Basic Kanji Book Vol 1 2 PDF

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Lesson 1 [sel 2t=y kh 1 }———8#0ls&U (Lectures on Kanji) APS CERF -1- (Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. 1. 2. Jil 3. AA o4. R55. Ab. A 7X 8. 1 9. Hoo. FY Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called ‘KUN YOMP (Japanese reading) and ‘ON YOMP (Chinese reading). Picture — Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘on’ Meaning -¢ 7 > -O-+ Ee- FA u (NICHT) sun ! day > > B-+ FL 2a {GETSU] moon month > > * > OR & ([MOKU] tree (BOKU] - i> Ww + [SAN] mountain > JI mb ({SEN]) river BAD P Wt OQ > HA I He 4 di - FA ~ fA rn [DEN] rice field XR -~ K ae (JIN] man {NIN] person -O- oO <6 [KOU] mouth > Es > Jb—Jv1 : Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. nw, xB AES O a Ae jopers (‘Srome) Jv—Jv 2 : Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. (2) Write downward. iI (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. = —2 tres —3 Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. J ill (5) Draw a square in the following way. (4) ho me (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. 4 5 1 2 3 Wo oft oth wo c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. 1 3 4 aos ae Jv—Jv3 : There are three basic ways to end a stroke. x ® Stretch * @® Hook A ® Stop Lesson 1 Pe Signs eonefon S RE WA KALA AvVAR (a (4) 1 NAB H(O) the sun, a day Alga (ic - £3 +0) Sunday BA(IC EA / I + tPA) Japan 3H (A> +m) the 3rd day 2 A moon 28 a7 month HY (4) Ji(2&) the moon, a month 1A (v5 - 482) January AMEE (fF + £3 +O) Monday 1 (v¥5) 2A (WD) one month 3 tree & t7 KD (4) A”(&) a tree AH (& + ts) Japanese name AWE (% + £35 +) Thursday 4 mountain RE wy uh @) Vili i () a mountain WWF (#£ + L7) Japanese name Bow (b> + SA) Mt. Fuji XIU (+ SA) a volcano Lesson 1 | wee ode KALA _ avas (ars $3) | ) | river ab /-AtD (tv) (3) » Prep JN (a) a river +4 WI (eV2S + #8) the Nile River w rice field RS-K wy (5) \_ (C0) 17/ Fa a FA (72) Al¥ a rice field HitF (7: + 42%) Japanese name WWH(®£ - 72) Japanese name BATA Tui) avcot por A man Be vy person =y (2) JIA A(O£) man, a person BAA (Ic - (2A + LA) a Japanese 3A(&A- IZA) three people uO mouth < FF) 9 car , 1. a tree 2. aman 3. a mouth 4. the sun 5. the moon L] | LI OF L * ve <5 o 28 6. a river 7. amountain 8. arice field 9. a car 10. a gate Ee k 4 bE Lesson 1 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 2 3 | 4 Lb Ho cro SA HD Lo ho 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 5 6 7 8 = Ro Bo RD LB nto 6 HO 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 9 1o[._} 11 12[ | < wo Ewes oO Eesns so Csi to 13. a train 14. Sunday 15. Monday 16. Thursday | we [| we |_| vu Woks OF é¢ £9 OF 17. Mt. Tsukuba 18. Mt. Fuji 19. population 20. a speciality ey ‘= mel | wl | 2K 1K BA > CG KA CA =9 tA BA 21. a Japanese 22. Mr. Yamada 23. Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River | |* [ SA SA Al AR cA CA PE 2k Pb & a tk Lesson 2 Loe a1=y hk 1 }+——##0ls&L (Lectures on Kanji ) ADS CELBF -2- (Kanji made from pictures -2- ) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1.4K 2.% 3.46 4.4 5.5 6.4% 7.4 8.7K 9.46 my Lesson 2 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each Kanji has its ‘KUN YOMI (Japanese reading) and ‘ON YOMI’ (Chinese reading). Picture — Kanji Gh” 5 op - ie > YW Ik adp als L , ele 7 atx 7 aK ~ OK we y 4 H+ ‘ te 4 + 1 Pe \ ig 1 ye WN eC No 9} 4 7 b-t- e- ta - oe ™e wlt 1 Ne 4 + a HF ~ XQ C ‘KUN’ pha 26 BAL (£4-5) Wek 3-ENS nk ae ‘On’ [ka] {sun [KIN] [Do] (SHI) [Jo] [GAKU] (SED [SEN] Meaning fire water gold money metal ground earth soil child woman female study live birth foregoing previous Usually the ‘ON YOMI’ (Chinese reading) of Kanji will be written using Katakana in a Kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Kata- kana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. Lesson 2 diy bh 2;--———#—BO&(sA¥ (Basic Kanji) 2-1, B¥OPEPME (Kanji Writings) <#(ZAOBl (Basie Strokes) > (1) a horizontal line wey CBE oo 2 ew a vertical line ab 24 OE hu, di} Lh (3) a slanting line BE x m A RA (4) a short hook 2k ay nw AK 5 (5) a long hook ee Sw) cola m FE Ts (6) a corner <6 PE BA bEL wm To wa to fk a dot and various short lines u a ata the 7 Lesson 2 AUPE (> - £3 +0) Tuesday RE Wa KALa avAS mes) | K fire oO n (4) PPK | to | K(Y) fire KU (+ SA) a voleano water IK | a4 Ta fart || ae AK (Fv + CA) a rice field K(AF) water AEE (Fv + £35 +O) Wednesday Z| gold, money aia ey E | metal (a) | MNAANAIAA “PARE 7 | 84 (da) money 41H (dda - #2) Japanese name (EA) gold SMA (BA + £3-+0) Friday zt ground 26 K earth, soil a LI +£(2%) the ground HMB (E+ £3 + 0) Saturday EA(E + 1¥<) civil engineering Lesson 2 wars #yas (mit) | < Y L_ | | lt | | F(Z) LO achild K(BAR)OF(C) a girl KF P(E + b+ O8¢ + tv) a girl student iz os Cale | | woman BAG va female (3) T . | &(BA%) a woman K(BAR)OA (OE) a woman BK (PO > Ur) she 17/7] study (44-8) BDL B9- +| (8) STS 1” ae | J SRE (AS < + >) a student KE (70> + 484) a university (A> + 24) a school 18 Ua live WekS 44 birth 5-ERS (5) eer LT aes | Ltt 4() &% to live 42 (4) £ to be born Sete (CEA + AU) a teacher Sete (AF ¢ + #hU3) a student 20 Lesson 2 ae a haba - He previous 7" > | && ty foregoing °°" > (6) EE Li ~~ | | ¥(S&) ahead JBAGEA © 1F) last month | eek (EA + abv») a teacher 4 re 5 private bre y A ae DECL (7) Zz Ee la la] “FH i Ae | | Bibi Lb [Questions] 1. 2AI2H RA (ZA LIU) THM. 2. 2AISA Ie A CHA, 3, 2 AIT LRA CHA. 4, 221A CTA. 2 A238 ee A CHD. Lesson 3 ELBA m 5B 3 ik (2 = . 1} 8018 U (Lectures on Kanji ) 1 & (Numbers) Abstract ideas like numbers are indicated with the fingers and other signs. Look at the following signs. “-” is the Hiragana ending. Sign — Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘On’ Meaning =~ — = — ve-> [IcHn one =~ == SF BRO IND two - Sere = 40-2 [SAN] three her 90+ C= Po to [sun four 3 eee HE > A> EF wo-9 = [GO] five ht - 9e- ji-r * ts-2 © [ROKU] six NY Uh 343 WL +: te = te E> [SHICHIT seven BXa.A- 7S at4 Ay- jL- TU > Fu 20-2 [KyUU) nine Hy a {kU] jz ar- + 4 AN 5-2 [HACHT] _ eight 4 + tb [JUU] ten aiyhk 2 21 22 23 Lesson 3 BBO SEABF (Basic Kanji) 2-1. B¥OPMEPE (Kanji Writings) RE WA KALA vas (~< or) _—| one BtE-D AF (1) —(U£)2 one (thing) —A(WE + Y) one (person) —A(v5 +280) January —4E (lo + fA) one year — | two at-O = (2) = ] _ =| | | | r | | | | L Jj 4 =(4*)2 two (things) +) two (people) | +280) February fav) tw ars = | three Aa-D wy —_| (3) Sea ] ~ oat | | | | | | — LL }— +4" | | | I | | | _L A>)? three (things) =H(&> + #) the 3rd day A(&A +28) March = (SA + BA) three years Lesson 3 24 25 27 RE Wde KALA avas (@)2 four (things) WH (k> +) the 4th day WA(L + 2%) April me (4k +424) four years BOA (KNZA) 4 Fersones 4 F five Wo-9 a (4) Hi(V32)2 five (things) HA (2+ 2) the 5th day HA(C- AS) May HAE (C By) five years BLS. gS peesenes | six to? uy/oy- IN (4) \ J} +) 7 \7\ K(tso)2 six (things) *#AH (t+ a) the 6th day KAA(AS + #2) June W4E (4 ¢ + A) six years AIBC - $2 A) 6 peesones +e seven BED UF (2) —_— te ECR725)2 7 cosas EAGROD) 7 dia | A(L528>) julio R(LEIaA) 7 afios EAGRCA/LB ICA) 7 personas 28 31 Lesson 3 we Va KALA AYAS (eK 5) eight Ro-D DF /N9- IN (2) rN | J\(®5)2 eight (things) ¥/\H(£5 +2) the 8th day AA (iE + AO) August ME(l£6 + A) eight years AB lita ¢) Yoo NAWES ITA) 9 PecSenss K nine rL0-9 2 Ha (2) HU(ZLM)2 nine (things) HB(SZO- >) the 9th day HLA (< + 28D) September RE(S 94 -Ve<) 900 HUA [Sp tzA) dF persoces: + ten te Yar Yao-/Po- (2) +(&8) ten (things) +H(é-+ 2) the 10th day +A (U3 +28) October +4E(Ew4+RA) 10 years eB hundred baa /-Exe -Exe (6) —|-— TAA L SB(C+Oe<) 200 AB(S0US<) 600 =BECAUS<) 300 AB (oUe<) 800 Lesson 3 32 33 35 we WA KALa FYAR (~e FF) 4A} thousand 6 ey /-ty T (3) 4|7 + FINGHA + 2A) a thousand yen FE (5 + (2) Chiba pref. EtT(SA+#A) 3,000 ten thousand wy all, every NY (3) “a7 —BA(wb + £A+ 2A) FEA + =<) all countri ten thousand yen jes Fr BE (PA OV) Lege vide circle | yen (4) 1 PFA FI(AA) acircle, yen HPV(O* < + 2A) 100 yen BFW (C+ A+ RA) 5,000 yen year él RY age (6) EFER 4B L(EL+52%) persona mayor, viejo/a SAR V\+4a/v) afio pasado HEE(X EAA) aio pasado FHE(=+EL) este afio Lesson 3 2-2. k&ANALwI (Reading Exercises ) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) ll I RH A RR tA A & BS =f 2c # & = GZ - & © WW = 8 A ® AR : wn FB ££ O O HH BF & ¢ # 4 KR EE i mW we et a & 8B & # 4& = &@ @ & F i OD th A # 208 Oo A KH 2 K F A KA t+ + # ° $ oo & 2d + 2 #H tk es 9 b6 BEB Ww = Hi | fF OB HR F H A D DB * Hob FoF SY tC F BH kK O KR Cc bh CC A a ai BG ct £ = #B rrr a KF 9 T = co oF 8 FOR b € 8§ HS + p p z 6 c mm w eo t * G A = en a, Ni SF K ° KR 4 i I. 1. ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. . That mountain is 2,000 meters high. . One year has 365 days. . the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June . the year 1985 4. 03-3469-8251 . Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. . The 5th of May is Children’s Day. . The population of this country is about 60,000,000 10. 22. 2-3. PEHALwHS (Writing Exercises ) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. Lesson 3 Doin date Spe ey La HR Be WEMSeV ER LE DEIN need A WR DEV wee oh MO BR nee TO HO nee VW OEY LE DED nee oOo HEY BH DE Hee NH HR BH Pe ae jHSIn Be adky He gov so a4aX ee Ue Bw Ue mae ‘eo a R Lesson 3 Q. Mo 18. 5. 1 b Ve 7 Ju z | o k L ‘ _| tv | 5 ae aa a at a a a 5 DD |> rr a | ca & ts k > ae a |s > | 75 | je c | ® a mp | » a | & 3 a L_J J L a ‘ 2 c ly oo —32 1. 5 ° g | ir 5 3 _ — Cc (x e ~) a a a > —— _| % | __| 2 2 2 ° Z a & ob | & +e | 5 13 2 _|5 ® | [ 15 Ea a» | lm jo l L_] a < 4 poo BB uN. G vu 4 & ® © < L153 43 LL [|< iS 2 . ‘ a a a a a fle S t a || L|> [fe _|> » | » 1. ¥20 2. ¥300 3. ¥6,000 4. ¥80,000 5. ¥520 6. ¥850 7. ¥47,000 8. 10 years 9. 100 years 10. one person ll. two people 12. three people 13. four people 14. one month 15. the Ist of January 16. the 2nd of February 17. the 3rd of March 18. the 4th of April 19. the 5th of May 20. the 6th of June 21. the 7th of July 22. the 8th of August 23. the 9th of September 24. the 10th of October 25. November 26. December Lesson 3 LoTWET HR CHET HL (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) ob e I. J\8E (Greengrocer) 1. DAS (an apple) Ik, OV BTA, - AMA (an orange) Id, —OWV< SCH AS . BEF (agrape) (8, -OW< SCHR, - FM» (a watermelon) lk, —OW< STH A - NFF (a banana) ld, —# (VolFA) OCS THM 6. &@4 (acucumber) Ik, —KY 4 6 CHD. Row © 7. b@h (a tomato) Ik, —OW za | d=y kh 1}-——8¥OlU LU (Lectures on Kanji) x 5 SP5tE 7i#F (Kanji made from signs ) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign — Kanji. ‘KUN’ ‘ON’ Meaning a ae JOU] above up 7 Ft -P GE] under down - ch ~ FO em CHUU] middle inside —~ K+ A wesw [pall big + ily + AN Bv-8 [SHOU] — small root - BR Kobe HON] origin book ML > ~ (ted) [HAN] half AN + 7 + AY pws [FUN] divide [BUN] + Jj - yn Spo RYOKU] _ power a= yk 2 2-1. BFOPE HE (Writing Kanji) Lesson 4 BORO SLAB (Basic Kanji) ae Ws KALA aYvAas (@) inside 4ul(b@3+ LA) the center HAR (W% + + Cw) all day long Lesson 4 eel lA were 47a (& North Gate | aBEI|T HO Subway West ih FR Gate ~ 1 , « Wo | AQ ¢€ Ba Be m1 m1 i LJ > AO | #Oo 3 East Gate AG ——— Rae | t [ es oO AW ] Entrance BAL ticket gate Lesson 4 Il. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine | P| pe | Lt) LU | tee FO DES DES ( UA 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects r 7 mT) LEI. LL). LE... Bh OU th BA bo IRA EA BA IEA 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train 10. an adult c BA UA Ow S>) 2. HO (C¢5) 3. AD (wh ob) 4. ED (IED) 5. FY (<#D) 6. RO (OAL Sb) 7. BO (ie Lb) 8. dbo (ARCH) 9. HO (AGA CH) 10. WER (ba TO) Lesson 5 bese jdiy k 1} lt U (Lectures on Kanji ) BROMAR DE DS CREBE (Kanji made from a combination of the meanings ) What does the Kanji ‘Fj mean? It means ‘the sun.’ What does the Kanji '] ; mean? It means ‘the moon.’ Then, what do you think the Kanji THA) means? It means ‘bright’! Some Kanji are made by combining rather simple characters. Now, guess the meaning of the following Kanji. Lk RR 8 ARE Pe a a Look at the following examples and see how each character was combined and made into a new meaning. Combination Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘On’ Meaning H + HK — WA Saw (MEI) bright sun moon both the sun and the moon are ‘bright’ K+ RK — FR ete (KYUU] rest man tree a man is ‘resting’ beside a tree KR + KR — FR woe (TAD the body man origin the origin of a man is ‘the body’ Kw + fF — $8 [KOU] love, like woman child a woman ‘loves’ a child Lesson 5 Combination Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘ON’ Meaning H+ Foo +H Bee [DAN] a man, male rice field power ‘a man’ is powerful in the rice field A + KR PK REL (RIN] a wood tree tree two trees make ‘a wood’ BE A + K+ K— FE bd [SHIN] a forest tree tree tree three trees make ‘a forest’ a jungle AEo+ A — fA jer (KAN] between gate sun the sun can be seen ‘between’ the doors kK + i aH idteit a cultivated field fire field burn up the field and make ‘a cultivated field’ Wo+ Bo a [GAN] a rock mountain stone a big stone in the mountain is ‘a rock’ 3x Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, Sff|(ii7213), (@)(t725) < (to work), lHE(& 319) (a mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. There- fore, they do not have ‘ON YOMI' (Chinese Reading). Many Kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin. e.g. f8(:5)(a cod) $83( vb L)(a sardine) 1=yk 2 Lesson 5 BABO &SABF (Basic Kanji) 2-1. BF¥OPEPE (Kanji Writings) ae Wh T KALA aAYAS (@< FF) 55 [UO rock | Wd WY A | (8) Tb pe a : Fe ale | BV) a rock Sill - PF) a rocky mountain BB (AA ++) rocks and stones Lesson 5 2-2. k&4&hALWI (Reading Exercises ) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a 6. il 7. 8. Hay 9. WR 10. KAEF ll. BK 12, WSR I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. HLH A GES TH. I like physical exercise. 2. BFF CAFE male students and female students 38. BOKEKOK men and women 4. RERMOMI DH) ET, There is a river between the forests. - HOVROPTKAE LK. We took a rest in a light fore: 6. HOSE TCHHM COVDDY ET. . It takes about one hour to that small mountain. 7. BHSABHSOATTH. Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. WO LIAS OY ET. There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. Lesson 5 2-3. PEHALWI (Writing Exercises) . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree X 2 = a wood _|x2=| ; 2. atree X 3 =a forest J Oxs-0 HOU én 3. woman + child = like 4. rice field + power man — é a _] ~ LI BAR = + tk BPH ero sun + moon = light [Jel j=l jae (fel oO OR bP 6. man + tree = to rest [last oe . gate + sun = between 8. body's power = physical strength eO-O Oel-I ou SUK MOTE bre he oes 9. fire + field = cultivated field 10. mountain + stone = a rock | |OH= ou Ishi. RE bu 11. a boy 12. man and woman ) BEL = KA L Lesson 5 IL. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. for one minute 2. for two hours 3. for three days [IT | [fet] 1 7 | J Let a Do RA DA = Co RA AD bP DA 4. for four weeks 5. for five months 6. for six years — ; — ao al | LJeLL | [ Ce a Ll i EA LOI DA WO pA AO RA PA 7. forests and woods 8. a holiday 9. an inactive voleano L Lt I L111 LA DA ew UD ews » BA 10. physical exercises 11. 