @ 1986, Lg87,1988, 1989, Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.

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All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission, in whole or pa.rt, is prohibited.
Published by Abraham Publishing Group,Inc.
944Indian Peak Road, Suite 210, Rolling Hills Estates, CA9A274

In Hawall-a trip I took a week before my

What I Did on My vacatlon bega,n-lt cosb near\r $6,000 for a
Marketing Vacation first-cl,ass, ncund-tr{p from Los Angeles. My
hotel was near\r $gOO a day.

Yet, the hotel made no effort to provlde a

This lssue of Your Marketlng Genlus at van, shuttle or Umo. We had to fend for our.
selves after a 5 L/2 hour flig[rt. It cost me $SO
Work was i:rsplred by my vacatlon.
to rent a car to get to the hotel-not an outra-
geous a,mount, but annoSrin€, €lven the facf
Part One focuges on l{ow To firrn Your
Gripes Into Marketing Opporttmities
that the trlp was costing near\r $?,OOO.
Businesses Do Wrong Or Right and Ho-nr To
Wtren I dragged myself and mgr party up to
Learn From Them.
the reglstration desk, no one asked me lf I'd
Part two will focus on specific short-term had tr.ouble getting to the hotel. Nor dld they
ask me lf I'd like tranpportation back to the
"quick- fjx" t'echnlques for when your buslness airporb at the end of my stay.
is in trouble, tncludlngf how to tell lf your busi-
ness is "marketing-impaired" and doesn't know
it. I worild have been elated.l

Now let's begln thls marketlng adventure. In my business, lf someone spend.s $4,OOO,
we glve tJrem some persona$r apprectaied
Three weelrs ago I went on vapation. I was
valuable glft that telLs them ln no uncertain
sitting in my hotel room 1n Washington, D.C., terms that they are imporlant to us.
when I impetuously decided to buy a Corvette
When I checked i:r to thls $5OGa-Aay-ptus-
converbible and drive 5,OOO mlIes back to Los
Angeles with a frlend- a l,a Marlln Milner and
hotel, marragement did nothlng. Zerol ZIpl
George Maharirs Ln Route 66.
No basket of fnrit. No bottle of wine. No
personal ietter from the mana€er elrpresstng
$Ie saw towns I had never heard of and hls personal pleasure at havlng me at hls hotel
things I had never seen before.
a,nd offer{.ng hls number ln case I required
I was both lmpressed and appalled by how assistance. No follow-up call to see lf be could
do anythlng for me.
things were handled by tJte establishments we
patronized along the way.

In the room, lt got even worse.

There were some profound marketing
Iessons-both Elood a.nd bad<n thls fasctnattng No shampoo. No personal nlcetles, other
trek. I'd llke to share them with you to show than the mandatory bars of soap.
how you ca,n turn gllpes lnto marketlng oppor-
tunities and emulate what some busi:lesses do On my T.V. was a box that sallowed" me to
riqht. watch bad, old movies at $0 a watch.

As I chrontcle The Good...fhe Bad...and The The glft shop offered certatn necesslties at
Ugly, I want to potnt out that marketing is not an atrocious 5OO to 5O0% above thelr falr
limlted to ads or salesmen's efforts. It encom- market pr{ce.
passes the entlre continulty of how a prospec-
tlve customer or cllent ls treated from before Room servlce, besides charglng 35% mort
the sale.to the post,sale foliow-up. than the already overpriced restaurant, auto-
matlcallSr added a lY% gratuity/service clurge
duccessful marketlng requtres tJre coopera- to everythlng, of which only 3.37% went to tb^
tlve energles of near\y every employee. In my young man or womarl doing the serylng
travels I was often appalled.
Stop here for a moraent.

One puqpose of thls report Ls to polnt out

-blatant ma,r.ketlng mLstakes-snd.
stantl5r, aU the tlme, whlle my compeiltors
shbw you were scra,rnbllng.
how you capltailze on them. How couldthls
have been reversed-and how could. the hotel Besides offer{ng free plck-up-a,nd-return
have proflted by dotng the opposlte? tra,nsportatlon from the alrport, I'd have a
charmlng young man or woman (l) gl'eet the
:ri If I owned a competlrg hotel ln Hawati, arrivlng guests and (3) escort them out the
hene's what I wouid do. Whenever you con_ i door when they depart. Ctrus second part is
ftrmed a room reservatlon, my reservailonlsts equally important since pe ople's real Jurr €rnent
would teII you that tJle hotel offered a compU_ of your performance often E based on how you
mentarjr shuttle serrrlce between g:OO a.m. a.nd condust yourself at the end of a buslness
l2:OO p.m. on the hour at ttre hotel's expense. sewlce, not meregr at the beglnning.) ,

Some would accept, gome would.n't, but all I'd welcome the guest at the desk vyith a
would be favorably lt'rpressed vrrlth the offer. refreshlng cold drink (or hot, dependlng on ttre
And long before you ever arrlved at the hotel, cllmate). I'd have refreshments for thelr
you'd be favorab\r predtsposed. children, whlle the ilred and weary travelers
were checking ln.
Then-lf you were mgt by a welcomer on .

arrlval, who made you feel warm, comfortable I'd g[ve them a check-in voucher good. fon
-,-'l ! and appreciated-I would be almost invlncible. all their party to have a poolside lunch.
'' I

