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US 2004O1291.

(19) United States
(12) Boggs
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0129180 A1
(43) Pub. Date: Jul. 8, 2004
(54) CARBON SCAVENGER FLY ASH (60) Provisional application No. 60/188,737, filed on Mar.
(76) Inventor: Bruce E. Boggs, Kennesaw, GA (US) Publication Classification

Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl." ........................... C04B 14/00; CO4B 18/06
JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 106/705; 106/709
Suite 2100
112 E. Pecan Street
San Antonio, TX 78205 (US)
(21) Appl. No.: 10/628,185 A method for pretreatment of a quantity of fly ash for use in
a cementitious composition containing an air entrainment
(22) Filed: Jul. 28, 2003 agent. An effective amount of an aromatic carboxylic acid or
its Salts is added to the fly ash to Satiate unburned carbon in
Related U.S. Application Data the ash. The treatment with the aromatic carboxylic acid (or
hydroxy Substituted aromatic carboxylic acid or its salts)
(63) Continuation of application No. 09/804.737, filed on does not significantly promote or retard the air entrainment
Mar. 13, 2001, now Pat. No. 6,599,358. functions of the air entrainment agent.
US 2004/0129180 A1 Jul. 8, 2004

CARBON SCAVENGER FLY ASH 0008 Specifically, aromatic carboxylic acid or hydroxy
PRETREATMENT METHOD Substituted aromatic carboxylic acid is added to a quantity of
0001. This application is a continuation of co-pending fly ash to reduce air entraining chemical demand. Such
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/804.737, filed Mar. 13, aromatic carboxylic acids include benzoic, phthalic, isoph
2001, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent thalic, and terephthalic acids and their Salts. Included in the
Application No. 60/188,737, filed Mar. 13, 2000. hydroxy Substituted aromatic carboxylic acids found effec
tive are Salicylic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, and p-hy
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION droxybenzoic acid and their Salts.
0002 Coal fired power plants generate fly ash from the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
combustion of pulverized coal, or combinations of pulver PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
ized coal and other carbonaceous Supplemental fuels. Such as
petroleum coke, Woodbark, charcoal, wood, residual fibers, 0009 Recent emphasis has been given to the removal of
etc. The fly ash is captured in the power plant's emission the carbon from the fly ash before utilization (i.e. mixing) of
control devices, Such as by electroStatic precipitators and the ash component in the concrete, Such as Portland cement
baghouses. The principal composition of fly ash includes an concrete (PCC). These chemical treatments or chemical
inert mineral fraction consisting primarily of ferro-alumino carbon Scavengers must Somehow Satisfy the affinity of the
Silicate glass and residual unburned carbon from coal and/or carbon for the commonly used air-entraining agents. At the
other Supplemental fuels. Same time, the use of just any chemical is not acceptable
Since the chemical itself must not entrain air when the ash is
0003. The inert mineral fraction of fly ash is a pozzolan, used in the PCC, nor must the chemical inhibit the intended,
which makes fly ash an acceptable mineral admixture for use desirable functions of the AEA.
in Portland cement concrete. The fly ash itself includes the
devolatized mineral matter which has been trapped or 0010. Accordingly, “air neutral agents must be used to
loosely associated with the coal as well as incombustible improve the air entrainment properties of the carbon con
components and elements of the coal and/or of the Supple taining ash. That is, these chemical carbon Scavengers
mental fuels. In addition to Such incombustible components, should not significantly promote air entrainment by them
the fly ash contains carbon rich particles which have not selves or retard air or bubble formation. However, these
been completely combusted, usually due to the inefficiency Scavengers should be adsorbed onto the carbon, thus Satis
of the boiler design or related conditions. fying the affinity or appetite that the carbon otherwise would
have for the AEAS.
0004 Specifications for the use of fly ash in Portland
cement concrete are set out in ASTM #C618. This specifi 0011 Pretreatment of the fly ash by the chemical carbon
cation limits the loss-on-ignition (LOI) content of fly ash Scavenger may be performed simultaneously with other
