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S. No.

Version Date Description/Reason for Change By

1 1.0
2 1.0

Instructions and Guidelines for using Test Case and Test Report Templates

A Test Case Template

This template allows QA team to prepare test cases for all possible scenarios. QA must read
the instructions before preparing the test case for a particular type of test.
2 Project Title, should be same as it is entered in SPP.
3 "'Test case For" should include the name of Module or page for which test case is being written.
4 "Created By", "Modified by" and "Reviewed by" must be filled before finally releasing the test case.
5 Document must be approved and details should be entered in the "Document Approval" section.
6 "Prerequisites" and "Setup Conditions" must be provided.
Naming Convention: Test cases will have the following naming convention:
For example, Riverdeep Project's Unit Plan module's Create functionality will have the following test case
Where number 301 represents the Functional test case.
Every testing type will have a unique ID throughout the projects to maintain uniformity. The
convention will be:
1. Unit Test Cases = 100 (The ID may begin with 100 or 1000, depending upon estimated number of
test cases.)
2. Common Test Cases = 200 (they include UI tests also)
3. Functional Test Cases = 300
8 4. Integration test Cases = 400
5. Security and Access Control test Cases = 500
6. Data and Database Integrity Test cases = 600
7. Invalid Test Cases = 700
8. Boundary Test Cases = 800
9. Compatibility Test Cases = 900
10. Configuration Test Cases= 1000
8 One Test case should contain one testable item only.
The reference number for the Test Case will be the RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrics) number. Any
change in requirement will cause the creation of a new Test Case which will also refer to the previous Test Case Template
9 relevant Test Case number with RTM number. This should be provided in the "Refer to test Case"

In "Objective" column, QA should provide the objective and detail of the feature under test. For example,
10 if QA is testing the functionality of a XYZ hyperlink; the objective will be," To check the validity (or
functionality) of XYZ hyperlink.
"Steps to be Taken" will include all the steps that have been performed to reach to that particular point.
11 If a URL has been used, QA must provide the URL and/or Login ID & Password whenever required.

12 "Expected Result" column should include the expected results of the test.
13 Whenever & wherever required, QA must provide the Test Data applied on the Test Case.
If any Test Case refers another Test Case's reference, the Test Case ID and The RTM number of the
referred Test Case must be provided in "refer to test Case" column.
15 If, for any reason, a Test Case was Not Run, QA must provide the reason in the Comments column.
Separate worksheets will be prepared for various Testing Types. For example, Functional Test case, Integration test Case and Database Test Case will be provided in three separate sheets. Details of Testing Types can be found in Testing Type xls attached in the same document.

17 To print the document, print should be taken in Landscape form and Adjusted to 55%of normal size.
While executing test case, actual results should be provided in the Actual Results column. The same
results can be pasted for a particular build in the Test Report.
While executing the Test Case, Pass/Fail / Not Run should be provided in the last column of the test case
template. If the test case is not run for any reason/s, the same reason should be provided in the
For writing column.
Test Cases, Font used should be Verdana10. For headers, it should be BOLD. For Project
name and "Test case for" headers, font should be Verdana 14, bold.
21 All Test Cases should include Project name at the bottom of the page.
22 Priority has also been included in the test case template in the P1, P2, P3 form. This describes the priority
of a test case. P1 denotes highest priority. Similarly, P2 & P3 denote medium and low priorities.
23 If any modifications are required in this document, please send a request for the same to

B Test Report Template

1 After every test cycle, Test report has to be prepared.
2 Project Name, Module Name and Test Plan names must be provided as per SPP.
3 Test Report must contain Tester's Name, Date of Testing and approver's name.
4 Every relevant information like Platform used for testing, Operating System, Browser etc. should be
Test Report
provided in the Test Report.
5 Test report must have the Test Case ID for reference.
6 Every test Cycle will contain the Build Number, Pass/Fail/Not Run, and Bug ID.
7 QA-TL should prepare build-wise graphs.

C Common Tests
1 Common Tests include basic and generic tests that can be performed on any module of a project.
2 Common Tests must be performed as per the requirement.
3 QA must not delete any common test. Rather, QA should mark comments if a test is not applicable. Common Tests
Common Test Case should contain common features of the project and these features will be applicable
on the complete project.

