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EPAXXX10.3102/0162373720912236West et al.Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Month 201X, Vol. XX, No. X, pp. 1­–25
DOI: 10.3102/0162373720912236

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© 2020 AERA.

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning: Evidence

From the First Large-Scale Panel Student Survey

Martin R. West
Harvard University
Libby Pier
Education Analytics
Hans Fricke, Inc.
Heather Hough
Policy Analysis for California Education
Susanna Loeb
Brown University
Robert H. Meyer
Andrew B. Rice
Education Analytics

A growing number of school systems use self-report surveys to track students’ social-emotional
development as a tool to inform policy and practice. We use the first large-scale panel survey of
social-emotional learning (SEL) to simulate how four constructs—growth mindset, self-efficacy,
self-management, and social awareness—develop from Grade 4 to Grade 12 and how these trends
vary by gender, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity among students participating in the
survey for two consecutive years. With the exception of growth mindset, self-reports of these con-
structs do not increase monotonically as students move through school; self-efficacy, social
awareness, and to a lesser degree self-management decrease after Grade 6. Female students
report higher self-management and social awareness than males, but lower self-efficacy relative
to males in middle and high school. Economically disadvantaged students and students of color
report lower levels of each construct. These patterns highlight the need for policymakers to inter-
pret changes in students’ self-reports over time in light of normative trends in social-emotional
development and illustrate how such self-reports may nonetheless be used to set priorities and
target interventions and resources.

Keywords: social-emotional learning, noncognitive skills, high schools, middle schools, psychol-
ogy, student behavior/attitude, student development, adolescence, descriptive analysis, longitudinal
studies, econometric analysis

Student skills that are not captured by tests of There is strong evidence that both intrapersonal
academic achievement and ability predict a range skills (such as the ability to regulate one’s behav-
of academic and life outcomes (Almlund et al., ior in pursuit of long-term goals) and interper-
2011; Deming, 2017; Heckman et al., 2014). sonal skills (such as the ability to collaborate
West et al.

with others) are key complements to cognitive Across all CORE Districts, metrics based on
ability in determining students’ success in school, students’ survey responses are integrated side-
post-secondary education, and the labor market by-side with measures of academic performance
(Deming, 2017; National Research Council, and other nonacademic measures (e.g., suspen-
2012). In addition, such “noncognitive” or sion rates, chronic absenteeism) in the CORE
“social-emotional” skills may be more malleable dashboard.3 District administrators and school
in school settings than cognitive abilities, mak- leaders are thereby encouraged to use the SEL
ing them attractive targets for interventions measures as part of their assessment of school
aimed at improving student success (Cunha & quality and performance. In districts that make
Heckman, 2008; Dee & West, 2011; Heckman & this information publicly available (e.g., Fresno
Kautz, 2013). Consistent with this logic, one Unified School District and Long Beach Unified
meta-analysis found that schoolwide interven- School District), other stakeholders such as par-
tions targeting social-emotional learning (SEL) ents or teachers can also consider the SEL mea-
generated improvements in students’ academic sures when assessing school quality.
achievement (Durlak et al., 2011). Educators and policymakers within CORE
Accumulating evidence on the importance of report using data from the SEL survey to set pri-
nontested skills has led policymakers to look orities and assess progress in supporting stu-
beyond test scores when seeking to measure and dents’ development. J. A. Marsh et al. (2018) find
improve student outcomes. The recently enacted that school leaders within CORE report both
federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), for using the SEL data “to plan and identify areas of
example, requires states to incorporate an addi- need in annual cycles” and supplementing the
tional indicator of school quality or student suc- annual CORE survey with more frequent surveys
cess (i.e., not based on math and reading test to monitor progress (p. 56). Toch and Miller
scores) into their school accountability systems. A (2019) similarly identify a range of ways that
growing number of states have established stan- school leaders use the CORE survey data, such
dards for SEL or incorporated social-emotional as reviewing “survey results for staff at the start
skills into their academic content standards of each school year, to explore trends and get
(Dusenbury et al., 2015). Meanwhile, the Aspen teachers’ reactions” (p. 13), identifying school-
Institute launched a National Commission on wide improvement priorities, and driving con-
Social, Emotional, and Academic Development versations around equity. At the district level,
with a mandate to “re-envision what constitutes Marsh and colleagues found “a high level of
success in our schools” and “explore how schools awareness and support for the [SEL] surveys”
can fully integrate social, emotional, and among administrators (p. 56). Central office staff
academic development to support the whole report reviewing the SEL data to monitor school
student.”1 performance and to provide targeted supports
At the forefront of this trend are the CORE and interventions to schools. Toch and Miller
Districts, a network of large urban districts in (2019) report that Fresno Unified School District
California serving nearly 1 million students. administrators “focus on the CORE survey
These districts received a waiver from the U.S. results in regional meetings they convene several
Department of Education in 2013 to implement times a year to bring together representatives of
an alternative to the school accountability system schools” (p. 13).
then-mandated under the No Child Left Behind There are other possible policy uses of these
Act.2 The CORE Districts used this flexibility to kinds of SEL measures, beyond current practice
develop a measurement system that includes sur- within CORE, such as for school or teacher
vey-based measures of SEL and school culture accountability. Concerns about the possibility of
and climate alongside traditional academic indi- “gaming” such a system if formal stakes were
cators. Although ESSA’s 2015 enactment elimi- attached to students’ survey responses have thus
nated the CORE Districts’ obligation to use the far led states to avoid incorporating SEL surveys
SEL survey for school accountability, the dis- into their systems for identifying low-performing
tricts continue to collect data on SEL to inform schools under ESSA. Researchers nonetheless
policy and support continuous improvement. disagree as to whether survey-based measures of

