Preserving The Beauty of Nature

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Preserving the Beauty of Nature

Nature is made by our dearest God the Father and it is the fountainhead of survival needing.

The Philippines has many natural riches. Its land area is good for farming. It is surrounded by bodies of water, which make
fishing an important source of income. Beautiful white beaches are common sights. Our seas are rich, not only in fish and other
food, but also in precious oil.

That’s why it’s very important to keep safe from detriment. Organizations, at a local and national level, must be devoted in
preserving the nature. Together, they form the “Green Movement”. Formers are sympathetic to the Green Movement, despite the
pressure to grow the maximum amount of food. Some make an effort to pressure some small areas of woodland and hedge grow,
and are careful not to spray these areas with pesticides a few have turned their backs on modern methods and use no chemicals at
all, either in fertilizers or pesticides. Action is finally being taken to save the forests. Government recently banned all timber
exports and made it illegal to cut down any tree more than five years old. As well as banned all sand mining such actions show
great determination, because these have been a major source of income.

It is difficult to persuade poor people in our country of the importance of saving the nature. They need more food and waste to
use the land to grow it on. But saving nature is not luxury, it is necessity. What is at stake is not just our enjoyment of nature, but
the future of life on Earth.


Preserving Family Values

It is often observed that one’s strength can also be the source of one’s weakness, like a two-edged sword, or two
faces of the same coin. This is a paradox of the human condition. We Filipino are deeply family-centered. This is an
undisputed national trait of our people. We are known all over the world for this. Other people and cultures admire and
envy us for it. It is one our greatest strength. Typical Filipino couple’s major focus of concern is their children, their
children’s welfare, education and culture. Filipino parents go through all kinds of sacrifice and pain to be able to give
the best to their children.

We have seen Filipino parents who would rather go hungry, so their children can have enough to eat, parents who
clothe their children first before they clothe themselves, parents from all observable evidence, we seem to be deeply
committed in keeping and preserving their value. But then, like the edged-sword this strength of ours also contains
your weakness. For when we talk of our people being family-centered, we usually mean that the family is centered on
its own members or occupied almost exclusively with one’s own children, grand children and close kin’s. Parents are
the best hero because of their great vigor.


Improving Myself
As a teen, I use to think of what are the ways to make progress, in what is desirable line from moment to next with
purpose of living. For myself what I need to become better is to grow, to expand (to dilate), to mature. To become is to
develop in to that which one is meant to be.

It takes time to improve myself, it takes practices and it takes challenges, every time you reach the finish line, you
fail, then you’ll repeat and repeat until you’re satisfied and success with your capabilities. I will continue to feel the
need to grow in advance of maturity and goodness. The need for the greater self-esteem moves me in the direction of
making myself a better person.


Developing my Spiritual Growth

In the Philippines, more than eighty percent of the Filipinos are Catholics. The remaining percentage includes
our Muslim brothers and various Protestant groups. But though we have different religions, we all believe
that there is only one God. I develop my spiritual growth through attending mass to listen the word of god
every weekend, I kneel down and I pray to God the father and feel his presence, I thank him and ask
forgiveness for what I have sin. Before we eat, before we sleep and before everything, we thank God for the
blessings he gave us. Have faith and love to the Lord. I admire people who are piety to God. Being yourself
is the best way to develop your spiritual growth.

Enhancing my Talents

Knowing my Responsibilities

As an elder sister, I have the responsibility to take care of my little bro while my parents are busy,
this is a really tough responsibility, want to know why? If you’re little bro got hurt yourself will be
the one to be blame. That’s why I take it a whole heart to take care of him, even though that he is
really naughty. Responsibility is an important thing,

 Fountainhead= the origin or source of something
 Detriment= something that will cause damage or injury to something or someone
=the act of causing damage or injury to something or someone
 Sympathetic=feeling or showing concern about someone who is in a bad situation: having or
showing feelings of sympathy.
=having or showing support for or approval of something
 Necessity=something that you must have or do: something that is necessary
= the quality of being necessary

 Undisputed= to say or show that (something) may be true
 Vigor=strength, energy or determination.

 Dilate=to become larger or wider
 Self-esteem=a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities.

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