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UNIT ‘1’


REPORT DATED: April 02, 2020


Today not only our country but also the entire world is facing this CORONAVIRUS
The coronavirus sweeping across the world is a pandemic, the World Health Organization
declared on 11 March 2020.

Although there is no cut-and-dry criteria for what reaches the level of pandemic and what
does not, and there is no threshold of cases or deaths that triggers the definition. According
to the WHO, "Pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease". This pandemic has
struck so hard to our country that entire India is under lockdown. Doctors, nurses, and all
other forces are working at their level best to save us from this Pandemic. And as a
responsible citizen we have to stay in our houses to stop the spread of this virus.

But staying home do not hold us back from performing our duties as NSS volunteers.

So, we all are performing our part in this critical situation by:

1. Spreading Awareness

2. Doing creative things during lockdown


• We, volunteers have from very first day started spreading awareness
regarding COVID-19 through our social media platforms.
• We have created our pages on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM to spread
awareness related to COVID-19. In the meantime, we have also shared
various information frequently on our WhatsApp Groups.
• Our Programme Officer Dr. Vaibhav Sir has shared a video representing his
thoughts and appealing the public to stay at home and take proper
precautions for the same. He also told how to utilize one’s time wisely
during lockdown period.
• Some volunteers shared posters & videos on the following topics relating to
i. Precautions to be taken to protect oneself from coronavirus.
ii. To tackle with the problem of fake news related to COVID-19.
iii. Problem of panic buying after lockdown.
iv. How to utilize leisure/idle time during quarantine period.
v. The importance of social distancing.
vi. Handwash videos & posters as per the guidelines issued by the

/nss.foc.bhu /nss_foc_bhu

Our volunteers have involved themselves in many creative activities during this
quarantine period like -

• Dipansu Singh has written a poem on ‘Gareebi’ describing the problem of

poor migrants.
• Sneha Singh has utilized her time by making art & craft. She has also made
an awareness video related to COVID-19.
• Sana Siddiqui has written poem on ‘GO Corona’ & she made an awareness
video on COVID-19 too.
• Aniket shared his pictures doing wall painting & drawing in his room
during quarantine period.
• Swarnendu Maiti has encouraged other for gardening & doing yoga to be
• Some volunteers like Rajat, Abhishek, Jagriti, Divya, Deeksha, etc. has
made posters related to COVID-19 & shared it on different social media
• All the volunteers are spending quality time with their families safely and
following our honourable Prime Minister’s appeal.

Our Programme Officer, Dr. Vaibhav is

integrating the meaning and usefulness of
Work from Home & Work for Home.

Many non-NSS members has also helped us & shared their creative content with
us during this situation.

• Himanshu Raj, a student of B.Com. (Hons.) has helped us technically by

creating & editing various posts and videos.
• Our volunteer, Sneha Singh has talked to RHA members & Kailash Math
related to food distribution among needy people in Varanasi.
• Mr. Avinash Singh, a social worker has shared his poem ‘Corona se
Ladona’ which we have posted on our social media pages.
• Priyanshu Kumar, an ex-BHU student has encouraged people for sanitizing
their hands through cartooning & we have shared his artwork on our pages.

Food Distribution ‘Corona se Ladona’ Cartoon made by Priyanshu Kumar

among needy by Mr. Avinash Singh
in Varanasi

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