D Testing Types
1 This sheet includes all the common test-types that can be performed in a project.
2 All the tests may not be applicable on all the projects and modules.
Testing Types
3 Whenever possible, automated testing scripts must be prepared.
4 This sheet also includes the Objective of a particular test, Person responsible for test and the tool to be
used for testing.

E Scope of Test Cases

This xls describes the scope of a test case. The scope includes Test Case Specifications, Features to be
tested with Manual or Automated testing, type of test case and guidelines, if any.
1 Scope of Test Cases

Project Name:
Module Name:
Test Plan Name:

1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle 4th Cycle

Tested By:
Date tested:
Approved By:

Operating System:

Test 1st Cycle Pass/Fail/N Bug ID Test 2nd Cycle Pass/Fail/ Bug ID Test 3rd Cycle Pass/Fail/ Bug ID Test 4th Cycle Pass/Fail/ Bug ID Test
Case ID ot Run Case ID Build No: Not Run Case ID Build No: Not Run Case ID Build No: Not Run Case ID
Build No.
5th Cycle

5th Cycle Pass/Fail/ Bug ID

Build No. Not Run
Types of Testing
Back to Instructions

S.No. Testing Type Objective Tested By Tool

1 Unit Testing To test particular functions or code Modules. Developer Manual/
automated /Junit
2 User Interface Testing the UI of application. QA Manual
3 Functional Testing Black-box testing geared to verify functional QA Automated
requirements of an application
4 Integration Testing To determine if modules function together correctly QA Manual
5 Security and Access Testing how well the system protects against QA Manual
Control Testing unauthorized internal or external access, willful damage,
etc; may require sophisticated testing techniques.

6 Data and database To ensure that the Database gets and provides correct QA Manual
Integrity Testing data.
7 Compatibility testing Testing how well software performs in a particular QA Manual/
hardware/software/operating system/network/etc. Automated
8 Configuration Testing Testing how well software performs in a particular QA Manual
hardware configuration etc.
9 Installation testing Testing of full, partial, or upgrade install/uninstall QA Manual
10 Recovery testing Testing how well a system recovers from crashes, QA Manual
hardware failures, or other catastrophic problems.
11 BVT An initial testing effort to determine if a new software QA Automated
version is performing well enough to accept it for a major
testing effort.
12 Regression Testing Re-testing of affected modules after fixes or QA Automated
modifications of the software or its environment.
13 Load Testing Testing an application under heavy loads, such as testing QA Automated
of a web site under a range of loads to determine at
what point the systems’ response time degrades or fails.

14 Stress Testing To test the system in a manner that demands resources QA Automated
in abnormal quantity, frequency or volume.
15 Volume testing Verify that the application/system successfully functions QA Automated
under high volume conditions.
16 Concurrency testing To ensure that the Web service works properly with a QA Manual /
number of simultaneous users. Automated
17 Scalability Testing Scalability is a measure of how easy it is to expand the QA Automated
infrastructure. These tests help to ensure that the
infrastructure is scalable under varying conditions and is
designed to meet growth needs.
18 Out-of-Memory or This testing is designed to ensure that the application will QA Automated
Memory leakage run in the amount of memory specified in the technical
Testing documentation. This testing should also detect memory
leaks associated with frequent starting and stopping of
the application.

Back to Instructions
S.NO Test Case Specifications Features to be Tested

1 Field Specifications UI Rules:

a. Field Names.
b. Buttons/links/Images.

Special Characters(Asterik)

List of Values
RbKey Check
2 Form Rules Default values
DB values (View, Edit,

3 Form Action Audit Columns

Broken link/actions (end
-Page not found

- Wrong page
Business Rules (automated
Business Rules (manual%)
Business Action (automated
Business Action (manual
%) e.g. Print

4 Form Validation Mandatory fields (error

Pop up/LOV
Text length
Data types
Data format
Max length
Spaces should be ignored
Special characters (Single
quotes, Double quotes,
Wildcard characters)

Duplicate values/rows
Malformed page
Scope of Test Cases

Features to be Tested (Manual) Test Case Type

UI Rules: Common
a. Drop down/Radio buttons/Check boxes/Command
b. Grammer
c. Spellings
d. Tab Order (Forward order with Tab, and reverse
order with Shift+Tab)
e.Default focus on the first Text Box/Link
f. Enter Key action on Command Buttons.
h. Pagination
i. Appropriate & Correct Error Messages.
j Indentation of screen objects and Labels on the
k. Consistency of screen objects (in Grammer,
Spellings,FontStyle,Font Size, Indentation) across
all Pages

