Latihan Soal OFFERING

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Latihan Soal

1. John : Hello, Jean. Where have you been?

Jean : Hi, John. I just bought few kilograms of apples in the market.
John : Do you need some help to carry the apples?
Jean : _______
The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I don’t know
B. Why?
C. Of course, that’s very kind of you
D. I will help you
E. Good bye

2. Ronald: You look so busy. _______

Marry: No, thank you. I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I will leave you alone
B. Would you like some help?
C. Do you want to help me?
D. Sure, I would like to
E. Yes, please

3. Andy: I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Sam: I’m afraid I cannot.
Andy: Why? I think you really love the band.
Sam: Yes, I do. But I have many works at home.
Andy: Let me help you, then.
Sam: ___________
Andy: Never mind. That’s what friend should do.

What should Sam say?

A. I really appreciate your help
B. I don’t need your help
C. I am fine, thank you
D. I will go, too
E. Don’t worry

Complete the dialogue below (question 4 and 5)

Judy: Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shopkeeper: Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. ______ (4) to show the shelf?
Judy: I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too.
Shopkeeper: ________(5). Take your time.
Judy: Thank you, Sir.

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …..

A. I would like
B. Can you
C. Do not go
D. Would you like me
E. May I
5. What should the shopkeeper say?
A. I am busy
B. Sorry
C. Thank you
D. Will you go?
E. That’s okay

6. Romy : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Arthur: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.

The underlined sentence express:

A. Asking help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing something
D. Accepting an offer
E. Suggestion

7. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear.
I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing

8. Bob: Sony, will you join me to build a birdhouse?

Sony: Sure, _______. I am really excited.
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

9.Angga        : Are you going to cross this street, Ma’am?

Mrs. Linda : Yes, my house is over there.
Angga        : You should be careful, Ma’am. The traffic is very heavy.
Mrs. Linda : You’re right. Actually I am a bit afraid.
Angga        : Please give me your hand, Ma’am. I’ll help you cross the street.
Mrs. Linda : Thanks. What a good boy!
What is Mrs. Linda going to do?
A. Look for Angga
B. Cross a street
C. Walk along the street
D. Leave her home
E. Help Angga cross a street
10.Candra    : Excuse me, Ma’am. I am Candra. Do you remember me?
Mrs. Susi : Um … you are my son’s classmate, aren’t you?
Candra    : You’re right, Ma’am. I am Ferry’s classmate. Anyway, you are carrying a
heavy load. Can I help you, please?
Mrs. Susi : Sure. Thanks.
Candra    : Where is your car, Ma’am?
Mrs. Susi : Over there. Please follow me.
Candra    : Yes, Ma’am.
Who is Candra?
A. Mrs. Susi’s son
B. Mrs. Susi’s friend
C. A parking attendant
D. Mrs. Susi’s nephew
E. A friend of Mrs. Susi’s son

11.Diah  : Fatur, could you come to my house next Sunday?

Fatur : Sure. Do you need my help?
Diah  : My dad and I need assistance with our car modification project.
Fatur : Really? I’ll be glad to help.
Diah  : Thanks. We still need someone to modify the interior.
Fatur : I would lend a hand if I could. But, I’m only good at the engine.
Diah  : Don’t you know anyone?
Fatur : I think we should ask for help from an auto shop.
Diah  : You’re right. Let’s focus on the engine first.
Fatur : Shall I get more help?
Diah  : I think the three of us are enough.
Fatur : O.K. See you on Sunday.
Diah  : See you.
What will they do with the car?

A. Paint the body

B. Change the engine
C. Test it on the road
D. Manage the engine
E. Take it to the auto shop

12.Soraya     : Excuse me. May I have your time, please?

Mr. Alvian : Yes, please.
Soraya     : We would like to offer our products.
Mr. Alvian : What’s that?
Soraya     : We are the provider of home Internet connection. Are you interested
in subscribing it?
Mr. Alvian : Hmm … how much should I spend monthly?
Soraya     : For the first installation and monthly subscription, read this brochure.
Mr. Alvian : Do you offer special prices?
Soraya     : If you subscribe in groups, in this case your neighbors, you will share the
cost. Of course, it will be cheaper.
Mr. Alvian : O.K. I will discuss it with my neighbors.
Soraya     : Here is my number, Sir. Feel free to contact me.
Mr. Alvian : All right.
What does Soraya propose to Mr. Alvian?
A. To share the cost with his family
B. To contact her for more information
C. To read the brochure about her product
D. To meet her manager to get a special price
E. To use her home Internet connection provider

