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Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2007) 1194–1198

A novel technique for the measurement of liquid viscosity

Anwar Sadat *, Iqbal A. Khan
Department of Electronics Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP 202 002, India

Received 21 February 2006; received in revised form 12 September 2006; accepted 15 September 2006
Available online 31 October 2006


A novel technique for the measurement of liquid viscosity is presented. In this technique, a disk was driven by a constant speed dc
shunt motor in the test liquid. The change in the motor current measured the viscosity. The change in motor current was measured using
an instrumentation amplifier and the viscosity of the liquid was measured in terms of output voltage. The temperature of the liquid was
controlled using a peltier cooler/heater and was measured using an AD590 two-terminal integrated circuit temperature sensor. The vis-
cosity of vegetable oils (groundnut, palm, sunflower, coconut) in the temperature range from 20 C to 60 C were determined. The results
thus found were similar to the results obtained from a Redwood viscometer. This technique is useful to measure viscosity of liquids.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vegetable oils; Viscosity measurement; Viscosity–temperature characteristics

1. Introduction using a constant force, such as falling ball viscometer the

resulting travel time or distance covered determine the vis-
Vegetable oils are used as salad oils, cooking oils, spreads cosity. Quartz crystal resonator (Martin, Wenzel, & White,
and ingredients in several foods. The price of vegetable oil 1989) and ultrasonic plate wave (Stoyanov & Grimes,
may vary considerable from time to time, depending on 2000) are also used to measure fluid viscosity. While these
production costs and availability. Due to economic impor- measurement techniques offer outstanding performance,
tance of oils and fats it is vital to develop methods to con- accurate viscosity measurement requires a simultaneous
firm authenticity, to detect adulteration and to define the temperature measurement of the sample liquid since the
composition of blends (Ashurt & Dennis, 1996; Carelli & viscosity of the liquid is generally highly temperature
Cert, 1993). Gas and liquid chromatography are the tech- dependent. Due to the thermal capacity of common liquids,
niques that have been widely used for oil analysis (Cert, the measurement of the viscosity temperature characteris-
Moreda, & Perez-Camino, 2000), with which it is possible tics using classical viscometer setups can be quite time con-
to analyze the composition of the natural constituents of suming and can moreover require considerable heating
the oils or of possible adulterants. However, they are time power (Jakoby, Klinger, & Svasek, 2005). The effects of
consuming and require sample manipulation. Vegetable oils temperature on viscosity of liquids are highly significant;
are complex mixtures of many triglycerides. Viscosity of the temperature dependence of viscosity was studied by
vegetable oils depends on the composition of triglycerides. several researchers (Giner, Ibarz, Garza, & Xhian-Quan,
Various mechanical vibration-based viscosity sensors 1996; Ibarz, Vicente, & Graell, 1987; Khalil, Ramakrishna,
are available for measuring liquid viscosity, with the force Nanjundaswamy, & Patwardhan, 1989; Rao, Cooley, &
required to induce motion related to the liquid viscosity Vitali, 1984; Saravacos, 1970; Vitali & Rao, 1984). In their
and density. If a body is moved through a viscous liquid studies they found that the effect of increasing the temper-
ature was a decrease in viscosity.
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +91 571 2721148. In this paper, we report a viscosity measurement tech-
E-mail address: (A. Sadat). nique for liquids. The principle of viscosity measurement

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A. Sadat, I.A. Khan / Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2007) 1194–1198 1195

is that the torque required to rotate a disk at constant The tangential force df on the ring of radius r and infinites-
speed inside a liquid bath is proportional to its viscosity. imal thickness dr on the surface of the disk (Fig. 2) is given
The current to a dc shunt motor required to rotate the disk as
is proportional to the torque. The viscosity of vegetable oils xr
(groundnut, palm, sunflower, coconut) in the temperature df ¼ l   2pr  dr ð4Þ
range 20–60 C were determined by measuring the current
The differential torque dT generated on the ring is given as
to a dc shunt motor using an electric circuit. In our study
we found that the differences among the viscosity of vege- dT ¼ df  r ð5Þ
table oils decreases as the oil temperature increases. The 2plx 3
temperature of the oil was controlled using a peltier dT ¼ r dr ð6Þ
cooler/heater and was measured using an AD590 two-ter-
minal integrated circuit temperature sensor. Torque T on one side of the disk is given by integrating Eq.
(6) with the limits 0 to R as follows:
2. Theory 2plx 3
T ¼ r dr ð7Þ
0 h
The novel viscometer was fabricated using a stainless
steel cylinder is shown in Fig. 1. In this viscometer a disk which results
of radius R rotates at an angular velocity x in a liquid of plxR4
viscosity l. The velocity distribution u(y, r) between the T ¼ ð8Þ
disk and top or bottom surfaces of the cylinder is given
Neglecting shear on the outer disk edge, the total torque
 Ttotal on both sides of the disk is twice of the torque T.
y Thus the total torque Ttotal can be expressed as
uðy; rÞ ¼ rx 1  ð1Þ
where h is the clearance of top and bottom surfaces of the T total ¼ ð9Þ
cylinder from the disk, y is vertical distance from the disk
surface and r is the horizontal distance from the axis of Assuming x, h and R as constants
rotation. The tangential stress s on the surface of the disk T total ¼ kl ð10Þ
is given as pxR4
    where k ¼ is a device constant.
 ou  The torque generated by dc shunt motor Tm is given by
s ¼ l  ð2Þ
 oy y¼0  Tm ¼ TL þ Tf ð11Þ
s¼l ð3Þ where TL and Tf denotes usable torque and frictional tor-
h que, respectively.
Assuming Tf as constant
T m aT L ð12Þ
Torque available at the motor output drives a load.
If the losses are negligible, the electrical power EIcos /
equals the mechanical power Tx
EI cos / ¼ T x ð13Þ

