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86 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN iz TP HO CHi MINH NAM HOC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 10 : Thdi gian lam bai: 150 phiit (khéng ké thi gian giao aa) DE CHINH THUC Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 é nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I. Listen to the recording carefuly and write down the missing words on your answer sheet. Interviewer: I (1) lea long process. Jennifer: Its... tteok abcut four years to meke my movie. |: What were the most interesting (2) cf the process for you? J: Well, (3) Wes realy interesting, but it can be (4). , 100. If you want to try and get a wellknown Hollywood actor, it can mean a lot of waiting for each person's (6) We ended up choosing an (6) actress for my movie because none of the famous ones could work with our (7), Buf] don't think rl do it that way again. a famous actress can make-a bg (8), ; 80 | think d wait, |: What was the best pert of the process? J: Oh, definitely (9) the movie. Its extremely (10), but i's also very exciting, Ife 0 different from any other kind fjabl SECTION Il. Listen to the recording. For questions 11-15, choose the option (A, 8, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question. 111. What program isi? ‘We worked 12 lo 14 hours a day for four weeks on my movie ‘A. Fashion on TV B, music on the radio _C, TV music show D. music for fashion shows 12. is probably the ckiest among the people who ere suggesting songs. ‘A deany 8. Andy ©. Felix D. Mark 13, Which of the following countries is where Andy from? ‘A. England B. Scotland . Ireland D. Wales 14. The presenter really wants eomething about ‘A feshion models B, memories of old times C. fashions D. university days. 46. The least suitable song tobe suggested is ‘A, Vogue 8. Fashion ©. Dedicated Followers of Fashion D. Freedom SECTION Il, Listen to the recording, Give brief answers to the questions. 46. What are the speakers taking about? 17. In Scotland, how wil they travel to, and where will they stay in the mountains in the free days? - 18. To compare with that on the last camping trp, how i the accommodation in Greece this time? 19. What wil the weather be lke in Greece during their stay? 20. Who wil get the special trophy at the celebration? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, 8, C, or D) that best completes tho sentence. 1. Without the sun, there no life on the earth A. would be Bis C. couldn't be: D. hasn't been 2, Who was the first person the South Pole? A. reaching B. reached ©. to reach D. who reached 8, ready for the test, the boys felt very nervous, Being not 8. Hadn't been C.Not to have been ——_D. Not being 4. | hope nobody will hurt A. himself B, themselves C. herself D. onesetf 5 ‘my younger brothers are engineers, KNone 8. Some ©. Both D. Neither 6. She can't stand, after as if she was a child A.t0 look B. to be looked C. looking D. being looked 7. Mishaps sometimes come ¢0 scon, ‘Aone and another after another —_C. one after thé others. one or another 8. Id rather television; the programs seem to get worse. ‘A-read than watch B. read fo watch . reading to watching _D. reading than watching 8. L can't do my work! | wish they. that lousy music next door. A. all could stop fad all stopped C. would alt stop D. are all stopping 10. Gosh! Our kids things they have learnt ‘A. forever forget B. always forget ©. are forever forgetting. always have forgotten 14. With my new computer, I can work than before A.a great deal more effectively B. by far more effectively C. much effectively D. more and more effectvely 42. The cost of ving is getting ‘A. the higher, the higher more and more highly C. higher and higher _. the more high than ever 13, Michael asked me the term paper to the teacher. ‘A. when had | submitted 6. when I was submitting C. when I had eubmitted _D, when did | submit 14, The principal will deciare the ceremony open as soon as all the graduates and guests A, will have sat B.have been seated —_C. willbe sitting 1B. Rave seated 415, Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, left a lasting impression on him. ‘A. none of which not one of them C. which none D. and none of them 16. Taking photographs in this world renowned museum is. forbidden. ‘A, absolutely B. highly G.éeriously D. strictly 17. They managed to__all the men from the collapsed mine. A, survive B. sacrifice C.rescue D. save 48, Adam tripped over a rock and ___his ankle, ‘A. twisted B. sprained C. struck . wounded 419, The heel on Jane's new shoes ‘A, scratched crumbled ©, damaged 0. broke 20, Some endurance events may be rescheduled if such high pollution levels a health risk to most athletes, A. create B. present D. face 21. He promised his daughter a doll, and, to my great joy, he. his word. A, stood by B. stuck at ©. went back on D. held onto 22, They just with each other. They used to be a dream couple. ‘A. ended up B. put up C. got along well D. broke up 23, 'm worn out. | could a cup of tea. ‘A, put up with B. call for C. do with D. come in for 24, Tim Is staying with a(n) family while studying in Australia. ‘A. adopted host C. unofficial D. fake 25, During the . someone tried fo call the police A, hold-up B. outbreak . check-in