1 like cheerful people. r | | [ Tas! = [ l# af Jaw jal lacs. AL br DE 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. Hol lol jr oial BEL oe [ | |eacte wb tt Lesson 5 HUTTE 3s Wt > TITTLE EEL Review L. 1—5 HA RK wk OR fe tb th JI Kf kOe MY ee Be —- 2 = BRA ECAH A + BAF FD AE F PKR WD A - Dy HH i *K FH BK te ee OB MM A oe C . Make 5 sentences by using the Kanji above. a . Fill in the blanks with an approriate Kanji. g ol! [ ] i TE | mit! CF Ld mM uw LIF Lot > fr Je] ml | Sm | i ; oll LoL [| L — re 4 wth) [| Lesson 5 Il. Read the following story. [FI=-SEADSEL] PILARKFEOZAETH. BPULAA CT. FARA 4 PORELH. ALE SRM E CARMODY IATCAR LILES. MIA AMAMHEA CH, FEA OAM ALTE BPS EMI RE LES AWA LE: Aro Lieu SELKo BFEREKTEEBEAFOC Lo ME SIBH ES ADH CWA ELIS BH SAL AKADBONCH. HEM CVA SWTKAVHAV RELIES SLT, DEWVM DEMS TKAE LK FOMOKILE THAN CLI * PS (ABA) speciality KH (720-0<) physical exercises HA (£309 day of the week ~i& (Z) ~ a language ~AUGSTH [like ~ Se (CAL WI) last week Hh, We WAWAL various ~F2 ~ for each FFE (V9 LAA) for one hour ~O6Y PR ae Ul rain % eo 4 Lm ~ KT > AT kW CHIKU] — bamboo v ale je > > TR > RK co MAI rice “ (BET) America W 7 PD > - OR me ((BAI) shellfish SEKI] stone oy 4 = ss CN cD My 4 + we SHI] thread Lesson 6 aly bh 2}——_#A#O€ (AB (Basic Kanji) 57 58 2-1. BFOPEM# (Kanji Writings) BX(%< + U) a table of contents BE Wid KALS vas (>< $35) B eye » zd item (5) | |NASAB (®) an eye B£E(+ 42) one's superiors ear nh v (6) “IT |F\FIE|B | H(#A) an ear HSVAL(L + Om) study of the nose and ears (otorhinology) 4 hand c ya (4) TEE | | F(T) ahand HEFCE I+ $F)% skillful F(T + AA) a letter #PE(N\+4)% unskillful Lesson 6 Bee wa war 47RD F3)~ 59 IE. leg, pair SL/K-S v2 suffice bop (1) Teepe ei le RL) aleg FE(*) 0B to be enough =R(is+%<) two pairs 60 rain bd 2 (8) hr jaime Wi(4%) rain HIR(5 + TA) rainy weather 61 bamboo ny Fo tT (6) . |r A A) Ae tT #1 (7:13) a bamboo *5(41) OF a bamboo shoot ‘rH (“tt +72) Japanese name 62 | rice | cH wt (for America) | a4 (6) Vv |svjsztokel opel y | FR | | | 7 | [R(Z%) rice REN 24) USA, | FRCS w 3 +e) Central America 63 Lesson 6 RE a KALa AVR (<5) shellfish ae O84) 7S (7) 1 [n/RJAlalBla AG) a shellfish maricco AGPv) A a shell concho. ya stone we ee (5) 7 \A\e (VL) a stone itt & + ) petroleum, oil BMl(vsL + ab) Japanese name ACE (+) a fossil thread we string ik “LE IAABIA *A(VE) thread €A (IF +E) woollen yarn Lesson 6 2-2. k&hHALwA (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1 2.8 3. 8 4. 2 5. 6. 7. F 1. AWECTHEF. FLT. HCASET. 12. HAABRKERNETS, Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1, AILEDFGMFEDWOE LE 2. TARY AleHKICd EF. Costa Rica is in Central America. 3. BRIT IT SEE PVEF. Japan buys oil from Arabia. 4. HOB IAS CERES DE £2 I write letters in my room on rainy days. 5. MISS KARMA EO LETS H EA, I am not so good at Japanese yet 6. COEIREC OP E4BMOELKY I bought a pair of shoes and 4 pairs of socks. Lesson 6 2-3. PEHALW (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. hands and legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice LT] LieL) Lins t 5D v me =H 5. one’s superiors and one’s inferiors 6. a bamboo shoot leLeLeO Cet bw DK oe ® LK ve ne 7. Mr. Ishikawa 8. Miss Itoyama JsA [] Jka WL tsb be OE Lesson 6 Il. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a purpose 2. atable of contents 3. a letter 4. a stamp [jes [ |x [ ] ae ol | rere acu TC mae fo ot 5. skillful 6. unskillful 7. an assistant 8. shortage je [Je sl] aL vas Bas vx Le wee 9. a heavy rain 10. a light rain 11. rain water Mm © | Be 5H = eb bE 12. America 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central America L| tiJo omiL) LL AD Qe Wh by bed rn 16. thread 17. Ishikawa Prefecture 18. Mr. Takeda | [|e [[T]sa we WL mb WA no or Lesson 6 Lo bot Ta Ce ET OLS (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) CAaL The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. a & BT MK OR HBP (o a field) See the following Japanese family names. fA K Ff (eo a village) (tem) (PER) (Poe) (PELK) (SOLA) (&&5) (@5%) (5a) (edt 5) (tear ¥) (Ca arht) (240) (PbpPA) Jil 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. zs arn Re S vr (ld? L) (2 1F% L) (ce) (Ba%) (BO) (89) (®O%E) (ap4are) (Piz) (va Lab) (BBL) (BBA) (A328) (iden) (KWLE) Lesson 6 Notice the phonetic changes as in the following. Mi (ae) +E (fe) IIR (A728) * (Zem>) +)Il (dvb) +B JIL ead) © Other common family names: Ex. Hi (4 F8) FFE (0052) ERE (&e5) ERR (e88) WEL (bie%s) DOR (m5) TaN ete) ike (£5) Ye) (UL a name card used for business) Title Name - —H+ —~ — — 4 | 4 | i Bw | _ # a BE | 7 |g i | 740 o | 105 x ;E uo ra kK | [ex be ka | (Ba = | Bm ao [QR ops x] | Se oily Rw Jew e | TR KR | ne [= +r ox | |= fh + Kez ae | i! bo AK | |. 58 at = i ie 2 | la |x T 12 1 ie jt - fo u oo Address Name of University | Yene of Company Telephone and Department Department and Section Lesson 7 level a= yhkh1 TRFOlLL (Lectures on Kanji ) ADS TERREF -4- (Kanji made from pictures - 4-) Look at the following picture and guess what it means. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1.& 268 3.68 4.4 5.% 6 W at 8A 9 FF 10. Lesson 7 aly kh 2}———#t#O&(sA#* (Basic Kanji) 2-1. B¥OPEPE (Kanji Writings) Be va KALA avae (@< 4) 66 |+4 | flower Be a AG (1) — | fat at [ae [at Pe ie TE(ld%) a flower TE (2% + U) fireworks TE(D)UA a vase ws 67 tea Fr AS + (9) = e “FP REE BE(be) tea WH (Ao + &- TA) acoffee shop BAK(I 142A +e) green tea MH(I 4-5) black tea 68 TA flesh, meat =? ©) 6 | IAA AAA A(IZ<) meat FA(Z7 +1 <) beef BA(ED +124) chicken PME (IZ < + #249) the body 69 70 1 72 Lesson 7 BE vide KALa HvVAR (ast) XI pattern (ba) Ty letter, sentence %y (4) PPELL | K(4HA) a sentence KE( KA + df<) literature BH (LA + H+ L254) the Ministry of Education Rp letter o 3-| character (6) hE (UC) a letter, a character KE(O(A)+U) a letter MEA + UC) Kanji ~F(U) .letters ty thing 60 7 £7 (8) 1) A Poe (6) a thing Hsu + ¥O) shopping £9 (tu»+ BO) alivingcreature #it7(IX- 42) a baggage cattle, cow aL ¥a7 bull, ox (4) rele 4 (FL) cattle AS w > 1<) beef AL(Z m4 +1209) cow's milk Lesson 7 ae] va CALA aves (®T5) 73 | horse 4E a wy | (10) ee |_| } | (52) ahorse NUE - 0%) horsepower (hp.) BHRCE- Le) a carriage 74 bird | &9 Fad iq a) 7 ee a KS | | | | (ED) a bird #(%) BB(EH) roast chicken BS(ik¢ +525) aswan SB(@- 525) a wild bird 75 fish Sate ¥a res 3B a) Tr [Fle |e 18 |e [ee MS) fish BE(@) SH (S22) grilled fish WUE (Sm% + +) a fish shop @&(EA+*t) a goldfish Lesson 7 2-2. k&NALwI (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i 14 2.8 3. HE 4. & 5. & 6. 7.8 8. XE 9. Athy 10. FA 11. BARR 12. KX Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1 Mae 2 MRM 8. Bat 4. Bt 5. HEWAILIEEV REF. I put some flowers in a vase. 6. AETRA HE Le I bought some chicken at the butcher's. ae KETC ORF ER 6st. I learn these Kanji at the university. 8. MILRARARS TT. I like Japanese tea. 9. HOPAGAW ET. There are small birds in the forest. 