Sorting Common


Dependent data population Functionality

Security & Access Rights Security



Text enclosed with in HTML Tags Invalid/Common

Test Case Template NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 17

Project Name:
Test Case for:

Created By:
Date created:

Modified By:
Date modified:

Reviewed By:
Date reviewed:

Document Approval:
# Date Approver Name Role Approval status (PND, In Rvw, Apprvd)

Setup Conditions: Client Server
Operating systems:

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID

Test Case Template NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 18

Comments Actual results Pass /

Not Run

Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 19

Project Name:
Test Case for:

Created By:
Date created:

Modified By:
Date modified:

Reviewed By:
Date reviewed:

Document Approval:
# Date Approver Name Role Approval status (PND, In Rvw, Apprvd)

Setup Conditions: Client Server
Operating systems:

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSI_01 p
OSI_02 p
OSI_03 p
OSI_04 p
OSI_05 p
OSI_06 p
OSI_07 p
OSI_08 p
OSI_09 p
OSI_10 p
OSI_11 p
OSI_12 p
OSI_13 p
OSI_14 p
OSI_15 p
OSI_16 p
OSI_17 p
OSI_18 p
OSI_19 p
OSI_20 p
OSI_21 p
OSI_22 p
OSI_23 p
OSI_24 p
OSI_25 p
OSI_26 p
OSI_27 p
OSI_28 p
OSI_29 p
OSI_30 p
OSI_31 p
OSI_32 p
OSI_33 p
OSI_34 p
OSI_35 p
OSI_36 p
OSI_37 p
OSI_38 p
OSI_39 p
OSI_40 p
OSI_41 p
OSI_42 p
OSI_43 p
OSI_44 p
OSI_45 p
OSI_46 p
OSI_47 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 20

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSI_48 p
OSI_49 p
OSI_50 p
OSI_51 p
OSI_52 p
OSI_53 p
OSI_54 p
OSI_55 p
OSI_56 p
OSI_57 p
OSI_58 p
OSI_59 p
OSI_60 p
OSI_61 p
OSI_62 p
OSI_63 p
OSI_64 p
OSI_65 p
OSI_66 p
OSI_67 p
OSI_68 p
OSI_69 p
OSI_70 p
OSI_71 p
OSI_72 p
OSI_73 p
OSI_74 p
OSI_75 p
OSI_76 p
OSI_77 p
OSI_78 p
OSI_79 p
OSI_80 p
OSI_81 p
OSI_82 p
OSI_83 p
OSI_84 p
OSI_85 p
OSI_86 p
OSI_87 p
OSI_88 p
OSI_89 p
OSI_90 p
OSI_91 p
OSI_92 p
OSI_93 p
OSI_94 p
OSI_95 p
OSI_96 p
OSI_97 p
OSI_98 p
OSI_99 p
OSI_100 p
OSI_101 p
OSI_102 p
OSI_103 p
OSI_104 p
OSI_105 p
OSI_106 p
OSI_107 p
OSI_108 p
OSI_109 p
OSI_110 p
OSI_111 p
OSI_112 p
OSI_113 p
OSI_114 p
OSI_115 p
OSI_116 p
OSI_117 p
OSI_118 p
OSI_119 p
OSI_120 p
OSI_121 p
OSI_122 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 21

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSI_123 p
OSI_124 p
OSI_125 p
OSI_126 p
OSI_127 p
OSI_128 p
OSI_129 p
OSI_130 p
OSI_131 p
OSI_132 p
OSI_133 p
OSI_134 p
OSI_135 p
OSI_136 p
OSI_137 p
OSI_138 p
OSI_139 p
OSI_140 p
OSI_141 p
OSI_142 p
OSI_143 p
OSI_144 p
OSI_145 p
OSI_146 p
OSI_147 p
OSI_148 p
OSI_149 p
OSI_150 p
OSI_151 p
OSI_152 p
OSI_153 p
OSI_154 p
OSI_155 p
OSI_156 p
OSI_157 p
OSI_158 p
OSI_159 p
OSI_160 p
OSI_161 p
OSI_162 p
OSI_163 p
OSI_164 p
OSI_165 p
OSI_166 p
OSI_167 p
OSI_168 p
OSI_169 p
OSI_170 p
OSI_171 p
OSI_172 p
OSI_173 p
OSI_174 p
OSI_175 p
OSI_176 p
OSI_177 p
OSI_178 p
OSI_179 p
OSI_180 p
OSI_181 p
OSI_182 p
OSI_183 p
OSI_184 p
OSI_185 p
OSI_186 p
OSI_187 p
OSI_188 p
OSI_189 p
OSI_190 p
OSI_191 p
OSI_192 p
OSI_193 p
OSI_194 p
OSI_195 p
OSI_196 p
OSI_197 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 22