D. got-together 26, She is now in the public, after her appearance in the film series. ‘A attention B. arm C.eye 0. notice , 27. She ‘a few clothes into a case and hurried to the airport. A. scattered 8. shoved C. piled D. heaved 28. AC Milan is a(n) _story of a football club in 1990's. ‘A, successful B. successive C. unsuccessful D. success 29. Television come into__and became @ competitor with the motion pictures. ‘A practice B. enforcement C.use D. tite 0. The teacher gave him a smile to encourage him to answer the question. A trusting B. worthy C. considerable D. pleasure 31. My sisters don't _.with me about the arrangements, A see eye to eye’ B. tum their hand C. tum theirnose up. discuss 32. These days | have my full with organizing workshops. A. face B. neck C. eyes D. hands, safe Ayaer Le # = 8: "0K, Il take it” ‘Nobody warts to say anything B. That biscuit is going begging. G._ Old habits die hard! D. Please don't take it to heart. 34, Our favorite player Djokovic once again his arch rival Nadal in the last Roland Garros final A. lostto B. defeated by C. beat with . triumphed 35, _A:"Why would he bother to lle about it?” spr ali ‘A There's no doubt about it, B. Not so fast! Search met D. Liars bother hirn! Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. 36. Being a professional footballer, you get tough physicel contact, therefore becoming injured. A 8 c D 87. The glass tube in a fluorescent lamp containg mercury vapor under small pressure. A B ci 0 38. Fibers can come from plants, anima's, or mineral ores, or they may be made fom a variety chemical substances, A 8 c D 39, Bacteria lived in the soll play a vital role in recycling the carbon and nitrogen needed by plants. A 5 oi D 40. If we kept on using eneray at this rate, most of coal mines would be used up in 50 years, A 5 ¢ o WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. Fill In the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 4. The school is very proud of having its own, in scientific research. (expert) 2. The man commited a theft and was sentenced to three-month (prison) 3, Everyone in the neighborhood looks up to him and calls him the man of, (wise) 4. In the last test, his paper result was. satisfactory. (surprise) 5, This is a very important event, and there willbe the presence of a great number of__. (celebrate) 6. Thon comes the stage; if you lose a match you will be eliminated. (knock) 7. The collection of Books inthis library is truly a treasure of value. (estimate) 8. The tendency now is to have schools for young children instead of segregated ones. (educate) 8, They can't travel anywhere by boat or ship because of their (sick) 10. To eam a litte more money, students can apply for ‘workin the department store. (season) &, Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage, There are two extra words that you cannot use. ‘startle fly system siverse peculiar lite vary water adapt odd decorate arrange Al birds have wings, too, but wings are not the (11), of bird, Many (12) are found in both feathers and wings of birds. Feathers form the soft down of geese and ducks, the long (19) plumes oF ostiches, and the strong (14), feathers of eagles and hawks. Wings vary from the short, broad enes cf chickens, which seldom fly, to the long slim ones of aibatrosses, which ‘spend almost all their (15)_ soaring on air currents. In Renguins, wings have been modifi into fippers and feathers into a (16)____ covering, In kis, he wings are simoet meets 13 detect. Yet (17) among birds is not 60 striking as is among mammals. The difference between a hummingbird and a penguin is immense, bat hardly 9s (18) as that between a bat and a whale. It is (19) in details rather than in fundamental patterns that has been important in the adaptation of bitds to many kinds of (20) GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and (1), to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she Secied that she wanted fo become a doctor, That wes nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth centuy A writing many letters seeking (2). to medical schools, she was finally (3) by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught in a school and @) ‘music lessons to eam money for her fulton In 1848, affor graduation rom medal school, she decided to (5) her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to (6) the idea Upon returning to the United States, she found it diffcutt to stert her own (7) because she was a women, By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with anather female doctor, (8) {o open & new hospital, the first for women and children, Besides being the first (0), physician and (10), her own Raspital, she also established the first medical school for women, 1. A. evacuated B. migrated C. emigrated D. exiled 2. A. permission 8. recognition C. admittance 1D. admission 3.A received B. accepted C rejected D. achieved 4.4, had B. made C. gave 0. did 5.4 further 8. made C. started D.ran 6A. do without B. tun away C. give up D. run out 7. A. business B. cause D. practice 8A. succeeded 8. managed C. coped D. enabled 9.8. womanizing B. feminine C. female D. womanly 10, A. making B. finding CC. producing D. founding READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage Scientists have