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Curriculum Vitae

updated Jun 2020

Telkom University - Lecturer
Since 2020
Date of Birth : Majene, July 1st 1991
Current Address : Kinagara Regency, Blok M No 8, Bandung
Phone number : +62 821 59035919
Email :
Linkedin :
Twitter : @fardanfnn
IG : @fardanfnn
Youtube CH : fardanfnn

• 2016 – 2017 The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
MSc Electronic Communication and Computer Engineering
Graduated with Distinction (First Class)
Scholarship from Indonesian Government, LPDP
• 2012 – 2014 Telkom University, Bandung, West Java.
Bachelor of Telecommunication Eng. (Ext) with GPA : 3.35 of 4.0
• 2009 – 2012 Telkom University, Bandung, West Java.
Diploma of Telecommunication Engineering with GPA : 3.48 of 4.0
Scholarship from Yayasan Perguruan Teknik Indonesia
• 2006 – 2009 SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 2 Makassar, South Sulawesi, Transmission Majors


• Jan 2020 – Now Telkom University Lecturer

Teaching Instructor : Keamanan Jaringan, Pengantar Teknik Telekomunikasi, Literasi TIK

• Feb ’18 - Now Member Indonesia Digital Network Security Association (IdNSA)
As a member technical staff in idNSA (Indonesia Digital Network Security Association), I am
involved in various tasks such as:
- Represented the idNSA in various Cyber Security Conferences:
(1) Speaker at Cyber Security Indonesia (CSI) 2018 on topics: Telecom Infrastructure Security
(2) Speaker at CodeBALI 2018, Cyber Security Conference and Exhibition with the topic:
Exposing LTE Security Flaws with Software Defined Radio (SDR)
(3) BlackHat Asia 2018, Singapore, idNSA is a member of event media partner

• Oct 2014 Telco Security Researcher at PT Chaosmatic

Research and Development (RnD) on a various related topic:
- Wireless & Network Security
- Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Mobile Network Security
- Open Source Cellular Infrastructure (OpenBTS, OpenLTE, OpenAirInterface, and many more)
- SIGINT (Signal Intelligence Systems)

• Aug ‘18 – Nov 2019 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Engineering Consultant, PT. Fursan Multi Corpora
Engineer Consultant for several Military Tactical Communication products such as:
(1) Cellular Interception System
(2) Active SMS Broadcasting System
(3) Mobile Wireless Body Worn DVR & GPS for Surveillance

• Mar-Aug 2014 Work in PT Infomedia, Support System App Service Reg III PT. Telkom
Application Maintenance
• Jun 2011-2012 Assistant of Communication System Laboratory
Communication System, Cellular Communication Concept and technology, Practicum assistant
• Mar 2012 Assistant Instructure in “Radio Trunking Training” with Lembaga Sandi Negara
Organized by Bandung Techno Park*
• Jun 2011 Apprenticeship in Communication and Informatic Department, Placed in Al-ihsan Islamic
Website developer, Joomla, Sisfo
• Des 2010 LTE runs to the 4G and its business Prospects Seminar
Member of seminar
Organized by Communication System Laboratory*
• Mar 2010-2011 Study Group, Communication System Laboratory
Learning transmission and basic telecommunication
• Mar-Jul 2008 Apprenticeship in PT. Telkom, Div.Infratel Makassar
Sattelite, Optical Fiber Communication, Radio Microwave
• Jul 2006 Observation and training in PT Telkom, Kancatel Polewali
Access Network, Sentral, CPE installation


• Office : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Visio
• RF Design : Ansoft
• Electronics Design Software : Altium, Multisim
• Design : Photoshop, corel Draw
• Linux, Wireshark
• Hardware: Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Network Security, Wireless-Cellular 5G 6G Tech, IT Network for Defence and Security, Telecommunication
Fundamental. Telecommunication Security.


• 2020, ToT CISCO for CCNA Instructor

• 2019, Penetration Tester, Pentest+ Training by SGI ASIA for Pentest+ COMPTIA Sertification
• 2019, Network Security, Security+ Training by SGI ASIA for Sec+ COMPTIA Sertification
• 2017, 2G 3G 4G Security Training by The Troppers, Heidelberg, Germany
• 2015, 4G LTE RF Planning & Optimization by Floatway System
• 2015, 3G RF Planning & Optimization by Floatway System
• 2015, 2G RF Planning & Optimization by Floatway System
• 2014, Pentest and Digital Forensics Technology by Inixindo
• Jan 2012 Drive Test CDMA vs WCDMA (3G) Workshop by Think-Corp
Drivetest Concept, Drivetest Config, Drivetest in Field, Drivetest Report *
• July 2011 IT Camp Workshop by ODC with Onno W. Purbo etc
Cloud Computing, OpenBTS, VOIP Breaker, IT security *
• Jan 2011 Student Exchange Program, Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT) and Yayasan
Universiti Multimedia (YUM) Malaysia
Leadership Training, Workshops on MalaysiaTelecommunication industries from Telkom Malaysia Experts *
• July 2010 ESQ Leadership Training, ESQ Basic Training,
Organized by The ESQ Way 165 *
• Feb 2009 Certificate of Competency of Optical Fiber Splicing
Organized by SMK Telkom SP 2 Makassar *