10. HRABMPAAGA TH. Japanese people like fish and rice and so on. Lesson 7 2-3. P¥EHALWS (Writing Exercises) 1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. beef 2. a small bird 3. a horse carriage 4. a letter LT od KK = 9 f Le eo 5. literature 6. biology (=study of living creature) 7. Japanese tea A HC to OD mC kA be 8. a goldfish 9. cherry blossoms 10. a sentence &{60[ | BA BE we ah I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a flower shop 2. a fish shop Lesson 7 3. a butcher shop E |z Ea ae © sme © Ke 4. beef 5. pork 6. chicken 7. horse meat 8. fish meat Ak FoF iK Ke en KC woe Sr i 9. roast meat BES 10. grilled fish px | 11. roast chicken BES 2 qe ° She 2 en 12. cow's milk 13. the body 14. a real thing 15. Kanji #1 [| Fe 7twF me he tA 8D re 16. horsepower 17. a pony 18. fireworks 19. a vase OA = 9k itt UF a x 0% Lesson 7 LaTHEFD! CEETHD (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) CARDEA <#FQDOMH (Kanji Zoo) > The following Kanji are the name of the animals below. Match the Kanji with the pictures. a b c d e f g h +] (@ [el (Bl FA te Ba W au Sale eo 2k VOU aS aS brea im a #9 Lesson 8 KEvito » 8 GR a=y kh 1}-—78FOlL&L (Lectures on Kanji) Wo aL HERNBS -1- (Kanji for Adjectives - 1 -) Look at the following adjectives. Japanese ‘-i’ ending adjectives can be divided into three groups according to the types of the Hiragana endings. lL Kajit® 2 Ee ££ fiw aS fens BUD wo Bu Jat 4 4 o¢ <6 bs BS wd Civ few Hw vs ete. bm te bs Ite 2. Kanji + LY: Ly Ly JEL SEL brs ko ne BOK LY ete. ben 3. Kanji + others : Kw spa Bow Aew ete. Be Su bn Te The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present Affirmative : tiv>(old) 3 LV (new) K&v (big) Present Negative tae RL aM KSC EY Past Affirmative ibibo RlLPok KemMor Past Negative it abok HL ebhok KEL eMOK Lesson 8 Remember when the following Hiragana endings are used with nouns, verbs or the other adjectives. Adjective + Noun: Ww HLH KEVF an old book a new car a big letter eek HL CeO | KE CEE Hbotk Mi Lboh Kab ORE Elem othk HL Cabot KE RhORE Adjective + Verb: HC20EF HLM dUET KC HAET become old —_newly buy write in a big character Adjective + Adj.: BUTANE KA THEY old and cheap new and pretty _ big and bright [hALw5] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. BR ke ie o AA ne gS K ay S S mo a =yk 2H RE vas AEA VaR +5 Le) a second-hand car 78 Ee long Bae Fay eldest, chief (8) FF EIR | | Lot (BA) long #HB(b £5 +A) the eldest son 2-1. BFOPEDE (Kanji Writings) Lesson 8 —#B NBO ZABF (Basic Kanji) [ieee ®) Nagano Prefecture PRA. +25) a president Lesson 8 we Vd KALH avas (@ low (EF (TVs 2) FB to fall, to go down {Gill (CT V2 + BA) a low temperature Lesson 8 | wae Va KALA 7 aya (>< FF) (13) | B(< 5)v> dark RES (A+ LO) a dark room Z| many BRU g / F | much (6) 7I|IIGIG ; Pee #(##)\ many, much B&D (12+ £4) more or less B'e(%-F5) a large number D)»| few Fie vad Y | iittle FOL (4) Tl paspy | ] | | | [Tt BSS )%ev» few, little B(FC)L alittle, a few DE(L25 + dav) a boy PR(LEF+Ut) agirl Lesson 8 2-2. £&hHAL4 (Reading Exercises ) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. iy 2. tie 3. Hv 4. Bw 5. By 6. HEY 7, (Bh 8. five 9. LY 10. Haw ll. FAS 12. FRE PE 13. A Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. KAD BAD BV, 2, ROMISHCT. It is dark in the forest. 3. SHOAL OMKOFHETT. That man is the president of this junior college. 4. CODPELF ERA. That boy has long arms and legs. 5. KIB E CAPS ECSNEAHSD, Water flows from the higher place to the lower place. 6. AMF E PERE RE KG a primary school, a junior high school, a senior high school and a university 2-3. PENALWI (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. en 1. anew year Lesson 8 an old car, a second-hand car Tal Cun SKS zu LA A aS (3B $03 25 Lx 3. a president of the university 4. long 5. short Dn | Ww VW Ke ag BS BED tem Aum 6. a lot of people 7. a few people 8. a dark forest Iya a| jaw vw oe be oe + 5 a” 9. expensive meat 10. cheap fish 11. to go down - —— rn | tS hi KK et smh Th ob Il. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a boy 2. agirl [[] L | {ja Lad aA LEd Us oda 3. (I) have a little money. [ ]L 4. to Lesson 8 4. a high mountain 7. a short string Let AUD be 10. ancient writing =< BA 13. the eldest son BEG BA 16. a junior college kA KO 5. a cheap thing Pt 40 8. for a long time 6. a used book Ad EA 9. new tea Vy ens SOK 11. a long sentence L BED BA 14. the eldest daughter | || LA 4 12. a short sentence RA RA BEI UE 17. a high school [_|e Lesson 8 LotTweEt el 1CeET a (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) . ate aL BET-L (1)
How to play (A): “#72” One person reads the letter cards. The others look for the matching picture cards scattered on the table. When a player finds the appropriate card, he gets to keep it. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. How to play (B) “LA tH iedie le <” (Concentration) Put all the cards face down up on the table. Each person turns over two cards at a time in turn. If those cards match, he can keep the pair. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. > | = &7) ABs] ws 5) AES] ws) Set Bax ha] [ses wer) [ies] os Lesson 9 a=y hk 1}+-———8¥01£¢U (Lectures on Kanji) HORE -1- (Kanji for Verbs - 1-) Each Kanji has its own meaning. It can function as a noun, adjective, verb etc. in sentences. What do you think is the function of the following kanji ? h f A B Rhy and "A; are nouns. '#is functions as an adjective and "Hs (to buy) as a verb. However, Kanji can not be used alone as an adjec- tive or a verb. Some Hiragana endings always follow and they are called “‘OKURIGANA (inflectional endings)’. Ro RL new Ro> 4 / Ruts to duy Using the above four Kanji, let's make some sentences. MIM LOARERWELKE I bought a new book. HOR LS BUCH. My book is not new. MIRE ROT RSE, Please buy me a book. Lesson 9 Japanese verbs can be divided into 3 groups according to their way of conjugation. 4st Group: a verb stem ends with a consonant KS fik-u) 7S Ed [ik-imasu] to go BAS [kik-u] asd (kik-imasu] to hear BS [kak-u] - #SES {kak-imasu] to write ao {hanas-u] LE [hanas-imasu] to speak wet {yom-u] #44 [yom-imasu] to read this [yasum-u] $4 £4 [yasum-imasu] to rest HD {kaer-u] #0 £3 — [kaer-imasu] _ to go back BO (ka (w)-u]) WEF [ka (w)-imasu] to buy 2nd Group: a verb stem ends with a vowel ENS (tabe-ru] <4 — [tabe-masu] to eat BAD [oshie-ru] #2*%4 [oshie-masu] to teach RLS (mi-ru] BSF [mi-masu] _ to see rd Group: an irregular verb KE {ku-ru] RES [ki-masu] to come thé {su-ru} LEF [shi-masu] to do 2 4 A} Classify the following Kanji into nouns, adjectives and verbs. 4) (+L, Noun) HAA (W445, Adjective) Wi (£9, Verb) 87 88 86 k 2 2-1. BFOPEME (Kanji Writings) Lesson 9 [BARRO & (SAB (Basic Kanji) va aYaAS wer (>< ¥3) 4=| go, conduct van ¢ a9 4T| tine BlE-3 ¥a9 (6) , 2 4 4— jee len ~ T ae eee COO | 47() < to go 40(BO%)4 to carry out ATM 2+ =25)F4 to travel ~fi(€r4) ~ lines sh | come k-B/2-% a4 next R-Et/E-K (7) —|+ tf) next month KA(S+15)FS to visit Japan i Z| return Da-b * | ft go (come) back (10) ; — of yt y7 yy? 7 Nie AWA a | | [iT] Hi (2X) % to go/come back MBI(& + <<) FS to return to one’s country Lesson 9 wel a cAke YAS (@ 91 see, look B-B ay | view ARBAB (7) | | NIA/A\|e A Rl ] H(A) % to look at,tosee (V+ FUCA) to show \VA) an opinion KAM (IFA + 82)F4H to do sightseeing 92 Fal | hear Ty (14) CP Maree | BA(&) < to hear, BRA (LA + BA) to listen to a newspaper Bi(&)= 24% can be heard Lesson 9 ee] va wer #YBR (DK F3) 93 =z, read | £-b Re }DI| | (14) | VP Re = jz je-pttetezeeebe - aja 6 fe fe i6 larlerjerc — ~ iL | (2) t to read H(L)% reading eB (L< + Lx) reading books BB(L C+ Le) a reader 94 £ write ak va @ | book, document (10) "|" Fee EE | lAle| _ LETT tT | Ly #(>) ¢ to write #IE(L x + TA) a book shop | Hi (Ls + &4) calligraphy re — — 1 95 je4 talk Le-F 7 | ao bee (a3) ‘PPE PE 2’ bebsecesee] = iF ie le fe (alate iealee || | [ | - ] ~ |} - | 85 (I8%)F to speak (SEL) astory, a talk Bis (+b) conversation FERG(CA +b) a telephone 96 | buy w-3 WA oN (12) 1 [Om r S| wolple oelolS ] “| | [| fm | |B ee | [te L | B@)3 to buy Hy (av + 4D) shopping Lesson 9 RE Wa ‘| cada RR (<5) 97 Bae educate, teach BL-RS ead | religion ; (a) “RFR R RRR a | la(BLre to teach HA(S 25+ W<) FS to educate | &&(S 29+ o) achurch BE(S24-L2) aclassroom 2-2. HANALWS (Reading Exercises ) la 1. