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Getting Ready for Common
Core Standards
Write the equation of each line in slope-intercept for
The topics described in the Standards for Mathematical Content will vary from year to year.
However, the way in which you learn, study, and think about mathematics will not. The
Standards for Mathematical Practice describe skills1. slope
that you willisuse
4 and
in allcontains (3,courses.
of your math 6) 2.
These pages show some features of your book that will help you gain these skills and use them
to master this year’s topics.

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MP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in equation
Write the solving them.
of each line in point-slope form.
Mathematically proficient students
start by explaining to themselves Explain 3 3.Modeling is -1a and
slope Using contains
Function Graph (2, 7) 4.
the meaning of a problem… The domain of a real-world situation may have to be limited in order to have reasonable answers. Only nonnegative
They analyze givens, constraints, numbers can be used to represent quantities such as time, distance, and the number of people. When both the domain
and the range of a function are limited to nonnegative values, the function is graphed only in Quadrant I.
relationships, and goals. They make The Mid-Atlantic Ridge separates the North and South American Plates from
conjectures about the form… of the Eurasian and African Plates. The function y = 2.5x relates the number of
centimeters y the Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreads after x years. Graph the function and
the solution and plan a solution
Write the equation of each line in standard form. (L
use the graph to estimate how many centimeters the Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreads
in 4.5 years.
Analyze Information
5. slope is 3 and contains (1, 6)
Identify the important information:
• The function describes how many centimeters the
DO NOT EDIT--Changes must
Ridge spreads after be made
years. through "File info"
Formulate a Plan
Problem-solving examples and exercises lead students through
use 7.steps.
Describe a y.series
values of x and Use a graphof transformations
to find the value of of the graph of
when x is .
g(x) = -x + 6. (Lesson 6.4)
Choose several values of x that are in the domain of the function to find values of y.
MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
x y = 2.5x (x, y) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Mathematically proficient 0
8. ( Compare
y = 2.5 ) = 10 ( , 0domain
the ) and range
y of f(x) = -3x + 5

students… bring two

(2, Order
H.O.T. Focus
y = 2.5 (2) =on Higher Thinking
Spread of Ridge (cm)

2 16
complementary abilities to bear 14

( ) = 10 ( , 10)
on problems…: the ability to 4 y = 2.5 10
23. Explain the Error Student A and student B were given t
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decontextualize—to abstract a
the( value )ofTASK

x = 1. Student
y = 2.5(5) =
ƒ(x) when
askedMODULE to findPERFORMANCE A gave
5, 4
given situation and represent it 2
symbolically… and the ability to
student Who B gave Wins
anof theanswer the ofthe-2.
Plot the points that represent the ordered pairs on the graph.
Draw a through all points because Race?
0 2 is4 incorrect?
6 8 Explain
contextualize, to pause… in order points appear to form a .
Time (yr)

to probe into the referents for the Use the graph to estimate the y-value when x is 4.5. y
symbols involved. Jamal and Kendra arecentimeters
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreads about running after 4.5in a 826.2-mile marathon
on Higher
and Evaluate times Thinking exercises in every lesson and
in the table as shown, while Kendra’s friend u
Performance Tasks in every unit require you to use logical reasoning,
represent progress.
years increases,
If both
The distance of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge spread
so thesymbolically,
graph is reasonable.use
mathematical continue
as the number of
x is between 4 and 5, models
y is
toat the same average
between finish
and state your line
andanswersfirst? How
in terms ofmuch
. Since 4.5 isabetween
problem 4longer
and 5, it is will it take for the o
reasonable to estimate y to be when x is 4.5.

-8 -4 4 8
Algebra 2
Your Turn
Module 3
1 Getting Ready for CC
Jamal’s Race 141 Lesson 4

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A1_MNLESE368170_U2M03L4.indd 141
(mi) (min) 3/27/14 9:08 AM
When would representing a linear function by a graph be more helpful than by a table?
the other. However, individual preferences may v
MP.3 Construct viable arguments and critiquebecause
equations the reasoning of others.
of the arithmetic involved, fo
Mathematically proficient
8. When would representing
different forms of linear equations.
a linear function by a table be more helpful than by a graph?

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students… justify their
conclusions, [and]…
5. What is the meaning of the y-intercepts for the functions A(t) and D(t) in Exampl
distinguish correct…
reasoning from that which
is flawed. Your Turn
9. Essential Question-Check-In How can you compare a linear function represented in a table to one
represented as a graph? Write an equation in standard form for each line.
evaluate Turn is -2,
statements, explain (
-7, -10
relationships, )
Essential Question Check-in and Reflect in every lesson ask you to
4. YourSlope and is on theprinciples,
apply mathematical line. 5.

( ))
make conjectures, construct arguments, and justify your reasoning.
6. y-
An (
experiment )
= -2 the heights (
x - of-7 two plants over time. A
plant was 5 cm tall at the beginning of the experiment and grew
2x + each y =day.
0.3 centimeters The function ƒ (t) represents the height

Height (cm)
MP.4 Model with mathematics. of the plant (in centimeters) after t days. The graph shows the
height of the second plant, g (t) (in centimeters), as a function of 5
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be made through
nKey=NL-A;CA-Astudents can apply…
"File info"
Module 6
Explain 2
time t (in days).
Creating Linear Equati
286 g(t) and compare it to the rate of change
Find the rate of change Lesson 5
(0, 5

mathematics… to…
problems… in everyday life,
for ƒ (t). Form Given Two Points 2
society, and the workplace.
2 0
19. Construction Zach is building a new shed shaped
A1_MNLESE368170_U3M06L5.indd 286
You can use two points on a line to create an equation of the lin
like a square prism. He wants the
height of the shed to be 2 feet less than the length and width. If he needs the volume to

be as close as possible to 3174 ft 3, what should the length be? Round to the nearest foot.
x x 2-2x 2
Example 2 Write an equation in standard form for eac

 (
Elaborate -1 and )
and (
0, 4 are ) on the line. (
20. State whether each polynomial is also a monomial.
examples mathematical modeling apply mathematics to
other disciplines and real-world contexts such as science and business.

When would representing a linear function by a graph be more helpful than by a t
a. x Yes No
b. a + 2a + b
2 b c
Find No
the slope using the given points. F
c. x + 4x
3 3
Yes No y - y 4 - (-1) _
m= _ = _ =5
2 1
d. y MP.5 Use appropriate tools strategically. Yes No
e. xyz + txy + tyz + txz Yes No
x 2 x 1 0 - (-2) 2
Mathematically proficient m
21. Drawstudents
the algebraconsider
tiles that model
the the factors in the multiplication Substitute
shown. Then the slope and the coordinates of
determine the simplified product. 8. When would representing a linear function by a table be more helpful than by a g
available tools when solving
either of the given points in the point-slope
a… problem… [and] are…
form. S
able to use technological
tools to explore and deepen o
their understanding… y - y 1 = m(x - x 1)
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9. Essential Question-Check-In
y - 4 = 5 (x - 0) How can you compare a linear function represen
H.O.T. Focus on Higher Order Thinking represented as a graph?
2 y
22. Critical Thinking When finding the product of a monomial and a binomial,
how is the degree of the product related to the degree of the monomial and the 5
4 = inxlessons use concrete and technological tools, such
Exploration Activities
degree of the binomial?
as manipulatives or graphing 2 calculators, to explore mathematical concepts. O
Rewrite in standard form.
Harcourt Publishing Company

and x + 52x +
23. Explain the Error Sandy says that the product of x Algebra 21 Getting Ready for CC
2 3 2
is x + 5x + x . Explain the error that Sandy made.
6 4 2
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Mifflin Harcourt =Company
5x - 2y = -8
f(t) Yes

Attend to precision.
B Simplify. C Rewrite the right hand side D S
as a power of 2.
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Mathematically proficient CorrectionKey=NL-A;CA-A
(2) = (2)

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students… communicate
1. Communicate Mathematical Ideas What are the limitations on theDO
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precisely… with others and in
their own reasoning… [They] Reflect
give carefully formulated Name Class Date
3. Discussion The last step of the solution process seems to imply that if b x =
19. A book club charges a Module 15 fee
membership allofvalues thenb?
$20 and of Justify
$12 for eachyour answer.
book purchased. 694
21.2 Solving Equations by Factoring
a. Write a function to represent the cost y of membership in the club based on the

2, we+ + 3c(2) = 96 algebraically. Finish solving for x.

number of books purchased x.
4. In Reflect x bxto solve
Precision refers not only to the correctness of calculations but also to
b. Write a second function to represent the cost of membership if the club raises its

to $30. use of mathematical
A1_MNLESE368187_U6M15L3.indd 694
language and symbols. Communicate
Essential Question: How can you use factoring to solve quadratic equations in standard form
Mathematical Ideas exercisesforand whichDiscussion
a ≠ 1? question help you learn and
c. Describe the relationship between the functions from parts A and B.
use the language of math to communicate mathematics precisely.

20. Match each effect on a graph with the appropriate change in m. The steepness of a line refers to the absolute
value of its slope. The greater the absolute
value of the slope, the steeper the line. Complete the table to Factoring ax + bx + c When c > 0
summarize, in terms of steepness, the effect of changing the value of m on the graph of ƒ(x) = mx.
Look for and make use of structure.
MP.7   When you factor a quadratic expression in standard form (ax2 + bx + c), you are looking for two bin
a constant numerical
Graph offactor
f(x) =whose
mx product is the original quadratic expression.
Mathematically proficient How the Value of m Changes on the

students… look closely A. Increase m when m > 1. Recall that the product of twosteeper.
Graph becomes binomials is found by applying the Distributive Property, abbreviated
B. Decrease m when 0 < m < 1.
as FOIL:
to discern a pattern or Graph becomes less steep.

structure… They can also C. Decrease m when m < -1. ( 2x + 5)becomes

Graph (3x + 2)steeper.
= 6x 2 + 4x + 15x + 10 = 6x 2 + 19x + 10
DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be Module
made through16“File info” 740 DO NOT EDIT--Changes m
step back for an overview and D. Increase m when 0 > m > -1.
Graph becomes less steep. O I L
shift perspectives. F The sum of the coefficients of the first terms is a.
⎬ The sum of the coefficients of the outer and inner products is b.
tableson Higher
shows Order
the two Thinking
A1_MNLESE368187_U6M16L1 740
L The product of the last terms is c.
3, 5, 7,A
21. Explain the Error ...student is asked to explain3,what
6, 12,happens
... with each of the parameters for the
Term situation.
following Number Term Because Term
the aNumber
and c Term result from a single product of terms from the binomials, the coeffic
Throughout the lessons, you will observe regularity in mathematical
1 3 1 3
It costs a player $20 up front binomial
to factors league
join a basketball will beand
a combination
then $5 a weekoftothe factors
play. If of a and c. The trick is to find the combination
2 structures 5 in order to make 2 generalizations
6 and make connections
results to
the cost to join the league is reduced in$19
correct of b.
value fee
the weekly increases to $6 a week,
3 between 7related problems. 3 For example,
12 you can see the same structure
what will happen to the function of the
Follow graph?
the steps to factor the quadratic 4x 2 - 26x + 42.
4 9
used when learning to 4multiply binomials
and factor trinomials.