• [Speaker] Webinar IDNSA – Overview Hacking Cellular Network

• [Speaker] Cyber Security Indonesia – Toward a cyber-secured Indonesia.
“Panel Discussion: Transport, Energy & Telecomms Infrastructure Security”
• [Speaker] Code Bali 2018 - International Cyber Security Conference and Exhibitions, Bali-
“Shutdown your friend LTE Connection: Exploring LTE Security Flaw”
• 2018, Black Hat Asia, Cyber Security, Singapore
• 2017, 5G-PPP workshop on ‘Architecture and RAN Integration, London, United Kingdom
• 2015, Kyoto University Symposium on Connectivity and 5G, Bali-Indonesia
• 2015, Code Bali - International Cyber Security Conference and Exhibitions, Bali-Indonesia
• 2015, 6 th International Symposium on Chaos Revolution in Science, Technology and Society
• 2015, "Understanding cyber Hole", IT Security Seminar, Bali, Indonesia
• 2014, "Hacking the cyber: Understanding the hole", IT Security Seminar
• 2014, International Seminar id-SIRTII//CC Annual Cyber Security Seminar Research
+++ Prestasi Selama Mahasiswa dan sebelumnya

• Des 2013 Juara 3, Kompetisi Propaganda Anti Korupsi Kategori Essay

dengan judul “Menyucikan idealisme;Paradoks marketing Korupsi”

• Feb 2013 Memperoleh pendanaan proposal Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PKM) oleh Dikti
dengan judul “Inovasi Smart Patient Monitoring terintegrasi pada kamar pasien rumah sakit”

• Jan 2013 Berpartisipasi pada Lomba Acer Incredible Green Contest

organized by Acer Foundation, Taiwan

• Jul 2012 Berpartisipasi pada International Moslem Student Summit

organized by FSLDK Nasional

• Jan 2011 Student Exchange Program, Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT) and Yayasan
Universiti Multimedia (YUM) Malaysia
Leadership Training, Workshops on MalaysiaTelecommunication industries from Telkom Malaysia

• 2011 Nominasi kader terbaik Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI)
se-Bandung Raya
Diselenggarakan oleh KAMMI Daerah Bandung

• 2009-2012 Memperoleh Beasiswa Prestasi Pendidikan, Yayasan Perguruan Teknik

Indonesia (YPTI)

+++Sebagai Narasumber

• 2013 Narasumber dalam acara “Saksikan Aku seorang Mahasiswa”

Acara Penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru oleh KAMMI 2013

• 2012 Narasumber dalam acara “Suplemen Menulis”

Oleh Departemen Kebijakan Publik, KAMMI

• 2011 Narasumber seminar “Menjadi Mahasiswa Sukses”

Acara Penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru oleh KAMMI 2013

• 2011 Moderator pada Seminar Keprofesian, Pengenalan Dunia Kampus IT Telkom


• Perstatuan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Nottingham – UK, IT Manager

• 2013 Badan Mentoring IT Telkom, CEO

• 2011 Badan Mentoring IT Telkom, Koordinator HRD

• 2009-2010 Badan Mentoring IT Telkom, Staff HRD

• 2010 KAMMI Komisariat IT Telkom, Staff pemagang Dep. Kaderisasi

• 2010 DKM Syamsul Ulum IT Telkom, Staff of Div. Library

• 2009 SKI (Sentra Kegiatan Islam) ITT Telkom, Staff of Div. MIT (Anggota Muda)

• 2008 – 2009 Pramuka SMK Telkom Makassar, Member

• 2005-2006 MPK SMP N 3 Polewali Mandar, Chairman

• 2004- 2005 OSIS SMP N 3 Polewali Mandar, Chairman

+++Aktivitas Kemasyarakatan

• 2016 Anggota Komunitas PDLN, Komunitas Keluarga Muslim Derby, Leichester dan Nottingham
Melaksanakan program kekeluargaan sesama masyarakat Indonesia yang berada pada wilayah Derby,
Leichester dan Nottingham, UK

• 2014-2015 Anggota Yayasan Pemuda Peradaban, Depok. Melaksanakan program pemberdayaan

pemuda dan masyarakat sekitar depok lewat program pelatihan, seminar dll

• 2013 Pengajar Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA) Mesjid Al-Istiqomah Sukabirus, Mengajar baca tulis Al-
Qur’an, Berhitung etc.

• 2013 Anggota Pemantau Pemilu Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Barat, KPU Jawa Barat, Wilayah Desa

• 2013 Founder gerakan “Dari Mentoring untuk Indonesia” Bersama Badan Mentoring IT Telkom

• 2012-2013 Volunteer Kegiatan Idul Qur’ban

+++Aktivitas Kepanitian

• 2017 Ramadhan Event, Islamic Society Nottingham Unviersity, Committee.

• 2017 IndoFest, Nottingham UK, Commite. Panitia kegiatan Indonesian Festival (IndoFest) untuk
mempromosikan budaya Indonesia ke masyarakat UK.

• 2012 PMB Syamsul Ulum Familiy, Steering Commite

• 2011 Mentoring Perkuliahan Agama Islam, Chairman of Steering Commite

• 2011 Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Pemilu Raya IT Telkom, Sebagai anggota

• 2010 Mentoring Perkuliahan Agama Islam, Chairman of Commite

• 2010 Pengenalan Dunia Kampus Telekomunikasi (PDKT), Field Officer

• 2009 Seminar “Healthy with Islamic Technology”, event Commite

• 2009 Kampung Teknologi, Staff Perlengkapan

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