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

social-emotional skills could ever be appropriate development of SEL for a given student over the
for use in school accountability systems (e.g., course of a single school year. However, we are
Duckworth & Yeager, 2015; Hough et al., 2017; able to aggregate information on these changes
Melnick et al., 2017; Toch & Miller, 2019). across multiple grade levels to simulate long-term
To interpret and determine how best to use trends for students who remain enrolled in partici-
newly available measures of SEL, policymakers pating districts and complete the SEL survey in
need to understand how social-emotional skills both years. More specifically, we calculate mean
typically vary across grade levels and subgroups. score gains for students who completed the survey
This information is essential to make sense of in both years, and we use these gains to extrapo-
aggregate SEL data and determine where inter- late from Grade 8 (the midpoint of our sample) to
ventions or supports are most needed. Similarly, both prior and subsequent grades. Although we
educators need such information to interpret data cannot follow individual students across all
from their own students and take appropriate grades, this method improves on cross-sectional
action. comparisons of means across grades by account-
However, there is a lack of research examin- ing for idiosyncratic differences between grade
ing how social-emotional skills develop over cohorts and for students’ endogenous entry into
time, particularly for different student subgroups. and exit from the study sample.
Existing studies with a longitudinal design tend In reporting these simulated trends and dis-
to focus on the development of SEL only in early cussing their implications for policy, we empha-
childhood or elementary school (e.g., Edossa size that the measures gathered by the CORE
et al., 2018; Rothbart et al., 2006) or consider Districts’ SEL survey are self-reported and there-
only a single SEL construct (Ross & Tolan, fore reflect students’ subjective assessments of
2018). Cross-sectional studies in turn do not shed their social-emotional skills. Students evaluating
light on how skills evolve over time (e.g., Ablard their own skills must employ an external frame
& Lipschultz, 1998; Choudhury et al., 2006). of reference to reach a judgment about their rela-
Many studies of SEL rely on small convenience tive standing. As a result, differences in self-
samples of students within specific settings (e.g., reports over time or across students may reflect
Blackwell et al., 2007; Duckworth et al., 2010), differences in normative standards rather than
raising questions about the generalizability of authentic differences in skills (reference bias;
their findings. Moreover, variation in the specific West et al., 2016), the tendency of survey respon-
constructs and measures used to assess students’ dents to offer positive self-descriptions (social
social-emotional skills makes it difficult to com- desirability bias; Paulhus, 1991), or differences
pare results across studies (e.g., Berg et al., 2017; in culture or in home or school environments that
Duncan & Magnuson, 2011). Further compound- lead students to interpret or respond to items in
ing this challenge is the sheer number of compe- different ways.
tencies that fall under the umbrella of SEL or Although we cannot rule out that such potential
noncognitive skills (Berg and colleagues, 2017, sources of bias influence our results, there is sub-
identified 136 different frameworks of social and stantial evidence for the measures’ validity. For
emotional competencies across nearly 20 areas instance, West and colleagues (2016) show that the
of study). SEL measures and student achievement are less
In this article, we leverage the CORE Districts’ correlated within schools than overall; this finding
SEL survey to address two broad questions: How suggests reference bias due to differences in school
do the four SEL constructs CORE chose to include environment is not a substantial concern, as the
on that survey—growth mindset, self-efficacy, opposite would be true if students in higher-
self-management, and social awareness—develop performing schools rated themselves more criti-
from Grades 4 through 12? And how do these pat- cally. Moreover, Meyer et al. (2018) use Differential
terns vary by gender, socioeconomic status, and Item Functioning (DIF) analysis to show that stu-
race/ethnicity? Our analyses are based on self- dent subgroups are not responding differently to
report surveys administered to nearly 400,000 stu- specific items within the survey scales. Finally, we
dents in the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school document below that within-student changes in
years. With 2 years of data, we can only track the self-reports of each SEL construct correlate in

West et al.

expected ways with concurrent changes in theoreti- from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to
cally related academic and behavioral indicators. understand social and ethical norms for
Although we cannot yet speak to our findings’ gen- behavior, and to recognize family, school,
eralizability beyond students continuously enrolled and community resources and supports
across two years within the California districts we (CASEL, 2005).
study and the measures they employ, the scope and
scale of our data far exceed anything in the extant The CORE Districts identified these four
literature on social-emotional development. constructs in collaboration with researchers,
content experts, district staff, and school stake-
Literature Review holders. They prioritized constructs that were
predictive of academic and life outcomes, mea-
Despite policymakers’ heightened interest in surable via existing survey instruments, and
SEL, there remains a lack of consensus regarding malleable in school settings (see J. A. Marsh
how different aspects of students’ social-emo- et al., 2018; West, Buckley et al., 2018), as well
tional skills evolve over time. In this section, we as ones that aligned to SEL competencies iden-
discuss the available evidence on the develop- tified by CASEL. Self-efficacy and growth
ment of the four constructs assessed by the mindset are each part of CASEL’s self-aware-
CORE Districts’ SEL survey. We then turn to dif- ness domain, whereas self-management and
ferences in SEL trajectories over time for student social awareness are domains in CASEL’s
subgroups based on gender, socioeconomic sta- framework (West, Buckley et al. 2018).
tus, and race/ethnicity. The four constructs are Studies generally suggest that self-manage-
defined as follows: ment (also referred to as self-regulation or self-
control) declines during early adolescence
•• Self-management, also referred to as self- (Duckworth et al., 2010; West et al., 2016).
control or self-regulation, is the ability to However, studies of how self-management devel-
regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and ops throughout adolescence are limited (Gestsdottir
behaviors effectively in different situa- & Lerner, 2008) and inconclusive.4 Some research-
tions. This includes managing stress, ers suggest that certain skills required for self-
delaying gratification, motivating one- management―such as controlling attention, inhib-
self, and setting and working toward per- iting responses, and self-monitoring progress―
sonal and academic goals (Collaborative actually increase as students age, but other factors
for Academic, Social, and Emotional related to self-management―such as interest in
Learning [CASEL], 2005). school, motivation, and the changing classroom
•• Growth mindset is the belief that one’s environment―dampen students’ ability to exer-
abilities can grow with effort. Students cise self-management (e.g., Gestsdottir & Lerner,
with a growth mindset believe that they 2008; Pintrich & Zusho, 2002).
can develop their skills through effort, Few studies have examined how growth mind-
practice, and perseverance. These students set develops within students over time; the litera-
embrace challenges, see mistakes as ture has focused instead on the relationship of
opportunities to learn, and persist in the growth mindset and academic outcomes (e.g.,
face of setbacks (Dweck, 2006). Blackwell et al., 2007; Claro et al., 2016) and the
•• Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to effects of interventions seeking to foster a growth
succeed in achieving an outcome or reach- mindset (e.g., Dweck, 2006; Yeager et al., 2016,
ing a goal. Self-efficacy reflects confidence 2019). Some researchers have reported that
in the ability to exert control over one’s growth mindset decreases during middle school
own motivation, behavior, and environ- (Pintrich & Zusho, 2002), whereas others show
ment and allows students to become effec- growth mindset may in fact increase during this
tive advocates for themselves (Bandura, period (West et al., 2016).
1997). By contrast, a large body of work has estab-
•• Social awareness is the ability to take the lished that self-efficacy tends to decline in middle
perspective of and empathize with others school (e.g., Anderman et al., 1999; Pajares &

