20 Best Lookouts in The Blue Mountains - Sydney Uncovered

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20 Best Lookouts in the Blue Mountains

Last updated: July 13, 2020

Looking for new lookouts to visit in the Blue Mountains?

We have listed the 20 best lookouts in the Blue Mountains, from the
Wentworth Falls area to Katoomba, Leura and Blackheath.

The Blue Mountains is by far one of the most popular day trip destinations from
Sydney. Suitable to visit during all four seasons, the Greater Blue Mountains
region consists of several National Park areas and a conservation reserve.
The area is home to a large number of impressive lookouts, some very popular
and easy to get to, others not so well-known and located off the beaten track.

The dense eucalyptus vegetation, which is causing that typical blue haze you
can often see from the lookouts, is one of the reasons the Greater Blue
Mountains Area was of cially listed as a World Heritage site in the year 2000

 Quick Navigation:

  Wentworth Falls Lookouts

Leura Lookouts
Katoomba Lookouts
Blackheath Lookouts
Mount Victoria Lookouts

20 Best Blue Mountains Lookouts

Below is our top 20 best lookouts in the Blue Mountains, with links to their
locations underneath the photos. We’ve grouped the lookouts by regions, to
make it easier for you to plan your day.

Some of these lookout points are easily accessible by car, while others require a
bit of bushwalking to get to.
— Lookouts in the Wentworth Falls Area —

1. Lincoln’s Rock Lookout

Located south of Wentworth Falls on the Kings Tableland plateau, Lincoln’s

Rock is one of the most impressive lookout points in the greater Blue Mountains

The Kings Tableland plateau forms the eastern boundary of Jamison Valley, and
extends south to McMahons Point lookout and beyond, with views over Lake

Lincoln’s Rock Lookout [map]

For thousands of years, the area that we now know as Kings Tableland was a
place of signi cance to the Aboriginal Gandangara people.
With sweeping views of Jamison Valley and beyond, Lincoln’s Rock is a unique
and historically important sight that is a must-visit.

2. Jamison Lookout

The Jamison Lookout is the rst major lookout point you will see when you park
your car at the Wentworth Falls picnic area car park along Sir H Burrell Drive.

This impressive lookout point offers beautiful scenic views over the Jamison
Valley towards Mount Solitary and beyond.

Jamison Lookout [map]

Whilst you can’t see the actual Wentworth Falls waterfall from this lookout
point, the views are impressive enough to get you excited about what’s to come.

From this lookout it’s only a short walk to the top of the waterfall, with various
other lookouts to enjoy along the way.

3. Rocket Point Lookout

The Rocket Point lookout is another hidden gem that often gets overlooked by
visitors to Wentworth Falls, despite the fact this lookout offers the best views
of the waterfall.

Rocket Point Lookout [map]

The fenced Rocket Point lookout is located high on a cliff edge, offering scenic
views of the waterfall and the huge valley below.
From the top of the waterfall, the lookout point can be accessed via a short loop
walk that is marked with a small signpost at the intersection.

4. Queen Victoria Lookout

The Queen Victoria lookout is a little known lookout point that can best be
accessed via the Empress Falls track in Wentworth Falls.

This walking track to a very pretty waterfall starts at the Conservation Hut, and
the actual lookout is only a few hundred metres away from the starting point.

Queen Victoria Lookout [map]

A short side track opens up to the Queen Victoria Lookout, situated above the
Valley of the Waters and facing the beautiful Jamison Valley.
The views reach as far as Mount Solitary straight ahead, and on the left, Kings
Tableland and the Lincoln’s Rock lookout point can also be identi ed.

— Lookouts in the Leura Area —

5. Gordon Falls Lookout

The Gordon Falls lookout and picnic area is located in the eastern part of Leura,
and marks the end of the famous Prince Henry Cliff Walk.

Despite the fact that this is a very pretty area, it typically never gets as busy as
other similar areas in the Leura and Katoomba region of the Blue Mountains.

Gordon Falls Lookout [map]

The lookout point can be accessed via a short walking trail starting at the
Gordon Fall picnic area, and is suitable for all ages.

The views from the lookout over the valley to Kings Tableland and Mt Solitary
are beautiful, but the waterfall itself is hardly visible during periods of dry

6. Olympian Rock Lookout

The Olympian Rock Lookout is a 30 minute walk away from Gordon Falls
Lookout, following the Prince Henry Cliff Walk that connects with Echo Point
and the Three Sisters.

The views from the lookout are incredible, with the Three Sisters clearly visible,
and Mount Solitary further away in the distance.

Olympian Rock Lookout [map]

This short walk also takes you past Elysian Rock Lookout, another pretty
lookout point that is very much worth your visit.

Alternatively you can park your car on Olympic Drive at Olympian Place in
Leura and follow the short trail to the fenced lookout point.

