Conditionals: What Happens If .?

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Facts, generalizations or something that always happens under some circumstances.

If you water a cactus every day, it dies quickly

If clause result clause

A cactus dies quickly if you water it every day

If you don’t study for your test, you fail it

Simple present + simple present

What happens if….?

What happens if you drink too much water?

What happens if you leave margarine under the sun?

What happens if you put an egg into a microwave oven? It gets boiled / it gets cooked

What happens if you mix red and blue?


Possible future events and their likely results.

If I drive too fast, the police will stop me

If clause Possible result

We will go out tomorrow if the weather is good

Simple future + Simple present

What will happen if…?

What will happen if the bees stop living?

What will happen if you kill a cat?

What will happen if people don’t stay home?

What will happen if you don’t get enough sleep during the night?


It’s used for talking about unreal and imaginary situations.

If I were you, I wouldn’t call her back

If clause (Imaginary situation) Result clause (Probable effect)

She’d be thinner if she didn’t eat too much


What would happen if…?

What would happen if time stopped running for 5 minutes?

What would happen is you won the lottery?

What would happen if you were the president in Colombia?

What would happen if you found a wallet with money inside?


Talking about regrets and something that can’t change from the past.

If had called the ambulance on time, those people wouldn’t have died

If clause Possible different action Result clause Possible different result

My parents might have been happy if I had gotten better grades

Past perfect + would/might/could + have + verb p.p

What would have happened if….?

What would have happened if Adolf Hitler hadn’t killed himself?
What would have happened if Colombia had closed the airports earlier?

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