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Goodman 1

Chayse Goodman

Professor Massie

ENGL 1302

11 August 2020

Reflective Essay

During this last semester, I have learned a lot of great aspects from my writing. With all three
essays we wrote through these five weeks, the one that helped me grow was our rhetorical analysis essay.
In this essay were to choose a specific argument and convince the audience on our point of views.
However, only using third person. I gained a greater understanding with differences between ethos,
pathos, and logos without trying to be bias on my argument. I realized paying more attention to my
grammar and punctuation were a problem, but minor adjustments were made, and I learned!
My first problem was with my grammar. Noticing from the comments from my tutor, some of my
sentences were gambled up, confusing, and overall, not making sense. Something else that was
pointed out was in some places my sentences didn't flow as well as they could have. Deciding to blame
my dyslexia, I made sure I took the comments and fixed them because I want the audience to stop and say
“wow” instead of questioning what was said. With the power in my writing, I want it to be known to
always proofread everything within the essay. Mistakes are ok!
The second problem I had was with the punctuation. The correct format with punctuation is
crucial because these symbols are the sole purpose on how the essay flows when it is read aloud. My tutor
showed me there were a lot of mistakes with this. For example, my use of colons and commas in the
wrong areas or they were never needed in the first place. When it comes to formal writing that flow
matters. What helps is always have a tutor, but if not read the sentences allowed to yourself or a family
member. It makes a big difference.
The rhetorical analysis essay overall was amazing to write. I chose the argument over race
because I relate to it in multiple ways. With all the help from my tutor and classmates, I have truly
bettered myself in my writing. I know this last year in high school will be a breeze. The course has taught
a lot of essential aspects to use in the future. Remember: proofread essays at all times, it is a lifesaver.

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