At check-ln tlme, the desk clerk would. d.o My managen woul.d send argrone checking
any of the follov,ring!: i::to a mlniraum-dolla+rate-room--+ay $eg E_a
wonderful basket of fnrlt, cheese, crackers and
A) Give you a voucher for a botile of wlne, a.n iced pitcher of freshl;r squeezed 1ocal fnrit
Iunch, a free movie,, $f O worth of mlseeltane- Juices.
ous ltems from the gft shop...a catamaran
ride...a dinner show...brrrach or you name lt. I'd have the manager or hls asslstant follow
B) Upgrade you sllghtly from your cholce up ln two to flve hours wlth a phone call,
of room to soms percelvable enhancement, like teillng the gUests how much we apprecl,ated
a better vlew or a hlgher floor up or a sitti:rg thetn staSrlng with us-and offering to d.o what-
room or a larger n3om or a bigger bed or ever we could to make their stay wonderful.
whatever. I'd conclude the call wlth an lnvitation to a
C) Give you a basket of fruit or a botile of luau or a cockbail-and-cheese party welcomtng
wine or a tray of candles or some flowers. the guests to Ilawati and to my hotel.
I could owrr you foreven. I would provide shampoo and other nlceties
Let me drlve home this polnt: IIad the
hotel invested a very few real doilars tr ex- I mi€ht add a $S-a-Aay automattc credtt at
tended expense and added effort when I flrst the gJft shop.
checked ln, I would not ongr have felt deUgtrted.
with the $g,sOO my room would oost m+$ut I'd. offer free babysitting servlces ovenlngs
I'd have wanted to leturn over and over and between 6 and 9 p.m., provlded they ate in my
over agaln-plus tell all my friends how much restaurants
I'd loved the place.
On thelr day of d.eparture, I'd have'my'
But now I bad nothlng but contempt for the manager or assl,stant call and ask how thetr
pl,ace and lts chintzgr-minded management. stay was; thsnk them for choosing our hotel;
ask them if they need tra,nsportatlon back to
If I owned a resott, I'd bulld such fabulous the atrport; and tell them not to tip the betl-
acknowledgraent gestures into my procedures man-I would cover thelr gratulty.
that people would be falllng all over themselves
to get a room. I'd probably be sold. out con- If thls sounds like lt would cost an arm and

a leg, consider thls: calcul,ated that I'd incure $SOO ln phone bills
a.Ird $esO in postage, clerical expenses, etc.,
By adding $eO extra onto the da.ily room plus $ZSO in travel erpenses, r'ather than
rate-in a t;plcal seven-day vacatlon, you'd quote "$5,OOO plus e:<penses" and have every
generate $I4O.OO, whtch would pay for aII ttre month's blll end up an annoJrlng $6,5OO or
extras. more, I'd quote $6,S00 and pay mJr own ex-
penses. The psychological posture was much
AIso, lf you bulld. a Iot of these extra senr- more appealing and positive than the other
ices lnto your prlce stnrcture, you'Il make gny's "balt and svrrltch."
exbra profits, because not everyone vsiil use the
hotel's transportation. A lot of people,vtrlll Sure, some months I'd, lose a few bucks on
have thelr own rent-a-car. Others won't walt the deal, because my expenses would exceed
for the scheduled shuttles a.nd vrrill prefer a $l,5OO. But some months, I'd on$r spend
cab. But the mere fact that you've offered $soO-t,ooo, so it averaged out oK.
them these servlces free witl si€,nd out so
favorab\r tn thelr mlnds, hearts, and wallets Far more tmporbant though, was the fac'b
that they wlll cause them to sing your pralses that because my clients didn't feel that I was
to all when they go a.nd return home. messlng with them, they would stay wlth me
forever, unlike my'bait and switchn frlend,
Here's an tmportant marketing lesson. who went througih clients about as fast as he
would tack on hls expenses, Just llke the hotel
People a,ren't angered by the price, but they that acts llke you have no value to them.
are upset when they feel they're not appreci-
ated or lf they don't get full value for their You wouldn't mlnd payrng a blt more for ,

money. They hate nit-plclry exLE, charges. the room and beiag pampered and acknowl-
I learned a powerful lesson when I first
started consulting. Thls seemlngly simple lesson could mal<e
you a fortune.
A consultant I knew, would. soUcit clients
wlth a low-ball fee proposltion. Wtren I was tn radio ad.vertlsiag, I learrred.
the unca.nny power of "pb,cking a^rld packag-
But when the poor client got the bill, lt lng."
would have doubled the base fee !n exbras-
typing, clerical expenses, telephone bi'lts, Instead of merely selling "spots" (radto
travel, postage, etc. commerclals) for so many dollars apiece, my
station on\r sold packages. Not ongr dtd our
This guy's cllents would be llvid. Many papkages contain bulk spot*50, l,0O or IEO
would fire hlm. commerrclals-we added ri'iscount prlces for the
adverti,ser to buy a package to gtve thelr sus-
And to thls day the guy stlll gets ciients tomers, and trips that they could award to
with a low-balt prlcing offer and loses 'em tbeir top sales person, a.nd/or ilckets to enter.
when h1s biU amlves. talnment or sporbtng events.
I learned from tJrat when I quoted a cllent a Alt the costs of the prizes,/trips and flckets
,rJ fee @ack when I charged fees lnstead of coniln- were ln the "package" pricej
EI gency). I'd flrst compute the ma^:dmum
amount I could e:rpend on tSping, Iong dlstance But the a.dvertlsers felt they were gettlxg a,
t3'l telephone calls, travel erpenses and entertain- heck of a value.
sl ment. i
Perceptlonl ,
I'd add to that flgure the real 'net" fee I
€ wanted to end up vrith. People respond to perception more than
FI actuallty.
If I wanted. to net $5,OOO a month,. but I'd.

Packaglng can turrr negatlves lnto market-

- lng postltlves. c8.me with a fabulous a1arm.
When you get a dtsappotnung marketlng I l,ater found. out the salesma^n had. never Ir
result, add lncredible percelved values to the hls one-year career sold a Corvette.
package and don't lose money ln ffre prccess.
More often than not, when you "package,' your The dealer had not found lt necessary to
average sale, proflt goes UD. UzualJy only e:rplaln the complexitles and interworklngs of
some of your sustomert vtrill use all the benefits this automobile to m3r salesman.
they a.re entltied to. So you ma,ke vrindfall
profits Just for maklrrg people feel they are Bellevlng the salesman, I took the suppos-
more lmportant to you than to your compeil- ed\r 'firliy loaded" car "a.s ls" $Athout flghilng
tlon. the gtry to add anythlng.
Now, back to my markeilng vacailon; When I got home, I found out I could. have
added a 4oo-watt stereo at $6,000; a fabulous
In Washlrgton, D.C., I bought a brand-new 1flrition-killing/motlon-sensltlve, dl€ttal, mlcro
Corvetbe converttble. alarm system at $t,5OO; a rally pack, lnclud-
tng heary-duty suspenslon, brakes, a spollen
What a sad. experience. eqha,ncer and special shock absorbers for
$5,OOO more...and speclal poltshed alloy coated
il Ftrst of all, the dealers all had "funn;r wheels at $3,OOO.
moneyn-lnflated dealer add-ons, super
marked-up stlckers etc., showlng the cars to be The total ad.d-ons I would have gone for,,