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The student5 says that the graph
11 will shift up because
5 48 of b has increased and
the value
then the graph will become less steepFirst, factor
because out the
the value of mlargest A
common factor of 4, 26, and 42 if it is anything other than 1.
has decreased.
DO NOTdifference
EDIT--Changes must be madeisthrough
5 - 3 = 2.“File info”
A The
Explain common
what the student hasd done
of the incorrectly.
6 =
4x 2 + 26x + 42 = (2x 2 + 13xratio
The common
+ 21)
r of the geometric
sequence is _ .

Look for and express

MP.8   regularity B inNext, repeated
list the factorreasoning.
pairs of 2:
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B Complete the table. Find the differences of successive terms.

Mathematically proficient Arithmetic: 3, 5, 7, ...
Term Number Name
Term Difference Class Date
students… look both for
C3 List the factor pairs of 21:
15.1 Understanding Geometric
1 —
general methods and for
2 5 5-3=
shortcuts… [and] maintain
oversight of the process, while
Sequences 7-5=
Make a table listing the combinations of the factors of a and c, and find the value of b that
attending to the details. 4
Question: summing
the of
are the terms outer and inner
a geometric products
sequence of
related? the factors.
5 11 11 - 9 =Factors of 2 Factors of 21 Outer + inner
Module 6 1 and 2
278 1 and 21 (1)(421) + (2)(1) = 23
Geometric: 3,Explore
6, 12, ... 1 Exploring Growth Patterns of Geometric
Term Number Term Difference
1 and 2 Sequences and 7
1 3 —
The sequence 3, 6, 12, 24,148,
and 2 a geometric sequence.7Inand
… is a geometric
3 sequence, the ratio of successive terms is
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A1_MNLESE368170_U3M06L4 278 3/20/14 1:14 PM

2 constant.
6 - 3 = ratio is called the common ratio, often represented by r.
The 6constant
Examples in your book group similar
1 and 2 types of problems
and 1 together to allow
3 12 -
12 Complete 6 = division.
you to look A
for patterns each
and make generalizations.
4 6
24 _= 12 =
24 - 12 =_ 24 =
_ 48 =
3 21 6 12 24 997
48 - 24 =
Algebra 2  3
5 48
B  Getting Ready
The common fortheCC
ratio r for sequence is .
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Use the common ratio you found to identify the next term in the geometric sequence.
A1_MNLESE368187_U9M21L2.indd 997
The next term is 48 · = .

Explain how the definition of the What It Means to You

meaning of rational exponents
The denominator of a rational exponent tells you the value of the root,
follows from extending the
and the numerator is the exponent of the radicand.
properties of integer exponents
to those values, allowing for a EXAMPLE N-RN.A.1
notation for radicals in terms of
rational exponents.
Radicand Root Exponent
__ _
74 =√ 73

Key Vocabulary
By the properties of exponents, an exponent raised to another exponent
radical (radical)
should leave the base the same, and the exponents should be multiplied.
An indicated root of a quantity.
radicand (radicando) ( 7__34 )4 = 7( __43 )4 = 73
The expression under a radical
sign. So, by the same property, the following is also true.
√ 7 = 73
4 3


Rewrite expressions involving What It Means to You

radicals and rational exponents
You can rewrite radical expressions using rational exponents. This lets
using the properties of
you use the properties of exponents to simplify radical expressions.
Key Vocabulary _ _ 3
__ 5
__ _
√ 103 ⋅ √105 = 104 ⋅ 104
4 4 m
√ a = an
n m

radical (radical)
An indicated root of a quantity. = 10 4 Product of powers
rational exponent (exponente
racional) = 102 Simplify.
An exponent that can be
m such that if m = 100
expressed as __
and n are
_ m
b n =√ bm = (√ b ) .
__ n n

Algebra 2 4 Getting Ready for CC

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Define appropriate quantities What It Means to You

for the purpose of descriptive
Identifying the appropriate independent and dependent variables can
help you understand how to model a problem situation.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE N-Q.A.2
dependent variable (variable The table gives the amount of daylight, in hours and minutes, in Chicago
dependiente) on the first day of every month. Determine the necessary quantities to
The output of a function; use as the independent and dependent variables in order to graph the
a variable whose value depends information.
on the value of the input, or
independent variable.
Day Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 June 1
variable (variable Amount of 9:12 10:03 11:15 12:43 14:02 15:01
The input of a function;
a variable whose value Day July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1
determines the value of the
Amount of 15:10 14:24 13:08 11:45 10:22 9:22
output, or dependent variable.

The independent variable in this situation is time, given as calendar

dates. The dependent variable is the amount of daylight, measured in
hours and minutes.

In order to properly graph the situation, the independent variable would

need to be converted to the number of days since the beginning of the
year, and the dependent variable would need to be converted to decimal

Algebra 2 5 Getting Ready for CC

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Know there is a complex What It Means to You

number i such that i2 = –1, and
Quadratic equations without real solutions have imaginary solutions.
every complex number has the
You can use the properties of i to find and simplify these solutions.
form a + bi with a and b real.
Key Vocabulary Solve the quadratic equation by taking square roots. Allow for imaginary
complex number (número solutions.
Any number that can be written x2 + 12 = 0
as a + bi, where a and b are real
numbers and i = -1 .

x2 = -12 Subtract 12 from both sides.
quadratic equation (ecuación x= ±√-12 Definition of square root
cuadrática) _
An equation that can be x = ±√4(-3) Factor.
written in the form _
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and
x= ±2√-3 Take the square root of 4.
_ _
c are real numbers and a ≠ 0. x = ±2√-1 √3 Product property
x=± 2i√3 Simplify.


Use the relation i2 = -1 and the What It Means to You

commutative, associative, and
Whole numbers, integers, real numbers, and imaginary numbers are
distributive properties to add,
all members of a larger set called the complex numbers. You can use
subtract, and multiply complex
the same properties of operations with all of them.
Key Vocabulary (4 + i)(3 - 2i)
complex number (número
complejo) = 4(3 - 2i) + i(3 - 2i) Distributive property
Any number that can be written
as a + bi, where a and b are real
= 12 - 8i + 3i - 2i2 Multiply.
numbers and i = -1 .

= 12 - 8i + 3i + 2 i2 = -1

= (12 + 2) + (-8i + 3i) Associative and commutative properties

= 14 - 5i Add real parts and imaginary parts.

Algebra 2 6 Getting Ready for CC

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Solve quadratic equations What It Means to You

with real coefficients that have
You can use the process of completing the square or the Quadratic
complex solutions.
Formula to solve equations with real or complex solutions.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE N-CN.C.7
completing the square Solve the equation by completing the square. State whether the
(completar el cuadrado) solutions are real or non-real.
A process used to form a
perfect-square trinomial. To 3x2 + 9x - 6 = 0
complete the square of x2 + bx,
( )
add __b 2.
x2 + 3x = 2 Write the equation in form x2+ bx = c.
Quadratic Formula (fórmula
( ) ( )
b = 3, __b 2= __
3 2 = __
b 2.
Identify b and find __
2 ( )
9 9
( )
b 2
The formula__ x + 3x + = 2 +
2 __ __ Add __ to both sides of the equation.
4 4 2
-b ± √ b2 - 4ac which
x = ______________
( )
3 = ___17
2a x + __ Simplify.
gives solutions, or roots, 2 4
of equations in the form 3 = ± ___
x + __ 17 Take the square root of both sides.
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and
2 4 _
-3 + √ 17
c are real numbers and a ≠ 0. When solved for x, there are two real solutions: and
_ 2
-3 - √ 17 .
Solve the equation by using the Quadratic Formula.

-5x2 - 2x - 8 = 0

x = -b ± √b2 - 4ac
______________ Quadratic Formula
-(-2) ± √(-2)2 - 4(-5)(-8)
x = _________________________ Substitute.
_ _
2 ± √-156 = ________
x = __________ 1 ± i√39 Simplify.
-10 -5

Algebra 2 7 Getting Ready for CC

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(+) Extend polynomial identities What It Means to You

to the complex numbers.
The rules that apply to factoring polynomials can be extended
to include factors with complex coefficients. For example, when
Key Vocabulary
factoring a difference of two squares.
difference of two
squares (diferencia de dos EXAMPLE N-CN.C.8
cuadrados) Factor 4x2 + 9 using polynomial identities.
A polynomial of the form
a2 - b2, which may be written as 4x2 + 9 Write the expression.
the product (a + b)(a - b).
4x2 - 9i2 Rewrite as a difference of two squares.
polynomial identity (identidad
de polinomios) (2x + 3i)(2x - 3i) Use the properties of complex numbers to factor.
A mathematical relationship
equating one polynomial So, 4x2 + 9 can be factored as (2x + 3i)(2x - 3i).
quantity to another.


(+) Know the Fundamental What It Means to You

Theorem of Algebra; show
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra leads to the result that the
that it is true for quadratic
degree of a polynomial function indicates the number of zeros. More
generally, as with quadratic functions, zeros may be repeated or
complex. Real zeros indicate x-intercepts of the graph.
Key Vocabulary
Fundamental Theorem EXAMPLE N-CN.C.9
of Algebra (teorema The graph shows f(x) = x4 + x3 + 2x2 + 4x - 8. Describe the nature of
fundamental del álgebra) its zeros if it has no repeated zeros and there are no other x-intercepts
Every polynomial function of other than those that appear in the graphing calculator window.
degree n ≥ 1 has at least one
zero, where a zero may be a 10

complex number.
quadratic polynomial -10 10
(polinomio cuadrático)
A polynomial of degree 2.

