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st 1st
Three Alpine School of Sciences Khanpur Semester

“The Earth in Space”
Dictation words
Planet Space Plateau
Solar system Valley

Q#1:What do we find in space?

Ans: We find the Sun, the Moon and eight planets in space.
Q#2:What is the Sun made of?
Ans: The sun is made up of very hot gases.
Q#3: What is the earth surrounded by?
Ans: The earth is surrounded by layers of air.
Q#5: Does the earth stay in one place?
Ans: No, the earth does not stay in one place.
Q#5: How do day and night take place?
Ans: The spinning movement of earth causes day and night.
Q#6: What happens when there is a storm at sea?
Ans: When there is storm at sea, the wind causes high and rough waves.

Work sheet
Q#1: Encircle the correct answer.
1: The Sun is a very ______ star.
a)Bright b)dark c)dull
2: The Earth moves around the Sun and complete its circle_____ year.
a)one b) two c) three
3: ________ is the highest mountain in the world.
a)Mt. Everest b)K2 c) Raka Poshi
4: The land near the sea is called the _______
a)plain b)coast c) valley
5: _______ light is a reflection of the Sun light.
a)Moon b)Stars c) Planets.
Q#2: Write true T or False F.
1: The Earth fixed in one place. F
2: The Sun gives us light and heat. T
3: We should not look directly at the Sun it can damage our eyes. T
4: Sea water is salty. T
5: Hills are not as high as mountain. T

“Our Country”
Dictation words
Khyber pakhtunkhwa Crops Population
Government Language

Q#1: In which part of the country do we have a coast line?

Ans: In the south of the country, we have a coastline.
Q #2: How many provinces are there in Pakistan? Name them.
Ans: There are four provinces in Pakistan. The Punjab, Sindh, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan is a federally administered
Q#3: Which countries share a border with Pakistan?
Ans: Following countries share a border with Pakistan.
1. India 2. Iran 3. Afghanistan 4. China
Q#4: Describe the Pakistani flag?
Ans: Pakistani flag is green and white and has a white crescent and star.
Q#5: Which crops are grown in Pakistan? In which area are they mostly
Ans: The main crops grown in Pakistan are wheat, sugarcane, cotton and
Q#6: What things do most Pakistanis have in common?

Ans: We have many things in common, like our history food language
money and culture.
Q#1: Encircle the correct answer.
1: There are ______ countries in the world.
a)193 b)194 c)192
2: ______ is the capital of Pakistan.
a)Lahore b)Karachi c)Islamabad
3: Pakistan shares borders with Iran in the _______
a) West b)East c)South
4:Our national language is ________
a)English b)Urdu c)Punjabi
5: Our national game is
a) Hockey b) Cricket c)Basket ball
Q#2: Write true T or False F
1: Each country has its own language. T
2: The people of Pakistan are called Pakistanis T
3: Pakistan shares borders with Iran in the East. F
4: Pakistani currency is rupee. T
5: Our national dress is shirts and trousers. F

“For All to use”
Dictation words
Electricity Rules Election
Provide Collected

Q#1: Which of the service named in the lesson do you use?

Ans: We use the services of a street cleaner, a courier and a lineman.
Q#2: How is a government chosen?
Ans: A government is chosen through election.
Q#3: What does the government do?
Ans: It decides how much tax we have to pay and what services to
Q#4: What is tax? How is it used?
Ans: Tax is the money collected from the citizens to provide services for
Work sheet
 Encircle the correct option.
1: All the people living in one place form a ______
a) community b) city c) population
2: Some of these things are for all to use. They are called ____
a)popular b) special c)public

3: Services can be private or _______
a)special b)public c)popular
4: Every person in a community has to pay_____ to the government.
a)money b) jobs c)tax
5: A house owner pays a _____ tax.
a)income b) house c) road
Q#2: Write true T or false F
1: People who earn lots of money pay income tax. T
2: A house owner pays a house tax. T
3: A car owner pays an income tax. F
4: Private means they belong to someone. T
5: Public means they are for everyone. T


Dictation words
Dangerous Brave Criminals
Ladders Axes

Q#1: Who might you find working at the following places?

A fire station, A police station, A hospital.
Ans: A fire fighter, Policeman, Doctors and Nurses.

Q#2: Have you seen a fire engine or an ambulance on the road?Where do
you think it was going?
Ans: Yes, I have seen a fire engine on the road.A fire fighter would be
going to a site on fire, to put it out.
Q#3: What work do the police do?
Ans: The job of police is to keep us and our property safe.
Q#1: Encircle the correct answer.
1: People who are caught breaking the law are arrested by the ______
a)army b)police c)doctors
2: People who are very ill are taken to a ______
a)police station b) home c)hospitals
3: _______are usually much smaller than hospitals.
a)clinics b) banks c)home
4: In a small clinic there is usually only ______doctors.
a) Two b) four c) one
5: The _______ directs the traffic on the roads.
a)Traffic police b) Doctor c) Nurses

Q#2: Match the column
1 Looks after the patients Police (2)
2 Arrest law breakers Nurse (1)
3 Suggests medicines Fire brigade (4)
4 Use water with long hoses Doctor (5)


Dictation words
Pedestrians Busy Accidents
Cross Punishable

Q#1: What does a tanker carry?

Ans: A tanker carries oil and fuel, such as petrol and diesel.
Q#2: What is a ferry used for?
Ans: A ferry carries people and cargo across a river or water channel.
Q#3: Which is the fastest way of travelling.
Ans: Travelling by air.
Q#4: Have you ever travelled by aeroplane or by boat?
Ans: Yes, once I travelled by boat.

Q#5: What are the rules for crossing a busy road?
Ans: i) Always cross at a zebra crossing.
ii) Look both ways.
iii) Do not cross from behind a parked vehicle.
Q#6: Why do you think it is not a good idea to be noisy or to talk to the
driver when you are travelling in a car or a bus?
Ans: The driver may become distracted by the noise or talk and cause an
Q#7: Why are traffic rules important? Where will you find the traffic
Ans: Traffic rules are important for our safety and for preventing
accidents. They are given in the Highway Code.
Q#1: Encircle the correct option.
1: The largest aeroplane today is _______
a)Airbus A380 b)Airbus A440 c) Airbus A238
2: People who walk along a footpath are ____
a)pedestrians b) walker c) jumper
3: Which is the vehicle has two wheel and engine.
a)car b) Motorcycle c)Boat
4: Always walk on the ______
a)road b)street c)footpath

5: Which of the following vehicles does not use engine.
a)A horse carriage b) Car c) Motor cycle
Q#2: Write true T or False F
1: Helicopter can land every where. F
2: Aeroplane is not a fastest way of travelling. F
3: Never cross the road at a zebra crossing. F
4: Boats are used for sports and adventure. T
5: Machines which take us from one place to another place are called
vehicle. T

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