worbh $4O,OOO at retall. gllve br taJ<e some reasonable price negoilatlon,

were about $I1,OOO. On accessor,les, the
I knew the retall prlce was about $O6,000, dealershlp makes 5O to 75%. Even fastoring ln
but none of, the dealers would admlt lt; so we some discountlng for negotlatlon, the dealer
lost alm,ost one-half dayJust getting withln walked away from $5,OOO to $4,SOO tn pure
sra,nge' of a reasclnable prlce,
which was crearrunmrnmrny profitJust because lt falled to
frrrstrati:rg and unnecessaqr. take the time to properlJr educate the selesman.
Finally-after four tedlous hours of pseudo There's more to the story.
price cuttlng-he dealen mlraculouslSr ce.me
down to $SE,OOO I was worki::g when the car was rea$r for
dellverXl, so I sent my friend to pick lt up. The
I knew four. hours earller I would pay crapk salesma,n didn't walk my frlend through
$3e,5OO and no more. the car or check lt out hlmsetf.
Had the dealer sald going Ln, "Our best prtce 'W,hen I got the car, the top didr:.'t work.
ls X" lnstead of gojng firrough tJre wa^sted mo- The car was overheailng, because somethlng
tions, hls salesman could have sold one, two or was wrcng with both tJ:e cooler module ar]d the
perhaps three mor€ cars ttrat day. temperature gauge, and we didn't know when
to change the oil. (IMe were going actoss
But, that's not the real fasclnation with the county.) I had to look it up in the manual.
story. What temperature should the water and o11n:n
at? What oil-pressure level was sa.fe? If the
After agl,eeing on $6a,BOO, I asked the dealer knew he dldn't tell the salesman, and lf
salesman what options I could add, maklng the the salesman knew he kept lt a secret from us.
poi:et that I loved g,eat stereos, a^nd wanted an The point Ls that tJrls was the most experrslve
a1arm. domestlc car you could buyl

He sald, "Absolutely nothlng.n The car had. The dealershlp passed up $5,OOO to $?,600
all the equlpment you could put on lt, the proflt for four hours of needless tlme wa,sttng.
stereo was the best one m&de, and the car
The salesman told me uoff the record," that

he was on$r dolng thts until he made enough

money to open up a Panamanian restaurant' I'd tell them about the seven coats of
enamel that are genUy but even$r baked on
And no one saw flt to servlce us after the their Corvettes over tbree solld days
I'd demonstrate the fascinati:rg digltat
fhls all-too-frequent failure to offer post- computerized dash panel and tell them a pow-
sale servlce ls a horrendous mlstake, and erful computer not onl;r monltols ever1r crltical
represents a wonderful opportunity. functlon, but signals aqy abnormality on a
warning dfsplay panel, and how lf the problem
I wiU probably on$r trad'e the car for a threatens the safeby or funstionlng of the car'
Porsche convertlble or a Mercedes, because the the computer automatlcally shuts it off.
CherSr d.ealer dldn't imbue my Corvette with
value, quality a^nd intangible benefits. I'd tell about the fabulous redunda,ncy
systems not dlssimllar to gleat airllne Jets'
No one took the tihe to show me wlry it ls a
good or gleat car. I was just a disposable piece I'd. expiain carefully the optimal tempera-
of meat to squeeze the money out of and tbrow ture ranges, rpm, pressur€s and settln€s.
ar/ay. I'vs had a sour taste about my Corvette
from day one. Here's what I would have done' I'd. walk the sustomer through taldng the
top down, putting it up, opening and closln€lthe
Flrst of a'Il-a.nd read thls sentence over hood, turnln$ on the ll$hts, etc.
once, twlce, t'hrice, if you know what's good for
your buslness. I'd check the oll and water gauges' then go
for a drlve vrith you and make sure you loved
I wouldn't, keep salespeople who aren't your Corvette.
thorough\r versed Ir the entire performa;nce'
construction, maintenance, service and quaiity I'd. drive you to the gas station and' fill up -
characteristics of mlr product or servlce. the tank out of 1oy pocket. Thls geshre is
vory, very imPortant.
AndI'd. see to lt that they believed in it
ard.ently. That evenlng, I would call to be sure you
were still lOO% haPPY.
If they didn't, I'd elther terminate tJrem-if
Lbelteved ln my produst{R lmprove or re-
I'd follow-up'one week, four weeks and slx
pl,ace m5r pncduct or sertrlce until lt was wortlSr months later.
of their zupPort. .
I'd mandate thls for eveqr salesma,n.
If someone wanted to know about a Cor-
vette, I'd make absolute$r cerbaln that my Ilerein lies another marketlng probiem.
salesman could ta.he the prnspect on an lntelli-
gent and fascinattng produstJourney' during Most business owners don't ma,ndate spe-
whlch a1l the features would be duly explai:red cific procedural conduct from their saiespeople.
a,nd demonstrated.
.They seem to feel that, maybe the salesmen
Remember what Cl,aude Hopklns said' about will do lt<r maybe they won't{ut as long as
the importance of a good demonstration? we gei sales, who cares?

I'd show the eng!:re and explain how much The owner should care because it wiU cost
more power{ula,nd dependable the turbo- him big. That Chev5r dealer lost ar5r repeat
powered englne wa.s. buslness. I'1I never buy a,notlter Corvette.

I'd teU them about the 8,OOO gruellng tests He also lost $5,OOo of add-on profit simP=-
it musb pass vrrith a perfect I0O score before it because he dldn't insist hls salesmen be totaily
ls shipped out to the dealer. vensed tn the options available for a Corvette.

asked for the speclal on tbe menu, and she

And slnce he dldn't c&use his salesman to dldn't even know lf lt was avallable.
lnbue Bg Corvetbe with value on ellte worth,
I'm a,n:dous to trade lt for somethlng people dq It took her ten mlnutes to walk 35 feet lnto
rcspest. the bapk ldtshen and return wlth a yes answet.