Evans : We have to submit the report of our visit to Bali tomorrow, but I think there are still
a lot of problems with the grammar, spelling and so on.
Hilda  : You’re right.
Evans : What do you think we should do?
Hilda  : What if I take half of it and I’ll edit the rest after I finish this one?
Evans : That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks a lot.
Where did Evans and Hilda go to recently?
A. Bali
B. Hilda’s hometown
C. Evans’ hometown
D. Palembang
E. Overseas
14.Mawar : What are you doing, Krisna?
Krisna : I’m checking my bicycle. When I ride it, it makes a noisy sound.
Mawar : Maybe one of the bolts looses. Let me help you check it.
Krisna : O.K. If we can’t find the loosen bolt, I will take it to a repairman.
Mawar : Yeah, let me accompany you.
Krisna : O.K., thanks. 
Where is the conversation likely to take place?
A. In a store
B. At home
C. In a kitchen
D. In the repair shop
E. At the garden
 15.One late night, Mr. Sholeh and his wife, Mrs. Harum, was driving home from his
brother’s house. He invited him and his family to his daughter’s marriage. That was a long
     “You look tired. Should we take a rest?” asked Mrs. Harum.
     “That’s a good idea. We need to find a rest area,” said Mr. Sholeh.
     “Let me help you find the nearest rest area. I’ll find the information from this
application,” offered Mrs. Harum.
     “O.K. Thanks, dear,” replied Mr. Sholeh.
     “There is a gas station about 2 kms ahead. I think we can take a rest there,” said Mrs.
     “O.K., dear,” replied Mr. Sholeh.
What is Mrs. Harum like?
A. Brave
B. Smart
C. Honest
D. Helpful
E. Talkative
16.Reza       : What happened to your car, Ma’am?
Mrs. Ulfa : I don’t know. Suddenly the machine stopped.
Reza       : Let me check the engine.
Mrs. Ulfa : Thanks.
What does Reza offer?
A. To drive Mrs. Ulfa’s car
B. To clean Mrs. Ulfa’s car
C. To find the nearest workshop
D. To check Mrs. Ulfa’s car
E. To call a repairman to fix the car
17.Irin    : I intend to have a birthday party at home, but I’m confused. My house is small.
Rizal : You don’t need to have the party inside your house. You can hold it in the large
garden behind your house.
Irin    : You’re right, but how about the decoration?
Rizal : Relax. I’ll decorate it. My friends and I are used to decorating rooms for parties.
Irin    : That’s great! Thanks.
Why is Irin confused?
A. She has a big house
B. She has a small house.
C. She has a large garden
D. She has a small garden
E. She doesn’t have a beautiful house.

18.Nadine : Did you see Alvian?