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

Valiante, 1999; Pintrich & Zusho, 2002; Schunk Jacobs et al., 2002; H. W. Marsh, 1989; Schunk
& Meece, 2006; Schunk & Pajares, 2002; Urdan & Meece, 2006; Wigfield et al., 1991). In con-
& Midgley, 2003; Wigfield et al., 2006). In par- trast, some studies find no evidence of gender
ticular, the middle-school transition is an espe- differences in self-efficacy (e.g., Pajares, 1996;
cially vulnerable time for students’ self-efficacy Pajares & Graham, 1999; Roeser et al., 1996;
beliefs (Schunk & Meece, 2006; Schunk & Smith et al., 2002).
Pajares, 2002). However, some studies suggest Girls are generally viewed as being more
that domain-specific self-efficacy (i.e., English likely than boys to endorse a fixed rather than a
language arts [ELA]- or math-specific) increases growth mindset (Dweck, 1986, 2000), particu-
during middle school (Shell et al., 1995; larly when asked about their abilities in stereo-
Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1990). typically male-dominated domains such as math
Finally, research into the development of or science (Farrington et al., 2012). However,
social awareness indicates that students become multiple studies have found no relationship
more socially aware over time as peer groups between gender and growth mindset (e.g.,
become more central (Rubin et al., 2005; Ryan, Macnamara & Rupani, 2017; Storek & Furnham,
2001; Wigfield et al., 2006). Some concepts or 2013; Tucker-Drob et al., 2016).
skills that are related to or prerequisites of social Finally, research provides evidence that girls
awareness―such as self-awareness, self-reflec- display higher social awareness than boys during
tion, perspective taking, and metacognition― the transition to middle and high school (Gaspar
improve as students age (Choudhury et al., 2006; et al., 2018; Wentzel, 1994). Because boys and
Eccles, 1999; Piaget, 1972; Yurgelun-Todd, girls experience distinct socialization practices
2007). However, because empirical studies of during adolescence (Kågesten et al., 2016), girls’
social awareness generally focus on social skills relationships to peers and families might differ-
broadly, it is difficult to characterize develop- entially affect how they develop self- and social
mental patterns for social awareness specifically awareness. Similarly, studies have indicated that
(Farrington et al., 2012). girls tend to suffer from intrapersonal behavior
There is good reason to believe that SEL tra- challenges, whereas boys tend to suffer from
jectories differ according to students’ gender, but interpersonal behavior challenges (Hatzchristou
the empirical evidence to date has been inconclu- & Hopf, 1996; Underwood, 2004).
sive. Early adolescence is a time when culturally Relatively few studies examine how students’
relevant gender stereotypes intensify (Eccles, economic disadvantage is associated with self-
1987; Hill & Lynch, 1983; Kågesten et al., 2016), reported SEL (Schunk & Meece, 2006), but the
and differences between boys’ and girls’ biologi- available evidence suggests gaps favoring eco-
cal development can manifest in their noncogni- nomically advantaged students. For example,
tive skills. For example, girls tend to display studies show that students from economically
higher self-management than boys in elementary advantaged backgrounds may display higher lev-
school and early adolescence (Ablard & els of skills related to self-management, such as
Lipschultz, 1998; Duckworth & Seligman, 2006; emotional regulation (Papini et al., 1990), adapt-
Moffitt et al., 2011; Pintrich & Zusho, 2002; ability (Davis, 2012), or impulsive behavior
Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1990). (Takeuchi et al., 1991). Factors related to self-
Evidence of gender differences in self-effi- efficacy have also been shown to vary by socio-
cacy is more ambiguous. Some studies suggest economic status. For example, economically
that boys and girls have similar self-efficacy in disadvantaged students may suffer from lower
elementary school, but girls display lower self- self-esteem (Bolger et al., 1995), they may be
efficacy during the transition to middle school more likely to experience learning challenges
(e.g., Anderman et al., 1999; Wigfield et al., early in school that dampen their self-efficacy
1991; Wigfield et al., 1996). Other studies sug- later on (Schunk & Miller, 2002), and their par-
gest that gender differences in self-efficacy may ents may have reduced expectations of their aca-
be domain-specific, with girls tending to show demic success (Alexander & Entwisle, 1988). In
higher levels than boys of self-efficacy in ELA terms of growth mindset, a recent study found
but lower levels in math (Eccles et al., 1998; that students in Grades 4 through 12 attending

West et al.

schools with a higher concentration of students In short, the literature suggests self-manage-
in poverty reported lower levels of growth mind- ment and self-efficacy may decrease in adoles-
set (Snipes & Tran, 2017). Finally, research cence, while social awareness is expected to
shows that students from economically advan- increase, and expectations of changes in growth
taged backgrounds may develop stronger social mindset over time are unclear. Girls are expected
awareness, as they may be less likely to struggle to have superior self-management and social
with peer relationships (Bolger et al., 1995) or awareness relative to boys—but also a more
social competence (Winer & Thompson, 2013). fixed mindset and lower self-efficacy, particu-
More generally, a large body of evidence shows larly with regard to male-stereotyped domains
that growing up in poverty is a major risk factor such as math and science. For socioeconomic
for increased adverse childhood experiences, and status, research indicates that students from eco-
for low levels of social and emotional well-being nomically advantaged backgrounds report higher
in both adolescence and adulthood (Bradley & SEL than their more disadvantaged peers.
Corwyn, 2002; Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, 1997; However, because only a small proportion of the
Kupersmidt et al., 1995; Takeuchi et al., 1991; existing research focuses on differences in eco-
Yoshikawa et al., 2012). nomic advantage, there is additional need for evi-
Most of the literature examining racial and dence supporting this hypothesis. As for racial
ethnic subgroup differences in SEL consists of and ethnic differences, there is little consensus
cross-sectional studies measuring SEL at a single on differences in either levels or developmental
time point. Few studies have examined racial or trajectories in SEL over time. The current study
ethnic differences in the development of self- aims to shed additional light on how key aspects
management (Pintrich & Zusho, 2002). For self- of SEL develop over time as students progress
efficacy, some studies show no difference across through school.
different racial/ethnic groups (e.g., Britner &
Pajares, 2001; Roeser et al., 1996). Other studies Data and Methods
find that Asian students report lower self-efficacy
(Eaton & Dembo, 1997), that Latinx teens report The CORE Districts’ SEL survey comprises a
lower self-efficacy in writing (Pajares & Johnson, battery of items designed to measure four SEL
1996), and that African American teens report constructs: self-management (nine items), social
lower self-efficacy in math (Pajares & Kranzler, awareness (eight items), growth mindset (four
1995). Still other studies suggest that certain items), and self-efficacy (four items). Students in
underrepresented minority students may report Grades 4 through 12 in the 2014–2015 and 2015–
higher perceptions of academic competence 2016 school years rated themselves on the same
(e.g., Graham, 1994). Few studies explicitly 25 questions using a 5-point Likert-type scale.5
examine differences in growth mindset among Additional details regarding survey administra-
adolescents of differing racial or ethnic back- tion can be found in Gehlbach and Hough (2018).
grounds. One recent report found that African Measuring SEL development using these data
American and Latinx students self-reported requires us to transform the responses to the SEL
lower levels of growth mindset than their White items on the student survey into a metric. We
counterparts, but this finding was based on evi- create scale scores for each of the four SEL con-
dence from a single school district (Snipes & structs for students who responded to at least
Tran, 2017). Finally, evidence of students’ social half of the survey items associated with that con-
awareness based on race or ethnicity is limited to struct. Following Meyer et al. (2018), we use a
elementary and middle school, and findings are generalized partial credit model (GPCM) to con-
ambiguous. DiPerna and Elliott (1999) describe vert students’ responses to these items into a
how elementary school students from racial/eth- scale score for each of the four constructs.6
nic minority groups were rated lower than their Based on Muraki’s (1992) extension of the par-
White counterparts on teacher-reported measures tial credit model (PCM; Masters, 1982), GPCM
of interpersonal skills, but Malecki and Elliott can incorporate measures for which responses
(2002) report no differences in teachers’ reports are on a multipoint scale, rather than only
of social skills for White and minority students. dichotomous items. The GPCM assigns more

