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1: Plane and Solid Geometry

Technical Drawing: v. 1: Plane and Solid Geometry

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To download Technica l Dr a wing : v. 1: Pla ne a nd Solid Geom etr y eBook, please refer to the web link
listed below and download the file or get access to other information which are related to TECHNICAL

Pearson Education Limited. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Technical Drawing: v. 1: Plane and
Solid Geometry, A. Bankole, Stuart Bland, Technical Drawing 1: Plane and Solid Geometry is the first of three
books which together provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of secondary school technical drawing
syllabuses. The books are also suitable for Cra level courses such as engineering and building related subjects
and for industrial training courses where an understanding of technical drawing is required. The three books
may be used together or seperately to suit a variety of needs. Using numerous illustrations and easy-to-follow
text, this book covers: basic drawing equipment; drawing polygons; circles and other loci; enlargement and
reduction; isometric; orthographic; oblique and auxiliary projection; freehand sketching; sections; true shapes
and lengths; interpenetrations; developments; the helix. Other features of this book include exercises which may
be used for self-study, revision or evaluation, and a useful glossary of key terms.

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