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSI_198 p
OSI_199 p
OSI_200 p
OSI_201 p
OSI_202 p
OSI_203 p
OSI_204 p
OSI_205 p
OSI_206 p
OSI_207 p
OSI_208 p
OSI_209 p
OSI_210 p
OSI_211 p
OSI_212 p
OSI_213 p
OSI_214 p
OSI_215 p
OSI_216 p
OSI_217 p
OSI_218 p
OSI_219 p
OSI_220 p
OSI_221 p
OSI_222 p
OSI_223 p
OSI_224 p
OSI_225 p
OSI_226 p
OSI_227 p
OSI_228 p
OSI_229 p
OSI_230 p
OSI_231 p
OSI_232 p
OSI_233 p
OSI_234 p
OSI_235 p
OSI_236 p
OSI_237 p
OSI_238 p
OSI_239 p
OSI_240 p
OSITK_01 p
OSITK_02 p
OSITK_03 p
OSITK_04 p
OSITK_05 p
OSITK_06 p
OSITK_07 p
OSITK_08 p
OSITK_09 p
OSITK_10 p
OSITK_11 p
OSITK_12 p
OSITK_13 p
OSITK_14 p
OSITK_15 p
OSITK_16 p
OSITK_17 p
OSITK_18 p
OSITK_19 p
OSITK_20 p
OSITK_21 p
OSITK_22 p
OSITK_23 p
OSITK_24 p
OSITK_25 p
OSITK_26 p
OSITK_27 p
OSITK_28 p
OSITK_29 p
OSITK_30 p
OSITK_31 p
OSITK_32 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 23

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSITK_33 p
OSITK_34 p
OSITK_35 p
OSITK_36 p
OSITK_37 p
OSITK_38 p
OSITK_39 p
OSITK_40 p
OSITK_41 p
OSITK_42 p
OSITK_43 p
OSITK_44 p
OSITK_45 p
OSITK_46 p
OSITK_47 p
OSITK_48 p
OSITK_49 p
OSITK_50 p
OSITK_51 p
OSITK_52 p
OSITK_53 p
OSITK_54 p
OSITK_55 p
OSITK_56 p
OSITK_57 p
OSITK_58 p
OSITK_59 p
OSITK_60 p
OSITK_61 p
OSITK_62 p
OSITK_63 p
OSITK_64 p
OSITK_65 p
OSITK_66 p
OSITK_67 p
OSITK_68 p
OSITK_69 p
OSITK_70 p
OSITK_71 p
OSITK_72 p
OSITK_73 p
OSITK_74 p
OSITK_75 p
OSITK_76 p
OSITK_77 p
OSITK_78 p
OSITK_79 p
OSITK_80 p
OSITK_81 p
OSITK_82 p
OSITK_83 p
OSITK_84 p
OSITK_85 p
OSITK_86 p
OSITK_87 p
OSITK_88 p
OSITK_89 p
OSITK_90 p
OSITK_91 p
OSITK_92 p
OSITK_93 p
OSITK_94 p
OSITK_95 p
OSITK_96 p
OSITK_97 p
OSITK_98 p
OSITK_99 p
OSITK_100 p
OSITK_101 p
OSITK_102 p
OSITK_103 p
OSITK_104 p
OSITK_105 p
OSITK_106 p
OSITK_107 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 24

