Writing Workshop (Tuesday, July The 21st, 2020)

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Writing Workshop (Tuesday, July the 21st, 2020)

Part 1

 The worst nuclear disaster in history happened 30 year ago in Chernobyl.

 The disaster was not made public by Soviet authorities until two days later.
 The number of deaths at 90000.
 The countryside around the reactor was closed off and nobody was allowed to get near
the damaged reactor.
 A new containment a being built, 2 billion dollar structure is expected to prevent radiation.

First of all, the text describe the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, that was caused for human error
and a poor design of the building, then, it say the impact in the people’s health and the number of
deaths related with the nuclear disaster. After, It describe the process after the emergency and
how was stopped. Finally, it said there is an investment of 2 billion dollar for the construction to a
new building for keeping de radiation.

Part 2

 Educate about the situation.

 Organize your people for starting actions.
 Lead new actions that help the planet.

Recycle and invite your family to carry an ecofriendly life.

You can find a new way to start a business about creating new objects that are ecofriendly and
produce changes in the human habits.

Part 3 outline

Humanity is responsible for the current environmental crisis.

i. Greenhouse gases emission

a. The combustion of coal, oil and gas
b. Deforestation
c. Excessive use of fertilizers
d. High generation of waste
ii. Misinformation about climate change
a. Denial of great powers on climate change.
b. Indifference of communities to the problem.

This article going to explain human responsibility about the current environmental
crisis. Many years ago, the human population has grown as well as their activity. This
has carried many problems for the wellbeing of the planet and its population because
people never have measured the impact of their actions. Now, we suffer the
consequences of human selfishness, however, we are indifferent about the problem
that gets worst the situation. To continue, the text shows the responsibility of
humans in the generation of greenhouse gases and how misinformation doesn’t help to
improve the current environmental crisis.

Greenhouse gases emission collaborate on global warming since some gases can’t go
out of the atmosphere and increase the temperature in the earth. This phenomenon is
directly related to human activities. For example, the burning of fossil fuels, which
produces nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide, you can see it in the cities whit the
massive burning fuels by cars and other types of transportation. On the other hand,
deforestation gets worst the problem because trees help to become carbon dioxide
to oxygen, due to the photosynthesis process. But if the number of trees decreases,
the contamination in the air increases. Likewise, excessive use of fertilizers, not only
damage the floor but also generate nitrogen dioxide. Finally, humans use many
products and after just throw to the garbage, provoking a high generation of waste.
This is worrying since waste produces methane gases for the decomposition process.

In the other side, we find the indifference and ignorance of the population around
this problematic. It´s well-known that some great powers denial the existence of
climate change. The clearest example is USA, whose president Donald Trump, has put
this fact as a conspiracy theory. Donald Tromp made the decision to leave the Paris
climate agreement, which establishes measurements for stopping the climate change.
This kind of actions contribute to misinformation to people, furthermore it puts in
danger the health and wellbeing of the creatures that live in the planet, nevertheless
for someone are most important the economy. Misinformation not only see in great
leaders but also in common people. For instance, in Colombia not much people know
about the climate change and strategies for stopping, as recycle or the correct for to
manage waste. This difficult that communities change their habits and put in practice

After to review this arguments, I conclude that humanity has ignored the
consequences of their actions for many time and has created new ways for exploiting
all the resources, stepping over the nature. This has produced damages in our planet
that put in risk all the things that we know, likewise ignorance get worst the view.
However, if we create solutions and we are more empathic, we will reduce the
environmental crisis. We are responsible of this crisis but also we have the
responsibility to stop.

Casur 210

Have you ever learned to play an instrument?

Have you ever gone to a jazz or classical lessons?

Have you ever had dancing or singing lessons?

Have you ever done yoga, judo or aerobics?

Have you ever stayed in a five-star hotel?

Have you ever seen a film more than five times?

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