Smart Glasses

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Outline Problem-Solu on Essay

Title: Smart Glasses: Is That All There Is To It?

Introduc on Intro (Hook) Due to the limited func ons and pragma c applica ons of
the wearable technology: smart glasses can be found in other
electronic devices such as smartphones and smart watches;
this raises the ques on on the need for smart glasses in the
first place.

statement To set smart glasses apart from other electronic devices,
adding new features like solar charging func ons, convenient
blinking mechanism and built-in sensors for blind-aid.

Background History/ (Quote from source 1)

Issue/ First, the technology and its func ons must be sufficiently
Source useful, opera onal and user-friendly and have at least one
so-called killer app before users will make use of them
(Downes & Mui, 2000).

L.D. Brian, (2014). The future of smart glasses:

An essay about challenges and possibili es with smart glasses
Retrieved from Centre of Interac on Research and
Communica on Design, University of Copenhagen
Body Iden fy The redundancy of smart glasses of having the same features
Paragraph problem as other electronic devices like smartphones and
smartwatches makes smart glasses not an op on/ marketable
despite having huge poten al in various fields of its usage.

Suppor ng - due to the tech s ll being new, R&D is s ll undergoing

details to advance its features so that it may compete with
other electronic devices in the market
- other devices having features like GPS,
calling/messaging, taking pictures

Evidence ready available technology does not cater to minors/people

with disabili es/ nor do they strive to achieve conveniences in
usage and its func ons.
The development of technology may be seen to progress to
gain revenues, not for the be erment of the community and
its users.
Concluding Smart glasses has poten al in catering the needs to various
sentence niche groups that other technologies like smartphones and
smartwatches cannot work for.

Body Solu on #1 Using solar charging method as means to charge the

Paragraph phone.

Suppor ng -Solar energy is renewable. The main source of solar energy is

details sunlight, therefore sunlight is a source of energy that will
never be exhausted and sun also a major source of energy to
the earth.

-Smart glasses have solar panels for charging and it does not
require power supply to charge. it differents from handphone
and smart watches tha require electricity to charge.

-As a whole the gadget today uses a ba ery power that

requires electricity to increase energy if the ba ery has been
used up.

-Example, a cellphone that at the beginning of its manufacture

uses a ba ery.

-The use of solar energy can save energy and prevent

pollu on that is increasing. Solar energy consumer in gadgets
are a renewal in the modern world today.

-The use of solar energy will facilitate human affairs as they do

not need me to think about the energy of their gadgets
ba ery.

-Smart glasses are always used outside, so smart glasses will

always be exposed to sunlight and automa cally the smart
glasses users will not need to charge smart glasses.
Jus fy -To explore the performance of solar cells that are equipped
with lenses under different ligh ng condi ons, they
work on a26-channel light-emi ng diode solar simulator with
adjustable spectrum and adjustable intensity.Reversing
ar ficial internal ligh ng condi ons, they use luminaire
spectrum of an LED, which is o en used for home and office
ligh ng.

-Under ligh ng with sun, a solar cell equipped with a lens

provides a maximum power of almost 1mW. At 0.01 sun, the
device s ll delivers 400mW output of power, which is only a
factor 2.5 lower than their output power under sun ligh ng
even if the input power (light) is reduced by 100 a factor.

-A part from being environmentally friendly, the use of these

diesel generators can save cost and smart glasses also provide
eye protec on from UV rays

-Power-consuming power allows are liable self- powered

opera on of solar mirrors even under low light condi ons,
deliberately ignoring energy storage elements. Then this
concept improvement will allow for the integra on of more
complex sensor systems for smart wearable electronics

Concluding Differen ates smart glasses from other electronic devices due
sentence to its convenient method of using the device.This method may
not be able to be used by other electronic devices. Smart
glasses use the panel solar for make power supply

Body Solu on #2 Convenient loca on of the smart glasses in front of the eyes
Paragraph allows the use of blinking as main opera ng mechanism of the

Suppor ng - Blinking of the eyes-- depending on the number of eyes

details closes and opens, becomes indica on to execu ng
certain programmes inside the device.
- 2 blinks may form a yes, 3 is a no,
- while certain combina ons may allow different use like
taking pictures or accep ng a call.
- poten al of usage can be used in fields like medical
and photography related careers/ works due to the
convenient and easy method of applica on of the
smart glasses.
Jus fy “Our method uses data-driven approaches and can work
robustly with low-quality videos captured by Smart Glasses.
Our method can also run in real me on Smart Glasses. Our
method provides robust and real- me eye blink detec on for
a range of applica ons of Smart Glasses in human computer
interac on and human vision health care.”

Liu F. (2013) Eye Blink Detec on for Smart Glasses. Retrieved

from Washington State University.

Differen ates smart glasses from other electronic devices due
to its convenient method of using the device.
This method may not be able to be used by other elec devices.

Body Solu on #3
Paragraph Smart Glass For Blind Peoplec

Suppor ng There are 3 main working principle of Smart Glass for Blind
details People :
1.Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor is a transducer which uses the physical
characteris cs and various other
effects of ultrasound of a specific frequency which may
transmit or receive the ultrasonic signal of a par cular
strength. These are available in electromagne c or
piezoelectric versions
2.IVR System
IVR System or Interac ve Voice Response System which
basically works on segmented recorded voice clips to be
logically merged and amended as per requirements. The SD
Card 104module is directly interfaced to the Arduino board to
store the segmented voice clips of the IVR system we built in
different languages and is programmed on the Arduino board
3.Circuit Planning
The 5 ultrasonic sensors are well placed on the spectacle to
sense 4 direc ons and one on the knee cap for detec ng
smaller obstacles, block diagram shown
Jus fy 1.The sensor being highly direc onal, at mes it may happen if
there may be a diagonally situated obstacle in between front
and right sensor, the guidance frequently changes, but it
happens for a specific range and not always at every spot, 2-3
out of 10 people faced this problem.

2. If not placed appropriately, the knee cap sensor may

overlook or may not sense obstacles of 10-15cm height lying
on the ground, which may be steps, speed breakers, etc. 3-4
out of 10 people faced this problem

3. Front part and appropriate level of smaller obstacles for

knee cap sensor worked flawlessly most of the me.

4.The blind man should normally be on its straight path, as per

their feeling, unless and un l system guides them to turn in
any direc on, otherwise it was no ced that some kind of
avoidance of an obstacle may happen.

Concluding The "Smart Glass for Blind People" is

sentence prac cally, a feasible device and can be conveniently carried by
any blind person.this is the solu on for a blind people which
would help them to move almost like any other normal
pedestrian. The cost of this system makes it affordable for the
majority of the society which in turn an effec ve device for
them to spend on, just for once and assures wonderful travel
for them.

Conclusion Re-state Indeed, To set Smart glasses apart from other electronic
thesis devices,adding new features like solar charging func ons,
convenient blinking mechanism and built-in sensors for

blind-aid may set smart glasses apart from its other electronic
devices compe tors.

Ac on
BI Intelligence (Danova, 2013) predicts that 22 million glasses
will be sold on the world market by 2018.
Further pursuit research and development by adding these
features to further establishes smart glasses among

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