There are two x-intercepts, so you know that f(x) has two real zeros.
Because the degree of f(x) is 4, there must be 4 zeros in all. So, f(x) also
must have two complex zeros that are complex conjugates.

Algebra 2 8 Getting Ready for CC

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Interpret parts of an expression, What It Means to You

such as terms, factors, and
In an expression that models a real-world context, the different parts
of the expression represent different aspects of the situation.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE A-SSE-A.1a
term of an expression (término The expression below represents the height in feet of a firework t seconds
de una expresión) after being fired.
The parts of the expression that
are added or subtracted. -16t2 + 200t + 6
factor (factor) quadratic term linear term constant term
A number or expression that is
multiplied by another number
The terms each represent different aspects of the model, which all affect
or expression to get a product.
the height of the firework at time t.
coefficient (coeficiente) –16t2: This accounts for the effect of Earth’s gravity on the height of the
A number that is multiplied by a firework over time.
200t: This is the effect of the velocity at which the firework was shot
over time.

6: This is the effect of the height at which the firework was fired.

Algebra 2 9 Getting Ready for CC

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Interpret complicated What It Means to You

expressions by viewing one or
You can recognize when an expression fits a certain pattern based on
more of their parts as a single
the structure of its parts.
entity. For example, interpret
P(1+r)n as the product of P and a EXAMPLE A-SSE-A.1b
factor not depending on P.
Factor by Grouping
Key Vocabulary 3x2 + 6x + 5x + 10
expression (expresión)
A mathematical phrase that = 3x(x) + 3x(2) + 5(x) + 5(2) Factor each pair of terms separately.
contains operations, numbers,
= 3x(x + 2) + 5(x + 2) Use the distributive property.
and/or variables.
= (3x + 5)(x + 2) Use the distributive property again.

Factor a Perfect-Square Trinomial
A square quilt is made up of squares sewn together in a grid pattern with
a one-foot border on all sides. The side length of each square is x feet.
The area in square feet is given by the expression 100x2 + 40x + 4. Write
an expression for the side length of the quilt.

Area of square = Side length squared

Factor: 100x2 + 40x + 4 = (10x + 2)2

The side length in feet is given by the expression 10x + 2.

Algebra 2 10 Getting Ready for CC

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Use the structure of an What It Means to You

expression to identify ways to
To factor expressions, you rewrite them as a product of two or more
rewrite it.
expressions. Being able to recognize patterns will help you decide the
method to use.
Key Vocabulary
expression (expresión) EXAMPLE A-SSE.A.2
A mathematical phrase that Factor x2 + 7x + 6.
contains operations, numbers,
and/or variables. The algebra tiles below show that x2 + 7x + 6 = (x + 1)(x + 6).



Factor 6x2 - 11x + 3.

6x2 - 11x + 3

6x · x or 3x · 2x 1·3

Guess and check:

(6x - 1)(x - 3) = 6x2 - 18x - x + 3

= 6x2 - 19x + 3 no

(3x -1)(2x - 3) = 6x2 - 9x - 2x + 3

= 6x2 - 11x + 3 YES!

Factor x2 - 49.

Use the difference of two squares pattern:

a2 - b2 = (a + b)(a - b)

x2 - 49 = (x + 7)(x - 7)

Algebra 2 11 Getting Ready for CC

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Use the properties of exponents What It Means to You

to transform expressions for
You can use the properties of exponents to transform an exponential
exponential functions.
function to meet new conditions.

The interest on an investment is 8% annually. For every dollar of initial
investment, the function P(t) = (1.08)t gives the amount in the account
after t years.

Suppose the interest is compounded quarterly instead of annually. What

expression represents the amount in the account after t years?

P(t) = (1.08)t Amount with annual interest

= (1 + 0.08)t Rewrite the base.

( )
Q(t) = 1 + ____ Amount each quarter with quarterly compounding
( )
0.08 4t
= 1+ ____ Amount each year
= (1 + 0.02)4t Simplify.

= (1.02)4t Add.


Derive the formula for the sum What It Means to You

of a finite geometric series
A series is a sum of terms of a sequence. The series that correspond
(when the common ratio is
to arithmetic and geometric sequences have simple formulas for any
not 1), and use the formula to
number of n of terms.
solve problems.
Key Vocabulary Consider the geometric sequence an = 2n-1: 1, 2, 4, 8,... This sequence
geometric series (serie has the common ratio r = 2. Use the formula below to find the sum of
geométrica) the first 9 terms, or S9 = 1 + 2 + 4 + … + 256.

( ) ( )
The indicated sum of the terms
of a geometric sequence.
- rn , so S = 1 ______
Sn = a1 1______ 1 - 29 = 511
1-r 9 1-2
summation notation (notación
The sum of the first 9 terms of the sequence can be written
de sumatoria) 9
A method of notating the sum  2n-1 = 511.
of a series using the Greek letter n= 1
 (capital sigma).

Algebra 2 12 Getting Ready for CC

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Understand that polynomials What It Means to You

form a system analogous to
When you add, subtract, or multiply two integers, the result is always
the integers, namely, they are
another integer. The same is true for polynomials. The sum, difference,
closed under the operations
or product of two polynomials is always a polynomial.
of addition, subtraction, and
multiplication; add, subtract, EXAMPLE A-APR.A.1
and multiply polynomials. The FOIL method of multiplying two binomials uses the Distributive
Property. The letters stand for the First, Outer, Inner, and Last terms of
Key Vocabulary the product.
polynomial (polinomio)
A monomial or a sum or (x + 3)(x + 2) = x2 + 2x + 3x + 6
difference of monomials.
closure (cerradura) F O I L
A set of numbers is said to be
closed, or have closure, under Adding the like terms 2x and 3x gives the final result:
a given operation if the result (x + 3)(x + 2) = x2 + 5x + 6
of the operation on any two
numbers in the set is also in
the set.


Know and apply the Remainder What It Means to You

Theorem: For a polynomial p(x)
You can use the Remainder Theorem to find factors of polynomials.
and a number a, the remainder
on division by x - a is p(a), so EXAMPLE A-APR.B.2
p(a) = 0 if and only if (x - a) is a To check whether (x - 2) is a factor of P(x) = x3 - 19x + 30, find the
factor of p(x). value of P(2). If P(2) = 0, then (x - 2) is a factor of P by the Remainder
Theorem. You can substitute as shown below, or use the shortcut method
of synthetic substitution.

P(x) = x3 - 19x + 30

P(2) = 23 - 19(2) + 30 Substitute.

P(2) = 8 - 38 + 30 Simplify.

P(2) = 0

Because P(2) = 0, (x - 2) is a factor of P.

You can divide x3 - 19x + 30 by (x - 2) to check that (x - 2) is a factor,

using either long division or synthetic division. You will find that
- 19x + 30
= x2 + 2x - 15, which factors to (x + 5)(x - 3).

So P(x) = x3 - 19x + 30 = (x - 2)(x + 5)(x - 3).

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Identify zeros of polynomials What It Means to You

when suitable factorizations
Factoring polynomials and finding their zeros can help draw a rough
are available, and use the zeros
sketch of the graph that models the polynomial.
to construct a rough graph of
the function defined by the EXAMPLE A-APR.B.3
polynomial. Factor the expression x3 - 4x2 - 9x + 36, then use the factors to sketch
a graph of the function y = x3 - 4x2 - 9x + 36.
Key Vocabulary
polynomial function (función x3 - 4x2 - 9x + 36 Write the expression.
polinomial) (x3 - 4x2) - (9x - 36) Separate into two binomials.
A function whose rule is a
polynomial. x2(x - 4) - 9(x - 4) Factor the GCF out of each binomial.
zero of a function (cero de una (x - 9)(x - 4)
For the function f, any number x
x - 9 = 0, x - 4 = 0
Set each expression equal to zero.
such that f(x) = 0. x = ±3, x = 4 Solve for x.
Sketch the polynomial by finding other ordered pairs and connecting the
points with a smooth curve.

-4 -2 0 2 4

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Prove polynomial identities and What It Means to You

use them to describe numerical
Polynomial identities can be used to describe patterns in numbers.
Key Vocabulary Use an identity to explain the pattern:
polynomial identity (identidad
de polinomios) 33 - 13 = 26
A function whose rule is a
43 - 23 = 56

53 - 33 = 98

63 - 43 = 152

The left side of each equation is in the form (n + 2)3 - n3.

(n + 2)3 - n3 = n3 + 6n2 + 12n + 8 - n3

= 6n2 + 12n + 8

6(1)2 + 12(1) + 8 = 26, 6(2)2 + 12(2) + 8 = 56, and so on.

The identity (n + 2)3 - n3 = 6n2 + 12n + 8 can produce the pattern

26, 56, 98, 152, ...


(+) Know and apply the What It Means to You

Binomial Theorem for the You can use the number patterns in Pascal’s Triangle to find the
expansion of (x + y)n in powers coefficients when you raise a binomial like (x + y) to a power.
of x and y for a positive integer
n, where x and y are any EXAMPLE A-APR.C.5
numbers, with coefficients Pascal’s triangle and binomial expansion. The top row is Row 0,
determined for example by representing (x + y)0.
Pascal’s Triangle.
Key Vocabulary
1 1
Binomial Theorem (teorema de
los binomios) 1 2 1
For any positive integer n,
1 3 3 1
(x + y)n = nC0xn y0 + nC1xn-1 y1 +
nC2x y + … +nCn–1x1 yn-1 +
n-2 2
Row 4: 1 4 6 4 1
nCnx y
0 n

Pascal’s triangle (triángulo de

(x + y)4 = 1x4 + 4x3y1 + 6x2y2 + 4x1y3 + 1y4
A triangular arrangement of = x4 + 4x3y + 6x2y2 + 4xy3 + y4
numbers in which every row
starts and ends with 1 and each
other number is the sum of the
two numbers above it.

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Rewrite simple rational What It Means to You

expressions in different forms;
You can write the quotient of a polynomial division problem in the
write a(x)/b(x) in the form
form dividend = (divisor)(quotient) + remainder, rather than needing to
q(x) + r(x)/b(x), where a(x), b(x),
write the remainder as a fraction.
q(x), and r(x) are polynomials
with the degree of r(x) less EXAMPLE A-APR.D.6
than the degree of b(x), using Use long division to find the quotient and the remainder. Write the result
inspection, long division, or, for in the form dividend = (divisor)(quotient) + remainder.
the more complicated examples,
a computer algebra system. (4x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 5) ÷ (x2 + 3x + 1)

Key Vocabulary 4x - 10

x2 + 3x + 1⟌ 4x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 5 Place the divisor and dividend.
polynomial (polinomio)
A monomial or a sum or -(4x3 + 12x2 + 4x) Multiply x2 + 3x + 1 by 4x.
difference of monomials. -10x2 - x + 5 Subtract.
-(-10x2 - 30x - 10) Multiply x2 + 3x + 1 by -10.
29x + 15 Remainder.