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

weight to items that better distinguish among are math and ELA test scores—especially for the
students with different construct-specific abili- self-management and self-efficacy constructs. In
ties and appropriately accounts for missing stu- the case of self-management, this pattern is con-
dent survey responses. Using a PCM in place of sistent with evidence that the grades students
a GPCM to produce SEL scale scores yielded receive provide information on their self-regula-
very similar substantive results, as did using raw tory capacity (Galla et al., 2019). Students’ self-
scores. efficacy may in turn be influenced by the signals
The Appendix (available in the online version that grades communicate over the course of an
of the journal) presents a series of analyses academic year. Overall, the systematic patterns in
examining the reliability and validity of the these correlations suggest that the within-student
measures gathered via the CORE Districts’ SEL changes in the SEL constructs that we analyze in
survey. For example, we show that the scales this article capture meaningful variation in the
used to measure each construct generally dem- development of student skills.
onstrate strong internal consistency across all
grade levels (see the online Figure A.2). The Analytic Sample
four SEL constructs demonstrate less temporal
stability than test scores (see the online Figure We analyze data from six CORE Districts that
A.3), with across-year correlations ranging from administered the SEL survey in the spring of the
0.22 to 0.53 (p < .001) for students assessed in 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school years. These
both the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school districts collectively serve roughly 572,000 stu-
years; this pattern could indicate that social- dents in Grades 4 through 12 across 1,200
emotional skills may be more malleable over schools. Approximately 390,000 (about 70%)
time than cognitive ability, or alternatively, that students in the districts completed the survey
test scores are a better measure of academic each year. Our analysis of trends in SEL develop-
achievement than the SEL measures are of the ment across grades is based on students surveyed
underlying SEL competencies. Finally, we show in both years to address nonrandom entry into
that each of the SEL measures correlates in and exit from schools within the CORE Districts
expected ways with the academic and behavioral across grade levels.
indicators available in each district’s administra- As in any survey, not all students completed
tive data: test scores in ELA and Math (see the all items on the SEL survey. On average, each
online Figure A.5), absences (see the online item was answered by 97.1% of the students
Figure A.6a), and suspensions (see the online across all grades in 2014–2015 and by 97.5% of
Figure A.6b). the students across all grades in 2015–2016. Our
In addition, given our focus in this article on final analytic sample for each SEL construct
changes in SEL within students over time, we includes the 282,867 students who completed at
examine the correlations between within-student least 50% of the items for that construct in both
changes from one year to the next for each of the years. Scale scores from the GPCM were used
four SEL constructs, Grade Point Average (GPA, for all analyses to account for the remaining
available for Grades 7 through 12), and math and missing responses.
ELA test scores (available for Grades 3 through Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for the
8).7 Figure 1 displays a heatmap of these correla- matched analytic sample. Although the precise
tions; each gray box shows the “gain” for a given matched sample varies across constructs because
student between two grades (e.g., Grade 3 to the inclusion criteria are applied separately to
Grade 4 in the top left box of Panel A), and each each construct, differences in the demographic
number in a box is a correlation, with darker composition of these samples are trivial. Students
shades indicating larger correlations. The figure attending schools in the CORE Districts in these
confirms that within-student gains in each SEL grades are predominately Latinx (72%) and eco-
construct have consistently positive (though small nomically disadvantaged (77%); 34% are classi-
in magnitude) correlations with gains in math fied as English language learners. Relative to all
scores, ELA scores, and GPA. Gains in GPA are enrolled students, students in the matched sample
more strongly correlated with gains in SEL than were roughly four percentage points more likely

Figure 1.  Correlations of within-student changes from year to year in each SEL construct, GPA, and math
and ELA test scores: Panel A: Grades 3 through 7 (SEL, Math scores, and ELA scores), Panel B: Grades 7 and
8 (SEL, Math, ELA, and GPA), and Panel C: Grades 8 through 12 (SEL and GPA).
Note. SEL = social-emotional learning; GPA = Grade Point Average; ELA = English language arts.

Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Matched Sample

Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total
Student Subgroup (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Male 50.7 50.3 50.1 50.3 50.0 50.7 50.4 49.3 49.1 50.1
Asian 4.1 5.0 7.7 8.3 7.8 7.6 8.2 8.9 9.2 7.3
African American 7.1 7.5 7.1 6.7 6.9 6.3 7.1 7.1 6.9 7.0
Latinx 75.3 73.4 71.1 69.9 70.6 73.7 72.4 71.0 70.6 72.1
English language 50.7 49.9 43.1 34.4 31.3 26.5 23.3 18.6 17.8 34.4
Students with 10.8 11.9 11.5 11.1 10.5 10.8 9.6 9.2 10.0 10.7
Economic 78.5 77.4 77.9 76.8 76.4 78.5 76.1 75.0 76.6 77.1
Foster care status 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6
Homeless status 1.3 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.1 2.4 1.9 1.8 2.1
Total students 32,975 39,367 35,145 33,568 34,255 29,133 29,285 25,314 23,825 282,867
Total schools 529 714 379 210 265 259 237 229 225 1,033

to be economically disadvantaged and Latinx, “simulated cohort trends” and their associated
three percentage points less likely to be African standard errors. This estimation method can be
American, and one percentage point more likely viewed as a model of student-level data that
to be female, to be an English language learner, includes both student and year fixed effects. By
and not to have a disability. All other differences holding cohort composition and student character-
in demographic characteristics were smaller than istics constant, this simulation approach solves the
a full percentage point. These patterns are gener- problem of idiosyncratic differences and endoge-
ally consistent across grade levels. nous exit and entry of students across years and
Method for Simulating Trends For all analyses, we use a version of the GPCM
true scores that have been standardized so that the
We cannot simply interpret the means of each mean score across grades within a construct is 0
SEL construct by grade in either the 2014–2015 and the corresponding standard deviation is 1.
or 2015–2016 cross-section as depicting true This rescaling simplifies presentation of the
trends in students’ SEL over time for two rea- results but has no effect on their interpretation.
sons. First, there could be idiosyncratic differ- To implement this approach, we first calculate
ences in SEL across grade cohorts. Second, the mean gain of SEL scores, δ g ( m ) , for students
students with particularly high or low levels of who are enrolled in both years (i.e., 2015–2016
SEL may systematically enter and exit the CORE standardized true score minus 2014–2015 stan-
Districts across grade levels. That is, students dardized true score) in each grade g in 2015–2016
with particularly high or low levels of SEL may and subgroup m. For example, for students in
be systematically more likely to enter or exit the Grade 9 in 2015–2016, the gain is calculated by
districts at specific grade levels. The method subtracting Grade 8 scores in 2014–2015 from
described below exploits the availability of the Grade 9 scores of the same students in
repeated cross-sections from two consecutive 2015–2016.
years to address these issues. To obtain the simulated mean score in a given
In brief, we take the year-to-year changes in grade, µ g ( m ) , the mean gains (positive or nega-
each construct for all students who complete the tive) are added to the full-sample mean score in a
survey for two consecutive years, and we anchor base grade, µ^ g ( m ) . We choose Grade 8 as the
those changes to a specific mean (for Grade 8, base grade to minimize the standard error as we
which is the midpoint of our data) to produce extrapolate to more distant grades. This choice

West et al.

has no effect on the shape of the trend data. Thus, due to nonadministration increases across grades,
the simulated score for each subgroup in grades from 17% in Grade 4% to 35% in Grade 11; attri-
after Grade 8 is as follows (note that the summa- tion due to exit is highest in Grades 5 and 8, when
tion of the delta term begins at 9, because it is the most students transition to middle school and
term for the 8 to 9 transition): high school. To the extent that attrition is corre-
lated with SEL growth rates, these patterns could
h= g

