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Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technolog School of Teacher Education Course Syllabus ‘Sci. 101A- Teaching Science in Intermediate Grades (Physics and Earth & Space Science) Second Semester A.Y. 2019-2020 ‘Vision : An ecologically responsive University in Souther Philippines that fosters a culture of innovation and sustainability on the quality of lives in the community it serves. Nission : The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technol , information and communication technology, arts and sciences, education, ration and management, health sciences and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research, extension services and production activities in support of the socioeconomic development of the Province of Misamis Occidental, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization STE Goal: To be a center of development for Teacher Education by 202 in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate leaming and teaching 5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional 6. Manifest a desire to continuous! Credit units Number of Hours — : 54 hours Semester Second Semester Academic Year 2019-2020 Page| 1 Course This course includes understanding of spiraling basic science concept and application of science inquiry in Physics and Earth and Space, strategies in | Description | teaching elementary science development of instructional materials and assessment. Content topics in Physic Include force and motion, and Energy while Earth | and Space Science include Geology, Meteorology, and Astronomy. [Program The BEEd is designed to meet the needs of professional teachers for elementary education schools, who are generalists and who can teach across the different | Goals: leaming areas. PROGRAM OUTCOMES: T a | Demonstrated in-depth understanding of the development of elementary leamers. b | Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and the different subject areas | ¢ | Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure leaming outcomes d e f Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and profession: Course Map: Course Outcomes and Its Rel ship to Program Outcomes: Course Outcomes on Program Outcomes Course Map | Upon completion of the course, the students must have: a c [qd le Used skills and strategies in hands-on science approaches ‘4 Designed and conducted investigations and experiments. v Utiized appropriate instructional formats for teaching science in. | 7 the elementary classroom c Identified and demonstrated evaluative procedures for assessing Le v | science leaming. Mets Organized, taught, and critiqued_science lessons. v Vis v v v Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) After the completion of this unit, the students must have; Page | 2 Effective Science Multimedia Presentation Written quizzes 3 Teaching/Students’ developed a leaming route for science literacy | Discussion Hand out Graded Assignment Conception of the World _| in the elementary program which involved sub- | Cooperative Learning skills of; (Brain Storming) Question and answer -identifying and discussing the elements of Independent study effective science instruction. Library Research -developing a working definition of science. ‘The Learning Cycle. determined essential parts of the science Discussion Student Multimedia Presentation Written quizzes 45 leaming cycle and science lesson planning —_| Demonstration Hand out presentation of a which involved sub-skill of; Cooperative learning developed science Library Research lesson plan with -describing parts of the science leaming cycle learning model and ts connection to science lesson planning; Graded Assignment - developing own functional science lesson plans and integrating inquiry based method involving experimentation. ‘Science As inquiry ‘demonstrated understanding in established | Discussion Student Multimedia Presentation | Written quizzes 45 effective instruction and assessment which Demonstration Hand out presentation of a involved sub-skills of; Cooperative learning science lesson plan Library Research ‘emphasis of inquiry -incorporating science inquiry skills for question informal assessment; Graded Assignment -utilizing inquiry based method for lesson development. The Content of Science: | identified and classified different types of ‘Question and answer | Multimedia Presentation | Written quizzes 3 Conceptual Learning ‘The Content of Science’ Constructing Generalizations Differences ‘concepts which involved sub-skill of; constructing of concept maps and concept webs to be presented as a strategy for concept development. ‘described the role of generalizations in science content which involved sub-skill of; -evaluating the association that relates to prediction and the phases of the learning cycle. Discussion Student Demonstration Cooperative leaming Library Research Independent study Discussion Student Demonstration Cooperative learning Library Research Hand out Multimedia Presentation Hand out -presentation of a ‘science lesson plan with ‘emphasis of graphical tools Graded Assignment quizzes -Group presentation of a science project with ‘emphasis of phases of teaming cycles Graded Assignment Page |3 | Teaching Science ‘described the dimensions of effective science | Discussion ‘Multimedia Presentation [quizzes 45 Meaningiully teaching which involved sub-skills of ; ‘Student Demonstration | Hand out -presentation of a science applying of cooperative group leaming in a Cooperative learning lesson plan with emphasis science lesson; Library Research of creating exploration phase and expansion demonstrating instructional activities; phase of the leaming -creating exploration phase and expansion cycle phase of the leaming cycle and be presented Graded Assignment in the class. ‘Assessing and Evaluating | distinguished traditional assessment from Cooperative Learning | Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 45 ‘Science Leaming alternative assessment for meaningful leaming | (Brain Storming) Hand out -presentation of a science which involved sub-skills of; Discussion lesson plan with emphasis ‘Student Demonstration of informal and formal -identitying and describing types of Cooperative learning assessment assessment; Library Research Graded Assignment | -utilizing Portfolio assessment as an element of discussion. Planning Science Units described techniques for planning an integrated | Interactive Leaming ‘Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 3 ‘science unit which involved sub-skills of; Discussion Student Hand out -presentation of a science Demonstration lesson plan with emphasis -determining appropriate topics of an integrated | Cooperative leaming of employing assessment science unit