pozzolan to less than 6%. The LOI value of fly ash in chemical treatments applied to the ash, Such as those that
generally equal to the percent by weight of the unburned may be used to reduce the NH content of the ash.
carbon content of the fly ash. This carbon content can vary 0012. At present, exemplary chemical carbon Scavengers
from as little as about 0.5% up to 20% or more of the weight have been found to include the aromatic carboxylic acids
of the total fly ash product. However, for poZZolanic activity, Such as benzoic, phthalic, isophthalic, and terephthalic acids
a good quality fly ash should contain less than 1% carbon and their Salts and the hydroxy Substituted aromatic car
but, in any case, no more than 4% carbon. boxylic acids Such as Salicylic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid
0005. A high carbon fly ash as a pozzolanic mixture has and p-hydroxybenzoic acid and their Salts.
a detrimental impact upon the quality of concrete. The 0013 Based upon available preliminary test data, Sali
presence of carbon reduces air entrainment, which, in many cylic acid and its Salts may be preferred, with lithium
locations, is the only real protection that concrete has against Salicylate perhaps the most preferred at present. It has been
freeze-thaw/wet-dry conditions. Therefore, the lower the noted that treatment of 100 g of ash with 0.07 g lithium
carbon content, the better the concrete mix is from an air salicylate has achieved at least 30% reduction of air entrain
entrainment perspective. The presence of carbon also ing chemical demand. Further, this particular carbon Scav
increases water requirements, reduces poZZolanic reactivity, enger did not exhibit either air entrainment or Suppression.
and degrades the appearance of finished concrete Surface. It is anticipated that treatment dosages of these Scavengers
Thus, carbon negatively affects the Strength, durability, and will range from 0.01 g to 100 g chemical carbon Scavenger
aesthetic appearance of concrete. Therefore, the lower the based on 100 g of fly ash.
carbon content in any fly ash, the better the fly ash as a
concrete admixture. 0014. Other additional candidate chemical carbon scav
0006 In many cases, air entrainment agents (AEA) are engers include families of dyes and multi-ring aromatics as
added to the concrete mix in order to desirably increase the well as Some alkyl-aryl compounds.
amount of Small air bubbles that are formed during mixing. 0015. Although the invention has been described with
In these cases, carbon reduces the ability of these agents to reference to a specific embodiment, this description is not
operate efficiently. meant to be construed in a limiting Sense. On the contrary,
various modifications of the disclosed embodiments will
become apparent to those skilled in the art upon reference to
0007. The present invention is directed to a chemical the description of the invention. It is therefore contemplated
treatment that may be applied to the high carbon content fly that the appended claims will cover Such modifications,
ash either prior to or concurrent with its mixing with the alternatives, and equivalents that fall within the true Spirit
other concrete components. and Scope of the invention.
US 2004/0129180 A1 Jul. 8, 2004

1. A method for pretreating fly ash for use in cementitious 3. The method of claim 1 wherein said amount of benzoic
compositions containing an air entrainment agent compris acid is in the range of about 0.01 g to about 100 g for each
ing the Steps of 100 g of said fly ash.
4. The method of claim I wherein said amount of salicylic
applying an effective amount of benzoic acid to a quantity acid is in the range of about 0.01 g to about 100 g for each
of fly ash to satiate unburned carbon in said ash without 100 g of said fly ash.
effecting the air entrainment functions of Said air 5. A method for pretreating fly ash for use in cementitious
entrainment agent. compositions containing an air entrainment agent compris
ing the Steps of:
2. A method for pretreating fly ash for use in cementitious
compositions containing an air entrainment agent compris applying an effective amount of lithium Salicylate to a
ing the Steps of quantity of fly ash to Satiate unburned carbon in Said
ash without effecting the air entrainment functions of
applying an effective amount of Salicylic acid to a quantity Said air entrainment agent, Said effective amount of
of fly ash to satiate unburned carbon in said ash without lithium salicylate is about 0.07 g for each 100 g of said
effecting the air entrainment functions of Said air fly ash.
entrainment agent.

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