∑δ (
influence the differences across grade levels we
µ*g ( m ) = µ 8( m ) + h m).
report below. Our choice of sample nonetheless
h =9
maximizes coverage of students in the CORE
For grades earlier than 8 (i.e., Grade 7 and Districts. Although sample selection is always a
below), the following formula estimates the sim- concern, many of the students who are not
ulated score for each grade and subgroup (note observed due to nonadministration may be simi-
that the summation of the delta term continues lar to students we do observe, and no data collec-
through Grade 8, because that term is for the 7 to tion within the CORE Districts would allow us to
8 transition): assess year-over-year trends for students who stay
less than 1 year.
h =8
µ*g ( m ) = µ 8( m ) − ∑δ (
h= g
h m).
Figure 2 plots the simulated cohort trends of
For example, for the simulated score in Grade each SEL construct across grades for all students
11, the gains of Grades 9, 10, and 11 are added to (dashed line) alongside the same grade-level
mean score in Grade 8. For the simulated score in cross-sectional (i.e., nonsimulated) mean scale
Grade 6, the gains of Grades 8 and 7 are sub- scores (solid line) for each SEL measure. Because
tracted from the mean score in Grade 8. The vari- the simulations are anchored at the full-sample
ances of these means are simply the sum of the mean for Grade 8, the two lines overlap at that
variance of their components. point by construction. In addition to simulated
The simulated cohort trends produced by this means, the figure also displays 95% confidence
method can be interpreted as showing trends in intervals around each simulated data point. These
the SEL constructs among students who would confidence intervals become larger as one moves
be expected to attend CORE District schools and away from Grade 8 in either direction, due to the
complete the SEL survey for two consecutive compounding of measurement error from com-
years between Grade 4 and Grade 12, assuming bining estimates of gain scores across multiple
that all aspects of the educational environment grade levels. Although the full-sample means are
relevant to SEL development remain as they also measured with uncertainty, their confidence
were in 2014–2015 and 2015–2016. Because intervals are trivially small due to the large num-
they are based only on students who participated ber of surveyed students and are excluded to
in the SEL survey in both years, the results may enhance the figure’s legibility.
not be representative of the full population of stu- These simulated trends show that the self-
dents attending CORE District schools—particu- reports of SEL gathered by the CORE Districts
larly those who attend for only 1 year. do not increase monotonically as students
The online Table A1 reports the share of stu- advance through school. Growth mindset is a
dents who participated in the SEL survey in partial exception, with students who remain
2014–2015 but not 2015–2016 for the full sample enrolled in CORE Districts from Grade 4 to
and each subgroup for which we report results. Grade 12 registering fairly consistent increases of
Attrition stems from two sources: students approximately 0.06 standard deviations annually
remaining enrolled in CORE District schools but between Grade 4 and Grade 10, before leveling
not completing surveys due to imperfect adminis- off through the remainder of high school.
tration and from students exiting CORE District Conversely, students’ simulated scores on self-
schools. The total rate of attrition ranges from efficacy and social awareness decline by 0.38
24% to 40% of students across grades. Attrition and 0.56 standard deviations, respectively,

Figure 2.  Mean social-emotional construct score: Full sample versus simulated trend based on 2015–2016

between Grade 4 and Grade 12, with the most growth mindset between Grade 4 and Grade 9
rapid declines occurring while students are that were not clearly evident in the cross-
enrolled in middle school. In the case of self- sectional analysis. Substantively, this implies
management, student simulated scores increase that students reporting higher levels of growth
by roughly 0.2 standard deviations between mindset are more likely to exit participating dis-
Grade 4 and Grade 6, decline by a similar tricts prior to Grade 9 (or that students entering in
amount by Grade 8, and remain roughly stable those years tend to report lower levels). It could
thereafter. be the case that students with more of a growth
The differences between the simulated and mindset—those who believe that their intelli-
cross-sectional trends evident in Figure 2 reflect gence can be improved with effort—are more
the influence of nonrandom entry into and exit likely to seek out alternatives to traditional pub-
from the districts participating in the SEL survey lic schools during the late elementary and middle
across grade levels. For example, the simulated school years. As a result, the increases in growth
trends show students making substantial gains in mindset made by students remaining enrolled in

Figure 3.  Simulated trends in mean social-emotional construct score by gender, 2015–2016.

CORE District schools evident in the simulated measures’ predictive validity over an important
trend do not translate into higher levels of growth behavioral outcome. It also reinforces the fact
mindset across grade levels when examined in a that the simulated trends our method generates
cross-section. overall and by subgroup only apply to students
Even more striking are the gaps between the expected to remain enrolled continuously in
simulated trends and cross-sectional means at the CORE District schools over the relevant grade
end of high school, as only the latter shows evi- span.
dence of improvements in each construct after
Grade 10. In this case, the cross-sectional differ-
Subgroup Results
ences across grade levels appear to be a conse-
quence of students who score lower on each SEL Figures 3, 4, and 5 present trends separately
construct being more likely to leave CORE by student gender, economic disadvantage, and
District high schools prior to Grade 12. Assuming race/ethnicity, respectively. The SEL scores of
that many of these students did not complete high female and male students attending CORE
school, this pattern constitutes evidence of the District schools differ notably in terms of both

Figure 4.  Simulated trends in mean social-emotional construct score by economic disadvantage, 2015–2016.

levels and trends. As shown in Figure 3, girls girls start out with a modest 0.13 standard devia-
exhibit a sizable advantage over boys with tion advantage over boys in Grade 4. However,
respect to both self-management and social girls experience a decline in self-efficacy that is
awareness that is present across all grade levels particularly steep between Grade 6 and Grade 8;
but becomes smaller as students age. In the case girls’ self-efficacy scores decline by 0.47 stan-
of self-management, girls score 0.4 standard dard deviations between Grade 6 and Grade 11,
deviations higher than boys in Grade 4 and 0.2 before recovering modestly in Grade 12. Boys
standard deviations higher in Grade 12; the bulk also register a decline in self-efficacy between
of the narrowing of the gender gap for self-man- Grades 6 and 11, but the slope in their scores is
agement occurs between Grade 6 and Grade 8, far more gradual (0.23 standard deviations). As a
when girls experience a larger decline in this result, girls start to report lower self-efficacy
construct. In the case of social awareness, girls’ compared with boys in Grade 6, and this gap is
advantage starts at 0.33 standard deviations in roughly one third of a standard deviation through-
Grade 4 and narrows to 0.14 standard deviations out high school.
by Grade 12. In contrast with the other three constructs,
Trends for girls and boys differ even more trends with respect to growth mindset are quite
dramatically for self-efficacy. For this construct, similar across genders. Girls exhibit a small

Figure 5.  Simulated trends in mean social-emotional construct score by race/ethnicity, 2015–2016.

advantage over boys in elementary school that for students of different racial and ethnic back-
narrows (and becomes statistically insignificant) grounds. Consistently across grade levels, White
in middle school but reemerges in high school. students report higher levels of each SEL con-
Figure 4 reveals that students who are eco- struct than do other student groups, though the
nomically advantaged report higher levels of levels of self-management reported by Asian stu-
each SEL construct across all grade levels than dents are similar to those of White students and
their economically disadvantaged peers. These often do not differ by a statistically significant
gaps at Grade 4 range in magnitude from 0.2 amount. African American and Latinx students—
standard deviations for social awareness to 0.35 the latter comprising the bulk of students enrolled
standard deviations for self-management. The in the CORE Districts—generally report lower
gaps widen somewhat in middle school before levels of self-management and social awareness
narrowing again in high school. For self-man- than do White and Asian students. In the case of
agement, the result is a narrowing of the gap self-management, these gaps narrow from 0.48
associated with economic disadvantage from and 0.51 standard deviations in Grade 4 for
0.35 standard deviations in Grade 4 to 0.14 stan- African American and Latinx students, respec-
dard deviations in Grade 12. Gaps in growth tively, to 0.25 and 0.35 standard deviations by
mindset and self-efficacy also narrow over this Grade 12. However, in the case of social aware-
8-year period, but by a smaller amount. ness, the size of the gap between African
Finally, Figure 5 documents differences in American and Latinx students and White stu-
both levels and simulated trends in SEL dents widens modestly over the same period.