employing assessment criteria; criteria and unit plans -developing own functional science unit plans. | Library Research Graded Assignment ‘Science for All Students | examined factors in adapting science Discussion Student ‘Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 3 instruction for children with special needs which | Demonstration Hand out presentation of a science involved sub-skill of ; Cooperative learning lesson plan with emphasis Library Research of incorporating strategies -determining strategies needed to teach for student diversity meaningful science to students of both genders Graded Assignment and diverse cultural heritages. Page | 4 Developing an Effective distinguished the criteria used in designing _| Discussion Student ‘Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 45 Classroom Science yearlong plan for science which involved sub- | Demonstration Hand out -presentation of a science Skills of; Cooperative learning lesson pian with emphasis Library Research of utilizing software utilizing software programs and the Intemet to : programs for classroom Support the classroom science program; science program. producing an advance long-range lesson Graded Assignment planning Eke Starting Points in Teaching | designed program outcomes that implement a_| Discussion Student Multimedia Presentation | -quizzes 45 Science ‘sequence of meaningful learning activities. Demonstration Hand out -reflection paper ‘Cooperative learning -Individual teaching Library Research demonstration Graded Assignment Biological Science Starting | created a simple lesson outline (teaching Discussion Student Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 45 Points sequences) using Gagne’s instruction events | Demonstration Hand out -feflection paper which involve sub-skills of ; Cooperative learning -Individual teaching Library Research demonstration -explaining Gagne's conditions of Learning; Graded Assignment -articulating the benefits of using Gagne’s z principles in teaching, Earth and Space Science | identified an advance graphic organizer fora’ | Discussion Student ‘Multimedia Presentation | quizzes 45 Starting Points topic presentation which involve sub-skill of, | Demonstration Hand out -reflection paper Cooperative leaming -Individual teaching -determining the uses of graphic organizer Library Research demonstration showing graphic organizer in lesson development phase Graded Assignment Final Exam 7 TOTAL HOURS 4 hrs COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND CLASS POLICIES Course Requirements Each student is required to: 1. Attend at least 80% of the class hours; 2. Submit individual/group projectresearch output, 3. Pass the 3 major exams Class Participation/Projects/Quizzes//Major Exams "s Class participation is encouraged; however, a polite attitude and manner of speech will be expected of all students towards each other and towards: Page | 5 the instructor, at all times. io hats or caps will be worn during class in order not to obstruct the view of the instructor or other students. Il electronic devices need to be set to silent mode during class time. Laptops or Cellphones may be used for class activities ONLY. 18S. Their use is permitted except when explicitly prohibited (Browsing social media, doing assignments of Class Policy other subjects, activities unrelated to the course). + You are responsible for all information given in class, online, and in the syllabus or course outline. Come to class prepared. Students are expected to stay in their seat til the class schedule ends. Standing by the classroom door is not allowed. If a student needs to go somewhere else for a few minutes during class hours, he/she must ask permission from the instructor. Students are responsible for their computer equipment. Any problems — notify your teacher. Respect the computers, textbooks and classroom materials. Respect your peers and others property. + Read chapters, articles, online material assigned from course text prior to each class meeting. Students are responsible for this information on tests as well as during class participation. riteria for all activities, assignments or projects will be available in class and/or posted online unless otherwise notified by the instructor. tudents are responsible for enrolling on the course's Google Classroom. + Any student who committed any form of academic dishonesty shall be given disciplinary action provided in the college Students’ Handbook. + Students are required to always wear the NMSCST ID and uniform while inside the classroom. + Classes missed because of late enrollment are considered absences. r Student is considered late if he/she is not in the classroom within 1 minutes afer the start of the class and absent if he/she arrives beyond 15 inutes. + Three instances of being late are regarded as one day absent. * Absence (excused or unexcused) does not absolve the student from doing the work or assignment covered by the class during his absence. + Any student who incurred absences more than 20% of the total number of the course even excused is declared “dropped.” ‘Amy B. Colton and Georgea M. Langer (2016) A Process of Discovery from ‘The grading system is averaging thats https:/ Final Grade = Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade ‘Aaron D. Isabelle. Discovery Boxes: Nurturing Scientfic Thinking with Novice and In Service 3 Teachers. from. ‘Computation of Grades using the formula below hittps:/theaste. org/pubs/proceedings/2006proceedings/Isabelle_Discovery_Boxes%201%20.htm Serta ene Herman, J (2013) Formative Assessment for NextGeneration Science Standards:A Proposed Model. Wace pete Bone reee: from https:/ pat SS = Student Score Peter W. Hewson 2012. Conceptual Change in Science Teaching and Teacher Education. from 8G = Students’ Grade hitps:l/pafs 1067fe. pat Lee, L. Title Children’s ideas in science: some strategies for teacher intervention, Institute of Education Major Examinations. 40% (Singapore). sg/btstrearr/10497/424/1/TL-16-1- T2.pdt QuizzesiCase Analysis. 20% Classroom assessment in science from Research Output... 30% htlps/ pat ‘AttendancerPartcipation.. en Module 6: Sample Lesson Plans in Science from https: /twww jica.go.jpfproject/ghana/0604654/pdt/26_GhanalNSET_Sourcebook_M6. rate components and corresponding percentage alocaton wl vary, the instucoy professor | porta Mode. (1987) Ponibay locas aed MONGHON Fenn oF, Page| 6 hitips:/vwwww.sciencedirect com/opics/psychology/mental-model ‘Timed Leaming. Elementary School Science — Curriculum ‘Overview tml Prepared: Recommending Approval: Approved LARIZA T. EBEO, MAEd ERLINDA S. PANTALLANO, Ed. D. MARILOU M. ABATAYO, Ph.D. Instructor 4 Dean, STE VP for Academic Affairs and Student Services Page |7

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