So, 4x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 5 = (x2 + 3x + 1)(4x - 10) + 29x + 15.

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(+) Understand that rational What It Means to You

expressions form a system
You can use the same operations and properties with rational
analogous to the rational
expressions as with fractions. The results will be equivalent rational
numbers, closed under addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and
division by a nonzero rational EXAMPLE A-APR.D.7
expression; add, subtract, Marcia plans to run for 40 minutes. She will run 20 minutes at a pace
multiply, and divide rational of x minutes per mile, and 20 minutes at a faster pace of x – 1 minutes
expressions. per mile. The total distance she runs is the sum of the distances she runs
during each 20 minutes.
Key Vocabulary
20 + _____
rational expression (expresión x x- 1
(- 1 + _____
) ()
racional) 20 x_____
___ 20 __x
An algebraic expression x x-1 x- 1 x
whose numerator and 40x - 20
denominator are polynomials x(x - 1)
and whose denominator has a If Marcia runs the first 20 minutes at 9 minutes per mile (x = 9), she will
degree of ≥ 1. run a total of about 4.7 miles:
closure (cerradura) 40x - 20 = 40(9) - 20
________ _________ ≈ 4.7
A set of numbers is said to be x(x - 1) 9(9 - 1)
closed, or have closure, under
a given operation if the result
of the operation on any two
numbers in the set is also in
the set.


Create equations and What It Means to You

inequalities in one variable and You can write an equation to represent a real-world problem and then
use them to solve problems. use algebra to solve the equation and find the answer.
Include equations arising from
linear and quadratic functions, EXAMPLE A-CED.A.1
and simple rational and Michael is saving money to buy a trumpet. The trumpet costs $670. He
exponential functions. has $350 saved, and each week he adds $20 to his savings. How long will
it take him to save enough money to buy the trumpet?
Key Vocabulary
Let w represent the number of weeks.
equation (ecuación)
A mathematical statement that cost of trumpet = current savings + additional savings
two expressions are equivalent.
670 = 350 + 20w
variable (variable)
A symbol used to represent a 320 = 20w
quantity that can change. 16 = w
It will take Michael 16 weeks to save enough money.

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Create equations in two or What It Means to You

more variables to represent
You can represent mathematical relationships with words, equations,
relationships between
tables, and graphs.
quantities; graph equations on
coordinate axes with labels and EXAMPLE A-CED.A.2
scales. Membership costs $150 plus $75 per month.
Key Vocabulary y = 75x + 150
equation (ecuación) Months 0 1 2 3 4
A mathematical statement that
two expressions are equivalent. Cost ($) 150 225 300 375 450

Gym Membership

Cost ($)

0 2 4 6


Represent constraints by What It Means to You

equations or inequalities, and You can use inequalities to represent limits on the values in a situation
by systems of equations and/ so that the solutions make sense in a real-world context.
or inequalities, and interpret
solutions as viable or non-viable EXAMPLE A-CED.A.3
options in a modeling context. Anyone riding the large water slide at a park must be at least 40 inches
Key Vocabulary Let h represent the heights that are allowed.
inequality (desigualdad) Height is at least 40 inches.
A statement that compares two
expressions by using one of the h ≥ 40
following signs: <, >, ≤, ≥, or ≠.
solution of an inequality in
one variable (solución de una
desigualdad en una variable)
A value or values that make the
inequality true.

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Rearrange formulas to highlight What It Means to You

a quantity of interest, using the
By rearranging a formula, you may be able to form a new formula for a
same reasoning as in solving
different quantity.
Key Vocabulary You can rewrite a temperature conversion formula as follows.
formula (fórmula) 5 (F - 32)
C = __ C = ºCelsius, F = ºFahrenheit
A literal equation that states a 9
rule for a relationship among 9 C = F - 32
__ 9.
5 Multiply both sides by __
quantities. 5
9C + 32 = F
5 Add 32 to both sides.


Explain each step in solving a What It Means to You

simple equation as following When solving a rational equation, some values are not applicable
from the equality of numbers because 0 cannot be in the denominator of a fraction.
asserted at the previous step,
starting from the assumption EXAMPLE A-REI.A.1
that the original equation has Solve the rational equation algebraically. Explain each step.
a solution. Construct a viable 3x + 7 5x + 17
______ = _______
argument to justify a solution x-5 2x - 10
method. x-5=0 2x - 10 = 0 Identify any excluded values.

Key Vocabulary x=5 x=5 The excluded value is 5.

rational equation (ecuación 2(x - 5) = 2x - 10 The LCD is 2(x - 5).

An equation that contains one
or more rational expressions.
( __22 )3x + 7 _______
5x + 17
2(x - 5)
Multiply so each denominator is the LCD.

6x + 14 5x + 17
_______ = _______
2x - 10 2x - 10
6x + 14 = 5x + 17 Multiply by the LCD.
x = 17 - 14 Collect like terms.
x=3 Solve for x.
The solution x = 3 is not an excluded value. So, x = 3 is the solution of
the equation.

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Solve simple rational and radical What It Means to You

equations in one variable, and
When you solve rational or radical equations, you need to check your
give examples showing how
answers to be sure they are actually solutions.
extraneous solutions may arise.
Key Vocabulary 2 + __
_____ x -1
1 = _____ Given equation
rational equation (ecuación x-3 x x-3
An equation that contains one
( 2 + __
x-3 x ·
) -1
1 x(x - 3) = x_____
x-3 ( ) · x(x - 3) Multiply by LCD

or more rational expressions. 2x + (x - 3) = x2 - x Distributive property

radical equation (ecuación -x + 4x - 3 = 0
Get 0 on one side.
radical) x - 4x + 3 = 0
Multiply by -1.
An equation that contains a
Factoring gives (x - 3)(x - 1) = 0, which has solutions 3 and 1.
variable within a radical.
However, 3 makes two of the original denominators 0, so it is an
extraneous solution (solución extraneous solution, and the only solution is 1.
A solution of a derived equation
that is not a solution of the
original equation.

Algebra 2 20 Getting Ready for CC

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Solve quadratic equations by What It Means to You

inspection (e.g., for x2 = 49),
Knowing how to solve quadratic equations gives you tools to
taking square roots, completing
understand many solutions, including the laws of motion. Recognizing
the square, the quadratic
the best solution method for a situation allows you to work efficiently.
formula and factoring, as
appropriate to the initial form of EXAMPLE A-REI.B.4b
the equation. Recognize when
the quadratic formula gives The height h in feet of a baseball leaving a certain batter's bat is
complex solutions and write h(t) = -16t2 + 63t + 4, where t is in seconds. When does the ball hit
them as a ± bi for real numbers the ground?
a and b. -16t2 + 63t + 4 = 0 The ball hits the ground when h = 0.

Key Vocabulary -1(16t + 1)(t - 4) = 0 You can factor the equation.

quadratic equation (ecuación 1 or t = 4
t = -___ The factors give these solutions.
cuadrática) 16
An equation that can be The ball hits the ground in 4 seconds. (The negative value is not
written in the form reasonable in the real-world context.)
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and
c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
completing the
square (completar el cuadrado)
A process used to form a
perfect-square trinomial. To
complete the square of x2 + bx,
( )
add __b 2.
Quadratic Formula (fórmula
The formula__
-b ± √b2 - 4ac which
x = ______________
gives solutions, or roots,
of equations in the form
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and
c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

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Solve systems of linear


What It Means to You

equations exactly and
You can solve systems of equations
approximately (e.g., with
to find out when two relationships
graphs), focusing on pairs
involving the same variables are true
of linear equations in two
at the same time.
Key Vocabulary The cost of bowling at bowling alley
system of linear A or B is a function of the number of
equations (sistema de games g.
ecuaciones lineales)
Cost of Bowling
A system of equations in which Cost A = 2.5g + 2
all of the equations are linear. c
Cost B = 2g + 4
12 (4, 12)

Cost ($)
When are the costs the same?
Cost A = Cost B
2.5g + 2 = 2g + 4 g
0 2 4 6
The cost is $12 at both bowling alleys
when g is 4. Games

Algebra 2 22 Getting Ready for CC

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Solve a simple system consisting What It Means to You

of a linear equation and a
You will solve a system of equations consisting of one linear and one
quadratic equation in two
quadratic equation.
variables algebraically and
graphically. EXAMPLE A-REI.C.7

Solve: y = (x + 1) - 4
Key Vocabulary
y = 2x - 2
system of equations in
two variables (sistema de Set the right hand sides equal to each other and solve for x.
ecuaciones en dos variables)
(x + 1)2 - 4 = 2x - 2
A system of equations in which
all equations can be expressed x2 + 2x - 3 = 2x - 2 Simplify the left side.
in terms of the same two Use properties of equality to make
variables. x2 - 1 = 0 one side equal zero. y
  (x -1)(x + 1) = 0 Factor.

x = 1 or -1 Solve for x. 4

Substitute the x-values into the linear 2

equation to find y. x
-4 -2 O 2 4
y = 2(1) - 2 = 0
y = 2(-1) - 2 = -4
The solutions are (1, 0) and (−1, −4).

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Explain why the x-coordinates What It Means to You

of the points where the graphs
You will solve an equation in one variable by graphing a system of
of the equations y = f(x) and
linear equations.
y = g(x) intersect are the
solutions of the equation EXAMPLE A-REI.D.11
f(x) = g(x); find the solutions Solve −3x + 2 = −_23x − _12 by using technology.
approximately, e.g., using
technology to graph the Graph the corresponding functions y = −3x + 2 and y = −_23x - _12
functions, make tables of on a graphing calculator. The x-coordinate of the intersection point,
values, or find successive which is approximately 1, is the solution to the one-variable equation
approximations. Include cases −3x + 2 = −_23 x - _12.
where f(x) and/or g(x) are
linear, polynomial, rational,
absolute value, exponential,
and logarithmic functions.