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

The patterns observed across racial/ethnic 2003; Wigfield et al., 2006). Unlike the other
groups for growth mindset and self-efficacy are constructs, students’ growth mindset seems to
more complex. In Grade 4, White students report increase with age during early adolescence, con-
higher growth mindset by roughly 0.4 standard sistent with the findings of West et al. (2016) for
deviations. Although growth mindset increases three schools.
for students of all races by Grade 12, these initial Our simulated trends for social awareness dif-
gaps favoring White students narrow by more fer from most existing research on social skills
than half. The timing of the largest increases in (e.g., Choudhury et al., 2006; Eccles, 1999;
growth mindset is delayed for Latinx students, Piaget, 1972; Rubin et al., 2005; Ryan, 2001;
however, with the bulk of the gains occurring Wigfield et al., 2006; Yurgelun-Todd, 2007). We
between Grade 7 and Grade 9, rather than in ele- find that social awareness in fact declines across
mentary school. As a result, Latinx students grades, with a particularly notable plunge
report noticeably lower levels of growth mindset between Grades 6 and 9. This discrepancy is
than all other groups throughout upper elemen- potentially due to the CORE Districts’ measure
tary and middle school. In the case of self-effi- of social awareness, which asks students to quan-
cacy, White, African American, and Latinx tify how often they engaged in behaviors taking
students follow similar trends from Grade 4 to others’ thoughts and feelings into account, articu-
Grade 12, with White students reporting higher lating their own feelings, and getting along with
self-efficacy than African American and Latinx others who are different from them, whereas
students by roughly 0.2 and 0.3 standard devia- other studies measure whether peer groups
tions, respectively. Trends for Asian students are become more central to students’ identities and
quite different, however. Their self-reported self- experiences as they age (Rubin et al., 2005;
efficacy increases through Grade 6 and remains Ryan, 2001; Wigfield et al., 2006). In addition,
very close to that of White students through third-party observations of students’ perspective-
Grade 8. However, Asian students’ self-efficacy taking or social skills might increase as students
drops by more than one third of a standard devia- age, even if their self-perceptions of these behav-
tion between Grade 8 and Grade 11, leading them iors or skills may not.
to emerge as the lowest scoring group on this In terms of gender differences, girls tend to
construct by the end of high school. display higher self-management and social
awareness than boys across all grade levels,
Discussion though this gap narrows over time. Although this
trend has not yet been captured in the literature
The results of the simulated trend analyses in across elementary, middle, and high school, this
this article substantiate claims that the develop- generally aligns with previous research finding
ment of students’ SEL does not proceed mono- that girls outperform boys in these competencies
tonically over time (e.g., Pintrich & Zusho, 2002; (e.g., Ablard & Lipschultz, 1998; Duckworth &
Schunk & Meece, 2006; Schunk & Pajares, Seligman, 2006; Gaspar et al., 2018; Kågesten
2002). Self-management improves in the late et al., 2016; Moffitt et al., 2011; Pintrich &
elementary grades, but then decreases during Zusho, 2002; Wentzel, 1994; Zimmerman &
middle school before tapering off in high school. Martinez-Pons, 1990).
This aligns with findings from other researchers Unlike self-management and social aware-
(e.g., Duckworth et al., 2010; Edossa et al., 2018; ness, we found little difference in growth mind-
Rothbart et al., 2006; Rueda et al., 2005; West set between female and male students, which
et al., 2016), but unlike these studies, we exam- corroborates some existing research (e.g.,
ine self-management trends across both child- Macnamara & Rupani, 2017; Storek & Furnham,
hood and adolescence in a single data set. 2013; Tucker-Drob et al., 2016), even though
Self-efficacy also appears to decline in middle some scholars have suggested that girls may be
school, in line with previous studies (e.g., more likely to endorse a fixed mindset compared
Anderman et al., 1999; Pajares & Valiante, 1999; with boys (Dweck, 1986, 2000). Our results
Pintrich & Zusho, 2002; Schunk & Meece, 2006; indicate that boys and girls report similar levels
Schunk & Pajares, 2002; Urdan & Midgley, of growth mindset across elementary, middle,

West et al.

and high school—even as other SEL constructs further family and community efforts to alleviate
develop differently. the detrimental effects of poverty on students’
Indeed, the simulated trends in girls’ and boys’ long-term well-being and success.
self-efficacy are particularly striking; although Finally, both ESSA and California’s own
girls report slightly higher self-efficacy in ele- Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) require
mentary school, their self-efficacy declines far the disaggregation of student outcomes by race/
more rapidly than that of boys in middle and high ethnicity, highlighting the importance of under-
school, before recovering slightly in Grade 12. standing how SEL measures differ among stu-
Although prior studies have detected similar dents in these groups. In making such
trends in middle school, they also suggest boys comparisons, however, it is important to keep in
and girls display similar self-efficacy in elemen- mind various factors that could lead students of
tary school (Anderman et al., 1999; Wigfield color to respond to survey items differently than
et al., 1991, 1996). Our results indicate that girls their White peers. Students of color are more
exhibit higher self-efficacy in elementary school, likely to be economically disadvantaged and to
implying an even greater decline in self-efficacy experience trauma outside of school (Bolger
for girls over time. In addition, conflicting find- et al., 1995; Chau et al., 2010; DeCarlo Santiago
ings in the field about gender differences may et al., 2011; Hackman et al., 2012); these differ-
stem from the differential use of measures of ences not only are risk factors for social and
global self-efficacy versus domain-specific self- emotional well-being, but also may make it more
efficacy (e.g., Pajares, 1996; Pajares & Graham, difficult for students of color to demonstrate the
1999; Roeser et al., 1996; Smith et al., 2002); our kinds of behaviors asked about in the survey. The
findings suggest that girls and boys display dif- survey items do not take into account difficulties
ferent trends even on measures of global aca- or hardships that may influence how readily stu-
demic self-efficacy. dents display the behaviors the survey attempts
For students from economically disadvan- to measure, and evidence shows that there are
taged backgrounds, our findings corroborate the multiple factors outside an individual student
broad consensus in the field that economically (e.g., school community, school curricula, etc.)
advantaged students report higher levels of SEL that influence the development of social-emo-
than their less advantaged peers, and that this tional skills (see, e.g., Hoffman, 2017). Relatedly,
trend persists over time (e.g., Bradley & Corwyn, the CORE Districts’ school culture and climate
2002; Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, 1997; Kupersmidt survey also reveals that students of color rate
et al., 1995; Takeuchi et al., 1991; Yoshikawa their schools’ culture and climate less favorably
et al., 2012). However, notably, we find that than their White peers, even when they attend the
socioeconomic status (SES)-based gaps in SEL same school (Hough et al., 2017); this is consis-
tend to narrow in high school, especially for self- tent with extensive research showing that stu-
management. Importantly, this narrowing does dents’ experiences within school differ by race/
not reflect the fact that students who are econom- ethnicity, including well-documented disparities
ically disadvantaged are more likely to drop out in disciplinary practices and expectations for
of high school prior to Grade 12, as our analyses success (Bankston & Zhou, 2002; Gregory et al.,
include only students who were present in both 2010; Lareau & Horvat, 1999; Lewis, 2003;
years of survey data. Okonofua et al., 2016; Tenenbaum & Ruck,
As family and community influences play a 2007; Warikoo & Carter, 2009; Watamura et al.,
pivotal role in SEL (Eccles, 1999), these results 2011). If these factors are considered when eval-
suggest that schools, in particular, may have an uating SEL data, disaggregating the survey
opportunity to additionally support the develop- results by race can be useful in prompting educa-
ment of SEL among students from economically tors and other stakeholders in schools serving
disadvantaged backgrounds. Given that social- diverse students to discuss how best to support
emotional skills are predictive of student’s aca- students of color.
demic achievement and other life outcomes Simulated trends in students’ SEL look differ-
(Almlund et al., 2011; Heckman et al., 2014), ent for students of different racial and ethnic
targeted school-based interventions may help to backgrounds and depend on the construct of

