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V.I.P. Visits for Engaging Diverse Families
V.I.P. Visits
• V.I.P. stands for Very Important Person. On a V.I.P. visit, an individual
comes to visit the classroom to complete a lesson or activity with the
• A V.I.P. can be another educator, a visitor from a program, or a family
• In terms of increasing family engagement, the V.I.P. will be a family
member or another important person in that child’s life. Every school
year, each child is allowed to bring in one person to be the V.I.P. to
complete an activity with the class.
• The possibilities for activities are endless and are connected to that V.I.P’s
strengths, culture, and interests among other things.
How it Works?
• Families completes a survey at the beginning of the year for who they
think would be a good candidate to be the V.I.P. Families fill in
information such as jobs, interests, and cultural holidays celebrated in
addition to a list a choices that they would be willing to do such as an art
project, book read aloud, or a holiday celebration. Availability is also
asked for.
• Unit plans throughout the year will attempt to coordinate with the V.I.P.
interests and availability.
• Some options such as book read alouds are available year-round so
families can pick a time that is best for them.
Examples of V.I.P. Visits
What does it look like?
Holiday Celebrations
Dia de Los Muertos – Day of the Dead
Book Read Aloud
The V.I.P. brings a book of their choice to read
to the students
(Teacher checks if the book is appropriate
Artistic Creations
Indigenous Directed Drawing

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