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Application Data Sheet



This publication discusses the application of Unpainted surfaces of newly fabricated metal parts
RUST-BAN® 343 and 326 to unpainted metal require protection against rusting and corrosion
during both shipment and temporary storage before
parts in shipment or temporary storage. use. The choice of rust preventive will depend to some extent
on the type of part to be protected. The main function of the
corrosion preventive is to prevent access of moisture to the
metal surfaces and, in some applications, to provide additional
protection against mechanical damage.


The finished surfaces of small parts can be protected by
dipping the parts in RUST-BAN® 343, leaving a thin, oily,
protective film. Although the film is easily removed with
VARSOL® mineral spirits, it is seldom necessary to remove it
when the parts are put into service.
RUST-BAN 343 is an effective corrosion preventive for
rolling contact bearings, and may be left in place when the
bearing is installed. In the past, heavy petrolatum- or wax-base
materials were used for protecting rolling contact bearings,
but this is no longer recommended because of the possibility
of damaging the bearing when removing the heavy coating.


The interior surfaces of gear boxes, hydraulic equipment.
and similar equipment are subject to rusting due to
condensation of water within the reservoirs or other interior
sections. Protection can be provided with an oil-type rust
preventive. RUST-BAN 343 is the most common
recommendation for this application. It should he installed
in the sump, or reservoir, with care taken to ensure that all
interior surfaces are wet. The equipment should not be
operated with RUST-BAN 343, since the product is too thin to
provide adequate lubrication protection to bearings, gears.
If this publication is more than two years old, please and other components.
contact Exxon to ensure that it is the current issue.
The excess RUST-BAN 343 is then drained, leaving an oily
film that provides effective rust protection. The drained
product can be re-used in other equipment, provided it is free
of contamination and not diluted with lubricant from the
equipment in which it was previously used.

Internal combustion engines can be protected internally by
RUST-BAN 343. This oil-type corrosion preventive is Small replacement parts RUST-BAN 343
recommended for the protection of both gasoline and diesel Rolling contact bearings RUST-BAN 343
engines. It should be installed in the crankcase and also Oil reservoir interiors RUST-BAN 343
injected directly into the cylinders to ensure that all interior
surfaces are wet. Do not attempt to distribute RUST-BAN 343 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES
through the system by operating the engine—bearing damage Gasoline engines RUST-BAN 343
could result, since the product is too thin to provide adequate Diesel engines RUST-BAN 343


Unpainted exposed surfaces require temporary protection No severe exposure RUST-BAN 326
during shipment. The choice of corrosion preventive will
depend upon the severity of atmospheric exposure and the
length of storage before equipment is used. Where shipment
is made in an enclosed van, rail car, or freight container,
adequate protection can generally be attained with RUST-BAN PRODUCT LITERATURE
326, a waxy material that forms a fairly thick protective Product Data Sheets on individual RUST-BAN products are
coating. It can be applied by swab or, if heated, by spray. available from the Exxon representative.

Health studies have shown that many petroleum hydrocarbons pose established by the National Fire Protection Association or by local
potential human health risks that may vary from person to person. As a authorities, should be taken to minimize fire hazard.
precaution, exposure to liquids and vapors of petroleum products WARNING: “Empty” containers retain residue (liquid and/or vapor)
should he minimized. and can be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill,
Repeated or prolonged contact of oil or grease with the skin can lead to grind, or expose such containers to heat, flame, sparks, or other sources of
skin irritation or dermatitis. If necessary to avoid repeated skin contact ignition; they may explode and cause injury or death. Do not attempt to
with RUST-BAN, chemical-resistant gloves and apron should be worn. clean since residue is difficult to remove, and even a trace of remaining
RUST-BAN products should be promptly removed from the skin with a material constitutes an explosive hazard. “Empty” drums should be
waterless hand cleaner, followed by washing with soap, water, and a soft completely drained, properly bunged, and promptly returned to a drum
skin brush. Soiled clothing should not remain in contact with the skin. reconditioner. All other containers should be disposed of in an
RUST-BAN products can be removed from clothing by dry-cleaning environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental
or by washing with laundry detergents. regulations.
To prevent splashing of RUST-BAN products into the eyes, protective Additional health and safety information is provided in a Material
goggles should he worn. If product contacts the eyes, flush the eyes Safety Data Sheet and the Exxon brochure “Handling Petroleum
with fresh water until the irritation subsides. Solvents.” These are available from the Exxon representative, or by
If spraying a RUST-BAN product, a respirator approved for use in paint writing to: Marketing Technical Services, Sales Publications, Exxon
application should be used. When spraying, proper precautions, Company, U.S.A., P.O. Box 2180, Houston, TX 77252-2180.

Printed on recycled paper. Printed in USA 7-1-94 (Supersedes issue of 12-7-84)

© 1994, Exxon Corporation.


Marketing Technical Services P.O. Box 2180, Houston, TX 77252-2180
A Division of Exxon Corporation 1-3-4-5-6

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