The Lucknow Pact

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The Lucknow Pact

2The Factors/Background

(I) The Changes in Muslim Politics in the beginning of the second

decade of the Twentieth century.
(II) The efforts for Hindu—Muslim Unity
(III) The role of the Muslim League London Branch
(IV) The rise of the new brand of Urdu journalism
(V) The role of the Muslim League London Branch
(VI) The change in the creed of the AIML
(VII) The Outbreak of WWI
(VIII) Jinnah’s Efforts
(IX) The role of the liberal leadership

3 The Lucknow Pact: Its immediate background

4 The Salient Features of the Pact

5 The reaction of different quarters

6 The Significance of the Pact

7 The Critical Analysis of the Pact

8 Summing Up/Conclusion

▪Land mark/ ▪It is described ▪One of the ▪But its spirit
milestone.... as the high- most could not be
water mark of illuminating maintained as

Hindu—Muslim document s of the liberal
unity. modern Indian leadership that
history of the played the key
first half of the role on brining
twentieth Hindu—Muslim
century, which rapprochement
lent great In the next few
impetus to the years
anti-Imperialist increasingly
movement. became in
therefore, the
spirit behind the
pact could not
be sustained/
kept alive.
2The Factors/Background

(I) The Changes in Muslim Politics in the beginning of the second

decade of the Twentieth century.

▪The annulment of the partition of ▪

▪Kanpur Mosque Tragedy
▪Delay in elevating the status of
the Aligarh College to university
▪The Turcco—Balkan wars and the
indifference of British toward the
plight of Muslims.
▪The change in Muslim League in

IIThe efforts for Hindu—Muslim Unity

Hakim Ajmal Khan’s Sir William The holding of the

Presidential Address Weddenburn Unity Conference in
(1910) Calcutta
The tone of the
Congress leaders also
II IThe role of the Muslim League London Branch

1912 report

IV The rise of the new brand of Urdu/Muslim journalism

Zafar Ali Khan Muhammad Ali Abul Kalam Azad

Zamindar Comrade Al-Hilal
Hamdard Al-Bilagh

V The change in the creed of the AIML

VI The Outbreak of WWI

VII Jinnah’s Efforts

3 The Lucknow Pact: Its immediate background

The holding of the The Scheme of ▪The meeting between

sessions of the INC Nineteen the representatives of
and AIML in Bombay ▪September 1916 the AIML and INC at
in 1915 ▪demands Calcutta in November
▪Jinnah sb 1916
4 The Salient Features of the Pact

Ahmed Saeed: Trek to Pakistan

▪→Strengthenin ▪The rights ▪The ▪Greater ▪Separation

g and expansion if protection degree of of power
of minorities of the greater
Representative rights and measure of
bodies interests of provincial
Muslims. autonomy

5The reaction of different quarters


Hindu Maha ▪Punjab ▪Bengal ▪Reaction in ▪Add the

Sabha ▪Mian →the UP: the reaction of
Mohammad reasons stance that its
Shafi’s behind supporters supporters
reaction resentment of “Sir Syed
▪ Paisa ▪The name of School of
Akhbar the Thought”. ▪
▪Punjab organizations
Hindu Sabha ▪A.K.Fazl ul
▪Sikhs Haq
▪The Bengal
▪the Muslim
press in

6 The Significance of the Pact

(i) The high water-mark of Hindu—Muslim unity

(ii) It laid the firm foundation for political advancement for

(iii) The INC was able to gain Muslim support for the first time.
(iv) The first and the last pact concluded on the contentious issue
of Separate Electorates.
(v) It carried great Constitutional Significance

▪Provincial ▪Representative ▪implemente ▪

autonomy bodies should d of
be Weightage
▪Introduction ▪No. Of
of Diarchy members
▪to some
▪a certain
increase in the
percentage of

(vi) How and in what ways did it acknowledge/recognized the

validity of the Muslim stance?

▪The acceptance of the demand ▪The significance of INC’s

of S.E. by INC conclusion/signing of pact with

(vii) The Pact created conducive environment for the lunching of
joint anti-Imperialist movement.

▪The ▪Agitation ▪Governmen ▪the Khilafat ▪All Parties

opposition against t of India Act and non- Muslim
to Rowllat Jalialwala Cooperation Conference
Act? Bagh Movements

(viii) One can construe it as a great success of the AIML as the INC
accepted all amendments that were crucial /important to the
interests of Muslims/ that could serve the Muslim interests.

SE 1/3 Muslim Assurance that Added/

rep no bill increased
resolution any Muslim
part there of... representation
than their size
of population in
Hindu majority

7 The Critical View

▪The criticism ▪The loss ▪The ▪Iqba ▪I.H.Qureshi

on the of implementati l and ▪Could solve
implementati Muslim on of the Ch. the problem
on of the majoritie principle of Khali of rep govt
principle of s in Weightage q uz in a
Weightage: Punjab allowed the Zama heterogeneo
It was not and rivals of the n us
much use for Bengal AIML to population.
the Muslims → strengthen ▪

They had or
to suffer consolidate
substanti their
al loss in positions
those particularly
province in Punjab and
s where Bengal.
they ▪Unionists in
were in Punjab
majority. ▪ Krishik
8 Summing Up/Conclusion

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