7. Tarpeian Rock Lookout

Situated between Leura Cascades and the Olympian Rock lookout point, the
Tarpeian Rock lookout can be easily accessed via a very short walking path from
Cliff Drive.

Alternatively, if you’re doing the Prince Henry Cliff Walk, the Tarpeian Rock
lookout is not too far away from the Leura Cascades picnic area, heading east.

Tarpeian Rock Lookout [map]

Similar to Olympian Rock and Gordon Falls lookout, Tarpeian Rock also offers
panoramic views of the Jamison Valley against the backdrop of Mount Solitary,
the Narrow Neck Plateau and the iconic Ruined Castle.

The lookout itself is interesting too, as the natural sandston platform that you
stand on has fascinating circular patterns.

— Lookouts in the Katoomba Area —

8. Echo Point Lookout

The most popular lookout point for tourists is the Echo Point Lookout from
where you can enjoy the best views of the famous Three Sisters.

While this lookout is de nitely awesome, there are many more beautiful
lookout points in the Blue Mountains without the big crowds.

Echo Point Lookout [map]

Echo Point looks out over Jamison Valley, densely populated with eucalyptus
trees and surrounded by massive sandstone cliffs.

Make sure you follow the walking track to the Three Sisters, past the Spooners
Lookout and the Oreades Lookout. At the end of this walk, you can reach the
Three Sisters via the so-called Honeymoon Bridge.

9. Spooners Lookout

The often ignored Spooners Lookout can be accessed via a short detour from
the walk to the Three Sisters from Echo Point. It’s an extra 5 minutes, and the
views from this lookout are very much worth it.

Spooners Lookout [map]

The Lookout was named after Eric S. Spooner, an Australian politician who
opened part of the Prince Henry Cliff Walk in October 1934.

What’s great about the Spooners Lookout is that it is located only 200m from
the Visitor’s Information Centre at Echo Point, and it is also wheelchair friendly.

10. Cliff View Lookout

The popular Cliff View lookout point in the Katoomba area can be reached via a
short walk from Katoomba Falls Park.

Clif View Lookout [map]

It’s a very easy, well-signposted walking track that leads to a stunning lookout
from where you can enjoy superb views of the valley and the Skyway cable car
ying above it.

Similar to the path to the Spooners Lookout, the walking track to the Cliff View
Lookout is both family and wheelchair friendly.

11. Juliets Balcony

At Sydney Uncovered, it’s no secret that we are big fans of Katoomba Falls, one
of the most beautiful waterfalls in the greater Sydney region.

Juliets Balcony is a somewhat hidden lookout point that provides scenic views
of both the waterfall in its entirety as well as the valley below.

Juliets Balcony [map]

Juliets Balcony is part of the Katoomba Falls round walk, which starts and ends
at Scenic World in Katoomba, but it’s easy to miss the lookout.

Interestingly enough, the lookout isn’t signposted, but it can be accessed by

climbing up a small staircase leading to a rock platform with a fenced-off
balcony area.

12. Cahills Lookout

Overlooking the gigantic Megalong Valley, Cahills’s Lookout is one of the most
impressive lookouts in the Blue Mountains, but without the big tourist crowds.

Quietly tucked away along the westernmost point of Cliff Drive, the lookout
offers breathtaking views of the valley, Megalong Head, Boars Head Rock and
the Narrow Neck Peninsula.

Cahill’s Lookout [map]

Unlike other popular lookouts in the area, such as Echo Point and Lincoln’s Rock
that overlook the Jamison Valley, Cahills’s Lookout faces the Megalong Valley.

The Narrow Neck Peninsula, clearly visible from the viewing platform, is the
plateau in the middle that divides these two large valleys.

13. Norths Lookout

The undiscovered Norths Lookout is situated very close to the starting point of
the Six Foot Track, not too far away from the historic Explorers Tree in

One of the very rst highlights of the 45km long Six Foot Track is in fact the
Norths Lookout, from where you can enjoy great views of the Megalong Valley
and Nellies Glen.
Norths Lookout [map]

Norths Lookout was named after John Britty North, a stockbroker and mining
agent who built and operated the Katoomba Coal Mine in the late 19th century.

From the lookout, the Six Foot Track continues and descends deep into Nellies
Glen, and furhter into the Megalong Valley.

— Lookouts in the Blackheath Area —

14. Evans Lookout

Overlooking the immense sandstone cliffs of the Grose Valley, Evans Lookout is
one of the most popular vantage points in the Blue Mountains.

It’s also a starting point for several walking tracks nearby that bring you all the
way down to the oor of the valley.

Evans Lookout [map]

The popular 6km long Grand Canyon Walk starts and ends at the lookout, and
takes you into the valley through lush rainforest.