Key Vocabulary
x-coordinate (coordenada x)
The first number in an
ordered pair, which indicates
the horizontal distance of a
So, when x = 1 is substituted into each side of the equation, each side
point from the origin on the simplifies to a value close to -1, as shown in the table.
coordinate plane.
This same solution approach can be used whether the functions
representing each side of the original equation are linear, nonlinear,
or both.

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Recognize that sequences are What It Means to You

functions, sometimes defined
You will write a recursive rule for a sequence.
recursively, whose domain
is a subset of the integers. EXAMPLE F-IF.A.3
For example, the Fibonacci Write a recursive rule for the sum of the numbers found in each row of
sequence is defined recursively Pascal’s triangle.
by f(0) = f(1) = 1, f(n + 1) = f(n)
+ f(n - 1) for n ≥ 1. Row 0 1
Row 1 1 1
Key Vocabulary
Row 2 1 2 1
recursive rule for nth term
of a sequence (fórmula Row 3 1 3 3 1
recurrente para hallar el enésimo Row 4 1 4 6 4 1
término de una sucesión)
Row 5 1 5 10 10 5 1
A rule for a sequence in which
one or more previous terms are Row 0 has a sum of 1, Row 1 has a sum of 2, Row 3 has a sum of 4, Row
used to generate the next term. 4 has a sum of 8, and so on. The sum of each row is twice the sum of the
sequence (sucesión) row before. So, the recursive rule is:
A list of numbers that often form
a pattern. f(0) = 1, f(n + 1) = 2 · f(n) for n ≥ 0

Algebra 2 25 Getting Ready for CC

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For a function that models What It Means to You

a relationship between two Given a real-world situation, you can make a graph to more easily
quantities, interpret key features visualize the data.
of graphs and tables in terms
of the quantities, and sketch EXAMPLE F-IF.B.4
graphs showing key features Sketch a graph to match the situation.
given a verbal description of
the relationship. Key features Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted to humans by ticks.
include: intercepts; intervals When an infected tick bites a human, the probability of transmission is
where the function is increasing, a function of the time since the tick attached itself to the skin.
decreasing, positive, or During the first 24 hours, the probability is 0%. During the next three
negative; relative maximums 24-hour periods, the rate of change in the probability is always positive,
and minimums; symmetries; end but it is much greater for the middle
behavior; and periodicity. period than the other two periods. Probability of Transmission
from Infected Tick
After 96 hours, the probability is
almost 100%. Sketch a graph of y
the function for the probability of 90
transmission. 80

Probability (%)
The x-axis will be time (in hours) 60
and will run from 0 to at least 96. 50
The y-axis will be the probability 40
of infection (as a percent) from 30
0 to 100. 20
10 x
The greatest increase in probability 0 24 48 72 96 120
over time occurs during the period
from 48 hours to 72 hours. Time tick attached (h)

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Relate the domain of a function What It Means to You

to its graph and, where
You will identify an appropriate domain for a function.
applicable, to the quantitative
relationship it describes. EXAMPLE F-IF.B.5
Sarah opens a savings account with a deposit of $100 and saves an
Key Vocabulary additional $20 per month. Sarah’s total savings is modeled by the
domain (dominio) graphed function. What is an appropriate domain for the function?
The set of all first coordinates
(or x-values) of a relation or Savings ($)
function. 300
function (función)
A relation in which every 200
domain value is paired with
exactly one range value. 100
-8 -4 O 4 8

An appropriate domain is all real numbers greater than or equal to 0.


Calculate and interpret What It Means to You

the average rate of change Average rate of change measures the change in the dependent
of a function (presented variable against the change in the independent variable over a
symbolically or as a table) over a specific interval. This helps you understand how quickly the values
specified interval. Estimate the in a function change.
rate of change from a graph.
Key Vocabulary
rate of change (tasa de cambio)
A ratio that compares the Time (hours) 1 2 3 4
amount of change in a Distance (miles) 40 100 160 220
dependent variable to the
amount of change in an
independent variable.
160 - 40 = 60 mi/h
Average rate of change = _________
3- 1

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Graph square root, cube What It Means to You

root, and piecewise-defined
You can use piecewise-defined functions to model applications that
functions, including step
are described by different functions over different parts of their
functions and absolute value
Key Vocabulary The function for determining topsoil price Topsoil Prices
piecewise function (función a per cubic yard is a step function consisting

Price rate ($/yd3)

trozos) of three constant functions:
A function that is a combination 8
of one or more functions. f(x) = 10, for 0 ≤ x < 5
step function (función escalón) 4
f(x) = 7, for 5 ≤ x < 25
A piecewise function that is x
constant over each interval in its f(x) = 5, for x ≥ 25 0 10 20
Volume (yd3)
function (función de valor
A function whose rule contains
absolute-value expressions.


Graph polynomial functions, What It Means to You

identifying zeros when suitable You can find zeros of a polynomial function by locating the
factorizations are available, and x-intercepts of the graph.
showing end behavior.
Key Vocabulary The volume of a box is modeled by the function y
polynomial function (functión
V(x) = 4x3 - 20x2 + 24x, or
polynomial) 4
A function whose rule is a V(x) = 4x(x - 2)(x - 3). x
0 2 4
zero of a function (cero de una The zeros of V(x) are also the x-intercepts
of the graph: x = 0, x = 2, and x = 3. -4
For the function f, any number x
such that f(x) = 0.

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Graph exponential and What It Means to You

logarithmic functions, showing
The graphs of trigonometric functions are curves that form repeating
intercepts and end behavior,
wave-like patterns.
and trigonometric functions,
showing period, midline, and EXAMPLE F-IF.C.7e
amplitude. Sine function y
Key Vocabulary y = sin x 0.5
trigonometric x
period = 2π -π 0 π
function (función
trigonométrica) amplitude = 1
A function whose rule is given
by a trigonometric ratio.
periodic function (función
periódica) EXAMPLE F-IF.C.7e
A function that repeats exactly Cosine function
in regular intervals, called y
periods. y = cos x 0.5
period of a periodic x
period = 2π
function (periodo de una -π 0 π
función periódica) amplitude = 1 -0.5
The length of a cycle measured
in units of the independent
variable (usually time in
seconds). Also the reciprocal of EXAMPLE F-IF.C.7e
the frequency. Tangent function y
amplitude (amplitud)
y = tan x
The amplitude of a periodic
function is half the difference period = π 2
of the maximum and minimum
values (always positive). amplitude = undefined x
-π 0 π



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Use the process of factoring What It Means to You

and completing the square in
You can use completing the square to find the zeros and symmetry in
a quadratic function to show
a quadratic function.
zeros, extreme values, and
symmetry of the graph, and EXAMPLE F-IF.C.8a
interpret these in terms of a Find the zeros and line of symmetry in the quadratic function
context. f(x) = 3x2 + 24x + 9.
Key Vocabulary 0 = 3x2 + 24x + 9 Set the function equal to zero.
completing the
0 = x2 + 8x + 3 Divide each term by the value of a.
square (completar el cuadrado)
A process used to form a -3 = x2 + 8x Subtract c from both sides.
perfect-square trinomial. To
( )
8 2 = x2 + 8x + __
( ) Add (2 )
8 2 2
_b to both sides.
complete the square of x2 + bx, -3 + __
2 2
add ( __b2 ) .

-3 + 16 = x2 + 8x + 16 Simplify.

13 = ( x + 4 )2 Factor and simplify.

√ 13 = x+4 Take the square root of both sides.
-4 ± √ 13 = x Subtract 4 from both sides.

x ≈ -0.39 or x ≈ -7.61

The approximate zeros of the function are -0.39 and -7.61. The axis
of symmetry is halfway between the zeros, which means the axis of
symmetry is x = -4.

Algebra 2 30 Getting Ready for CC

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Use the properties of exponents What It Means to You

to interpret expressions for
You will interpret exponential functions that represent exponential
exponential functions.
growth and decay.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE F-IF.C.8b
exponential function (función Describe a situation that can be represented by each exponential
exponencial) function.
A function of the form f(x) = abx, f(x) = 15,000(0.85)
g(x) = 10,000(1.06)x
where a and b are real numbers
with a ≠ 0, b > 0, and b ≠ 1. f(x) = 15,000(0.85) represents exponential decay because
exponential decay (decremento the base b in the general form y = abx is 0 < b < 1.
exponencial) • The initial amount when x = 0 is 15,000.
An exponential function of the
form f(x) = abx in which • The rate of decay is 15% because 1 - 0.15 = 0.85.
0 < b < 1. If r is the rate of decay,
then the function can be written
• This function can describe the depreciation of an automobile whose
y = a(1 - r)t , where a is the initial value is $15,000, and each year x the automobile loses 15% of
initial amount and t is the time. the previous year’s value.
exponential growth x
g(x) = 10,000(1.06) represents exponential growth because the base b in
(crecimiento exponencial)
the general form y = abx is b > 1.
An exponential function of the
form f(x) = abx in which b > 1. • The initial amount when x = 0 is 10,000.
If r is the rate of growth, then
• The rate of growth is 6% because 1 + 0.06 = 1.06.
the function can be written
y = a(1 + r)t , where a is the • This function can describe the growth of an investment whose initial
initial amount and t is the time. value is $10,000, and each year x the investment grows by 6% of the
previous year’s value.

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Compare properties of two What It Means to You

functions each represented in
Given functions in different representations, knowing what to do with
a different way (algebraically,
the different representations can help you compare their properties.
graphically, numerically
in tables, or by verbal EXAMPLE F-IF.C.9 y
descriptions). Examine f(x) and g(x). Which function 40
has a lesser minimum value? Explain. g(x)
Key Vocabulary 20
maximum value of a f(x) = x4 - 2x3 - 4x2 + 4x - 6. x
function (máximo de una -40 -20 0 20 40
función) -20
The y-value of the highest point
on the graph of the function. -40
minimum value of a
function (mínimo de una
By graphing f(x), it can be found that the minimum is approximately
The y-value of the lowest point (2.2, -14.43). The minimum value of g(x) is approximately -32, which is
on the graph of the function. less than -14.43.


Determine an explicit What It Means to You

expression, a recursive process, Real-world situations frequently involve patterns that you can model
or steps for calculation from a by sequences or sums of their terms. Translating a pattern into
context. mathematical language helps you to solve problems with it.

Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE F-BF.A.1a

explicit formula (fórmula The table gives the number of cards in each row (starting at the top) of a
explicita) simple triangular house of cards. Identify the sequence.
A formula that defines the nth
term an, or general term, of a
sequence as a funtion of n.
Row 1 2 3
recursive rule (regla recurrent)
A rule for a sequence in which
one or more previous terms are
Cards 2 5 8
used to generate the next term.

The number of cards increases by 2 with each row: it is 1 less than

3 times the row number. The sequence is an = 3n - 1.

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Combine standard function What It Means to You

types using arithmetic
By combining functions, another function can be created that
describes a new value in terms of a variable.

The radius of a round puddle after t hours is given in inches by the
equation r = -0.8t2 + 20 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5. Find the circumference of the
puddle as a function of time.

C = 2πr

C = 2π( -0.8t2 + 20 ) Substitute the function for r.

C = -1.6πt2 + 40π Use the distributive property.

The circumference of the puddle can be represented with the quadratic

function C(t) = -1.6πt2 + 40π.


Identify the effect on the graph What It Means to You

of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, kf(x),
As with other functions, you can change exponential and logarithmic
f(kx), and f(x + k) for specific
functions by adding or multiplying by a constant. The result will be a
values of k (both positive and
new function that is a transformation of the original function.
negative); find the value of k
given the graphs. Experiment EXAMPLE F-BF.B.3 y
with cases and illustrate an Parent function: f(x) = logx p
explanation of the effects on the 6
graph using technology. New function: p(x) = 3logx + 5 (1, 5)
To obtain the graph of p(x), stretch the
graph of f(x) vertically by a factor of 3. f
(1, 0) x
Then translate it 5 units up.
-2 0 2 4 6

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Solve an equation of the form What It Means to You

f(x) = c for a simple function f
By switching the x-and y-values in a function, then solving for y, the
that has an inverse and write an
inverse of a function can be found.
expression for the inverse.
Key Vocabulary f(x) = 0.5x2
inverse relation (relación
inversa) x⎪x ≥ 0⎬⎭⎫

Restrict the domain.
The inverse of the relation
consisting of all ordered pairs y = 0.5x2 Replace f (x) with y.
( x, y ) is the set of all ordered
2y = x2 Multiply both sides by 2.
pairs ( y, x ). The graph of an
inverse relation is the reflection √ 2y = x Use the definition of positive square root.
of the graph of the relation _
across the line y = x. √ 2x =y Switch x and y to write the inverse.
f -1(x) = √2x Replace y with f -1(x).
So, the inverse of f(x) = 0.5x2 is f -1(x) = √2x when the domain is
x⎪x ≥ 0⎬⎭⎫.


Construct linear and What It Means to You

exponential functions, including
You can construct a model of a linear or exponential function from
arithmetic and geometric
different descriptions or displays of the same situation.
sequences, given a graph, a
description of a relationship, or EXAMPLE F-LE.A.2
two input-output pairs (include A ball is dropped 81 inches onto a hard surface. The table shows the
reading these from a table). ball’s height on successive bounces. Write a model for the height reached
as a function of the number of bounces.
Key Vocabulary
arithmetic sequence (sucesión Bounce 1 2 3 4
aritmética) Height (in.) 54 36 24 16
A sequence whose successive
terms differ by the same Consecutive terms have a common ratio of _23. You can write a model as
nonzero number d, called the an exponential function or as a geometric sequence.
common difference.
Exponential function: f(x) = 81( _23 ) , where x is the bounce number
geometric sequence (sucesión
geométrica) Geometric sequence: a1 = 54 , an = _23an-1, where n is the bounce
A sequence in which the
ratio of successive terms
is a constant r, called the
common ratio, where r ≠ 0
and r ≠ 1.

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For exponential models, express What It Means to You

as a logarithm the solution to
Because exponential and logarithmic functions are inverses, you can
abct = d where a, c, and d are
solve an exponential equation by taking the logarithm of both sides of
numbers and the base b is 2,
the equation and using the properties of logarithms.
10, or e; evaluate the logarithm
using technology. EXAMPLE F-LE.A.4
A veterinarian prescribes aspirin for a dog with arthritis. You can solve
Key Vocabulary the exponential equation below to find out how many minutes it takes
exponential for the amount of aspirin in a 75 lb dog’s system to drop from 325 mg to
equation (ecuación 50 mg.
50 = 325( _12 )15
An equation that contains
one or more exponential
( )
2 1 __
= _
Divide and simplify.

( )
log13 = log _12 15
Take the logarithm of both sides.
2 t
= __
log_12 Power property of logarithms
13 = t
log __
Simplifying using a calculator gives t ≈ 40.5 minutes.


Interpret the parameters in a What It Means to You

linear or exponential function in You will write a new function based on changes to the parameters of
terms of a context. the function.

Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE F-LE.B.5

linear function (función lineal) A company charges an initial fee of $150 plus $30 per hour to rent
A function that can be written a limousine. The total cost of a limousine ride that lasts h hours is
in the form y = mx + b, where x represented by the function L(h) = 30h + 150. For each change to a
is the independent variable and parameter, write a new function.
m and b are real numbers. Its
graph is a line. A. The company raises the initial fee from $150 to $175.
parameter (parámetro) The change to the initial fee affects the y-intercept, so the new
One of the constants in a function is L(h) = 30h + 175.
function or equation that may
be changed. Also the third B. The company lowers the hourly rate from $30 to $24.
variable in a set of parametric
equations. The change to the hourly rate affects the slope, so the new function is
L(h) = 24h + 150.

Algebra 2 35 Getting Ready for CC

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Understand radian measure of


What It Means to You

an angle as the length of the arc
Radian measures can be used to find angular velocity in real-world
on the unit circle subtended by
the angle.
Key Vocabulary A point on the sun’s equator makes a full
radian (radián) revolution once every 25.38 days. The sun
A unit of angle measure based has a radius of about 432,200 miles at its
on arc length. In a circle of equator. What is the angular velocity in
radius r, if a central angle has a radians per hour of a point on the sun’s
measure of 1 radian, then the equator? What distance around the sun’s
length of the intercepted arc is
axis does the point travel in one hour?
r units.
2π radians = 360° One revolution is 2π radians. The angular
1 radian ≈ 57° velocity in radians per day is ____

unit circle (círculo unitario) Convert this to radians per hour.
A circle with a radius of 1,
centered at the origin.
1 day
2π radians · ________ 2π radians
_________ = _____________
25.38 days 24 hours 25.38(24) hours
≈ 0.01032 radians/hour

Multiply by 432,200. The distance the point travels is about 44,582 miles.

Algebra 2 36 Getting Ready for CC

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Explain how the unit circle in What It Means to You

the coordinate plane enables
You can measure angles in degrees or in radians. In a circle with
the extension of trigonometric
radius r, an angle that forms an arc of length r measures 1 radian, or
functions to all real numbers,
about 57º.
interpreted as radian
measures of angles traversed EXAMPLE F-TF.A.2
counterclockwise around the
y y
unit circle.
θ = 180° = π radians
θ = 180° = π radians
Key Vocabulary r r r
radian (radian)
A unit of angle measure based x x
on arc length. In a circle of
θ = 1θradian
= 1 radian
radius r, if a central angle has a
measure of 1 radian, then the θ = 360°
θ = 360°
= 2π radians
= 2π radians
length of the intercepted arc is
r units.
function (función
π :
Degrees can be converted to radians by multiplying by ___
trigonometrica) π =3 ____
270° × ___ 270 × ___π = ___

A function whose rule is given 180 1 180 2 2
by a trigonometric ratio. 180:
Radians can be converted to degrees by multiplying by ___
π × ___ π
180 = __ 180
π 1 4 × π = 45°
__ ___

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Choose trigonometric functions What It Means to You

to model periodic phenomena
The regression feature on the graphing calculator can be used to
with specified amplitude,
match data to its appropriate amplitude, frequency, and midline with
frequency, and midline.
an equation.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE F-TF.B.5
amplitude (amplitud) The table gives Chicago’s monthly average temperatures. Use a graphing
The amplitude of a periodic calculator to obtain a sine regression model for the data. Graph the
function is half the difference regression model along with the model from the Explore, and compare
of the maximum and minimum the models visually.
values (always positive).
frequency of a periodic Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
function (frecuencia de una °F 23.8 27.7 37.9 48.9 59.1 68.9 74.0 72.4 64.6
función periódica)
The number of cycles per unit of Enter the data into lists L1 and L2.
time. Also the reciprocal of the Then press the STAT key and select
period. C:SinReg from the CALC menu.
midline (línea media)
For the graph of a sine or cosine So, the regression model is
function, the horizontal line y = 25.2sin(0.5x - 2) + 48.7.
halfway between the maximum
Using the equation, the midline of the
and minimum values of the
function representing Chicago’s monthly average temperatures is
curve; for the graph of a tangent
y = 48.7, the amplitude is 25.2, and the frequency is 0.5.
function, the horizontal line
through the point of each cycle
that is midway between the
function (función
A function whose rule is given
by a trigonometric ratio.

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Prove the Pythagorean identity What It Means to You

sin2(θ) + cos2(θ) = 1 and use it
The Pythagorean__identity sin2(θ) + cos__
(θ) = 1 can be used to solve
to calculate trigonometric ratios.
√ √
for sin θ = ± 1 - cos θ or cos θ = ± 1 - sin2θ , then used to

Key Vocabulary approximate the values of trigonometric ratios.

trigonometric ratio (razón EXAMPLE F-TF.C.8
trigonométrica) π
Given that sin θ = 0.766 where 0 < θ < __
, find cos θ.
Ratio of the lengths of two sides __
of a right triangle. cos θ = ±√1 - sin2θ Use the identify to solve for cos θ.
= ±√1 - (0.766)2 Substitute for sin θ.

≈ ±0.643 Use a calculator, then round.


Use the mean and standard What It Means to You

deviation of a data set to fit When the histogram for a data set is bell-shaped, the data can be
it to a normal distribution represented by a normal distribution. You can use the mean and
and to estimate population standard deviation to fit a normal curve to the data and then use the
percentages. Recognize that normal curve to make estimates.
there are data sets for which
such a procedure is not EXAMPLE S-ID.A.4
appropriate. Use calculators, A standardized test is designed so that the scores are normally
spreadsheets, and tables to distributed with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100. So about
estimate areas under the normal 68% of the scores are between 400 and 600.