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1 MS 2. BAC 3. C4 5S 6. KO. RD 8. HS 9. HF 10. KE 11, HXS 12, KAS 13. HC KEN FSET. 14. RAL MPSA DRESS 15. At RNETD. Me AXETH. 16. FN—bCHMELET. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1, SOF HMB ERAE LIE 2. WHSAL BR CH LET. Lesson 9 4. COMBCHAMEHA ET. 5. K¥OBWCRVOAL RUE Lio 6. LILA GT DMEE TH. FL ERHEN AEA, 1. BROPMLVKEERELETS 8. 10FTHDNEMA TSK HEV 2-3. B&EhAL#S (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to go 2. togoback 3. tocome 4. to eat 5. to drink J 7] 7 Tez TO LI< (LJa 1% LIs® |e we Da < t D 6. to see 7. to hear 8. to speak 9. to read 10. to write [J Lx Lily Cle Lik a (hae » Lesson 9 11. to do sightseeing \t% 12. reading books [1 13. a newspaper [1] BA BO & be LA BA I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. food 2. a drink 3. reading matter 4. shopping tk D sO z tO DY OD 5. a trip 6. a bank 7. the 3rd line 8. to go back to one’s country fie 5 | [LL la | be 25 A 3 eA EEG wD ze 6 9. next week 10. next month 11. next year 12. a telephone 7 | | ae [ 52 | | 7B, | | 5 bead bu Wo 5 RA TA Ob 13. a breakfast 14. a lunch 15. a supper 16. a restaurant - _ — WH ie wy || BEILES BwILES M5 LES WA LES TA 17. to visit for study [| | 18. cherry blossom viewing WA PC 20. to buy flowers ced Ce >» hig & 2. zy A be 19. education | |# BEDS to drink Japanese tea [ JeLlaes Lesson 9 LEE LotTHUETHPE UI CeET PEL (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) BEF (2)
See p.75 to play (A): “#47” and (B) “LAG OTOE & <". ay | [h) | Hex we | Me | AHe) | gre BMA SEV | Lae | | amen Te | vy | wre . | UO Lesson 10 7 (#2) 6:00 6:00 12:00 iECe Meal: (HS) Cita = HR(S25-L2<) — breakfast B(DS) CIA = Bit(5eF-L2<) lunch FDA) SA SR(OF+ LEK) supper WE(IZA) SILA (P-L EX) midnight snack Lesson 10 a=yhk2 2-1. BF¥OBEFA (Kanji writings) [HRD & (SABE (Basic Kanji) wee Wa AEA yas c4a) | 98 aA morning bE Fay | (12) =o 5 = * ii 2g arlene : _ | | | | | _L WSS) morning WIE (HS +O) the morning sun [B&G 2 4+Ux2<) breakfast - __ 99 noon vZ Far BN daytime (9) a ] Ty =F FAN | B(U%) noon, midday (0% - fa) anap,asiesta | 8t(b~3 +L <) Tunch UK(OS + &F)& a lunch break | : 100] 33 | night Ld x | AR £ (8) | TSS ES 1 7 7 19 i | | | | | | _ HES) night BR(@- La) amidnight meal FHE(ZA + ©) tonight Lesson 10 RE wae (Ake YAS (LFS) aye, night ny « 1 it RB BY fa” (6? fo om be op og | fer 7 i ot | L BB(IEA) night SW (CA IZA) tonight WEAHIAR (ILA » O° tA) supper, dinner | evening 5 (44) (7 (3) 7 ] T 79 | | | | L —_| 4 (5)~ evening, last night 2&4 + Le <) supper, dinner #tH (ke NEL) Star Festival direction DIA -W *Y way, means (4) ‘ER | ~Hi(z%) how to ~ ~HA(S E+ >) c/o Mr. ~ SH (D4 + At) evening Wik (ES +15) a method noon t (4) J |e =| PHT(CS +A) morning, a.m. *F&(C +S) afternoon, p.m. E¥(L£49 +) high noon Lesson 10 wee ea | IA 20. how to read 21. how to write 22. how to hear mc m7 — rc (l4LJ Call) Oat & » bt 5 or 23. how to speak 24. how to eat 25. how to see, a viewpoint JL} LIS wh ee rk ih Lesson 10 HTLTLIL TATE Bs & Gt % TUTTLE Review L. 6—10 1. 45) (vL. Nouns) ©H FS 2 ob Bh me BOR cou: WD O&A TE tt eM wi & I. WSR (eL5 L, Adjectives) oak 8 Bw TI. 9 (£5, Verbs) 47 RK jt @ th B eR VM. FOth (ZK, Others) Ae Make sentences using the following Kanji. eg. HE AF AT > RFICKENMTS ETD. x Hi m OR gz & Bi 1. 3 t 2. 3. au a % a {E BT a We Lesson 10 (BEAORF] I. Fill in the blanks as in the following example. eg HY ( BAD ) + SOARED, LK ( )= 2. bs ( , > 3. H__( )- 4. Hw ¢ > 5. BC aa 6. Be )—- 7 BC ae 8 a ,- 9 mC y= 10. 1& ( Dns 1. #& ¢ )-> 12. ( )- Il. Write the ON’ reading of the following Kanji and make a word. eg & (6:3) — EE 1 #& ( ) 5. kK ( ) 2. H ( ) 6 a ( ) 3. B ) 7. ) = E 2 big Lesson 10 Il. Give an adjective of the opposite meaning. eg. 1. 2. 3. i fom 8 ' [FO RF] I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Hiragana. eg. HALT (PF-AET) & ( & __ ( R ( ) ) ) 10. _ me ___ ( a ( & ¥ ( Il. Complete sentences using the following Kanji as in the example. e #& bk F i wm & kK tt TF Re th RL Mm RR e.g. E-be RAEF lL FEE 5. MES 2. Be 6. KET 3. KEE 4. KES 8. KE Lesson 11 bene] aly kh 1}——————80i8 (Lectures on Kanji ) she Be - (the radicals - 1 -) Most Kanji are formed by more than two components. The followings are the ways the components are formed. I)~A (left) 2)2¢ D (right) 3) PA tH) (top) 4) & L (the bottom) 5) #24 (the upper left) 6)a (the enclosure) 7) ic £3 (lower left) —Jare where the components express the meaning of the Kanji. We call these components “Bushu (the radicals)”. The Kanji made from pictures (or their simplified forms) can be the radicals. @® human beings? A({) > & ++ A+ H-O- #1) + Be fe A 1 Kee @ nature H+ ks CY) + ee ee ID BR (1) life and tool: Hl + M+ #& + He f(A) @ animals and plants : 4 + FE () are simplified forms There are many radicals which can not be used as Kanji by themselves. LAL 5] Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. WA: A RW RA Ra KR 1) or 2): iff 6): 3) or 4) 46 De 5) t Lesson 11 1) \A (left ) Ck fa fe 1K) (fr & 8) (ik ith ie 7) The Kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is the largest of the seven groups. 4 =A = man 4 = step 5 =k = water Guess the meaning of the common components below. So Me MC P=A= ) A 2) 2¢ 4 (right) The components which carry the meanings can be located on the right. i r= = wi A= 2 = moon i Lesson 11 2-1, RFOBED (Kanji writings ) |-——— +R &ISABS (Basic Kanji) me Wa KALA aYas (>< FF) nore make 26-3 49 produce + (7) WUT HEME | 7 | i l tE(2<)% to make {EX (S ¢ + 4A) composition fei (& - OA) a piece of work ayye(t' » S) action WSS] swim BL-¢ x4 7. 1 ~ (8) PoP PLA arpa ry] rT | | | IK(BL)¢ to swim ARK(F vy + RW) swimming 112 “1h oil HED 2 J (8) coe oan Pb | | | | Sale Ld | | [| wh (565) oil | Ai CES +) petroleum Wie (3S + X) an oil painting Lesson 11 W3 VW5 116 WB (S% + ©) a liquor shop RF | a cALa avar (>< $5) sk | sea | 34% na ea (9) i ~ |e fs |v bee le lee le iP Erecbababel | 1 | | (5) the sea, the ocean HE (AV + Ah) oversea HASHE (I «A +20) the Japan Sea HK (+ FU) sea water rice wine Sit va liquor | (10) PG RCEC EARL | | | LTT | LTT (KU) liquor AAWI(I2 - (ZA + Law) Japanese wine PHB (£5 - Le) foreign liquors st wait | £-0 x4 17] hospitality | x6 (9) | 773 1 =-Te¥ elel zl OW ATT ea | | | Lt | #8 (Z)2 to wait $8B (25 © H+ LO) a waiting room WE(L2F TVITS to invite school a9 (10) — te tit | | BE (Do + = 5) a school BEE (I 4+ br 4) a school principal MBE (C4 +24 + +t) a high school student | Lesson 11 RS Wah CALA Aras (~< $4) W7 Bs time ba y ‘ hour (10) | 1 (np ip lem |a*|p+/p2|p2s 05) | + T | | fe(L&) time, when HEIL + A) one hour Woe (E + C) 4 o'clock * HERE (E + tvs) a watch, a clock we3 yy ay (7) |= |] | alo I | | BW) 4 to say *HR(C L + 12) language, a word SIA +=) language A(T + CA) a message lig}=+4) measure (ika-) a4 B (9) | ‘j> l= ke le bP le [e- e+ | | - |r fa |e lala I | | + | + | ee WEBL(L + IHU) a watch, a clock ALIME(ITus = <)F% to plan fi ET (72v. + BA + Fv) a thermometer | 120;=Zi] word (pts) x DO} language (14) —Wy suv ont ‘TEE | HAREH (Kc + (EA + C) Japanese language | SHB(AVY+ =) English *E(DO + BID) a story 121 Lesson 11 ay Va CALM ava (MSF) 7 ‘A cooked rice | OL WY BDU meal, food (a2) 7rEE BE SE -riesl 5 6 ee Ie a GhIBAl LILI bt z w c GA SF 10. time 11. a school 12. a watch Cobh to 235 ete Il. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. 4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock 4. 