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSITK_108 p
OSITK_109 p
OSITK_110 p
OSITK_111 p
OSITK_112 p
OSITK_113 p
OSITK_114 p
OSITK_115 p
OSITK_116 p
OSITK_117 p
OSITK_118 p
OSITK_119 p
OSITK_120 p
OSITK_121 p
OSITK_122 p
OSITK_123 p
OSITK_124 p
OSITK_125 p
OSITK_126 p
OSITK_127 p
OSITK_128 p
OSITK_129 p
OSITK_130 p
OSITK_131 p
OSITK_132 p
OSITK_133 p
OSITK_134 p
OSITK_135 p
OSITK_136 p
OSITK_137 p
OSITK_138 p
OSITK_139 p
OSITK_140 p
OSITK_141 p
OSITK_142 p
OSITK_143 p
OSITK_144 p
OSITK_145 p
OSITK_146 p
OSITK_147 p
OSITK_148 p
OSITK_149 p
OSITK_150 p
OSITK_151 p
OSITK_152 p
OSITK_153 p
OSITK_154 p
OSITK_155 p
OSITK_156 p
OSITK_157 p
OSITK_158 p
OSITK_159 p
OSITK_160 p
OSITK_161 p
OSITK_162 p
OSITK_163 p
OSITK_164 p
OSITK_165 p
OSITK_166 p
OSITK_167 p
OSITK_168 p
OSITK_169 p
OSITK_170 p
OSITK_171 p
OSITK_172 p
OSITK_173 p
OSITK_174 p
OSITK_175 p
OSITK_176 p
OSITK_177 p
OSITK_178 p
OSITK_179 p
OSITK_180 p
OSITK_181 p
OSITK_182 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 25

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

OSITK_183 p
OSITK_184 p
OSITK_185 p
OSITK_186 p
OSITK_187 p
OSITK_188 p
OSITK_189 p
OSITK_190 p
OSITK_191 p
OSITK_192 p
OSITK_193 p
OSITK_194 p
OSITK_195 p
OSITK_196 p
OSITK_197 p
OSITK_198 p
OSITK_199 p
OSITK_200 p
OSITK_201 p
OSITK_202 p
OSITK_203 p
OSITK_204 p
OSITK_205 p
OSITK_206 p
OSITK_207 p
OSITK_208 p
OSITK_209 p
OSITK_210 p
OSITK_211 p
OSITK_212 p
OSITK_213 p
OSITK_214 p
OSITK_215 p
OSITK_216 p
OSITK_217 p
OSITK_218 p
OSITK_219 p
OSITK_220 p
OSITK_221 p
OSITK_222 p
OSITK_223 p
OSITK_224 p
OSITK_225 p
OSITK_226 p
OSITK_227 p
OSITK_228 p
OSITK_229 p
OSITK_230 p
OSITK_231 p
OSITK_232 p
OSITK_233 p
OSITK_234 p
OSITK_235 p
OSITK_236 p
OSITK_237 p
OSITK_238 p
OSITK_239 p
OSITK_240 p
DoorHg_01 p
DoorHg_02 p
DoorHg_03 p
DoorHg_04 p
DoorHg_05 p
DoorHg_06 p
DoorHg_07 p
DoorHg_08 p
DoorHg_09 p
DoorHg_10 p
DoorHg_11 p
DoorHg_12 p
DoorHg_13 p
DoorHg_14 p
DoorHg_15 p
DoorHg_16 p
DoorHg_17 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 26

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

DoorHg_18 p
DoorHg_19 p
DoorHg_20 p
DoorHg_21 p
DoorHg_22 p
DoorHg_23 p
DoorHg_24 p
DoorHg_25 p
DoorHg_26 p
DoorHg_27 p
DoorHg_28 p
DoorHg_29 p
DoorHg_30 p
DoorHg_31 p
DoorHg_32 p
Flyer_01 p
Flyer_02 p
Flyer_03 p
Flyer_04 p
Flyer_05 p
Flyer_06 p
Flyer_07 p
Flyer_08 p
Flyer_09 p
Flyer_10 p
Flyer_11 p
Flyer_12 p
Flyer_13 p
Flyer_14 p
Flyer_15 p
Flyer_16 p
Flyer_17 p
Flyer_18 p
Flyer_19 p
Flyer_20 p
Flyer_21 p
Flyer_22 p
Flyer_23 p
Flyer_24 p
Flyer_25 p
Flyer_26 p
Flyer_27 p
Flyer_28 p
Flyer_29 p
Flyer_30 p
Flyer_31 p
Flyer_32 p
Flyer_33 p
Flyer_34 p
Flyer_35 p
Flyer_36 p
Flyer_37 p
Flyer_38 p
Flyer_39 p
Flyer_40 p
Flyer_41 p
Flyer_42 p
Flyer_43 p
Flyer_44 p
Flyer_45 p
Flyer_46 p
Flyer_47 p
Flyer_48 p
Flyer_49 p
Flyer_50 p
Flyer_51 p
Flyer_52 p
Flyer_53 p
Flyer_54 p
Flyer_55 p
Flyer_56 p
Flyer_57 p
Flyer_58 p
Flyer_59 p
Flyer_60 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 27