discovered that for the last 160,000 years, at least, there has been a consistent relationship between the amount Ci carbon dioxide In the air and the average temperature of the planet. The Importance af carbon dioxide in regulating the Earl's temperature was confirmed by scientists working in eastem Antarctica. Driling down into a glacier, they extracted mile-long cylinder ct ice from the hole. The glacier had formed as layer upon layer of snow accumulated year after year. Thus drilling into tha ice was tantamount to drilling back through time, ‘The deepest sections of the core are composed of water that fell as snow 180,000 years ago. Scientists in Grenoble, France. fractured portions of the core and measured the composition of ancient air released from bubbles in the ice. Instruments were used to measure the ratio of certain isotopes in the frozen water to get an idea of the prevailing atmospheric temperatura at the tine when that particular bit of water became locked in the glacier. ne resull is @ remarkable unbroken record of temperature and of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. Almost every time the hil of an ice age descended on the planet, carbon dioxide levels dropped. When the global temperature dropped 9°F (6 “C), carbon _{here is indirect evidence that the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperature change goes back much further than the glacial record, Carbon dioxide levels may have been much greater than the current concentration durng the Carboniferous Period, 960 to 286 millon years ago. The period was named for a profusion of plant Me whose buried remains produced larve ‘faction of the coal deposits that are being brought to the surface and burned today, ‘1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Chemical causes of ice ages (8) Techniques for studying ancient layers of ice in glaciers. (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of carbon dioxide and global temperature (0) Effects of plant lfe on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere 2. The word “accumulated” is closest in meaning to (A) spread out (8) changed {C) became denser (0) built up 3. According to the passage, the driling of the glacier in eastern Antarctica was important because t (A) allowed scientists to experiment with new driling techniques (8) permitted the study of surface temperatures in an ice-covered region of Earth (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods (0) confirmed earier findings ebout hew glaciers are formed 4, The phrase “iantamount to's closest in meaning to : (A) complementary to (8) practically the same as _(C) especially well-suited to (D) unlikely to be confused with 5, According to the passage, scientists used isotopes from the water ofthe joe core to determine which of flowing? (A) The amount of air that had bubbled to the surface since the ice had formed (8) The temperature of the atmosphere when the ice was formed (C) The date at which water had become locked in the glacier {D) The rate at which water had been frozen in the glacier 6. The word "remarkable" is closest in meaning to @) genuine (®) permanent (©) extraordinary (0) continuous 7. The word "link is closest in meaning to (A) tension (8) connection (C) attraction (0) distance 8. The passage implies that the warmest temperatures among the periods mentioned occurred (A) in the early eighteenth century (8) 160,000 years ago (©) at the end of each ice age (0) between 360 and 285 milion years ago 9. According to the passage, the Carboniferous period was characterized by (A) a reduction in the number of coal deposits () the burning of a large amount of coal (C) an abundance of plants (0) an accelerated rate of glacier formation 40, The passage explains the origin of which of the following terms? (A) Glacier (@) Isotopes {C) Industrial Revolution (0) Carboniferous period OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A Children have been wrongly assumed to have poor sense of proportion when it (1). to painting something. When drawing human (2) children often make the head too large for the (3) of the body. A recent study offers some @, into this common 6) in children's ilustrations. As (6) Of the slidy, researchers asked children (7) 4 and T yéers old to make several drawings of men. When they drew (@) views of male figures, the size of the héad was markedly enlarged. (9) when the children drew rear views of men, the size of the head was not (10) exaggerated. The researchers suggest (17) children draw bigger heads when they know they must leave (12), for facial details Therefore, the odd head (13) in children ilustrtions is a form of planning (14), ‘and not an indication of a poor (19), of scale. PASSAGE B Imagine you're driving down the highway one spring day and it begins to rain. You hear the sound of the rain en the car (0. Suddenly it (2) ‘as if small stones are pounding on the car, and you see (3) of ice bouncing on the road. YouTTe In @ halistorm, and you'd Beiter get your car under (4) Hailstones can (5). Vehicles as well as gardens and farmers’ (8) If YOU pick up a hailstone and cut it in (7) youll see it has (2) _ just ike an onion. A hallstone begins its existence as a snowflake, high in the atmosphere. The snowlake comes in (2) ‘with what