Re€Frdless of what you sell, at the tlme of We Just ordened coffee and left.
dellvery on perform&nce, make absolute$r
certaln that your sustomer feels he got a soUd These two sequences resurred all a,cross the
value: with quality or savlngls they can long be country.
proud of.
Ttrere were the supepglaplous-alweys
And most lmportant, mal<e that gustomer acknowled€lng+xtra benefit/vaiue -or{ented
feel spectal. tnrck stops pacldng them tr and the aloof,
condescendlng places barely ektng out a llvlng.
Now, on to my vapatlon marketing experi-
ences. The entire transactlon prccess entall,s
marketlng. tr'or ma;$r buslresses, your best
Ibom'Washlnglotr, Dg friend and I were off marketlng prcgla.m ls to oversenrlce the heck
apross the country. out of the client/sustomer. Always glve them
more than they expect. Care for them ln
Our obJectlve? To observe marketln6! faux worxls and deed. After the servlce has been
paus and coups for thls month's report. rendered, serve some mone. Surpr{ses malte
for dellghted repeat sustomers a,nd a sptrallng
Ilere are some of the irnporta,nt tilngs we clrcle of fat, contlnuous proflts.
-- exper{enced-
Say thank you and mean lt.
f .) fn Wheellng, T\rest Vlrglnla, we stopped
fon gas, food a,nd relief at a famllSr-owned tn ck HOTELS
.i stop. AII the klds of famllres filling up wittr
.:';' ;
gasollne got free tubs of fresh popcorn. There fhe worst hotel-ln my opinion was the
was moutJrwasb and aftersbave ln the most expenslve, the "Bla.nk" 1n Washlngfton,
restrcoms. In the rgstaurant, there was a D.C.-$5?5 a day.
deughtfilry g'egarrous waltress. I asked spe-
clflca\y for a doubl+slaed chef's salad, expect' When I checked ln, no one asked how they
lnEl a single one to be qulte small, glven the could ser\re or help me. In the room, there's
modest price. My waltress nlce\r, but fiml5r, no fmlt, wine or welcome gift, on15r a ba.r
refused m3r offer to pay double, saSrlng she where eveqrbhing costs y9u $5 to $45.
oould add extra meats and cheese for $€ mor€,
but that I wouldn't be able to eat lt all. I woke up and called for a newqpaper
(remember, r'm paylng $gfs to sleep in thig
She was dght. I loved the place. 8o, ap- room). They bring it a,nd charge me $t.SO-
parent\r, dld load.s of other people, who regu- pius tipl I went to work out i:r the grm, so
la,rly frequented tJre place. I found servlce and tbey charEe me $tO. They charged me $tO to
a.cknowledgment. They took plenty of ti:m.e to park the Conretbe.
teU us all the speclals and charnlngly helped
us to feel lmporta,nt. I felt emotlonally vtolated and ftnanclallSr
Later, we stopped at another place where
we walted near\y IO mtnutes to get seated, fhen there was thl,s wonderful clay Abra-
-though the entlrs restaurant had only flve Ir Indianapolis-Embassy
ham-tJrpe hotel
gustomers. It took another 10 mlnutes to get Suites.
a waltless, although tJrere were three to senre
flve crrstomers. YVben she flnally arrlved we Every room ln the hotel ls a beautlful twe'


room sulte. Cost-a modest $87. l.nJecblon module was broken.

When you check i:t, there's an lnvitlng I suggested that I dldn't have a problem-hE
basket of apples offered as refreshment from did.
yourJourney. AIl movles are fr€e' In the
mornlng, there's a chef In the courtlrard mak- Either he would bri:rg ln a mecha,nlc on
lng fresh "to-order" breal<fast: eggs' sausage' Saturda,Sr and repair the car or glve me a
bacon, Julce, coffee, all ft€e, compllments of the dtffercnt Corvette or pay my hotel $gZe a day
ma,nagement. until the car was rePaired.
NewspaPers? Free, of course. He chose to get the mechanlc on Saturday.

i At 5:OO p.m., soft drinks, wine or beer are He actuall5r was moderately concerned and
on the house until 7:5O P.m. somewhat servlce-orlented.

How do you thlnk Embassy Suites is doing I finally got on the road. and a^s far as
compared to the bad example that charges for Columbus, Ohlo, when the brakes went out.
At IO:OO F.D., of course.
We stayed. overnight in a Columbus Ma;rriott
I had car trouble on the road...in Washing- where I exPlained mY dlIemma.
ton... in Co1umbus...ln Indiana ...and ln Hous-
ton. Let me tell you about lt. You'llflnd some To their smart marketing credlt (they must
fasctnating marketln€ lessons. have known I was going to plug tJrelr condust
in this issue), they glacious[r told me to take
Flrst, in T/ashinglon, D.C. on Frid'ay eve- the latest "Iate" check-out I needed.
ning at 6:50, the Corvette stopped right in the
middle of traffic. Dead as a doornall. I was pleased to be lmporlant to the UarrJ
ott. Then I went to the local Columbus Chev-
We gglod to get tJ:e car back to our
stll mlet deater and exOlalnld my dligmma. .

hotel-you remember, the one that charged us 'q

$16 to park? They had no compasslon whatsoever that I

was caught halfway across the country with .
I catled our "crack" salesman-the guy that mechanlcal problems.
didn't test drive the car, let' alone know argr-
thing about its performance. He'd left for the
' They wouldn't even look at my car until
day. After all, he'd made bis bi€;hlt for the 4:OO p.m. that afternoon. If it needed parbs, it
montJr by selJrng me the Corvette. miglxt take three or four days, they sald.

I asked for the ma,nager, who, turrred out to I called Chevrclet ln Detrolt-to their credlt, I
be rather nlce. It wa^s, he potnted out, after found they have a ?4-hour customer-service
serr/lce hours. Also, 1t was tr'riday nlght and line for angr Cherrnrlet owner with problems or
servlce dldn't open untll MondaY. questions.

I'd pla.nned to leave that night, and pqtnted They not onlJr empathtzed with me, they
out that I'dJust spent $ge,5OO and didn't plan phoned the dealer and exerted adequate enough
on staJrlng another nlght 1n my $gZS (plus tur) pressure to get my car repalred rtght away.
hotel suite. The deaJer grudgbgly flxed my car.

