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Work sheet 1

Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1 what do you know about problem solving? Write down the steps/methods to solve any kind of



Q.No.2 what do you know to identify the problem and specify requirements?


Q.No.3 Write the steps to analyze the problem?
Q.No.4 What is meant by debugging? How we can test and debug the program? Also discuss the types
of programming errors.
Q.No.5 Solve the problem of baking a cake in your house by using Algorithm.

Q.No.6 Solve the problem of making tea in your house by using Algorithm.
Work sheet 2
Name: _____________________

Q.No.1 what is refinement? Write down the steps of first & Second refinement.



Q.No.2 Write an algorithm to find the sum of 50 numbers.




Q.No.3 Write an algorithm to find the factorial of a given number.

Q.No.4 Draw flowchart to find the sum of first 50 numbers?

Q.No.5 Write the guidelines for flowcharting?

Give description with examples of following flowcharts symbols.

Description Symbol Examples





Work sheet 3
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1. what is program? Give few examples of GW-Basic programs.

Q.No.2 What is the purpose of a programming language?

Q.No.3 Differentiate between a constant and a variable?

Q.No.4 Differentiate between syntax error and logical error.

Work sheet 4
Name: _____________________

Q.No.1. what are the rules for defining/ declaring variable in GWBASIC?

Q.No.2 Name of different types of constants with examples

Q.No.3 Give the precedence of arithmetic operators?

Q.No.4 what is the purpose of the following GWBASIC commands? (LIST, RUN, LOAD, SAVE)
Work sheet 5
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1. Explain different types of errors in programming with examples?

Q.No.2 what is the arithmetic expression? Explain different types of operators with examples.

Q.No.3 what is statement? What do you know about the following statements (PRINT Statement, INPUT
Statement, READ Statement, and DATA STATEMENT?)

Q.No.4 what is variable? How variable can be assigned to an arithmetic Expression?

Q.No.5 write some sample programs by using GWBASIC.

Work sheet 6
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1 What is unconditional transfer of control? Describe GOTO Statement with examples.




Q.No.2 What is conditional transfer of control? Describe ON…GOTO Statement & ON…ERROR
Statement with examples.



Q.No.3 What is difference between IF…THEN Statement & IF…THEN…ELSE Statement?

Q.No.4 What is difference between FOR…NEXT Statement & WHILE…WEND Statement?
Work sheet 7
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1 what is an array? Describe filling and printing of an Array.




Q.No.2 Discuss One-Dimensional & Two-Dimensional Array.


Q.No.3 Discuss the Dim Statement?

Work sheet 8
Name: _____________________

Q.No.1 What is built-in-function? Write the names of numeric & String functions.


Q.No.2.Define the GOSUB…RETURN Statement?



Q.No.3 What is file handling? Give brief description about Opening, Writing, reading & Closing a file.

Q.No.4 What is Random files? How to read write records in data file?

Work sheet 9
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1. what is Graphics in GW-Basic?



Q.No.2. what is difference between Screen Statement & Color Statement?




Q.No.3 What is Line, Circle and Draw statement?



Work sheet 10
Name: _____________________
Section: _____________________

Q.No.1 what is Word processor?




Q.No.2 Write the steps to load the Microsoft Word.





Q.No.3 Define the Standard toolbar with its components.

Q.No.4 Define the formatting toolbar with its components.
Q.No.5 What is the purpose of Undo & Redo Command?
Q.No.6 Write procedure to apply header and footer in Microsoft Word.
Q.No.6 Define followings.
a. Find & Replace
b. Thesaurus
c. Spelling & Grammar check

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