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

interest. We see that White students report higher quality of the services and supports students
levels of SEL consistently over time (although receive in CORE District schools. As noted
Asian students’ self-management closely mirrors above, however, they are broadly consistent with
that of White students). However, the size and expectations from studies of adolescent develop-
trend of the gaps, as well as the group of students ment conducted in diverse settings, strongly sug-
affected, vary depending on the construct. In gesting that forces beyond the control of schools
general, across grades, African American stu- are at play.
dents tend to report lower levels of both self- The likely importance of nonschool factors in
management and social awareness relative to explaining changes in SEL across grades sug-
other racial/ethnic subgroups. Latinx students gests that comparisons of metrics such as aver-
report lower levels of both growth mindset and age scale scores (our focus in this article) or the
self-efficacy compared with other racial/ethnic percentage of students responding positively to
subgroups. Overall, these gaps narrow substan- each Likert-type-scaled item (the metric cur-
tially by the end of high school. For self-efficacy, rently reported on the CORE dashboard) are apt
gaps among White, African American, and to be misleading if used to compare the perfor-
Latinx students do not change dramatically over mance of schools serving different grade spans.
time; for Asian students, however, this is not the Moreover, it suggests that the raw changes
case. Their self-efficacy decreases such that they observed over time among students exposed to a
report the lowest levels of self-efficacy by the given intervention are unlikely to be a reliable
end of high school of any racial/ethnic subgroup. indication of the intervention’s effectiveness.
This aligns with the findings of Eaton and Dembo Those raw changes should ideally be evaluated
(1997) but provides more specific evidence on relative to a comparison group not exposed to the
how this self-efficacy gap evolves across ele- same intervention. At a minimum, they need to
mentary, middle, and high school. be interpreted in light of typical trends.
As mentioned above, the self-report nature of Our results also reveal how cross-sectional
the measures may elicit different kinds of comparisons of self-reported SEL across grade
response patterns from different groups of stu- levels can provide a misleading picture of how
dents that might either mask or exacerbate gaps students are faring in the aggregate, particularly
among student subgroups. Ongoing research to for high school students. For example, Figure 2
examine these possibilities is still needed. Even shows that such naive comparisons would lead
so, given the lack of empirical research explicitly policymakers to conclude that students within
examining differences in how students from vari- the CORE Districts experience substantial gains
ous racial/ethnic student subgroups develop par- in self-management and social awareness while
ticular social-emotional competencies (Pintrich in high school. In contrast, by focusing on within-
& Zusho, 2002), these results provide much- student changes over time, our simulation method
needed preliminary insights. reveals that this pattern is an artifact of students
with lower self-management and social aware-
Implications for Policy ness scores leaving CORE District high schools.
The differences in both levels and trends we
In addition to contributing to the literature on document across demographic subgroups can
social-emotional development, our results can also inform the use of SEL survey data as mea-
inform ongoing efforts to use survey-based mea- sures of school performance. For example, we
sures of SEL for policy and practice. At the most find substantial gaps in students’ self-reports of
basic level, the results highlight the need for poli- their social-emotional skills favoring economi-
cymakers to interpret the data generated by SEL cally advantaged and White students over lower-
surveys in light of normative trends in students’ income students and students of color. The extent
responses over time. Our descriptive analyses to which these gaps reflect authentic differences
cannot establish definitively whether the sub- in student skills requires further research. In par-
stantial declines in key SEL constructs we see in ticular, the questions used to gauge students’
certain grades reflect typical developmental pat- skills may not be adequately sensitive to system-
terns, or instead stem from differences in the atic differences in home or school environments

West et al.

that lead students to report on their skills differ- article provide an empirical basis for prioritizing
ently. Even so, the magnitude of the differences certain concerns over others. Over time, this pro-
we document suggests the importance of apply- cess of priority-setting could be further enhanced
ing demographic adjustments when using SEL by analyses of the relationship between SEL con-
survey data to inform judgments about school structs and students’ success in post-secondary
performance. education and the labor market.
One potential application of these measures to
inform such judgments is the use of relative Conclusion
change or growth models to estimate the impact
schools have on students’ SEL from one year to This article has used the first large-scale panel
the next (e.g., Fricke et al., 2019; Loeb et al., survey of SEL outcomes to examine trends in stu-
2019). These models can incorporate demo- dents’ social and emotional learning across grades,
graphic adjustments and effectively eliminate and how those trends differ across student sub-
normative differences in responses across grade groups. We apply an innovative method for simu-
levels by standardizing students’ scores by grade. lating cohort trends to estimate how self-reports of
Forty-eight states now use such models to gauge students’ self-management, growth mindset, self-
schools’ contribution to growth in academic efficacy, and social awareness develop between
achievement as part of their formal accountabil- Grade 4 and Grade 12 among students participat-
ity systems (Data Quality Campaign, 2019). Our ing in the CORE Districts’ SEL survey in the
prior work using the CORE survey data to esti- 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school years.
mate similar models for SEL has documented We find that self-efficacy, social awareness,
between-school differences in students’ gains in and, to a lesser degree, self-management decrease
SEL constructs similar in magnitude to differ- after Grade 6. These findings corroborate prior evi-
ences in their gains in math or ELA (Loeb et al., dence that, unlike academic achievement, the
2019). However, these between-school effects development of students’ social-emotional skills
are considerably less stable over time than is the does not proceed monotonically over time (e.g.,
case for similar models based on measures of Schunk & Meece, 2006; Schunk & Pajares, 2002).
academic achievement (Fricke et al., 2019). These trends are crucial for educators and policy-
Additional work is therefore needed to assess makers to understand as they seek to make sense of
whether these measures could be appropriately patterns observed in their students. Declines across
used to evaluate school quality or performance. grades in a given construct might not be alarming,
In the meantime, a more promising use of the for example, but rather a sign of typical develop-
SEL data may be to leverage aggregate data to set ment. It also may be the case that changes over
priorities for supporting students’ social-emotional time reflect changes in normative standards, rather
development and to target interventions and sup- than students’ underlying skills. For instance, self-
port. For example, prior evidence showing that efficacy may decline at least in part because
many students experience a decline in self-esteem younger students tend to overestimate their capa-
and school engagement as they move from ele- bilities and become more realistic as they mature
mentary school to middle school (Blum & Libbey, (Pintrich & Zusho, 2002). Moreover, the contrast-
2004; Eccles et al., 1991, 1993) has motivated the ing patterns observed for growth mindset com-
development of SEL-focused interventions aimed pared with the other three constructs illustrate how
at supporting students through this transition (see, different constructs within the SEL domain vary in
e.g., Blackwell et al., 2007). As noted in the intro- their development over time, indicating that they
duction, policymakers and educators within should be measured and assessed individually.
CORE are already using the SEL data to set dis- We also find that the development of social-
trict-wide and school-specific priorities (Toch & emotional skills as measured by student self-
Miller, 2019) and to target supports for specific reports varies across subgroups. Girls initially
individuals or groups (J. A. Marsh et al., 2018). report higher levels of SEL than boys, but these
While the success of such efforts will depend on gender gaps narrow over time, and girls experience
the strength of available interventions and the a sharp decline in self-efficacy in middle school
quality of their implementation, the results in this that leads them to fall behind boys on this construct