He sent a tow tnrck to my hotel, picked up Here's the markettn€ Point:

the car, brought it back and found a mechanlc
stiU han€lng around. He calied me to repoft A)
The Dealer was only hterested tn loca-
that I had a rcatly big problem: The fuel- customers, whlch ls, I suppose, understandable,


but they aren't wllUng to voluntar{ly extend Keep a set ln the car when you're drlvlng
themselves fon an out-of-towner tn dlstress. and llstenlng to the radlo.

B) Cherrrolet has a toll-free hotllne selvlce Keep them handy at home or'ln the offlce.
center.for people llks me, but no one told me.
The dealer who sold the car to me dldn't. fire Every tlme you see or hear somethlng that
I salesxos,n who knemr I was golng to travel cross trritat€s you, a^gsume that lt lrd.tates the heck
I country dldn't. Non was lt readtJy apparent tn out of most everybody else andJot lt down. To
remed;r thls problem or lts equlvalent ln your
the owner's manual. I found out ody b5r
lndustry can lift your buslness head and shoul-
i accldent when I was mad enough to call De-
I trcli. ders above your competltors.
When you see a buslness that truly stands

out, ask yourself- What dtstlngulshes that

i Very few people understand the critlcal
need fon comrrlon serue, a genulne concern for flrm's performance from lts competltors?
I the well befng and satlsfaction of the customer;
I fsp g s6tnmtttrlent to gervlce abovea,nd-beyond Once you ftnd an answer, record lt, then
that whlch Ls ocpected; and the ability to both empioy that sa,me technlque ln your buslness.
verballze and demonstrate to the customer that
he ls truty speclal. That ls reallgr all you need Here is my suggested worksheet:
ii to galn markeung domlnance.
Things I can't stand ln other buslnesses.
* **lt

lGrat I would do if I were ln that buslness

:' Before I take on a cllent-I stop and look at to overcome that problem?
':,, everXrtNng about that industry that could gripe,
,! ^ frustrate or lmltate a potential customer. How I can adaot the posltlve side of that
ne€ative observatlon over to my busineqs.
I ask people what lrritates them. I trlr
lnternallzlng thg same probiems so I can expe- Thlngs flrms do that impress me.
,' rlence the customer'g fnrstratlon when I create
. my cllent's marketing How I can adaqF that technique lnto my
., I wrlte down on paper precisely what agga- business's marketln{ ogeration?
:i vatin€lproblems I want m3r cllent to prtmise to
t ', cornec'lrall the probtreru someone could have Terrible ads I've seen.
who seeks out my cllent's product or gervlce.
,. ;,
EIow qould they be lmproved?
i I then examlne companies in my cllent'g
' field who are dolng thfngs right by addresslng 'What salesman/woman has lmpressed me-
one or more of the pnoblems on my list. how and whv?
j I look at a lot of dlfferent lndustrler EIow can I edaDt that nositlve lmgressien to
i looklng for the undlsputable wtnners ln each mv marketinf
TVhat turnoffs have I been subjected. to by
Wtty? salespeople?

Because many success-bullding technlques How eould that negative be converted to a

'-i! that work for one firm ln one lndustry arc oositlve?
adaptable to others. In fact, mogt are useful.
,,i I've prcpared a zuggested worksheet to
- modlfy or add to. Prepare equlvatent worksheets for radlo,
T.V., newspapers and dlnest mall and then
Cany lt with you aII day. fonce yourself to go through it regularly.


10% have no cash flow.

Fbequent$r and systematlcally revlew thls
data, to ldentify marketlng elements that ca.n Most are in serlous uconcept trouble.'
be lncorporated lnto y9t13 buslness operatlon.
I've been able io help a.lmost everyone who
Take the necessary actions to test the comes to me for stratesc marketlng.
effestlveness of these elements ln enhanclng
your rn arketlng pr€glam mlng. In the long nrn, the on\r endurlng success
I've had ha^s been based on selling a super{or
Whlle dolng alIthls, remember what I've value, product ol servlce, a,nd puttin€ the
.l taught you about U.S.P. sustomer ahead of the company. But more
' than a few clients have gotten their heads
If asked to reclte ln a tlght, concise, compel- above w&ter, tha,nks to the help of these thort
ltng 6O words or less, the Unlque Beitlng Propc Term. "Qulck Flx" Technlques I'm about to
sition thelr firm offers, that €loes above and share vrith you. It bought them tlme to bulld a
beyond al} their competltors, most buslness more enduring foundatlon.
owners would go btank.
Each tactlc is slmple to lmplement.
ff can't lrnmediate\r, ciearly articul,ate
one or many unique sales appeals, how do you AII are forthri€ht, honorable and fatr to the
e:qpect your customers to percelve it? gustomer.

Indinecb\r, tltts sectlon was really about how gvery boncbpt ls adaptable to angr tSpe of
to imBrove, expand or sreate s. g6mpe1lin$ business troaglnable
U.g.P. to ma,ke your flrrn lnvi:rcibIe.
Qrrtck Flx #l. A pure sa.le
It really works. Tty the techniques. Inte-
grate them lnto the fabrlc of JIAuI markethg The only sales that reaily work requlre a
and obsenre the lmpact. It wiU anazs you. rational Justiflcatlon for the prlce redustlon.
l\rrthermore, anJr price reductlon must be
validated aga,inst the standard price. AJso,
PART II som€ added benefit, bonuS or exLended advan-
tagie, ln addltion to the pure pr{ce redustlon
Is your buslness ln trouble? seems to have a ma,Jor'lmpact on the success of
a sa1e. Headllnes, calls to actlon, and llmg
Before you say "non<onslder thls: llmitations are also cr{tlca$r lmportant
Ninety-nlne out of I0O business I look at Let me illustrate.
are not optimlzing their marketlng dollars.
To sa,Jr mere\r that somethlng ls on sale at
Ninety-flve out of IOO buslnesses have no 6O% off or,5096 off ls a.Imost meanlngless,
or a poor$r articulated U.B.P. when everyone makes & usale" thelr standerd
operatln€f procedure.
T Nlnety-elght out of IOO business never test,
'l analtrze, quantlfy or extrapolate the effectlve-
ness or net wofth of thelr markettn$
Your. yalue must be tnrly appeating.
Staft off your ad., mailing plece, telephone
t: Alm.ost no companles redeploy thelr mar' call or sdtes pitch wittr a headllne, or lts venbal-
ke[n€ a.ssets, cross sell or Joint venhre to ized equivalent that conveys qulckl3r, clear$r
i; thetn customers or prcspects. and competUngly the excitlrg essence of your
And tJrat's Just on tJrs marketlng slde.
For example:
IIaJf of the companies I look at have lousy
cash flow.

