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ïÏa sU´m!

Çraddhä Süktam
(Source: Åg-Veda 10-151)

ï/Ïya/=i¶Ssim?Xyte ï/Ïya? øyte h/iv>,

ï/Ïa< Ég?Sy mU/xRin/ vc/save?dyamis. 1.

çraÞddhayäÞ'gnissami×dhyate çraÞddhayä× hüyate haÞviù |

çraÞddhäà bhaga×sya müÞrdhaniÞ vacaÞsäve×dayämasi || 1 ||

ïÏya çraddhayä – by çraddhä; Ai¶> agniù – fire; samidhyate - is well stoked; øyte hüyate – offered in the fire;

hiv> haviù - oblation; ïÏm! çraddhäà - çraddhä; ÉgSy bhagasya - of the valuable; mUxRin mürdhani – on the top

(i.e., the best); vcsa vacasä – with words, speech; Aa ä - indeed vedyamis vedayämasi – make well known

Çraddhä makes the fire burn splendidly. The oblation is offered with çraddhä. Çraddhä is the best
among all kinds of wealth. We assert this fact with our words of praise. (1)

ià/y< ï?Ïe/ dd?t> ià/y< ï?Ïe/ idda?st>,

ià/y< Éae/je;u/ yJv?iSv/d< m? %id/t< k«?ix. 2.

priÞyaà çra×ddheÞ dada×taù priÞyaà çra×ddheÞ didä×sataù |

priÞyaà bhoÞjeñuÞ yajva×sviÞdaà ma× udiÞtaà kå×dhi || 2 ||

iàym! priyam – pleasing and agreeable thing; ïÏe çraddhe – O Goddess Çraddhä; ddt> dadataù – to the giver; iddast>

didäsataù – to the one who desires to give; Éaeje; bhojeñu – the enjoyers; yJvsu yajvasu – in those who perform

rituals; #dm! idam – this; me ma - by me; %idtm! uditaà - appealed; k«ix kådhi - kindly do

O Goddess Çraddhä, bestow pleasing and agreeable things on the charitable one and on the one who
wishes to be charitable. I pray that You may bestow the pleasing and agreeable on those who perform
rituals for enjoying the fruits thereof. (2)

ywa? de/va Asu?re;u ï/Ïamu/¢e;u? ci³/re,

@/v< Éae/je;u/ yJv?Sv/Smak?muid/t< k«?ix. 3.

yathä× deÞvä asu×reñu çraÞddhämuÞgreñu× cakriÞre |

eÞvaà bhoÞjeñuÞ yajva×svaÞsmäka×mudiÞtaà kå×dhi || 3

ywa yathä – in which way; deva> deväù – the gods; Asure;u asureñu – demons (or superior gods); ïÏam! çraddhäm -

çraddhä; %¢e;u ugreñu – frightening; ci³re cakrire – practised; @vm! evam – in the same way; Éaeje;u bhojeñu – enjoyers;

yJvSvu yajvasvu – in the priests; ASmakm! asmäkam - our; %idtm! uditaà – declared intent; k«ix kådhi – kindly fulfill

The gods pay particular attention to the frightening demons (or: they show reverence to the superior
gods). In the same way, O Goddess Çraddhä, (we are showing reverence to you). Kindly fulfill our
intent towards our priests who perform rituals to enjoy the fruits thereof. (3)

ï/Ïa< de/va yj?mana va/yugae?pa/ %pa?ste,

ï/Ïa< ù?d/Yy?ya/==kª?Tya ï/Ïya? ivNdte/ vsu?. 4.