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

through the end of high school; economically dis- course of students’ educational careers that practitio-
advantaged students consistently report lower ners, researchers, and policymakers can begin to
SEL; and White students generally report higher make sense of the patterns of development they see
SEL than Asian, African American, and Latinx stu- in their own data, for their own students.
dents. Because these differences may be driven by
differences in social norms rather than true dis- Acknowledgments
crepancies in social-emotional competencies, more This article was produced as part of the CORE-PACE
work is needed to understand where particular sub- Research Partnership, which is focused on producing
groups may need additional support at various research that informs continuous improvement in the
points in their educational trajectories. Nonetheless, CORE Districts (Fresno, Garden Grove, Long Beach,
our results suggest that schools may have an oppor- Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento City, San Francisco,
tunity to additionally support the development of and Santa Ana Unified School Districts) and policy and
social-emotional skills among student groups who practice in California and beyond. We thank the leaders
report low levels of these constructs. and administrators in the CORE Districts for their sup-
There are several caveats to the findings pre- port throughout this project, and the generous funder of
sented here. First, student self-report measures have this research, the Walton Family Foundation. Finally,
well-known limitations (Duckworth & Yeager, we thank Jordan Mader and Hayley Tymeson for their
invaluable contributions to the analyses in this article.
2015). For instance, given the likely multi-dimen-
sionality of the latent constructs underlying SEL,
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
self-report measures may capture only a specific
aspect of a given social-emotional competency. It The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
also may be the case that measured changes over est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
time reflect changes in students’ normative stan- publication of this article.
dards (i.e., reference bias), rather than students’
underlying skills. At the same time, our findings Funding
generally align with those of previous studies look- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
ing at individual constructs over shorter time hori- support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
zons. Second, we can follow the development of this article: The research reported in this presentation was
individual students’ SEL only from one school year supported by the Walton Family Foundation (Grant #
to the next; although we simulate cohort trends 2017-1553). The content is solely the responsibility of
the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
from Grade 4 to Grade 12, longitudinal analyses
views of WFF.
following a cohort through Grades 4 to 12 would
provide more precise estimates of individual devel- Notes
opment over time. Third, our specific findings may
not generalize to settings outside the California
school districts in which the data were gathered. opment/
The data from the CORE Districts’ SEL survey 2. The CORE Districts that implemented the waiver
nonetheless provide a unique opportunity to assess are the Fresno, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland,
students’ social-emotional development across San Francisco, and Santa Ana Unified School Districts.
elementary, middle, and high school, and our The Garden Grove and Sacramento City unified school
results yield a number of useful insights for policy districts are also part of the CORE network.
and practice. In the CORE Districts alone, these 3.
data already inform actions and decisions by poli- 4. In contrast, improvements in self-management
cymakers, administrators, and educators together through infancy and early childhood are well docu-
mented (e.g., Edossa et al., 2018; Rothbart et al., 2006;
serving more than 1 million students (J. A. Marsh
Rueda et al., 2005).
et al., 2018). As additional school systems gather
5. See the online Appendix for a list of the CORE
data on SEL at scale, using either survey-based mea- SEL items.
sures or alternative forms of assessment, it should 6. Meyer et al. (2018) also provide in-depth anal-
become possible to learn whether the patterns we yses of the psychometric properties of the survey,
document hold more generally. It is only by better including classical item analyses, Differential Item
understanding how SEL typically proceeds over the Functioning (DIF), and factor analysis.

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West, M. R., Kraft, M. A., Finn, A. S., Martin, R. E.,
MARTIN R. WEST is the William Henry Bloomberg
Duckworth, A. L., Gabrieli, C. F. O., & Gabrieli,
Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School
J. D. E. (2016). Promise and paradox: Measuring
of Education. His research interests are the politics of
non-cognitive traits of students and the impact of
K–12 education in the United States and how educa-
schooling. Educational Evaluation and Policy
tion policies affect student learning and noncognitive
Analysis, 38(1), 148–170.
West, M. R., Pier, L., Fricke, H., Hough, H., Loeb,
S., Meyer, R. H., & Rice, A. B. (2018). Trends in LIBBY PIER is the research manager at Education
students social emotional learning: Evidence from Analytics. Her research interests include social-emo-
the CORE districts. Policy Analysis for California tional learning, predictive modeling, and the intersec-
Education. tion of cognitive and sociocultural perspectives on
Wigfield, A., Byrnes, J. P., & Eccles, J. S. (2006). learning.
Development during early and middle adoles-
cence. In P. A. Alexander & P. H. Winne (Eds.), HANS FRICKE is an economist at, Inc.
Handbook of educational psychology (2nd ed., pp. He was the director of Quantitative Research at Policy
87–105). Lawrence Erlbaum. Analysis for California Education when producing this
Wigfield, A., Eccles, J. S., MacIver, D., Reuman, D., work. His research interests include economics of edu-
& Midgley, C. (1991). Transitions at early ado- cation, education policy, behavioral interventions in
lescence: Changes in children’s domain-specific education, and causal analysis.
self-perceptions and general self esteem across the HEATHER HOUGH is executive director of Policy
transition to junior high school. Developmental Analysis for California Education. Her research
Psychology, 27, 552–565. interests are district- and state-level policymaking
Wigfield, A., Eccles, J. S., & Pintrich, P. R. (1996). and implementation, with a focus on policy coher-
Development between the ages of 11and 25. In D. ence, system improvement, and school and teacher
C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of accountability.
educational psychology (pp. 148–185). Macmillan.
Winer, A. C., & Thompson, R. A. (2013). How poverty SUSANNA LOEB is the director of the Annenberg
and depression impact a child’s social and emo- Institute and professor of Education and International
tional competence. Center for Poverty Research, and Public Affairs at Brown University. She was for-
University of California-Davis. merly the Barnett Family Professor of Education and
Yeager, D., Hanselman, P., Walton, G. M., Murray, founding director of the Center for Education Policy
J. S., Crosnoe, R., Muller, C., & Dweck, C. S. Analysis at Stanford University. Her research interests

Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning

are educational outcomes and their distribution, school ANDREW B. RICE is chief operating officer at
finance and governance, and educator development, Education Analytics. His research interests are predic-
effectiveness, and labor markets. tive modeling, school accountability models, assess-
ment data, social-emotional learning, and data systems.
ROBERT H. MEYER is president and CEO of
Education Analytics and Professor Emeritus at the
University of Wisconsin–Madison LaFollette School of Manuscript received January 25, 2019
Public Affairs. His research interests are value-added First revision received September 2, 2019
modeling, evaluation methods, strategic management of Second revision received January 10, 2020
human capital, and social-emotional learning. Accepted January 23, 2020


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