Key Vocabulary
mean (media)
The sum of all the values in a
data set divided by the number
of data values. Also called the
standard deviation (desviación
estándar) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
A measure of dispersion of a
data set. The standard deviation
σ is the square root of the

Algebra 2 39 Getting Ready for CC

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Fit a function to the data; use What It Means to You

functions fitted to data to solve
When the data given in a function does not fit a linear model,
problems in the context of the
an exponential model can also be considered.
data. Use given functions or
choose a function suggested by EXAMPLE S-ID.B.6a
the context. The table gives the official population of
Year Total Population
the United States for the years 1790 to
Key Vocabulary 1890. 1790 3,929,214
exponential function (función
exponencial) Create an approximate exponential model 1800 5,308,483
A function of the form f(x) = abx, for the data set. Then graph your function
1810 7,239,881
where a and b are real numbers with a scatter plot of the data and assess
with a ≠ 0, b > 0, and b ≠ 1. its fit. 1820 9,638,453
It appears that the ratio of the population 1830 12,860,702
in each decade to the population of the
1840 17,063,353
decade before it is pretty close to one and
one third, so an exponential model should 1850 23,191,876
be reasonable.
1860 31,443,321
For a model of the form f(x) = abx,
1870 38,558,371
f(0) = a. So, if x is the number of decades
after 1790, the value when x = 0 is a, the 1880 50,189,209
initial population in 1790, or 3,929,214.
1890 62,979,766
One way to estimate the growth factor,
b, is to find the population ratios from
decade to decade and average them:
1.35 + 1.36 + 1.33 + 1.33 + 1.33 + 1.36 + 1.36 + 1.23 + 1.30 + 1.26
________________________________________________________ ≈ 1.32
An approximate model is f(x) = 3.93(1.32)x, where f(x) is in millions.
The graph is shown and looks like a good fit for the data.

Population (millions)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Decades since 1970

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Understand statistics as a What It Means to You

process for making inferences
An understanding about statistics allows you to make decisions about
about population parameters
how a sampling could be selected fairly from a population.
based on a random sample from
that population. EXAMPLE S-IC.A.1
From a youth group containing 15 girls and 10 boys, four students will
Key Vocabulary be selected to serve on a decoration committee for an upcoming dance.
population (población) Here are three different methods of making the selection.
The entire group of objects or
individuals considered for a I. Select the first four who show up to the meeting.
II. Place the names of the 25 students in a basket, and select three
sample (muestra)
names at random.
A part of the population.
III. Select the first four students who offer to volunteer.

Which is the best sampling method if you want to select members of the
decorating committee fairly?

Choice II is the most fair sampling method because each member of the
group gets an equal chance of being selected.


Decide if a specified model is What It Means to You

consistent with results from a
You can compare theoretical probability and experimental probability
given data-generating process,
by understanding the process of gathering data.
e.g., using simulation.
Key Vocabulary Raul, Simone, and Michael were all flipping red and yellow two-color
sample (muestra) chips. Raul flipped his chip 10 times, Simone flipped her chip 50 times,
A part of the population. and Michael flipped his chip 100 times. Which student’s results are most
theoretical likely to be closest to the theoretical probability of flipping a red?
probability (probabilidad
teórica) Because Michael flipped his chip more times, and therefore had a greater
The ratio of the number of amount of data, his experimental probability is most likely to be closest
equally likely outcomes in an to the theoretical probability of flipping a red, 50%.
event to the total number of
possible incomes.

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Recognize the purposes of What It Means to You

and differences among sample
An experiment is often the most reliable way to gather data, but
surveys, experiments, and
sometimes asking survey questions or using observation techniques
observational studies; explain
makes more sense.
how randomization relates to
each. EXAMPLE S-IC.B.3
Survey: Choose 60 people at random. Ask them which type of salad
Key Vocabulary dressing they prefer.
sample (muestra)
A part of the population. Experiment: Randomly divide a group of 60 people into six groups.
experiment (experimento) Offer each group one of three salad dressings listed in a different order
An operation, process, or activity and record which dressing they choose.
in which outcomes can be used
Observational Study: Monitor 60 people at a salad bar, and record
to estimate probability.
which salad dressing they choose.
observational study (estudio
de observación)
A study that observes
individuals and measures
variables without controlling the
individuals or their environment
in any way.


Use data from a sample survey What It Means to You

to estimate a population mean
You can use results from a sample of a population to predict the
or proportion; develop a margin
interval where the mean for the population is likely to be.
of error through the use of
simulation models for random EXAMPLE S-IC.B.4
sampling. In an opinion survey of a random sample of students, 54% agreed with
a proposal, with a ±5% margin of error. So, the percent of the total
Key Vocabulary population who agree is likely between 49% and 59%.
margin of error (margen
-5% +5%
de error)
In a random sample, it defines
an interval, centered on the
40 50 60 70
sample percent, in which the
population percent is most likely
to lie.

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Use data from a randomized What It Means to You

experiment to compare two
Determining whether results are significant or not significant are
treatments; use simulations to
important when working with experimental data.
decide if differences between
parameters are significant. EXAMPLE S-IC.B.5
The histogram shows 90 resamples. The result obtained from the
Key Vocabulary experiment was a difference of means of 160.
probability (probabilidad)
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to 30
100%) that is the measure of 28
how likely an event is to occur. 26

-320 -240 -160 -80 0 80 160 240 320

STEP 1 Calculate the P-value.

Divide the sum of the frequencies for the intervals 160 ≤ x < 240
and 240 ≤ x < 320 by the sum of all frequencies (the total number of
resamples). So, P(x ≥ 160) = 2_____
≈ 0.03.

STEP 2 Determine the significance.

Because the P-value is between 0.05 and 0.01, the experimental result
is significant. Reject the null hypothesis that the exam prep course has
no effect in favor of the alternative hypothesis that the course has a
positive effect.

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Evaluate reports based on data.


What It Means to You

Key Vocabulary By evaluating reports, you can decide what type of study is being
conducted, if randomization was used, and if anything is missing from
experiment (experimento)
a study that questions its validity.
An operation, process, or activity
in which outcomes can be used EXAMPLE S-IC.B.6
to estimate probability.
Evaluate the article by answering the following questions.
observational study (estudio
de observación) • Is this a survey, an observational study, or an experiment? How do you
A study that observes know?
individuals and measures
• Was randomization used in the research? If so, how?
variables without controlling the
individuals or their environment • What details of the research does the article include? Is any important
in any way. information missing?
randomized comparative
experiment (experimento
comparativo aleatorizado)
Caring Doctors Shorten and Ease
An experiment in which the the Common Cold
individuals are assigned to the
Researchers have found that among patients with
control group or the treatment
colds, those who gave their doctors perfect scores on a
group at random, in order to
questionnaire measuring empathy have colds that did not last
minimize bias.
as long and were less severe. Empathy on the part of doctors
survey (encuesta) included making patients feel at ease, listening to their
A data collection tool that
concerns, and showing compassion.
uses questions to measure
characteristics of interest about A total of 350 subjects who were experiencing the onset
a population using a sample of a cold were randomly assigned to one of three groups:
selected from the population. no doctor-patient interaction, standard interaction, and
enhanced interaction. Only subjects in the third group saw
doctors who had been coached on being empathetic.

• Is this a survey, an observational study, or an experiment? How do you

This study is an experiment because treatments were imposed on two
groups of patients: those who had a standard interaction with a doctor
and those who had an enhanced interaction with a doctor.
• Was randomization used in the research? If so, how?
Randomization was used by randomly assigning subjects to a
control group or one of two treatment groups.
• What details of the research does the article include? Is any important
information missing? The report includes the number of subjects but
no statistics, such as measures of cold duration or severity.

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Describe events as subsets


What It Means to You

of a sample space (the set of
To calculate the probability of a particular event, you may need to find
outcomes) using characteristics
the sample space, which is the set of all possible outcomes. You may
(or categories) of the outcomes,
also need to determine which outcome(s) in the sample space make
or as unions, intersections, or
up the event.
complements of other events
(“or,” “and,” “not”). EXAMPLE S-CP.A.1

Key Vocabulary 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
sample space (espacio muestral) 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6
The set of all possible outcomes
of a probability experiment. 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6
outcome (resultado) 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6
A possible result of a probability
5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6
union (unión) The union of two 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6
sets is the set of all elements
that are in either set, denoted The sample space for rolling two standard number cubes is shown. The
by ⋃. circled outcomes make up the event “rolling a sum of 10”.
intersection (intersección de
conjuntos) The intersection of
two sets is the set of all elements
that are common to both sets,
denoted by ⋂.
complement of an
event (complemento de un
suceso) All outcomes in the
sample space that are not in an

event E, denoted E or Ec.

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Understand that two events A What It Means to You

and B are independent if the
You can use real-world data to determine whether events are
probability of A and B occurring
independent or dependent.
together is the product of
their probabilities, and use this EXAMPLE S-CP.A.2
characterization to determine if Determine if the events are independent.
they are independent.
The two-way frequency table shows data for 120 randomly selected
Key Vocabulary patients who have the same doctor. Determine whether a patient who
dependent events (sucesos takes vitamins and a patient who exercises regularly are independent
dependientes) Events for events.
which the occurrence or
nonoccurrence of one event Takes Vitamins No Vitamins Total
affects the probability of the Regular 48 28 76
other event. Exercise
independent events (sucesos No Regular 12 32 44
independientes) Events for Exercise
which the occurrence of one Total 60 60 120
event does not affect the
probability of the other event. Let V be the event that a patient takes vitamins, and E be the event that a
patient exercises regularly.
60 = __
P(V) = ___ 1 60 patients take vitamins
120 2
P(E) = ___ 19
76 = ___ 76 patients exercise regularly
120 30
48 = 40%
P(V ⋂ E) = ___ 48 patients do both
For the events to be independent, P(V ⋂ E) = P(V) · P(E) must be true.
19 = ___
1 · ___
P(V) · P(E) = __ 19 ≈ 32%
2 30 60
Because P(V ⋂ E) ≠ P(V) · P(E), the events are dependent.