DrJ clern|n g for tbe nert tJrlrtJr days onlSr at
i one ha.lf tlre Drlce cJrar$edby anotber dry Air condltletlrn€ lnstalled tn any trouse for $gE
i cleanen less tlren Sears clrar€tes, wlth hrlce

' &eguerantee.
h OB
Dr5rclean gults ttratnormally cost $ 10.00 for
Just${.S8 eac.h. Our top-of-the-llne washer-aad-dr5rer conblaa-
tlon, reglularly $ 1r95O a set, ls on sale for 6o0/o
OB less tJran Montglomery Ward clrargelr for lts
Dry clernlng for our cost,
pfug $f.OODergamenL @
OB A $3,Ooo sofa forJust $6es.

Welll ifrXr cfeen three sults for tbe prlce most @

dr5r cteaners charge for oae.
$a,uOO braees oDIy $680, wltlrterasup to EO
OB noathg lnterest free. And no money dowa,
Helll launder a dozea shlrts or blouses, Dresseal
and starched foldled, or on lrargers forJust 39 C @
each-lnlots of 18.
Glveus a4 analtlre pr{ce rtroDs 1986 38" remote control stereo T.V. wttJr
to ag.g0 ashftt. stand, !t$ sftrnnel, cable functlonal. On gale at
1 978 black-and-whlte grlces.

Two blouses cleaned free wltJr ever5r blouse you
brtngus. $ f OO rllnnsl fsl
hnro, complete wlth two botiles
of erpeaslve Frenclr lXlanpagne. rlust $89,
OB before ?:3O, weehlghts. Only $39 onweek-
Trousers or slrlrts cleaned forJust
49C apoun& G
OB $4,OOO ort$nal-art pr"l.nts by world.-famous
Europer n sutreafist efoe Blow, s-htpped tnsur€E
I(tZ (Xeaners ctrar€tes $S to clean e sutt. Just $ f gB plus a smau handllng chargJe.
ABG Gleaaers cbarges $?.98. OB

QRS Greaners gets $rO. $ fOO-an-l,ourservlce catrsjust $89, Uyou

sclredule w S4hours ln advance.
tle Bltc Eotel htts 5rou for $ f a. WeU clean any
nrtt (lnclurrrng three-plece sufts) forJust $g.g8 A few more examnles:
eac,lr. And, san€-dlay servlce for no extra
charge. Srrfmmhgpools for 4O0/o less tlrsn the prlce tlre
two blgfglest Dool comDanles are chargltng.
You,probab)y sta,rt to get the ldea. Double Ore gluaraatee and. $lrOOO ln ertnas,
Let's app\r the prlnciple to some other


$ tarOOO ford Taunrg gedrn $-.fulry loaded,

wttb $grOOO tnfactoryoptions: $8'OOO h After that we go back to the o1d prlces.rt --
dealer 3.add-onst; a three-5rear ertsaded, war-
rarty (ruorth $ I'OOO nore); anrf a certtftcate Anothen ratlonale mtght be the raw tmth:
worth t5O gauons of gas-all torJust $ f g,98O
dellveredr lnctudtn€ sales tar aad ltcenslng. 'trbanklgr, our bustness ls terrlble trate[r. 8o
For t'lre nert ttrrree da5rs onl5r. our competltor's busi:resg. But we don't
have to $rorrJr about thelr pa.1nnll, overhead
I could go on and on. and accounts payable. We have to worrlr a,bout
our own.
Flrst, you state the blg sale, lllustratln€f the
don't lsrow tf buslness will lmprwe or
supneme pr{celvalue relationshlp as com-
pelllngty as posslble, ln order to get the proper not, but we do know that we have a ton of
prospect's attentlon so they'll want to hear paid-for lnventory gathertng dust on our
morel shelves, and a bunch of skllled, hlghly pald
lnstallers sltting around doing nothtng.
Once you get their lnterest, then you must
glve them a solld, beUevable, plauslble ratlonale I'd rather have part of my cash bapk than
for why you're offering such a preferentlal have to keep reachlng into my pocket to subsl-
price<ne that no one else is offerlng. r11?e a losing operatlon, at least untll we can
declde whether to close down, chang€ locatlon
Then, you must re-estp.bllsh the credibiltty or concentrate on a more speclall-ed a^nd
of your price as a solld value by educati:rg the limlted market.
pncspect about the pricing strnrcture 1n the
lndustry. So begtrurlng now and through the ead of
August, we'II sell all oun present pald'for
Reasons for €lving such preferential prices lnventoqr at our real cost.
might be as follows:
Not our normal rctall prlce, but our real
uOul buslness peaks ln the wlnter and ts dealer'g cost of purchase.
busy all spdng, but come surrrmer, our busi-
ness ordina,rily drcps 70% and doesn't pick up NotJust 50, 40, or SOei off the norm.al
until October t5th. Until then, we operate at price, but in some cases, L/4t}:e normal selling
less than I/8 ot our capacity. Yet my rent and price. In other ca,ses, lt's 1/5.
overhead remalns constant. I usua$r lose
$I,OOO a week aII summer, or f have to lay off If ttris works, we'll pay for
$5OO,OOO of tJre
one half of my loyal sta,ff, a1l of whom have overhead we'd normal$r have to subsldlze atl
fg,mlllgg. suurmer.

Thl,s year I've declded to malrtaln volume Stated another way-5rou'll save us b€,lf a
by offering our uwidgets" for the next two milllon dollars."
montJts for half our nornal spring and fall
prices, so I ca,n keep my staff together. Thts Etc., etc.
saves $g.sg per wldget. It's also 6O% less
tha.n Joe Blow charges for bls wldgets and 48%
less than Tom's Widget House.
uWe're willitrg to lose money
on you to get
Next Fall, not on\r wlll our widgets be back your buslness away fncm our competltors.
at nsgular prlces, but we'r.e expestlng a ma,rru-
fasturing prlce lncrease of more than e8%. I{ere's our propositlon...