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

Flyer_61 p
Flyer_62 p
Flyer_63 p
Flyer_64 p
Flyer_65 p
Flyer_66 p
Flyer_67 p
Flyer_68 p
Flyer_69 p
Flyer_70 p
Flyer_71 p
Flyer_72 p
Flyer_73 p
Flyer_74 p
Flyer_75 p
Flyer_76 p
Flyer_77 p
Flyer_78 p
Flyer_79 p
Flyer_80 p
Flyer_81 p
Flyer_82 p
Flyer_83 p
Flyer_84 p
Flyer_85 p
Flyer_86 p
Flyer_87 p
Flyer_88 p
Flyer_89 p
Flyer_90 p
Flyer_91 p
Flyer_92 p
Flyer_93 p
Flyer_94 p
Flyer_95 p
Flyer_96 p
Flyer_97 p
Flyer_98 p
Flyer_99 p
Flyer_100 p
Flyer_101 p
Flyer_102 p
Flyer_103 p
Flyer_104 p
Flyer_105 p
Flyer_106 p
Flyer_107 p
Flyer_108 p
Flyer_109 p
Flyer_110 p
Flyer_111 p
Flyer_112 p
Flyer_113 p
Flyer_114 p
Flyer_115 p
Flyer_116 p
Flyer_117 p
Flyer_118 p
Flyer_119 p
Flyer_120 p
Flyer_121 p
Flyer_122 p
Flyer_123 p
Flyer_124 p
Flyer_125 p
Flyer_126 p
Flyer_127 p
Flyer_128 p
Flyer_129 p
Flyer_130 p
Flyer_131 p
Flyer_132 p
Flyer_133 p
Flyer_134 p
Flyer_135 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 28

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

Flyer_136 p
Flyer_137 p
Flyer_138 p
Flyer_139 p
Flyer_140 p
Flyer_141 p
Flyer_142 p
Flyer_143 p
Flyer_144 p
Flyer_145 p
Flyer_146 p
Flyer_147 p
Flyer_148 p
Flyer_149 p
Flyer_150 p
Flyer_151 p
Flyer_152 p
Flyer_153 p
Flyer_154 p
Flyer_155 p
Flyer_156 p
Flyer_157 p
Flyer_158 p
Flyer_159 p
Flyer_160 p
Flyer_161 p
Flyer_162 p
Flyer_163 p
Flyer_164 p
Flyer_165 p
Flyer_166 p
Flyer_167 p
Flyer_168 p
Flyer_169 p
Flyer_170 p
Flyer_171 p
Flyer_172 p
Flyer_173 p
Flyer_174 p
Flyer_175 p
Flyer_176 p
Flyer_177 p
Flyer_178 p
Flyer_179 p
Flyer_180 p
Flyer_181 p
Flyer_182 p
Flyer_183 p
Flyer_184 p
Flyer_185 p
Flyer_186 p
Flyer_187 p
Flyer_188 p
Flyer_189 p
Flyer_190 p
Flyer_191 p
Flyer_192 p
Flyer_193 p
Flyer_194 p
Flyer_195 p
Flyer_196 p
Flyer_197 p
Flyer_198 p
Flyer_199 p
Flyer_200 p
Flyer_201 p
Flyer_202 p
Flyer_203 p
Flyer_204 p
Flyer_205 p
Flyer_206 p
Flyer_207 p
Flyer_208 p
Boxtop_01 p
Boxtop_02 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 29