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Understand the conditional What It Means to You

probability of A given B as
A bag contains 3 red marbles and 3 blue marbles. If you draw 1 marble
P(A and B)/P(B), and interpret
from the bag, the probability that it will be blue is _36 = _12. Suppose
independence of A and B as
you draw again without replacing the blue marble. Now there are
saying that the conditional
5 marbles in the bag, 2 of them blue. The probability of drawing blue
probability of A given B is the
is _25. That’s an example of conditional probability, the probability that
same as the probability of A,
an event will occur (drawing blue the second time), given that another
and the conditional probability
event has already occurred (drawing blue the first time). You’ll learn
of B given A is the same as the
the following method for determining conditional probability in more
probability of B.
complicated situations.
Key Vocabulary EXAMPLE S-CP.A.3
conditional probability The table relates the results of an exam to the amount of sleep
(probabilidad condicional) students got.
The probability of event B,
given that event A has already Passed exam Failed exam Total
occurred or is certain to occur,
Less then 6 hours of sleep 0.100 0.083 0.183
denoted P(B∣A); used to find
probability of dependent events. More then 6 hours of sleep 0.750 0.067 0.817
independent events (sucesos Total 0.850 0.150 1.000
The probability that a student who failed the exam, F, got less than
Events for which the occurrence
6 hours of sleep, L, can be written P(F∣L) and can be evaluated using
or nonoccurrence of one event P(L⋂F)
the formula P(F∣L) = _____
does not affect the probability
of the other event. P(F∣L) = _______
probability (probabilidad)
= 0.083
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to 0.150
100%) that is the measure of
≈ 0.553 ≈ 55.3%
how likely an event is to occur.

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Construct and interpret two-way What It Means to You

frequency tables of data when
A two-way table organizes data about two variables. A two-way
two categories are associated
frequency table can be very helpful when finding probabilities.
with each object being
classified. Use the two-way table EXAMPLE S-CP.A.4
as a sample space to decide if A two-way frequency table was created to describe data collected by
events are independent and a sociologist who surveyed 100 randomly selected people about their
to approximate conditional pets. The relative frequencies were then found for each frequency and
probabilities. organized in a table.
Key Vocabulary Owns a Cat
frequency table (tabla de Yes No Total
A table that lists the number of Yes 0.15 0.24 0.39
times, or frequency, that each Owns a No 0.18 0.43 0.61
data value occurs. Dog
Total 0.33 0.67 1
independent events (sucesos
You can use the relative frequencies to answer the question, “If a person
Events for which the occurrence
or non-occurrence of one event
in this survey owns a dog, what is the probability that he or she also
does not affect the probability
owns a cat?”
of the other event.
conditional probability
(probabilidad condicional)
The probability of event B, given
that event A has already occured
or is certain to occur, denoted

Algebra 2 48 Getting Ready for CC

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Recognize and explain the What It Means to You

concepts of conditional
It is important in everyday life to know whether events are tied
probability and independence
together and how the probability that one occurs affects the
in everyday language and
probability that the other occurs.
everyday situations. For
example, compare the chance EXAMPLE S-CP.A.5
of having lung cancer if you are • Two events are independent if the occurrence of one event has no
a smoker with the chance of effect on the occurrence of the other event. For example, if your
being a smoker if you have lung camera runs out of batteries and the school baseball team wins its
cancer. game that same day, the events are independent. The first event
(running out of batteries) has no effect on the second (the baseball
Key Vocabulary team winning).
conditional probability
(probabilidad condicional) • The probability of event A occurring given that event B has
The probability of event B, already occurred is called the conditional probability of A given B.
given that event A has already For example, given that a person lives in Alaska, the conditional
occurred or is certain to occur, probability that the person is a skier is greater than the probability
denoted P(B|A); used to find that a Hawaiian resident is a skier.
probability of dependent events.
independent events (sucesos
Events for which the occurrence
or nonoccurrence of one event
does not affect the probability
of the other event.

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Find the conditional probability What It Means to You

of A given B as the fraction of B’s
The formula for conditional probability can be used to find the
outcomes that also belong to
probability of one event occurring given that another has already
A, and interpret the answer in
terms of the model.
P(A ∩ B)
P(B|A) = _______
Key Vocabulary
conditional probability EXAMPLE S-CP.B.6
(probabilidad condicional) For a standard deck of playing cards, find the probability that a red card
The probability of event B, randomly drawn from the deck is a jack.
given that event A has already 26
P(R) = ___ Probability that a red card is drawn
occurred or is certain to occur, 52
denoted P(B|A); used to find 2
P(J ∩ R) = ___
52 Probability that a red jack is drawn
probability of dependent events.
P(J ∩ R) ___
P(J⎪R) = _______ = Use the conditional probability formula.
P(R) 26
2 ⋅ 52
P(J⎪R) = 52
______ = ___ 1
2 = ___ Simplify.
26 ⋅ 52 56 13

Algebra 2 50 Getting Ready for CC

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Apply the Addition Rule, What It Means to You

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) -
One way we can use the Addition Rule is to find probabilities from
P(A and B), and interpret the
two-way tables. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B).
answer in terms of the model.
Key Vocabulary The table shows the number of students in each grade of a high school
probability (probabilidad) (12th grade = senior).
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to
100%) that is the measure of 9th 10th 11th 12th Total
how likely an event is to occur.
Boy 98 104 100 94 396

Girl 102 106 96 108 412

Total 200 210 196 202 808

To determine P(senior or girl), first calculate P(senior), P(girl), and

P(senior and girl).
202 = __
P(senior) = ___ 1
808 4
412 = ___
P(girl) = ___
808 202
108 = ___
P(senior and girl) = ___ 27
808 202
Use the addition rule to determine P(senior or girl).

P(senior or girl) = P(senior) + P(girl) - P(senior and girl)

103 - ___
1 + ___
= __ 27
4 202 202
= ___

Algebra 2 51 Getting Ready for CC

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(+) Apply the general What It Means to You

Multiplication Rule in a uniform
The Multiplication Rule can be used to find the probability of
probability model, P(A and A)
dependent events.
= P(A)P(B|A) = P(B)P(A|B), and
interpret the answer in terms of EXAMPLE S-CP.B.8
the model. There are 5 tiles with the letters A, B, C, D, and E in
a bag. You choose a tile without looking, put it aside,
Key Vocabulary and then choose another tile without looking. Use the
dependent events (sucesos Multiplication Rule to find the specified probability,
dependientes) writing it as a fraction. A C E
Events for which the occurrence D

or nonoccurrence of one event What is probability that you choose a vowel followed by
affects the probability of the a consonant?
other event.
P(V) = __ Of 5 tiles, 2 are vowels.
probability (probabilidad) 5
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to 3
P(C|V) = __ Of the 4 remaining, 3 are consonants.
100%) that is the measure of 4
how likely an event is to occur. P(V ∩ C) = P(V)·P(V|C) Use the multiplication rule.
3 = ___
2 · __
= __ 3
6 = ___
5 4 20 10

Algebra 2 52 Getting Ready for CC

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(+) Use permutations and What It Means to You

combinations to compute
A permutation is an arrangement of objects in which order is
probabilities of compound
important. A combination is an arrangement of objects in which order
events and solve problems.
is not important. Both permutations and combinations can be used to
find probabilities.
Key Vocabulary
permutation (permutación) EXAMPLE S-CP.B.9
An arrangement of a group Permutations
of objects in which order is
A type of lock, often incorrectly called a combination lock, requires
important. The number of
selecting three numbers, one each out of 10 possible numerals as shown
permutations of r objects
from a group of n objects is 1st: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
denoted nPr.
combination (combinación) 2nd: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A selection of a group of objects
3rd: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
in which order is not important.
The number of combinations of This is an example of a permutation because the order is important.
r objects chosen from a group of 825 is not the same as 528, or 258.
n objects is denoted nCr.
probability (probabilidad) Combinations
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to You can choose three toppings for your hamburger.
100%) that is the measure of
how likely an event is to occur.
event (suceso)
Tomato Mayo
An outcome or set of outcomes
in a probability experiment. Lettuce Pickle
Onions Ketchup
compound event (suceso
An event made up of two or This is an example of a combination because the order is not important.
more simple events. Tomato, onions, and pickles is the same as pickles, tomato, and onions.

Algebra 2 53 Getting Ready for CC

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(+) Use probabilities to make What It Means to You

fair decisions (e.g., drawing by
You can use probabilities to decide whether an event chooses a
lots, using a random number
winner fairly.
Key Vocabulary Explain whether each method of
probability (probabilidad) awarding a prize is fair.
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to
100%) that is the measure of A The sponsor of an event
how likely an event is to occur. wants to award a door prize
to one attendee. Each person
in attendance is given a ticket
with a unique number on
it. All of the numbers are placed in a bowl, and one is drawn at
random. The person with the matching number wins the prize.

The method of awarding a door prize is fair. Each number has the same
chance of being chosen, so each attendee has an equal probability of
winning the prize. If n attendees are at the event, then the probability of
winning the prize is __
n for each attendee.
B A fundraiser includes a raffle in which half of the money collected
goes to a charity, and the other half goes to one winner. Tickets are
sold for $5 each. Copies of all the tickets are placed in a box, and one
ticket is drawn at random. The person with the matching ticket wins
the raffle.

The method of choosing a raffle winner is fair because each ticket has an
equal probability of being drawn.

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(+) Analyze decisions and What It Means to You

strategies using probability
You can use Bayes’ Theorem when analyzing decisions.
concepts (e.g., product testing,
P(B|A) · P(A)
medical testing, pulling a Given two events A and B with P(A|B) = __________.
hockey goalie at the end of a
game). EXAMPLE S-MD.B.7
Suppose Walter
Key Vocabulary operates an order- Machine
probability (probabilidad) filling machine that
has an error rate of 0.20 0.80
A number from 0 to 1 (or 0% to
100%) that is the measure of 0.5%. He installs a
Old New
how likely an event is to occur. new order-filling
machine that has
0.005 0.995 0.001 0.999
an error rate of
only 0.1%. The new Error No error Error No error
machine takes over
80% of the order- 0.001 0.199 0.0008 0.7992
filling tasks.

One day, Walter gets a call from a customer complaining that her order
wasn’t filled properly. Walter blames the problem on the old machine.
Was he correct in doing so? First, find the probability that the order
was filled by the old machine given that there was an error in filling the
order, P(old|error).
P(error | old) · P(old)
P(old|error) = __________________
0.005 · (0.20) 5 ≈ 0.56
0.001 = __
= ____________ = ______
0.001 + 0.0008 0.0018 9
Given that there is a mistake, the probability is about 56% that the old
machine filled the order. The probability that the new machine filled the
order is 1 - 0.56 = 44%. The old machine is only slightly more likely
than the new machine to have filled the order. Walter shouldn’t blame
the old machine.

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