Based on that antlclpated prlce, this offer Gtve us the buslness you would have g[ven
saves you 8O% but is only good on wid€et to Sea.rs or Ttlards, and we'll cha,rge you 4096
purchases thnru€h September lbth. less than both of them are cur"enUy quotlng


over ttre phone.

A servlce buslness could offer a one, three,
That's an out-of-pocket loss of $10 to $SOO or flve-year on llfetlme prlce guarantee fon
per wldget. But we're wllling to suffer the loss regular or emergency senrlce at a prepaid
tn tJre hope that you'll come back again and dlscounted fee right now.
a€aln at regUlar pr'lces. Also, Tre'Il reduce our
lnventory, whlch frees up cash we can use to A restaurant might offer a prepaid flxed
buy more pr.oducts we can sell to you ln the number of lunches or dlnners at a dlscounted
futurp." advance price.

Elbc., etc. A llquor store might offer a bottle of wine

ever3l week for the next 58 weeks for an
AB advarrce paSrment now, addlng a set of wine
glasses, a corkscrew and an lce bucket.
"We want to flnd out preci,sely what effest
price acbuallsr has on your motlvation to buy A dry clea^ner might offer a year's unlm-
.our vrridgets. ited dry cleaning with a sttpul,ated ma:rirnum
number of garments for a one-time advance
8o we devlsed a daring, month-long experi- paSment.
Accountants, doctors, dentists a,nd. otJrer
We declded. to sut profits by 95%. uprofesslonals" mlght offer an entjre year or
ufamlly" of professlonal services for a flat
That's a real price cut; 38% lower than ar5r adva.rrce fee.
otJrer wldget company l:n New York ctrrrently
charges for vrrldgets. Dltto, pet, shops, for d.og food, blrd seed, etc.

tr?ank\r, we can elther make or lose a ton Regulator1r restrictions penmittlng, broker-
of money on this dar{ng experlment. age flrms could charge a onstlme-on$r, up
front brokerage fee for unllmited trades for a
If we're right, and our volume sl$rrockets, year. The slqr's li-terally [hs ljmlfi.
we'U be able to buy larger lots at a lower cost
per unit, and we'll mal<e m6re money. Obviously, this concept ls most pracblcal for
flrms ln soft-doll,ar or ulntanglble" products and
If we're rrong-xre'll lose our shirts. servlces with big markets.

But I suppose rlsk ls the price you pay for About haJf the time this concept produces
the cha,nce to make a bundle. real net proflts. The other half of the the the
offers of this one-shot deal lose money down
However, tO partlally]lrntt 9u1r'isk tf we the llne dellvering the service or product.
guessed wr€ng, we're Umitlng thi,s offer to the
flrst I,OOO sustomers. But the idea always produces tons of front-
end cash flow.
After that, prlces go back up to the old
IOO% ma,r'lmp level. There are also interestlng tan advantages,
slnce you have an unfulfilled service obllgation.
AJso, the offer e:rplres on August 38th at Gheck vrrlth your accountant, but there are
l3:OO mldnlght.' ways to temporarily shelter a lot of the lncome
am adva,nce sale produces; lf you use the ac-
Qulck Ftlx #2. The Advance Sale. cnral method of accountlng.
If your buslness lends ltself to it and you Other twists to the advance offer are extra
have some consumable or repurrhasable prod- bonuses and benefits, snch as accompa,nlments
ugt or servlce, you ca^rr sell advance udts at llke the goblets a.nd wlne.
prefercntl,al prlces.

AIso lt Ls essentla.I that ar5rone uslng thls people b3r elther mall...mall announcement...
" cr'eamn promotlonal technlque Judlclously set telephone or llve sales sa11...you can usually
aBart a good chunk of the proceeds to develop reap a tremendous bounty of sales l:tr a matter
better long-term ma.r'ketlng to ensure futurt of days.
Suggested text to be used ln elther a letten
Thls concept produces so'much front'end or a telephone call might follow these ltneg:
cesh flow when sklllfully used that I Umlt ttds
concept to cllents I feel wlllJudlclously utlllze uYou are probably my (ou') most valuable
the money to bulld their buslnesses. gustomer. You've purchased over and over
and over agaln from my flrn.
Thls approach Ls a sure-ftre cash-flow
generator. I appreclate repeat customerg more than
a,:ry other. Idnd. You are the real backbone of
Quick tr''tx #5.
The Affinitlr my success.
Discount tvvist.
So, rather than merety saying "Thank you,"
Slmpty stated, ttrls approach has you offer. I prefen to do somethlng tanglble a,nd meanlng-
lng a finlte numben of people tJre chance to Join ful to you.
a speclal club or assoclatlon wlthln your total
gugtomer ranks. : Here's what I ca,me up vvtth...

Fol a ons'ttne or annual fee, all memberg IJust purchased 600 sllk, thre+plece Louls
get the opportunlty to punchase at a slgnificant clardln French Sult/Dresses ln eleganUy luxurt-
dtscount over regular customers. They also get ous Chlnese sllken embroldery tbat are double
advance btqrlng opportunities and notlflcatlon satln llned and hand-flnlshed. These sult/
on more Umited availabillty or ln-house prod- dresses are eas\r retalled at $5OO each on
usts and servlces. more (a boutique ln New York ls selllng the
sarne suits fon $gZS right now. Call me up and
Speclal quarter,lJr newsletters or bulletins I'll glve you lts name.)
usuallsr are lncluded.
But I'II let you Utw,rf to two sutt/drcsses
AJso, agaln d.ependin€ on the fee you charge before I put them out on the floor for regular
for readershlp, you might throw ln some hlgh- sale-at only $650 each.
percelved value @ut low cost to fulfill) bonus
ltems. Plus, alterations that normalgr cost $80 arr
yours free. But you have to act now. You aJso
Thts ls a nlce, solld, renewable cash-flow have to cbme to our Main Street Design gestton
generator. a^nd ask for the suit/dresses. They're not on
dlsplay, nuroose\y
You also generate Substantlal ongolng cash
by maklng speclal preferentlal offers to these With IO,OOO customers and only 5O0 sult/
members. dresses to sell, I'm certaln they'll seil out fast
lf I put them on open dlspl,ay."
Qulck Flx #4. Go to yorrr Crld. Cr.stomer'.
Etc., etc.
Glo to your old customer vrrlth a speclal ttme-
dated, prl,vate offer. Get the ld.ea? I str€ngly suggest, make that
urge you to make certaln you'r€ extendlng
Most companles have hund:reds of thou realty solld values lf you adopt !h;lg apprcach,
eands of customers they ca,n ldentify. They're sino6, lf tt works, you'can keep golng back to
elther malntalned on a malllng llst, old records, the well over and oven and over agaln.
or charge-card sllps, etc.
Quick I'lx #6. .Iolnt Ventures
By puttlng together a speclal upreferred
sustomer' offer that you pass on to these