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

Boxtop_03 p
Boxtop_04 p
Boxtop_05 p
Boxtop_06 p
Boxtop_07 p
Boxtop_08 p
Boxtop_09 p
Boxtop_10 p
Boxtop_11 p
Boxtop_12 p
Boxtop_13 p
Boxtop_14 p
Boxtop_15 p
Boxtop_16 p
Boxtop_17 p
Boxtop_18 p
Boxtop_19 p
Boxtop_20 p
Boxtop_21 p
Boxtop_22 p
Boxtop_23 p
Boxtop_24 p
Boxtop_25 p
Boxtop_26 p
Boxtop_27 p
Boxtop_28 p
Boxtop_29 p
Boxtop_30 p
Boxtop_31 p
Boxtop_32 p
Mag_01 p
Mag_02 p
Mag_03 p
Mag_04 p
Mag_05 p
Mag_06 p
Mag_07 p
Mag_08 p
Mag_09 p
Mag_10 p
Mag_11 p
Mag_12 p
Mag_13 p
Mag_14 p
Mag_15 p
Mag_16 p
Mag_17 p
Mag_18 p
Mag_19 p
Mag_20 p
Mag_21 p
Mag_22 p
Mag_23 p
Mag_24 p
Mag_25 p
Mag_26 p
Mag_27 p
Mag_28 p
Mag_29 p
Mag_30 p
Mag_31 p
Mag_32 p
post_01 p
post_02 p
post_03 p
post_04 p
post_05 p
post_06 p
post_07 p
post_08 p
post_09 p
post_10 p
post_11 p
post_12 p
post_13 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 30

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

post_14 p
post_15 p
post_16 p
post_17 p
post_18 p
post_19 p
post_20 p
post_21 p
post_22 p
post_23 p
post_24 p
post_25 p
post_26 p
post_27 p
post_28 p
post_29 p
post_30 p
post_31 p
post_32 p
post_33 p
post_34 p
post_35 p
post_36 p
post_37 p
post_38 p
post_39 p
post_40 p
post_41 p
post_42 p
post_43 p
post_44 p
post_45 p
post_46 p
post_47 p
post_48 p
post_49 p
post_50 p
post_51 p
post_52 p
post_53 p
post_54 p
post_55 p
post_56 p
post_57 p
post_58 p
post_59 p
post_60 p
post_61 p
post_62 p
post_63 p
post_64 p
post_65 p
post_66 p
post_67 p
post_68 p
post_69 p
post_70 p
post_71 p
post_72 p
post_73 p
post_74 p
post_75 p
post_76 p
post_77 p
post_78 p
post_79 p
JPCSE_01 p
JPCSE_02 p
JPCSE_03 p
JPCSE_04 p
JPCSE_05 p
JPCSE_06 p
JPCSE_07 p
JPCSE_08 p
JPCSE_09 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 31

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

JPCSE_10 p
JPCSE_11 p
JPCSE_12 p
JPCSE_13 p
JPCSE_14 p
JPCSE_15 p
JPCSE_16 p
JPCSE_17 p
JPCSE_18 p
JPCSE_19 p
JPCSE_20 p
JPCSE_21 p
JPCSE_22 p
JPCSE_23 p
JPCSE_24 p
JPCSE_25 p
JPCSE_26 p
JPCSE_27 p
JPCSE_28 p
JPCSE_29 p
JPCSE_30 p
JPCSE_31 p
JPCSE_32 p
BiFold_01 p
BiFold_02 p
BiFold_03 p
BiFold_04 p
BiFold_05 p
BiFold_06 p
BiFold_07 p
BiFold_08 p
BiFold_09 p
BiFold_10 p
BiFold_11 p
BiFold_12 p
BiFold_13 p
BiFold_14 p
BiFold_15 p
BiFold_16 p
BiFold_17 p
BiFold_18 p
BiFold_19 p
BiFold_20 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 32

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

BiFold_21 p
BiFold_22 p
BiFold_23 p
BiFold_24 p
BiFold_25 p
BiFold_26 p
BiFold_27 p
BiFold_28 p
BiFold_29 p
BiFold_30 p
BiFold_31 p
BiFold_32 p

Project Name
Functional Test case NIIT Ltd. Confidential Page 33

Test Case ID RTM # Priority Objective Steps to be Taken Expected Results Test data (If Refer to Test Comments Actual results Pass /
(P1/ P2 / P3) Applicable) case ID Fail/
Not Run

Project Name

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