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The All India Muslim League


(2) The Factors Leading to the Establishment of the All India Muslim
League (AIML)

2.1 The demise of Syed Ahmad Khan created a vacuum

2.2 The Rise of the Indian Nationalism

2.3 The elections of 1892

2.3 The resurgence of the Hindi—Urdu Controversy

2.4 The agitation against the Partition of Bengal assumed anti-

Muslim hues

2.5 The role of the Muslim Press

2.6The Coming of Liberal Party in Power

2.7 John Morley’s Budget Speech became prelude to the formation

of Simla Deputation

2.8 The Immediate background

2.9 K.K.Aziz identifies a number of factors that led to the

establishment of AIML

(3) The Establishment of AIML

(4) The Objectives of the Party

(5) The Organization and Structure

(6) A Brief History of the AIML

(8) A brief over view of the role of AIML between 1906and 1947

(7) The Change of Creed (1913) / The Party embraced new Political

(8) The role/Contribution of All India Muslim League

8.1 Its establishment marked/ represented the upsurge of Muslim

nationalism in Organized form

8.2 Protection of rights and interests of Indian Muslims

8.3 Its effors for Hindu-Muslim Unity

8.4 Efforts for self-rule

8.5 Its role in exposing the atrocities of the Congress Ministries

8.6 The role of the AIML in the Pakistan Movement

(9) The Critical view


▪Begin by ▪milestone ▪its role in ▪its It

highlightin in the clearly significant functione
g the history of articulatin contribution d as a
significanc Muslim g the s towards unifying
e nationalis feelings spearheadi force in
m in and point ng the rallying
South of view of Muslim Muslim
asia → Muslims political around a
b/w 1906 movement political
and toward its platform.
1947. final

(2) The Factors Leading to the Establishment of the All India Muslim
League (AIML)

2.1 The demise of Syed Ahmad Khan created a vacuum

2.2 The Rise of the Indian Nationalism

▪Brief introduction ▪over time the ▪its effects on

before and after the INC came under Muslim
establishment of INC dominated
influence of
Hindu extremists

2.3 The elections of 1892

2.3 The resurgence of the Hindi—Urdu Controversy

2.4 The agitation against the Partition of Bengal assumed anti-

Muslim hues

▪Vilification campaign against Nawab saleem Ullah Kan and Nawab

ali chaudhry

2.5 The role of the Muslim Press

Mention the Ali raza

name of news

2.8 The Immediate background

October 1906 Syed ameer ali’s Nawab saleem ▪AIMEC

suggestion the Ullah khan Nov annual
establishment of 1906 sent round a session
central circular proposing December
organization the establishment 1906
of the political ▪the
He even separate
suggested a name session
→ presided

by nawab
Viqar UL

2.9 K.K.Aziz identifies a number of factors that led to the

establishment of AIML

K.K.Aziz Mati Ur Rehman

Old belief that Muslims were a The inevitable product of two
separate entity factors
The Hindu character of the INC ▪The Hindu exclusiveness
The Muslim desire of separate ▪The educational and political
electorates activities of Muslims
The role of spread of education in
political awakening of Muslims

(3) The Establishment of AIML

(4) The Objectives of the Party

(a) to promote (b) to protect and (C) To prevent among

among Muslims of advance the political; the Muslims of India ,
India the feelings of rights and interests of any feelings of
loyalty to British Muslims hostility toward the
government other communities

(5) The Organization and Structure

(7) The Change of Creed (1913) / The Party embraced new Political

7.1 The growing disillusionment of Muslims toward British

▪The anti-Turk ▪The Kanpur ▪the delay in

policy of British Mosque elevating the
tragedy status of

College to
7.2 The annulment of the Partition of Bengal

▪Unsettling of settlement of the “settled fact”→its consequences

▪ a strange kind of Muslim reaction →emotional
cooperation with hindus

7.3 The radical changes in the AIML

▪The emergence of a new cadre of leadership known as

“young Group”.

▪reduced the membership fee

▪reduced the age limit for its members

7.4 The growing demand with in Legue to bring about

change in its objectives
7.5 The role of Jinnah

1913: it set/formulated the fourth objective →

(6) A Brief History of the AIML: Its significant phases

1906--1912 Protection of Muslim interests it

remained/ stood aloof from the
1913--1920 Drew closer towards the
nationalist politics
The era of Hindu-Muslim

1920--1923 ▪Dormant
1924--1928 ▪reorganization
▪efforts for Hindu-Muslim

1929--1933 ▪Muslim Nationalism

▪Factionalism with in

1934--1936 ▪the efforts to reorganize
1937--1940 ▪ the provincial election of 1937
▪expose the misrule/ atrocities of
the Congress ministries
▪1938—1940 the demand
of a separate state
1940—1947 ▪Its role in Pakistan movement
Jinnah’s efforts to reorganize the
AIML 1938—1945
Sikander Hayat , aspects of
Pakistan Movement , 166-169.

(8) A brief over view of the role of AIML between 1906and 1947

1906--1912 ▪separate electorate

▪reservation of seats for
▪one of the resolutions
passed at its very first
session endorsed the
partition of Bengal
1913—1920 ▪the change in the political
▪Attainment of self-rule
▪growing cooperation with

Indian Nationalists
▪anti-Imperialist politics
▪Hindu-Muslim Unity
1920--1928 ▪1924—1928 ▪efforts
Hindu-Muslim unity →the
tone demands in the annul
sessions 1924—1926
▪the Delhi Muslim proposal
▪the amendments in Nehru
1929--1938 ▪Jinnah’s Fourteen points
▪ Bourgeoning gulf on the
issue of Hindu-Muslim/
communal question in
1938—1947 ▪Muslim separatism
▪Demand of separate state
▪Expansion of social base
▪Entice popular support for
demand of Pakistan
▪championed the cause of
▪expanded its power base
in the Muslim majority
(8) The role/Contribution of All India Muslim League

8.1 Its establishment marked/ represented the upsurge of Muslim

nationalism in Organized form

8.2 Protection of rights and interests of Indian Muslims

Political Educational Communal Religious Economic

8.3 Its efforts for Hindu-Muslim Unity

Lucknow Cooperation Demands Delhi Amendment

Pact with made in Muslim s in the
Nationalist the AIML proposals Nehru report
during the annual
WWI sessions

8.4 Efforts for self-rule

The change in The scheme of Lucknow pact 1924—1928

creed 19 1934--1937

8.5 Its role in exposing the atrocities of the Congress Ministries

8.6 The role of the AIML in the Pakistan Movement

Successfu Succeede ▪Counteracted ▪provided ▪success ▪role in ▪ Role
l holding d in the leadership in negotiation Successfully succ
of the 23rd enticing propaganda 1945- s launched rere
session then of the 1946 anti-khizr in N
support of opponents of agitation and
the social the Pakistan
classes movement n

(9) The Critical view

Cult of loyalty Salariat Membership was Dawning room Religious card
not open to politics
ordinary people.
(10) Summing up

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