If you can't have a saJe...tf you can't sell
an advance membership...or spectral preferred Let your ethlcal greed glands nrn wild.
crstomer offeriags...go to a buslness who most
loglcally would beneflt by accessing your sus- I know someone who regUlar1y gets a
tomer or prospect and englneer aJoint venture $S,OOO advance pa5rment agalnst selest pnrfits
agt'eement, whereby you make your customers, for enough offers. He does lOO a year. No
store, galesmen or prospects available to those kiddturg.
ln a sSmerglstic but noncompstitive fleld who'll
put, up all the capltal, and even sales person- Another ctient of mlne llcensed hls com-
nel, lf necessaqr, for the privilege of accesslng pany's narne to a women's lin€erie store for a
your sustomers and willsplit with you 5O/BO; fat up-front fee and 51% of the gross forever.
60/4A or whatever deal you can negotiate.
$Ihat could you do?
In order to "sut" or negotiate the best deal
possible, I r€commend you go to a firm with Quick Fix #?. Sell Licenses Of Your Technioue
the penspective that you've spent X 1O,OOO's To Others.
or IOO,OOO's of dollars over the last several
years bullding up your customers, good will, If you've developed advertislng, promotlon,
etc., and that lt ls your lnvestment, ln the deat. merchandislng, sales pitches or inventory-
They get to access your llfe's work for a mod- control techniques that are superior to the
est 5O% of the proftts; a heck of a deal consid- norm in the industry, you should be able to sell
erlng your cost of fixtures, r€nt, personnel, a llcense to virbually hundreds of related and
etc., over the years. unrelated firms in or outside your area.
This is a wonderful cashless way to find a It only requires the ability to market an
treazure trove of profits and badgr needed. cash lntangible (your concept) and tmbue it wtth
flow out of a dormant asset. value perception.

It's predictably effectlvb when you have a I've resold. early renewal concepts over and
Umlt€d product or service t3pe business with a over agaln, earning over $5oo,ooo for the
stnrng customer following. sarne one.

It (the joint venture appr€ach) can be mad.e I've licensed old ads for $I5,0OO plti,t a
with tanglbles or lntangibles, product or service royalty.
fields as long as they're s5merglstic to your
buslness. fire slgr ls the'limit possibilitJrwise. I've resold mailing pieces for variable fees
and earned $3O,OOO in found money.
Qulck Flx #6. Sell Your Customer or Frosoects
for Cash. I've bouEht ads for $1,OOO and resold them
for $ro,ooo.
A turist on Qulck Fix #5 ls to charge an up-
front fee for the prlvilege of accessing your What carl you sell? My recommendatlon ls
gustomer's flle. a fee plus a percentage of the profit/sales/
savings, etc.
Dependlng on how good of a salesperson
you are, you should, glven the presumption Quick Fix #8. Trade your oroduct on service
that you have a real$r desirable customer or for. someone else's pncduct on serrrice (then
prospest llst of na,mes to lend to someone eLse, liquidate the acquired commodit5r
get a nlce up-front fee for everTr lead or cus- for cash).
tomer or pncspect you furnlsh.
Say you are a radlo station and you need
Again, d,epending upon how adroit you are cash.
ln the area of pensonal salesmanship, you can
make that up-front pa3rment a nonrefundable Say a local car dealer will trade a car to
advance with a percentage on top. you ior two tlmes the sticker value ln rad.lo

tlme. A $8o,0OO car costs you $4O,oOo ln

retall tlme to the car dealer. If my percentage ts too steep, tat<e thle
lgsue snd show lt to ten smart flnanclers.
That tlme won't be used by the dealer for AnJrone witl probably tal<e the flnanolal rlsk for
slx to 18 months. Also, lt $1111 probably cost you ln return for cost plus 86%.
you less than $5,000 when ultlmately fulfilled
to provide. My 1O $rlck F'ix market recommendatlons
are verxr short-term cash-flow devlces daslgned
You could take the car and instantly sell it to generate sufflclent capltal to enable you to
for $I4,OOO cash that you could use to pay adequate)y adopt a solld long-term marketlrgi
bllls, promote, hlre salesmen or buy equipment. strategy I recommend and teach 1:r ruGAW.

The pobrt 1s, by tradlng a blg bulk lot of 'Warml;r,

your product or,serrrices for someone else's,
tbi:rgs regenerate at a fraction of the price- .Iay L. Abraham
you carr turn your illtquld assets llquid.

On some trla,n€ulatlon deals, you'll make a

On others you'llJust break even or
maybe even lose a llttie.

But you'll get a bunch of cash up front and

norma\r have s:x to 66 months to pay off
your product'g or servlce's tntent fee.

rhts ls a very good way to raise money


6uick Flx #9. Go to a Nonprofit Gncun @r'ef-

erabl5r one vtrlth a blg following).

Get them to sponson a speclal purchase

nlght or event on buylng period at or through
you:'buslness whereby not only do you gtve
members of thls organlzatlon special purchase
dlscounts, but you donate a portlon of the sale
proceeds on top to thelr organlzatlon or a,r$r
charltable organization they destgnate.

A nlfty tvrist in thls ts to get the organlza-

tlon to actually pay for the cost of the practical
announcement and postage necessar5r to mall lt
out to thelr regul,ar r,eaderchip.

Thts ls a hot concept and lt works.

Qulck F'lx #1O. CaIl me up and I or someone
llke me will considen financlnE one of the last
nhe qulck-ftx coneents.
That's right, I'Il gladiy conslder putting up
all the money to flnance, provided your busl-
ness qualifies and provlded you glve me my
expefftes back off the top plus 6O%.


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