is called ‘supercooled water’ — water that exists at temperatures below (10), ‘outs stl in liquid (14)__ This water forms a coating of ice around the snowflake, and it becomes ¢ hallstone. As the halistone falls, the layers of ice (72) Up. Air currents may lit the hailstone beck into the supercooled water many (13) , and more layers of ice forms unt the air Currents can no (14), hold it up. Then it falls to ‘earth. Hailstorms (18) Tost often in the spring. Some hailstones are as big as baseballs and may weigh over a pound, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rowrlte each sentence in such 2 way that It moans almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word In brackets without making any change to It. 1. We were all surprised when she suddenly came back. (once) >To 2, Because of her boyfiond’s lack of punclually, she lefthim. (unpunctual) > The fact 3, It seems as if there is Sight deterioration In his physical condition. (slightly) > his physical 4, Success depends on your hard work, (become) 3 The harder you 5. Itis said that our Boss has Wavelled to many different Countries now. (number) > Our boss 6. In all probability, we will finish the project on Thursday. (finished) > There is every 7, He may have some weaknesses, but he Is suited to the job than anyone else. (despite) > He ls by Re 8. No one else in the class is a6 good atal chess as Timis, (second) 3 Timis 9. How lofig have you been playing badminton? (take) > When 10. He Is So inteligent a student that his lassmates admire him. (look) > Such THE END OF THE TEST sO’ GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO. TP HO CHi MINH KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi . MINH LAN 2 NAM HOC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 10 Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 KEY LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) sounds (2) parts (3) casting (4) frustrating (5) response SECTION ll. (1 pt each correct answer) 11. B. music on the radio 412, C. Felix 13. B. Scotland 14, C. fashions 15, D. Freedom USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 1, A. would bs 14. B. have been seated 15. A. none of which 2. ©, to reach 16. D. strictly 3. D. Not being 17. C, rescue 4. B. themselves 18. B. sprained 5. C. Both 19. D. broke 6. D. being looked 20. B. present 7. B. one after another 21. A. stood by 8. A. read than watch 22, D. broke up 9. C. would all stop 23. C. do with 10. C. are forever forgetting 24. B. host 11. A. a great deal... 25. A. hold-up 42. C. higher and higher 26. C. eye 13. C. when | had submitted 27. B. shoved WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. expertise 5. celebrities 2. imprisonment 6. knockout 3. wisdom 7, inestimable 4. surprisingly 8. co-educational B. (2 pts each correct answer) (11) peculiarity (15) lives (12) adaptations (18) waterproof (13) decorative (17) diversity (14) flight (18) startling (6) unknown (7) schedule (8) difference (9) shooting (10) tiring SECTION Ill. (2 pts each correct answer) 16. hockey team / trip 47. by bus // in a (mountain) lodge 18. more // luxurious 49. extremely // hot 20. best player // on the tour 28.D. success 29.C. use 30. A. trusting 31. A. see eye to eye 32. D. hands 33. B. That biscuit .. 34. A. lost to 36. C. Search me! 36.C 37.0 38.D 39.4 40.¢ 9. seasickness 10. seasonal (19) variations (20) ecosystems GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 1. C, emigrated 5.A. further 9. C. female 2. D. admission 6. C. give up 10. D. founding 3. B, accepted 7.D. practice 4. C. gave 8. B. managed READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (4 pt each correct answer) 4. (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of carbon dioxide and global temperature 2, (D) built up 3, (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods 4, (B) practically the same as 5, (B) The temperature of the atmosphere when the ice was formed 6. (C) extraordinary 7. (B) connection 8, (A) in the early eighteenth century 9. (C) an abundance of plants 40. (C) Industrial Revolution OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) comes (6) part (14) that (2) figures (7) between (12) room (3) rest (8) front (13) size (4) insights (9) However (14) ahead (8) disproportion (10) so (15) sense PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) roof (6) crops (14) form (2) sounds (7) half (12) build (3) balls (// pieces > 1 pt) (8) layers (13) times (4) cover (9) contact (14) longer (5) damage (10) freezing (15) occur SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 1. > To our surprise, she came back all at once. 2. > The fact that her boyfriend is (often) unpunctual made her leave him. 3..> His physical conditions seem to be deteriorating slightly. 4.5 The harder you work, the more successful you (will) become. 5. > Our boss is said to have travelled to a (great) number of countries. 6. > There is every likelihood (that) the project will be finished on Thursday. 7. > He is by far the best suited to the job than anyone else despite his weaknesses. 8, > Timis second to none at chess in the class. 9. > When did you take up badminton? 10. > Such is his intelligence that his classmates look up to him. THE END

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