With Regard To The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

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With regard to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR):

a. What are the three major sections?

b. List the government-wide statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of accounting
used for the government-wide statements.

c. List the governmental fund statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of
accounting used for the governmental fund statements.

d. List the proprietary fund statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of accounting
used for the proprietary fund statements.

e. List the fiduciary fund statements. Describe the measurement focus and basis of accounting
used for the fiduciary fund statements.

f. Outline the reports and schedules to be reported as required supplementary information.

Governmental Accounting
State and Local Governments use Governmental Accounting standards to prepare their financial
statements. Provided rules and standards by GASB, governmental accounting provides
transparency to the financial information presented by local municipalities and helps citizens
make an educated decision regarding the expenditures of their tax dollars.

Answer and Explanation:

a. What are the three major sections?

The sections of the CAFR include:

1. Management's Discussion and Analysis

2. Government-Wide Financial Statements
3. Fund Financial Statements
4. Notes to the Financial Statements
5. Required Supplemental Information other than MD&A

b. List the government-wide statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of
accounting used for the government-wide statements.

 Government-wide statements include the Statement of Net Position and the Statement of
 The measurement focus is on Economic Resources
 It uses Accrual-Based Accounting
c. List the governmental fund statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of
accounting used for the governmental fund statements.

 This section of the statements include the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Revenues,
Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance.
 The measurement focus is on Current Resources
 It uses Modified Accrual-Based Accounting

d. List the proprietary fund statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of
accounting used for the proprietary fund statements.

 This section of the statements include the Statement of Net Position, Statement of
Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position, and the Statement of Cash
 The measurement focus is on Economic Resources
 It uses Accrual-Based Accounting

e. List the fiduciary fund statements. Describe the measurement focus and basis of
accounting used for the fiduciary fund statements.

 This section of the statements include the Statement of Fiduciary Net Position and the
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position.
 The measurement focus is on Economic Resources
 It uses Accrual-Based Accounting

f. Outline the reports and schedules to be reported as required supplementary information.

RSI includes:

 Budgetary Comparison Schedule

 Information regarding Infrasture Assets that use the Modified Approach to account, and
 Pension and other post-employment benefit information.

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