Another famous walking track nearby, the Cliff Top walking track, runs between
Evans Lookout and Govetts Leap Lookout along the edge of the cliff.
15. Govetts Leap Lookout

Located at the end of Govetts Leap Road in Blackheath, the incredible Govetts
Leap Lookout offers stunning views across of the Grose River Valley and

The name Govetts Leap refers to the 180 metres high waterfall that is visible
from the lookout, which was named after William Govett, a surveyor who was
the rst European settler to have visited this area.

Govetts Leap Lookout [map]

From the Govetts Leap lookout you have the option to go bushwalking, as
several great hiking trails start at the lookout point.

One of these tracks leads to the Barrow Lookout from where you can have
enjoy close-up views of the waterfall and the valley it drops into.
16. George Phillips Lookout

The George Phillips Lookout is quite literally located next door to the Govetts
Leap Lookout, but gets mostly ignored as many visitors are simply not aware of
its existence.

George Phillips Lookout [map]

This lookout point can be accessed via the 1.8km Fairfax Heritage Walk, a family
and wheelchair friendly path between the Blue Mountains Heritage Centre and
the Govetts Leap lookout.

The nearby Blue Mountains Heritage Centre is worth a visit. This is where you
can get expert advice on the various walking tracks in the area, Aboriginal
heritage, plants and animals, and local activities.
17. Pulpit Rock Lookout

Pulpit Rock near Blackheath in the Blue Mountains is a large cliff edge with
three lookout points spread across different levels.

A walking path with stairs connects the platforms, with each platform offering a
different perspective of the Grose Valley.

Pulpit Rock Lookout [map]

The Pulpit Rock lookout was rst opened to the public in 1935 by Ernest
Buttenshaw, the Minister for Lands in the New South Wales government.

It’s not dif cult to spend a few hours at Pulpit Rock to take in the panoramic
views of the valley and mountain tops on the other side. And without the big
crowds, there is more opportunity to make beautiful photos.

18. Perrys Lookdown

The lookout point at Perrys Lookdown marks the start of a very steep walking
track to the Blue Gum Forest at the bottom of the Grose Valley.

The panoramic views of the Grose Valley and the high sandstone cliffs of Mount
Banks from Perrys Lookdown are fantastic.

Perrys Lookdown [map]

A short stroll from Perrys Lookdown is the Dockers Lookout which offers
similar views, albeit from a slightly different angle. From this lookout you can
see glimpses of the Blue Gum Forest at the bottom of the valley.

The hike down into the valley is a challenging, but also a rewarding bushwalk
adventure. But do keep in mind though that the climb back out of the valley is
one of the steepest climbs in the Blue Mountains!

19. Baltzer Lookout

A 4km retrail near Blackheath leads to a lookout where not many tourists go.

The Baltzer Lookout stands at the very edge of Burramoko Head, the walled
termination of the Burramoko Ridge above Grose Canyon, offering eye-
dropping views of the valley and surrounding escarpments.

Hanging Rock and the Baltzer Lookout [map]

Nearby Hanging Rock, a large sandstone object that hangs out from a cliff, is one
of the most iconic landmarks in the greater Blue Mountains region.

The emptiness and isolation at Hanging Rock and the Baltzer Lookout create
the perfect atmosphere. A must-visit.
— Lookouts in the Mount Victoria Area —

20. Victoria Falls Lookout

Perched on a cliff edge high above the Grose Valley, the Victoria Falls lookout is
the starting point of a short but very steep bushwalk to one of the prettiest
waterfalls in the Blue Mountains.

Interestingly enough, the waterfall isn’t actually visible from the lookout. In
other words, to see the waterfalls, you’re going to have to head down into the

Victoria Falls Lookout [map]

From the lookout, the track zigzags its way down into the valley. It’s an easy to
follow path, rst through an area of rocky outcrops and slowly turning into a
FAQs About Lookouts in the Blue Mountains

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about lookouts in the
Blue Mountains.

What are the best Blue Mountains lookouts for tourists?

These are two lookouts in the Blue Mountains that are popular with tourists:

Echo Point Lookout

Lincoln’s Rock Lookout

What are great lookouts in the Blue Mountains that involve bushwalking?
These are two lookouts in the Blue Mountains that require bushwalking to get

Baltzer Lookout
Pulpit Rock Lookout

What are good Blue Mountains lookouts that are not so crowded?
These are two good lookouts in the Blue Mountains where you won’t see too
many people around:

Victoria Falls Lookout

Cahill’s Lookout

 Blue Mountains, Lookouts
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greener, rainforest-like environment.

Victoria Falls is a stunning waterfall on the Victoria Creek that drops 20m from
a rock overhang, with the nearby cascades further upstream also worth a visit.

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>> Great hiking tracks in the Blue Mountains
>> Scenic waterfalls in the Blue Mountains
>> Awesome things to do in the Blue Mountains
>> Unique day trip itineraries in the Blue Mountains
>> Recommended Blue Mountains tours

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