7:00 am. | LI & c = C AOL = HALLS Lesson 11 5.9230 pm. 6. one hour 7. what time zoos ¢ U oitaA Oh UPA uh ou 8. a primary school 9. a junior high school 10. a senior high school re re) Bos to 25 23°25 11. a school principal 12. composition 13. petroleum 23 B25 eC RA te © 14. swimming 15. Chinese language 16. linguistics=study of language | Te ae bei cK 5 WA mK 17. breakfast (colloquial — formal) SE HL bE tA HBeILES 18. lunch = rl = OS HL "OS iA SwIuss 19. supper — _ => | = =f lof l= = IZA HL A ILA Md ItA 5 Usd Lesson 11 j2loy hk 3-—————% 4 (Reading Material ) Read the following passage and guess who is who in the picture below. AILFRO EDR DEX YY TICRELE, MS ATED kD OBEP CHS, ROMEO KLE. ED. PASM CHEDE LIC. THDS, WELLISEVONELTW PRS ALE CIE E Lic. AVKBKAFE TTD 5. WAS ATER OME ELI, EL CHHE LE LIC, INS AIAOLIWE LI, ARC TETIT!Y EVWELE, y¥Y~F — acamp.camping ET first WEBEF to fry She S then LE3® soy sauce WHET to add EVI! Help ! T~ 5 £BWEF to say,” ~ wo OLY Cy SULLY OM UY GORI GKS Ae S GE Lotte Lesson 11 CEETD wea 4.1 (Games using Radicals) (1) Combine the components and make a Kanji. Ria 1. A+ a= Be (ea-7 ) 2. IK+ = ( ) 3. WK+ A= ( ) 4 f+#a ( ) s. &+KR= ( ) 6 Bt+h+O= ( ) 7 Ata ( ) 8 WtR+F = ( ) 9. IK + F= ( ) wo K+ h= ( ) (11) Select the appropriate component from the right-hand box. ° | “fS a aA bW A A 2. 5. ef £B ghz iF jt kh LE mA nk 0K pt ay 4 o SS [XS (ony Lesson 12 E8128 I a1=y kh 1 }————8 FOi4 (About Kanji) Be -2- PAG". HL (The Radicals -2- top, bottom) In some Kanji, the radical is the top component; in some, the radical is the bottom component. 3) PAD (top) Ge Rw) eR EE B) ( & &) These common radicals carry meanings as follows: ++ = grass "= roof /~= man Guess the meaning of the radical below. S88 (= 4) %L(bottom ) Lee (E 5h 5e) JU= man’s legs ey 6=0) AA = shell = money Guess the meaning of the following bottom components. Bb 6 — 108 — Lesson 12 t=y kh 2}——#+t BO (SAF (Basic Kanji) 2-1, BFOBED (Writing Kanji) R= Wd KALA avas (>< FF) 122| F7 | house, home aD L| residence (6) Ye [Pelee ee! | —| | | tt fj 4 (4% <) one’s home ES (U5 + 7% <) housing B@(U-+72<) my house MBS +7<)FS to go home 123/177 | guest | Far Be customer (9) ‘ [P? 7 |e le lee |e lee | | PCr 7 Re [|_| @(&*<) a guest, a customer RE (UF +e <) a passenger 124 ¥ room yy (9) = l ‘TT PPPEES | RE(&2F-LO) aclassroom SA(LO- 4) indoor WEFES (FA > FHF +L) an office, a seminar room — 109— Lesson 12 we] wa war tvas (3) 125] x7 | house | wa a IK 2 y (a0) Cl PP PESSE | rT iT rT | | im | L_| | | BW) a house AR(BB+) a landlord RIK GD ZS) a family [ T a ae 126| 4b | superb =f PA) (for England) (8) —]am at | | | P| } (Be BR | | tl } | | | | | | a [ot | Rv 56) England BUANBRAA (Rvs b+ b+ TA) SHB(RV-+ C) English language an English-Japanese dictionary 127) 5 medicine cto Vv? x | (16) * eee e Be | 3K Be | } | | K(< 4) medicine + ®) a chemist's shop | BRO CF) eye lotion *&2 4) a pharmacy 128 meeting association a (6) 2 PAE | | | | { &() 4 to meet Bit (av: Le) a company conversation —10— Lesson 12 ae Wa Chk a YES (FS) 129) | now log ay | 7 =| present (4) 7 INNA I [ | Aa TT an | Lit | 4(WE) now 4A(ZA+W'O) this month | 446(2 EL) this year *H (R25) today 130) Ff? | snow We 4 al | (1) l= | | | 1 { i | | | LI | | B(W&) snow | | HEM - CI) a snowy country 131| rg} cloud can vy Lz (12) | lll | | | | to] | H(<%) acloud | = = T i electricity Fy | | (13) | ; op i FP ¥) | y | | 1 | - pit Ltt 4 ACTA) BRA (TA + b) electricity, an electric light a telephone BM(CA+ Le) an electric train Sail Lesson 12 ae Vd KALH vas (@<+5) | 133 z sell 3-b A Je (7) —l+ T =F FIR oan | | | FE(3)B to sell Felg (IZV> + TA) a stand, a stall F€(F) 04412) a sales counter 2-2. H&NALW (Reading Exercises) 1. Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1.8 2.8 3.#&#S 4.8 5. Ke 6B 7. BF 1. 4H, Si. SAL I, SAL oe 2. KEOUAS OI SE BSILRMEDI ELT. 3. HORBLVO SRB CH, 4. FARES PSM CHA, BREOELS 5. WORT APSE ET. 6. WHSABRE=StHLAACTHHEt y ¥-ILFEN ELK. —12— Lesson 12 1. ROM CLFRORREE ICBO E LK 8. 4. KE CRIEDRMOT — TEM THIET. 2-3, BEHALwS (Writing Exercises) 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. ahouse 2. one’shome 3. aguest. = 4. aclassroom 5. now | 5 Cy] Ct ] B L. | L_| On né Bes e135 L9 be 6. tomeet 7. medicine 8. English 9. snow —10. a cloud 3 TT 4 | Lj? | i} LJ L_] % cro aw oo ox ca 11. a telephone 12. to sell | | e TA Ob 3 Il. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. today 2. this week 3. this month 4. this year f LI I LU | LI | HS ZA Led ZA WO = et —13— Lesson 12 5. England 6. an English person 7. conversation 8. a company | | | Fz Ed | | | | | J El on | tt é CA PL ob ely 10. eye lotion 11. to sell © to buy —_ — | 2 19 o» oto 3 » 12. rain 13. a snowy country ‘14. aneelectric light ‘15. an electric train | To ] & | | | ay ' bh TA OF TA Le 16. my house 17. to go home i |lo| |=al | oj |S=| ) F% bre WA wc RS DA DA ere 18. an office 19. aguest room 20. a stand ; nea |e | | ike WA ¥09 LD Be¢ lo ity TA 21. a family aR zs —114— | |Z id 17% UN UR® a= EC EES gm PS eg re we NEB NES he CBS ‘gl RL E CRS ie < tec (Ae AAS Die jt En a e2th ers eS 2 ( (A Postcard) ae wy Lasrgitc ad taws eS at, S TIT MT HERG T ATEN’ 8 ar Taessy ~ $7 | “ib | Re (ote BHA) ZR | Ibaraki Prefecture wt 2< itt (L) gw B ~ City z Zs | HMCED)3 TH 23H) 1 TL Takezono 3—1 Boyt | ~m (es) es . Mr., Mrs., Miss~ / | akiBi (ZomHeD) ass File) Hokkaido Ad Al B : A | eee \ i 9% | for the first time 4G.) ~mooBeSE ic {eG | a guest from ~ HGH) rem (L) ocva CZs 4a, to know well ree te | ~KESLS ERS A z C Sq, case one's regards to TU (someone) TEMPE COUR EBE ELEM CONSEOVA KE fil + TOKMEFE LET Mo + TONEED AME LELKD. » COMED 4 POOBRSECBVELEDY aa LE LEA —15— Lesson 12 —JLeoTHuE TD ICEETH Beeb 2 (Games using Radicals) I. Select the appropriate component from (_ ). — 2 . [= He A l tL} JIN (a. b.5b c. 8) (aA bee coi) (Cae ore) 4, 5. — 6. KK a L/IN] 8 (a.~ bom 6.7) (a4 bf ci) (a. b.A c.B) i 8. i S17 A e ey (aR be k oP) (a.A b.B c.B) (a8 b.O c.3) Il. Cambine top and bottom and make Kanji. Bottom: | MAL 2 3B 1S 5B eR 1D 1 9 We | —116— Lesson 13 I 2138 | a=y hk 1}———_##0# (Lectures on Kanji) kup BS3-—EN PEA — (the radicals — upper left, enclosure ) The meanings of some components are located on the upper left or on the en- closure. 5) ¢:4( upper left ) am ie - 0£ J& roof Ga FE J~ = sickness (B) f- = corpse (or crouched body) a CS 6) »£ (enclosure ) fe] Ge PAO) F'J= two doors ( (F A) = enclose ( is] Fl) = border In which location is the meaning component of the following Kanji? 1. % 2. tk 3. 8 4. 8 5. 6. ie 7.08 8. fé 9. 10. 8 11. & 12. B Lesson 13 a=yk2 2-1, RFONBEA (Kanji Writings) [B+ ERO &IZABE (Basic Kanji) #& - VA KALA FYaS (@< ti) 134 yo wide | va-w a9 ZN} spacious (5) N |e | Pcie | | | | IkK(US)W wide IEB(OS +L) Hiroshima | B(O%)% width (24 +24) an advertisement 135 JE shop det Fy (8) TT] T ] Pee ele) | | | | | | 1 (At) a shop HIE (L + TA) a book store REA(CTA +A) a store clerk AIE(IEA + TA) a main store 136| FEF | degree K KR frequency (9) T= t TIFF IR IF Be | (VS -&) once WE(GSA - &) temperature SB(CA+ ©) next time SRE(Z + &) speed 137 138 139 140 Lesson 13 RE Vide KALA AvaR (<3) J sick vad iA (10) ae | | rie ee aa | Lt | | I || | AERO 4+ &%) sickness Wbe(Uk 7+ \A) a hospital HHA(U 25 -12A) asick person SH | fatigue 2DP-nd & TK worn out (10) . ~> | | T T Dy a oP a BR PEt | (Om) NA to be tired | (Om) nh tiredness ig pain wit-w yy | 4 wit (12) Y Cr rr Fi JAA iA ta W(W72) > painful i (v7) t& to ache #5 (V>72) Bak (L)% a painkiller Bisti (3° +25) a headache roof, shop az house CEP IF RIA EAE B | | WAR (ic < + ©) a butcher AB (IZA +) a book shop BL(B< +024) the roof Lesson 13 141 142 143 144 ae vide KALA avas (@st) || country Kk az x (8) | JOA Fe BA(< (2) a country SABLA (89 2 + UA) a foreigner BIKE (CO < + YO+ ve+ AF<) a national university | | | turn £b-d na | round £b-t (6) + Innit | | | : | | | | H(£)+ to turn (v5 + Ae) once | H(#%)%_ to go round hea trouble 2a-3 ay (7) | FlAimiAl | | fA(C)4 to fall into trouble ARE(CA + %A)% difficult Fel open bo 06-6 at F bd (12) F F PY AAA FAFA BA (a) < BI(O6) <¢ to open to open Hale: BE (dur DY)FH to open a meeting *TA)F4 to open a store Lesson 13 me Wa KALa avaS (~< 435) 145 PAl| close L-33 a4 TA LbB/E-LS au It [FPP PPAPSPAPAPA | i | FA(L)¥4_ to close HiB(\v-+ ®ve) FS to close a meeting FA(E) US to close FA (Av + TA)FS to close a store 2-2. HAHALW (Reading Exercises) 1. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ys 2. Me 38. HE 4. MS 6. A 7. 8. RE 9. NS 10.05 11. WS 12. HHS 13. RE Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1.78. 8. 8H. WE. AB 2. ROWVICABE< SASVEF. 3. FOMORMUGEM & PM ERAT CHS. 4. RDO D 6, FEOLMH ICH 5. WEEAT ES ELADS, Aves. Lesson 13 6. COKARLAET, HEME OB. 7. RUNGE AHABCH. BATH H C, FREI E OES. 8. FHILRORBE THRE LEDS, RHEL. 9. BEKAT, BECHEVTSELK. 10. KEKAAAUAE TiS” EA. 2-3. BEhHALw4D (Writing Exercises) 1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. wide 2. painful 3. a shop 4. a country 5. to be tired [ [ ] | Je Eje ED ine DA Or at ck On 6. sickness 7. a book store 8. to be in trouble bo po Le TA BA © 10. to open L [a ne & & [ |2 Lk 11. to close | oS Il. Fill in the blanks wii ith an appropriate Kanji. 1. a butcher shop 2, a fish shop | ce oe © 4. achemist’s shop 5. | Lesson 13 3. a liquor shop | 2 cy a main store+— a branch store x ) _— F |b | FADS) oe = 5H| UED DA . bre ott rt 35 12. tiredness {ot [| jn Om 15. a foreigner a wey IC CA 13. to open the store DL TA 16. a foreign language | me oC 14. to close the store || |r% TA ab 17. Hiroshima B U4 — Lesson 13 1=y hk 3}———___#i4¥ (Reading Material ) BISEDIDLENT, BAM DOROT, BRITE LA. MBN EUAT LA. MIZE TAY ELK. BROKACRENS EGFHS, TORE MIEELK. Ch, MERME oTMHELKS MCI VATOBOMCKMSA (BOE Le. BRSAI, MI RRS NETL ERVELK. TOR Bld, LASADBEOK HV ELK MATORACHRERVELE. EL T. EDA OMISLALRFICMHAE LE *ENT. ~ to get tired and ~ ~or, because ~ =~m>5, bE (U2IWA) — a hospital we Ic ECB very Th But ~ a FAZoTHELL was closed 348A by chance RB (Pos <) a pharmacy YZ " ~ ; EBwEL* (someone) said,“ ~ * Z [=] [L26A] 1. COABROZLZLELKDS 2. LOALEOF EF LTHY ELEM 3. COABEDS LENE ELEM. 4, BEREICH V ETD. (a,b, eDENTHD.) 5. COARRBOW TERIA E Lit 6. KLHSADBEDZILIMAD YN ETD. 7, COKNSRB CHER E Led, fe LoTWETD Lesson 13 LI ttkgT al) BRE Which shop do we have to go in order to buy the items below? 1eeC 2. RAID 3. Bit 4. FA 5. E-w 8. BoltA 9. K&D 10. Fob l.wy yy 12.Lé 13. SLA 14.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. BA yeyvt— Yak Lesson 14 ares | a=y hk 1-———#08i (Lectures on Kanji) Le Ba 4—lo£5— (the radicals — lower left) Some meaning components are located in the lower left. 7) i £4 (lower left ) | &@ & # 2a ® L= walk, way FEB NF (iets v) (the meaning components + the sound components ) In some kanji a different component from the meaning component shows the ‘ON YOMI' (Chinese) reading of the kanji. RF FR +y om (a sun + Fy) 4% (F hand + 4y) Bw WE a +t4 WH (A sun + Hes) M (FF clear +4 conflict) Al tap KO 4] (A man + Fy ) ti (7 grass + Ty ) mK (al 4» + *K open mouth) Lesson 14 a=y kh 2}———#+@O&(ARF (Basic Kanji) 2-1. RFONBEA (Kanji writings) as Vide KALA tyvas (® air | recent (7) Tt Flt (6d) near (5) < near sEBH(¥A + Ur) the neighborhood 147 < far EB ay VR) remote (as) -[+/= *]¥/ 8 5] ¥ | ¥ eee (Ee) far (£8) ¢ far WE(AA+%<) a picnic 148 | > speedy Id-v> v2 (10) “|r ale Re | | | | 1 | | | | Ute) fast HE (< +O) express delivery HIE(Z< + &) speed Lesson 14 BS a AYES (KFS) | 149) \ slow F late (12) =1>)P] FIP ; i [PIPPI mie | | | | ()v» late, slow HH (S x6) FS to come late | 32(B<)nS to delay 190 35 | way as Ky 28 | street (12) TTT ETS ZZ SS | mL | _ | | | | | | | Ld (4%) away, a street SiH (Z - £3) a footpath, a sidewalk Ail (Tu + 23) waterworks HiB(Le +23) a roadway 151/ | blue baw £4 A (8) —\t+| ee ez | | * FF aa rT] 1 Pit | W(HB)V blue EGE A) a young man WES (HB - LA +5) agreen light 152| | fine ane a4 A | clear up a+ (a2) | |n |p fp |e [pt b* [b> oF pala be | | | | | ' | Baia) fine weather WER (rvs + TA) fine weather fR(IZ)HS to clear up Lesson 14 RE | ase CALm ayas ( | LF or é i $0 10. a way 11. to clear up 12. a temple m4 J 1 LI | [ne L] i aS TS Lesson 14 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a singer 2. the national anthem 3. hand luggage 1 » Le is » T c to 4. speed 5. a rich person 6. a sidewalk 7. a roadway | 5 a & rh i &35 Le €5 8. the neighborhood 9. near 10. far 11. a picnic = ] | |i [|< |< BA UE Sm te RA BS 12. fine weather 13. to come late 14. to delay R RWsts nha to TA B = a 15. one’s property 16. a young man 17. a quiet person { lo[ | | DE é tO th RA Lt Be Lesson 14 a1=y hk 3;}—————-%i4¥ (Reading Material ) BA: SEOLMAIREITS ES. VoL siesta Yt WwetHia., Th. HC ATAET OD. BARI WA, RC THED ECA, ARMOR ( HV BHAHS NEF, Bret wer crattsys. Yr) Meo TTAETD, BR: FACT. SBM COVSSAEI HO, BVH) EF, BOMERAW ISH TRT KBE, Y-! brnELre * RMU (D< IES A) Mt. Tsukuba cca a place Fo ttt< to take (something) E(B) heavy #¥oTRS to bring (something) [LOA] 1. PREARMVOMEIGAET AS 2. FREAIE ETTEETH. 3. FREALEI NATE ETDY 4, FLIEABL CATIA on . COLTER ETH. 6. BRSEALSRERIM tH. UTAETD, Lesson 14 AMDTWEST HY aL IUAN TAS £9 AR (2 31FS) ME (HAF) RR( E525) BAR (4 OK) SaB (2rP) RE (25) AR (BBED) HA (ISN) EB (0SL#) ALAM (REX OSLOS) site Lesson 15 Ko [ese | a=y hk 1}————8 #08 (Lectures on Kanji) CAWADAIO ATIBIROBL (Kanji for human relationships ) I. Personal pronouns Har a you (hearer) I (speaker) I. Family members 9-5 Be td Y 3 EE (Buh) ere (Btuth) | (g1FH2h) peeih BU ge 5% ak BU RR (BUA) (BEA) (BLA) | (Ho HIL) HUA) (IIL) YA e + oR 3E9L Wh 5u Ale (BIENSL) (BARI) & —135— Lesson 15 There are two ways of addressing family members. Words in Group 1 are used when a speaker refers to his own family and words in Group 2 are used when he refers to someone else’s family. But when one addresses his own father father mother elder brother elder sister younger brother younger sister husband wife child 1. Speaker's family 2(% 6) coatra>9) F(HAZ) EA(L MLA) R(Bot) RA (Div) B(OH) — 136 at home, he may use the word '333¢%A, in Group 2. 2. Another's family BK(EF)EA BEEPS) SA BRI) BA TEA(L BLA) B(BC)SA BH(I)SA Lesson 15 A=y kh 2}--——#+HBO&(sARF (Basic Kanji) . BFONBED (Kanji Writings ) RE Wade KALA ayas @) ae friend Le 29 (4) I |TBR B(E)=K(ER)KS a friend BA(@7+ CA) a friend BAB 5 - U4) friendship 19) 7 “ye ap father bb 7 (4) | | 1 | ] | | 1 | 1 4(%%) one’s own father #4 (55 +B”) male parent *BL(EF)SA father SCH (4 + 1E) parents 160 Z| mother Fara # (5) a ae | #(idit) one’s own mother HR (121d - 8) female parent *bH(dS) SA mother #26] (1+ <<) one’s motherland Lesson 15 Be adm KALH avas (w £\) sisters 163} > younger brother | BE5& 74 -F4 (7) ‘TPP EEz | | | (EF) one’s younger brother *3#F(C +L) a pupil, a disciple ¥#(L + T) sons, children 164 WHZE 4 | younger sister (8) Qik He He ee at he | ‘HBR HBF) +d) one’s younger sister sisters 165, 166 167 168 Lesson 15 EA(L + LA) [ me a Aka 47a (®KF5) K husband Bot I/79 (4) =|F/R_| | | | | | #(B5x) one’s husband ~#A(H* LA) Madam~, Mrs.~ FR (S 5 +) a married couple T | wife | o£ Ht (8) “FEF tte | H(OE) one's wife IH (S + EV) husband and wife ~RHE(H SO) Mr. & Mrs. ~ 4K he an (e) 4 PO- (8) 74 [a ler a a | [| | | | [TI OPH) he PN) S they BK(PO+ Ux) she T x chief, main Bee va | lord, owner val (5) I >] ‘|UUT FEL | | L i | a (8 6)% chief, main #(6) 52 (aL) an owner a master, one’s husband Lesson 15 Be ode KALa avas (<5) 169 deep, inside BS (+9) interior (12) TAL fara $A(<) deep inside $4(<) SA other's wife, madam = RH( < - & ¥) 2-2. HA&HAL & 3 (Reading Exercises) 1. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 13 2.8. 4 OS. . 7. BRS 8. 9. he 10. BREA 1. BREA 12. BREA 13. BHHSA 14, REA 15. CEA 16. KEK I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. WE SADREARHOROKKS CH. 2. RO BMSALKALETTH. 3. PISPRAT, PACS S RY SMO ET. 4. BRL REO TOET. an Lesson 15 5. EARRBMLDEOTH. 6. As FRRORL AM ToCH Et. 7. EDA OMR, thE BRC 3 OBC OVBLE LES 8. WIRE CRBC tag VLE LZ. TL asked Mr. and Mrs. Yamada. 2-3, BEHAL#S (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a friend 2. he 3. she 4. father [Jes [] (CL) LJ=sLJea te ph PO CE 5B “5 5. mother 6. elder brother 7. younger brother a) rq > [ | |=B JSa | l=e, [sa dit Dd bE rhe BEAL 8. elder sister 9. younger sister — — — el] JJ= BL SA bn per WEdk 10. husband ll. wife co TO cm =| | | =| LI=LI | LI=_Jéa Bok La CA 2 BC Lesson 15 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. brothers (and sisters) 2. parents 3. a married couple ~ I [ LT] > ze aA eS 4. sisters 5. guardians 6. a parents’ association | O-O00 t ! | i |= l | bo ED ab He > Fo pw b BO Pe 7. Mrs. Tanaka Ltt |= larzol jaa hk BP & LA ko Rp BS 8. Prof. Yamamoto's pupil 9. my father's friend ] | 1 | | ) | D | |D| | PE BE tA th t L BS 09 CA 10. main language 11. one’s homeland 12. one’s mother tongue ee * LjeL [| | LL Lesson 15 1=-y k 3}-———————ffi4#™ ( Reading Material ) "REBT FEW) You received several letters from Japanese students wanting a foreign pen friend. The picture below was enclosed in one of the letters. Read the letters and find whose picture that is. And also draw a family tree for each letter. See p. 135 for an example. Al | BUOELT. AMM F, AKLSETH. LE | HLRRLVOLEKTATHED., RUKEDLETT | PRISE T. FI AMAMESTH. MOF=ADUES CH. BREBIMoTCREVERAD HRB 2EOKOETH, BEML VOLK | FACET. LU ZEMIEC ROELA. SRE AARLILTOETM, ENFECTOS, BAEC | sAOLET. | (| Ci | CA Bids ECR BEAT, PROTAALT TIMES, RU KAKVSET PS, RICHER ELIZC DAA CH, RICHER (THA) EH ARVTH, LFFESALS ALEWPL (EA DA) EROWECH. MEIATH ACHES. Hill, KAELOCEAMHEVIRT, | COLELAEEN EL Ko COKAEMIF=AZOK HBCHA CRAMADEATFERLECAS | Lesson 15 [1 RDS 15 Re COMERS 24] 4: fT OR HE VE i: 7h We we ok B: BAG Be Ae AR Be aK AM KOE th i: A: OBR BR BE F: RL 1:47 BEB 4: Bi at ah af at a ttl
"FEE SE HE Tit 5 5G Sh “1 FRRSGES a: B A:B®FA o: a: £25 A: “RAE x: ele a: 4 <2¢> Ri Op GE ik ie BE Ki HK TK OF OB eo RP RR AF Poe came Aw As a mi: PY TAD BA BA FA Oo: f] & i: 8 of RE Lesson 15 TTT Ss Wa > TTT Review L. 11-15 Ni ih ch HK Fz te | R bE FS /|R OE AE Reet | ah ECE) () TA () S 2 2 Ok © KR RL HB We th BZ Bh EU BSA Ve FRY. FFs EV Ve GRY Ra ba Vi 5 8 kC HO B54 FS Hn HITS HOS de & HO MNS Ll. KELORFEZ SUBS, 1. COAT (1. 8Fat 24ST) RLU TH. 2. RESORTAAO (1.ih 2.98) EHAELT. 3. SO7RK (1B 2.9) EHIELL. 4, (LHR 25M) C SLEUTH. 5. FEOD (FR 2FB) OHECBOELK. 6. BARRO (1.9 2.HF) RAET. 7. BWSAIES (LK 2.46) bb, BOE. 8. COBSLVOS (LD 2.) TH. 9. FIAK 1.8 2.8) eaN ET. 10. (1.768 2.70) CHUMESMVOE LES Ll. (Lh 2.88) BED 2OETHS 2. MRIS SRK 2.98) ERNETH. Lesson 15 1. 0¥0 IFO DG EBC TANE EW, WOES HOES HEAT Bves OES HOSS HNIF BOIS BEF wT 1, ADDR CHAS ELK. 20 230e TET 3. Stops, EEE ELL&30 4, REL GPORVDS, ETS 5. 03-0 TK HB 6. KAVHME THETA. 7. ~ BR, HC SLAPS. ETS ELK. 8. HOBCEOAE THEFTS 9. FAECAD, 30 COW TKS Lesson 16 I ice | B=yru ees bu HENS -2- (Kanji for Adjectives - 2-) BR There are two types of adjectives in Japanese. One type ends with -\> (c.f. L8) and another type ends with -% when they modify nouns. The ~ 2 ending adjectives can be divided into five groups as follows. 1. Hiragana + % ANE EOE 2. Katakana + & AV—he NVA Voth (smart) (handsome) — (rich) 3. one Kanji+Hiragana+ % Hien base Wome ur + be 4. two Kanji + % Hee Woe wan the Wis USRe BOA voL FEe Ke Ak ARES 5. prefix + two Kanji t+ @ Be AI BEe a LATO bh UILD The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present affirmative: ifaC act quiet kind Present negative | MATLAN ELA RMTRHN EA (C*) (Ue) Past affirmative 1 Beet lr POITLAE Past negative RBONTLH) EAA (er) tLe Lesson 16 Adjective + Noun: #228 BOLE a quiet room a kind teacher HPCE EE BITRE Brkohie RY Ko hee BOCRE DOME BNC eM ees Adjective + Verb eka isi to speak quietly to teach kindly Adjective + Adjective: Ma-Ch3Sv> BOITPELY quiet and light kind and gentle yx You can make -% adjectives by adding -% to the English adjectives as follows. \v4+2s (handsome) % AY—b (smart) & YoF (rich) % FF97R (deluxe) & [hAL®5] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. Ea-Ft Ine erFe AAT We AMY He Lesson 16 aay kh 2}-————_&t rio élarre 2-1. BFONBEA (Kanji writings) ae] a Aka #yas (CF) 170| = | origin, souree be yy TU base wy (4) —|—!|=/= T IF \7U| | | | TATA + &)% healthy, fine JH (ASA + UO) New Year's Day 171) = spirit, mind * KU) air, atmosphere (6) 1 FlElelBle ] T ] ee | ZU | L | | | | | | | | | | ia E(% +4) a feeling UP(% +A) a mood, a state of mind RA(TA+ &) weather WR(K2 3+ %) sickness | 1 172 A have, possess | (4-4) ay | exist | (6) | | | Tr aa TT i | | | | | | | | \ 4(h)% to exist, to have HE(WF HW) % famous AI - 026) powerful BA (Le +5)F% to possess Lesson 16 ee | vad KALA aves (Pst) 173 | name, famous % a4 |_ members Rad (6) 7 | T 77 |\% Ale | | | |_| ZH (e+ EX) a name BEB (e+ o-*) Nagoya Zit(v»+ Lx) famous places 4:49 (V+ HO) special products 174|326| parent BR yy F. kinship Le-Lvy (a6) PrP - \w Ff riRA 727A a # ale | | | L #i(B*) a parent RB(5H + BL) father B(L2) LU intimate, friendly BLA +2) % kind 175 cut, end | &-3/%o- “yy t7) moderate (4) - | y 7 { ie eden LTT ET | | | | rT I J i l | | wia)e to cut WF(So+T) a postage stamp | 4 (So +H) a ticket KM (720s + ED) % important 1 7 ee current, traffic | £L-9 “ay | convenience | ey (9) Y- yr yaya ye Hearne arrel | LT | Li {itt | M(t £)) a letter, news {BFI(SA +) % convenient MARCIA + <5 +A) airmail (BRISA Ut) a toilet 77 178 179 Lesson 16 RE vide KALH YAR (<< $5) || profit (a4) y | F J] proficient (7) > 2 14 Z z PERE ERA FERI(O7E) + &)& left-handed HFI(®5 + 0)%& advantageous AIF () +L) interest AI() - £45)F4 to use un-, in- I/T- A not (4) 710 | | | | | | LL Litt | AH (4 + SA) % inconvenient WE(S + FA)% unlucky | AE(H + Z<)FB to lack of ABD (b+ LA +29) % unkind AH | young bie (Yx7) A (8) = at fae] TRAE! | | | | | | HGH)» young % (bd) & youthfulness 8B (bm+ $0) a young man early fdP-v vo (6) Vy yaye (ele) | | LL Hide) early #(1s%) < early, soon (25-525) early morning Lesson 16 181 wae KALA HAS (@< FF) ype busy WEA LV RY (6) PPR | (HFA LY busy at (%+1¥5)% very busy 2-2. RANALWD (Reading Exercises ) IG I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. 2A 3. By 4. M5. IL 6. TREBOF 7. MOG 8. FACES 9. GAH 10. MERE Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. COEOBMILATTH A. 2. HELIER CER EKAL LEAD, SRD LADO THES RATA STL G6 3. FHPRBSPS ODS, LOCH. 4. BHBORBRT -—FOMHNMIAE LK HOMSETOBITLIEDW Lesson 16 5, COMB ALARMS ET, This song is popular among young people. 6. ARC BST, MPRECANTSELAD I got up early in the morning and went to the quiet place. 7. CDENVRODFILBOKDE LOCH. These pretty stamps are pre- cious things for my younger brother. 8. AOR CHA, KEP SRDS, PLEETH. 9. RORLRE RBIS, EEC TLATT. 2-3. BEHALW4 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. healthy 2. famous 3. kind 4. unkind [je [7] lel Tiel 7 7 le LT] ee LU s WA ® 5 HY LA #9 & LA #9 5. convenient 6. inconvenient 7. young 8. busy Ll je Li je [Je Liu RA 0 bd KA be Dea 9. early 10. sickness 11. Nagoya 12. one’s name [ve 4 he VED & cai mw OBA

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