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This guide has been realized by a team of

experienced international experts, on the base
of IEC 60364 series of standard, and include the
latest developments in electrical standardization.

We shall mention particularly the following

experts and their area of expertise:

Christian Collombet D, G
Bernard Jover R
Jacques Schonek D, G, L, M, N
Didier Fulchiron B
Jean-Marc Biasse B
Didier Mignardot J, P
Eric Bettega E
Pascal Lepretre E
Emmanuel Genevray E, P
Eric Breuillé F
Didier Segura F
Fleur Janet K
Franck Mégret G
Geoffroy De-Labrouhe K
Jean Marc Lupin L, M
Daniel Barstz N
Hervé Lambert N, A
Jérome Lecomte H
Matthieu Guillot F, H, P
Jean-François Rey F
Thierry Corménier B
Franck Gruffaz K, S

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