çraÞddhäà deÞvä yaja×mänä väÞyugo×päÞ upä×sate |

çraÞddhäà hå×daÞyya×yäÞ''kü×tyä çraÞddhayä× vindateÞ vasu× || 4 ||

ïÏam! çraddhäm - Goddess Çraddhä; deva> deväù – devatäs; yjmana> yajamänäù – performers of rituals; vayugaepa>

väyugopäù – being protected by the God Väyu (wind); ïÏam! çraddhäm - Goddess Çraddhä; %paste upäsate –

worship; ùdYyya hådayyayä – abiding in the heart; AakªTya äkütyä – with intent; ïÏam! çraddhäm - Goddess

Çraddhä; ïÏya çraddhayä – through çraddhä; ivNdte vindate – gains; vsu vasu – wealth

The devatäs and the performers of rituals, protected by the God Väyu, are worshipping Goddess
Çraddhä. All worship Goddess Çraddhä with (devotional) intent in their heart. One gains wealth
through çraddhä. (4)
ï/Ïa< àa/thR?vamhe ï/Ïa< m/XyiNd?n/< pir?,

ï/Ïa< sUyR?Sy in/èuic/ ïÏe/ ïÏa?pye/h n?>. 5.

çraÞddhäà präÞtarha×vämahe çraÞddhäà maÞdhyandi×naÞà pari× |

çraÞddhäà sürya×sya niÞmruciÞ çraddheÞ çraddhä×payeÞha na×ù || 5 ||

ïÏam! çraddhäm - Goddess Çraddhä; àat> prätaù - in the morning; hvamhe havämahe –we invite; mXyiNdn< pir

madhyandinam pari – around noon; sUyRSy süryasya – of the sun; inèuic nimruci – at the time of setting; ïÏe çraddhe

– O Goddess Çraddhä; ïÏapy çraddhäpaya – bestow çraddhä; #h iha - here; n> naù – to us;

We invite the Goddess Çraddhä in the morning. We invite Goddess Çraddhä at noon and at sunset.
O Goddess Çraddhä, bless us that we may have çraddhä in this life, at this time, and in this place.
zaiNt sU´m!
Çänti Süktam
(Source: Atharva-Veda 19.1.9)

za/Nta *aE> za/Nta p&iw/iv za/Ntim/dmu/vR?Ntir?]m!,

za/Nta %?d/NvtI/rap?> za/Nta n?> s/NTvae;?xI>.1.

çäÞntä dyauù çäÞntä påthiÞvi çäÞntamiÞdamuÞrva×ntari×kñam |

çäÞntä u×daÞnvatéÞräpa×ù çäÞntä na×ù saÞntvoña×dhéù ||1||

zaNta çäntä - at peace; *aE> dyauù – heavens, celestial realm; p&iwiv påthiÞvi – earth; zaNtm! çäntam - at peace;

#dm! idam – this; %é uru - wide, vast; AiNtir]m! antarikñam – space (between heaven and earth);

%dNvtI udanvaté – ocean; Aap> äpaù – waters; n> naù – to us; Aae;xI> oñadhéù – medicinal and food plants

Let the heavens be at peace. Let the earth be at peace.

Let the vast space that we perceive between earth and heaven be at peace.
Let the waters of the ocean be at peace. Let all the medicinal plants be beneficial to us. (1)

za/Ntain? pUvRê/pain? za/Nt< nae? AStu k«tak«/tm!,

za/Nt< ÉU/t< c/ ÉVy?< c/ svR?me/v zm?Stu n>.2.

çäÞntäni× pürvarüÞpäni× çäÞntaà no× astu kåtäkåÞtam |

çäÞntaà bhüÞtaà caÞ bhavya×à caÞ sarva×meÞva çama×stu naù ||2||

zaNtain çäntäni - at peace; pUvRêpain pürvarüpäni – previous actions and their results; zaNtm! çäntam - at peace;

nae (n>) no (naù) – to us; AStu astu – may it be; k«tak«tm! kåtäkåtam – actions done and not done; ÉUtm! bhütaà –

past; c ca – and; ÉVym! bhavyam – future; svRm! sarvam – all, everything; @v eva – indeed; zm! çam – peace,

happiness; n> naù – to us;