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Fig. 2. A ring on the disk surface with infinitesimal thickness dr.
1196 A. Sadat, I.A. Khan / Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2007) 1194–1198

In dc power factor cos / is unity tracted and amplified by the instrumentation amplifier
EI ¼ T x (AD624, Analog Devices). The accuracy of the AD624
was 0.01%. For the experiment a disk of diameter 10 mm
Since supply voltage E and angular velocity x are was rotated at a constant speed of 900 rpm in the cylinder,
constants completely filled with 20 ml of the sample. The rpm of the
T aI ð14Þ constant speed dc shunt motor was measured using a digi-
tal tachometer (RC-100, Selectron). The sensor with sam-
From Eqs. (10) and (14) ple was allowed to reach a constant temperature and the
Ial ð15Þ measurements were obtained in the range from 20 C to
60 C. The temperature of the oil was measured using
Thus the current of dc shunt motor is directly proportional
two-terminal integrated circuit temperature sensor
to the viscosity of the liquid under test.
(AD590, Analog Device) with accuracy ±0.5 C. The out-
put of the instrumentation amplifier was measured using
3. Experimental method an electronic voltmeter (DMM2002, Keithley) with accu-
racy ±0.006% of actual reading. Five replications at each
The schematic representation of the experimental setup temperature were carried out and their average was used
is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a closed cylinder of stainless in the calculations. The time required to complete the mea-
steel (diameter 40 mm and height 40 mm). The radius and surement was approximately 1 s.
thickness of the disk were 5 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively. For the experiment vegetable oils (coconut, groundnut,
A peltier cooler/heater (TB-127-1, 0-2,5 Kryotherm, Rus- palm and sunflower) were used. A Redwood viscometer
sia) was used to control the temperature of the oil. A peltier specification number 1 (MSW-527, Macro Scientific) was
cooler/heater (TEM) consists of semiconductor elements used as the standard viscosity measurement device for mea-
made of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3), which are connected surement of kinematic viscosity of vegetable oils at different
electrically in series and thermally in parallel. These thermo- temperatures (Igathinathane, Poordesimo, Womac, Malle-
electric elements are mounted between ceramic substrates; swar, & Appa Rao, 2005). The temperature of the oil was
this arrangement causes heat to move through the module controlled with an accuracy of ±0.2 C as the viscosity of
from one side to the other. Therefore, one module side will vegetable oils decreases with increase in temperature.
be cooled while the other is simultaneously heated. The heat
pumped through the peltier cooler/heater is proportional to 4. Experimental results
the magnitude of the applied dc electric current. The heat
generated by the TEM hot side was used to heat the oil sam- The variation of the observed kinematic viscosity of veg-
ple in the cylinder. The cold side was connected to the sink etable oils with the temperature is shown in Fig. 4. Data
and fan for effective heating. The magnitude of the current indicates that the viscosity of the vegetable oils varies with
passing through TEM was used to maintain or control the temperature. Hence, it required precise control of tempera-
temperature of the oil. ture. From Fig. 4 it can be observed that the groundnut oil
The circuit diagram for the measurement of viscosity is has the highest viscosity among the oils tested followed by
shown in Fig. 3. A resistance (RL) in series with dc shunt palm oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil. The variations of
motor was connected to a 12 V dc supply. The voltage the viscosity in the range of temperatures studied were
(Vr) was proportional to the current of dc shunt motor. maximum for the groundnut oil and least for the coconut
Voltage (Vf) from the potentiometer was proportional to oil. There were similar variations in the viscosity of palm,
the frictional torque. The voltages (Vr) and (Vf) were sub- sunflower and coconut oils with temperature.

Fig. 3. Proposed circuit for the measurement of liquid viscosity.

A. Sadat, I.A. Khan / Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2007) 1194–1198 1197

Fig. 4. Observed variation of redwood viscosities of vegetable oils with temperature.

The output voltage of proposed method at different tem- evident from the plot that the output voltage was a maxi-
peratures for the oils is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that mum for the groundnut oil and least for the coconut, with
the groundnut and coconut oils curves stand apart. It was palm and sunflower in between. Greater output voltage

Fig. 5. Output voltage (V) for vegetable oils with temperature.

Fig. 6. Plot of output voltage versus observed viscosity.

1198 A. Sadat, I.A. Khan / Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2007) 1194–1198

signified that the viscosity values were higher. Fig. 6 shows Carelli, A. A., & Cert, A. (1993). Comparative study of the determination
the plot of output voltage of the proposed viscometer and of triacylglycerol in vegetable oils using chromatographic techniques.
Journal of Chromatography A, 630, 213–222.
the observed viscosity data from the Redwood viscometer. Cert, A., Moreda, W., & Perez-Camino, M. C. (2000). Chromatographic
This plot showed a linear correlation between the two analysis of minor constituents in vegetable oils. Journal of Chroma-
quantities. The viscosity (g) of the vegetable oils can be tography, 881, 131–148.
found by measuring the output voltage (V) of the proposed Giner, J., Ibarz, A., Garza, S., & Xhian-Quan, S. (1996). Rheology of
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3 ing, 6, 257–267.
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