Niko     : No, I didn’t. I don’t think he has arrived. Will you leave a message?
Nadine : If he arrives, please give him this invitation.
Niko     : O.K.
Why does Nadine look for Alvian?
A. To chitchat with him
B. To give him an invitation
C. To know about his arrival
D. To ask him to write an invitation
E. To inform him about an invitation
19.Angga        : Are you going to cross this street, Ma’am?
Mrs. Linda  : Yes, my house is over there.
Angga        : You should be careful, Ma’am. The traffic is very heavy.
Mrs. Linda  : You’re right. Actually I am a bit afraid.
Angga        : Please give me your hand, Ma’am. I’ll help you cross the street.
Mrs. Linda  : Thanks. What a good boy!
Angga says, “Please give me your hand, Ma’am. I’ll help you cross the street.”
What does he express?
A. He offers help
B. He asks for help
C. He asks for an item
D. He offers an item
E. He suggests a person.
20.Candra    : Excuse me, Ma’am. I am Candra. Do you remember me?
Mrs. Susi : Um … you are my son’s classmate, aren’t you?
Candra    : You’re right, Ma’am. I am Ferry’s classmate. Anyway, you are carrying a heavy
load. Can I help you, please?
Mrs. Susi : Sure. Thanks.
Candra    : Where is your car, Ma’am?
Mrs. Susi : Over there. Please follow me.
Candra    : Yes, Ma’am.
What does Candra offer?
A. To lead Mrs. Susi to her car
B. To help Mrs. Susi carry her heavy load
C. To show Mrs. Susi the way to the parking lot.
D. To help Mrs. Susi look for items in a mall
E. To give Mrs. Susi references about the mall
21.Diah  : Fatur, could you come to my house next Sunday?
Fatur : Sure. Do you need my help?
Diah  : My dad and I need assistance with our car modification project.
Fatur : Really? I’ll be glad to help.
Diah  : Thanks. We still need someone to modify the interior.
Fatur : I would lend a hand if I could. But, I’m only good at the engine.
Diah  : Don’t you know anyone?
Fatur : I think we should ask for help from an auto shop.
Diah  : You’re right. Let’s focus on the engine first.
Fatur : Shall I get more help?
Diah  : I think the three of us are enough.
Fatur : O.K. See you on Sunday.
Diah  : See you.
From the dialog we know that ________.
A. Fatur will bring more people to help
B. they will modify all parts of the car
C. Fatur will help modify the car engine
D. Diah will bring the interior to the auto shop
E. they will finish the modification on Sunday
22.Soraya     : Excuse me. May I have your time, please?
Mr. Alvian : Yes, please.
Soraya     : We would like to offer our products.
Mr. Alvian : What’s that?
Soraya     : We are the provider of home Internet connection. Are you interested
in subscribing it?
Mr. Alvian : Hmm … how much should I spend monthly?
Soraya     : For the first installation and monthly subscription, read this brochure.
Mr. Alvian : Do you offer special prices?
Soraya     : If you subscribe in groups, in this case your neighbors, you will share the
cost. Of course, it will be cheaper.
Mr. Alvian : O.K. I will discuss it with my neighbors.
Soraya     : Here is my number, Sir. Feel free to contact me.
Mr. Alvian : All right.
Who do you think Soraya is?
A. A supplier
B. A technician
C. A salesperson
D. An entrepreneur
E. A shop assistant
23.Evans : We have to submit the report of our visit to Bali tomorrow, but I think there are
still a lot of problems with the grammar, spelling and so on.
Hilda   : You’re right.
Evans : What do you think we should do?
Hilda   : What if I take half of it and I’ll edit the rest after I finish this one?
Evans : That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks a lot. 
What will they be doing tomorrow? They will be ________.
A. going to Bali
B. typing their report
C. editing their report
D. presenting their report
E. handing in their repor
24.Mawar : What are you doing, Krisna?
Krisna  : I’m checking my bicycle. When I ride it, it makes a noisy sound.
Mawar : Maybe one of the bolts looses. Let me help you check it.
Krisna  : O.K. If we can’t find the loosen bolt, I will take it to a repairman.
Mawar : Yeah, let me accompany you.
Krisna  : O.K., thanks. 
What might cause the noisy sound?
A. A slack bolt
B. A defect bolt
C. A rusted bolt
D. A broken bolt
E. A damaged bolt
25.Andi  : You look so worried. What’s going on?
Yanti : I don’t have my presentation with me. I left my USB stick at home.
Andi  : Let me drive you home to take it. We still have enough time.
Yanti : O.K. Let’s go. 
What will the speakers do after the conversation?
A. They will go to Yanti’s house to collect her USB stick
B. They will meet the commitee to cancel the presentation
C. They will go to the presentation room immediately
D. They will work together to compose a new presentation
E. They will go to the nearest shop to buy a new USB stick
26.Hastuti : I see you walking here and there. You also look so confused. What’s wrong
with you?
Aditya : I lost my house key. I guess I fell it here.
Hastuti : Let me help you look for it. What is it like?
Aditya : Thank you. It is a single key with a car key holder. 
What happened to Aditya?
A. He fell.
B. He brought a wrong key.
C. He lost his house key.
D. He needed a new key.
E. He found a car key holder
27.Rifki    : I have two tickets for attending a seminar on creating a startup application.
Would you like to go?
Shanti : That sounds great! Where and when?
Rifki    : In Casablanca Hall, Puncak Hotel, tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you at 5 a.m.
Shanti : O.K. I’ll be ready by the time you arrive. Thanks for offering me.
Rifki    : My pleasure. 
What is the topic of the conversation?
A. Inviting to create a startup application
B. Inviting to create a startup application
C. Creating a startup application
D. Fetching a friend at 5 a.m.
E. Inviting to attend a seminar
28.Niko     : What are you looking for, Mom?
Nadine : My cell phone.
Niko     : I’ll help you. Let me dial your mobile number to hear the ringtone.
Nadine : Good idea! Thanks.
What is Niko going to do?
A. Make a call
B. Search for his mother’s cell phone
C. Buy a new cell phone for his mother.
D. Ask his father about his mother’s cell phone.
E. Change the ringtone of his mother’s cell phone
29.Rifki    : I have two tickets for attending a seminar on creating a startup application.
Would you like to go?
Shanti : That sounds great! Where and when?
Rifki    : In Casablanca Hall, Puncak Hotel, tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you at 5 a.m.
Shanti : O.K. I’ll be ready by the time you arrive. Thanks for offering me.
Rifki    : My pleasure. 
What is the topic of the conversation?
A. Inviting to create a startup application
B. Selling two tickets for a seminar
C. Creating a startup application.
D. Fetching a friend at 5 a.m.
E. Inviting to attend a seminar.
30.Hastuti : I see you walking here and there. You also look so confused. What’s wrong
with you?
Aditya : I lost my house key. I guess I fell it here.
Hastuti : Let me help you look for it. What is it like?
Aditya : Thank you. It is a single key with a car key holder. 
What happened to Aditya?
A. He fell
B. He brought a wrong key
C. He lost his house key
D. He needed a new key
E. He found a car key holder.

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