Let our potential unmanifest päpa karma be at peace. Let all our omissions and commissions be at
peace. Let the past karma that has manifest in the present and that which is going to manifest in the
future be at peace. Let everything (i.e. all the doñas, defects, i.e. roga, dveña, and moha, that exist in
what is said and unsaid in the three periods of time) be at peace, may they not affect me. (2)
#/y< ya p?rme/iónI/ vag! de/vI äü?s<izta,

yyE/v s?s&/je "ae/r< tyE/v zaiNt?rStu n>.3.

iÞyaà yä pa×rameÞñöhinéÞ väg deÞvé brahma×saàçitä |

yayaiÞva sa×såÞje ghoÞraà tayaiÞva çänti×rastu naù ||3||

#ym! iyaà – this; ya yä – she; prmeiónI parameñöhiné - the one who dwells in the highest abode, Brahmäji, or Devé;

vag! väg – speech; devI devé – goddess; äüs<izta brahmasaàçitä – made sharp, acute by chanting of Vedic

mantras; yya yayä – by which; @v eva – indeed; ss&je sasåje – created; "aerm! ghoram – horrible, frightening; tya

tayä – by that; zaiNt> çäntiù - peace; Astu astu – may it be; n> naù – to us;

This speech, which as devé is the highest form of the power of Brahmäji, and which is made acute
by the chanting of Vedic mantras, has created much anguish in the form of cursing or hurting with
words. May this same speech which has created hurt and suffering bring peace by neutralizing its
effects (and freeing us from guilt and hurt). (3)

#/d< yt! p?rme/ión/< mnae? va/< äü?s<iztm!,

yenE/v s?s&/je "ae/r< tenE/v zaiNt?rStu n>.4.

iÞdaà yat pa×rameÞñöhinaÞà mano× väÞà brahma×saàçitam |

yenaiÞva sa×såÞje ghoÞraà tenaiÞva çänti×rastu naù ||4||

#dm! idam – this; yt! yat – that; prmeiónm! parameñöhinam - the one who dwells in the highest abode, Brahmäji;

mnae mano (manas) – mind; vam! väm – your; äüs<iztm! brahmasaàçitam – made subtle by Brahmäji (as the cause

of the gross universe); yen yena – by which; ss&je sasåje – created; @v eva – indeed; "aerm! ghoram – horrible,

frightening; ten tena – by that; zaiNt> çäntiù - peace; Astu astu – may it be; n> naù – to us;

This Brahmäji, dwelling in the highest abode, first created sat from asat with his mind, making that
which was not alive viable and active. Thereafter that mind, the fundamental cause for the whole
world, dwells in the created sense objects. This mind has performed terrible karmas. Let this same
mind bring peace to us. (4)
#/main/ yain/ p'œce?iNÔ/yai[/ mn?>;óain me ù/id äü?[a/ s<iz?tain,

yEre/v s?s&/je "ae/r< tEre/v zaiNt?rStu n>.5.

iÞmäniÞ yäniÞ paìce×ndriÞyäëiÞ mana×ùñañöhäni me håÞdi brahma×ëäÞ saàçi×täni |

yaireÞva sa×såÞje ghoÞraà taireÞva çänti×rastu naù ||5||

#main imäni – these; yain yäni – these; p'œceiNÔyai[ paìcendriyäëi – five sense organs; mn> manaù – mind;

;óain ñañöhäni – six; me me – me; ùid hådi – (in) the heart; äü[a brahmaëä – by Brahman; s<iztain saàçitäni –

made sharp, acute; yE> yaiù – by which; @v eva – indeed; "aerm! ghoram – horrible, frightening; tE> taiù – by

that; zaiNt> çäntiù - peace; Astu astu – may it be; n> naù – to us;

Because of Brahman, all the five senses, along with the mind as the sixth, abide in my heart;
prompted by the conscious awareness and ordainer, they move in their own respective sense objects.
Let those same senses and mind that created all the duritas in the past now perform actions that will
bring peace to us from their effects (päpa karma). (5)

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